, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: Falaises d'Etretat
Showing posts with label Falaises d'Etretat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Falaises d'Etretat. Show all posts

Saturday, May 18, 2024


EUGENE DELACROIX (1798-1863) Le Canigou (2,784m - 9,137 ft) France (Pyrénées)  In Album Pyrénées ,1845 - Carnet de dessins et aquarelles, Musée du Louvre, Paris


Le Canigou (2,784m - 9,137 ft)
France (Pyrénées)

In Album Pyrénées, 1845, Carnet de dessins et aquarelles, Musée du Louvre, Paris

La montagne
Le Canigou (2,784m - 9,137 ft) est une montagne située dans les Pyrénées-Orientales (sud de la France), au sud de Prades et au nord de Prats-de-Mollo-la-Preste. Son sommet est un quadripoint entre les territoires de Casteil, Taurinya, Valmanya et Vernet-les-Bains. Sa situation le rend visible depuis les plaines du Roussillon et du Conflent en France, ainsi que depuis l'Empordà en Espagne. En raison de ses flancs acérés et de sa situation spectaculaire à proximité de la côte, le Canigou était considéré jusqu'au XVIIIe siècle comme la plus haute montagne des Pyrénées.Deux fois par an, début février et fin octobre, par beau temps, le Canigou peut être aperçu au coucher du soleil jusqu'à Marseille, à 250 km, par réfraction de la lumière. Ce phénomène fut observé en 1808 par le baron Franz Xaver von Zach de la basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde à Marseille. Toute l'année, on l'observe également, par beau temps, depuis Agde, Port-Camargue et la Montagne Noire.La montagne a une signification symbolique pour le peuple catalan. À son sommet se dresse une croix souvent décorée du drapeau catalan. Chaque année, le 23 juin, la veille de la nuit de la Saint Jean, jour du solstice d'été, a lieu une cérémonie appelée Flama del Canigó (Flamme du Canigou), au cours de laquelle un feu est allumé au sommet de la montagne. Les gens veillent pendant la nuit et prennent les torches allumées sur le feu lors d'un spectaculaire relais de flambeaux pour allumer des feux de joie ailleurs. De nombreux feux de joie sont allumés de cette manière dans toutes les Pyrénées-Orientales, en Catalogne, dans la Communauté valencienne et en théorie dans les îles Baléares.

Le peintre

Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix était un artiste romantique français considéré dès le début de sa carrière comme le chef de file de l'école romantique française. L'utilisation par Delacroix de coups de pinceau expressifs et ses études sur les effets optiques de la couleur ont profondément façonné le travail des impressionnistes, alrors que sa passion pour l'exotisme a inspiré les artistes du mouvement symboliste. Fin lithographe, Delacroix a illustré diverses œuvres (William Shakespeare, Walter Scott et Goethe notamment).
Contrairement au perfectionnisme néoclassique de son principal rival Ingres, Delacroix s'est inspiré de l'art de Rubens et des peintres de la Renaissance vénitienne, en mettant l'accent sur la couleur et le mouvement plutôt que sur la clarté des contours et la forme soigneusement modelée. Le contenu dramatique et romantique caractérise les thèmes centraux de sa maturité et le conduit non pas vers les modèles classiques de l'art grec et romain, mais plutôt vers les voyages en Afrique du Nord à la recherche de l'exotisme. Ami et héritier spirituel de Théodore Géricault, Delacroix s'inspire également de Lord Byron, avec qui il partage une forte identification aux « forces du sublime », et aux actions de la nature, souvent violente.
Cependant, Delacroix n'était enclin ni à la sentimentalité ni à l'emphase, et son romantisme était celui d'un individualiste. Selon les mots de Baudelaire : « Delacroix était passionnément amoureux de la passion, mais froidement déterminé à exprimer sa passion le plus clairement possible ».
En 1832, Delacroix se rend en Espagne et en Afrique du Nord, dans le cadre d'une mission diplomatique au Maroc peu après la conquête de l'Algérie par la France. Il n'y est pas allé pour étudier l'art, mais pour échapper au parisianisme dans l'espoir d'approcher une culture plus primitive. Il a produit plus de 100 peintures et dessins de scènes tirées ou basées sur la vie des peuples d'Afrique du Nord, et a ajouté un nouveau chapitre très personnel à l'intérêt général porté alors à l'orientalisme. Delacroix était fasciné par les gens et les costumes, et le voyage allait éclairer le sujet d'un grand nombre de ses futurs tableaux. Il pensait que les Nord-Africains, dans leurs vêtements et leurs attitudes, fournissaient un équivalent visuel aux peuples de la Rome et de la Grèce classiques : « Les Grecs et les Romains sont ici à ma porte, chez les Arabes qui s'enveloppent dans une couverture blanche et regardent comme Caton ou Brutus..."
Il réussit à dessiner secrètement quelques femmes à Alger, comme dans le tableau Femmes d'Alger dans leur appartement (1834), mais il rencontra généralement des difficultés à trouver des femmes musulmanes prêtes à poser pour lui en raison des règles musulmanes exigeant que les femmes soient couvertes. La peinture des femmes juives d’Afrique du Nord, comme sujets du Mariage juif au Maroc (1837-1841), pose moins de problèmes.
À Tanger, Delacroix réalise de nombreux croquis des gens et de la ville, sujets sur lesquels il reviendra jusqu'à la fin de sa vie. Les animaux, incarnation de la passion romantique, ont été incorporés dans des peintures telles que Chevaux arabes se battant dans une écurie (1860), La Chasse au lion (dont il existe de nombreuses versions, peintes entre 1856 et 1861) et Arabe sellant son cheval (1855). .


2024 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture

Wednesday, January 17, 2024


EUGENE DELACROIX (1798-1863) LesFalaises d'Etretat (70 à 90 m) France (Normandie)   In Vue de la plage et des falaises d'Etretat, aquarelle sur traits à la mine de plomb, 15x19 cm, Musée Fabre, Montpellier

Les Falaises d'Etretat (70 à 90 m)
France (Normandie)

In Vue de la plage et des falaises d'Etretat, aquarelle sur traits à la mine de plomb, 15x19 cm,           Musée Fabre, Montpellier

A propos de cette œuvre

Delacroix découvrit les beautés de la côte normande grâce à ses nombreux passages chez son cousin Bataille à Valmont, près de Fécamp. "Séjour de paix et d'oubli du monde entier", cette retraite offrait à l'artiste un lieu idéal pour se reposer de Paris et élaborer ses grandes commandes officielles. Au cours de cette villégiature, il eut à maintes occasions l’opportunité d'admirer le paysage des falaises d'Etretat ; sans doute séduit par cette âpre et grandiose architecture de craie, il devait en donner plusieurs études et aquarelles. Cette vue prise de la porte d'Amont, à marée basse, ne peut être datée avec certitude mais un passage du Journal de l’artiste du 18 octobre 1849 relate une excursion en mer au large de Fécamp et situe, si ce n'est la chronologie de cette œuvre, du moins l'état d'esprit et les sentiments de l'artiste devant ce paysage : « Le sol sous cette arche étonnante, semblait sillonné par les roues des chars et semblait les ruines d'une ville antique. Ce sol est ce blanc calcaire dont les falaises sont entièrement faites. Il y a des parties sur les rocs qui sont d'un brun de terre d'ombre, des parties très vertes et quelques-unes ocreuses. » Explorant la décomposition chromatique du paysage, Delacroix donne ici une aquarelle où palpite la densité de l’air et de l’eau et, avec cette manière très libre d’un dessin pris sur le vif, il témoigne de sa sensibilité pour ces vues de la nature qui annoncent déjà la peinture impressionniste. Ami de l’artiste, le critique Théophile Sylvestre conseilla en 1874 à Alfred Bruyas l’acquisition de cette oeuvre qui lui inspira ces réflexions : « Dans le ciel solitaire, d’une pureté absolue et d’une légèreté sans fonds, on entendrait non seulement l’aile d’une mouette mais le bourdonnement d’un insecte [...]. L’effusion lumineuse n’a même pas de soubresauts tout le long de cette falaise abrupte, dont la croûte terrestre et le gazon rôti semblent à la fois un chaume de cabane et une peau de bête fauve. »


Les falaises
Les Falaises d'Etretat  sont constituées d'une stratigraphie complexe de craies du Turonien et du Coniacien. Certaines falaises atteignent 90 mètres. Etretat est surtout connue pour ses falaises de craie, dont trois arches naturelles et une formation pointue appelée L'Aiguille (l'Aiguille), qui s'élève à 70 m au-dessus de la mer et L'Arche. Une rivière souterraine, puis l'érosion marine ont formé une arche naturelle et une aiguille d'une hauteur estimée de 55 mètres à 70 mètres, relique de la falaise. Ses falaises de craie blanche et ses plages de galets grisâtres en ont fait un des lieux du tourisme international avec plus de trois millions de visiteurs par an1, exposé aux même risques que d'autres grands sites mondiaux, avec trois chutes mortelles en 2022. Le tourisme de masse dégradant le site. Des peintres comme Albert Marquet, Gustave Courbet, Eugène Boudin ou encore Claude Monet ont contribué alors à sa publicité, tout en en immortalisant la spécificité. Des écrivains normands comme Maupassant et Gustave Flaubert furent des fidèles du lieu. Maurice Leblanc, qui y vécut, contribua au mythe entourant le site entretenu dans une aventure d'Arsène Lupin intitulée L'Aiguille creuse(1909). Il les décrit en ces termes : « Un énorme gardon, haut de plus de quatre-vingts mètres, obélisque colossal, d'aplomb sur son socle de granit. » A son époque, le site attirait déjà de nombreux touristes parmi eu xdes "lupinophiles" admirateurs d'Arsène Lupin des  étudiants américains venaient chercher la clé de la grotte, où le "gentleman cambrioleur" avait trouvé le trésor des rois de France.

Le peintre
Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix était un artiste romantique français considéré dès le début de sa carrière comme le chef de file de l'école romantique française. L'utilisation par Delacroix de coups de pinceau expressifs et ses études sur les effets optiques de la couleur ont profondément façonné le travail des impressionnistes, alrors que sa passion pour l'exotisme a inspiré les artistes du mouvement symboliste. Fin lithographe, Delacroix a illustré diverses œuvres (William Shakespeare, Walter Scott et  Goethe notamment).
Contrairement au perfectionnisme néoclassique de son principal rival Ingres, Delacroix s'est inspiré de l'art de Rubens et des peintres de la Renaissance vénitienne, en mettant l'accent sur la couleur et le mouvement plutôt que sur la clarté des contours et la forme soigneusement modelée. Le contenu dramatique et romantique caractérise les thèmes centraux de sa maturité et le conduit non pas vers les modèles classiques de l'art grec et romain, mais plutôt vers les voyages en Afrique du Nord à la recherche de l'exotisme. Ami et héritier spirituel de Théodore Géricault, Delacroix s'inspire également de Lord Byron, avec qui il partage une forte identification aux « forces du sublime », et aux actions de la nature, souvent violente.
Cependant, Delacroix n'était enclin ni à la sentimentalité ni à l'emphase, et son romantisme était celui d'un individualiste. Selon les mots de Baudelaire : « Delacroix était passionnément amoureux de la passion, mais froidement déterminé à exprimer sa passion le plus clairement possible ».
En 1832, Delacroix se rend en Espagne et en Afrique du Nord, dans le cadre d'une mission diplomatique au Maroc peu après la conquête de l'Algérie par la France. Il n'y est pas allé pour étudier l'art, mais pour échapper au parisianisme dans l'espoir d'approcher une culture plus primitive. Il a produit plus de 100 peintures et dessins de scènes tirées ou basées sur la vie des peuples d'Afrique du Nord, et a ajouté un nouveau chapitre très personnel à l'intérêt général porté alors à l'orientalisme. Delacroix était fasciné par les gens et les costumes, et le voyage allait éclairer le sujet d'un grand nombre de ses futurs tableaux. Il pensait que les Nord-Africains, dans leurs vêtements et leurs attitudes, fournissaient un équivalent visuel aux peuples de la Rome et de la Grèce classiques : « Les Grecs et les Romains sont ici à ma porte, chez les Arabes qui s'enveloppent dans une couverture blanche et regardent comme Caton ou Brutus..."
Il réussit à dessiner secrètement quelques femmes à Alger, comme dans le tableau Femmes d'Alger dans leur appartement (1834), mais il rencontra généralement des difficultés à trouver des femmes musulmanes prêtes à poser pour lui en raison des règles musulmanes exigeant que les femmes soient couvertes. La peinture des femmes juives d’Afrique du Nord, comme sujets du Mariage juif au Maroc (1837-1841), pose moins de problèmes.
À Tanger, Delacroix réalise de nombreux croquis des gens et de la ville, sujets sur lesquels il reviendra jusqu'à la fin de sa vie. Les animaux, incarnation de la passion romantique, ont été incorporés dans des peintures telles que Chevaux arabes se battant dans une écurie (1860), La Chasse au lion (dont il existe de nombreuses versions, peintes entre 1856 et 1861) et Arabe sellant son cheval (1855). .


2024 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, December 22, 2021


CLAUDE MONET (1840-1926) La Porte d'Amont - The Falaises d'Etretat (70 to 90 m - 230 to 300 ft France (Normandie)  In La Porte d'Amont, Etreta, 1868, Oil on canvas 81.3 x 100.3 cm.  ogg Art Museum / Harvard University, Cambridge MA

CLAUDE MONET (1840-1926)
La Porte d'Amont - The Falaises d'Etretat (70 to 90 m - 230 to 300 ft
France (Normandie)

In La Porte d'Amont, Etretat, 1868, Oil on canvas 81.3 x 100.3 cm. 
Fogg Art Museum / Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
The cliffs 
Etretat is best known for its chalk cliffs, including three natural arches and a pointed formation called L'Aiguille (the Needle), which rises 70 m- 230 ft above the sea. The Etretat Chalk Complex, as it is known, consists of a complex stratigraphy of Turonian and Coniacian chalks. Some of the cliffs are as high as 90 metres (300 ft).
These cliffs and the associated resort beach attracted artists including Eugène Boudin, Gustave Courbet and Claude Monet.  They were featured prominently in the 1909 Arsène Lupin novel The Hollow Needle by Maurice Leblanc. They also feature in the 2014 film Lucy, directed by Luc Besson.
Two of the three famous arches are visible from the town, the Porte d'Aval (Aval Cliff)  and the Porte d'Amont (Amont Cliff).  The Manneporte  (Main Door) is the third and the biggest one, and cannot be seen from the town.
La porte d'Amont (Amont Cliff) is the smallest of the three doors and the most visually famous.  The french writer Guy de Maupassant compares this cliff of upstream to " an elephant that plunges its trunk into the water ". At the top of the cliff stands the stone silhouette of the chapel Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde, protector of fishermen. The present building succeeds a chapel of the nineteenth century. You can also reach the cliff but the staircase is much steeper.  The current building succeeds a 19th century chapel in neo-gothic style.   It was destroyed by the occupier during the Second World War. Then one arrive at the monument and the museum made by the architect Gaston Delaune and dedicated to Charles Nungesser and François Coli, two aviators who tried to rally New York in 1927 and which were seen for the last time in this place, after Having taken off from Le Bourget on the edge of their plane, the mythical White Bird.

The painter
The painter Oscar-Claude Monet better known as Claude Monet was a founder of French Impressionist painting, and the most consistent and prolific practitioner of the movement's philosophy of expressing one's perceptions before nature, especially as applied to plein-air landscape painting. The term "Impressionism" is derived from the title of his painting « Impression, soleil levant » (Impression, Sunrise), which was exhibited in 1874 in the first of the independent exhibitions mounted by Monet and his associates as an alternative to the Salon de Paris.
Monet's ambition of documenting the French countryside led him to adopt a method of painting the same scene many times in order to capture the changing of light and the passing of the seasons exactly like the japanese artist Hokusai (1760-1849) did with his 36 views of Mount Fuji.
Monet repeated this kinf of "exercise de stylee with his series on Les Petites Dalles. and Kolsass mountain.
Monet has been described as "the driving force behind Impressionism". Crucial to the art of the Impressionist painters was the understanding of the effects of light on the local colour of objects, and the effects of the juxtaposition of colours with each other. Monet's long career as a painter was spent in the pursuit of this aim.
In 1856, his chance meeting with Eugene Boudin, a painter of small beach scenes, opened his eyes to the possibility of plein-air painting. From that time, with a short interruption for military service, he dedicated himself to searching for new and improved methods of painterly expression. To this end, as a young man, he visited the Paris Salon and familiarised himself with the works of older painters, and made friends with other young artists. The five years that he spent at Argenteuil, spending much time on the River Seine in a little floating studio, were formative in his study of the effects of light and reflections. He began to think in terms of colours and shapes rather than scenes and objects. He used bright colours in dabs and dashes and squiggles of paint. Having rejected the academic teachings of Gleyre's studio, he freed himself from theory, saying "I like to paint as a bird sings."
In 1877 a series of paintings at Gare St-Lazare had Monet looking at smoke and steam and the way that they affected colour and visibility, being sometimes opaque and sometimes translucent. He was to further use this study in the painting of the effects of mist and rain on the landscape. The study of the effects of atmosphere were to evolve into a number of series of paintings in which Monet repeatedly painted the same subject in different lights, at different hours of the day, and through the changes of weather and season. This process began in the 1880s and continued until the end of his life in 1926.
His first series exhibited as such was of Haystacks, painted from different points of view and at different times of the day. Fifteen of the paintings were exhibited at the Galerie Durand-Ruel in 1891. In 1892 he produced what is probably his best-known series, Twenty-six views of Rouen Cathedral. In these paintings Monet broke with painterly traditions by cropping the subject so that only a portion of the facade is seen on the canvas. The paintings do not focus on the grand Medieval building, but on the play of light and shade across its surface, transforming the solid masonry.
Other series include Peupliers, Matins sur la Seine, and the Nenuphars that were painted on his property at Giverny. Between 1883 and 1908, Monet traveled to the Mediterranean, where he painted landmarks, landscapes, and seascapes, including a series of paintings in Antibes (above) and Venice. In London he painted four series: the Houses of Parliament, London ; Charing Cross Bridge ; Waterloo Bridge, and Views of Westminster Bridge. Helen Gardner writes: "Monet, with a scientific precision, has given us an unparalleled and unexcelled record of the passing of time as seen in the movement of light over identical forms."

2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


GEORGES BRAQUE (1882-1963)
The Falaises d'Etretat (70 to 90 m - 230 to 300 ft)
France (Normandie)

 In Les Falaises d'Etretat, 1930, oil on canvas

The cliffs 
The Falaise d'Etretat (Etretat Chalk Complex), as it is known, consists of a complex stratigraphy of Turonian and Coniacian chalks. Some of the cliffs are as high as 90 metres (300 ft).  Etretat is best known for its chalk cliffs, including three natural arches and a pointed formation called L'Aiguille (the Needle), which rises 70 m- 230 ft above the sea.  L'arche et L'aiguille  (The Ark and the Needle) above.  An underground river, then marine erosion formed a natural arch and a estimated 55 meter to 70 meters  high needle, relic piece of the cliff. Maurice Leblanc describes it in these terms in his novel The Hollow Needle (1909) "An enormous roach, more than eighty meters high, colossal obelisk, plumb on its granite base"  At his time, the site already attracted many tourists among them "lupinophiles" admirers of Arsene Lupine: American students came for the key to the cave, where the "gentleman burglar" had found the treasure of kings of France. 

The Painter
Georges Braque (1882-1963) was a major 20th-century French painter, collagist, draughtsman, printmaker and sculptor. His most important contributions to the history of art were in his alliance with Fauvism from 1905, and the role he played in the development of Cubism. Braque's work between 1908 and 1912 is closely associated with that of his colleague Pablo Picasso. Their respective Cubist works were indistinguishable for many years, yet the quiet nature of Braque was partially eclipsed by the fame and  notoriety of Picasso. Braque believed that an artist experienced beauty "… in terms of volume, of line, of mass, of weight, and through that beauty [he] interpret[s] [his] subjective impression".   He described "objects shattered into fragments... [as] a way of getting closest to the object...Fragmentation helped me to establish space and movement in space”. He adopted a monochromatic and neutral color palette in the belief that such a palette would emphasize the subject matter.  Although Braque began his career painting landscapes, during 1908 he, alongside Picasso, discovered the advantages of painting still lifes instead. Braque explained that he “... began to concentrate on still lifes, because in the still-life you have a tactile, I might almost say a manual space... This answered to the hankering I have always had to touch things and not merely see them... In tactile space you measure the distance separating you from the object, whereas in visual space you measure the distance separating things from each other. This is what led me, long ago, from landscape to still-life”  A still life was also more accessible, in relation to perspective, than landscape, and permitted the artist to see the multiple perspectives of the object. Braque's early interest in still lifes revived during the 1930s.
During the period between the wars, Braque exhibited a freer, more relaxed style of Cubism, intensifying his color use and a looser rendering of objects. However, he still remained committed to the cubist method of simultaneous perspective and fragmentation. In contrast to Picasso, who continuously reinvented his style of painting, producing both representational and cubist images, and incorporating surrealist ideas into his work, Braque continued in the Cubist style, producing luminous, other-worldly still life and figure compositions. By the time of his death in 1963, he was regarded as one of the elder statesmen of the School of Paris, and of modern art.

Sunday, April 1, 2018


CLAUDE MONET (1840-1926)
The Falaises d'Etretat (70 to 90 m -  230 to 300 ft)  
France (Normandie) 

 In Régates derriere l'Aiguille d'Etretat, 1885, oil on canvas

The cliffs 
Etretat is best known for its chalk cliffs, including three natural arches and a pointed formation called L'Aiguille (the Needle), which rises 70 m- 230 ft above the sea. The Etretat Chalk Complex, as it is known, consists of a complex stratigraphy of Turonian and Coniacian chalks. Some of the cliffs are as high as 90 metres (300 ft).
L'arche et L'aiguille  (The Ark and the Needle) above. An underground river, then marine erosion formed a natural arch and a estimated 55 meter to 70 meters  high needle, relic piece of the cliff. Maurice Leblanc describes it in these terms in his novel The Hollow Needle (1909) "An enormous roach, more than eighty meters high, colossal obelisk, plumb on its granite base"  At his time, the site already attracted many tourists among them "lupinophiles" admirers of Arsene Lupine: American students came for the key to the cave, where the "gentleman burglar" had found the treasure of kings of France.

The painter 
Oscar-Claude Monet better known as Claude Monet  was a founder of French Impressionist painting, and the most consistent and prolific practitioner of the movement's philosophy of expressing one's perceptions before nature, especially as applied to plein-air landscape painting. The term "Impressionism" is derived from the title of his painting « Impression, soleil levant » (Impression, Sunrise), which was exhibited in 1874 in the first of the independent exhibitions mounted by Monet and his associates as an alternative to the Salon de Paris.
Monet's ambition of documenting the French countryside led him to adopt a method of painting the same scene many times in order to capture the changing of light and the passing of the seasons exactly like the japanese artist  Hokusai (1760-1849) did with his 36 views of Mount Fuji.
Monet has been described as "the driving force behind Impressionism". Crucial to the art of the Impressionist painters was the understanding of the effects of light on the local colour of objects, and the effects of the juxtaposition of colours with each other. Monet's long career as a painter was spent in the pursuit of this aim....

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


CLAUDE MONET (1840-1926),
The Falaises d'Etretat (70 to 90 m -  230 to 300 ft)  
France (Normandie)  

In Les falaises à Etretat 1885, oil on canvas  Clark Institute, Williamstown.

The cliffs 
Etretat is best known for its chalk cliffs, including three natural arches and a pointed formation called L'Aiguille (the Needle), which rises 70 m- 230 ft above the sea. The Etretat Chalk Complex, as it is known, consists of a complex stratigraphy of Turonian and Coniacian chalks. Some of the cliffs are as high as 90 metres (300 ft).
These cliffs and the associated resort beach attracted artists including Eugène Boudin, Gustave Courbet and Claude Monet.  They were featured prominently in the 1909 Arsène Lupin novel The Hollow Needle by Maurice Leblanc. They also feature in the 2014 film Lucy, directed by Luc Besson.
Two of the three famous arches are visible from the town, the Porte d'Aval (Aval Cliff)  and the Porte d'Amont (Amont Cliff).  The Manneporte  (Main Door) is the third and the biggest one, and cannot be seen from the town.
- L'arche et L'aiguille  (The Ark and the Needle)
An underground river, then marine erosion formed a natural arch and a estimated 55 meter to 70 meters  high needle, relic piece of the cliff. Maurice Leblanc describes it in these terms in his novel The Hollow Needle (1909) "An enormous roach, more than eighty meters high, colossal obelisk, plumb on its granite base"  At his time, the site already attracted many tourists among them "lupinophiles" admirers of Arsene Lupine: American students came for the key to the cave, where the "gentleman burglar" had found the treasure of kings of France.
- La porte d'Amont  (Amont Cliff)
The Porte d'Amont is the smallest of the three doors and the most visually famous.  The french writer Guy de Maupassant compares this cliff of upstream to " an elephant that plunges its trunk into the water ". At the top of the cliff stands the stone silhouette of the chapel Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde, protector of fishermen. The present building succeeds a chapel of the nineteenth century. You can also reach the cliff but the staircase is much steeper.  The current building succeeds a 19th century chapel in neo-gothic style.   It was destroyed by the occupier during the Second World War. Then one arrive at the monument and the museum made by the architect Gaston Delaune and dedicated to Charles Nungesser and François Coli, two aviators who tried to rally New York in 1927 and which were seen for the last time in this place, after Having taken off from Le Bourget on the edge of their plane, the mythical White Bird.
The GR 21 long-distance hiking path (Le Havre to Le Tréport) passes through the town.

 The painter 
Oscar-Claude Monet better known as Claude Monet  was a founder of French Impressionist painting, and the most consistent and prolific practitioner of the movement's philosophy of expressing one's perceptions before nature, especially as applied to plein-air landscape painting. The term "Impressionism" is derived from the title of his painting « Impression, soleil levant » (Impression, Sunrise), which was exhibited in 1874 in the first of the independent exhibitions mounted by Monet and his associates as an alternative to the Salon de Paris.
Monet's ambition of documenting the French countryside led him to adopt a method of painting the same scene many times in order to capture the changing of light and the passing of the seasons exactly like the japanese artist  Hokusai (1760-1849) did with his 36 views of Mount Fuji.
Monet has been described as "the driving force behind Impressionism". Crucial to the art of the Impressionist painters was the understanding of the effects of light on the local colour of objects, and the effects of the juxtaposition of colours with each other. Monet's long career as a painter was spent in the pursuit of this aim....
More about Claude Monet's Life and works 

Monday, August 21, 2017


GUSTAVE COURBET  (1819-1877)
The Falaises d'Etretat (70 to 90 m -  230 to 300 ft)  
La Porte d'aval, L'Aiguille, La Porte d'Amont, La Manneporte
France (Normandie)  

In Les falaises d'Etretat après l'orage, 1870, oil on canvas, 162cm x130 - 51.2 x 63.8 in,  
Musée d'Orsay Paris  

The cliffs 
Etretat is best known for its chalk cliffs, including three natural arches and a pointed formation called L'Aiguille (the Needle), which rises 70 m- 230 ft above the sea. The Etretat Chalk Complex, as it is known, consists of a complex stratigraphy of Turonian and Coniacian chalks. Some of the cliffs are as high as 90 metres (300 ft).
These cliffs and the associated resort beach attracted artists including Eugène Boudin, Gustave Courbet and Claude Monet.  They were featured prominently in the 1909 Arsène Lupin novel The Hollow Needle by Maurice Leblanc. They also feature in the 2014 film Lucy, directed by Luc Besson.
Two of the three famous arches are visible from the town, the Porte d'Aval (Aval Cliff)  and the Porte d'Amont (Amont Cliff).  The Manneporte  (Main Door) is the third and the biggest one, and cannot be seen from the town.
- La Porte d'Aval (Aval Cliff ) 
On the foreshore cleared by the sea at the foot of the Porte d'Aval, one notices, dug into the limestone bedrock and partially covered with green algae, ancient parks а oysters, whose culture lasted only a few years. 
- L'arche et L'aiguille  (The Ark and the Needle)
An underground river, then marine erosion formed a natural arch and a estimated 55 meter to 70 meters  high needle, relic piece of the cliff. Maurice Leblanc describes it in these terms in his novel The Hollow Needle (1909) : "An enormous roach, more than eighty meters high, colossal obelisk, plumb on its granite base"  At his time, the site already attracted many tourists among them "lupinophiles" admirers of Arsene Lupine: American students came for the key to the cave, where the "gentleman burglar" had found the treasure of kings of France.
- The Manneporte and the Trou à L'homme (The Maindoor and Hole of the man
From the old French manna door, "big door, main door". It is wider than the cliff of Aval and is located behind it. Above а side of the arch, we see a huge black hole in the cliff:  le Trou à l'homme (the Hole of the Man)  that takes its name from a Swedish sailor, sole survivor of the sinking of his ship due to violent storm that would have lasted nearly 24 hours. It would have been projected by a blade into this cavity, thereby assuring its survival. The so called  Hole of the Man is accessible by an iron ladder and it is always off-water at the time of the tides.
The long tunnel which opens to the "Hole of the Man " leads а Creek Petit Port at the mouth of the valleuse Jambourg actually a beach at the foot of the needle and framed by two large doors.
You can reach the top of the cliff by a staircase directly at the end of the Perrey, followed by a well laid out, sloping path that runs alongside the golf course, to the right you climb to the top. One enjoys at the same time, of the sight on the village, on the needle and on Manneporte. You can also enter the little natural refuge nicknamed "Chambre des Demoiselles" ( Young ladies room) described by Maurice Leblanc.
- La porte d'Amont  (Amont Cliff)
The Porte d'Amont is the smallest of the three doors and the most visually famous.  The french writer Guy de Maupassant compares this cliff of upstream to " an elephant that plunges its trunk into the water ". At the top of the cliff stands the stone silhouette of the chapel Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde, protector of fishermen. The present building succeeds a chapel of the nineteenth century. You can also reach the cliff but the staircase is much steeper.  The current building succeeds a 19th century chapel in neo-gothic style.   It was destroyed by the occupier during the Second World War. Then one arrive at the monument and the museum made by the architect Gaston Delaune and dedicated to Charles Nungesser and François Coli, two aviators who tried to rally New York in 1927 and which were seen for the last time in this place, after Having taken off from Le Bourget on the edge of their plane, the mythical White Bird.
The GR 21 long-distance hiking path (Le Havre to Le Tréport) passes through the town.

 The Painter 
Jean Désiré Gustave Courbet was a French painter who led the Realist movement in 19th-century French painting. Committed to painting only what he could see, he rejected academic convention and the Romanticism of the previous generation of visual artists. His independence set an example that was important to later artists, such as the Impressionists and the Cubists. Courbet occupies an important place in 19th-century French painting as an innovator and as an artist willing to make bold social statements through his work.
Courbet's paintings of the late 1840s and early 1850s brought him his first recognition. They challenged convention by depicting unidealized peasants and workers, often on a grand scale traditionally reserved for paintings of religious or historical subjects. Courbet's subsequent paintings were mostly of a less overtly political character: landscapes, seascapes, hunting scenes, nudes and still lifes. He was imprisoned for six months in 1871 for his involvement with the Paris Commune, and lived in exile in Switzerland from 1873 until his death.
Courbet  painted a few mountains in his life : the Juras mountains around Ornans ( France) and a few  mountains in Switzerland during his exil; Like many painters of the 19th Century, Courbet didn't name the mountain he painted; he liked to give a description of the general atmosphere rather than  a precise geographical location.
 "I am fifty years old and I have always lived in freedom; let me end my life free; when I am dead let this be said of me: 'He belonged to no school, to no church, to no institution, to no academy, least of all to any régime except the régime of liberty."