, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: ROCK FORMATIONS
Showing posts with label ROCK FORMATIONS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ROCK FORMATIONS. Show all posts

Monday, October 9, 2023


ANSEL ADAMS (1902-1984) Half Dome / Tis-sa-ack (2, 695 m - 8,844 ft) Etats-Unis d'Amérique (Californie)   In Moon and Half Dome, Yosemite National Park, California 1960, printed 1974 Gelatin silver print The MET, New York

ANSEL ADAMS (1902-1984)
Half Dome / Tis-sa-ack (2, 695 m - 8,844 ft)
Etats-Unis d'Amérique (Californie)
In Moon and Half Dome, Yosemite National Park, California 1960, printed 1974 Gelatin silver print
The MET, New York

Le photographe

Ansel Easton Adams est un photographe et écologiste américain, connu pour ses photographies en noir et blanc de l'Ouest américain, notamment dans la Sierra Nevada, et plus particulièrement du parc national de Yosemite. Une de ses plus célèbres photographies s'intitule Moonrise, Hernandez, Nouveau-Mexique. En collaboration avec Fred Archer, Adams développa le zone system, procédé qui permet de déterminer l'exposition correcte ainsi que l'ajustement du contraste sur le tirage final. La profondeur et la clarté qui en résultent sont la marque de fabrique des photographies d'Ansel Adams et de ceux à qui il a enseigné la technique. Dans un premier temps, Adams utilisera des appareils photographiques grand format (plus que 4 × 5 pouces), qui malgré leur taille, leur poids, le temps de mise en place et le prix des films sont un bon moyen, de par leur résolution élevée, de s'assurer du piqué de l'image. Adams fonda le Groupe f/64 avec ses amis photographes Edward Weston et Imogen Cunningham, qui à leur tour, mettront en place le département de la photographie au sein du Museum of Modern Art. Les photographies intemporelles et visuellement saisissantes d'Ansel Adams sont de nos jours encore reproduites sur une grande variété de supports : calendriers, posters, livres, faisant de ses clichés des images célèbres et reconnaissables. Une réserve de nature sauvage porte désormais son nom, au sud du parc national de Yosemite, en Californie.

La montagne
Half Dome / Tis-sa-ack (2, 695 m - 8,844 ft) « Demi Dôme » en anglais, " roche fendue » en langage amérindien, est un dôme granitique situé à l’extrémité est de la vallée de Yosemite, sans doute l’élément le plus célèbre de la vallée. Le sommet se situe à plus de 1 440 mètres au-dessus du niveau de la vallée. Half Dome est un excellent exemple de dôme d'exfoliation. Il ne fut probablement jamais un dôme complet et rond. Quand le Half Dome s’est formé, il avait déjà des fractures dans le granite. L’eau s’infiltra dans les fractures et gela, cassant la roche. Des glaciers érodèrent la base du dôme. Finalement, environ 20 % du dôme fut emporté par le glacier Tenaya, laissant derrière lui une paroi presque verticale.
Jusque dans les années 1870, on considérait que le Half Dome ne pouvait être grimpé. De nos jours, des milliers de randonneurs atteignent le sommet chaque année par la « voie normale avec les câbles ». Un itinéraire qui part du fond de la vallée et fait 13,5 kilomètres (8,5 miles) pour 1 500 mètres de dénivelé positif, avec une difficulté de « randonnée alpine » (T4). Les derniers 200 mètres d'ascension sont une dalle très inclinée (30°) équipée de câbles métalliques (posés en 1919).
D’autre part, il existe une douzaine de voies d’escalade qui mènent de la vallée au sommet à travers la face verticale nord-ouest du Half Dome. D’autres itinéraires escaladent la paroi sur la face sud et la paroi ouest. La première voie ouverte était la voie Regular Northwest Face (voie normale de la face nord-ouest), grimpée pour la première fois en 1957 par Royal Robbins, Mike Sherrick et Jerry Gallwas. Cette ascension dura 5 jours et fut la première voie de niveau VI aux États-Unis. Depuis, cette montagne f  a été le témoin d'un autre grand exploit sportif. Le 6 septembre 2007, la jeune figure montante de l'escalade en solo, Alex Honnold, a grimpé le Regular Northwest Face (voie de plus de 700 mètres (23 longueurs de corde) cotée 5.12a) sans aucune protection en seulement 2 heures et 50 minutes.

2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
            Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
            Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Thursday, April 20, 2023



WAYNE THIEBAUD (1920-2021) Half Dome (2, 695 m - 8,844 ft) United States of America (California)  In Yosemite Rock Formation, Memory Mountains serie

WAYNE THIEBAUD (1920-2021)
Half Dome (2, 695 m - 8,844 ft)
United States of America (California)

In Yosemite Rock Formation, Memory Mountains  huile sur toile 80,x 60 cm, 2012

A propos de la série Memory Mountains
Memory Mountains, se compose de 31 peintures et 17 œuvres sur papier qui occupe les deux étages de la Galerie Paul Thiebaud. à San Fransisco. A propos de la peinture de montagnes Watne Thiebaud au Hufftington Post :  " Un jour je me suis demandé ce qui se passerait si on essayait de voir les montagnes sous un autre angle que l'angle habituel.   En effet, en peinture,  nous les voyons le plus souvent  de loin, à moins que nous ne les escaladions. Face à cette tendance à toujours représenter les montagnes vues de loin, j'ai pris le parti dans ma série Memory Mountains,  de m'en rapprocher le plus possible pour les peindre. "

La montagne
Half Dome (2 695 m - 8 844 pieds) est un dôme de granit situé à l'extrémité est de la vallée de Yosemite dans le parc national de Yosemite, en Californie, qui fait partie de la chaîne de montagnes de la Sierra Nevada. C'est une formation rocheuse bien connue dans le parc, nommée pour sa forme particulière la faisant apparaître comme un dôme coupé en deux. La crête de granit s'élève à plus de 4 737 pieds (1 444 m) au-dessus du fond de la vallée. L'impression ressentie du fond de la vallée qu'il s'agit d'un dôme rond qui a perdu sa moitié nord-ouest est une illusion. De Washburn Point, Half Dome peut être vu comme une mince crête de roche, une arête orientée nord-est-sud-ouest, avec son côté sud-est presque aussi raide que son côté nord-ouest à l'exception du sommet. Jusque dans les années 1870, Half Dome était décrit comme "parfaitement inaccessible" par Josiah Whitney du California Geological Survey. Le sommet a finalement été conquis par George G. Anderson en octobre 1875, via un itinéraire élaboé en forant et en plaçant des boulons en fer dans le granit lisse.
Aujourd'hui, Half Dome peut  être escaladé de plusieurs manières différentes. Des milliers de randonneurs atteignent le sommet chaque année en suivant un sentier de 13,7 km depuis le fond de la vallée. Après une approche rigoureuse de 3,2 km (2 mi), comprenant plusieurs centaines de pieds d'escaliers en granit, la pente finale de la face est escarpée mais quelque peu arrondie du pic est montée à l'aide d'une paire de câbles en acier tressé montés sur poteau construits à l'origine près de la route Anderson en 1919.
Plus d'une douzaine de voies d'escalade mènent de la vallée à la face verticale nord-ouest du Half Dome. La première ascension technique a eu lieu en 1957 via un itinéraire lancé par Royal Robbins, Mike Sherrick et Jerry Gallwas, aujourd'hui connu sous le nom de Regular Northwest Face. Leur épopée de cinq jours a été la première ascension de grade VI aux États-Unis. Leur route a maintenant été parcourue en solo plusieurs fois en quelques heures.

 Le peintre
Morton Wayne Thiebaud était un peintre américain connu pour ses œuvres colorées représentant des objets du quotidien  - tartes, rouges à lèvres, pots de peinture, cornets de crème glacée, pâtisseries et hot-dogs - ainsi que pour ses paysages et ses peintures de personnages. Thiebaud est associé au mouvement pop art en raison de son intérêt pour les objets de la culture de masse, bien que ses premières œuvres, exécutées dans les années cinquante et soixante, soient antérieures aux œuvres des artistes pop classiques. Thiebaud a utilisé des pigments lourds et des couleurs exagérées pour représenter ses sujets, et les ombres bien définies caractéristiques des publicités sont presque toujours incluses dans son travail.
Thiebaud était opposé aux étiquettes telles que « beaux-arts » par opposition à « art commercial » et se décrivait comme « juste un peintre à l'ancienne ». Il n'aimait pas les peintures "plates" et "mécaniques" d'Andy Warhol et ne se considérait pas comme un artiste pop.
En plus des pâtisseries, Thiebaud a peint des personnages tels que Mickey Mouse ainsi que des paysages, des paysages de rue et des paysages urbains, qui ont été influencés par le travail de Richard Diebenkorn. Ses peintures telles que Sunset Streets (1985) et Flatland River (1997) sont réputées pour leur hyper réalisme et ont été comparées au travail d'Edward Hopper, un autre artiste fasciné par les scènes banales de la vie quotidienne américaine.
En 1962, le travail de Thiebaud a été inclus, avec Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, Jim Dine et Robert Dowd, dans la "Nouvelle peinture d'objets communs" historiquement importante et révolutionnaire organisée au Pasadena Art Museum. Cette exposition est considérée comme l'une des premières expositions de Pop Art aux États-Unis. Ces peintres faisaient partie d'un nouveau mouvement, à une époque de troubles sociaux, qui a choqué les États-Unis et le monde de l'art.

2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau   

Friday, September 23, 2022



THEODORE ROBINSON (1852-1896) Monte Solaro (589m - 1,932ft) Italy (Campania)  In Capri, 1880, oil on canvas, 53, 3 x 44,5cm,  Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid
Monte Solaro (589m - 1,932ft)
Italy (Campania)

In Capri, 1880, oil on canvas, 53, 3 x 44,5cm,  Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid

The Painter
Theodore Robinson was an American painter best known for his Impressionist landscapes. He was one of the first American artists to take up Impressionism in the late 1880s, visiting Giverny and developing a close friendship with Claude Monet. Several of his works are considered masterpieces of American.
Robinson was born in Irasburg, Vermont. His family moved to Evansville, Wisconsin, and Robinson briefly studied art in Chicago. In 1874 he journeyed to New York City to attend classes at the National Academy of Design and the Art Students League.
In 1876 he traveled to Paris to study under Carolus-Duran and at the École des Beaux-Arts, with Jean-Léon Gérôme. He first exhibited his paintings at the 1877 Salon in Paris, and spent the summer of that year at Grez-sur-Loing.
After trips to Venice and Bologna, he returned to the United States in 1879 for several years. In 1881 he moved into a studio in New York and became a professional painter and art teacher, and in the same year became a member of the Society of American Artists. During this time Robinson painted in a realist manner, loosely brushed but not yet impressionistic, often depicting people engaged in quiet domestic or agrarian pursuits.
In 1884 Robinson returned to France where he lived for the next eight years, visiting America only occasionally. Robinson gravitated to Giverny, which had become a center of French impressionist art under the influence of Claude Monet.
Historians are unclear when Robinson met Monet, but by 1888 their friendship was enough for Robinson to move in next door to the famous impressionist. Robinson's art shifted to a more traditional impressionistic manner during this time, likely due to Monet's influence. While a number of American artists had gathered at Giverny, none were as close to Monet as Robinson. Monet offered advice to Robinson, and he likewise solicited Robinson for opinions on Monet's own works in progress. At Giverny, Robinson painted what art historians regard as some of his finest works. These depicted the surrounding countryside in different weather, in the plein air tradition, sometimes with women shown in leisurely poses. His Winter Landscape won the 1890 Webb Prize. Another example of his mature work during this period is La Débâcle (1892) in the collection of Scripps College, Claremont California. He wrote an essay on the Barbizon painter Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot and, because of his friendship with the French Impressionist, he wrote and illustrated the essay on Claude Monet. The book was published in 1896 and his illustration of Monet was featured in the exhibition "In Monet's Light."In 1895, Robinson enjoyed a productive period in Vermont, and in February 1896 he wrote to Monet about returning to Giverny, but in April he died of an acute asthma attack in New York City. He was buried in his hometown of Evansville, Wisconsin. He was 43 years old Today Robinson's paintings are in the collections of many major museums including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City; the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.; and the Art Institute of Chicago.

The mountain 
Monte Solaro (589m - 1,932ft)  also called Monte Solare or Monte Solara is the highest point of  the island of Capri in Campania, in the Gulf of Naples, Italy.  Monte Solaro is formed from the same limestone that the island is composed of. Monte Solaro has a typical mediterranean climate, but with colder winters because of the high altitude. From the top of Monte Visto, one can see both the gulfs of Napoli and Salerno.
The summit is accessible by walking without too much difficulty by either the passetiello or a path that starts from Axel Munthe. Both routes are suitable for walkers in decent physical condition. Notable sites include the Eremo di Santa Maria a Cetrella for its architecture, and the remains of the Fortino di Bruto, a military fort built during the Napoleonic Wars.
Mount Solaro contains the "Fortino di Bruto", a blockhouse which was used in battles between Britain and France in the early 19th century.  It is characterised by its "sheer dolomitic slopes" which form an "unsurpassable partition" between the eastern and western sides of the island. 
Marina Grande lies at the foot of the mountain. It became popular with painters due to its "romantic situation, affording extensive and beautiful views to the NW of the Tyrrhenian sea, the gulf of Naples". Up the mount there is a statue of Emperor Augustus who first landed on Capri.
The area around Monte Solaro is inhabited by over 900 species of vegetation.  The mountain is also visited by many species of birds, including peregrine falcons.


2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, August 10, 2022


EDWARD HOPPER (1882-1967) Blackhead (50 m-150 ft)  United States of America (Maine)  1. In Blackhead, Monhegan, 1916-19,oil on wood, Whitney Museum of American Art,


EDWARD HOPPER (1882-1967)
Blackhead (50 m-150 ft) 
United States of America (Maine)

1. In Blackhead, Monhegan, 1916-19,oil on canvas,  Whitney Museum of American Art, 

The mountain 
Blackhead (50m-150 ft) are northside cliffs situated on Monhegan, Manana Island, that have drawn the interest of  many artists.  The beginnings of the art colony on Monhegan date to the mid-19th century; by 1890, it was firmly established. Two of the early artists in residence from the 1890s, William Henry Singer (1868–1943) and Martin Borgord (1869–1935), left Monhegan to study at the Académie Julian in Paris in 1901. Among many early members who found inspiration on the island were summer visitors from the New York School of Art and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, such as Robert Henri, Frederick Waugh, George Bellows, Edward Hopper and Rockwell Kent. The Monhegan Museum celebrated more the continuing draw of the island for artists in a 2014 exhibit entitled, “The Famous and the Forgotten: Revisiting Monhegan’s Celebrated 1914 Art Exhibition.
Monhegan is a plantation in Lincoln County, Maine, United States, about 12 nautical miles (22 km) off the mainland. The population was 75 at the 2000 census. The plantation comprises its namesake island and the uninhabited neighboring island of Manana. The island is accessible by scheduled boat service from Boothbay Harbor, New Harbor and Port Clyde. It was designated a National Natural Landmark for its coastal and island flora in 1966.[
The name Monhegan derives from Monchiggon, Algonquian for "out-to-sea island." European explorers Martin Pring visited in 1603, Samuel de Champlain in 1604, George Weymouth in 1605 and Captain John Smith in 1614. The island got its start as a British fishing camp prior to settlement of the Plymouth Colony. Cod was harvested from the rich fishing grounds of the Gulf of Maine, then dried on fish flakes before shipment to Europe. A trading post was built to conduct business with the Indians, particularly in the lucrative fur trade.  It was Monhegan traders who taught English to Samoset, the sagamore who in 1621 startled the Pilgrims by boldly walking into their new village at Plymouth and saying: "Welcome, Englishmen." 

The painter
Edward Hopper was a American realist painter and printmaker.
Conservative in politics and social matters (Hopper asserted for example that "artists' lives should be written by people very close to them"), he accepted things as they were and displayed a lack of idealism. Cultured and sophisticated, he was well-read, and many of his paintings show figures reading. He was generally good company and unperturbed by silences, though sometimes taciturn, grumpy, or detached. He was always serious about his art and the art of others, and when asked would return frank opinions.
Hopper's most systematic declaration of his philosophy as an artist was given in a handwritten note, entitled "Statement", submitted in 1953 to the journal, Reality:
"Great art is the outward expression of an inner life in the artist, and this inner life will result in his personal vision of the world. No amount of skillful invention can replace the essential element of imagination. One of the weaknesses of much abstract painting is the attempt to substitute the inventions of the human intellect for a private imaginative conception.
The inner life of a human being is a vast and varied realm and does not concern itself alone with stimulating arrangements of color, form and design.
The term life used in art is something not to be held in contempt, for it implies all of existence and the province of art is to react to it and not to shun it.
Painting will have to deal more fully and less obliquely with life and nature's phenomena before it can again become great."
2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Sunday, June 12, 2022



CASPAR DAVID FRIEDRICH (1774-1840) The Bastei Cliff (194 m - 636 ft) Germany  / Czech Republic border,  In "Felsenschlucht", oil on canvas , 1822

The Bastei Cliff (194 m - 636 ft)
Germany  / Czech Republic border

 In "Felsenschlucht", oil on canvas , 1822


The rock
The Bastei (194 m - 636 ft) is a rock formation rising 194 metres above the Elbe River in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains  (723 m - 2,372 ft) of Germany. Reaching a height of 305 metres above sea level, the jagged rocks of the Bastei were formed by water erosion over one million years ago. They are situated near Rathen, not far from Pirna southeast of the city of Dresden, and are the major landmark of the Saxon Switzerland National Park. They are also part of a climbing and hiking area that extends over the borders into the Bohemian Switzerland (Czech Republic). The Bastei has been a tourist attraction for over 200 years. In 1824, a wooden bridge was constructed to link several rocks for the visitors. This bridge was replaced in 1851 by the present Bastei Bridge made of sandstone. The rock formations and vistas have inspired numerous artists, among them Caspar David Friedrich in "Felsenschlucht" (above)
The spa town of Rathen is the main base for visiting the Bastei; the town can be reached from Dresden by paddle steamer on the river Elbe.
The Bastei is one of the most prominent lookout points in Saxon Switzerland. In 1819 August von Goethe extolled the views: "Here, from where you see right down to the Elbe from the most rugged rocks, where a short distance away the crags of the Lilienstein, Königstein and Pffafenstein stand scenically together and the eye takes in a sweeping view that can never be described in words." Today the Bastei still has the highest number of visitors of all the lookout points in Saxon Switzerland. In addition to the actual vista, there are also other points of interest. At the Jahrhundertturm, a rock pinnacle on the Bastei Bridge, there are tablets commemorating the first mention of the Bastei in travel literature (in 1797) as well as the memory of Wilhelm Lebrecht Götzinger and Carl Heinrich Nicolai. These last two were amongst the pioneers of tourism in Saxon Switzerland, thanks to their descriptions of their journeys and their other works. Another tablet commemorates the Saxon court photographer, Hermann Krone, who took the first landscape photographs in Germany at the Bastei Bridge in 1853. From the Ferdinandstein, part of the Wehltürme rock towers, there is a famous view of the Bastei Bridge. It is reached over a branch from the route to the bridge. Another well-known rock formation in the vicinity of the Bastei is the Wartturm, a large piece of which broke off in 2000. Neurathen Castle, the largest rock castle in Saxon Switzerland, may be reached from the Bastei by crossing the Bastei Bridge. The ruins of the castle, some timber rebates, rooms carved out of the rock, a cistern and stone shot from a medieval catapult or slingshot may be viewed on a self-conducted circular walk. A replica slingshot was put on display in the castle in 1986. The finds from excavations in the area, especially pottery, can also be seen. The climb from Rathen to the Bastei runs past an open-air museum dedicated to Slavic settlement in the region and also past the path leading to the Rathen Open Air Stage. Another famous landmark in the local area is the fortress of Königstein.

The painter
Caspar David Friedrich was a 19th-century German Romantic landscape painter, considered as the most important German artist of his generation. He is best known for his mid-period allegorical landscapes which typically feature contemplative figures silhouetted against night skies, morning mists, barren trees or Gothic ruins. His primary interest as an artist was the contemplation of nature, and his often symbolic and anti-classical work seeks to convey a subjective, emotional response to the natural world. Friedrich's paintings characteristically set a human presence in diminished perspective amid expansive landscapes, reducing the figures to a scale that, according to the art historian Christopher John Murray, directs "the viewer's gaze towards their metaphysical dimension".
Friedrich was born in Pomerania, where he began to study art. He studied in Copenhagen until 1798, before settling in Dresden. A disillusionment with materialistic society was giving rise everywhere in Europe. This shift in ideals was often expressed through a reevaluation of the natural world, as artists such as J. M. W. Turner (1775–1851) and John Constable (1776–1837) sought to depict nature as a "divine creation, to be set against the artifice of human civilization"....

2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Monday, June 6, 2022


JOHN BARR CLARK HOYTE (1835-1913) Mitre Peak / Rahotu (1,683m - 5,522 ft) New Zealand (South Island)    In Milford sound, series of watercolours Milford Sounbdof, 1870

Mitre Peak / Rahotu (1,683m - 5,522 ft)
New Zealand (South Island)

  In Milford sound, series of watercolours Milford Sounbdof, 1870

The mountain
Mitre Peak/ Rahotu (1,683m - 5,522 ft) is an iconic mountain in the South Island of New Zealand, located on the shore of Milford Sound. It is one of the most photographed peaks in the country. The distinctive shape of the peak in southern New Zealand gives the mountain its name, after the mitre headwear of Christian bishops. It was named by Captain John Lort Stokes of the HMS Acheron.
Part of the reason for its iconic status is its location. Close to the shore of Milford Sound, in the Fiordland National Park in the southwestern South Island, it is a stunning sight. The mountain rises near vertically from the water of Milford Sound, which technically is a fjord.
The peak is actually a closely grouped set of five peaks, with Mitre Peak not even the tallest one, however from most easily accessible viewpoints, Mitre Peak appears as a single point.
Milford Sound is part of Te Wahipounamu, a World Heritage Site as declared by UNESCO.
The only road access to Milford Sound is via State Highway 94, in itself one of the most scenic roads in New Zealand.

The Painter
John Barr Clark Hoyte was born in England, probably in London, the son of Samuel Hoyte, a landowner. His mother's name is not known, nor are any details of his childhood. From 1856 to 1859 he was employed as a planter in Demerara, Guyana, after which he returned to England. On 1860, at Leamington, Warwickshire, he married Rose Esther Elizabeth Parsons, daughter of an iron merchant. Within three months they sailed on the Egmont for Auckland, New Zealand, where they were to live for 16 years. Three daughters were born in Auckland, and the couple may also have had a son. A brother of John Hoyte emigrated to New Zealand, possibly in the 1870s.
Nothing is known of Hoyte's education and artistic training and we are reduced to the obvious deduction that he was heir to the English tradition of topographic draughtsmanship and watercolour painting. Firm drawing underlies his landscapes, making it appropriate to group him with colonial surveyor–architect artists such as Edward Ashworth, Edmund Norman and George O'Brien.
During his years in New Zealand John Hoyte travelled assiduously in search of new scenes to exploit. In January 1866 he exhibited views from Whangarei, Coromandel, Auckland, Waikato, the Wellington region and Nelson, although some of these pictures were not painted from the subject. In the 1870s he travelled each summer, progressively adding the thermal region, Taranaki, Nelson, Christchurch, Arthur's Pass, Banks Peninsula and Otago to his repertoire between 1872 and 1876.
His pictorial exploration of the colony's principal dramatic landscapes was completed when he took a cruise circumnavigating the South Island in early 1877, exploring the coast of Fiordland with particular attention. New Zealand subjects would continue to inspire his production long after he had settled in Australia, where they shared his attention with coastal and mountain views drawn chiefly from the neighbourhood of Sydney.
The success of the art unions of his work shows that the subjects he painted were in harmony with public taste. Despite the exceptional landscapes which appear so frequently in his production – geysers, the Pink and White Terraces, fiords, mountains and lakes – it appears that his preference was for a more gentle, picturesque mode of landscape art rather than the heightened tensions of the sublime. The Otago Guardian in 1876 described 'the aspect of repose which usually characterises Mr Hoyte's illustrations of native landscapes'. A comparison of Fiordland subjects painted by Hoyte and John Gully shows that Hoyte eschewed the manipulation of the viewer's emotions which the latter exploited so regularly. Even in his pastoral subjects Gully could be relied on to introduce an epic element which Hoyte usually avoided. Despite his apparent commercial success, however, Hoyte's standing, like that of George O'Brien, waned in the 1870s: a decade which marked a major shift in New Zealand colonial taste as the Turnerian Romantics such as Gully, J. C. Richmond and W. M. Hodgkins moved into greater prominence. They and their style were to dominate the following decades.

2022 - Wandering Vertexes
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Tuesday, May 31, 2022


WALTER BALDWIN SPENCER (1860-1929) Uluru /Ayers Rock (863 m -2,831 ft) Australia (Northern Territory)   In  Uluru, Ayers Rock, central Australia, 1894,  Glass plate negative 80 mm x 106 mm, Museums Victoria

Uluru /Ayers Rock (863 m -2,831 ft)
Australia (Northern Territory)

In Uluru, Ayers Rock, central Australia, 1894, Glass plate negative 80 mm x 106 mm, 
Museums Victoria

The artist
Sir Walter Baldwin Spencer commonly referred to as Baldwin Spencer, was a British-Australian evolutionary biologist, anthropologist and ethnologist. He is known for his fieldwork with Aboriginal peoples in Central Australia, contributions to the study of ethnography, and academic collaborations with Frank Gillen. Spencer introduced the study of zoology at the University of Melbourne and held the title of Emeritus Professor until his death in 1929.In 1894 a new field was opened up for Spencer when he joined the W.A. Horn scientific expedition which left Adelaide in May 1894 to explore Australia. Spencer paid two more visits to the centre of Australia, one in 1923 with Dr Leonard Keith Ward, the government geologist of South Australia, and the other in 1926. These visits enabled Spencer to revise his earlier researches and consider on the spot various opposing theories that had been brought forward. His The Arunta: a Study of a Stone Age People (1927), revisits and reaffirms his earlier conclusions; Gillen's name as joint author appeared on the title-page though he had died 15 years before. Wanderings in Wild Australia, published a year later and slightly more popular in form, completes the list of his books. A list of his other published writings will be found in Spencer's Last Journey (1931). Spencer went to London in 1927 to see these books through the press. Ten years before he had said that he realised he was not getting younger and must regard his field work as finished. In February 1929, however, in his sixty-ninth year, he travelled in a cargo boat to Magallanes and then went in a little schooner to Ushuaia at the south of Tierra del Fuego. 


The mountain 
Uluru (863m -2,831 ft) also known as Ayers Rock (in honour of the then Chief Secretary of South AustraliaSir Henry Ayers) is a large sandstone rock formation in the southern part of the Northern Territory in central Australia.   Officially  the rock is gazetted as "Uluru / Ayers Rock". 
It lies 335 km (208 mi) south west of the nearest large town, Alice Springs, 450 km (280 mi) by road.
Kata Tjuta and Uluru are the two major features of the Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa National Park. Uluru is sacred to the Pitjantjatjara Anangu, the Aboriginal people of the area. The area around the formation is home to an abundance of springs, waterholes, rock caves, and ancient paintings.  Both Uluru and the nearby Kata Tjuta formation have great cultural significance for the Aṉangu people, the traditional inhabitants of the area, who lead walking tours to inform visitors about the local flora and fauna, bush food and the Aboriginal dreamtime stories of the area.
Uluru is notable for appearing to change colour at different times of the day and year, most notably when it glows red at dawn and sunset.
Uluru is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Uluru is an inselberg, literally "island mountain"An inselberg is a prominent isolated residual knob or hill that rises abruptly from and is surrounded by extensive and relatively flat erosion lowlands in a hot, dry region.  Uluru is also often referred to as a monolith, although this is a somewhat ambiguous term that is generally avoided by geologists. The remarkable feature of Uluru is its homogeneity and lack of jointing and parting at bedding surfaces, leading to the lack of development of scree slopes and soil. These characteristics led to its survival, while the surrounding rocks were eroded. For the purpose of mapping and describing the geological history of the area, geologists refer to the rock strata making up Uluru as the Mutitjulu Arkose, and it is one of many sedimentary formations filling the Amadeus Basin.
According to the Aṉangu, traditional landowners of Uluru: 
The world was once a featureless place. None of the places we know existed until creator beings, in the forms of people, plants and animals, traveled widely across the land. Then, in a process of creation and destruction, they formed the landscape as we know it today. Aṉangu land is still inhabited by the spirits of dozens of these ancestral creator beings which are referred to as Tjukuritja or Waparitja.
There are a number of differing accounts given, by outsiders, of Aboriginal ancestral stories for the origins of Uluru and its many cracks and fissures. One such account, taken from Robert Layton's (1989) Uluru: An Aboriginal history of Ayers Rock, reads as follows:
Uluru was built up during the creation period by two boys who played in the mud after rain. When they had finished their game they travelled south to Wiputa ... Fighting together, the two boys made their way to the table topped Mount Conner, on top of which their bodies are preserved as boulders. 
Two other accounts are given in Norbert Brockman's (1997) Encyclopedia of Sacred Places.
The first tells of serpent beings who waged many wars around Uluru, scarring the rock. The second tells of two tribes of ancestral spirits who were invited to a feast, but were distracted by the beautiful Sleepy Lizard Women and did not show up. In response, the angry hosts sang evil into a mud sculpture that came to life as the dingo. There followed a great battle, which ended in the deaths of the leaders of both tribes. The earth itself rose up in grief at the bloodshed, becoming Uluru.
The Commonwealth Department of Environment's webpage advises:
Many...Tjukurpa such as Kalaya (Emu), Liru (poisonous snake), Lungkata (blue tongue lizard), Luunpa (kingfisher) and Tjintir-tjintirpa (willie wagtail) travel through Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa National Park. Other Tjukurpa affect only one specific area.
Kuniya, the woma python, lived in the rocks at Uluru where she fought the Liru, the poisonous snake.
It is sometimes reported that those who take rocks from the formation will be cursed and suffer misfortune. There have been many instances where people who removed such rocks attempted to mail them back to various agencies in an attempt to remove the perceived curse.

2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, April 20, 2022


VINCENT VAN GOGH (1853-1890) Le Rocher des Deux Trous (348m - France (Provence)


VINCENT VAN GOGH (1853-1890)
Le Rocher des Deux Trous (348m - 1,141 ft)
France (Provence)

The hill
The Rocher des Deux Trous (348m) in the Alpilles massif is one of the most popular hikes for walkers, satrting from Saint-Remy de Provence. It offers a 360° panorama over the two slopes of the Alpilles and over the entire surrounding region, from Mont Ventoux to the north and as far as the Mediterranean Sea to the south, on a clear day. This picturesque rock eroded and sculpted by the North wind (the Mistral) was painted by Van Gogh during his stay in Saint-Paul de Mausole from May 1889 to May 1890.

The painter
Vincent Willem van Gogh was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter who is among the most famous and influential figures in the history of Western art. In just over a decade he created about 2100 artworks, including around 860 oil paintings, most of them in the last two years of his life. They include landscapes, still lifes, portraits and self-portraits, and are characterized by bold, symbolic colours, and dramatic, impulsive and expressive brushwork that contributed to the foundations of modern art. He died by suicide at 37, following years of mental illness and poverty.
Born into an upper-middle-class family, Van Gogh drew as a child and was serious, quiet and thoughtful. As a young man he worked as an art dealer, often travelling, but became depressed after he was transferred to London. He turned to religion, and spent time as a missionary in southern Belgium. Later he drifted in ill health and solitude. He took up painting in 1881 having moved back home with his parents. His younger brother Theo supported him financially, and the two kept up a long correspondence by letter.
More about Vincent Van Gogh


2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Monday, March 28, 2022


WAYNE THIEBAUD (1920-2021),El Capitan (2,309m - 7,573 ft), United States of America, In" Mount and Cloud", 1972, oil on canvas 20 1/4 x 22 in

WAYNE THIEBAUD (1920-2021)
El Capitan (2,309m - 7,573 ft)
United States of America

 In Mount and Cloud, 1972, oil on canvas 20 1/4 x 22 in.

The painter
Morton Wayne Thiebaud was an American painter known for his colorful works depicting commonplace objects—pies, lipsticks, paint cans, ice cream cones, pastries, and hot dogs—as well as for his landscapes and figure paintings. Thiebaud is associated with the pop art movement because of his interest in objects of mass culture, although his early works, executed during the fifties and sixties, predate the works of the classic pop artists. Thiebaud used heavy pigment and exaggerated colors to depict his subjects, and the well-defined shadows characteristic of advertisements are almost always included in his work.
Thiebaud was averse to labels such as "fine art" versus "commercial art" and described himself as "just an old-fashioned painter". He disliked Andy Warhol's "flat" and "mechanical" paintings and did not consider himself a pop artist.
In addition to pastries, Thiebaud painted characters such as Mickey Mouse as well as landscapes, streetscapes, and cityscapes, which were influenced by the work of Richard Diebenkorn. His paintings such as Sunset Streets (1985) and Flatland River (1997) are noted for their hyper realism, and have been compared to Edward Hopper's work, another artist who was fascinated with mundane scenes from everyday American life.
In 1962, Thiebaud's work was included, along with Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, Jim Dine, and Robert Dowd, in the historically important and ground-breaking "New Painting of Common Objects" curated at the Pasadena Art Museum.  This exhibition is considered to have been one of the first Pop Art exhibitions in the United States. These painters were part of a new movement, in a time of social unrest, which shocked the U.S. and the art world.

The mountain
El Capitan (2,309m - 7,573 ft) is a vertical rock formation in Yosemite National Park, located on the north side of Yosemite Valley, near its western end. The granite monolith extends about 3,000 feet (900 m) from base to summit along its tallest face and is one of the world's favorite challenges for rock climbers.
The formation was named "El Capitan" by the Mariposa Battalion when it explored the valley in 1851. El Capitan ("the captain") was taken to be a loose Spanish translation of the local Native American name for the cliff, variously transcribed as "To-to-kon oo-lah" or "To-tock-ah-noo-lah".
It is unclear if the Native American name referred to a specific tribal chief or simply meant "the chief" or "rock chief". In modern times, the formation's name is often contracted to "El Cap", especially among rock climbers and BASE jumpers.
The top of El Capitan can be reached by hiking out of Yosemite Valley on the trail next to Yosemite Falls, then proceeding west. For climbers, the challenge is to climb up the sheer granite face. There are many named climbing routes, all of them arduous, including Iron Hawk and Sea of Dreams, for example.
The Nose was first climbed in 1958 by Warren Harding, Wayne Merry and George Whitmore in 47 days using "siege" tactics: climbing in an expedition style using fixed ropes along the length of the route, linking established camps along the way.
In September 1973, Beverly Johnson and Sibylle Hechtel were the first team of women to ascend El Capitan via the Triple Direct route.


2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Sunday, January 23, 2022


ELISEU VISCONTI (1866-1944) Dedo de Deus (1,682m - 5,551ft) Brazil


Dedo de Deus (1,682m - 5,551ft)

About this mainting
Eliseu Visconti painted a lot of times,the Dedo De Deus mountain in the Serra de Orgaos, in any season and in all possible light, at any time of day. It is THE  repetitive motif in his work, a bit like the Montagne Sainte-Victoire for Paul Cézanne or  the volcano Chimborazo for Frederic Edwin Church or Mount Everest for Nicholas Roerich.

The mountain
Dedo de Deus (The Finger of God) (1,682m - 5,551ft) is a peck whose outline resembles a hand pointing the index finger to the sky. It is one of the several geological monuments of Serra dos Órgãos which is located in Serra do Mar, between the cities of Petrópolis, Guapimirim and Teresópolis, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. The mountaineering in Brazil is closely linked to the achievement of the Dedo de deus. The peak is a state symbol Rio de Janeiro, appearing on its flag and coat of arms. As for the coat of arms of the State of Rio de Janeiro, the first section, occupying the upper half, is blue, representing the sky and symbolizing justice, truth and loyalty, with the silhouette of the Serra dos Órgãos, highlighting the Dedo de Deus. The symbol was created by the 1892 State Constitution and made official under the government of José Tomás da Porciúncula, with small differences over time. In 1912, José Guimarães Teixeira, Raul Carneiro and the brothers Américo, Alexandre and Acácio de Oliveira, all from Teresópolis, were the first to step on top of the rock formation.

The artist
Eliseu Visconti, born Eliseo d'Angelo Visconti was an Italian-born Brazilian painter, cartoonist, and teacher. He is considered one of the very few impressionist painters of Brazil. He is considered the initiator of the art nouveau in Brazil.
Thanks to a prize received in 1892, Visconti travelled to Paris, where he attended the École des Beaux Arts the following year. He also took classes at the Académie Julian and the École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs, where he was a pupil of art nouveau master Eugène Grasset. He was accepted at the Salon de la Nationale des Beaux Arts and at the Salon of the Société of des Artistes Français. As one of the Brazilian representatives to the Exposition Universelle 1900 he exhibited the paintings Gioventú and Oréadas, for which he received a silver medal. Back in Brazil, Visconti exhibited in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and obtained the first place in a contest for the drawing of postal stamps for the Brazilian Casa da Moeda. He traveled again to Europe, where he exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1905 the portrait of the artist Nicolina Vaz de Assis now at the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes. In this same year, he was invited to paint the stage curtain for the Teatro Municipal of Rio de Janeiro which he completed in his studio in Paris.
Decorative schemes executed for the National Library or Biblioteca Nacional in (Rio de Janeiro) date from this period as does another gold medal he received at the International Exhibition of Saint-Louis (Louisiana Purchase Exposition), in 1904, for the painting Recompensa de São Sebastião (see external links). The museum of Santiago of the Chile acquired his Sonho Místico (Mystical Dream) in 1912. In 1913, Visconti returned to Europe in order to paint large scale panels for the "foyer" of the Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro. His plans to return were interrupted by the First World War so he stayed in France until 1920. The resulting paintings for the "foyer" were sent to Brazil during the war, in 1915. In 1922 his triptych "Lar" gained him the Medal of Honor in a large exhibition created in Rio de Janeiro to commemorate the first centennial of Brazilian Independence, the Exposição do Centenário. The following year Visconti painted the mural decoration of Rio de Janeiro's municipal council hall. In 1924, he painted the panel depicting the signature of the first Republican Constitution, for the old federal court, also in Rio de Janeiro.

2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Monday, January 3, 2022



GUSTAVE CAILLEBOTTE (1848-1894) Falaise des Vaches Noires (110 m- 360 ft) France (Normandie)   In Cliffs at Villers sur mer 1880, 65 x 81 cm, Private collection

Falaise des Vaches Noires (110 m- 360 ft)
France (Normandie)

 In Cliffs at Villers sur mer 1880, 65 x 81 cm, Private collection

The cliffs
The Vaches Noires cliffs (Black Cows Cliffs)  (110 m- 360 ft)  is a remarkable natural site located in the municipalities of Houlgate, Gonneville-sur-Mer, Auberville, Villers-sur-Mer, in Calvados, in Normandy (France). The toponym "Black Cows" designates blocks of chalk having rolled from the top of the cliff on the foreshore, the black color of which is due to the kelp having attached itself to it.The Vaches Noires cliffs are made up of clay cliffs capped at their summit (altitude 110 m) with a thin chalk cliff.

This area is geologically remarkable. The Oxfordian marls, under the action of the water runoff from the aquifer which surmounts them, are notched by deep ravines. These are traversed by mud flows which advance slowly towards the sea and contain blocks of Cretaceous chalk coming from the summit. At high tide, the waves attack the front of the lava flows, releasing extremely varied fossils. The cliffs are made up of a succession of layers of clay, marl and chalk. Due to the risk of landslide and the fragility of the clay cliffs, the cliffs are now protected, their access has been prohibited by decree of classification as a "site of scientific and landscaped interest in the Calvados department" of 20 February 1995 from theFrench Ministry of the Environment.

The painter
The very important french painter Gustave Caillebotte, (known in US more than his own country) was a member and patron of the artists known as Impressionists,(or independents) although he painted in a more realistic manner than many others in the group. Caillebotte was noted for his early interest in photography as an art form.
With regard to the composition and painting style of his works, Caillebotte may be considered part of the first movement after Impressionism: Neo-Impressionism. The second period of Pointillism, whose main representative was Georges Seurat, announced its influence in the late works that Caillebotte painted at his country house in Petit Gennevilliers.
Caillebotte's style belongs to the School of Realism but was strongly influenced by his Impressionist associates. In common with his precursors Jean-François Millet and Gustave Courbet, as well his contemporary Degas, Caillebotte aimed to paint reality as it existed and as he saw it, hoping to reduce the inherent theatricality of painting. Perhaps because of his close relationship with so many of his peers, his style and technique vary considerably among his works, as if "borrowing" and experimenting, but not really sticking to any one style. At times, he seems very much in the Edgar Degas camp of rich-colored realism (especially his interior scenes); at other times, he shares the Impressionist commitment to "optical truth" and employs an impressionistic pastel-softness and loose brush strokes most similar to Renoir and Pissarro, although with a less vibrant palette.
The tilted ground common to these paintings is very characteristic of Caillebotte's work, which may have been strongly influenced by Japanese prints and the new technology of photography, although evidence of his use of photography is lacking. Cropping and "zooming-in", techniques that commonly are found in Caillebotte's oeuvre, may also be the result of his interest in photography, but may just as likely be derived from his intense interest in perspective effects. A large number of Caillebotte's works also employ a very high vantage point, including View of Rooftops - Snow (Vue de toits (Effet de neige) 1878, Boulevard Seen from Above (Boulevard vu d'en haut) 1880, and A Traffic Island (Un refuge, boulevard Haussmann), 1880.
Caillebotte is best known for his paintings of still life, water sports and urban Paris, The latter is almost unique among his works for its particularly flat colors and photo-realistic effect, which give the painting its distinctive and modern look, almost akin to American Realists such as Edward Hopper.

2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, December 22, 2021


CLAUDE MONET (1840-1926) La Porte d'Amont - The Falaises d'Etretat (70 to 90 m - 230 to 300 ft France (Normandie)  In La Porte d'Amont, Etreta, 1868, Oil on canvas 81.3 x 100.3 cm.  ogg Art Museum / Harvard University, Cambridge MA

CLAUDE MONET (1840-1926)
La Porte d'Amont - The Falaises d'Etretat (70 to 90 m - 230 to 300 ft
France (Normandie)

In La Porte d'Amont, Etretat, 1868, Oil on canvas 81.3 x 100.3 cm. 
Fogg Art Museum / Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
The cliffs 
Etretat is best known for its chalk cliffs, including three natural arches and a pointed formation called L'Aiguille (the Needle), which rises 70 m- 230 ft above the sea. The Etretat Chalk Complex, as it is known, consists of a complex stratigraphy of Turonian and Coniacian chalks. Some of the cliffs are as high as 90 metres (300 ft).
These cliffs and the associated resort beach attracted artists including Eugène Boudin, Gustave Courbet and Claude Monet.  They were featured prominently in the 1909 Arsène Lupin novel The Hollow Needle by Maurice Leblanc. They also feature in the 2014 film Lucy, directed by Luc Besson.
Two of the three famous arches are visible from the town, the Porte d'Aval (Aval Cliff)  and the Porte d'Amont (Amont Cliff).  The Manneporte  (Main Door) is the third and the biggest one, and cannot be seen from the town.
La porte d'Amont (Amont Cliff) is the smallest of the three doors and the most visually famous.  The french writer Guy de Maupassant compares this cliff of upstream to " an elephant that plunges its trunk into the water ". At the top of the cliff stands the stone silhouette of the chapel Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde, protector of fishermen. The present building succeeds a chapel of the nineteenth century. You can also reach the cliff but the staircase is much steeper.  The current building succeeds a 19th century chapel in neo-gothic style.   It was destroyed by the occupier during the Second World War. Then one arrive at the monument and the museum made by the architect Gaston Delaune and dedicated to Charles Nungesser and François Coli, two aviators who tried to rally New York in 1927 and which were seen for the last time in this place, after Having taken off from Le Bourget on the edge of their plane, the mythical White Bird.

The painter
The painter Oscar-Claude Monet better known as Claude Monet was a founder of French Impressionist painting, and the most consistent and prolific practitioner of the movement's philosophy of expressing one's perceptions before nature, especially as applied to plein-air landscape painting. The term "Impressionism" is derived from the title of his painting « Impression, soleil levant » (Impression, Sunrise), which was exhibited in 1874 in the first of the independent exhibitions mounted by Monet and his associates as an alternative to the Salon de Paris.
Monet's ambition of documenting the French countryside led him to adopt a method of painting the same scene many times in order to capture the changing of light and the passing of the seasons exactly like the japanese artist Hokusai (1760-1849) did with his 36 views of Mount Fuji.
Monet repeated this kinf of "exercise de stylee with his series on Les Petites Dalles. and Kolsass mountain.
Monet has been described as "the driving force behind Impressionism". Crucial to the art of the Impressionist painters was the understanding of the effects of light on the local colour of objects, and the effects of the juxtaposition of colours with each other. Monet's long career as a painter was spent in the pursuit of this aim.
In 1856, his chance meeting with Eugene Boudin, a painter of small beach scenes, opened his eyes to the possibility of plein-air painting. From that time, with a short interruption for military service, he dedicated himself to searching for new and improved methods of painterly expression. To this end, as a young man, he visited the Paris Salon and familiarised himself with the works of older painters, and made friends with other young artists. The five years that he spent at Argenteuil, spending much time on the River Seine in a little floating studio, were formative in his study of the effects of light and reflections. He began to think in terms of colours and shapes rather than scenes and objects. He used bright colours in dabs and dashes and squiggles of paint. Having rejected the academic teachings of Gleyre's studio, he freed himself from theory, saying "I like to paint as a bird sings."
In 1877 a series of paintings at Gare St-Lazare had Monet looking at smoke and steam and the way that they affected colour and visibility, being sometimes opaque and sometimes translucent. He was to further use this study in the painting of the effects of mist and rain on the landscape. The study of the effects of atmosphere were to evolve into a number of series of paintings in which Monet repeatedly painted the same subject in different lights, at different hours of the day, and through the changes of weather and season. This process began in the 1880s and continued until the end of his life in 1926.
His first series exhibited as such was of Haystacks, painted from different points of view and at different times of the day. Fifteen of the paintings were exhibited at the Galerie Durand-Ruel in 1891. In 1892 he produced what is probably his best-known series, Twenty-six views of Rouen Cathedral. In these paintings Monet broke with painterly traditions by cropping the subject so that only a portion of the facade is seen on the canvas. The paintings do not focus on the grand Medieval building, but on the play of light and shade across its surface, transforming the solid masonry.
Other series include Peupliers, Matins sur la Seine, and the Nenuphars that were painted on his property at Giverny. Between 1883 and 1908, Monet traveled to the Mediterranean, where he painted landmarks, landscapes, and seascapes, including a series of paintings in Antibes (above) and Venice. In London he painted four series: the Houses of Parliament, London ; Charing Cross Bridge ; Waterloo Bridge, and Views of Westminster Bridge. Helen Gardner writes: "Monet, with a scientific precision, has given us an unparalleled and unexcelled record of the passing of time as seen in the movement of light over identical forms."

2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Saturday, October 16, 2021


VINCENT VAN GOGH (1853-1890), Mont Gaussier (306 m -1,004 ft), France , In "Les Alpilles vers le plateau de la Caume ", 1889, oil on canvas, 73x83cm,  Guggenheim Museum NYC, collection J. K. Thannhauser.

VINCENT VAN GOGH (1853-1890)
Mont Gaussier (306 m -1,004 ft)

In   Les Alpilles vers le plateau de la Caume, 1889, oil on canvas, 73x83cm,  Guggenheim Museum NYC, Justin K. Thannhauser Collection

About the painting
During his internment in the Saint-Paul-de-Mausole asylum in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, Van Gogh seized the surroundings to nourish his artistic geography. He tirelessly paints and draws new Provencal motifs: cypress trees, olive groves and hills. With the Alpilles chain and the Mont Gaussier rising behind the asylum buildings, the painter has the opportunity to represent this mountain range as well as the farms (Mas in french) nearby. I this one the Mont Gaussier is in the background of the farm, probably situated on theVia Aurelia, the antique roman road going from St Rémy de Provence to Arles...

The mountain
The Mont Gaussier (306 m -1,004 ft) is a summit of the Alpilles located south of the city of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, France. Today, the place of passage of many hikers who cross it by the GR6, Mount Gaussier was very early used as habitat by protohistoric populations, before having at its summit a medieval castle, nowadays disappeared. Mount Gaussier is made of crystalline limestone, white and hard. One finds in the soil the trace of many fossils. This type of summit is characteristic of the Alpilles range of mountains, especially on the north face.
The first traces of habitation on Mount Gaussier are ancient. In 1996, three sites dating from Protohistory were discovered at the summit and on the slopes. This is what emerges from the study of stones, tiles, ceramics and shards of amphora found on the premises. Moreover, the foundation of a wall was identified at the top during the same prospecting.
Most of the human activity of antiquity at Mount Gaussier nevertheless concentrated at the foot of it, since it was there that was built the Salyan city of Glanum (today Saint-Remy de Provence). Research carried out in 1996 and 1997 revealed that the well-preserved remains of a protohistoric rampart with towers have been cleared in several places, particularly on the ridges which dominate to the north-east and south-west the Saint-Clerg and at the foot of Mount Gaussier. The system of rampart which encircled the city in the 1st and 2nd centuries BC. J.-C. leaned on the cliffs of the mount Gaussier which border it on a hundred meters. It is also believed that Mount Gaussier, by its situation, could be used as an acropolis because of its plateau surrounded by cliffs and that its access from Glanum was made possible by a narrow corridor.
If, according to the archaeologist Henri Rolland, some families occupied the Alpilles range, on the slopes of Mount Gaussier, between the first Iron Age and the end of Antiquity, but also in the High Middle Ages, only the foot and the summit of the mountain were occupied in the following centuries, especially in the 5th and 6th centuries. It was here that a part of the inhabitants of Glanum took up residence after the ruin of the ancient city in the alluvial deposits of the mountain.
Mount Gaussier, like Glanum, then in ruins, and Saint-Remy-de-Provence, became property of the church of Avignon at the end of the 9th century in a county of Provence powered by Count Thibert.
It is possible to reach the Mount Gaussier from the ruins of Glanum or from La Caume by the GR6 climbing previously metal ladders.

The painter
Vincent Willem van Gogh was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter who is among the most famous and influential figures in the history of Western art. In just over a decade he created about 2100 artworks, including around 860 oil paintings, most of them in the last two years of his life. They include landscapes, still lifes, portraits and self-portraits, and are characterized by bold, symbolic colours, and dramatic, impulsive and expressive brushwork that contributed to the foundations of modern art. He died by suicide at 37, following years of mental illness and poverty.
Born into an upper-middle-class family, Van Gogh drew as a child and was serious, quiet and thoughtful. As a young man he worked as an art dealer, often travelling, but became depressed after he was transferred to London. He turned to religion, and spent time as a missionary in southern Belgium. Later he drifted in ill health and solitude. He took up painting in 1881 having moved back home with his parents. His younger brother Theo supported him financially, and the two kept up a long correspondence by letter.


2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Saturday, July 24, 2021


ANSEL ADAMS (1902-1984) Vermilion Cliffs (944 m to 2164m - 3,100 to 7,100 feet.) United States of America (Arizona-Utah)

ANSEL ADAMS (1902-1984)
Vermilion Cliffs (944 m to 2164m - 3,100 to 7,100 feet.)
United States of America ( Arizona-Utah)

The site
The Vermilion Cliffs are the second "step" up in the five-step Grand Staircase of the Colorado Plateau, in northern Arizona and southern Utah. They extend west from near Page, Arizona, for a considerable distance, in both Arizona and Utah.  112,500 acres (45,500 ha) of the region were designated as the Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness in 1984. An even greater area was protected within Vermilion Cliffs National Monument in 2000. The Vermilion Cliffs are composed of the resistant red sandstone beds of the Lower Jurassic Moenave and Kayenta Formations.  They are made up of deposited silt and desert dunes, cemented by infiltrated carbonates and intensely colored by red iron oxide and other minerals, particularly bluish manganese. They are in the physiographic High Plateaus Section and Canyon Lands Section of the Colorado Plateau Province.  The Vermillion Cliffs were on an important route from Utah to Arizona used by settlers during the 19th Century. Present day U.S. Highway 89A basically follows the old wagon route past the cliffs through House Rock Valley and up the Kaibab Plateau to Jacob Lake.
Famous locations in the cliff area include Lee's Ferry, Glen Canyon and the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, The Wave, Coyote Buttes, and others. Reddish or vermilion-colored cliffs are found along U.S. Highway 89A near Navajo Bridge, and may be seen from U.S. Highway 89 close to Bitter Springs. Highway 89A runs alongside the Vermilion Cliffs for most of its route between Jacob Lake and Marble Canyon, and offers a great view of the cliffs.

The photographer
Ansel Easton Adams was an American photographer and environmentalist.
His black-and-white landscape photographs of the American West, especially Yosemite National Park, have been widely reproduced on calendars, posters, books, and the internet. Adams and Fred Archer developed the Zone System as a way to determine proper exposure and adjust the contrast of the final print. The resulting clarity and depth characterized his photographs. He primarily used large-format cameras because their high resolution helped ensure sharpness in his images. Adams founded the photography group known as Group f/64, along with fellow photographers Willard Van Dyke and Edward Weston and Imogen Cunningham.
In September 1941, Adams contracted with the Department of the Interior to make photographs of National Parks, Indian reservations, and other locations for use as mural-sized prints for decoration of the Department's new building. Part of his understanding with the Department was that he might also make photographs for his own use, using his own film and processing... 

Full entry


2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Saturday, June 26, 2021


JOACHIM PATINIER (1483-1524) Islet de Verdelet (47m -154ft) France (Côtes d'Armor)  In Saint Jerome in a rocky landscape, oil on wood panel, 1524, Private collection

Islet de Verdelet (47m -154ft)
France (Côtes d'Armor)

In Saint Jerome in a rocky landscape, oil on wood panel, 1524, Private collection

About the painting
According to experts, it seems that it was the Ilot du Verdelet, about forty kilometers from Dinan (France), that inspired Joachim Patinier to skate the impressive relief of this St Jerome (one of the three paintings on this thme Patinier paintend).  A rock  47m high, which appears on this canvas like if it was at least 2000m ! Only the sea seen in the background of this primitive landscape, allows experts to locate the scene near Dinan and precisely in this Islet of Verdelet.

The rock formation
The islet of Verdelet which culminate at 47m (154ft) stands at the tip of Piégu in the town of Pléneuf-Val-André in the Côtes-d'Armor. Thanks to the initiative of a local association for the protection of nature, this islet was transforment in 1973 as an ornithological reserve with a hunting ban.

The painter
Joachim Patinier, also called Patenir or Patinir, was a major Flemish Renaissance painter of history and landscape subjects. He was Flemish, from the area of modern Wallonia, but worked in Antwerp, then the centre of the art market in the Netherlands. Patinier was a pioneer of landscape as an independent genre and he was the first Flemish painter to regard himself primarily as a landscape painter. He effectively invented the world landscape, a distinct style of panoramic northern Renaissance landscapes which is Patinier's important contribution to Western art.
There are only five paintings signed by Patinier, but many other works have been attributed to him or his workshop with varying degrees of probability. The ones that are signed read: (Opus) Joachim D. Patinier, the "D" in his signature signifying Dionantensis ("of Dinant"), reflecting his place of origin. The 2007 exhibition at the Museo del Prado in Madrid contained 21 pictures listed as by Patinier or his workshop, and catalogued a further 8 which were not in the exhibition.
Patinier was the friend of not only Dürer, but with Quentin Metsys as well, with whom he often collaborated. The Temptation of St Anthony (Prado) was done in collaboration with Metsys, who added the figures to Patinier's landscape. His career was nearly contemporary with that of the other major pioneer of paintings dominated by landscape, Albrecht Altdorfer, who worked in a very different style.
Patinier's immense vistas combine observation of naturalistic detail with lyrical fantasy. The steep outcrops of rocks in his landscapes are more spectacular versions of the group of very individual formations just around his native Dinant but also of sacred mountains of the time like the Sainte- Baume ; these became a part of the world landscape formula, and are found in the works of many painters who never saw the originals. His landscapes use a high viewpoint with a high horizon, but his grasp of aerial perspective is far from complete. He uses a consistent and effective colour scheme in his landscapes, which was influential on later landscape painting. The foreground is dominated by brownish shades, while "the middle ground [is] a bluish green and the background a pale blue", creating an effective sense of recession into the distance; "When combined with the frequently hard-toned browns, greens and blues that alternate with significant areas of white, a sense of impending doom is created by the threatening clouds, the capricious and sharply pointed contours of the rocks and the crowding together of natural elements."
Examples of his work include The Rest on the Flight into Egypt (Prado, who have four Patinier, including two signed ones), The Baptism of Christ (one of two in Vienna), St. John at Patmos (by or with his workshop, National Gallery, London), Landscape with the Shepherds (Antwerp), and The Rest on the Flight to Egypt (Museo Nacional del Prado Madrid ; National Gallery of Art, Washington), Saint Mary Magdalene in ecstasy (Kunsthaus, Zürich). There is also a triptych attributed to him called The Penitence of St. Jerome and a Saint Jerome in tthe Wildernbess (Louvre Museum).


2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Saturday, January 23, 2021


Dedo de Deus (1,682m - 5,551ft)

The mountain
Dedo de Deus (The Finger of God) (1,682m - 5,551ft) is a peck whose outline resembles a hand pointing the index finger to the sky. It is one of the several geological monuments of Serra dos Órgãos which is located in Serra do Mar, between the cities of Petrópolis, Guapimirim and Teresópolis, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. The mountaineering in Brazil is closely linked to the achievement of the Dedo de deus. The peak is a state symbol Rio de Janeiro, appearing on its flag and coat of arms. As for the coat of arms of the State of Rio de Janeiro, the first section, occupying the upper half, is blue, representing the sky and symbolizing justice, truth and loyalty, with the silhouette of the Serra dos Órgãos, highlighting the Dedo de Deus.  The symbol was created by the 1892 State Constitution and made official under the government of José Tomás da Porciúncula, with small differences over time.  In 1912, José Guimarães Teixeira, Raul Carneiro and the brothers Américo, Alexandre and Acácio de Oliveira, all from Teresópolis, were the first to step on top of the rock formation.

The artist
Eliseu Visconti, born Eliseo d'Angelo Visconti was an Italian-born Brazilian painter, cartoonist, and teacher. He is considered one of the very few impressionist painters of Brazil. He is considered the initiator of the art nouveau in Brazil.
Thanks to a prize received in 1892, Visconti travelled to Paris, where he attended the École des Beaux Arts the following year. He also took classes at the Académie Julian and the École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs, where he was a pupil of art nouveau master Eugène Grasset. He was accepted at the Salon de la Nationale des Beaux Arts and at the Salon of the Société of des Artistes Français. As one of the Brazilian representatives to the Exposition Universelle 1900 he exhibited the paintings Gioventú and Oréadas, for which he received a silver medal. Back in Brazil, Visconti exhibited in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and obtained the first place in a contest for the drawing of postal stamps for the Brazilian Casa da Moeda.  He traveled again to Europe, where he exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1905 the portrait of the artist Nicolina Vaz de Assis now at the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes. In this same year, he was invited to paint the stage curtain for the Teatro Municipal of Rio de Janeiro which he completed in his studio in Paris.
Decorative schemes executed for the National Library or Biblioteca Nacional in (Rio de Janeiro) date from this period as does another gold medal he received at the International Exhibition of Saint-Louis (Louisiana Purchase Exposition), in 1904, for the painting Recompensa de São Sebastião (see external links). The museum of Santiago of the Chile acquired his Sonho Místico (Mystical Dream) in 1912.  In 1913, Visconti returned to Europe in order to paint large scale panels for the "foyer" of the Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro. His plans to return were interrupted by the First World War so he stayed in France until 1920. The resulting paintings for the "foyer" were sent to Brazil during the war, in 1915.  In 1922 his triptych "Lar" gained him the Medal of Honor in a large exhibition created in Rio de Janeiro to commemorate the first centennial of Brazilian Independence, the Exposição do Centenário.  The following year Visconti painted the mural decoration of Rio de Janeiro's municipal council hall. In 1924, he painted the panel depicting the signature of the first Republican Constitution, for the old federal court, also in Rio de Janeiro.


2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau