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Showing posts sorted by date for query Mont Rose. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, April 14, 2024


VITTORIO SELLA (1859-1943) Alexandra Peak / Mount Stanley (5, 091m) Congo - Uganda border  In Alexandra peak , western glacier, photographie à la chambre, 1906

VITTORIO SELLA (1859-1943)
Alexandra Peak / Mount Stanley (5, 091m)
Congo - Uganda border

In Alexandra peak , western glacier, photographie à la chambre, 1906

Le photographe
Vittorio Sella est un alpiniste et photographe italien qui a hérité sa passion pour la montagne de son oncle, Quintino Sella, fondateur du Club Alpin Italien. Il accomplit de nombreuses ascensions remarquables dans les Alpes, le premier hivernage au Cervin et au Mont Rose (1882) et la première traversée hivernale du
Mont Blanc (1888) et des Rouies (1900).
Il participe à diverses expéditions hors d'Italie :
- Trois dans le Caucase en 1889, 1890 et 1896 où un sommet porte encore son nom ;
- L'ascension du Mont Saint Elias en Alaska en 1897 ;
- Sikkim et Népal en 1899 ;
- Gravit le mont Stanley en Ouganda en 1906 lors d'une expédition dans le Rwenzori ;
- Reconnaissance au K2 en 1909 ;
- Au Maroc en 1925.
Lors d'expéditions en Alaska, en Ouganda et au Karakoram, il accompagne le duc des Abruzzes, le prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia.
Sella continue la pratique de l'escalade jusqu'à ses vieux jours, complétant sa dernière tentative sur le Cervin à l'âge de 76 ans ; une ascension dont il a dû interrompre la montée suite à un accident dans lequel l'un de ses guides s'est blessé. Il mourut dans sa ville natale pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Sa collection photographique est désormais gérée par la Fondation Sella.
Ses photos de montagne sont encore aujourd'hui considérées comme parmi les plus belles jamais réalisées.
Jim Curran estime que « Sella reste probablement le plus grand photographe de montagne. Son nom est synonyme de perfection technique et de raffinement esthétique. »
La qualité des images de Vittorio Sella s'explique en partie par l'utilisation d'une caméra de visualisation 30 × 40 cm, malgré la difficulté de transport d'un tel appareil, à la fois lourd et fragile dans des endroits inaccessibles ; pour pouvoir le transporter en toute sécurité, il a dû fabriquer des pièces spéciales pouvant être rangées dans des sacoches. Ses photographies ont été largement diffusées, soit dans la presse, soit dans les galeries, et ont été unanimement saluées ; Ansel Adams, qui a pu en admirer trente et un lors d'une exposition organisée au Sella American Sierra Club, a déclaré qu'ils lui avaient inspiré « un sentiment d'émerveillement religieux ». Beaucoup de ses clichés ont été pris en montagne pour la toute première fois dans l'Histoire, ce qui leur confère une grande valeur artistique, historique mais aussi scientifique ; par exemple, on pourrait mesurer le déclin des glaciers du Rwenzori en Afrique centrale.

La montagne
Le pic Alexandra (5 091 m) fait partie du mont Stanley situé dans la chaîne du Rwenzori, la plus haute montagne de la République démocratique du Congo et de l'Ouganda, et la troisième plus haute d'Afrique, après le mont Kilimandjaro (5 895 m). et le mont Kenya (5 199 m).
Le mont Stanley se compose de deux sommets jumeaux et de plusieurs sommets inférieurs qui sont :
Pic Margherita (5 109 m), Pic Alexandra (5 091 m), Pic Albert (5 087 m), Pic Savoia (4 977 m - 16 330 pieds), Pic Ellena (4 968 m - 16 300 pieds), Elizabeth Peak (4 929 m), Phillip Peak (4 920 m), Moebius Peak (4 916 m) et Great Tooth (4 603 m).
Le pic et plusieurs autres sommets environnants sont suffisamment hauts pour supporter des glaciers. Le mont Stanley doit son nom au journaliste et explorateur Sir Henry Morton Stanley. Il fait partie du parc national des Monts Rwenzori, un site classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO.
Le mont Stanley a été escaladé pour la première fois en 1906 par le prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia, duc des Abruzzes (1873-1933), J. Petigax, C. Ollier et J. Brocherel. Il est également connu pour ses explorations de l'Arctique et pour ses expéditions d'alpinisme, notamment au Mont Saint Elias (Alaska-Yukon) et au K2 (Pakistan-Chine). Margherita Peak doit son nom à la reine Margherita d'Italie, cousine du prince.


2024 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Saturday, October 14, 2023



PPABLO PICASSO (1881-1973) Massif du Mercantour-Argentera (3, 297m) France-Italie   In Ulysse et les sirènes, 1947, peinture oléorésineuse industrielle et graphite sur trois panneaux de fibrociment, 306 x 250 cm, Musée Picasso, Antibes

PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973)
Massif du Mercantour-Argentera (3, 297m)

 In Ulysse et les sirènes, 1947, peinture oléorésineuse industrielle et graphite sur trois panneaux de fibrociment, 306 x 250 cm, Musée Picasso, Antibes

A propos de cette œuvre
Le 22 septembre 1947 doit avoir lieu l’inauguration des premières salles « Picasso » au musée d’Antibes. Picasso est revenu à Golfe-Juan en juin 1947 et, pour cette inauguration, le conservateur du musée, Romuald Dor de la Souchère, lui commande une oeuvre pour un des murs de la salle d’honneur du Château Grimaldi. Il est exceptionnel que Picasso réponde à une  commande : il le fait généreusement, ajoutant un nouveau chef-d’œuvre aux œuvres réalisées à l’automne 1946 au musée, où
il les avait laissées. Il rachète alors trois plaques de fibrociment, ceci nous montre qu’il avait apprécié ce support déjà utilisé à Antibes en 1946, sur lequel il peint comme alors avec de la peinture oléorésineuse industrielle de type Ripolin. Il assemble les plaques de manière à former un immense format vertical. Peignant à plat sur le sol du second étage du musée, il réalise Ulysse et les sirènes en trois jours, peu de temps avant l’inauguration, à la mi-septembre.
La frise de triangles blancs en haut de la composition témoigne de l’influence du lieu ou Picasso réalise cette peinture, Antibeset sa vue sur les montagnes enneigées du Massif du Mercantour.
Dans le même temps, les visages apparaissant dans ces montagnes nous ramènent dans le monde mystérieux du mythe, pouvant évoquer dieux, cyclope, chœur antique, ou plus vraisemblablement les compagnons d’Ulysse : contrairement à Ulysse, perdu dans le chant des sirènes, ces visages sont privés d’oreilles, tels les marins assourdis par des bouchons de cire.

La montagne
Le massif du Mercantour-Argentera est un massif des Alpes situé à cheval entre les départements français des Alpes-Maritimes et des Alpes-de-Haute-Provence et le Piémont italien. Le nom du massif provient respectivement de la cime du Mercantour, un sommet central secondaire, et du mont Argentera, point culminant du massif, à 3 297 m, entièrement en Italie. Le massif est partiellement couvert par deux parcs naturels, le parc national du Mercantour côté français et le parc naturel des Alpes maritimes côté italien.  Le massif est riche en cours d'eau et en lacs. Ces derniers, issus largement de la dernière glaciation, sont situés dans les cuvettes des roches cristallines du massif. Ce territoire est occupé par l'homme, d'abord de manière saisonnière, depuis l'âge du bronze ancien. Ces traces d'occupation sont visibles notamment sur le site de la vallée des Merveilles, dans la haute vallée de la Roya. Cette occupation humaine se développe durant l'Antiquité, puis au Moyen Âge avec la route du sel, et se poursuit aux 20e et 21e siècles, le massif devenant une zone de villégiature et de tourisme. De nombreuses activités et sports de montagne peuvent être pratiqués au sein du massif. Les aménagements permettent de s'adonner, entre autres, au ski de randonnée, au ski alpin, au ski de fond, à la randonnée pédestre, à l'alpinisme et au canyoning. Au 21e siècle, l'économie du massif est d'ailleurs tournée préférentiellement vers le secteur du tourisme, lequel domine largement les activités agricoles et industrielles.

Le peintre
Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, également connu sous le nom de Pablo Picasso, était un peintre, sculpteur, graveur, céramiste, scénographe, poète et dramaturge espagnol qui a passé la majeure partie de sa vie adulte en France. Considéré comme l'un des artistes les plus grands et les plus influents du 20e siècle, il est connu pour avoir co-fondé le mouvement cubiste, l'invention de la sculpture construite, la co-invention du collage et pour la grande variété de styles qu'il a contribué à développer. et explorer. Parmi ses œuvres les plus célèbres figurent le proto-cubiste Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907) et Guernica (1937), un portrait du bombardement de Guernica par les forces aériennes allemandes et italiennes à la demande du gouvernement nationaliste espagnol pendant la guerre civile espagnole. Guerre. Picasso a fait preuve d'un talent artistique extraordinaire dès ses premières années, peignant de manière naturaliste tout au long de son enfance et de son adolescence. Au cours de la première décennie du 20e siècle, son style change à mesure qu'il expérimente différentes théories, techniques et idées. Après 1906, l'œuvre fauviste de l'artiste un peu plus âgé Henri Matisse a motivé Picasso à explorer des styles plus radicaux, déclenchant une rivalité fructueuse entre les deux artistes, qui par la suite ont été souvent associés par la critique comme les leaders de l'art moderne. L'œuvre de Picasso est souvent classée en périodes. Bien que les noms de bon nombre de ses périodes ultérieures soient débattus, les périodes les plus communément acceptées dans son œuvre sont la période bleue (1901-1904), la période rose (1904-1906), la période d'influence africaine (1907-1909), Le cubisme analytique (1909-1912) et le cubisme synthétique (1912-1919), également appelés période de cristal. Une grande partie de l'œuvre de Picasso de la fin des années 1910 et du début des années 1920 est de style néoclassique, et son travail du milieu des années 1920 présente souvent des caractéristiques du surréalisme. Ses œuvres ultérieures combinent souvent des éléments de ses styles antérieur. Exceptionnellement prolifique tout au long de sa longue vie, Picasso a acquis une renommée universelle et une immense fortune grâce à ses réalisations artistiques révolutionnaires, et est devenu l'une des figures les plus connues de l'art du XXe siècle. Le nombre total d'œuvres d'art qu'il a produites a été estimé à 50 000, dont 1 885 peintures ; 1 228 sculptures ; 2 880 céramiques, environ 12 000 dessins, plusieurs milliers de gravures et de nombreuses tapisseries et tapis...


2023 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Wandering Vertexes ....
Un blog de Francis Rousseau


Sunday, August 13, 2023


ALEXANDRE CALAME (1810-1864) Le Mont Rose  (4 634 m) Suisse- Italie   In Le Mont Rose, Huile sur toile 1843, 110x151cm, Musée d'art et d'histoire, Ville de Genève.

Le Mont Rose  (4 634 m)
Suisse- Italie 

In Le Mont Rose, Huile sur toile 1843, 110x151cm, Musée d'art et d'histoire, Ville de Genève.

La montagne
Le mont Rose, (4 634 m) appelé depuis peu Massif du Mont-Rose, situé à la frontière entre la Suisse et l'Italie, estle )lus haut sommet de Suisse à la Pointe Dufour. lI est aussi deuxième plus haut massif des Alpesaprès celui du Mont-Blanc. Il est le quatrième plus haut sommet des Alpes. Le mont Rose comporte onze pics distincts : la pointe Dufour : 4 634 m ; la pointe Dunant : 4 632 m ; le Nordend : 4 608 m ; la pointe Zumstein ou Zumsteinspitze : 4 562 m ; la Signalkuppe ou pointe Gnifetti : 4 553 m ; la pointe Parrot : 4 434 m ; e Ludwigshöhe : 4 342 m ;  la tête Noire : 4 318 m ; la pyramide Vincent : 4 215 m ; le Balmenhorn : 4 167 m ; la pointe Giordani : 4 046 m. 

Le peintre
Alexandre Calame, est un peintre et graveur suisse. Alexandre Calame, enfant, de constitution chétive, s'est trouvé très tôt orphelin de père et a eu la malchance de perdre un œil à la suite de coups reçus d'un camarade. Dès l'âge de 15 ans, il commence à gagner sa vie dans la banque Diodati.
Dès son enfance, il manifeste son talent artistique et, pour aider sa mère, se met à peindre des vues suisses que les touristes achètent à titre de souvenir. Faisant œuvre de mécènes, les patrons de la banque lui permettent de fréquenter dès 1829 l'atelier du peintre genevois François Diday. Il quitte bientôt son travail administratif pour se consacrer entièrement à la peinture, et celle-ci rencontre rapidement du succès
En 1835, il ouvre une classe de dessin à Genève, en même temps qu'il expose dans cette ville et à Paris. Le premier tableau qu'il présente à Genève, Cours du Griffe, attire l'attention sur lui. Dès lors, il peut vivre de son art, caractérisé par une fidélité jamais démentie à un même sujet: la Nature, avec une prédilection pour le paysage alpestre suisse. Il devient le maître incontesté du paysage alpin. En 1837, il réalise son premier grand tableau, Orage sur la Handeck, qui lui vaut la médaille d'or de l'Exposition des beaux-arts de la ville de Paris (1841). En 1842, il reçoit la croix de la Légion d'honneur, à la suite de l'exposition de ses œuvres, dont : le Mont Cervin,  le Lac de Brienz, le Mont Blanc et le Mont Rose. Ce dernier tableau est considéré comme son chef-d'œuvre et il marque l'apogée de sa carrière. En 1853, Napoléon III lui achète pour 15 000 francs-or sa toile Le Lac des Quatre-Cantons, primée à l'Exposition universelle1. Calame fait de nombreux voyages dans l'Oberland, en Italie, en Allemagne, en Belgique, à Londres et en Hollande mais sa santé devenant de plus en plus précaire, ses campagnes de peintre paysagiste ne lui étaient de moins en moins permises. En 1863, le peintre tombe malade et son médecin lui conseille d'aller sous un ciel plus clément. Il alla séjourner dans le Midi de la France, à Menton où il meurt le 17 mars 1864. L'artiste ne s'adonne pas seulement à la peinture mais également à l'art de la lithographie et à celui de l'eau-forte. Selon l'historienne d'art genevoise Valentina Anker, il existerait plus de 400 grands tableaux, 250 aquarelles, 500 études, 670 dessins et croquis, plus de 100 sépias et une vingtaine de fusains.


2023 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau


Sunday, April 23, 2023


AUTOCHROME LUMIERE AUGUSTE LÉON (1857-1942) Mont Rose- Pointe Dufour (4,664 m) Suisse - Italie  In Le mont Rose et le glacier du Gorner, Suisse, Autochrome Lumière, 1912, Musée Départemental Albert Kahn
AUGUSTE LÉON (1857-1942)
Mont Rose- Pointe Dufour (4,664 m)
Suisse - Italie

In Le mont Rose et le glacier du Gorner, Suisse, Autochrome Lumière, 1912, 
Musée Départemental Albert Kahn

La montagne
Le mont Rose (4 634 m), ou plus récemment massif du Mont-Rose -  en titsch gressonard, Gletscher ou Glescher, littéralement « montagne glacée » ou « glacier » , en italien, Monte Rosa —, situé à la frontière entre la Suisse et l'Italie, est le deuxième plus haut massif des Alpes après celui du Mont-Blanc. Son point culminant, la pointe Dufour, à 4 634 m est le quatrième plus haut sommet des Alpes et le plus haut de Suisse.  Au sommet de la Signalkuppe est situé le plus haut bâtiment et refuge d'Europe, la cabane Reine-Marguerite, à 4 559 mètres. S'y trouvent aussi un relais météorologique et un centre de recherche sur les pathologies liées à l'altitude. Les accès les plus faciles aux sommets du mont Rose se font de Gressoney-La-Trinité et d'Alagna Valsesia. Des habitants de ces deux vallées furent les premiers à faire l'ascension de cimes qui portent désormais leur nom en leur honneur. C'est le cas de Giovanni Gnifetti, curé d'Alagna, avec la pointe Gnifetti.  Le mont Rose est équipé d'un refuge innovant et à l'architecture spectaculaire, la cabane du Mont-Rose mise en service en 2010. Cette construction se distingue par son degré d'autonomie énergétique et sa capacité à respecter l'environnement. Elle est constituée d'un bâtiment sur cinq niveaux dont trois sont situés le long d'une façade inclinée de 80 m2 qui récupère la chaleur solaire. Le projet a été élaboré par l’École polytechnique fédérale de Zurich en collaboration avec le Club alpin suisse, l’université de Lucerne et le Laboratoire fédéral d'essai des matériaux et de recherche

Le procédé photographique
Auguste Léon fut un photographe français membre de l'équipe des "Archives de la planète" d'Albert Kahn 
L'Autochrome Lumière est un des premiers procédés de photographie couleur. Breveté en 1903 par les frères Lumière en France et commercialisé pour la première fois en 1907, c'était le principal procédé de photographie couleur utilisé avant l'avènement du film couleur négatif au milieu des années 1930.
Entre 1909 et 1931, une collection de 72 000 photographies autochromes, documentant la vie à l'époque dans 50 pays à travers le monde, a été créée par le banquier français Albert Kahn. La collection, l'une des plus importantes du genre au monde, est conservée au musée Albert Kahn à la périphérie de Paris. Une nouvelle compilation d'images de la collection Albert Kahn a été publiée en 2008. Plusieurs images de la collection Albert Kahn ont déjà été publiées dans ce blog.
La National Geographic Society a largement utilisé les autochromes et autres plaques d'écran couleur en mosaïque pendant plus de vingt ans. 15 000 plaques autochromes originales sont encore conservées dans les archives de la Société.
Dans l'immense collection d'œuvres du photographe pictorialiste américain Arnold Genthe de la Bibliothèque du Congrès des États-Unis, 384 de ses plaques autochromes figuraient parmi les collections en 1955. De nombreux photographes l'ont également utilisé, comme ici, de manière anonyme.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Friday, August 19, 2022


VITTORIO SELLA (1859-1843)    The K2  peak (8,611m - 28,251 ft)  China - Pakistan border  Photographed during the 1909 expedition  led by Prince Luigi Amedeo, Duke of the Abruzzi

VITTORIO SELLA (1859-1843)  
 The K2  peak (8,611m - 28,251 ft) 
China - Pakistan border

Photographed during the 1909 expedition 
led by Prince Luigi Amedeo, Duke of the Abruzzi 

The artist
Vittorio Sella is a mountain italian climber and photographer who took his passion for mountains from his uncle, Quintino Sella, founder of the Italian Alpine Club.  He accomplished many remarkable climbs in the Alps, the first wintering in the Matterhorn and Mount Rose (1882) and the first winter crossing of Mont Blanc (1888).
He took part in various expeditions outside Italy:
- Three in the Caucasus in 1889, 1890 and 1896 where a summit still bears his name;
- The ascent of Mount Saint Elias in Alaska in 1897;
- Sikkim and Nepal in 1899;
- Possibly climb Mount Stanley in Uganda in 1906 during an expedition to the Rwenzori;
- Recognition at K2  in 1909 (aAbove)
- In Morocco in 1925.
During expeditions in Alaska, Uganda and Karakoram (K2), he accompanied the Duke of Abruzzi, Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia.
Sella continues the practice of climbing into his old age, completing his final attempt in the Matterhorn at the age of 76; a climb he had to interrupt the rise following an accident in which one of his guides injured. He died in his hometown during World War II.  His photographic collection is now managed by the Sella Foundation.
His photos mountain are still  considered today to be among the finest ever made.
Jim Curran believes that "Sella remains probably the greatest photographer of the mountain.  His name is synonymous with technical perfection and aesthetic refinement. "
The quality of the pictures of Vittorio Sella is partly explained by the use of a view camera 30 × 40 cm, despite the difficulty of the transportation of such a device, both heavy and fragile in places inaccessible; to be able to transport it safely, he had to make special pieces that can be stored in saddle bags.  His photographs have been widely distributed, either through the press or in the galleries, and were unanimously celebrated; Ansel Adams, who was able to admire thirty-one in an exhibition that was organized at Sella American Sierra Club, said they inspired him "a religious kind of sense of wonder."  Many of his pictures were taken in the mountains for the very first time in the History, which give them a much artistic, historical  but also scientific value ; for example, one could measure the decline in the Rwenzori glaciers in Central Africa.

The mountain 
K2 peak (8,611m - 28,251 ft)  also known as Mount Godwin-Austen or Chhogori is the second highest mountain in the world, after Mount Everest. It is located on the China-Pakistan border between Baltistan, in the Gilgit–Baltistan region of northern Pakistan, and the Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County of Xinjiang, China.
The name K2 is derived from the notation used by the Great Trigonometric Survey of British India. Thomas Montgomerie made the first survey of the Karakoram from Mount Haramukh, some 210 km (130 miles) to the south, and sketched the two most prominent peaks, labeling them K1 and K2.
The policy of the Great Trigonometric Survey was to use local names for mountains wherever possible and K1 was found to be known locally as Masherbrum. K2, however, appeared not to have acquired a local name, possibly due to its remoteness. The mountain is not visible from Askole, the last village to the south, or from the nearest habitation to the north, and is only fleetingly glimpsed from the end of the Baltoro Glacier, beyond which few local people would have ventured. The name Chogori, derived from two Balti words, chhogo ("big") and ri ("mountain")  has been suggested as a local name, but evidence for its widespread use is scant. It may have been a compound name invented by Western explorers or simply a bemused reply to the question "What's that called?" It does, however, form the basis for the name Qogir (simplified Chinese: 乔戈里峰; traditional Chinese: 喬戈里峰; pinyin: Qiбogēlǐ Fēng) by which Chinese authorities officially refer to the peak. Other local names have been suggested including Lamba Pahar ("Tall Mountain" in Urdu) and Dapsang, but are not widely used.
Lacking a local name, the name Mount Godwin-Austen was suggested, in honor of Henry Godwin-Austen, an early explorer of the area, and while the name was rejected by the Royal Geographical Society, it was used on several maps, and continues to be used occasionally.
The surveyor's mark, K2, therefore continues to be the name by which the mountain is commonly known. It is now also used in the Balti language, rendered as Kechu or Ketu (Urdu: کے ٹو‎). The Italian climber Fosco Maraini argued in his account of the ascent of Gasherbrum IV that while the name of K2 owes its origin to chance, its clipped, impersonal nature is highly appropriate for so remote and challenging a mountain. He concluded that it was ...
K2 is the highest point of the Karakoram range and the highest point in both Pakistan and Xinjiang.

Friday, May 13, 2022


VITTORIO SELLA (1859-1943) Alexandra Peak / Mount Stanley (5,091m - 16,703 ft) Congo - Uganda border    In Alexandra peak and Margherita peak from the Stanley Plateau, photo, 1906

VITTORIO SELLA (1859-1943)
Alexandra Peak / Mount Stanley (5, 091m - 16,703 ft)
Margherita Peak / mount stanley (5,109 m-16,763 ft)
Congo - Uganda border

  In Alexandra peak  and Margherita peak from the Stanley Plateau, photo, 1906

The mountain
Alexandra Peak (5,091m - 16,703ft) is part of Mount Stanley located in the Rwenzori range, the highest mountain of both Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda, and the third highest in Africa, after Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895 m -19,340ft) and Mount Kenya (5,199 m - 17,057ft).
Mount Stanley consists of two twin summits and several lower peaks which are :
Margherita Peak (5,109m - 16,763ft), Alexandra Peak (5,091m - 16,703ft), Albert Peak (5,087m - 16,690ft), Savoia Peak (4,977m - 16,330ft), Ellena Peak (4,968m -16,300ft), Elizabeth Peak (4,929m - 16,170 ft), Phillip Peak (4,920m - 16,140ft), Moebius Peak (4,916m - 16,130 ft) and Great Tooth (4,603m - 15,100ft).
The peak and several other surrounding peaks are high enough to support glaciers. Mount Stanley is named for the journalist and explorer, Sir Henry Morton Stanley. It is part of the Rwenzori Mountains National Park, a UNESCO world Heritage Site.
Mt. Stanley was first climbed in 1906 by the Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia , Duke of the Abruzzi, (1873-1933), J. Petigax, C. Ollier, and J. Brocherel. He is known as well for his Arctic explorations and for his mountaineering expeditions, particularly to Mount Saint Elias (Alaska–Yukon) and K2 (Pakistan–China). Margherita Peak is named after Queen Margherita of Italy the prince's cousin.
The Rwenzori Mountains National Park is considered a model for integration of cultural values into the Protected Area Management framework as an innovative approach to resource management, the first of its kind in Africa. As a result the local communities have embraced collaborative resource management initiatives. Given its significance as one of the biodiversity hotspots in the Albertine Rift, various local and international NGOs have supported the management and conservation of the property. A General Management Plan guides management operations on-site. Key challenges to address include illegal felling of trees, snow recession due to global warming, human population pressure adjacent to the property and management of waste generated through tourism operations. UWA is addressing the above threats through resource protection, community conservation education, research and ranger-based monitoring, ecotourism and transboundary initiatives with the DRC. The long-term maintenance of the integrity of the property will be achieved through sustainable financing, ecological monitoring, continued collaboration with key stakeholders and regional cooperation.

The artist
Vittorio Sella is a mountain italian climber and photographer who took his passion for mountains from his uncle, Quintino Sella, founder of the Italian Alpine Club. He accomplished many remarkable climbs in the Alps, the first wintering in the Matterhorn and Mount Rose (1882) and the first winter crossing of Mont Blanc (1888) and Les Rouies (1900).
He took part in various expeditions outside Italy:
- Three in the Caucasus in 1889, 1890 and 1896 where a summit still bears his name;
- The ascent of Mount Saint Elias in Alaska in 1897;
- Sikkim and Nepal in 1899;
- Possibly climb Mount Stanley in Uganda in 1906 during an expedition to the Rwenzori;
- Recognition at K2 in 1909;
- In Morocco in 1925.
During expeditions in Alaska, Uganda and Karakoram, he accompanied the Duke of Abruzzi, Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia.
Sella continues the practice of climbing into his old age, completing his final attempt in the Matterhorn at the age of 76; a climb he had to interrupt the rise following an accident in which one of his guides injured. He died in his hometown during World War II. His photographic collection is now managed by the Sella Foundation.
His photos mountain are still considered today to be among the finest ever made.
Jim Curran believes that "Sella remains probably the greatest photographer of the mountain. His name is synonymous with technical perfection and aesthetic refinement. "
The quality of the pictures of Vittorio Sella is partly explained by the use of a view camera 30 × 40 cm, despite the difficulty of the transportation of such a device, both heavy and fragile in places inaccessible; to be able to transport it safely, he had to make special pieces that can be stored in saddle bags. His photographs have been widely distributed, either through the press or in the galleries, and were unanimously celebrated; Ansel Adams, who was able to admire thirty-one in an exhibition that was organized at Sella American Sierra Club, said they inspired him "a religious kind of sense of wonder." Many of his pictures were taken in the mountains for the very first time in the History, which give them a much artistic, historical but also scientific value ; for example, one could measure the decline in the Rwenzori glaciers in Central Africa.

2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Sunday, April 18, 2021



VITTORIO SELLA (1859-1943)
Margherita Peak / Mont Stanley (5,109 m-16,763 ft)
Congo - Uganda border

In Mt Stanley from the Esward Peak of Mt Baker - Photographed in 1906 during the Duke of Abruzzi expedition

The Mountain
Mount Stanley (5,109 m -16,762 ft) is located in the Rwenzori range and is the highest mountain of both the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda, and the third highest in Africa, after Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895 m -19,340ft) and Mount Kenya (5,199 m - 17,057ft). The peak and several other surrounding peaks are high enough to support glaciers. Mount Stanley is named for the journalist and explorer, Sir Henry Morton Stanley. It is part of the Rwenzori Mountains National Park, a UNESCO world Heritage Site.
Mt. Stanley consists of two twin summits and several lower peaks which are :
Margherita Peak (5,109m - 16,763ft), Alexandra Peak (5,091m - 16,703ft), Albert Peak (5,087m - 16,690ft), Savoia Peak (4,977m - 16,330ft), Ellena Peak (4,968m -16,300ft), Elizabeth Peak (4,929m - 16,170 ft), Phillip Peak (4,920m - 16,140ft), Moebius Peak (4,916m - 16,130 ft) and Great Tooth (4,603m - 15,100ft).
Mt. Stanley was first climbed in 1906 by the Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia , Duke of the Abruzzi, (1873-1933), J. Petigax, C. Ollier, and J. Brocherel. He is known as well for his Arctic explorations and for his mountaineering expeditions, particularly to Mount Saint Elias (Alaska–Yukon) and K2 (Pakistan–China). Margherita Peak is named after Queen Margherita of Italy the prince's cousin.
The Rwenzori Mountains National Park is considered a model for integration of cultural values into the Protected Area Management framework as an innovative approach to resource management, the first of its kind in Africa. As a result the local communities have embraced collaborative resource management initiatives. Given its significance as one of the biodiversity hotspots in the Albertine Rift, various local and international NGOs have supported the management and conservation of the property. A General Management Plan guides management operations on-site. Key challenges to address include illegal felling of trees, snow recession due to global warming, human population pressure adjacent to the property and management of waste generated through tourism operations. UWA is addressing the above threats through resource protection, community conservation education, research and ranger-based monitoring, ecotourism and transboundary initiatives with the DRC. The long-term maintenance of the integrity of the property will be achieved through sustainable financing, ecological monitoring, continued collaboration with key stakeholders andregional cooperation.

The photographer
Vittorio Sella is a mountain italian climber and photographer who took his passion for mountains from his uncle, Quintino Sella, founder of the Italian Alpine Club. He accomplished many remarkable climbs in the Alps, the first wintering in the Matterhorn and Mount Rose (1882) and the first winter crossing of Mont Blanc (1888).
He took part in various expeditions outside Italy:
- Three in the Caucasus in 1889, 1890 and 1896 where a summit still bears his name;
- The ascent of Mount Saint Elias in Alaska in 1897
- Sikkim and Nepal in 1899
- Possibly climb Mount Stanley in Uganda in 1906 during an expedition to the Rwenzori
- Recognition at K2 and Mustagh Tower in 1909
- In Morocco in 1925.
During expeditions in Alaska, Uganda and Karakoram (K2-Chogolisa), he accompanied the Duke of Abruzzi, Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia.
Sella continues the practice of climbing into his old age, completing his final attempt in the Matterhorn at the age of 76; a climb he had to interrupt the rise following an accident in which one of his guides injured. He died in his hometown during World War II. His photographic collection is now managed by the Sella Foundation.
His photos mountain are still considered today to be among the finest ever made.
Jim Curran believes that "Sella remains probably the greatest photographer of the mountain. His name is synonymous with technical perfection and aesthetic refinement. "
The quality of the pictures of Vittorio Sella is partly explained by the use of a view camera 30 × 40 cm, despite the difficulty of the transportation of such a device, both heavy and fragile in places inaccessible; to be able to transport it safely, he had to make special pieces that can be stored in saddle bags. His photographs have been widely distributed, either through the press or in the galleries, and were unanimously celebrated; Ansel Adams, who was able to admire thirty-one in an exhibition that was organized at Sella American Sierra Club, said they inspired him "a religious kind of sense of wonder." Many of his pictures were taken in the mountains for the very first time in the History, which give them a much artistic, historical but also scientific value ; for example, one could measure the decline in the Rwenzori glaciers in Central Africa.

2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Saturday, March 21, 2020



VITTORIO SELLA (1859-1943)
Mount Kazbek  (5,047m - 16, 558ft)
Russia - Georgia border
In Expedition in Caucasus, photo on gelatin print, 1889
The mountain
Mount Kazbek (5,047m - 16, 558ft) or Mkinvartsveri (in Georgian) or Bashlam (in Vainkah) is a dormant stratovolcano and one of the major mountains of the Caucasus located in the Kazbegi District of Georgia, just south of the border with Russia. It is the third highest peak in Georgia (after Mount Shkhara and Janga) and the seventh highest summit in the Caucasus Mountains. Kazbek is also the second highest volcanic summit in the Caucasus, after Mount Elbrus. The summit lies directly to the west of the town of Stepantsminda and is the most prominent geographic feature of the area. Mount Kazbek is the highest peak of Eastern Georgia.
The region is highly active tectonically, with numerous small earthquakes occurring at regular intervals. An active geothermal/hot spring system also surrounds the mountain.
Kazbek is a potentially active volcano, built up of trachyte and sheathed with lava, and has the shape of a double cone, whose base lies at an altitude of 1,770 m (5,800 feet). Kazbek is the highest of the volcanic cones of the Kazbegi volcanic group which also includes Mount Khabarjina (3,142 m).
Owing to the steepness of its slopes, the glaciers of Kazbek are not very large. The total combined area of all of Kazbek's glaciers is 135 km2. The best-known glacier is the Dyevdorak (Devdaraki), which creeps down the north-eastern slope into a gorge of the same name, reaching a level of 2,295 meters (7,530 feet). Kazbek's other glaciers include the Mna, Denkara, Gergeti, Abano, and Chata. The recent collapse of the Kolka Glacier, located in a valley between Mt. Jimara and Kazbek in the year 2002 was attributed to solfatara volcanic activity along the northern slope of the mountain, although there was no eruption. In addition to the 2002 event, a massive collapse of the Devdaraki Glacier on the mountain's northeastern slope which occurred on August 20, 2014, led to the death of seven people. The glacier collapse dammed the Terek River in the Daryal Gorge and flooded the Georgian Military Highway.
The photographer
Vittorio Sella is a mountain italian climber and photographer who took his passion for mountains from his uncle, Quintino Sella, founder of the Italian Alpine Club.  He accomplished many remarkable climbs in the Alps, the first wintering in the Matterhorn and Mount Rose (1882) and the first winter crossing of Mont Blanc (1888).
He took part in various expeditions outside Italy:
- Three in the Caucasus in 1889, 1890 and 1896 where a summit still bears his name;
- The ascent of Mount Saint Elias in Alaska in 1897
- Sikkim and Nepal in 1899
- Possibly climb Mount Stanley in Uganda in 1906 during an expedition to the Rwenzori
- Recognition at K2  and Mustagh Tower in 1909
- In Morocco in 1925.
More about Vittorio Sella 


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Monday, February 17, 2020



VITTORIO SELLA (1859-1943)
Mont Stanley / Savoia Peak (4,977 m - 16, 330 ft)
Congo - Uganda border

In Mount Luigi di Savoia panoramic taken from Mount Baker, 1906 
The Georgian Museum of Photography

The mountain
Mount Stanley (5,109 m -16,762 ft) is located in the Rwenzori range and is the highest mountain of both the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda, and the third highest in Africa, after Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895 m -19,340ft) and Mount Kenya (5,199 m - 17,057ft). The peak and several other surrounding peaks are high enough to support glaciers. Mount Stanley is named for the journalist and explorer, Sir Henry Morton Stanley. It is part of the Rwenzori Mountains National Park, a UNESCO world Heritage Site.
Mt. Stanley consists of two twin summits and several lower peaks which are :
Margherita Peak (5,109m - 16,763ft), Alexandra Peak (5,091m - 16,703ft), Albert Peak (5,087m - 16,690ft), Savoia Peak (4,977m - 16,330ft), Ellena Peak (4,968m -16,300ft), Elizabeth Peak (4,929m - 16,170 ft), Phillip Peak (4,920m - 16,140ft), Moebius Peak (4,916m - 16,130 ft) and Great Tooth (4,603m - 15,100ft).
Mt. Stanley was first climbed in 1906 by the Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia , Duke of the Abruzzi, (1873-1933), J. Petigax, C. Ollier, and J. Brocherel. He is known as well for his Arctic explorations and for his mountaineering expeditions, particularly to Mount Saint Elias (Alaska–Yukon) and K2 (Pakistan–China). Margherita Peak is named after Queen Margherita of Italy the prince's cousin.
More about Savoia peak / Mount Stanley
The artist
Vittorio Sella is a mountain italian climber and photographer who took his passion for mountains from his uncle, Quintino Sella, founder of the Italian Alpine Club. He accomplished many remarkable climbs in the Alps, the first wintering in the Matterhorn and Mount Rose (1882) and the first winter crossing of Mont Blanc (1888).
He took part in various expeditions outside Italy:
- Three in the Caucasus in 1889, 1890 and 1896 where a summit still bears his name;
- The ascent of Mount Saint Elias in Alaska in 1897;
- Sikkim and Nepal in 1899;
- Possibly climb Mount Stanley in Uganda in 1906 during an expedition to the Rwenzori;
- Recognition at K2 in 1909;
- In Morocco in 1925.
During expeditions in Alaska, Uganda and Karakoram (K2), he accompanied the Duke of Abruzzi, Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia.
More about Vittorio Sella 


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Sunday, October 20, 2019

VITTORIO SELLA (1859-1943) 
Kiyanja or Mount Baker (4,844m- 15,892 ft) 
In Mount Baker,  panoramic from Grauer's Rock 1906,The Duke of the Abruzzi expedition 

The mountain
Kiyanja or Mount Baker (4,844m- 15,892 ft) is a mountain in the Rwenzori Mountains National Park in Uganda, 2.8 kilometres (1.7 mi) from the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is the sixth highest mountain in Africa. Together with Mount Stanley and Mount Speke, it forms a triangle enclosing the upper Bujuku Valley. The nearest peak is Mount Stanley, which is 2.26 kilometres (1.40 mi) to the west. The mountains lie within an area called "The Mountains of the Moon".
Like all peaks in the Ruwenzori Range, Mount Baker has multiple jagged peaks along a ridge. The highest is Edward Peak. The ridge line of Mount Baker was first reached in January 1906 by the Austrian mountaineer Rubert Grauer accompanied by two British missionaries, H. E. Maddox and H. W. Tegart. In February of that year and again in April, the same rocky point was reached by an English expedition, including Alexander F. R. Wollaston, A. B. Wosnam, and M. Carruthers. The highest point of Mount Baker was finally climbed in June by an expedition led by the Duke of the Abruzzi, with Vittorio Sella which climbed all peaks of the other five highest mountains of the Rwenzori (photo above)
The Bakonjo name for the mountain seems to have been (and currently is) "Kiyanja". On his June 1891 expedition into the Ruwenzori, Franz Stuhlmann observed the peak and named it either "Semper" or "Ngemwimbi". The Duke of the Abruzzi renamed the mountain after Samuel Baker, a 19th-century British explorer who in 1864 was the first European to sight and visit Lake Albert, just northeast of the Ruwenzori Mountains, and who had reported to glimpse "great mountainous masses away in the distance, to the south of Lake Albert."

The artist
Vittorio Sella is a mountain italian climber and photographer who took his passion for mountains from his uncle, Quintino Sella, founder of the Italian Alpine Club. He accomplished many remarkable climbs in the Alps, the first wintering in the Matterhorn and Mount Rose (1882) and the first winter crossing of Mont Blanc (1888) and Les Rouies (1900).
He took part in various expeditions outside Italy:
- Three in the Caucasus in 1889, 1890 and 1896 where a summit still bears his name;
- The ascent of Mount Saint Elias in Alaska in 1897;
- Sikkim and Nepal in 1899;
- Possibly climb Mount Stanley in Uganda in 1906 during an expedition to the Rwenzori;
- Recognition at K2 in 1909;
- In Morocco in 1925.
During expeditions in Alaska, Uganda and Karakoram, he accompanied the Duke of Abruzzi, Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia.
More about Vittorio Sella 

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Saturday, October 5, 2019


Mount Ararat (5,137 m- 16,854ft)
Turkey (since 1921)

In Ararat and Yerevan, oil on canvas, Private collection 

The mountain
There are two mountains in the world called Mont Ararat : one in Turkey, one in United States of America (Pennsylvania). The one we are talking about is Mount Ararat in Turkey, which has a very long and complex political, religious, sacred and mythical history.
Mount Ararat  (5,137 m- 16,854ft)  is a snow-capped and dormant stratovolcano in the eastern extremity of Turkey.  It consists of two major volcanic cones: Greater Ararat, the highest peak in Turkey and the Armenian plateau with an elevation of 5,137 m (16,854 ft); and Little Ararat, with an elevation of 3,896 m (12,782 ft). The Ararat massif is about 40 km (25 mi) in diameter and  is part of the range of Armenian Highlands.
Mountains of Ararat  have been perceived as the traditional resting place of Noah's Ark since the 11th century. It is the principal national symbol of Armenia and has been considered a sacred mountain by Armenians. It is featured prominently in Armenian literature and art and is an icon for Armenian irredentism. Along with Noah's Ark, it is depicted on the coat of arms of Armenia.
Mount Ararat forms a near-quadripoint between Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran.
 Its summit is located some 16 km (10 mi) west of both the Iranian border and the border of the Nakhchivan exclave of Azerbaijan, and 32 km (20 mi) south of the Armenian border. The Turkish–Armenian–Azerbaijani and Turkish–Iranian–Azerbaijani tripoints are some 8 km apart, separated by a narrow strip of Turkish territory containing the E99 road which enters Nakhchivan at 39.6553°N 44.8034°E.
From the 16th century until 1828 Great Ararat's summit and the northern slopes, along with the eastern slopes of Little Ararat were part of Persia, while the range was part of the Ottoman-Persian border. Following the 1826–28 Russo-Persian War and the Treaty of Turkmenchay, the Persian controlled territory was ceded to the Russian Empire. Little Ararat became the point where the Turkish, Persian, and Russian imperial frontiers converged...
More about Mount Ararat

The painter
Martiros Saryan ( Մարտիրոս Սարյան) was  the founder of a modern Armenian national school of painting. In 1895, aged 15, he completed the Nakhichevan school and from 1897 to 1904 studied at the Moscow School of Arts, including in the workshops of Valentin Serov and Konstantin Korovin. He was heavily influenced by the work of Paul Gauguin and Henri Matisse. He exhibited his works in various shows. He had works shown at the Blue Rose Exhibit in Moscow.
He first visited Armenia, then part of the Russian Empire, in 190. He composed his first landscapes depicting Armenia  (1902-1903- which were highly praised in the Moscow press.
From 1910 to 1913 he traveled extensively in Turkey, Egypt and Iran. In 1915 he went to Echmiadzin to help refugees who had fled from the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire.
In 1916 he traveled to Tiflis (now Tbilisi) where he married Lusik Agayan. It was there that he helped organise the Society of Armenian Artists.
After the Bolshevik seizure of power in 1917 he went with his family to live in Russia. In 1921 they moved to Armenia.  While most of his work reflected the Armenian landscape, he also designed the coat of arms for Armenian SSR and designed the curtain for the first Armenian state theatre.
From 1926–1928 he lived and worked in Paris, but most works from this period were destroyed in a fire on board the boat on which he returned to the Soviet Union. From 1928 until his death, Saryan lived in Soviet Armenia.
In the difficult years of the 1930s, he mainly devoted himself again to landscape painting, as well as portraits. He also was chosen as a deputy to the USSR Supreme Soviet and was awarded the Order of Lenin three times and other awards and medals. He was a member of the USSR Art Academy (1974) and Armenian Academy of Sciences (1956).
Saryan died in Yerevan on 5 May 1972.  His former home in Yerevan is now a museum dedicated to his work with hundreds of items on display. He was buried in Yerevan at the Pantheon next to Komitas Vardapet.
2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


VITTORIO SELLA (1859-1943), 
Mitre Peak - Karakoram (6,010 m  - 9,720 ft)  
Muztagh Tower (7,276m - 23, 871ft)
China, Pakistan border 

In Karakoram 1909- Mitre Peak and Mustag  tower, 1909, 
during the Expedition of Duke of Abruzzi, Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia

The mountain 
1.Mitre Peak (6,010 m - 19,720 ft)  (left in the photo) - not to be confused with Mitre Peak/Rahotu in New Zealand (South Island) - is a mountain in the Karakoram mountain range near Concordia in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. 
Mitre Peak marks the confluence of the branches of the Baltoro Glacier with the Gasherbrum branch arriving from the SE and the Godwin Austin branch arriving from the NE. It sits across from Broad Peak, the 12th highest mountain on Earth. 
The first ascent was made by the high mountain guide Ivano Ghirardini alone in June 1980, following a mixed path that follows the corridor on the right side from the Baltoro glacier. The route joins the so-called "moon crescent" ridge that connects the Miter peak to the surrounding peaks at 5,700 meters above sea level. A very steep rocky bastion and a terminal wall lead to the summit which is so narrow that the mountaineer had to sit there. Return is via the same route that may prove dangerous due to the risk of avalanches. 
This ascent has never been reiterated. 
 2. Muztagh Tower (7,276m - 23, 871ft) (bottom-right in the photo)  is a mountain in the Baltoro Muztagh, part of the Karakoram range in Baltistan on the border of the Gilgit–Baltistan region of Pakistan and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China. It stands between the basins of the Baltoro and Sarpo Laggo glaciers.
The Vittorio Sella's photographs of the Muztagh Tower in 1909 during the Italian Expediiton of the Duke of Abruzzi to K2, inspired the first ascent.
Nearly fifty years after Sella's photo was taken, in 1956, his photograph inspired two expeditions to race for the first ascent. Both teams found their routes less steep than Sella's view had suggested. The British expedition, consisting of John Hartog, Joe Brown, Tom Patey and Ian McNaught-Davis, came from the Chagaran Glacier on the west side of the peak and reached the summit via the Northwest Ridge first on July 6, five days before the French team (Guido Magnone, Robert Paragot, André Contamine, Paul Keller) climbed the mountain from the east. The doctor François Florence waited for the two parties at the camp IV during 42 hours without a radio, when they went, reached the summit and came back to this camp.

The artist 
Vittorio Sella is a mountain italian climber and photographer who took his passion for mountains from his uncle, Quintino Sella, founder of the Italian Alpine Club. He accomplished many remarkable climbs in the Alps, the first wintering in the Matterhorn and Mount Rose (1882) and the first winter crossing of Mont Blanc (1888). 
He took part in various expeditions outside Italy: 
- Three in the Caucasus in 1889, 1890 and 1896 where a summit still bears his name; 
- The ascent of Mount Saint Elias in Alaska in 1897; 
- Sikkim and Nepal in 1899; 
- Possibly climb Mount Stanley in Uganda in 1906 during an expedition to the Rwenzori; 
- Recognition at K2 in 1909 ; 
- In Morocco in 1925. 
During expeditions in Alaska, Uganda and Karakoram (K2), he accompanied the Duke of Abruzzi, Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia. 
Sella continues the practice of climbing into his old age, completing his final attempt in the Matterhorn at the age of 76; a climb he had to interrupt the rise following an accident in which one of his guides injured. He died in his hometown during World War II. His photographic collection is now managed by the Sella Foundation.
His photos mountain are still considered today to be among the finest ever made. 
Jim Curran believes that "Sella remains probably the greatest photographer of the mountain. His name is synonymous with technical perfection and aesthetic refinement. " 
The quality of the pictures of Vittorio Sella is partly explained by the use of a view camera 30 × 40 cm, despite the difficulty of the transportation of such a device, both heavy and fragile in places inaccessible; to be able to transport it safely, he had to make special pieces that can be stored in saddle bags. His photographs have been widely distributed, either through the press or in the galleries, and were unanimously celebrated; Ansel Adams, who was able to admire thirty-one in an exhibition that was organized at Sella American Sierra Club, said they inspired him "a religious kind of sense of wonder." Many of his pictures were taken in the mountains for the very first time in the History, which give them a much artistic, historical but also scientific value ; for example, one could measure the decline in the Rwenzori glaciers in Central Africa. 


2019 - Wandering Vertexes... 
by Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


VITTORIO SELLA (1859-1943)
Margherita Peak / Mont Stanley (5,109 m-16,763 ft) 
Alexandra Peak / Mount Stanley (5,091m - 16,703 ft)
Congo - Uganda border 

1.  In Mount Stanley - Margherita peak and Alexandra peak, 1906, hand painted photographs 

The mountains 
Margherita Peak (5,109 m-16,763 ft) is the highest point of Mount Stanley which consists of two twin summits and several lower peaks which are : 
Margherita Peak (5,109m - 16,763ft),  Alexandra Peak (5,091m - 16,703ft), Albert Peak (5,087m - 16,690ft), Savoia Peak (4,977m - 16,330ft), Ellena Peak (4,968m -16,300ft), Elizabeth Peak (4,929m - 16,170 ft), Phillip Peak (4,920m - 16,140ft), Moebius Peak (4,916m - 16,130 ft) and Great Tooth (4,603m - 15,100ft). 
Mt. Stanley was first climbed in 1906 by Duke of the Abruzzi, J. Petigax, C. Ollier, and J. Brocherel. Margherita Peak is named after Queen Margherita of Italy.
Mount Stanley is located in the Rwenzori range or Ruwenzori Range. It is the highest mountain of both the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda, and the third highest in Africa, after Kilimandjaro (5,895 m) and Mount Kenya (5,199 m). The peak and several other surrounding peaks are high enough to support glaciers. Mount Stanley is named for the journalist and explorer, Sir Henry Morton Stanley. It is part of the Rwenzori Mountains National Park, a UNESCO world Heritage Site.

Alexandra Peak (5,091m - 16,703ft) is part of Mount Stanley located in the Rwenzori range, the highest mountain of both Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda.
Mt. Stanley was first climbed in 1906 by the Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia , Duke of the Abruzzi, (1873-1933), J. Petigax, C. Ollier, and J. Brocherel. He is known as well for his Arctic explorations and for his mountaineering expeditions, particularly to Mount Saint Elias (Alaska–Yukon) and K2 (Pakistan–China). Margherita Peak is named after Queen Margherita of Italy the prince's cousin.
The Rwenzori Mountains National Park is considered a model for integration of cultural values into the Protected Area Management framework as an innovative approach to resource management, the first of its kind in Africa. As a result the local communities have embraced collaborative resource management initiatives. Given its significance as one of the biodiversity hotspots in the Albertine Rift, various local and international NGOs have supported the management and conservation of the property. A General Management Plan guides management operations on-site. Key challenges to address include illegal felling of trees, snow recession due to global warming, human population pressure adjacent to the property and management of waste generated through tourism operations. UWA is addressing the above threats through resource protection, community conservation education, research and ranger-based monitoring, ecotourism and transboundary initiatives with the DRC. The long-term maintenance of the integrity of the property will be achieved through sustainable financing, ecological monitoring, continued collaboration with key stakeholders and regional cooperation.

The photographer 
Vittorio Sella is a mountain italian climber and photographer who took his passion for mountains from his uncle, Quintino Sella, founder of the Italian Alpine Club. He accomplished many remarkable climbs in the Alps, the first wintering in the Matterhorn and Mount Rose (1882) and the first winter crossing of Mont Blanc (1888) and Les Rouies (1900).
He took part in various expeditions outside Italy:
- Three in the Caucasus in 1889, 1890 and 1896 where a summit still bears his name;
- The ascent of Mount Saint Elias in Alaska in 1897;
- Sikkim and Nepal in 1899;
- Possibly climb Mount Stanley in Uganda in 1906 during an expedition to the Rwenzori;
- Recognition at K2 in 1909;
- In Morocco in 1925.
During expeditions in Alaska, Uganda and Karakoram, he accompanied the Duke of Abruzzi, Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia.
Sella continues the practice of climbing into his old age, completing his final attempt in the Matterhorn at the age of 76; a climb he had to interrupt the rise following an accident in which one of his guides injured. He died in his hometown during World War II. His photographic collection is now managed by the Sella Foundation.
His photos mountain are still considered today to be among the finest ever made.
- More informations about Vittorio Sella

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


VITTORIO SELLA (1859-1943)
Mont Stanley / Savoia Peak (4,977 m - 16, 330 ft)
Congo - Uganda border 

In Mt Stanley from lake Bujuku, 1906, The Georgian Museum of Photography

The mountain
Mount Stanley (5,109 m -16,762 ft) is located in the Rwenzori range and is the highest mountain of both the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda, and the third highest in Africa, after Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895 m -19,340ft) and Mount Kenya (5,199 m - 17,057ft). The peak and several other surrounding peaks are high enough to support glaciers. Mount Stanley is named for the journalist and explorer, Sir Henry Morton Stanley. It is part of the Rwenzori Mountains National Park, a UNESCO world Heritage Site.
Mt. Stanley consists of two twin summits and several lower peaks which are :
Margherita Peak (5,109m - 16,763ft), Alexandra Peak (5,091m - 16,703ft), Albert Peak (5,087m - 16,690ft), Savoia Peak (4,977m - 16,330ft), Ellena Peak (4,968m -16,300ft), Elizabeth Peak (4,929m - 16,170 ft), Phillip Peak (4,920m - 16,140ft), Moebius Peak (4,916m - 16,130 ft) and Great Tooth (4,603m - 15,100ft).
Mt. Stanley was first climbed in 1906 by the Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia , Duke of the Abruzzi, (1873-1933), J. Petigax, C. Ollier, and J. Brocherel. He is known as well for his Arctic explorations and for his mountaineering expeditions, particularly to Mount Saint Elias (Alaska–Yukon) and K2 (Pakistan–China). Margherita Peak is named after Queen Margherita of Italy the prince's cousin.
The Rwenzori Mountains National Park is considered a model for integration of cultural values into the Protected Area Management framework as an innovative approach to resource management, the first of its kind in Africa. As a result the local communities have embraced collaborative resource management initiatives. Given its significance as one of the biodiversity hotspots in the Albertine Rift, various local and international NGOs have supported the management and conservation of the property. A General Management Plan guides management operations on-site. Key challenges to address include illegal felling of trees, snow recession due to global warming, human population pressure adjacent to the property and management of waste generated through tourism operations. UWA is addressing the above threats through resource protection, community conservation education, research and ranger-based monitoring, ecotourism and transboundary initiatives with the DRC. The long-term maintenance of the integrity of the property will be achieved through sustainable financing, ecological monitoring, continued collaboration with key stakeholders and regional cooperation.

The artist
Vittorio Sella is a mountain italian climber and photographer who took his passion for mountains from his uncle, Quintino Sella, founder of the Italian Alpine Club. He accomplished many remarkable climbs in the Alps, the first wintering in the Matterhorn and Mount Rose (1882) and the first winter crossing of Mont Blanc (1888).
He took part in various expeditions outside Italy:
- Three in the Caucasus in 1889, 1890 and 1896 where a summit still bears his name;
- The ascent of Mount Saint Elias in Alaska in 1897;
- Sikkim and Nepal in 1899;
- Possibly climb Mount Stanley in Uganda in 1906 during an expedition to the Rwenzori;
- Recognition at K2 in 1909;
- In Morocco in 1925.
During expeditions in Alaska, Uganda and Karakoram (K2), he accompanied the Duke of Abruzzi, Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia.
Sella continues the practice of climbing into his old age, completing his final attempt in the Matterhorn at the age of 76; a climb he had to interrupt the rise following an accident in which one of his guides injured. He died in his hometown during World War II. His photographic collection is now managed by the Sella Foundation.
His photos mountain are still considered today to be among the finest ever made.
Jim Curran believes that "Sella remains probably the greatest photographer of the mountain. His name is synonymous with technical perfection and aesthetic refinement. "
The quality of the pictures of Vittorio Sella is partly explained by the use of a view camera 30 × 40 cm, despite the difficulty of the transportation of such a device, both heavy and fragile in places inaccessible; to be able to transport it safely, he had to make special pieces that can be stored in saddle bags. His photographs have been widely distributed, either through the press or in the galleries, and were unanimously celebrated; Ansel Adams, who was able to admire thirty-one in an exhibition that was organized at Sella American Sierra Club, said they inspired him "a religious kind of sense of wonder." Many of his pictures were taken in the mountains for the very first time in the History, which give them a much artistic, historical but also scientific value ; for example, one could measure the decline in the Rwenzori glaciers in Central Africa.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau