, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: ROBERT GERSTMANN (1896-1960)
Showing posts with label ROBERT GERSTMANN (1896-1960). Show all posts
Showing posts with label ROBERT GERSTMANN (1896-1960). Show all posts

Friday, February 16, 2024


ROBERT GERSTMANN (1896-1960) Volcán San José (5,856m) Chili - Argentine  Photographié en 1932 à bord d'un aéroplane

Volcán San José (5,856m)
Chili - Argentine

Photographié en 1932 à bord d'un aéroplane

 Le volcan
Le San José (5 856 mètres) est un volcan des Andes centrales d'Argentine (province de Mendoza, Tunuyán) et du Chili (Région métropolitaine de Santiago).
Il est situé à 40 kilomètres au sud du volcan Tupungato, à quelque 80 kilomètres à l'est-sud-est de Santiago du Chili, et à 80 kilomètres à l'ouest de la ville argentine de San Carlos.
Son altitude est de (sommet sud-oriental) et 5 820 mètres (sommet sud-occidental).
Le volcan comporte plusieurs sommets secondaires. La première ascension du sommet nord du San José date de l'année 1920 (5 740 mètres). C'est en 1931, qu'Otto Pfnninger et Sebastián Krückel surmontèrent le sommet principal (sommet sud-est). Ils furent surpris de découvrir l'importance du cratère et des glaciers qui occupaient l'intérieur de ce dernier.
À 3 130 mètres d'altitude se trouve le refuge refugio Plantat, qui fut édifié en par Enrique Plantat en 1937, utilisant les plans d'un refuge déjà existant dans les Alpes. Au début, il était pourvu d'eau potable et de chauffage ainsi que d'autres commodités, mais il s'est dégradé faute d'entretien.
Lorsqu'on aborde le volcan du côté chilien, près de la localité de San Gabriel, il surprend par son énorme taille et contribue à impressionner les touristes.

Le photographe
Robert Gerstmann fut un photographe très connu en Amérique du Sud. Gerstmann était un ingénieur électricien né à Vienne qui, dans sa jeunesse, développa un intérêt pour la photographie. En 1924, il immigre au Chili et de là se rend en Bolivie, où il réalise quelque 5 000 photographies, dont une sélection apparaît sous forme de photogravures dans son Bolivie, 150 Grabados en Cobre (1928), réédité en 1996 par la Fundación Quipus en La Paz. Gerstmann a parcouru de longues distances, photographiant l'altiplano de La Paz au sud jusqu'à la frontière argentine, à l'ouest jusqu'à la frontière chilienne et à l'est jusqu'aux Yungas, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz et les basses terres le long des Ríos Beni et Mamoré. Seuls Tarija et le Chaco ont échappé à son objectif. Cinq de ses photographies illustrent le magazine National Geographic "The Heart of Aymara Land" de Stewart E. McMillan (février 1927), et plusieurs apparaissent dans Bolivia (Guía Sinóptica) 1929 de Gustavo-Adolfo Otero. Gerstmann s'installe à Santiago en 1929. Il publie d'autres photos. albums, dont Chili : 280 grabados en cobre (1932), Colombie : 200 grabados en cobre (1951) et Chili en 110 cuadros (1960 ?), et s'est essayé au cinéma en Bolivie. On pense qu'il est mort à Santiago ca. 1960. Plusieurs milliers de ses plaques de verre se trouveraient dans une université d'Antofagasta.


2011-2024 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Friday, October 7, 2022



ROBERT GERSTMANN (1896-1960), Cerro Balmaceda  (2,035 m  - 6,677 ft) Chile  In "Cerro Balmaceda",  glass plate, 1932, University of Antofagasta.

Cerro Balmaceda  (2,035 m  - 6,677 ft)

In "Cerro Balmaceda",  glass plate, 1932, University of Antofagasta.

The photographer
Robert Gerstmann was a photographer very famous in South America. Gerstmann was a Vienna born electrical engineer who, as a young man, developed an interest in photography. In 1924, he immigrated to Chile and from there traveled to Bolivia, where he made some 5000 photographs, a selection of which appear as photogravures in his Bolivia, 150 Grabados en Cobre (1928), which was reissued in 1996 by the Fundación Quipus in La Paz. Gerstmann ranged far, photographing the altiplano from La Paz south to the Argentine border, west to the Chilean border, and east to the Yungas, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, and the lowlands along the Ríos Beni and Mamoré. Only Tarija and the Chaco escaped his lens. Five of his photographs illustrate Stewart E. McMillan's "The Heart of Aymara Land" National Geographic Magazine (February 1927), and several appear in Gustavo-Adolfo Otero's Bolivia (Guía Sinóptica) 1929. Gerstmann settled in Santiago in 1929. He published other photo albums, including Chile: 280 grabados en cobre (1932), Colombia: 200 grabados en cobre (1951), and Chile en 110 cuadros (1960?), and dabbled in film-making in Bolivia. He is thought to have died in Santiago ca. 1960. Several thousand of his glass plates are said to be at a university in Antofagasta.

The mountain
Cerro Balmaceda (2,035 m - 6,677 ft) is a heavily glaciated mountain located in the Magallanes Region of Chile. It stands at the head of Última Esperanza Sound, in the south portion of Bernardo O'Higgins National Park and near the mouth of the Serrano River. The glaciers Balmaceda and Serrano mantle the slopes of the mount.  In its vicinity is Torres del Paine National Park.
2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


ROBERT GERSTMANN (1896-1960) Volcàn Puntiagudo (2, 493 m - 8, 179ft) Chile  In Volcàn Puntiagudo, photograph,1932, Photographer

Volcàn Puntiagudo (2, 493 m - 8, 179ft)

In Volcàn Puntiagudo, photograph,1932, Private collection

The volcano
Volcàn Puntiagudo (2, 493 m - 8, 179ft) also called Cerro Cenizas or Cerro Puntiagudo is a volcano in Chile remarkable for its volcanic chimney released by erosion and forming a summit neck. Puntiagudo is located in central Chile, in the Andes mountain range, between the Rupanco lakes to the north and Todos Los Santos to the south. Administratively, it is located on the border between the provinces of Llanquihue and Osorno of the Region of Lakes. Puntiagudo is an andesitic stratovolcano whose flanks have been eroded by glaciers, especially in their upper par1. Its summit is thus made up of a neck by the release of the volcanic chimney. This physiognomy makes it resemble Corcovado, another Chilean volcano located further south. Cordón Cenizos is a group of fissures and volcanic cones, stretches from Puntiagudo to the northeast. Puntiagudo began to be built at the end of the Pleistocene. However, its last eruption occurred on an unknown date.

The photographer
Robert Gerstmann was a photographer very famous in South America. Gerstmann was a Vienna born electrical engineer who, as a young man, developed an interest in photography. In 1924, he immigrated to Chile and from there traveled to Bolivia, where he made some 5000 photographs, a selection of which appear as photogravures in his Bolivia, 150 Grabados en Cobre (1928), which was reissued in 1996 by the Fundación Quipus in La Paz. Gerstmann ranged far, photographing the altiplano from La Paz south to the Argentine border, west to the Chilean border, and east to the Yungas, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, and the lowlands along the Ríos Beni and Mamoré. Only Tarija and the Chaco escaped his lens. Five of his photographs illustrate Stewart E. McMillan's "The Heart of Aymara Land" National Geographic Magazine (February 1927), and several appear in Gustavo-Adolfo Otero's Bolivia (Guía Sinóptica) 1929. Gerstmann settled in Santiago in 1929. He published other photo albums, including Chile: 280 grabados en cobre (1932), Colombia: 200 grabados en cobre (1951), and Chile en 110 cuadros (1960?), and dabbled in film-making in Bolivia. He is thought to have died in Santiago ca. 1960. Several thousand of his glass plates are said to be at a university in Antofagasta.

2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Sunday, March 21, 2021


Volcàn Orsono (2,652 m - 8700 ft)

in Lago Villarrica e Volcan Orsono, photo, 1932

The volcano
The Osorno is a stratovolcano located between the province of Osorno and that of Llanquihue, in the Lakes region of Chile. At an altitude of 2,652 meters, it is the most active volcano in the southern Chilean Andes.  It rises to the east of Lake Llanquihue, known worldwide as a symbol of the local landscape. The volcano also dominates Lake Todos los Santos. Its last eruption dates from 1869. Charles Darwin saw the Osorno from afar on his second voyage on HMS Beagle and witnessed its eruption1 in January 18352. Its first ascent was made in 1848 by Jean Renous.

The photographer
Robert Gerstmann was a photographer very famous in South America. Gerstmann was a Vienna born electrical engineer who, as a young man, developed an interest in photography. In 1924, he immigrated to Chile and from there traveled to Bolivia, where he made some 5000 photographs, a selection of which appear as photogravures in his Bolivia, 150 Grabados en Cobre (1928), which was reissued in 1996 by the Fundación Quipus in La Paz. Gerstmann ranged far, photographing the altiplano from La Paz south to the Argentine border, west to the Chilean border, and east to the Yungas, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, and the lowlands along the Ríos Beni and Mamoré. Only Tarija and the Chaco escaped his lens. Five of his photographs illustrate Stewart E. McMillan's "The Heart of Aymara Land" National Geographic Magazine (February 1927), and several appear in Gustavo-Adolfo Otero's Bolivia (Guía Sinóptica) 1929. Gerstmann settled in Santiago in 1929. He published other photo albums, including Chile: 280 grabados en cobre (1932), Colombia: 200 grabados en cobre (1951), and Chile en 110 cuadros (1960?), and dabbled in film-making in Bolivia. He is thought to have died in Santiago ca. 1960. Several thousand of his glass plates are said to be at a university in Antofagasta. 

2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau