, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: FELIX VALOTTON (1865-1925)
Showing posts with label FELIX VALOTTON (1865-1925). Show all posts
Showing posts with label FELIX VALOTTON (1865-1925). Show all posts

Friday, June 23, 2023


FÉLIX VALOTTON (1865-1925) Le Baou de Saint-Jeannet  (802m) France (Provence)

FÉLIX VALOTTON (1865-1925)
Le Baou de Saint-Jeannet  (802m)
France (Provence)

In Paysage à Saint-Jeannet, Provence (1922)

La montagne
Le baou de Saint-Jeannet (802m) est une montagne ce qui signifie d'ailleurslocalement le nom baou. Il est situé dans les Préalpes de Grasse, sur le territoire de la commune de Saint-Jeannet, dans le département des Alpes-Maritimes. Le baou a la particularité d'être visible depuis une très large portion de la zone côtière de la région niçoise, et de présenter des falaises calcaires abruptes et largement reconnaissables, ce qui en fait un point de repère visuel typique de la région. C'est un lieu réputé pour la randonnée et pour l'escalade rocheuse, où de grands noms de ce sport se sont succédé. Ce territoire occupé par l'homme dès le Paléolithique, accrochant le regard, a par la suite inspiré de nombreux peintres, dès le 17e siècle. Le Baou est un site d'escalade renommé, avec 470 voies réparties sur 17 secteurs. Les cotations des voies vont du 3a au 8a+. L'escalade sur le Baou a commencé à se populariser durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. En effet, l'accès aux vallées du massif du Mercantour étant fermé, les alpinistes de la région niçoise s’entraînent sur le Baou. Il dispose de plusieurs secteurs équipés de voies de type « couenne », comme celui des Sources, de la Cagnes, ou encore les différents Ressaut. De plus, le baou est réputé pour toutes les grandes voies que l'on trouve sur la Grande Falaise. Ces grandes voies possèdent des équipements anciens, de type terrain d'aventure, donc à compléter par la cordée. On peut pratiquer de l'escalade sur de la fissure-dièdre, de la dalle, des colonnettes, et le Baou dispose de murs verticaux, tout comme de dévers, surplombs et même des toits. Au 21e siècle des voies d'ampleur continuent d'être ouvertes au baou, comme par exemple Petit toi mystérieux, ouverte en 2017 par Thomas Arfi, Stéphane Benoist et Benjamin Guigonnet. Une partie du secteur des Sources est sous surveillance depuis 2022 à la suite de l'effondrement d'un rocher d'une centaine de tonnes.

Le peintre
Félix Edouard Valotton était un peintre et graveur franco-suisse associé (à partir de 1892) aux Nabis, groupe de jeunes artistes qui comprenait Pierre Bonnard, Ker-Xavier Roussel, Maurice Denis et Edouard Vuillard, avec qui Vallotton devait former relation amicale. qui dura toute sa vie. Au cours des années 1890, alors que Vallotton était étroitement lié à l'avant-garde, ses peintures reflétaient le style de ses gravures sur bois, avec des aplats de couleur, des bords durs et une simplification des détails. Ses sujets comprenaient des scènes de genre, des portraits et des nus. Des exemples de son style nabi sont ces Baigneurs un soir d'été (1892-1893), aujourd'hui Kunsthaus de Zurich, ets on très symboliste Clair de lune (1895), au musée d'Orsay, Paris. Les peintures de Vallotton de la période post-nabi sont g appréciées pour leur véracité et leurs qualités techniques, bien que la sévérité du style soit fréquemment critiquée. Ainsi la réaction de ce critique qui, dans le numéro du 23 mars 1910 de la Neue Zurcher Zeitung, se plaint que Vallotton « peint comme un policier, comme quelqu'un dont le travail consiste simplement à saisir les formes et les couleurs. Tout grince avec une sécheresse intolérable. .. les couleurs manquent de gaieté." Avec son caractère intransigeant, son art préfigure la Nouvelle Objectivité qui s'épanouit en Allemagne dans les années 1920, et trouve un autre parallèle dans l'œuvre d'Edward Hopper.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Saturday, November 26, 2022


FELIX VALOTTON  (1865-1925) La Dent du Bourgo (1,908m) Suisse (Gruyère)  In La Dent du Bourgoz, aquarelle, 1905

FELIX VALOTTON  (1865-1925)
La Dent du Bourgo (1,908m)
Suisse (Gruyère)

In La Dent du Bourgoz, aquarelle, 1905 

La montagne
La Dent du Bourgo  ou du Bourgoz (1,908m) est un sommet des Préalpes fribourgeoises située en Suisse, dans le canton de Fribourg. La Dent du Bourgo culmine à l'est de Gruyères.  C'est la 3ème et dernière de la fourchette de l’Intyamon. La première étant la Dent de Broc et la deuxième la Dent du Chamoix.La Dent du Bourgo offre une  randonnée relativement facile d’un point de vue technique mais qui fait tout de même presque 6 km et 800 m de dénivelé. Il faut compter environ 2h30 pour arriver à son sommet. Depuis sa croix métallique, on peut admirer les deux autres dents ainsi qu’un petit coin du lac de la Gruyère.

Le peintre
Félix Edouard Vallotton était un peintre et graveur franco-suisse associé (à partir de 1892) aux Nabis, groupe de jeunes artistes qui comprenait Pierre Bonnard, Ker-Xavier Roussel, Maurice Denis et Edouard Vuillard, avec qui Vallotton devait former relation amicale. qui dura toute sa vie. Au cours des années 1890, alors que Vallotton était étroitement lié à l'avant-garde, ses peintures reflétaient le style de ses gravures sur bois, avec des aplats de couleur, des bords durs et une simplification des détails. Ses sujets comprenaient des scènes de genre, des portraits et des nus. Des exemples de son style nabi sont ces Baigneurs un soir d'été (1892-1893), aujorud'hui Kunsthaus de Zurich, ets on très  symboliste Clair de lune (1895), au musée d'Orsay, Paris. Les peintures de Vallotton de la période post-nabi sont g appréciées pour leur véracité et leurs qualités techniques, bien que  la sévérité du style soit fréquemment critiquée. Ainsi la réaction de ce critique qui, dans le numéro du 23 mars 1910 de la Neue Zurcher Zeitung, se plaint que Vallotton « peint comme un policier, comme quelqu'un dont le travail consiste simplement à saisir les formes et les couleurs. Tout grince avec une sécheresse intolérable. .. les couleurs manquent de gaieté." Avec son caractère intransigeant, son art préfigure la Nouvelle Objectivité qui s'épanouit en Allemagne dans les années 1920, et trouve un autre parallèle dans l'œuvre d'Edward Hopper.


2022 - Wandering Vertexes ....
            Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
            Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Monday, October 14, 2019


FELIX VALOTTON (1865-1925),
Rhone Glacier / Rhonegletscher (3,600/2,500m -

In Glacier du Rhône, woodcut, 1892

About the work
Those very famous woodcuts and  illustrations in black and white brings to the young Swiss painter Felix Valotton an international fame. In 1891, he literally renewed the art of xylography following the publication of an article by Albert Aurier, "Le Symbolisme en peinture", calling for an "idealistic" and decorative art, from which would be banished "Concrete truth, illusionism, trompe-l'oeil". The engravings that Valotton show in 1892 made such a sensation that he was invited to take part in various shows (Salon des artistes français, Salon des indépendants, Salon d'automne).
In the begining of 1892 Valotton engraved on wood a series of mountains from the French and Swiss Alps, which he exhibited at the first Salon de la Rose-Croix in 1892. They were immediately noticed by the Nabis, a group he rallied from 1893 to 1903 before making a long friendship with Édouard Vuillard.

The Glacier
The Rhône glacier (Rhonegletscher or Rottengletscher in German) is located at the north-eastern end of the canton of Valais in Switzerland. It gives birth to the Rhone, upstream of Gletsch, which flows then into the valley of Conches.
The Rhône glacier begins on the southwestern face of the Dammastock massif at an altitude of about 3,600 meters. The first 2,500 meters of the glacier consists of a firn, the Eggfirn, which undergoes a difference of 600 meters. At an altitude of 3,081 meters, the glacier is connected to the Trift Glacier by a small pass, the Undri Triftlimi. This other glacier flows north on the Bernese territory towards the Susten pass. The Rhône glacier then follows a gentler slope with a gradient of about 14% towards the south. It is bordered on the east by the Galenstock (3,586 m), and on the west by the Tieralplistock (3,383 m) and the Gärstenhörner Bar (3,189 m). The glacial tongue ends at an altitude of about 2,250 m1 and gives birth to the Rhone.

The Rhône glacier is one of the most studied glaciers in the Alps. In 1546, Sebastian Münster described it in his book Cosmographia Universalis5. The erratic blocks of the Swiss plateau with their imposing mass could not have been brought by the force of the water and it is this observation which pushed the scientists to take a closer interest in the alpine glaciers, thus establishing the bases of the glaciology. Louis Agassiz was one of the leading pioneers in the field and studied among others the Rhone glacier.
The first measurements on the Rhone glacier date back to 18746, thanks to the work of engineer Philipp Gosset. Since this year, the length, thickness of the ice and other observations are carefully recorded.  Its thickness decreases annually by 25 centimeters.

The painter 

Félix Edouard Vallotton was a Swiss/French painter and printmaker associated (from 1892) with Les Nabis, a group of young artists that included Pierre Bonnard, Ker-Xavier Roussel, Maurice Denis, and Edouard Vuillard, with whom Vallotton was to form a lifelong friendship. During the 1890s, when Vallotton was closely allied with the avant-garde, his paintings reflected the style of his woodcuts, with flat areas of color, hard edges, and simplification of detail. His subjects included genre scenes, portraits and nudes. Examples of his Nabi style are the deliberately awkward Bathers on a Summer Evening (1892–93), now in the Kunsthaus Zurich, and the symbolist Moonlight (1895), in the Musée d'Orsay, Paris.
Vallotton's paintings of the post-Nabi period found admirers, and were generally respected for their truthfulness and their technical qualities, but the severity of his style was frequently criticized. Typical is the reaction of the critic who, writing in the March 23, 1910 issue of Neue Zurcher Zeitung, complained that Vallotton "paints like a policeman, like someone whose job it is to catch forms and colors. Everything creaks with an intolerable dryness ... the colors lack all joyfulness."
In its uncompromising character his art prefigured the New Objectivity that flourished in Germany during the 1920s, and has a further parallel in the work of Edward Hopper.


2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


FELIX VALOTTON (1865-1925) 
Cervin / Matterhorn  (4,478m -14,691ft)
Switzerland - Italy border

About the work
Those very famous woodcuts and  illustrations in black and white brings to the young Swiss painter Felix Valotton an international fame. In 1891, he literally renewed the art of xylography following the publication of an article by Albert Aurier, "Le Symbolisme en peinture", calling for an "idealistic" and decorative art, from which would be banished "Concrete truth, illusionism, trompe-l'oeil". The engravings that Valotton show in 1892 made such a sensation that he was invited to take part in various shows (Salon des artistes français, Salon des indépendants, Salon d'automne).
In the begining of 1892 Valotton engraved on wood a series of mountains from the French and Swiss Alps, which he exhibited at the first Salon de la Rose-Croix in 1892. They were immediately noticed by the Nabis, a group he rallied from 1893 to 1903 before making a long friendship with Édouard Vuillard.

The mountain 
The  Mont Cervin (4,478m -14,691ft) also known as the Matterhorn is an alpine summit located on the Swiss-Italian border between the canton of Valais and the Aosta Valley in Switzerland. It has several other names: Cervino in Italian, Grand'Bèca in Arpitan, Matterhorn in German. The Cervin / Matterhorn is the most famous mountain in Switzerland, including the pyramidal shape that it offers from the village of Zermatt, in the German-speaking part of the canton of Valais.
Its four sides are joined about 400 meters below the summit in a summit pyramid, called "roof." Its summit is a broad ridge about two meters, on which stand actually two summits: one called "Swiss summit," the farther east, and the "Italian summit" slightly lower (4,476 meters), on the west side of the ridge. The two are separated by a notch in the hollow of which a cross was laid in September 1901.

The painter 
Félix Edouard Vallotton was a Swiss/French painter and printmaker associated (from 1892) with Les Nabis, a group of young artists that included Pierre Bonnard, Ker-Xavier Roussel, Maurice Denis, and Edouard Vuillard, with whom Vallotton was to form a lifelong friendship. During the 1890s, when Vallotton was closely allied with the avant-garde, his paintings reflected the style of his woodcuts, with flat areas of color, hard edges, and simplification of detail. His subjects included genre scenes, portraits and nudes. Examples of his Nabi style are the deliberately awkward Bathers on a Summer Evening (1892–93), now in the Kunsthaus Zurich, and the symbolist Moonlight (1895), in the Musée d'Orsay, Paris.
Vallotton's paintings of the post-Nabi period found admirers, and were generally respected for their truthfulness and their technical qualities, but the severity of his style was frequently criticized. Typical is the reaction of the critic who, writing in the March 23, 1910 issue of Neue Zurcher Zeitung, complained that Vallotton "paints like a policeman, like someone whose job it is to catch forms and colors. Everything creaks with an intolerable dryness ... the colors lack all joyfulness."
In its uncompromising character his art prefigured the New Objectivity that flourished in Germany during the 1920s, and has a further parallel in the work of Edward Hopper.


2018 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Friday, December 22, 2017


FELIX VALOTTON (1865-1925) 
Mont Vinaigre (618m - 2,027ft) 
France (Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur) 

1. In L’Estérel et la baie de Cannes, 1925, oil on canvas
2.  In L’Estérel et la baie de Cannes, 1925, oil on canvas (détail) 

The mountain 
This view of L'Esterel and the Baie de Cannes by  FELIX Valloton  allows to see a large part of the Massif of the Esterel and its seven summits :  Mont Vinaigre (618 m - 2,027 ft), Mont Suvières (558m - 1831ft), Sommet du Marsaou (548m -1,798ft), Pic de l'Ours (492m -1,614ft), Pic du Cap-Roux  (453m -1,486ft), the Saint-Pilon (442 m -1,450ft) and the Sommet Pelet (439m -1,440ft).
The Esterel Massif is a low altitude volcanic mountain range of 32,000 hectares located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. It covers the south-east of the Var, a small part located in the Alpes-Maritimes, France. Separated from the Moors by the valley of the Argens, the relief of the Esterel is shredded and deeply ravined. The massif extends over 320 km2 of which 130 km2 classified and protected. 60 km2 of state forest are maintained by the National Forestry Office.
The heart of the massif is protected by a decree of 1996. In the part of Alpes-Maritimes, a departmental park of 772 ha was created in 1997. It shelters a population of red deer, introduced in 1961. In the Var, a Biological reserve protects nearly 800 hectares. The massif is a site of the Natura 2000 network responsible for the preservation of nature in Europe.
Mount Vinaigre (Mount Vinagar) located in Frejus is the highest peak in the Massif de l' Esterel and was the hideout of robbers. Gaspard de Besse (1757-1781), which robbed travelers and tax agents in the 18th century, sheltered there. Mont Vinaigre was also the refuge of the convicts escaped from the jail in Toulon.Today, Mount Vinaigre is not completely accessible to the public It can be approached by taking  the road DN7 between Fréjus and Mandelieu-la-Napoule, 3 km before the crossing with the road D237. There, a paved DFCI trail could allow access to its summit but it ends 1 kilometer after the forest house of Malpey.  Only vehicles belonging to the French National Forestry Office or rescue vehicles are allowed to pass this point.

The painter 
Félix Edouard Vallotton was a Swiss/French painter and printmaker associated (from 1892) with Les Nabis, a group of young artists that included Pierre Bonnard, Ker-Xavier Roussel, Maurice Denis, and Edouard Vuillard, with whom Vallotton was to form a lifelong friendship. During the 1890s, when Vallotton was closely allied with the avant-garde, his paintings reflected the style of his woodcuts, with flat areas of color, hard edges, and simplification of detail. His subjects included genre scenes, portraits and nudes. Examples of his Nabi style are the deliberately awkward Bathers on a Summer Evening (1892–93), now in the Kunsthaus Zurich, and the symbolist Moonlight (1895), in the Musée d'Orsay, Paris.
In 1899 Vallotton married Gabrielle Rodrigues-Henriques, a wealthy young widow with three children, and in 1900 he attained French citizenship. Around 1899, his printmaking activity diminished as he concentrated on painting, developing a sober, often bitter realism independently of the artistic mainstream. His Portrait of Gertrude Stein (1907) was painted as an apparent response to Picasso's portrait of the previous year, and in The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas Stein described the very methodical way in which Vallotton painted it, working from top to bottom as if lowering a curtain across the canvas.
Vallotton's paintings of the post-Nabi period found admirers, and were generally respected for their truthfulness and their technical qualities, but the severity of his style was frequently criticized. Typical is the reaction of the critic who, writing in the March 23, 1910 issue of Neue Zurcher Zeitung, complained that Vallotton "paints like a policeman, like someone whose job it is to catch forms and colors. Everything creaks with an intolerable dryness ... the colors lack all joyfulness."
In its uncompromising character his art prefigured the New Objectivity that flourished in Germany during the 1920s, and has a further parallel in the work of Edward Hopper.
Vallotton responded in 1914 to the coming of the First World War by volunteering for the French army, but he was rejected because of his age.  In 1915–16 he returned to the medium of woodcut for the first time since 1901 to express his feelings for his adopted country in the series, This is War, his last prints. He subsequently spent three weeks on a tour of the Champagne front in 1917, on a commission from the Ministry of Fine Arts. The sketches he produced became the basis for a group of paintings, The Church of Souain in Silhouette among them, in which he recorded with cool detachment the ruined landscape.  In his last years Félix Vallotton concentrated especially on still lifes and on "composite landscapes", landscapes composed in the studio from memory and imagination. Always a prolific artist, by the end of his life he had completed over 1700 paintings and about 200 prints, in addition to hundreds of drawings and several sculptures.  He died on the day after his 60th birthday, following cancer surgery in Paris in 1925.
2017 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Sunday, September 24, 2017


FELIX VALOTTON  (1865-1925)
The Mont Blanc (4,808.13 m - 15,776.7 ft)
  France - Italy  border

1. In Mont Blanc, 1892, woodcut print,   
2. In  Le Mont Blanc, 1892, woodcut print,  Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam

About the works
Those very famous woodcuts and  illustrations in black and white brings to the young Swiss painter Felix Valotton an international fame. In 1891, he literally renewed the art of xylography following the publication of an article by Albert Aurier, "Le Symbolisme en peinture", calling for an "idealistic" and decorative art, from which would be banished "Concrete truth, illusionism, trompe-l'oeil". The engravings that Valotton show in 1892 made such a sensation that he was invited to take part in various shows (Salon des artistes français, Salon des indépendants, Salon d'automne).
In the begining of 1892 Valotton engraved on wood a series of mountains from the French and Swiss Alps, which he exhibited at the first Salon de la Rose-Croix in 1892. They were immediately noticed by the Nabis, a group he rallied from 1893 to 1903 before making a long friendship with Édouard Vuillard.

The mountain 
Mont Blanc (in French) or Monte Bianco (in Italian), both meaning "White Mountain", is the highest mountain in the Alps and the highest in Europe after the Caucasus peaks. It rises 4,808.73 m (15,777 ft) above sea level and is ranked 11th in the world in topographic prominence.  The Mont Blanc is one of the Seven Summit, which includes the highest mountains of each of the seven continents. Summiting all of them is regarded as a mountaineering challenge, first achieved on April 30, 1985 by Richard Bass.  The 7 highest summit, (which are obviously 8 with 2 in Europe !) are :  
Mount Everest (8,848m), Aconcagua (6,961m), Mt Denali or Mc Kinley (6,194m),  Kilimandjaro (5,895m), Mt Elbrus (5,642m), Mount Vinson (4,892m) and Mount Kosciuszko  (2,228m) in Australia.
The mountain lies in a range called the Graian Alps, between the regions of Aosta Valley, Italy, and Savoie and Haute-Savoie, France. The location of the summit is on the watershed line between the valleys of Ferret and Veny in Italy and the valleys of Montjoie, and Arve in France. The Mont Blanc massif is popular for mountaineering, hiking, skiing, and snowboarding.
The three towns and their communes which surround Mont Blanc are Courmayeur in Aosta Valley, Italy, and Saint-Gervais-les-Bains and Chamonix in Haute-Savoie, France.  A cable car ascends and crosses the mountain range from Courmayeur to Chamonix, through the Col du Géant. Constructed beginning in 1957 and completed in 1965, the 11.6 km (7¼ mi) Mont Blanc Tunnel runs beneath the mountain between these two countries and is one of the major trans-Alpine transport routes.
Since the French Revolution, the issue of the ownership of the summit has been debated. 
From 1416 to 1792, the entire mountain was within the Duchy of Savoy. In 1723 the Duke of Savoy, Victor Amadeus II, acquired the Kingdom of Sardinia. The resulting state of Sardinia was to become preeminent in the Italian unification.[ In September 1792, the French revolutionary Army of the Alps under Anne-Pierre de Montesquiou-Fézensac seized Savoy without much resistance and created a department of the Mont-Blanc. In a treaty of 15 May 1796, Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia was forced to cede Savoy and Nice to France. In article 4 of this treaty it says: "The border between the Sardinian kingdom and the departments of the French Republic will be established on a line determined by the most advanced points on the Piedmont side, of the summits, peaks of mountains and other locations subsequently mentioned, as well as the intermediary peaks, knowing: starting from the point where the borders of Faucigny, the Duchy of Aoust and the Valais, to the extremity of the glaciers or Monts-Maudits: first the peaks or plateaus of the Alps, to the rising edge of the Col-Mayor". This act further states that the border should be visible from the town of Chamonix and Courmayeur. However, neither the peak of the Mont Blanc is visible from Courmayeur nor the peak of the Mont Blanc de Courmayeur is visible from Chamonix because part of the mountains lower down obscure them. A Sardinian Atlas map of 1869 showing the summit lying two thirds in Italy and one third in France.
After the Napoleonic Wars, the Congress of Vienna restored the King of Sardinia in Savoy, Nice and Piedmont, his traditional territories, overruling the 1796 Treaty of Paris. Forty-five years later, after the Second Italian War of Independence, it was replaced by a new legal act. This act was signed in Turin on 24 March 1860 by Napoleon III and Victor Emmanuel II of Savoy, and deals with the annexation of Savoy (following the French neutrality for the plebiscites held in Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna to join the Kingdom of Sardinia, against the Pope's will). A demarcation agreement, signed on 7 March 1861, defines the new border. With the formation of Italy, for the first time Mont Blanc is located on the border of France and Italy.
The 1860 act and attached maps are still legally valid for both the French and Italian governments. One of the prints from the 1823 Sarde Atlas  positions the border exactly on the summit edge of the mountain (and measures it to be 4,804 m (15,761 ft) high). The convention of 7 March 1861 recognises this through an attached map, taking into consideration the limits of the massif, and drawing the border on the icecap of Mont Blanc, making it both French and Italian.Watershed analysis of modern topographic mapping not only places the main summit on the border, but also suggests that the border should follow a line northwards from the main summit towards Mont Maudit, leaving the southeast ridge to Mont Blanc de Courmayeur wholly within Italy.
Although the Franco-Italian border was redefined in both 1947 and 1963, the commission made up of both Italians and French ignored the Mont Blanc issue. In the early 21st century, administration of the mountain is shared between the Italian town of Courmayeur and the French town of Saint-Gervais-les-Bains, although the larger part of the mountain lies within the commune of the latter.

The painter 
Félix Edouard Vallotton was a Swiss/French painter and printmaker associated (from 1892) with Les Nabis, a group of young artists that included Pierre Bonnard, Ker-Xavier Roussel, Maurice Denis, and Edouard Vuillard, with whom Vallotton was to form a lifelong friendship. During the 1890s, when Vallotton was closely allied with the avant-garde, his paintings reflected the style of his woodcuts, with flat areas of color, hard edges, and simplification of detail. His subjects included genre scenes, portraits and nudes. Examples of his Nabi style are the deliberately awkward Bathers on a Summer Evening (1892–93), now in the Kunsthaus Zurich, and the symbolist Moonlight (1895), in the Musée d'Orsay, Paris.
In 1899 Vallotton married Gabrielle Rodrigues-Henriques, a wealthy young widow with three children, and in 1900 he attained French citizenship. Around 1899, his printmaking activity diminished as he concentrated on painting, developing a sober, often bitter realism independently of the artistic mainstream. His Portrait of Gertrude Stein (1907) was painted as an apparent response to Picasso's portrait of the previous year, and in The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas Stein described the very methodical way in which Vallotton painted it, working from top to bottom as if lowering a curtain across the canvas.
Vallotton's paintings of the post-Nabi period found admirers, and were generally respected for their truthfulness and their technical qualities, but the severity of his style was frequently criticized. Typical is the reaction of the critic who, writing in the March 23, 1910 issue of Neue Zurcher Zeitung, complained that Vallotton "paints like a policeman, like someone whose job it is to catch forms and colors. Everything creaks with an intolerable dryness ... the colors lack all joyfulness."
In its uncompromising character his art prefigured the New Objectivity that flourished in Germany during the 1920s, and has a further parallel in the work of Edward Hopper.
Vallotton responded in 1914 to the coming of the First World War by volunteering for the French army, but he was rejected because of his age.  In 1915–16 he returned to the medium of woodcut for the first time since 1901 to express his feelings for his adopted country in the series, This is War, his last prints. He subsequently spent three weeks on a tour of the Champagne front in 1917, on a commission from the Ministry of Fine Arts. The sketches he produced became the basis for a group of paintings, The Church of Souain in Silhouette among them, in which he recorded with cool detachment the ruined landscape.  In his last years Félix Vallotton concentrated especially on still lifes and on "composite landscapes", landscapes composed in the studio from memory and imagination. Always a prolific artist, by the end of his life he had completed over 1700 paintings and about 200 prints, in addition to hundreds of drawings and several sculptures.  He died on the day after his 60th birthday, following cancer surgery in Paris in 1925.

2017 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Thursday, June 8, 2017


FELIX VALOTTON  (1865-1925)  
Les Dents du Midi (3,114 m to 3,257 m -10,216 ft to10,685 ft) 

 In Les Dents du Midi, 1919, Oil on canvas, Private collection 

The mountain 
The Dents du Midi (Teeth of the south) (3,114 m to 3,257 m -10,216 ft to10,685 ft) are a mountain range, 3 kilometers long, located in the Chablais Alps in the canton of Valais in Switzerland. Overlooking the valley of Illiez and Rhône Valley on south, they face the lake Salanfe, an artificial reservoir, and are part of the geological whole massif Giffre.
The name "Dents du Midi" is recent. The people formerly called them "Dents Tsallen". It was only towards the end of the19e century that the name "Dents du Midi" came officially.
Each « tooth » had several names over the centuries and according to its geological evolution.
- The "Cime de l'Est" (3178 meters) called "Mont Novierre" before the mid-17th century, and "Mont Saint-Michel "after landslides in 1635 and 1636 and finally "Dent Noire" (until the 19th century).
- The "Dent Jaune" (3186 m) was called the "Dent Rouge" until 1879.
- The "Doigt de Champéry" (in 1882) and then the Doigt Salanfe (in 1886) turned just into "Les Doigts" (Fingers) (3205 m and 3210 m).
- The  "Haute Cime" (3257 m) also had many names : "Dent de l’Ouest" (until 1784)an then "Dent du Midi", "Dent de Tsallen" and "Dent de Challent."
- As for l’Eperon (3114 m) (The Spur), it is assumed that there were two peaks but a landslide in the Middle Ages significantly changed its crest.
- The Forteresse (3164 m) and the Cathedral (3160 m) have not changed names.
The evolution of this massif continues nowadays. So on the morning of 30 October 2006, a volume of 1 million m3 of rock broke away from the edge of the Haute Cime and slid down the slope to an altitude of about 3000 m. The event did not present danger to the nearby village of Val-d'Illiez but roads and trails were closed for security reasons. According to the cantonal geologist, the landslide was caused by the thawing of rocks, helped by warm summers of recent years.
More about Les Dents du Midi 

The painter 
Félix Edouard Vallotton (December 28, 1865 – December 29, 1925) was a Swiss/French painter and printmaker associated (from 1892) with Les Nabis, a group of young artists that included Pierre Bonnard, Ker-Xavier Roussel, Maurice Denis, and Edouard Vuillard, with whom Vallotton was to form a lifelong friendship. During the 1890s, when Vallotton was closely allied with the avant-garde, his paintings reflected the style of his woodcuts, with flat areas of color, hard edges, and simplification of detail. His subjects included genre scenes, portraits and nudes. Examples of his Nabi style are the deliberately awkward Bathers on a Summer Evening (1892–93), now in the Kunsthaus Zurich, and the symbolist Moonlight (1895), in the Musée d'Orsay, Paris.
In 1899 Vallotton married Gabrielle Rodrigues-Henriques, a wealthy young widow with three children, and in 1900 he attained French citizenship. Around 1899, his printmaking activity diminished as he concentrated on painting, developing a sober, often bitter realism independently of the artistic mainstream. His Portrait of Gertrude Stein (1907) was painted as an apparent response to Picasso's portrait of the previous year, and in The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas Stein described the very methodical way in which Vallotton painted it, working from top to bottom as if lowering a curtain across the canvas.
Vallotton's paintings of the post-Nabi period found admirers, and were generally respected for their truthfulness and their technical qualities, but the severity of his style was frequently criticized. Typical is the reaction of the critic who, writing in the March 23, 1910 issue of Neue Zurcher Zeitung, complained that Vallotton "paints like a policeman, like someone whose job it is to catch forms and colors. Everything creaks with an intolerable dryness ... the colors lack all joyfulness."
In its uncompromising character his art prefigured the New Objectivity that flourished in Germany during the 1920s, and has a further parallel in the work of Edward Hopper.
Vallotton responded in 1914 to the coming of the First World War by volunteering for the French army, but he was rejected because of his age.  In 1915–16 he returned to the medium of woodcut for the first time since 1901 to express his feelings for his adopted country in the series, This is War, his last prints. He subsequently spent three weeks on a tour of the Champagne front in 1917, on a commission from the Ministry of Fine Arts. The sketches he produced became the basis for a group of paintings, The Church of Souain in Silhouette among them, in which he recorded with cool detachment the ruined landscape.  In his last years Félix Vallotton concentrated especially on still lifes and on "composite landscapes", landscapes composed in the studio from memory and imagination. Always a prolific artist, by the end of his life he had completed over 1700 paintings and about 200 prints, in addition to hundreds of drawings and several sculptures.  He died on the day after his 60th birthday, following cancer surgery in Paris in 1925.

2017 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau