, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: MASSIFS
Showing posts with label MASSIFS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MASSIFS. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2024


HENRI MATISSE (1869-1954) Falaise de la Mauresque ( 50m) France ( Pyrénées)

HENRI MATISSE (1869-1954)
Falaise de La Mauresque (50m)
France ( Pyrénées)

In Les Toits de Collioure c.1905 huile sur toile , 59.5 x 73 cm
Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersbourg, Russie
Le relief  
La Falaises de la Mauresque  et de la Miranda (50m) se situe sur la côte Vermeille. Elle occupe 20 hectares au nord de la commune de Port-Vendres, au nord-ouest de Collioures. Les falaises schisteuses sont marquées par deux anses, l'anse d'en Baux abrite une plage, et l'anse de la Mauresque , reste rocheuse. Celles-ci sont séparées par un promontoire rocheux : le cap Gros. Les replats sommitaux des falaises situés à une altitude d'environ 50 m sont occupés par des milieux xériques ouverts de type pelouses et maquis. Au sein d'un territoire subissant une forte artificialisation, l'urbanisation intense et la fréquentation humaine envahissent l'environnement immédiat. Les limites sont ainsi matérialisées par l'urbanisation au sud, et par le trait de côte sur la façade maritime.
Le peintre
Henri Matisse est un peintre, dessinateur, graveur et sculpteur français. Figure majeure du xxe siècle, son influence sur l'art de la seconde partie de ce siècle est considérable par l'utilisation de la simplification, de la stylisation, de la synthèse et de la couleur comme seul sujet de la peinture, aussi bien pour les nombreux peintres figuratifs qu'abstraits qui se réclameront de lui et de ses découvertes. Il fut le chef de file du fauvisme. Célèbre et célébré de son vivant, Matisse aura une influence prépondérante sur la peinture américaine, et en particulier sur l'École de New York, Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman, Motherwell, mais aussi en Allemagne, au travers des élèves de son académie, Marg Moll, Oskar Moll, Hans Purrmann…Il était ami avec Pablo Picasso, qui le considérait comme son grand rival. Cette amitié, mélange d'admiration mutuelle et de rivalité est le sujet du tableau Don Pablo danse un huayno sous le regard étonné de Matisse du peintre péruvien Herman Braun-Vega.
À la première école de New York, emmené par les deux critiques Harold Rosenbe et Clement Greenberg, il convient d'ajouter la seconde école de New York avec des figures comme Frank Stella et le mouvement que Greenberg définit comme la Post-Painterly-Abstraction, le Colorfield Painting (Morris Louis, Helen Frankenthaler, Sam Francis, Jules Olitskix), ou encore le hard edge (Kenneth Noland, Mary Pinchot Meyer…). Mais également les peintres du Pop Art, dont Warhol qui déclare, en 1956 : « Je veux être Matisse», ou Tom Wesselmann, Roy Lichtenstein, qui feront d'amples citations du peintre français. En France, l'influence de Matisse se retrouve chez les peintres de Supports/Surfaces, et dans les textes théoriques du critique Marcelin Pleynet, comme Système de la peinture.
En 2015, une étude menée à l'European Synchrotron Radiation Facility de Grenoble révèle au monde de l'art que le sulfure de cadmium connu aussi comme étant le pigment jaune de cadmium utilisé par Matisse est sujet à un processus d'oxydation lors d'une exposition à la lumière, se transformant alors en sulfate de cadmium très soluble dans l'eau et surtout incolore. 

2024 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau   

Monday, July 1, 2024


LAURENCE WILLIAM WILSON (1851-1912) Mitre Peak/ Rahotu Nouvelle Zélande  In Aquarelle de Milford Sounds pour une série de Cartes postales d'art, New Zealand Posycard Society

Mitre Peak/ Rahotu (1,683m - 5,522 ft)
Nouvelle Zélande

In Aquarelle de Milford Sounds pour une série de Cartes postales d'art, New Zealand Posycard Society 

La montagne
Mitre Peak/ Rahotu (1,683m - 5,522 ft) est une montagne emblématique de l'île du Sud de la Nouvelle-Zélande, située sur les rives du Milford Sound. C'est l'un des sommets les plus photographiés du pays. La forme specifique du sommet du sud de la Nouvelle-Zélande donne son nom à la montagne, d'après la mitre des évêques chrétiens. Il a été nommé par le capitaine John Lort Stokes du HMS Achéron.
Une partie de la raison de son statut emblématique est son emplacement. Près des rives de Milford Sound, dans le parc national de Fiordland, au sud-ouest de l'île du Sud, c'est un spectacle époustouflant. La montagne s'élève presque verticalement depuis les eaux de Milford Sound, qui techniquement est un fjord.
Le pic est en fait un ensemble étroitement regroupé de cinq sommets, Mitre Peak n'étant même pas le plus haut, mais depuis les points de vue les plus facilement accessibles, Mitre Peak apparaît comme un seul point.
Milford Sound fait partie de Te Wahipounamu, un site du patrimoine mondial déclaré par l'UNESCO.
Le seul accès routier à Milford Sound se fait via la State Highway 94, en soi l'une des routes les plus pittoresques de Nouvelle-Zélande.

Le peintre
Laurence William Wilson émigre à Auckland en 1877, puis voyage beaucoup pour s'installer à Dunedin en 1884. Il peint à la fois à l'huile et à l'aquarelle. Il est le disciple de George O'Brien et devient enseignant. L'un de ses élèves était l'artiste de Dunedin Alfred O'Keefe. En 1895, LW Wilson avec Grace Joel, Alfred O'Keefe, Jane Wimperis et Girolami Nerli formèrent le Easel Club, une scission de l'établissement de Dunedin, qui proposait un programme de cours spéciaux et l'introduction d'un modèle professionnel pour le dessin d'après modèle.  En 1904, LW Wilson quitta Dunedin pour Melbourne où il passa 5 mois sur une peinture commandée par la ville avant de partir pour l'Angleterre, pour finalement retourner en Nouvelle-Zélande via l'Inde et l'Afrique. Il a exposé à la Canterbury Society of Arts en 1882 et à l'Otago Art Society entre 1994 et 1904. Son travail a été inclus à l'exposition NZ and South Seas de Dunedin 1889-90 et à l'exposition de St Louis en 1904. LW Wilson est présent dans les collections de toutes les principales galeries publiques de Nouvelle-Zélande.

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2024 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau   

Thursday, June 20, 2024


VSEVOLOD BAZHENOV (1909-1986) Monts Sarawat (3 666m) Jordanie - Arabie saoudite - Yémen  In Arabian coast, Huile sur toile, 1962


Monts Sarawat (3 666m)
Jordanie - Arabie saoudite - Yémen

In Arabian coast, Huile sur toile, 1962

Les montagnes
Les monts Sarawat, Al-Sarawat ou encore Sarat constituent une chaîne de montagnes parallèle à la mer Rouge et représentent une des plus importantes caractéristiques géographiques de la péninsule arabique.
La chaîne s'amorce au nord à la frontière jordanienne et se poursuit au sud jusqu'au golfe d'Aden. La moitié nord de la chaîne, connue sous le nom de Sarat al-Hejaz, s'élève rarement au-dessus de 2 100 mètres, tandis que les sections centrales et méridionales (Sarat 'Asir et Sarat al-Yemen) peuvent dépasser 3 000 mètres d'altitude, comme au Yémen, les Jabal an Nabi Shu'ayb et Jabal al Qullah.
Le versant occidental se traduit par des pentes très abruptes près de la mer Rouge tandis que la face orientale de la chaîne présente des pentes plus douces coupées de cours d'eau (oueds) et propices à l'agriculture, plus particulièrement dans les extrémités méridionales des monts Sarawat, plus exposées aux moussons de l'océan Indien.
Cette chaîne est la plus vaste de la péninsule d'Arabie, avec son point culminant situé au Yémen, le Jabal an Nabi Shu'aybe. Ces montagnes sont principalement rocheuses et peuvent abriter quelquefois des zones à couverture végétale, à la différence de l'Atlas marocain, plus sec.
Géologiquement les monts Sarawat font partie du plateau arabique et sont surtout recouverts de roches volcaniques. La manifestation géologique de ces roches volcaniques est marquée par la présence de grands champs de lave, nommés harrat (parmi eux le Harrat Khaybar, près de Médine, ou le Harra es Sawad, au Yémen, dans le gouvernorat d'Abyan). Certains sommets sont de formation assez récente et d'aspect découpé, mais d'autres ont été usés par l'érosion.

Le peintre
Vsevolod Andreevich Bajenov (Все́волод Андре́евич Баже́нов) était un peintre soviétique et russe qui vivait et travaillait à St Petersbourg. Il était membre de la branche de Léningrad de l'Union des artistes de la Fédération de Russie et considéré comme l'un des représentants de l'école de peinture de Léningrad, la plus célèbre pour ses peintures de paysages.
En 1962, Bajenov entreprit un voyage de travail à bord du navire « Eugene Nikishin », naviguant de Leningrad à Vladivostok et autour de l'Europe et de l'Asie avec des escales dans les ports de Gibraltar, Suez, Singapour et le Vietnam. Au cours du voyage, qui l'a conduit à travers onze mers et océans et qui a duré plus de trois mois, Bajenov a créé près de deux cents croquis, peintures et dessins. Ses croquis de la nature et ses impressions directes du voyage ont conduit à des œuvres plus grandes, achevées plus tard dans son atelier d'art de Leningrad. Après son retour en 1963, environ 120 œuvres de cette série de croquis et de peintures furent d'abord exposées à Leningrad, puis dans d'autres villes.
Ses expositions personnelles ont eu lieu à Leningrad (1963, 1982) et à Saint-Pétersbourg (1994, 2009). Ses peintures se trouvent au Musée d'État russe, dans des musées d'art et dans des collections privées en Russie, au Japon, en France, en Angleterre, aux États-Unis, en Chine et dans le monde entier. 


2024 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau 


Saturday, May 25, 2024


HENRI MATISSE (1869- 1954) L'Aiguille verte (4122m) France (Alpes)   In Les Aiguilles Vertes à la Croix Javernaz, huile sur toile,

HENRI MATISSE (1869- 1954)
L'Aiguille verte (4122m)
France (Alpes)

 In Les Aiguilles Vertes à la Croix Javernaz, huile sur toile,

La montagne
L'aiguille Verte (4122m) est un sommet du massif du Mont-Blanc, en Haute-Savoie. Elle fait partie des 82 sommets de plus de 4 000 mètres recensés dans les Alpes. Cette vaste montagne, d'accès difficile et longtemps invaincue, s'articule en trois versants :le versant sud, où se développe notamment sa voie d'ascension normale, le couloir Whymper. L'accès se fait par le refuge du couvercle (2 867 mètres). La descente par cette voie est périlleuse et suppose de tenir un horaire serré (redescendre avant que le couloir ne soit trop exposé au soleil) et d'excellentes conditions de neige et de glace ; une ligne de rappel récemment mise en place permet actuellement une descente moins risquée ; le versant Nant-Blanc, qui domine la vallée de Chamonix ; le versant nord ou versant Argentière, où l'on remarque en particulier le couloir Couturier, long toboggan de neige et de glace de plus de mille mètres de hauteur alimenté par les chutes de sérac du glacier de la Verte. En contrebas et entre ces deux versants se situe la station de ski des Grands Montets.

Le peintre

Henri Matisse est un peintre, dessinateur, graveur et sculpteur français. Figure majeure du xxe siècle, son influence sur l'art de la seconde partie de ce siècle est considérable par l'utilisation de la simplification, de la stylisation, de la synthèse et de la couleur comme seul sujet de la peinture, aussi bien pour les nombreux peintres figuratifs qu'abstraits qui se réclameront de lui et de ses découvertes. Il fut le chef de file du fauvisme. Célèbre et célébré de son vivant, Matisse aura une influence prépondérante sur la peinture américaine, et en particulier sur l'École de New York, Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman, Motherwell, mais aussi en Allemagne, au travers des élèves de son académie, Marg Moll, Oskar Moll, Hans Purrmann…Il était ami avec Pablo Picasso, qui le considérait comme son grand rival. Cette amitié, mélange d'admiration mutuelle et de rivalité est le sujet du tableau Don Pablo danse un huayno sous le regard étonné de Matisse du peintre péruvien Herman Braun-Vega.
À la première école de New York, emmené par les deux critiques Harold Rosenbe et Clement Greenberg, il convient d'ajouter la seconde école de New York avec des figures comme Frank Stella et le mouvement que Greenberg définit comme la Post-Painterly-Abstraction, le Colorfield Painting (Morris Louis, Helen Frankenthaler, Sam Francis, Jules Olitskix), ou encore le hard edge (Kenneth Noland, Mary Pinchot Meyer…). Mais également les peintres du Pop Art, dont Warhol qui déclare, en 1956 : « Je veux être Matisse», ou Tom Wesselmann, Roy Lichtenstein, qui feront d'amples citations du peintre français. En France, l'influence de Matisse se retrouve chez les peintres de Supports/Surfaces, et dans les textes théoriques du critique Marcelin Pleynet, comme Système de la peinture.
En 2015, une étude menée à l'European Synchrotron Radiation Facility de Grenoble révèle au monde de l'art que le sulfure de cadmium connu aussi comme étant le pigment jaune de cadmium utilisé par Matisse est sujet à un processus d'oxydation lors d'une exposition à la lumière, se transformant alors en sulfate de cadmium très soluble dans l'eau et surtout incolore.


2024 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture...

Tuesday, October 3, 2023


HENRI MATISSE (1869-1954) Col de Mollo (231m) France (Pyrénées)  In Montagnes à Collioure, aquarelle sur papier 20.6 x 26 cm, Collection privée

HENRI MATISSE (1869-1954)
Col de Mollo (231m)
France (Pyrénées)

In Montagnes à Collioure, aquarelle sur papier 20.6 x 26 cm, Collection privée

A propos de cette œuvre
Elle fut réalisée en 1905 alors que Henri Matisse travaillait au port de pêche de Collioure avec André Derain qui en profita pour peindre sa célèbre toile actuellement à la National Gallery of Art de Washington, D.C., Montagnes à Collioure.

La montagne
Le col de Mollo (231m) est un col des Pyrénées situé sur le versant nord du massif des Albères, à la frontière entre les territoires de Collioure et Port-Vendres, dans les Pyrénées-Orientales, au croisement de la route départementale D 86 et de deux routes communales. Le nom catalan de Molló est fréquent dans les Pyrénées-Orientales : on le rencontre à Mosset, à Serdinya, à Saint-Marsal et, bien sûr, dans le nom même de Prats-de-Mollo, qui fait référence au village voisin en Catalogne de Molló. Son origine se trouve sans doute dans le terme latin Mutulus, désignant une pierre en saillie, et par extension une borne. Celui-ci a évolué en latin populaire vers Mutulione, puis progressivement vers le catalan par Mutlione (chute du u atone), puis Mollone à l'époque romane, pour arriver enfin à Molló, par chute du n final en ayant pour effet de laisser un o acentué. Un Pogium Mulionem (en forme moderne : Puig Molló) est mentionné au xe siècle : cette petite montagne devait sans doute délimiter le territoire de Collioure. Seul subsiste aujourd'hui le nom du col. Le massif des Albères--est un massif de montagnes qui constitue la partie la plus orientale des Pyrénées. Le massif des Albères est délimité à l'ouest par le col du Perthus et la rivière de Rome, qui le séparent du massif des Salines, à l'est par la mer Méditerranée entre Argelès-sur-Mer en France et Port-Bou et Llançà en Espagne. Les Albères dominent la basse vallée du Tech et la plaine du Roussillon au nord et la plaine de l'Empordà au sud. Les montagnes de la rive droite du Tech, à l'ouest, la délimitation est incertaine et presque impossible à déterminer. Au sud, le massif du Cap de Creus, est parfois considéré comme faisant partie des Albères. L'arête sommitale des Albères permet de délimiter la frontière entre la France et l'Espagne. Ainsi, le massif fait géographiquement partie des Pyrénées. Administrativement, il se trouve sur le département des Pyrénées-Orientales en France, et dans la province de Gérone en Catalogne (Espagne).

Le peintre

 Henri Matisse est un peintre, dessinateur, graveur et sculpteur français. Figure majeure du xxe siècle, son influence sur l'art de la seconde partie de ce siècle est considérable par l'utilisation de la simplification, de la stylisation, de la synthèse et de la couleur comme seul sujet de la peinture, aussi bien pour les nombreux peintres figuratifs qu'abstraits qui se réclameront de lui et de ses découvertes. Il fut le chef de file du fauvisme. Célèbre et célébré de son vivant, Matisse aura une influence prépondérante sur la peinture américaine, et en particulier sur l'École de New York, Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman, Motherwell, mais aussi en Allemagne, au travers des élèves de son académie, Marg Moll, Oskar Moll, Hans Purrmann…Il était ami avec Pablo Picasso, qui le considérait comme son grand rival. Cette amitié, mélange d'admiration mutuelle et de rivalité est le sujet du tableau Don Pablo danse un huayno sous le regard étonné de Matisse du peintre péruvien Herman Braun-Vega.
À la première école de New York, emmené par les deux critiques Harold Rosenbe et Clement Greenberg, il convient d'ajouter la seconde école de New York avec des figures comme Frank Stella et le mouvement que Greenberg définit comme la Post-Painterly-Abstraction, le Colorfield Painting (Morris Louis, Helen Frankenthaler, Sam Francis, Jules Olitskix), ou encore le hard edge (Kenneth Noland, Mary Pinchot Meyer…). Mais également les peintres du Pop Art, dont Warhol qui déclare, en 1956 : « Je veux être Matisse», ou Tom Wesselmann, Roy Lichtenstein, qui feront d'amples citations du peintre français. En France, l'influence de Matisse se retrouve chez les peintres de Supports/Surfaces, et dans les textes théoriques du critique Marcelin Pleynet, comme Système de la peinture.
En 2015, une étude menée à l'European Synchrotron Radiation Facility de Grenoble révèle au monde de l'art que le sulfure de cadmium connu aussi comme étant le pigment jaune de cadmium utilisé par Matisse est sujet à un processus d'oxydation lors d'une exposition à la lumière, se transformant alors en sulfate de cadmium très soluble dans l'eau et surtout incolore.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Gravir les montagnes en peinture...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau 

Sunday, January 1, 2023


HUSAYN KASHIFI (mort en 1504-1505) Qash-Mastan, (4,409 m- 14, 465 ft) Iran  In The Anvār-i Suhaylī or Lights of Canopus, 1847, The Walters Art Museum

HUSAYN KASHIFI (mort en 1504-1505)
Qash-Mastan, (4,409 m- 14, 465 ft)

In The Anvār-i Suhaylī or Lights of Canopus, 1847, The Walters Art Museum


La montagne
Le Qash-Mastan (4,409 m- 14, 465 ft)  est le plus haut  sommet du massif des monts Zagros en Iran situé au carrefour des provinces de Kohkiluyeh et Buyer Ahmad, d'Ispahan et de Chahar Mahaal et Bakhtiari. Les monts Zagros sont eux-mêmes situés dans le massif du  Dena qui compte  plus de 40 sommets dépassant 4 000 mètres. Le 18 février 2018, le vol 3704 de la compagnie Iran Aseman s’écrasa dans le Dena1, tuant les 65 passagers à bord.

Kamāl al-Dīn Ḥusayn ibn Alī Kashifi, plus simplement connu sous le nom de Husayn Kashifi, était un poète perse prolifique,  un exégète du Coran, érudit soufi et  astronome de l'ère timouride. Kashifi était son nom de plume, tandis que son nom de famille al-Wāʿiẓ ("le prédicateur") decrivait plutôt son occupation professionnelle. Il a passé la majeure partie de sa carrière à Herat, où ses activités universitaires ont été soutenues par Ali-Shir Nava'i, le Grand  Vizir de la cour timuride sous le règne du sultan Husayn Bayqara,  Il était également très proche du célèbre poète persan et soufi, Nur al-Din 'Abd al-Rahman Jami. Ses œuvres célèbres incluent Akhlaq-e Mohseni et Anwar-e Sohaili (ci-dessus)un livre de fables en prose persane.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
            Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
            Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Saturday, September 25, 2021


John Minton (1917-1957) Monte Rotondo (2,622 m -8,602 ft) France (Corse)  In Corte, Corsica, ink on paper,  1947, 40 x 24,3cm, Tate 
John Minton (1917-1957)
Monte Rotondo (2,622 m -8,602 ft)
France (Corse)

In Corte, Corsica, ink on paper,  1947, 40 x 24,3cm, Tate

About this work 
Minton visited Corsica in the late summer of 1947 with Alan Ross in connexion with their book Time was away, published by John Lehmann the following year; Minton did the illustrations, Ross the text. A group of Minton's drawings of views in Corsica was exhibited at the Lefevre Gallery in February 1949.

The mountain
Monte Rotondo (2,622 m - 8, 602 ft) visible from the town of Corte , Corsica (France) is the highest point of the second highest massif in the island ahead of those of Monte Renoso and Monte Incudine. It is located in the center of the island between the pits of Talcini, Venaco, Rogna and Sorroinsù. The summit overlooks, among others, Lake Bettaniella (on the south face), Lake Oriente and Lake Galiera (on the north face). Its main peaks are Monte Rotondo, Maniccia, Monte Cardo, Monte d'Oro, Punta Artica and Punta alle Porte.
l has long been considered the highest point on the island and was assigned an altitude of 2,746 meters. It has only been dethroned on the shelves by Monte Cinto for about a century. In 1802, André François Miot, Councilor of State appointed in Corsica by Bonaparte was the first to make the “tourist” ascent to the summit. With two other Corsican peaks, Monte Cinto and Monte Stello, Monte Rotondo served at the geodesic junction between Corsica and mainland France made by Paul Helbronner in 1925. The establishment of facilities such as the shelter have allowed the summit to be occupied for 14 days.

The artist
Francis John Minton was an English painter, illustrator, stage designer and teacher. After studying in France, he became a teacher in London, and at the same time maintained a consistently large output of works. In addition to landscapes, portraits and other paintings, some of them on an unusually large scale, he built up a reputation as an illustrator of books. In the mid-1950s, Minton found himself out of sympathy with the abstract trend that was then becoming fashionable, and felt increasingly sidelined. He suffered psychological problems, self-medicated with alcohol, and in 1957 died by suicide. In the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography's entry on Minton, Michael Middleton writes:
"Minton is often seen as an illustrator rather than a painter. He certainly extended and enriched the English graphic tradition. In all his varied output, however, may be sensed an elegiac awareness of the evanescence of physical beauty that is entirely personal. His work is to be found in the Tate collection, and many public and private collections at home and abroad. A retrospective exhibition of 1994, curated by his biographer, Frances Spalding, provided a convincing reminder of the range of his gifts. For the historian he must remain a potent symbol of his period."

2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Saturday, November 28, 2020


Wick Mountains (993 m - 3,259 ft)
New Zealand

In Wick Mountains upper Arthur River, watercolor,  TePapa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand

The mountains
The Wick Mountains lie between the Arthur, Cleddau, and Clinton Valleys. This includes the peaks on the west of the Cleddau Valley, from Mt Moir to Sheerdown Peak. That is where they are provisionally placed on this site. The peaks near Homer Saddle – Mt Moir, Moir’s Mate, and the Mateʻs Little Brother – contain a wealth of classic rock routes on amazing diorite. The close proximity of this region to the road makes the routes accessible as day climbs from Homer Hut. Many routes lie on north to west faces, receiving their first rays of sun in the late morning.

The painter
Laurence William Wilson emigrated to Auckland in 1877 and then travelled extensively to settle in Dunedin in 1884. He painted in both oils and watercolours, became a painting companion of George O'Brien and a teacher. One of his pupils was the Dunedin artist Alfred O'Keefe. In 1895, LW Wilson together with Grace Joel, Alfred O'Keefe, Jane Wimperis and Girolami Nerli formed the Easel Club , a breakaway from the Dunedin Establishment, which offered a programme of special classes and the introduction of a professional lady model for life drawing. In 1904 LW Wilson left Dunedin for Melbourne where he spent 5 months on a commissioned painting of the city before he set out for England, eventually returning to New Zealand via India and Africa. He exhibited with the Canterbury Society of Arts in 1882 and the Otago Art Society between 1994 and 1904. His work was included in the NZ and South Seas Exhibition Dunedin 1889-90 and at the St Louis Exposition in 1904. LW Wilson is represented in the collections of all the major public galleries in New Zealand.


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, August 26, 2020



WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010)
Mount Shandizou ( 5,596 m -18,360 ft)

 In Yulong Mountain  under moonlight, Ink on paper, Christie's Hong Kong 

The mountain
Shandizou ( 5,596 m -18,360 ft)  is the highest peak in the  Yùlóng Xuěshān also called  Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, a mountain massif or small mountain range in Yulong Naxi Autonomous County, Lijiang, in Yunnan province, China. The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain massif forms the bulk of the larger Yulong Mountains, that stretch further north. The northwestern flank of the massif forms one side of the Tiger Leaping Gorge (虎跳峡), which has a popular trekking route on the other side. In this gorge, the Jinsha (upper Yangtze) River descends dramatically between Jade Dragon and Haba Snow Mountain. The Yulong Mountains lie to the south of the Yun Range and are part of Southwest China's greater Hengduan Mountains.
In 1938, an expedition lead by the Australian lawyer, feminist, conservationist, and mountaineer, Marie Byles, failed to reach the summit due to bad weather.  Shanzidou has been climbed only once, on May 8, 1987, by an American expedition. The summit team comprised Phil Peralta-Ramos and Eric Perlman. They climbed snow gullies and limestone headwalls, and encountered high avalanche danger and sparse opportunities for protection. 
The Austro-American botanist and explorer Joseph Rock spent many years living in the vicinity of Mt Satseto, and wrote about the region and the Naxi people who occupy it. An interest in Rock later drew the travel writer Bruce Chatwin to the mountain, which he wrote about in an article that appeared in the New York Times and later, retitled, in his essay collection What Am I Doing Here? Chatwin's article inspired many subsequent travellers, including Michael Palin, to visit the region.

The Artist
Wu Guanzhong (吴冠中) was a contemporary Chinese painter widely recognized as a founder of modern Chinese painting.  He is considered to be one of the greatest contemporary Chinese painters. Wu's artworks had both Western and Eastern influences, such as the Western style of Fauvism and the Eastern style of Chinese calligraphy. Wu had painted various aspects of China, including much of its architecture, plants, animals, people, as well as many of its landscapes and waterscapes in a style reminiscent of the impressionist painters of the early 1900s. He was also a writer on contemporary Chinese art.  Wu has written many articles based on his version of form and how it applies to modernism. He considered himself as primarily a painter and not as a theorist. Wu had the approach of going out and looking at nature to find something that piqued his interest. Then he would start with a preliminary sketch of what it was that he saw. Next he spent a great deal of time in the studio trying to figure out the best way to show the power of the form of the object. He would then paint quickly and impulsively with whatever European of Chinese brush felt right. Wu would go on painting for hours until he was too emotionally drained to continue. He had his first professional solo exhibition in 1979, and his career took off in the 1980s. He has been the solo exhibitionist in over 10 and been part of a joint exhibition in over 10 others.
In 1991 Wu was made an Officier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Ministry of CultureEarly in his career Guanzhong adopted the pen name Tu, which he used to sign his work.


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Sunday, January 5, 2020


 EDWARD H. COMPTON  (1861-1960)
Rotwand (1,884 m - 6,181 ft) 
Germany (Bavaria)
The mountain 
The Rotwand ("Red Wall")  (1,884 m - 6,181 ft) is a high peak in the Mangfall Mountains in Bavaria, the highest summit in the Spitzingsee region and one of the most popular of Munich's local mountains. The summit may be reached in an easy hike from the lake of Spitzingsee on various routes. The summit can be attained even more easily from the nearby mountain station on the Taubenstein and, as a result, can often become rather overcrowded on summer's days.
In winter the Rotwand is frequently climbed by skiers. The classic Rotwand-Reib’n runs from the Spitzingsee to the Rotwand, then over the Kümpflscharte arête (1,695 m) to the Auerspitz summit (1,811 m), continuing via the alpine pasture of Großtiefentalalm (1,500 m), the Miesing saddle (1,704 m; with detours to the Hochmiesing), Kleintiefentalalm and Taubensteinhaus and back to the Spitzingsee. This tour is also possible with snowshoes.
The "problem bear", JJ1 (also known as Bruno), was believed to be the first wild bear on German soil for 170 years. He was declared a threat to humans and killed on 26 June 2006 around 4.50 am in the Rotwand area after he had been seen at the Rotwandhaus.

The painter
The painter Edward Harrison Compton (1881–1960) not to be confused with his father Edward Theodore Compton (1849-1921) was a German landscape painter and illustrator of English descent. Compton was born in Feldafing in Upper Bavaria, Germany, the second son of notable landscape painter Edward Theodore Compton. He received his early art training from his father, and after a period of study in London at the Central School of Arts and Crafts settled back in Bavaria. Like his father he was inspired by the Alps to become a mountain painter ("bergmaller") working in both oils and watercolour. However, an attack of Polio at the age of 28 meant that he had to find more accessible landscapes to paint in Germany, England northern Italy and Sicily. He also provided illustrations for several travel books published by A & C Black. Compton exhibited at galleries in Munich and Berlin, and also in England at the Royal Academy in London and in Bradford. He died in Feldafing in 1960.
He had two sisters, both of whom were artists: Marion Compton, the flowers and still-life painter, and Dora Keel-Compton, flower and mountain painter.

2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Baguio and Tuba mountains (1, 540m- 5,050 ft)
 Philippines (Luzon) 

In Baguio and Mountains of Tuba  oil on canvas 

The mountains 
Baguio  mountains (1,540m- 5,050 ft) are located in the Cordillera Central mountain range in northern Luzon.  Baguio is also a city, officially is known as the Summer Capital of the Philippines, owing to its cool climate. Baguio was established as a hill station by the United States in 1900 at the site of an Ibaloi village known as Kafagway. It was the United States' only hill station in Asia.
Nowadays, Baguio is classified as a Highly Urbanized City (HUC). It is geographically located within Benguet, serving as the provincial capital from 1901 to 1916, but has since been administered independently from the province following its conversion into a chartered city.

The painter
Fernando Cueto Amorsolo was one of the most important artists in the history of painting in the Philippines.Amorsolo was a portraitist and painter of rural Philippine landscapes. He is popularly known for his craftsmanship and mastery in the use of light. After graduating from the Univeajor influences on his work. Amorsolo set up his own studio upon his return to Manila and painted prodigiously during the 1920s and the 1930s. His Rice Planting (1922), which appeared on posters and tourist brochures, became one of the most popular images of the Commonwealth of the Philippines. Beginning in the 1930s, Amorsolo's work was exhibited widely both in the Philippines and abroad. His bright,optimistic, pastoral images set the tone for Philippine painting before World War II . Except for his darker World War II-era paintings, Amorsolo painted quiet and peaceful scenes throughout his career.
Amorsolo was sought after by influential Filipinos including Luis Araneta, Antonio Araneta and Jorge B. Vargas. Amorsolo also became the favourite Philippine artist of United States officials and visitors to the country. Due to his popularity, Amorsolo had to resort to photographing his works and pasted and mounted them in an album. Prospective patrons could then choose from this catalog of his works. Amorsolo did not create exact replicas of his trademark themes; he recreated the paintings by varying some elements.
His works later appeared on the cover and pages of children textbooks, in novels, in commercial designs, in cartoons and illustrations for the Philippine publications such The Independent, Philippine Magazine, Telembang, El Renacimiento Filipino, and Excelsior. He was the director of the University of the Philippine's College of Fine Arts from 1938 to 1952.
During the 1950s until his death in 1972, Amorsolo averaged to finishing 10 paintings a month. However, during his later years, diabetes, cataracts, arthritis, headaches, dizziness and the death of two sons affected the execution of his works. Amorsolo underwent a cataract operation when he was 70 years old, a surgery that did not impede him from drawing and painting.
After being confined at the St. Luke's Hospital in Quezon City for two months, Amorsolo died at the age of 79 on April 24, 1972. The volume of paintings, sketches and studies of Amorsolo is believed to have reached more than 10,000 pieces. Amorsolo was an important influence on contemporary Filipino art and artists, even beyond the so-called "Amorsolo school." Amorsolo's influence can be seen in many landscape paintings by Filipino artists, including early landscape paintings by abstract painter Federico Aguilar Alcuaz.
In 2003, Amorsolo's children founded the Fernando C. Amorsolo Art Foundation, which is dedicated to preserving Fernando Amorsolo's legacy, promoting his style and vision, and preserving a national heritage through the conservation and promotion of his works.
2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Sunday, September 29, 2019


A. G. CARRICK / H.M KING CHARLES III former PRINCE OF WALES (bn.1948)Jabal Sawda (c. 3,133 m - c. 10,279 ft) Saudi Arabia   In Overlooking Wadi Arkham, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, (Asir Moutains), 2000,  Lithograph 53 × 59 cm- Belgravia Gallery.

Jabal Sawda (c. 3,133 m - c. 10,279 ft)
Saudi Arabia 

In Overlooking Wadi Arkham, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, (Asir Moutains), 2000, 
Lithograph 53 × 59 cm- Belgravia Gallery.
The mountain 
Jabal Sawda  (c. 3,133 m - c. 10,279 ft) in Arabic: جَبَل ٱلسّوْدَة‎ , is a peak located in Saudi Arabia, the highest summit of the Asir mountains region and possibly the highest point in Saudi Arabia even if SRTM data indicates an elevation of 2,985 m (9,793 ft) for Jabal Sawda  with higher elevations elsewhere in the country. The village of Al Souda is located nearby. The town is a tourist center and has a cable car  to the top of the mountain.
The Asir Mountains in Arabic: جِـبَـال ٱلْـعَـسِـيْـر‎, is a mountainous region in southwestern Saudi Arabia running parallel to the Red Sea. It comprises areas in the 'Asir Region of Saudi Arabia, however it also generally includes areas near the Yemeni border. The mountains cover approximately 100,000 square kilometres (40,000 sq mi) and consists of mountains, plains, and valleys of the Arabian highlands. Sensu lato, they are part of the Sarawat Mountains, defining the latter as the mountain range which runs parallel to the Tihamah throughout the western portion of the Arabian Peninsula, particularly the western parts of Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

The painter
Arthur George Carrick is actually H.M. the King Charles III, former Prince of Wales.
When he began showing his paintings, he was too nervous to display his name so displayed under a pseudonym. Arthur George are two of his names (Charles Phillip Arthur George) and one of his titles is Earl of Carrick. King Charles III is an experienced watercolourist.  He has been painting for most of his adult life, during holidays or when his official diary allows. King Charles' interest began during the 1970s and 1980s when he was inspired by Robert Waddell, who had been his art master at Gordonstoun in Scotland. In time, King Charles met leading artists such as Edward Seago, with whom he discussed watercolour technique, and received further tuition from John Ward, Bryan Organ and Derek Hill.
The Royal Family has a tradition of drawing and painting, and King Charles’ work first came to public notice at a 1977 exhibition at Windsor Castle at which other Royal artists included Queen Victoria, The Duke of Edinburgh and The Duke of York.
King Charles paints in the open air, often finishing a picture in one go and his favourite locations include The Queen's estate at Balmoral in Scotland and Sandringham House in Norfolk, England. Sometimes King Charles  III paints during his skiing holidays, and during overseas tours when possible.
The copyright of King Charles' watercolours belongs to A. G. Carrick Ltd, a trading arm of The King's Charities Foundation. Over the years King Charles III has agreed to exhibitions of his watercolours and of lithographs made from them, on the understanding that any income they generate goes to The Prince of Wales's Charitable Foundation.
Money from the sale of the lithographs also goes to the Foundation but the paintings themselves are never for sale.
In the 1980s King Charles III, then Prince of Wales,  began inviting young British artists to accompany him on official tours overseas and record their impressions, a tradition that has continued to this day.
Reference :
- The prince of Wales paintings  
2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Friday, July 26, 2019


TSUKIOKA YOSHITOSHI / 月岡 芳年 (1839-1892) 
Wuyi Mountains  / 武夷山   (2,158 m - 7,080 ft) 

In Rising Moon over Mt Nanping, Series 100 Views of the Moon, Woodblock print, c.1885

The mountains 
The Wuyi Mountains (2,158 m - 7,080 ft) in Chinese 武夷山, also known as Bohea Hills in earlier Western documents are a mountain range located in the prefecture of Nanping, in northern Fujian province near the border with Jiangxi province, China.
The highest peak in the area is Mount Huanggang on the border of Fujian and Jiangxi, making it the highest point of both provinces; the lowest altitudes are around 200 metres (660 ft). Many oolong and black teas are produced in the Wuyi Mountains, including Da Hong Pao (Big Red Robe) and most famous Lapsang souchong.
Human settlement on the slopes of Mount Wuyi can be traced back 4,000 years by archeological remains. During the Western Han Dynasty, the ancient city of Chengcun was the capital of the Minyue kingdom. In the 7th century, the Wuyi Palace was built for emperors to conduct sacrificial activities, a site that tourists can still visit today. The mountains were an important center of Taoism and later Buddhism. Remains of 35 academies erected from the era of the Northern Song to the Qing Dynasty and more than 60 Taoist temples and monasteries have been located. However, most of these remains are very incomplete. Some of the exceptions for which authentic remains are preserved are the Taoyuan Temple, the Wannian Palace, the Sanqing Hall, the Tiancheng Temple, the Baiyun temple, and the Tianxin temple. The area is the cradle of Neo-Confucianism, a current that became very influential since the 11th century.
Mountain call and Mountain open are ceremonies held in the Wuyi imperial tea garden. The County magistrate used to take the chair of the Mountain Call ceremony on Jingzhe Day.  In the formal ceremony, tea planters call out together “tea, tea, sprout”. By doing this, they pray for the blessings in the tea harvest.
The mountains have been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, for cultural, scenic, and biodiversity values since 1999.

The artist
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi /月岡 芳年) also named Taiso Yoshitoshi / 大蘇 芳年 was a Japanese artist.
He is widely recognized as the last great master of the ukiyo-e genre of woodblock printing and painting. He is also regarded as one of the form's greatest innovators. His career spanned two eras – the last years of Edo period Japan, and the first years of modern Japan following the Meiji Restoration. Like many Japanese, Yoshitoshi was interested in new things from the rest of the world, but over time he became increasingly concerned with the loss of many aspects of traditional Japanese culture, among them traditional woodblock rinting.
By the end of his career, Yoshitoshi was in an almost single-handed struggle against time and technology. As he worked on in the old manner, Japan was adopting Western mass reproduction methods like photography and lithography. Nonetheless, in a Japan that was turning away from its own past, he almost singlehandedly managed to push the traditional Japanese woodblock print to a new level, before it effectively died with him.
His reputation has only continued to grow, both in the West, and among younger Japanese, and he is now almost universally recognized as the greatest Japanese artist of his era.
2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Thursday, July 18, 2019


AUGUSTUS EARLE (1793-1838)
One Tree Hill (1, 112m - 3, 648ft)

 In Blue Mountains, watercolor on paper, 1820,  National Library of Australia.

The mountain 
 One Tree Hill (1,112m -  3, 648ft) is the highest point of The Blue Mountains in New South Wales, Australia, about 100 kilometers west of Sydney It is a  sandstone mountain range and form part of the Australian Cordillera that runs roughly east and southeast of the Australian coast for about 3,000 kilometers. The name "Blue Mountains" also refers to the City of Blue Mountains (or Blue Mountain Communal Council), a local government in the chain; or at the Blue Mountains National Park. The Blue Mountains are deep gorges, up to 1,000 meters. They occupy an area of ​​1 436 km2.
The Blue Mountains are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2000.
The Blue Mountains were considered impenetrable by early settlers in Sydney, and were only crossed in 1813 by Blaxland, Wentworth, and Lawson. Rather than following the rivers, like previous explorers, who ultimately found only vertical cliffs, they decided to follow the ridges and high parts of the plateau. The first crossing of the Blue Mountains is generally considered one of the major steps in the opening of New South Wales to European settlers. However, there were already important areas accessible near the coast. The fact that the Blue Mountains have been a major impediment to settler expansion is largely myth.
A road, completed in early 1815, to cross the region was built in just 27 weeks by William Cox, on the orders of Governor Lachlan Macquarie, employing 30 convicts and 8 guards.
Coal and oil were mined near Katoomba until the Second World War.

The artist
Augustus Earle was a London-born travel artist...
- Augustus Earle (short biography)
- Augustus Earle (complete biography)

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Monday, July 15, 2019


Jebel Ksel (2, 008 m - 6, 588ft )

In Un Campement dans les Montagnes de l'Atlas, oil on canvas, (150 x 190 cm), ca. 1865,
The Walters Art Museum

About this painting 
Prosper Dorbec in "L'Hellénisme d'Eugène Fromentin" in the "Gazette des Beaux-Arts"   (1924)  singled out Fromentin as a classicist among Orientalists. For the painter-writer, according to Dorbec, the desert and the ramparts of Aïn Mahdy became the plains of Ilium. In this spacious view, characteristic of the artist's production in the mid-sixties, the bold silhouettes of the horsemen, their generalized treatment and the essentially static composition reaffirm the classical character of Fromentin's painting. Shown are a group of Arabs examining a horse being displayed for sale.
A rather similar composition, "Horse Market in Algeria" 1867, appeared on the New York art market in 1913. Related studies include a view similar to the group of would-be purchasers in this scene, "Five Standing Arabs" 1874, The William Hayes Ackland Memorial Art Center; a smaller subject sold in the Verdé-Delisle Collection, Paris, Hôtel Drouot, May 29, 1879, no. 35; and a three-figured composition sold at the Hôtel Drouot, Paris, March 12, 1943, no. 26.
The painting above was acquired by William T. Walters, between 1878 and 1884

The mountain 
Jebel Ksel (2.008 m - 6,588ft) ) is the highest of the six peaks of the Amour Range, located in the Algerian Atlas, which are  Guern Arif, Mount Sidi Okba, Mount Gourou,  Oum El Guedour, Kef Sidi Bouzid. Jebel Ksel summit is located 400 km south of Algiers, in the province of El Bayadh, in the north of the country. The largest city  around  is El Bayadh, located 13.2 km west of Djebel Ksel.
The Amour Range is a mountain range in Algeria, which comprises part of the Saharan Atlas of the Atlas Mountain System.
The Amour Range is located in the central area of the Saharan Atlas, with the Ksour Range in the western end and the Ouled-Naïl Rangein the eastern end.
The town of Aflou, one of the highest municipalities in Algeria and also one of the coldest, is located in the range at an elevation of 1,426 m. There are about 35,000 people living in the area of the Amour.  

The painter 
Brilliant student from a bourgeois family of La Rochelle, Eugene Fromentin is moving towards a career as a magistrate. In order not to disappoint paternal ambitions, he studies law in Paris. At the same time, he showed a great interest in the arts, notably painting and literature. In 1845, he even published a brilliant review of the Salon of 1845 in "The Organic Review of the West" a literary journal of his friend Emile Beltremieux, as well as some poems. It then becomes obvious to the young man that law is not his vocation. Assisted by Charles Michel, a family friend, he manages to convince his father to let him follow artistic studies.
He thus enters the studio of Joseph Remond before integrating the following year that of Louis-Nicolas Cabat. Fromentin flourishes beside his new master, who introduces him to landscape painting. However, the young artist who wants to paint more exotic panoramas decides to visit Algeria. He arrived in Algiers in 1846, accompanied by his friend Armand du Mesnil, then went to Blida nicknamed "the city of roses". The artist is captivated by the charm of a warm and colorful nature.
Returning to Paris in 1847, he exhibited for the first time three paintings at the Salon of French Artists "Les  Gorges de la Chiffa", " Une Mosquée près d'Alger" and " Une ferme dans les environs de  La Rochelle" which immediately attract attention of connoisseurs and critics. Two years later, he received his first medal with the "Place de la Breche, Constantine", and in 1850 he exhibited eleven paintings, memories of his trip to Biskra. In 1852, he returned to Algeria accompanied by his wife, and this time he went to the desert to settle in Laghouat. During this stay, he made more than a hundred studies that will be the source of a fruitful production of orientalist works.
In 1857, he published his travelogues "Une année au Sahel" and "Un été au Sahara" in the Revue de Paris. This is the dedication for Fromentin who is recognized as a painter of talent but also as a great writer. After the publication of these two volumes, Theophile Gauthier writes "M. Fromentin has a privilege that I have not yet seen anyone possess to an equal degree! He has two muses: he is a painter in two languages. He is not an amateur in one or the other, he is the artist, conscientious, stern and fine in both ".
The mailings to the Salon of French Artists follow one another so much the work of the painter is prolix. The artist obtained many medals between 1859 and 1867. Classified out of competition and elevated to the rank of Officer of the Legion of Honor in 1869, Eugène Fromentin is recognized as one of the greatest Orientalist artists of his time.
In a jury report, Mr. Cador said: "M. Fromentin triumphs ... he has created a new genre in painting, as much as to say that he has discovered a world, his paintings falling under no tradition, no school; it is an original talent, in the good sense of the word, full of ardor and brilliance, which attracts and captivates by the powerful charm of its color, the grace of the details, by the poetic sentiment which overflows of all its compositions " .

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Thursday, June 6, 2019


Rotwand (1,884 m - 6,181 ft) 
Germany (Bavaria) 

In Spitzingsee, oil on canvasboard, 1901, 24 x42 cm, 
Private collection (sold by Christie's NYC in 2016) 

The mountain 
The Rotwand ("Red Wall")  (1,884 m - 6,181 ft) is a high peak in the Mangfall Mountains in Bavaria, the highest summit in the Spitzingsee region and one of the most popular of Munich's local mountains. The summit may be reached in an easy hike from the lake of Spitzingsee on various routes. The summit can be attained even more easily from the nearby mountain station on the Taubenstein and, as a result, can often become rather overcrowded on summer's days.
In winter the Rotwand is frequently climbed by skiers. The classic Rotwand-Reib’n runs from the Spitzingsee to the Rotwand, then over the Kümpflscharte arête (1,695 m) to the Auerspitz summit (1,811 m), continuing via the alpine pasture of Großtiefentalalm (1,500 m), the Miesing saddle (1,704 m; with detours to the Hochmiesing), Kleintiefentalalm and Taubensteinhaus and back to the Spitzingsee. This tour is also possible with snowshoes.
The "problem bear", JJ1 (also known as Bruno), was believed to be the first wild bear on German soil for 170 years. He was declared a threat to humans and killed on 26 June 2006 around 4.50 am in the Rotwand area after he had been seen at the Rotwandhaus.

The painter

Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky (Васи́лий Васи́льевич Канди́нский,) was a Russian painter and art theorist, generally credited as the pioneer of abstract art.
 Kandinsky's creation of abstract work followed a long period of development and maturation of intense thought based on his artistic experiences. He called this devotion to inner beauty, fervor of spirit, and spiritual desire inner necessity ; it was a central aspect of his art.
Born in Moscow, Kandinsky spent his childhood in Odessa, where he graduated at Grekov Odessa Art school. He enrolled at the University of Moscow, studying law and economics. Successful in his profession—he was offered a professorship (chair of Roman Law) at the University of Dorpat—Kandinsky began painting studies (life-drawing, sketching and anatomy) at the age of 30.
In 1896, Kandinsky settled in Munich, studying first at Anton Ažbe's private school and then at the Academy of Fine Arts. He returned to Moscow in 1914, after the outbreak of World War I. 
Following the Russian Revolution, Kandinsky "became an insider in the cultural administration of Anatoly Lunacharsky" and helped establish the Museum of the Culture of Painting.  However, by then "his spiritual outlook... was foreign to the argumentative materialism of Soviet society",  and opportunities beckoned in Germany, to which he returned in 1920. There he taught at the Bauhaus school of art and architecture from 1922 until the Nazis closed it in 1933.
He then moved to France, where he lived for the rest of his life, becoming a French citizen in 1939 and producing some of his most prominent art. He died in Neuilly-sur-Seine in 1944.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Thursday, February 28, 2019


Thabana Ntlenyana (3, 482m - 11, 424ft) 
South Africa, Lesotho 

In Maluti Mountains at Ficksburg , oil on canvas, 1910

The mountain
Thabana Ntlenyana  (3,482m - 11, 424ft)  which literally means "Beautiful little mountain" in Sesotho, is the highest point in Lesotho and the highest mountain in southern Africa. It is situated on the Mohlesi ridge of the Drakensberg/Maloti Mountains, north of Sani Pass.  The peak is usually climbed by groups completing a Grand Traverse of the Drakensberg - even though the peak is technically in the Maloti Mountains.
The Maloti Mountains, also spelled Maluti are a mountain range of the highlands of the Kingdom of Lesotho. They extend for about 100 km into the Free State. The Maloti Range is part of the Drakensberg system that includes ranges across large areas of South Africa. “Maloti” is also the plural for Loti, the currency of the Kingdom of Lesotho. The range forms the northern portion of the boundary between the Butha-Buthe District in Lesotho and South Africa’s Orange Free State.

The painter 
Jacobus Hendrik (Henk) Pierneef (usually referred to as Pierneef)  was a South African landscape artist, generally considered to be one of the best of the old South African masters. His distinctive style is widely recognized and his work was greatly influenced by the South African landscape.
Most of his landscapes were of the South African highveld, which provided a lifelong source of inspiration for him. Pierneef's style was to reduce and simplify the landscape to geometric structures, using flat planes, lines and colour to present the harmony and order in nature. This resulted in formalised, ordered and often-monumental view of the South African landscape, uninhabited and with dramatic light and colour.
Pierneef's work can be seen worldwide in many private, corporate and public collections, including the Africana Museum, Durban Art Gallery, Johannesburg Art Gallery, King George VI Art Gallery, Pierneef Museum and the Pretoria Art Gallery.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Wednesday, February 27, 2019


PIERRE TAIRAZ (1933-2000) 
L'aiguille du Dru  (3,754 m -12,316 ft) 

In L'Aiguille du Dru, Chamonix, France, Silver gelatin print  (140 x 30cm)
Courtesy John Mitchell Gallery London 

The peak 
The Aiguille du Dru  (3,754 m -12,316 ft) (also called Les Drus in French) is a mountain in the Mont Blanc massif in the French Alps. It is situated to the east of the village of Les Praz in the Chamonix valley. "Aiguille" means "needle" in French.
The mountain's highest summit is:
- Grande Aiguille du Dru (or the Grand Dru)
- Petite Aiguille du Dru (or the Petit Dru) 3,733 m.
The two summits are located on the west ridge of the Aiguille Verte (4,122 m) and are connected to each other by the Brèche du Dru (3,697 m). The north face of the Petit Dru is considered one of the six great north faces of the Alps. The southwest "Bonatti" pillar and its eponymous climbing route were destroyed in a 2005 rock fall.

The photographer 
Born in Chamonix, Pierre Tairraz, son, grandson and great-grandson of photographers, adheres very young to this instinct of the mountain and to this fabulous means of expression that the photography is. In the 50s, Pierre Tairaz studied at the Ecole Nationale de la Photographie Vaugirard (Paris) and also learns cinema at IDHEC (Paris). Following the family line, he continues photography, devotes himself to the profession of guide and also embarks on the footsteps of his father with the cinema at altitude. He takes part in many shootings. His career, starring an impressive number of high-altitude film shoots and photographic expeditions, continues to bring him closer to the mountain. Why photograph the mountain? "To testify of another world," answers Pierre Tairraz, "no artifice can match the creative power of nature." 
In this quest for harmony, each image becomes a symbol, the dream of an ideal architecture, a fantastic and grandiose utopia.
2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Sunday, February 10, 2019


VITTORIO SELLA (1859-1943)
Trango Towers  (6,286 m - 23, 871ft) 

1. In The Baltoro Tower 1909's Himalaya expedition, photo, Vittorio Sella Foundation. 

The Mountain 
The Trango Towers (6,286 m - 20,623 ft) are a family of rock towers situated in Gilgit-Baltistan, in the north of Pakistan. The Towers offer some of the largest cliffs and most challenging rock climbing in the world, and every year a number of expeditions from all corners of the globe visit Karakoram to climb the difficult granite. They are located north of Baltoro Glacier, and are part of the Baltoro Muztagh, a sub-range of the Karakoram range. The highest point in the group is the summit of Great Trango Tower at 6,286 m (20,623 ft), the east face of which features the world's greatest nearly vertical drop.
Full Wikipedia  entry  =>

The photographer
Vittorio Sella is a mountain italian climber and photographer who took his passion for mountains from his uncle, Quintino Sella, founder of the Italian Alpine Club.  He accomplished many remarkable climbs in the Alps, the first wintering in the Matterhorn and Mount Rose (1882) and the first winter crossing of Mont Blanc (1888).
He took part in various expeditions outside Italy:
- Three in the Caucasus in 1889, 1890 and 1896 where a summit still bears his name;
- The ascent of Mount Saint Elias in Alaska in 1897
- Sikkim and Nepal in 1899
- Possibly climb Mount Stanley in Uganda in 1906 during an expedition to the Rwenzori
- Recognition at K2  and Mustagh Tower in 1909
- In Morocco in 1925.
During expeditions in Alaska, Uganda and Karakoram (K2-Chogolisa), he accompanied the Duke of Abruzzi, Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia.
Full Wandering Vertexes entry  =>

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Thursday, February 7, 2019


DIRK FILARSKI (1885-1964) 
Les Diablerets (3, 210m - 10, 531ft)

The mountain 
Les Diablerets (3, 210m - 10, 531ft) are a mountain range of the Bernese Alps, located on the borders of the cantons of Vaud, Valais and Bern. From west to east, it is composed of the following main summits: the Culan (2,789 m), the Tête Ronde  (3,037 m), the summit of Diablerets (3,210 m), the Sex Rouge (2,971 m), the  Ttoldenhorn or Becca d'Audon (3, 123 m), the Sanetschhore or Mount Brun (2 924 m), the Gstellihorn (2, 820 m), the Schluchhore (2, 579 m) and the Mittaghore (2, 334 m). The Oldenhorn, the Scex Rouge and the summit of the Diablerets seen from the north-west, from the peak Chaussy. It is possible to ski there, not only in winter but also in summer on the Tsanfleuron glacier, connected to the village of Diablerets by a cable car, inaugurated in 1964 on the occasion of the National Exhibition and replaced in 1999.

The painter 
Dirk Herman Willem Filarski  was a Dutch painter belonging to the Bergen School. In 1912, Filarski left for Switzerland . He lived in Clarens with the musician Nico Ebels, who was married to Lien Smorenberg, the sister of his friend. Dirk Smorenberg also stayed with the Ebels family. In the period 1912-1914 Filarski and Smorenberg painted mountain landscapes with striking color accents (purple, pink, lilac blue, light and dark green). With this use of color, Filarski belonged to the movement of the moderns (the 'Blauwen') within the Artists ' Association Sint Lucas .
Filarski stayed between 1912 and 1917 for longer periods in Switzerland and Italy (Lago Maggiore). In 1913 he returned to the Netherlands by the death of his mother. After her funeral, he worked for some time in Drenthe . In 1915 and 1916 he was working in Amsterdam, Bergen and Schoorldam. In 1917 he wandered through the Bernese Oberland and painted dozens of mountain landscapes in which dark colors (like above)  became more dominant compared to the works from the period 1912-1914.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau