, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: THOMAS COLE (1801-1848)
Showing posts with label THOMAS COLE (1801-1848). Show all posts
Showing posts with label THOMAS COLE (1801-1848). Show all posts

Friday, April 26, 2024


THOMAS COLE (1801-1848) Mont Hoffmann (3,307 m) Etats Unis d'Amérique (Californie)  In View of Schroon Mountain, Essex County, New York, After a Storm , oil on board, 1898, 160 cm x 99 cm, Cleveland Museum of Art

THOMAS COLE (1801-1848)
Mont Hoffmann (3,307 m)
Etats Unis d'Amérique (Californie)

In View of Schroon Mountain, Essex County, New York, After a Storm , oil on board, 1898,
 160 cm x 99 cm, Cleveland Museum of Art

A propos de ce tableau

Grand défenseur de la nature sauvage américaine, Cole a déclaré : « Nous sommes toujours ici dans l' Eden » dans son Essai sur le paysage américain, publié deux ans avant de peindre cette vue des Adirondacks. L'artiste a esquissé la scène au début de l'été, mais lorsqu'il a créé le tableau dans son atelier, il l'a rendu avec l'éclat spectaculaire de couleurs automnales. Un tel choix avait probablement des connotations nationalistes ; il a un jour proclamé que l'automne était « une saison où la forêt américaine surpasse le monde entier en beauté ». Cole a inclus deux autochtones dans le feuillage du premier plan droit du tableau. À cette époque, les Adirondacks étaient encore le foyer de nombreux Amérindiens longtemps après que la plupart aient été expulsés de force des terres à l'est du fleuve Mississippi. Tout en continuant à vivre, chasser et pêcher dans la région, ces peuples algonquins et iroquois ont été contraints d'adapter considérablement leur existence au milieu de la colonisation et des industries forestières, minières et touristiques qui en découlèrent.

La montagne
Le mont Hoffmann (3,307m ) est un sommet de la Sierra Nevada, aux États-Unis.- dans le comté de Mariposa, en Californie, au sein de la Yosemite Wilderness, dans le parc national de Yosemite. Dans Un été dans la Sierra, paru en 1911, John Muir indique avoir randonné jusqu'au sommet du « mont Hoffman » le 26 juillet 1869-. Thomas Cole le surnomme Schrroon Mountain dans ce tableau. 

Le peintre
Thomas Cole, est un artiste américain, considéré comme le fondateur de la Hudson River School, école de peinture qui s'épanouit aux États-Unis dans la seconde moitié du A9e siècle. Les œuvres de Cole et ses amis se caractérisent par leur rendu réaliste et minutieux des paysages américains, notamment des régions sauvages, et témoignent à la fois de l'influence du romantisme et du naturalisme.  Cole fut avant tout paysagiste, il se consacre également à la peinture allégorique. La plus célèbre de ces allégories est un ensemble de cinq toiles, Le Cours de l'Empire (ou Destin des Empires), qui retrace l'évolution d'un même lieu de l'état sauvage à la naissance de la civilisation, son développement son déclin et sa mort. Cole a été inspiré par la lecture de l'Histoire de la décadence et de la chute de l'Empire romain d'Edward Gibbon, publié entre 1776 et 1778. L'œuvre se trouve dans la collection de la Société d'Histoire de New York.  En 1827, Cole ouvre un studio dans une ferme à Cedar Grove dans la ville de Catskill, état de New-York. Il exécutera une grande partie de son œuvre dans ce lieu. En 1828, Cooper lui commande un paysage inspiré de ses romans, « sans les feuilles d’automne » du Paysage avec une scène du Dernier des Mohicans dont il juge l'effet trop voyant. Entre 1829 et 1832, il effectue un premier séjour en Europe, visitant notamment Londres, Paris et l'Italie. À Londres, il est attiré par les œuvres des paysagistes Turner et Constable. À Paris, il découvre les paysages classiques du 17e siècle et sera influencé par les œuvres de Claude Lorrain. En 1836, Cole épouse Maria Bartow, une des nièces de son propriétaire, faisant de Catskill son lieu de résidence principal. La jeune femme avait alors 23 ans et lui 35. Cole, qui s'intéressait également à l'architecture à une époque où cette profession était moins réglementée qu'aujourd'hui, participe au concours organisé en 1838 pour la construction du siège de l'exécutif à Columbus. Son projet obtint la troisième place et le monument final est une synthèse entre les projets des trois premiers lauréats. Le premier fils du couple, Theodore Alexander Cole, est né le 1er janvier de cette même année. L'année suivante naît Mary Bartow Cole, le 23 septembre 1839. Cole effectue alors un second séjour européen, d-e 1841 à 1842, accumulant les dessins et les esquisses dont il tirera les tableaux peints plus tard dans son studio de Catskill. Il exerce une influence significative sur ses pairs, notamment sur Asher Brown Durand, Jasper Francis Cropsey et Frederic Edwin Church. Ce dernier fut d'ailleurs son élève de 1844 à 1846. 


2024 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, July 19, 2023


THOMAS COLE (1801-1848) Castkill Mountains United States of America


THOMAS COLE (1801-1848)
Catskills Mountains  (1,274 m)
United States of America

In " View of the Round-Top in the Catskill Mountains, 1827, Oil on panel, 47.3 x 64.5 cm. The Boston Museum of Fine Arts

Les montagnes
Les  Catskill Mountains (1,274 m) ou simplement les Catskills, sont une région de reliefs de l'État de New York, située au nord de la ville de New York et au sud d'Albany. En dépit de leur nom, les Catskills ne sont pas des montagnes au sens géologique du terme, mais plutôt un plateau érodé, constitué de plateaux et de collines ayant subi une érosion intense. Elles constituent le prolongement vers l'est, ainsi que les plus hauts sommets, du plateau des Allegheny. Elles sont parfois considérées comme une partie de la chaîne des Appalaches, même si les deux chaînes ne sont pas géologiquement liées. Les Catskills sont situées à l'ouest du fleuve Hudson (Hudson River) et traversent cinq comtés : l'Ulster, le Greene, le Sullivan, le Delaware et le Schoharie.  Les Catskills sont le lieu de légendes traditionnelles remontant aux tribus amérindiennes et aux premiers colons néerlandais, qui baptisent les montagnes « Kaatskil » au xviiie siècle. Washington Irving y situe son histoire de Rip Van Winkle, en lien avec le navigateur Henry Hudson. Au xixe siècle, les Catskills deviennent une destination de vacances pour les riches New-yorkais. Le bois est exploité à grande échelle, des fermes s'installent et la région perd de sa forêt sauvage. En 1885, une loi, votée par l'État de New York, délimite la Catskill and Adirondack Forest Preserve dans le but de préserver l'état sauvage de la région, et en 1904, le Catskill Park, un parc naturel, est créé.

Le peintre
Thomas Cole, est un artiste américain du xix siècle. Il est considéré comme le fondateur de la Hudson River School, école de peinture qui s'épanouit aux États-Unis dans la seconde moitié du 19e siècle. Les œuvres de Cole et ses amis se caractérisent par leur rendu réaliste et minutieux des paysages américains, notamment des régions sauvages, et témoignent à la fois de l'influence du romantisme et du naturalisme. En 1827, Cole ouvre un studio dans une ferme à Cedar Grove dans la ville de Catskill, état de New-York. Il exécutera une grande partie de son œuvre dans ce lieu. En 1828, Cooper lui commande un paysage inspiré de ses romans, « sans les feuilles d’automne » du Paysage avec une scène du Dernier des Mohicans dont il juge l'effet trop voyant. Entre 1829 et 1832, il effectue un premier séjour en Europe, visitant notamment Londres, Paris et l'Italie. À Londres, il est attiré par les œuvres des paysagistes Turner et Constable. À Paris, il découvre les paysages classiques du 17e siècle et sera influencé par les œuvres de Claude Lorrain. Si Cole fut avant tout paysagiste, il se consacre également à la peinture allégorique. La plus célèbre de ces allégories est un ensemble de cinq toiles, Le Destin des Empires, qui retrace l'évolution d'un même lieu de l'état sauvage à la naissance de la civilisation, son développement son déclin et sa mort. Cole a été inspiré par la lecture de l'Histoire de la décadence et de la chute de l'Empire romain d'Edward Gibbon, publié entre 1776 et 1778. L'œuvre se trouve dans la collection de la société d'histoire de New York. 


2023 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Monday, September 26, 2022


THOMAS COLE (1801-1848) Catskill Mountains (1,279 m - 4,180 ft) United States of America (New York State)  In Castkill Mountains House, The 4 elements, oil on canvas, 1843-44. private collection
THOMAS COLE (1801-1848)
Catskill Mountains (1,279 m - 4,180 ft)
United States of America (New York State)

In Castkill Mountains House, The 4 elements, oil on canvas, 1843-44. private collection

The mountains
The Catskill Mountains (1,279 m - 4,180 ft) also known as The Catskills, are a physiographic province of the larger Appalachian Mountains, located in southeastern New York. As a cultural and geographic region, the Catskills are generally defined as those areas close to or within the borders of the Catskill Park, a 700,000-acre (2,800 km2) forest preserve forever protected from many forms of development under New York state law.
Geologically, the Catskills are a mature dissected plateau, a once-flat region subsequently uplifted and eroded into sharp relief by watercourses. The Catskills form the northeastern end of the Allegheny Plateau (also known as the Appalachian Plateau).
The Catskills are well known in American culture, both as the setting for many 19th-century Hudson River School paintings and as the favored destination for vacationers from New York City in the mid-20th century. The region's many large resorts gave countless young stand-up comedians an opportunity to hone their craft. In addition, the Catskills have long been a haven for artists, musicians, and writers, especially in and around the towns of Phoenicia and Woodstock.

The painter
Thomas Cole (1801– 848) was an American artist known for his landscape and history paintings. He is regarded as the founder of the Hudson River School, an American art movement that flourished in the mid-19th century. Cole's work is known for its romantic portrayal of the American wilderness.
In New York, Cole sold five paintings to George W. Bruen, who financed a summer trip to the Hudson Valley where the artist produced two Views of Coldspring, the Catskill Mountain House and painted famous Kaaterskill Falls and the ruins of Fort Putnam. Returning to New York, he displayed five landscapes in the window of William Colman's bookstore; according to the New York Evening Post Two Views of Coldspring were purchased by Mr. A. Seton, who lent them to the American Academy of the Fine Arts annual exhibition in 1826. This garnered Cole the attention of John Trumbull, Asher B. Durand, and William Dunlap. Among the paintings was a landscape called "View of Fort Ticonderoga from Gelyna". Trumbull was especially impressed with the work of the young artist and sought him out, bought one of his paintings, and put him into contact with a number of his wealthy friends including Robert Gilmor of Baltimore and Daniel Wadsworth of Hartford, who became important patrons of the artist.
Cole was primarily a painter of landscapes, but he also painted allegorical works. Cole influenced his artistic peers, especially Asher B. Durand and Frederic Edwin Church, who studied with Cole from 1844 to 1846. Cole spent the years 1829 to 1832 and 1841 to 1842 abroad, mainly in England and Italy.
Thomas Cole died at Catskill on February 11, 1848. The fourth highest peak in the Catskills is named Thomas Cole Mountain in his honor. 


2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019



THOMAS COLE (1801-1848)
Catskill Mountains (1,279 m - 4,180 ft) 
United States of America (New York State)

In Sunrise in the Catskills, 1826, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington

The mountains
The Catskill Mountains (1,279 m - 4,180 ft) also known as The Catskills, are a physiographic province of the larger Appalachian Mountains, located in southeastern New York. As a cultural and geographic region, the Catskills are generally defined as those areas close to or within the borders of the Catskill Park, a 700,000-acre (2,800 km2) forest preserve forever protected from many forms of development under New York state law.
Geologically, the Catskills are a mature dissected plateau, a once-flat region subsequently uplifted and eroded into sharp relief by watercourses. The Catskills form the northeastern end of the Allegheny Plateau (also known as the Appalachian Plateau).
The Catskills are well known in American culture, both as the setting for many 19th-century Hudson River School paintings and as the favored destination for vacationers from New York City in the mid-20th century. The region's many large resorts gave countless young stand-up comedians an opportunity to hone their craft. In addition, the Catskills have long been a haven for artists, musicians, and writers, especially in and around the towns of Phoenicia and Woodstock.

The painter
Thomas Cole (1801-1848) was an American artist known for his landscape and history paintings. He is regarded as the founder of the Hudson River School, an American art movement that flourished in the mid-19th century. Cole's work is known for its romantic portrayal of the American wilderness.
In New York, Cole sold five paintings to George W. Bruen, who financed a summer trip to the Hudson Valley where the artist produced two Views of Coldspring, the Catskill Mountain House and painted famous Kaaterskill Falls and the ruins of Fort Putnam. Returning to New York, he displayed five landscapes in the window of William Colman's bookstore; according to the New York Evening Post Two Views of Coldspring were purchased by Mr. A. Seton, who lent them to the American Academy of the Fine Arts annual exhibition in 1826. This garnered Cole the attention of John Trumbull, Asher B. Durand, and William Dunlap. Among the paintings was a landscape called "View of Fort Ticonderoga from Gelyna". Trumbull was especially impressed with the work of the young artist and sought him out, bought one of his paintings, and put him into contact with a number of his wealthy friends including Robert Gilmor of Baltimore and Daniel Wadsworth of Hartford, who became important patrons of the artist.
Cole was primarily a painter of landscapes, but he also painted allegorical works. Cole influenced his artistic peers, especially Asher B. Durand and Frederic Edwin Church, who studied with Cole from 1844 to 1846. Cole spent the years 1829 to 1832 and 1841 to 1842 abroad, mainly in England and Italy.
Thomas Cole died at Catskill on February 11, 1848. The fourth highest peak in the Catskills is named Thomas Cole Mountain in his honor.


2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Friday, August 24, 2018


THOMAS COLE (1801-1848)
 Mount Etna or Mongibello (3,329 m - 10,922ft) 
 Italy (Sicily) 

 In Mount Etna from Taormina, oil on canvas, 1842, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford 

The mountain 
Mount Etna (3,329 m - 10,922ft) or Mongibello, Mungibeddu in Sicilian, Aetna in Latin is an active stratovolcano on the east coast of Sicily, in the Province of Catania, between Messina and Catania. It lies above the convergent plate margin between the African Plate and the Eurasian Plate. It is the tallest active volcano in Europe. It is the highest mountain in Italy south of the Alps. Etna covers an area of 1,190 km2 (459 sq mi) with a basal circumference of 140 km. This makes it by far the largest of the three active volcanoes in Italy, being about two and a half times the height of the next largest, Mount Vesuvius. Only Mount Teide in Tenerife surpasses it in the whole of the European–North-African region.
In Greek Mythology, the deadly monster Typhon was trapped under this mountain by Zeus, the god of the sky and thunder and king of gods, and the forges of Hephaestus were said to also be located underneath it.
Mount Etna is one of the most active volcanoes in the world and is in an almost constant state of activity. The fertile volcanic soils support extensive agriculture, with vineyards and orchards spread across the lower slopes of the mountain and the broad Plain of Catania to the south. 
Due to its history of recent activity and nearby population, Mount Etna has been designated a Decade Volcano by the United Nations.
 In June 2013, it was added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The painter 
Thomas Cole (1801– 848) was an American artist known for his landscape and history paintings. He is regarded as the founder of the Hudson River School, an American art movement that flourished in the mid-19th century. Cole's work is known for its romantic portrayal of the American wilderness.
In New York, Cole sold five paintings to George W. Bruen, who financed a summer trip to the Hudson Valley where the artist produced two Views of Coldspring, the Catskill Mountain House and painted famous Kaaterskill Falls and the ruins of Fort Putnam. Returning to New York, he displayed five landscapes in the window of William Colman's bookstore; according to the New York Evening Post Two Views of Coldspring were purchased by Mr. A. Seton, who lent them to the American Academy of the Fine Arts annual exhibition in 1826. This garnered Cole the attention of John Trumbull, Asher B. Durand, and William Dunlap. Among the paintings was a landscape called "View of Fort Ticonderoga from Gelyna". Trumbull was especially impressed with the work of the young artist and sought him out, bought one of his paintings, and put him into contact with a number of his wealthy friends including Robert Gilmor of Baltimore and Daniel Wadsworth of Hartford, who became important patrons of the artist.
Cole was primarily a painter of landscapes, but he also painted allegorical works. Cole influenced his artistic peers, especially Asher B. Durand and Frederic Edwin Church, who studied with Cole from 1844 to 1846. Cole spent the years 1829 to 1832 and 1841 to 1842 abroad, mainly in England and Italy.
Thomas Cole died at Catskill on February 11, 1848. The fourth highest peak in the Catskills is named Thomas Cole Mountain in his honor. 

Sunday, December 31, 2017


 THOMAS COLE (1801-1848),
Mount Elbrus (5,642 m - 18,510 ft)

in Prometheus Bound, 1847, oil on canvas

The mountain
Mount Elbrus (Эльбру́с) also called  Karachay-Balkar (Минги таy) is the highest mountain in Europe, and the seven highest summit in the world.  The seven summit (which are obviously 8, with  2 in Europe !) are : Mount Everest (8,848m), Aconcagua (6,961m), Mt Denali or Mc Kinley (6,194m),  Kilimandjaro (5,895m), Mt Elbrus (5,642m), Vinson  Massif (4,892m), Mt Blanc (4,807m) and Mount Kosciuszko  (2,228m) in Australia.
Mount Elbrus should not be confused with the Alborz (also called Elburz) mountains in Iran, which also derive their name from the legendary mountain Harā Bərəzaitī in Persian mythology.
A dormant volcano, Elbrus forms part of the Caucasus Mountains in Southern Russia, near the border with Georgia. Elbrus has two summits, both of which are dormant volcanic domes. With its slightly taller west summit, the mountain stands at 5,642 metres (18,510 ft); the east summit is 5,621 metres (18,442 ft). The lower east summit was first ascended on 10 July 1829 by Khillar Khachirov, a Karachayguide for an Imperial Russian army scientific expedition led by General Emmanuel, and the higher in 1874 by an British expedition led by F. Crauford Grove and including Frederick Gardner, Horace Walker, and the Swiss guide Peter Knubel of St. Niklaus in the canton Valais.
While there are differing authorities on how the Caucasus are distributed between Europe and Asia, most relevant modern authorities define the continental boundary as the Caucasus watershed, placing Elbrus in Europe due to its position on the north side in Russia.
Mount Elbrus was formed more than 2.5 million years ago. The volcano is currently considered inactive. Elbrus was active in the Holocene, and according to the Global Volcanism Program, the last eruption took place about AD 50. Evidence of recent volcanism includes several lava flows on the mountain, which look fresh, and roughly 260 square kilometres (100 sq mi) of volcanic debris. The longest flow extends 24 kilometres (15 mi) down the northeast summit, indicative of a large eruption. There are other signs of activity on the volcano, including solfataric activity and hot springs. The western summit has a well-preserved volcanic crater about 250 metres (820 ft) in diameter.
The ancients knew the mountain as Strobilus, Latin for 'pine cone', a direct loan from the ancient Greek strobilos, meaning 'a twisted object' – a long established botanical term that describes the shape of the volcano's summit.
Myth held that here Zeus had chained Prometheus, the Titan who had stolen fire from the gods and given it to ancient man – likely a reference to historic volcanic activity. The painting above depicts precisely the Prometheus legend, beloved by the romantics artists. 

The painter 
Thomas Cole (1801– 848) was an American artist known for his landscape and history paintings. He is regarded as the founder of the Hudson River School, an American art movement that flourished in the mid-19th century. Cole's work is known for its romantic portrayal of the American wilderness.
In New York, Cole sold five paintings to George W. Bruen, who financed a summer trip to the Hudson Valley where the artist produced two Views of Coldspring, the Catskill Mountain House and painted famous Kaaterskill Falls and the ruins of Fort Putnam. Returning to New York, he displayed five landscapes in the window of William Colman's bookstore; according to the New York Evening Post Two Views of Coldspring were purchased by Mr. A. Seton, who lent them to the American Academy of the Fine Arts annual exhibition in 1826. This garnered Cole the attention of John Trumbull, Asher B. Durand, and William Dunlap. Among the paintings was a landscape called "View of Fort Ticonderoga from Gelyna". Trumbull was especially impressed with the work of the young artist and sought him out, bought one of his paintings, and put him into contact with a number of his wealthy friends including Robert Gilmor of Baltimore and Daniel Wadsworth of Hartford, who became important patrons of the artist.
Cole was primarily a painter of landscapes, but he also painted allegorical works. Cole influenced his artistic peers, especially Asher B. Durand and Frederic Edwin Church, who studied with Cole from 1844 to 1846. Cole spent the years 1829 to 1832 and 1841 to 1842 abroad, mainly in England and Italy.
Thomas Cole died at Catskill on February 11, 1848. The fourth highest peak in the Catskills is named Thomas Cole Mountain in his honor. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


THOMAS COLE (1801-1848) 
Mount  Chocorua (1,061m - 3,480 ft) 
United States of America (New Hampshire)

In  Mount Chocorua, 1827
In Autumn landscape with Mount Chocorua, 1828.

The mountain 
 Mount Chocorua (1,061m - 3,480 ft) is a summit in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, the easternmost peak of the Sandwich Range. Although the range is not outstanding for its elevation, it is very rugged and has excellent views of the surrounding lakes, mountains, and forests. Mount Chocorua's bare summit can be seen from almost every direction and can be identified from many points throughout central New Hampshire and western Maine.
It is believed that Chocorua was the name of a Native American man in the 18th century, although no authentic records of his life exist. The usual story is that in about 1720 Chocorua was on friendly terms with settlers and in particular the Campbell family that had a home in the valley now called Tamworth. Chocorua was called away and left his son in the care of the Campbell family. The boy found and drank a poison that Mr. Campbell had made to eliminate troublesome foxes, and Chocorua returned to find his son had died. Chocorua, distraught with grief, pledged revenge on the family. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Campbell returned home one afternoon to find his wife and children had been slain. Campbell suspected Chocorua and pursued him up the mountain that today bears his name. Chocorua was wounded by a shot from Campbell's rifle. Before Campbell could reach Chocorua, he uttered a curse upon the white settlers and their homes, livestock, and crops, and leapt from the summit to his death. There are at least three other versions of the legend of Chocorua... 
Mount Chocorua is a popular destination for hikers. Although it is under 3,500 feet (1,100 m) in elevation, its bare and rocky summit commands excellent views in all directions. Since most trails begin at much lower elevations, a hike to the summit is a strenuous exercise. There are many trails up the mountain, and they can be quite crowded during the summer months. Especially popular are the Piper Trail (4.2 miles (6.8 km) each way from the east), the Champney Falls Trail (from the north), and the Liberty Trail (from the southwest).

The painter 
Thomas Cole (1801– 848) was an American artist known for his landscape and history paintings. He is regarded as the founder of the Hudson River School, an American art movement that flourished in the mid-19th century. Cole's work is known for its romantic portrayal of the American wilderness.
More about Thomas Cole biography 

Saturday, August 6, 2016


THOMAS COLE (1801-1848)
 Mount Etna or Mongibello (3,329 m - 10,922ft) 
 Italy (Sicily) 

 In Etna from Taormina, 1843, oil on canvas,  Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford

The mountain 
Mount Etna (3,329 m - 10,922ft) or Mongibello, Mungibeddu in Sicilian, Aetna in Latin is an active stratovolcano on the east coast of Sicily, in the Province of Catania, between Messina and Catania. It lies above the convergent plate margin between the African Plate and the Eurasian Plate. It is the tallest active volcano in Europe. It is the highest mountain in Italy south of the Alps. Etna covers an area of 1,190 km2 (459 sq mi) with a basal circumference of 140 km. This makes it by far the largest of the three active volcanoes in Italy, being about two and a half times the height of the next largest, Mount Vesuvius. Only Mount Teide in Tenerife surpasses it in the whole of the European–North-African region.
In Greek Mythology, the deadly monster Typhon was trapped under this mountain by Zeus, the god of the sky and thunder and king of gods, and the forges of Hephaestus were said to also be located underneath it.
Mount Etna is one of the most active volcanoes in the world and is in an almost constant state of activity. The fertile volcanic soils support extensive agriculture, with vineyards and orchards spread across the lower slopes of the mountain and the broad Plain of Catania to the south. 
Due to its history of recent activity and nearby population, Mount Etna has been designated a Decade Volcano by the United Nations.
 In June 2013, it was added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Volcanic activity first took place at Etna about 500,000 years ago, with eruptions occurring beneath the sea off the ancient coastline of Sicily.[ About 300,000 years ago, volcanism began occurring to the southwest of the summit (center top of volcano) then, before activity moved towards the present centre 170,000 years ago. Eruptions at this time built up the first major volcanic edifice, forming a stratovolcano in alternating explosive and effusive eruptions. The growth of the mountain was occasionally interrupted by major eruptions, leading to the collapse of the summit to form calderas.
From about 35,000 to 15,000 years ago, Etna experienced some highly explosive eruptions, generating large pyroclastic flows, which left extensive ignimbrite deposits. Ash from these eruptions has been found as far away as south of Rome's border, 800 km (497 mi) to the north.
Thousands of years ago, the eastern flank of the mountain experienced a catastrophic collapse, generating an enormous landslide in an event similar to that seen in the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens. The landslide left a large depression in the side of the volcano, known as 'Valle del Bove' (Valley of the Ox). Research published in 2006 suggested this occurred around 8000 years ago, and caused a huge tsunami, which left its mark in several places in the eastern Mediterranean. It may have been the reason the settlement of Atlit Yam (Israel), now below sea level, was suddenly abandoned around that time.
The steep walls of the valley have suffered subsequent collapses on numerous occasions. The strata exposed in the valley walls provide an important and easily accessible record of Etna's eruptive history.
The most recent collapse event at the summit of Etna is thought to have occurred about 2,000 years ago, forming what is known as the Piano Caldera. This caldera has been almost entirely filled by subsequent lava eruptions, but is still visible as a distinct break in the slope of the mountain near the base of the present-day summit cone.
Etna is one of Sicily's main tourist attractions, with thousands of visitors every year. 
- The most common route is through the road leading to Sapienza Refuge ski area, lying at the south of the crater at elevation of 1910 m. From the Refuge, a cableway runs uphill to an elevation of 2500 m, from where the crater area at 2920 m is accessible.
- Stage 9 of the 2011 Giro d'Italia finished at the Sapienza Refuge. Alberto Contador initially took the win, but he was later disqualified and the stage win passed onto Jose Rujano.
- Ferrovia Circumetnea – Round-Etna railway – is a narrow-gauge railway constructed between 1889 and 1895. It runs around the volcano in a 110-km long semi-circle starting in Catania and ending in Riposto 28 km north of Catania.
- There are two ski resorts on Etna: one at the Sapienza Refuge, with a chairlift and three ski lifts, and a smaller one on the north, at Piano Provenzana, with three lifts and a chairlift.

The painter 
Thomas Cole (1801– 848) was an American artist known for his landscape and history paintings. He is regarded as the founder of the Hudson River School, an American art movement that flourished in the mid-19th century. Cole's work is known for its romantic portrayal of the American wilderness.
In New York, Cole sold five paintings to George W. Bruen, who financed a summer trip to the Hudson Valley where the artist produced two Views of Coldspring, the Catskill Mountain House and painted famous Kaaterskill Falls and the ruins of Fort Putnam. Returning to New York, he displayed five landscapes in the window of William Colman's bookstore; according to the New York Evening Post Two Views of Coldspring were purchased by Mr. A. Seton, who lent them to the American Academy of the Fine Arts annual exhibition in 1826. This garnered Cole the attention of John Trumbull, Asher B. Durand, and William Dunlap. Among the paintings was a landscape called "View of Fort Ticonderoga from Gelyna". Trumbull was especially impressed with the work of the young artist and sought him out, bought one of his paintings, and put him into contact with a number of his wealthy friends including Robert Gilmor of Baltimore and Daniel Wadsworth of Hartford, who became important patrons of the artist.
Cole was primarily a painter of landscapes, but he also painted allegorical works. Cole influenced his artistic peers, especially Asher B. Durand and Frederic Edwin Church, who studied with Cole from 1844 to 1846. Cole spent the years 1829 to 1832 and 1841 to 1842 abroad, mainly in England and Italy.
Thomas Cole died at Catskill on February 11, 1848. The fourth highest peak in the Catskills is named Thomas Cole Mountain in his honor.