, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: Argentina
Showing posts with label Argentina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Argentina. Show all posts

Friday, February 16, 2024


ROBERT GERSTMANN (1896-1960) Volcán San José (5,856m) Chili - Argentine  Photographié en 1932 à bord d'un aéroplane

Volcán San José (5,856m)
Chili - Argentine

Photographié en 1932 à bord d'un aéroplane

 Le volcan
Le San José (5 856 mètres) est un volcan des Andes centrales d'Argentine (province de Mendoza, Tunuyán) et du Chili (Région métropolitaine de Santiago).
Il est situé à 40 kilomètres au sud du volcan Tupungato, à quelque 80 kilomètres à l'est-sud-est de Santiago du Chili, et à 80 kilomètres à l'ouest de la ville argentine de San Carlos.
Son altitude est de (sommet sud-oriental) et 5 820 mètres (sommet sud-occidental).
Le volcan comporte plusieurs sommets secondaires. La première ascension du sommet nord du San José date de l'année 1920 (5 740 mètres). C'est en 1931, qu'Otto Pfnninger et Sebastián Krückel surmontèrent le sommet principal (sommet sud-est). Ils furent surpris de découvrir l'importance du cratère et des glaciers qui occupaient l'intérieur de ce dernier.
À 3 130 mètres d'altitude se trouve le refuge refugio Plantat, qui fut édifié en par Enrique Plantat en 1937, utilisant les plans d'un refuge déjà existant dans les Alpes. Au début, il était pourvu d'eau potable et de chauffage ainsi que d'autres commodités, mais il s'est dégradé faute d'entretien.
Lorsqu'on aborde le volcan du côté chilien, près de la localité de San Gabriel, il surprend par son énorme taille et contribue à impressionner les touristes.

Le photographe
Robert Gerstmann fut un photographe très connu en Amérique du Sud. Gerstmann était un ingénieur électricien né à Vienne qui, dans sa jeunesse, développa un intérêt pour la photographie. En 1924, il immigre au Chili et de là se rend en Bolivie, où il réalise quelque 5 000 photographies, dont une sélection apparaît sous forme de photogravures dans son Bolivie, 150 Grabados en Cobre (1928), réédité en 1996 par la Fundación Quipus en La Paz. Gerstmann a parcouru de longues distances, photographiant l'altiplano de La Paz au sud jusqu'à la frontière argentine, à l'ouest jusqu'à la frontière chilienne et à l'est jusqu'aux Yungas, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz et les basses terres le long des Ríos Beni et Mamoré. Seuls Tarija et le Chaco ont échappé à son objectif. Cinq de ses photographies illustrent le magazine National Geographic "The Heart of Aymara Land" de Stewart E. McMillan (février 1927), et plusieurs apparaissent dans Bolivia (Guía Sinóptica) 1929 de Gustavo-Adolfo Otero. Gerstmann s'installe à Santiago en 1929. Il publie d'autres photos. albums, dont Chili : 280 grabados en cobre (1932), Colombie : 200 grabados en cobre (1951) et Chili en 110 cuadros (1960 ?), et s'est essayé au cinéma en Bolivie. On pense qu'il est mort à Santiago ca. 1960. Plusieurs milliers de ses plaques de verre se trouveraient dans une université d'Antofagasta.


2011-2024 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Monday, December 12, 2022


RHOD WULFARS (né en 1979) Andes du Sud (6 991 m - 22 838 pieds) Argentine  In Andes, acrylique sur panneau dur, 2018, Collection de l'artiste @rhodwulfars D'autres oeuvres de cet artiste sur son site :

RHOD WULFARS (né en 1979)
Andes du Sud (6 991 m - 22 838 pieds)

In Andes, acrylique sur panneau dur, 2018, Collection de l'artiste @rhodwulfars
D'autres oeuvres de cet artiste sur son site :

Rhod Wulfars est un peintre de montagne contemporain utilisant principalement la technique acrylique pour ses peintures. Il est né en 1979 à Mendoza (Argentine). Sur son site Internet, il écrit : "J'ai passé toute ma vie près des montagnes. Un jour, j'ai commencé à les peindre". Utilisant, à la manière de Nicolas de Staël, un style toujours entre abstrait et figuratif, ses peintures très fortes et très émouvantes décrivent parfaitement la majesté et le contenu spectaculaire des sommets qu'il peint. Rhod Wulfars fait un usage surprenant du médium acrylique, en pâte épaisse comme on pourrait le faire avec de la peinture à l'huile. Il avait l'habitude de ne nommer ses œuvres que par des chiffres et des lettres de série, mais parfois il écrit le nom des sommets et le rend plus facile à identifier. 

A propos des tableaux
Le peintre écrit : " Ce n'est pas une vraie montagne. La plupart de mes peintures naissent de la combinaison de l'imagination et des heures passées à les regarder, à les parcourir et à les sentir. Elles  ressemblent à ces reliefs de la Coridilla andine argentine appelés "acarreos", qui sont de longues pentes de roche meuble très populaires et facilement visibles. très fréquemment observée. Ce tableau est donc celui d'une montagne inconnue, rêvée qui en résume plusieurs, et qui est sortie de mon inconscient un après-midi où le pinceau lui a donné vie de façon mystérieuse sans que je puisse l'expliquer. "  Le plus étonnant étant qu'ils le font d'un seul coup de pinceau aussi puissant et définitif que le soulèvement rocheux lui-même qui a crée ses reliefs. 

Les montagnes
Les Andes (Cordillera de los Andes en espagnol) sont la plus longue chaîne de montagnes continentales du monde, formant un plateau continu le long de la bordure ouest de l'Amérique du Sud. Leur étendue est de  7000 km (4350 mi) de long, 200 à 700 km (124 à 435 mi) de large (la plus large entre 18 ° S et 20 ° S de latitude) et d'une hauteur moyenne d'environ 4000 m (13123 pieds). Les Andes s'étendent du nord au sud à travers sept pays d'Amérique du Sud : le Venezuela, la Colombie, l'Équateur, le Pérou, la Bolivie, le Chili et l'Argentine.
La Cordillère des Andes est la plus haute chaîne de montagnes en dehors de l'Asie. La plus haute montagne en dehors de l'Asie, le mont Aconcagua en Argentine, s'élève à une altitude d'environ 6 961 m (22 838 pieds) au-dessus du niveau de la mer. Le pic du Chimborazo dans les Andes équatoriennes est plus éloigné du centre de la Terre que tout autre endroit à la surface de la Terre, en raison du renflement équatorial résultant de la rotation de la Terre. Les plus hauts volcans du monde se trouvent dans les Andes, y compris Ojos del Salado à la frontière Chili-Argentine, qui culmine à 6 893 m (22 615 pieds).
Les Andes font également partie de la Cordillère américaine, une chaîne de chaînes de montagnes (cordillère) qui consiste en une séquence presque continue de chaînes de montagnes qui forment la "colonne vertébrale" occidentale de l'Amérique du Nord, de l'Amérique centrale, de l'Amérique du Sud et de l'Antarctique.


2022 - Wandering Vertexes ....
            Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
            Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Monday, October 10, 2022


RHOD WULFARS (bn. 1979), The Fitz Roy / Cerro Chalten (3,405 m- 11, 171 ft) Chile - Argentina border

RHOD WULFARS (bn. 1979),
The Fitz Roy / Cerro Chalten (3,405 m- 11, 171 ft)
Chile - Argentina border

About this painting
The painter wrote: “It is not a real mountain. Most of my paintings are born from the combination of the imagination and the hours spent looking, walking and smelling them. I call them "Twins" because they are similar to those reliefs of the Argentinian Andean Coridilla called "acarreos", which are long slopes of very popular loose rock that can be easily viewed. very frequently observed. This painting is therefore that of an unknown mountain, dreamt up which sums up several, and which came out of my unconscious one afternoon when the brush gave it life in a mysterious way without my being able to explain it. "
The artist
Rhod Wulfars is a contemporary mountain painter using mainly acrylic technique for his paintings.
He was born in 1979 in Mendoza (Argentina). In his website he wrote: "I have spent my whole life by the mountains. On day I started to paint them". Using, in the manner of Nicolas de Staël, a style always beetween abstract and figurative, his very strong and very moving paintings described perfectly the majesty and the spectacular contents of the peaks he paints. Rhod Wulfars makes a surprising use of acrylic medium, in thick paste as one could do with oil paint. He used to named his works only bu numbers, and series letters, but sometime he writes the name of the peaks ans makes it more easy to identify. Other works by this artist on his website :

The mountain
Fitz Roy / Cerro Chalten (3,405m- 11, 171 ft) is a mountain located near El Chaltèn village, in the Southern Patagonian Ice Field in Patagonia, on the border between Argentina and Chile. First climbed in 1952 by French alpinists Lionel Terray and Guido Magnone, " The Fitz Roy " remains among the most technically challenging mountains for mountaineers on Earth. Mount Fitz Roy is the basis for the Patagonia clothing logo following Yvon Chouinard's ascent and subsequent film in 1968.
Argentine explorer Francisco Moreno first saw the mountain on 2 March 1877. He named it Fitz Roy, in honour of Robert FitzRoy, who, as captain of the HMS Beagle had travelled up the Santa Cruz River in 1834 and charted large parts of the Patagonian coast.
Cerro is a Spanish word meaning mountain, while Chaltèn comes from a Tehuelche (Aonikenk) word meaning "smoking mountain", due to a cloud that usually forms around the mountain's peak. Fitz Roy, however, was only one of a number of peaks the Tehuelche called Chaltèn.
It has been agreed by Argentina and Chile that their international border detours eastwards to pass over the main summit, but a large part of the border to the south of the summit, as far as Cerro Murallуn, remains undefined.

2022- Wandering Vertexes
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Friday, July 8, 2022


LEO WEHRLI (1870–1954) El Planchón-Peteroa (4,107 m - 13,474 ft) Argentina- Chile border  In Planchon Vulcan photo1897, hand colorized by Anna Wehrli-Frey 1918, ETH Library, Zurich

LEO WEHRLI (1870–1954)
El Planchón-Peteroa (4,107 m - 13,474 ft)
Argentina- Chile border

In Planchon Vulcan, photo,1897, hand colorized by Anna Wehrli-Frey 1918,
ETH Library, Zurich

The volcano
EL Planchón-Peteroa (4,107m - 13,474 ft) also known as Azufre-Planchón-Peteroa or Nevado de los Banos is a complex of active volcanoes extending in a north–south direction along the border between Argentina and Chile. It consists of volcanoes of various ages with several overlapping calderas. Those include Volcán Planchón, Volcán Peteroa and Volcán Azufre. A partial collapse of the complex about 11,500 years ago produced a major debris avalanche, which followed the course of the Teno River until reaching the Chile Central Valley. Peteroa has a crater lake. Lagunas de Teno lies at the foot of Planchón volcano. In this area also is the Vergara International Pass.
Planchón-Peteroa Volcano erupted on September 6, followed by a stronger eruption on September 18. On September 6, 2010, , the volcano erupted once again, emitting a dark gray plume of volcanic ash. As winds blew the ash southeast into Argentina, residents there were warned by authorities to evacuate the nearby areas before Planchón-Peteroa would erupt again.

The photographer
Leo Wehrli was a Swiss geologist, professor and explorer. After studying music, botany, chemistry, mineralogy, petrography and geology in Berlin and Zurich, Wehrli became assistant to Albert Heim. Immediately after completing his thesis, he left for Argentina with the famous Carl Emanuel Burckhardt in 1896. Accredited by the La Plata Museum and the government of Argentina, he explored the Andes he crossed at least five times during a stay of two years. His work was more particularly oriented on the delimitation of the border between Argentina and Chile after the agreement signedbetween these two countries in 1881 and on the determination of the property of mountain peaks, ridge lines and basins slopes.
After his return to Switzerland, he worked between 1900 and 1935 as a teacher and then lecturer for the Geol. Centralblatt in Berlin ; between 1901 and 1912, he wrote nearly 500 articles. He made other trips through Europe and North Africa (Egypt) before going back to Argentina again in 1938. He has summarized his research results in numerous articles, notably in the Geographic Lexicon of Switzerland. He participated in the founding of the Zurich Adult Education Center and gave lectures there from 1921 to 1953. From 1931 to 1951 he was a member of the Swiss Alpine Club SAC commission for the Central Library and has was president for 14 years.
Wehrli left a collection of 15,000 slides, some of which were hand-colored by his wife, born Anna Frey. A large part of the works is made available online by the photographic archives of the ETH-Bibliothek in Zurich.


2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Thursday, May 19, 2022



RHOD WULFARS (bn. 1979) Aconcagua (6,961 m -22,838 ft) Argentina  In "Aconcagua," Acrylic on canvas, 18 x 24cm

RHOD WULFARS (bn. 1979)
Aconcagua (6,961 m -22,838 ft)

In "Aconcagua," Acrylic on canvas, 18 x 24cm

The artist
Rhod Wulfars is a contemporary mountain painter using mainly acrylic technique for his paintings.
He was born in 1979 in Mendoza (Argentina). In his website he wrote: "I have spent my whole life by the mountains. On day I started to paint them". Using, in the manner of Nicolas de Staël, a style always beetween abstract and figurative, his very strong and very moving paintings described perfectly the majesty and the spectacular contents of the peaks he paints. Rhod Wulfars makes a surprising use of acrylic medium, in thick paste as one could do with oil paint. He used to named his works only bu numbers, and series letters, but sometime he writes the name of the peaks ans makes it more easy to identify.
Other works by this artist on his website :
Contact : @rhodwulfars

The mountain
Cerro Aconcagua (6,961 meters -22,838 ft) or simplynThe Aconcagua is the highest mountain outside of Asia and by extension the highest point in both the Western Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.
Aconcagua is not a volcano.  he origin of the name is contested; it is either from the Mapuche "Aconca-Hue", which refers to the Aconcagua River, the Quechua "Ackon Cahuak", meaning "Sentinel of Stone", or Quechua "Anco Cahuac", meaning "White Sentinel" or the Aymara "Janq'u Q'awa" meaning "White Ravine", "White Brook".
Aconcagua is located in the Andes mountain range, in the Mendoza Province, Argentina, and lies 112 kilometers (70 mi) northwest of its capital, the city of Mendoza and 108 km (67 mi) from Santiago de Chile (the capital of Chile). The summit is in fact located about 5 kilometers from San Juan Province and 15 kilometers from the international border with Chile; its nearest higher neighbor is Tirich Mir in the Hindu Kush, 16,520 kilometers (10,270 mi) away.
Aconcagua is one of the Seven Summit, which includes the highest mountains of each of the seven continents. The 7 summits (which are obviously 8 !)... are : Mt Everest (8,848m), Mt Denali or Mc Kinley (6,194m), Kilimandjaro (5,895m), Mt Elbrus (5,642m), Vinson Massif (4,892m), Mt Blanc (4,807m) and Mount Kosciuszko (2,228m). Summiting all of them is regarded as a mountaineering challenge, first achieved on April 30, 1985 by Richard Bass.
The mountain and its surroundings are part of the Aconcagua Provincial Park. The mountain has a number of glaciers. The largest glacier is the Ventisquero Horcones Inferior at about 10 km long, which descends from the south face to about 3600 m altitude near the Confluencia camp. Two other large glacier systems are the Ventisquero de las Vacas Sur and Glaciar Este/Ventisquero Relinchos system at about 5 km. 


2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau


Saturday, August 8, 2020



RAMOS CATALAN ( 1888-1961)
El Tupungato (6,635 m - 21,768 ft ) 
Chili Argentina border

 In Tupungato at sunset, oil on canvas, 1930, Valparaiso Fine Art Museum, Chile

The volcano
Tupungato (6,635m -  one of the highest mountains in the Americas, is a massive Andean lava dome dating to Pleistocene times.  It lies on the border between the Chilean Metropolitan Region (near a major international highway about 80 km (50 mi) east of Santiago) and the Argentine province of Mendoza, about 100 km (62 mi) south of Aconcagua, the highest peak of both the Southern and Western hemispheres. Immediately to its southwest is the active Tupungatito volcano (literally, little Tupungato), which last erupted in 1987.
Tupungato Department, an important Argentine wine-producing region in Mendoza province, is named for the volcano.

The painter
Benito Ramos Catalán (1888-1961) was a chilean painter who used to sign "Ramos Catalan". Known for his marines and landscapes of the Andes and Chile, and most particularly for his mountains paintings. Most of them have the same title: "Mountains of Chile" or "Mountains landscapes of Andes", making quite difficult to know which mountain was exactly depicted, in a country which has quite a lot of summits ! To add to the difficulty, he used to paint the most famous mountains of his country under very unusual angles or with proportions that do not correspond exactly to their real size... making even more difficult to recognize and identify them for experts ! That is why today, 55 years after his death, some of these mountains paintings are not clearly identified and presented, in the public sales, as 'possibly' a particular summit of Chile or Andes...
His works are in many Chilean institutions like Viña del Mar Fine Art Museum, O'Higginiano Fine Art Museum in Talca, Valparaiso Fine Art Museum, and Navy Schools in Valparaiso and Talcahuano, Ranos.


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Friday, May 29, 2020



Cerro Torre (3,128 m - 10,262 ft)
Argentina, Chile border

In Cerro Torre, 2018, oil on canvas, Courtesy John Mitchell Gallery London

The mountain
Cerro Torre (3,128 m - 10,262 ft) is one of the mountains of the Southern Patagonian Ice Field in South America. It is located in the border between Argentina and Chile, west of Cerro Chalten /Fitz Roy. The peak is the highest in a four mountain chain: the other peaks are Torre Egger (2,685 m), Punta Herron, and Cerro Standhardt. The top of the mountain often has a mushroom of rime ice, formed by the constant strong winds, increasing the difficulty of reaching the actual summit.
Cesare Maestri claimed in 1959 that he and Toni Egger had reached the summit and that Egger had been swept to his death by an avalanche while they were descending. Maestri declared that Egger had the camera with the pictures of the summit, but this camera was never found. Inconsistencies in Maestri's account, and the lack of bolts, pitons or fixed ropes on the route, have led most mountaineers to doubt Maestri's claim.
More about the mountain =>

The painter
James Hart Dyke’s work is centred on landscape painting, from the domesticity of paintings of country houses to paintings generated from physically demanding expeditions over remote mountains. James has also undertaken a series of projects including accompanying HRH The Prince of Wales as the official artist on royal tours, working as ‘artist in residence’ for The British Secret Intelligence Service, working as an artist embedded with the British Forces in war zones, working for the producers of the James Bond films and working as ‘artist in residence’ for Aston Martin. These projects required him to respond in many different ways and have allowed him to experiment with more graphic forms of painting influenced by his studies as an architect at the Royal College of Art. His portraits have been shown at the National Portrait Gallery and at the Royal Society of Portrait Painters exhibitions.

2020 - Wandering Vertexes
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Sunday, April 12, 2020



LEO WEHRLI (1870–1854)
Cerro Aconcagua (6, 961m - 22,838ft) 
In Aconcagua, von der Cumbre de Uspallata, photo1897, hand colorized by Anna Wehrli-Frey 1918,
ETH Library, Zurich 

The mountain
Cerro Aconcagua (6,961 meters -22,838 ft) is the highest mountain outside of Asia and by extension the highest point in both the Western Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.
Aconcagua is not a volcano.
The origin of the name is contested; it is either from the Mapuche "Aconca-Hue", which refers to the Aconcagua River, the Quechua "Ackon Cahuak", meaning "Sentinel of Stone", or Quechua "Anco Cahuac", meaning "White Sentinel" or the Aymara "Janq'u Q'awa" meaning "White Ravine", "White Brook".
Aconcagua is located in the Andes mountain range, in the Mendoza Province, Argentina, and lies 112 kilometers (70 mi) northwest of its capital, the city of Mendoza and 108 km (67 mi) from Santiago de Chile (the capital of Chile). The summit is in fact located about 5 kilometers from San Juan Province and 15 kilometers from the international border with Chile; its nearest higher neighbor is Tirich Mir in the Hindu Kush, 16,520 kilometers (10,270 mi) away.
Aconcagua is one of the Seven Summit, which includes the highest mountains of each of the seven continents. The 7 summits (which are obviously 8 !)... are :  Mt Everest (8,848m),  Mt Denali or Mc Kinley (6,194m), Kilimandjaro (5,895m), Mt Elbrus (5,642m), Vinson Massif (4,892m), Mt Blanc (4,807m) and Mount Kosciuszko (2,228m). Summiting all of them is regarded as a mountaineering challenge, first achieved on April 30, 1985 by Richard Bass.
The mountain and its surroundings are part of the Aconcagua Provincial Park. The mountain has a number of glaciers. The largest glacier is the Ventisquero Horcones Inferior at about 10 km long, which descends from the south face to about 3600 m altitude near the Confluencia camp. Two other large glacier systems are the Ventisquero de las Vacas Sur and Glaciar Este/Ventisquero Relinchos system at about 5 km.

The photographer
Leo Wehrli was a Swiss geologist, professor and explorer. After studying music, botany, chemistry, mineralogy, petrography and geology in Berlin and Zurich, Wehrli became assistant to Albert Heim. Immediately after completing his thesis, he left for Argentina with the famous Carl Emanuel Burckhardt in 1896. Accredited by the La Plata Museum and the government of Argentina, he explored the Andes he crossed at least five times during a stay of two years. His work was more particularly oriented on the delimitation of the border between Argentina and Chile after the agreement signedbetween these two countries in 1881 and on the determination of the property of mountain peaks, ridge lines and basins slopes.
After his return to Switzerland, he worked between 1900 and 1935 as a teacher and then lecturer for the Geol. Centralblatt in Berlin ; between 1901 and 1912, he wrote nearly 500 articles. He made other trips through Europe and North Africa (Egypt) before going back to Argentina again in 1938. He has summarized his research results in numerous articles, notably in the Geographic Lexicon of Switzerland. He participated in the founding of the Zurich Adult Education Center and gave lectures there from 1921 to 1953. From 1931 to 1951 he was a member of the Swiss Alpine Club SAC commission for the Central Library and has was president for 14 years.
Wehrli left a collection of 15,000 slides, some of which were hand-colored by his wife, born Anna Frey. A large part of the works is made available online by the photographic archives of the ETH-Bibliothek in Zurich.


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


JAMES HART DYKE (bn.1966),
Cerro Poincenot (3,002 m - 9,848 ft)
Argentina - Chile 

In  Cerro Poincenot and glacier, acrylic and pencil on card, 12x15cm. 2018, Private collection

The mountain
Ceero Poincenot or Poincenot Needle (3002 m - 9,848 ft) is a mountain located to the east of the Southern Patagonian ice field in the sector pending delimitation on the border between Argentina (Province of Santa Cruz) and Chile (Region of Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctic) dating from the 1998 Agreement;.  This sector is from the south of Mount Fitz Roy to Cerro Murallón, in the Treaty it was intended to delimit from Fitz Roy to Cerro Daudet, however, due to disagreement as to delimit the northern sector, it was only defined from the Hill Murallón to the Daudet. Because of this, its political and neutral status is that of an international hill, and of which it belongs to both countries, of which both must define a definitive border.
The mountainous group to which it belongs forms one of the great nunataks of the Patagonian ice field. The spire is located south of Mount Fitz Roy (which measures about 350 meters more), and stands out for its pointed figure and vertical walls.
The summit was named in memory of the French mountaineer Jacques Poincenot, who died during the French expedition to reach the top of Mount Fitz Roy for the first time, composed of Lionel Terray and Guido Magnone. During the long walk to Fitz Roy, Poincenot drowned in the Fitz Roy River.5 His remains rest in the town of Puerto Santa Cruz.
The first ascent was made in 1962 by the Irishman Frank Cochrane and the British Don Whillans, who used the southwest face.

The painter
James Hart Dyke’s work is centred on landscape painting, from the domesticity of paintings of country houses to paintings generated from physically demanding expeditions over remote mountains. James has also undertaken a series of projects including accompanying HRH The Prince of Wales as the official artist on royal tours, working as ‘artist in residence’ for The British Secret Intelligence Service, working as an artist embedded with the British Forces in war zones, working for the producers of the James Bond films and working as ‘artist in residence’ for Aston Martin. These projects required him to respond in many different ways and have allowed him to experiment with more graphic forms of painting influenced by his studies as an architect at the Royal College of Art. His portraits have been shown at the National Portrait Gallery and at the Royal Society of Portrait Painters exhibitions.


2020 - Wandering Vertexes
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Monday, December 30, 2019



PEDRO LIRA (1845-1912)
Cerro Escorial (5,451 m - 17, 884 ft)
Chile - Argentina border

In Paisaje con cordillera y vacunos, oil on canvas, 1899

The mountain
Cerro Escorial (5,451 m - 17, 884 ft) is a stratovolcano at the border of Argentina and Chile. It is part of the Corrida de Cori volcanic group and its youngest member. A well-preserved 1-kilometre-wide (0.6 mi) crater forms its summit area. Lava flows are found on the Chilean and smaller ones on the Argentinian side, the former reaching as far as 3–4 kilometres (1.9–2.5 mi) from the volcano. One of these is dated 342,000 years ago by argon-argon dating.
A Plinian eruption on Escorial was the source of the dacitic Escorial ignimbrite. Pulsed changes in the magma supply during the eruption generated a radial ignimbrite structure which was deposited in various flows. The source magma underwent significant crustal contamination and contains quartz veins, indicating that the ignimbrite interacted with a buried hydrothermal system. Lithic clasts including basement material are also present. The ignimbrite has a volume of about 0.6 cubic kilometres (0.14 cu mi) and was erupted 460,000±10,000 years ago.
A sulfur mine lies 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) southwest of Escorial. Mining ceased about 1983.

The painter 
Pedro Francisco Lira Rencoret known as Pedro Lira  was a Chilean painter and art critic,  best known for his eclectic portraits of women ans a few landscapes.
He lived in France from 1873 to 1884 and was influenced by Eugène Delacroix, many of whose paintings he copied. Later, he received an "honorable mention" at the Salon, where little recognition was generally given to Latin American artists. But, despite his successes, he decided to return to Chile, as the time appeared ripe to create an artistic milieu comparable to that in Paris.
Soon after his arrival, he organized the first exposition devoted exclusively to Chilean painters. Together with the sculptor José Miguel Blanco, he founded the "Unión Artística", an organization devoted to promoting more exhibitions and, ultimately, creating the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Chile, which was originally located on the second floor of the National Congress Building. He also created a Salon, similar to the one in Paris, and helped establish a museum in the Quinta Normal, where expositions were held until 1910.
In 1892, he was appointed Director of the "Escuela de Bellas Artes", a position he held until his death. While there, he was a mentor for promising new artists. Among the best known painters whose careers he supported are Pablo Burchard, Pedro Reszka Moreau and Celia Castro, the first Chilean woman to become a notable artist. He also compiled Chile's first "Biographical Dictionary of Painters" and translated Hippolyte Taine's Philosophy of Art. Several historical paintings of his have been used on Chilean banknotes.


2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Friday, December 27, 2019



Cerro Torre (3,128 m - 10,262 ft)
Argentina, Chile border
In  Cerro Torre, 2018, oil on canvas, Courtesy Gallery John Mitchell, London

The mountain
 Cerro Torre (3,128 m - 10,262 ft) is one of the mountains of the Southern Patagonian Ice Field in South America. It is located in the border between Argentina and Chile, west of Cerro Chalten /Fitz Roy. The peak is the highest in a four mountain chain: the other peaks are Torre Egger (2,685 m), Punta Herron, and Cerro Standhardt. The top of the mountain often has a mushroom of rime ice, formed by the constant strong winds, increasing the difficulty of reaching the actual summit.
Cesare Maestri claimed in 1959 that he and Toni Egger had reached the summit and that Egger had been swept to his death by an avalanche while they were descending. Maestri declared that Egger had the camera with the pictures of the summit, but this camera was never found. Inconsistencies in Maestri's account, and the lack of bolts, pitons or fixed ropes on the route, have led most mountaineers to doubt Maestri's claim.
In 2005, Ermanno Salvaterra, Rolando Garibotti and Alessandro Beltrami, after many attempts by world-class alpinists, put up a confirmed route on the face that Maestri claimed to have climbed. They did not find any evidence of previous climbing on the route described by Maestri and found the route significantly different from Maestri's description. In 2015 Rolando Garibotti published evidence that the information provided by Maestri do not agree with respect to the alleged summit ascent. Instead he and Egger were on the western flank of Perfil de Indio.
Maestri went back to Cerro Torre in 1970 with Ezio Alimonta, Daniele Angeli, Claudio Baldessarri, Carlo Claus and Pietro Vidi, trying a new route on the southeast face. With the aid of a gas-powered compressor drill, Maestri equipped 350 m of rock with bolts and got to the end of the rocky part of the mountain, just below the ice mushroom. Maestri claimed that "the mushroom is not part of the mountain" and did not continue to the summit. The compressor was left, tied to the last bolts, 100 m below the top. Maestri was heavily criticised for the "unfair" methods he used to climb the mountain.
The route Maestri followed is now known as the Compressor route and was climbed to the summit in 1979 by Jim Bridwell and Steve Brewer. Most parties consider the ascent complete only if they summit the often-difficult ice-rime mushroom.
The first undisputed ascent was made in 1974 by the "Ragni di Lecco" climbers Daniele Chiappa, Mario Conti, Casimiro Ferrari, and Pino Negri.

The painter
James Hart Dyke’s work is centred on landscape painting, from the domesticity of paintings of country houses to paintings generated from physically demanding expeditions over remote mountains. James has also undertaken a series of projects including accompanying HRH The Prince of Wales as the official artist on royal tours, working as ‘artist in residence’ for The British Secret Intelligence Service, working as an artist embedded with the British Forces in war zones, working for the producers of the James Bond films and working as ‘artist in residence’ for Aston Martin. These projects required him to respond in many different ways and have allowed him to experiment with more graphic forms of painting influenced by his studies as an architect at the Royal College of Art. His portraits have been shown at the National Portrait Gallery and at the Royal Society of Portrait Painters exhibitions.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Monday, December 2, 2019


The Fitz Roy / Cerro Chalten (3,405 m- 11, 171 ft)
Chile - Argentina border

In Fitz Roy and Laguna Sucia, sunlight on glacier, 2018, 
Courtesy John Mitchell Gallery, London, oil on gesso on panel, 57 x 57 cm.

The painter
James Hart Dyke’s work is centred on landscape painting, from the domesticity of paintings of country houses to paintings generated from physically demanding expeditions over remote mountains. James has also undertaken a series of projects including accompanying HRH The Prince of Wales as the official artist on royal tours, working as ‘artist in residence’ for The British Secret Intelligence Service, working as an artist embedded with the British Forces in war zones, working for the producers of the James Bond films and working as ‘artist in residence’ for Aston Martin. These projects required him to respond in many different ways and have allowed him to experiment with more graphic forms of painting influenced by his studies as an architect at the Royal College of Art. His portraits have been shown at the National Portrait Gallery and at the Royal Society of Portrait Painters exhibitions.

The mountain 
Fitz Roy / Cerro Chalten (3,405m- 11, 171 ft) is a mountain located near El Chaltèn village, in the Southern Patagonian Ice Field in Patagonia, on the border between Argentina and Chile. First climbed in 1952 by French alpinists Lionel Terray and Guido Magnone, " The Fitz Roy " remains among the most technically challenging mountains for mountaineers on Earth. Mount Fitz Roy is the basis for the Patagonia clothing logo following Yvon Chouinard's ascent and subsequent film in 1968.
Argentine explorer Francisco Moreno first saw the mountain on 2 March 1877. He named it Fitz Roy, in honour of Robert FitzRoy, who, as captain of the HMS Beagle had travelled up the Santa Cruz River in 1834 and charted large parts of the Patagonian coast.
Cerro is a Spanish word meaning mountain, while Chaltèn comes from a Tehuelche (Aonikenk) word meaning "smoking mountain", due to a cloud that usually forms around the mountain's peak. Fitz Roy, however, was only one of a number of peaks the Tehuelche called Chaltèn.
It has been agreed by Argentina and Chile that their international border detours eastwards to pass over the main summit, but a large part of the border to the south of the summit, as far as Cerro Murallуn, remains undefined.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Saturday, August 31, 2019


ONOFRE JARPA-LABRA (1849 - 1940)  
 Copahue volcano (2,997 m - 9,833 ft)
Chile, Argentina border

In En la Cordillera de Chillan, Quebrada el Manzano 1893, oil on canvas, 200 x1 31cm, 
 Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile

The volcano
Copahue  (2,997 m  - 9,833 ft) is a stratovolcano in the Andes on the border of Bío Bío Region, Chile and Neuquén Province, Argentina. There are nine volcanic craters along a 2 km (1.2 mi) line, the easternmost of which is historically the most active, and contains a 300 m (1000 ft) wide crater lake. Eruptions from this crater lake have ejected pyroclastic rocks and chilled liquid sulfur fragments. Although the lake emptied during the 2000 eruption, it later returned to its previous levels. Copahue means "sulphur waters" in Mapuche.
The modern structure is an elongated shield volcano, with a maximum thickness of 22 km and a minimum of 8 km. It has erupted ten times since 1900, most recently in March 2016.[
 On 27 May 2013, it was reported that a red alert had been issued and the evacuation of around 2,000 people was to begin.

The painter 
 The  Chilean landscape painter  Onofre Jarpa Labra was a Romantic style painter and an essayist on various artistic topics. His education began at the Instituto Nacional, a prestigious school that has produced many of Chile's presidents. He continued his studies at the Academia de Bellas Artes, directed by the conservative Italian painter Alejandro Ciccarelli, who resigned in 1869 and was replaced by the German painter, Ernesto Kirchbach, who took a progressive approach that was more amenable to Jarpa's temperament.
In 1875, he won second prize at an international exhibition in Santiago and, six years later, received a government grant to study in Europe, where he visited Spain, Rome and Paris. In Spain, he worked with Francisco Pradilla, who had a major influence on his style. His most important period, however, came during his stay in Venice, where his style became more Naturalistic and he began producing still-lifes. He also became devoted to painting en plein air. After his European tour, he visited the Holy Land, where he painted scenes from the River Jordan and Mount Carmel.
Upon returning to Chile, he became a teacher. Among his best-known students were José Tomás Errázuriz, Alberto Valenzuela Llanos and the caricaturist Jorge Délano Frederick.  He resisted the trends toward French Impressionism, represented by his former classmate, Juan Francisco González, although he was on good terms with the Grupo Montparnasse and the Generación del 13.
In addition to his landscapes and still lifes, he painted several portraits of notable public figures. A quiet, deeply religious man, he continued to paint almost until the day of his death. Most of his works are now in private collection.

2019 - Men Portraits 
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Friday, August 30, 2019


ANTONIO SMITH (1832–1877)
Cerro Aconcagua (6, 961m - 22,838ft) 

In Santiago de Chile desde Peñalolen, oil on canvas, 1875, Private collection

The mountain
Cerro Aconcagua (6,961 meters -22,838 ft) is the highest mountain outside of Asia and by extension the highest point in both the Western Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. The origin of the name is contested; it is either from the Mapuche "Aconca-Hue", which refers to the Aconcagua River, the Quechua "Ackon Cahuak", meaning "Sentinel of Stone", or Quechua "Anco Cahuac", meaning "White Sentinel" or the Aymara "Janq'u Q'awa" meaning "White Ravine", "White Brook".
Aconcagua is located in the Andes mountain range, in the Mendoza Province, Argentina, and lies 112 kilometers (70 mi) northwest of its capital, the city of Mendoza and 108 km (67 mi) from Santiago de Chile (the capital of Chile). The summit is in fact located about 5 kilometers from San Juan Province and 15 kilometers from the international border with Chile; its nearest higher neighbor is Tirich Mir in the Hindu Kush, 16,520 kilometers (10,270 mi) away.
Aconcagua is one of the Seven Summit, which includes the highest mountains of each of the seven continents.  The 7 summits (which are obviously 8 !)... are :
Mt Everest (8,848m), Aconcagua (6,961m), Mt Denali or Mc Kinley (6,194m), Kilimandjaro (5,895m), Mt Elbrus (5,642m), Vinson Massif (4,892m), Mt Blanc (4,807m) and Mount Kosciuszko (2,228m).
Summiting all of them is regarded as a mountaineering challenge, first achieved on April 30, 1985 by Richard Bass.  Aconcagua was created by the subduction of the Nazca Plate beneath the South American Plate during the geologically recent Andean orogeny; but it is not a volcano. It is bounded by the Valle de las Vacas to the north and east and the Valle de los Horcones Inferior to the west and south. The mountain and its surroundings are part of the Aconcagua Provincial Park. The mountain has a number of glaciers. The largest glacier is the Ventisquero Horcones Inferior at about 10 km long, which descends from the south face to about 3600 m altitude near the Confluencia camp. Two other large glacier systems are the Ventisquero de las Vacas Sur and Glaciar Este/Ventisquero Relinchos system at about 5 km.

The painter
Miguel Antonio Smith Irisarri was a Chilean landscape painter, engraver, caricaturist and art teacher.
His father, Jorge, was a native of Scotland and served as the consul in Santiago. His mother, Carmen, was the daughter of independence leader Antonio José de Irisarri and the sister of poet Hermógenes Irisarri. His family wanted him to be a lawyer. With his own money, he purchased brushes and paints, but they were thrown away.
The failure of the Revolution of 1859 forced him to emigrate. He decided to go to France and, after a short time, became reasonably successful. However, the Bohemian lifestyle he had adopted caused him to squander his money, so he had to go to the United States to seek financial assistance from his grandfather, Antonio José, who at that time was a diplomat in New York. He then went to Italy, where he spent a year working with the landscape painter Carlo Marco. After that, he decided to return to Chile, despite the dangers involved in sea travel during the Chincha Islands War.
In 1866, following a difficult six-month voyage, he landed at San Antonio and joined a group of firefighters from Santiago, although he did not remain with them for long. Serious cultural reforms were sweeping the country, but he was amazed to see how little had changed at the Academy. That is, Ciccarelli was still in charge, so Smith established his own teaching workshop. In 1869, Ciccarelli was replaced by Ernst Kirchbach, a German painter who was more amenable to Smith, and they began sharing students. Some of his best-known students include Alfredo Valenzuela Puelma, Pedro Lira, Alberto Orrego Luco, Onofre Jarpa and Cosme San Martín.
Although an excellent teacher, he was very disorganized, painting when the mood struck him. As a result, many of his works were done quickly or left unfinished. His many imitators often make it difficult to assign authorship with certainty. The majority of his paintings are in private collections.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


 PEDRO LIRA (1845-1912) 
Cerro Escorial  (5,451m - 17, 884ft)
Argentina / Chile border

 In  Paisaje Cordillerano, oil on canvas, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Chile   

The mountain 
Cerro Escorial  (5,451m - 17, 884ft) is a stratovolcano at the border of Argentina and Chile. It is part of the Corrida de Cori volcanic group and its youngest member. A well-preserved 1-kilometre-wide (0.6 mi) crater forms its summit area. Lava flows are found on the Chilean and smaller ones on the Argentinian side, the former reaching as far as 3–4 kilometres (1.9–2.5 mi) from the volcano. One of these is dated 342,000 years ago by argon-argon dating.
A Plinian eruption on Escorial was the source of the dacitic Escorial ignimbrite.  Pulsed changes in the magma supply during the eruption generated a radial ignimbrite structure which was deposited in various flows. The source magma underwent significant crustal contamination and contains quartz veins, indicating that the ignimbrite interacted with a buried hydrothermal system. Lithic clasts including basement material are also present. The ignimbrite has a volume of about 0.6 cubic kilometres (0.14 cu mi) and was erupted 460,000±10,000 years ago.
A sulfur mine lies 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) southwest of Escorial. Mining ceased about 1983.

The painter 
Pedro Francisco Lira Rencoret known as Pedro Lira  was a Chilean painter and art critic,  best known for his eclectic portraits of women ans a few landscapes.
He lived in France from 1873 to 1884 and was influenced by Eugène Delacroix, many of whose paintings he copied. Later, he received an "honorable mention" at the Salon, where little recognition was generally given to Latin American artists. But, despite his successes, he decided to return to Chile, as the time appeared ripe to create an artistic milieu comparable to that in Paris.
Soon after his arrival, he organized the first exposition devoted exclusively to Chilean painters. Together with the sculptor José Miguel Blanco, he founded the "Unión Artística", an organization devoted to promoting more exhibitions and, ultimately, creating the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Chile, which was originally located on the second floor of the National Congress Building. He also created a Salon, similar to the one in Paris, and helped establish a museum in the Quinta Normal, where expositions were held until 1910.
In 1892, he was appointed Director of the "Escuela de Bellas Artes", a position he held until his death. While there, he was a mentor for promising new artists. Among the best known painters whose careers he supported are Pablo Burchard, Pedro Reszka Moreau and Celia Castro, the first Chilean woman to become a notable artist. He also compiled Chile's first "Biographical Dictionary of Painters" and translated Hippolyte Taine's Philosophy of Art. Several historical paintings of his have been used on Chilean banknotes.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Cerro Torre (3,128 m - 10,262 ft) 
Argentina, Chile border

The mountain 
Cerro Torre  (3,128 m - 10,262 ft) is one of the mountains of the Southern Patagonian Ice Field in South America. It is located in the border between Argentina and Chile, west of Cerro Chalten /Fitz Roy. The peak is the highest in a four mountain chain: the other peaks are Torre Egger (2,685 m), Punta Herron, and Cerro Standhardt. The top of the mountain often has a mushroom of rime ice, formed by the constant strong winds, increasing the difficulty of reaching the actual summit.
Cesare Maestri claimed in 1959 that he and Toni Egger had reached the summit and that Egger had been swept to his death by an avalanche while they were descending. Maestri declared that Egger had the camera with the pictures of the summit, but this camera was never found. Inconsistencies in Maestri's account, and the lack of bolts, pitons or fixed ropes on the route, have led most mountaineers to doubt Maestri's claim.
 In 2005, Ermanno Salvaterra, Rolando Garibotti and Alessandro Beltrami, after many attempts by world-class alpinists, put up a confirmed route on the face that Maestri claimed to have climbed. They did not find any evidence of previous climbing on the route described by Maestri and found the route significantly different from Maestri's description. In 2015 Rolando Garibotti published evidence that the information provided by Maestri do not agree with respect to the alleged summit ascent. Instead he and Egger were on the western flank of Perfil de Indio.
Maestri went back to Cerro Torre in 1970 with Ezio Alimonta, Daniele Angeli, Claudio Baldessarri, Carlo Claus and Pietro Vidi, trying a new route on the southeast face. With the aid of a gas-powered compressor drill, Maestri equipped 350 m of rock with bolts and got to the end of the rocky part of the mountain, just below the ice mushroom. Maestri claimed that "the mushroom is not part of the mountain" and did not continue to the summit. The compressor was left, tied to the last bolts, 100 m below the top. Maestri was heavily criticised for the "unfair" methods he used to climb the mountain.
The route Maestri followed is now known as the Compressor route and was climbed to the summit in 1979 by Jim Bridwell and Steve Brewer.  Most parties consider the ascent complete only if they summit the often-difficult ice-rime mushroom.
The first undisputed ascent was made in 1974 by the "Ragni di Lecco" climbers Daniele Chiappa, Mario Conti, Casimiro Ferrari, and Pino Negri.

The painter 
Today, the artist Juergen Staeudtner lives and works in Haan close to Duesseldorf, Germany. he studied fine arts from 2003 through 2008 at free academy of fine arts in Essen, Germany. He had intensive discussions with Bernard Lokai, Thomas Zika, Wolfgang Hambrecht, Michael Seeling und Danica Dakic). Jürgen Stäudtner graduated as Master Scholar of Bernard Lokai, Thomas Zika and Stefan Schneider in 2008. He started painting abstract subjects as a teenager with acryl on paper.
Also interested in technical and business matters Jürgen Stäudtner started studying after civil service in Munich, Dublin, Madrid and Hagen and graduated as a Master of Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Business Administration. Since 1993 Jürgen Stäudtner worked for renowned management consulting firms and growing companies in the telecommunication and internet industry. In 1999 Jürgen Stäudtner founded Cridon and since 2005 his professional time is focused on this firm.
Jürgen Stäudtner travelled a lot in Europe, Asia and America. Also he is doing sports, among this marathon running, mountain climbing and 600 skydives.
- Juergen Staeudtner website

Tuesday, February 28, 2017


RAMOS CATALAN (1888-1961) 
Fitz Roy / Cerro Chalten  (3,405m- 11, 171 ft)
Chile - Argentina border

The mountain 
Fitz Roy / Cerro Chalten  (3,405m- 11, 171 ft) is a mountain located near El Chaltèn village, in the Southern Patagonian Ice Field in Patagonia, on the border between Argentina and Chile. First climbed in 1952 by French alpinists Lionel Terray and Guido Magnone, " The Fitz Roy " remains among the most technically challenging mountains for mountaineers on Earth. Mount Fitz Roy is the basis for the Patagonia clothing logo following Yvon Chouinard's ascent and subsequent film in 1968.
Argentine explorer Francisco Moreno first saw the mountain on 2 March 1877. He named it Fitz Roy, in honour of Robert FitzRoy, who, as captain of the HMS Beagle had travelled up the Santa Cruz River in 1834 and charted large parts of the Patagonian coast.
Cerro is a Spanish word meaning mountain, while Chaltèn comes from a Tehuelche (Aonikenk) word meaning "smoking mountain", due to a cloud that usually forms around the mountain's peak. Fitz Roy, however, was only one of a number of peaks the Tehuelche called Chaltèn.
It has been agreed by Argentina and Chile that their international border detours eastwards to pass over the main summit, but a large part of the border to the south of the summit, as far as Cerro Murallуn, remains undefined.

The painter 
Benito Ramos Catalán (1888-1961) was a chilean  painter who used to sign "Ramos Catalan". Known for his marines and landscapes of the Andes and Chile, and most particularly for his mountains paintings. Most of them have the same title: "Mountains of Chile" or  "Mountains landscapes of Andes", making quite difficult to know which mountain was exactly depicted, in a country which has quite a lot of summits ! To add to the difficulty, he used to paint the most famous mountains of his country under very unusual angles or with proportions that do not correspond exactly to their real size... making even more difficult to recognize and identify them for experts ! That is why today, 55 years after his death, some of these mountains paintings are not clearly identified and presented, in the public sales, as 'possibly' a particular summit of Chile or Andes...
His works are in many Chilean institutions like Viña del Mar Fine Art  Museum, O'Higginiano Fine Art Museum in Talca, Valparaiso Fine Art Museum, and Navy  Schools in Valparaiso and Talcahuano. Ranos

Sunday, January 8, 2017


RAMOS CATALAN (1888-1961)
Cerro el Muerto (6,488 m - 21,286 ft)
Argentina - Chile border

In Mountains landscapes of Andes, oil on canvas

The mountain
Cerro el Muerto  (6,488 m - 21,286 ft) sometimes just called "El Muerto"  (The Dead One") is a mountain peak of South America and is part of the Andes mountain range. It is also known as the 16th of the largest mountain peaks in the Argentine-Chilean border. Cery difficult to climb, the summit was successful reached first in 1950. The peak does not receive many climbing attempts due to the difficulty of navigating there from the Argentinian side of the mountain. Also, the closest neighboring mountain is Ojos del Salado, South America's second highest peak and highest volcano in the South West, which receives much more tourism in comparison.
The glaciers on the Argentinian/south side offers some good snow and ice climbing and a nice change from scree peaks of the Puna. It's never really steep, even if you have the choice of going up to 60 degrees, but it's long, tough and demanding. The views from the summit are fantastic!
A landscape of blue lagoons, volcanoes and the vasteness of the plateau is stunning.
- El muerto in 

The painter 
Benito Ramos Catalán (1888-1961) was a chilean  painter who used to sign "Ramos Catalan". Known for his marines and landscapes of the Andes and Chile, and most particularly for his mountains paintings. Most of them have the same title: "Mountains of Chile" or  "Mountains landscapes of Andes", making quite difficult to know which mountain was exactly depicted, in a country which has quite a lot of summits ! To add to the difficulty, he used to paint the most famous mountains of his country under very unusual angles or with proportions that do not correspond exactly to their real size... making even more difficult to recognize and identify them for experts ! That is why today, 55 years after his death, some of these mountains paintings are not clearly identified and presented, in the public sales, as 'possibly' a particular summit of Chile or Andes...
His works are in many Chilean institutions like Viña del Mar Fine Art  Museum, O'Higginiano Fine Art Museum in Talca, Valparaiso Fine Art Museum, and Navy  Schools in Valparaiso and Talcahuano. Ranos

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Aconcagua - Peak South  (6,961m - 22, 838ft) 

Watercolor painted in 1897 during the first ascent expedition

The mountain
Aconcagua (6,961 meters -22,838 ft) is the highest mountain outside of Asia and by extension the highest point in both the Western Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. The origin of the name is contested; it is either from the Mapuche  "Aconca-Hue", which refers to the Aconcagua River, the Quechua "Ackon Cahuak", meaning "Sentinel of Stone", or Quechua "Anco Cahuac", meaning "White Sentinel" or the Aymara  "Janq'u Q'awa" meaning "White Ravine", "White Brook".  
Aconcagua is located in the Andes mountain range, in the Mendoza Province, Argentina, and lies 112 kilometers (70 mi) northwest of its capital, the city of Mendoza. The summit is also located about 5 kilometers from San Juan Province and 15 kilometers from the international border with Chile; its nearest higher neighbor is Tirich Mir in the Hindu Kush, 16,520 kilometers (10,270 mi) away. 
Aconcagua is one of the Seven Summit, which includes the highest mountains of each of the seven  continents. Summiting all of them is regarded as a mountaineering  challenge, first achieved on April 30, 1985 by Richard Bass.  
The 7 summits (which are obviously 8 !)... are 
 Mt Everest (8,848m), Aconcagua (6,961m), Mt Denali or Mc Kinley (6,194m),  Kilimandjaro (5,895m), Mt Elbrus (5,642m), Vinson  Massif (4,892m), Mt Blanc (4,807m) and Mount Kosciuszko  (2,228m).
Aconcagua was created by the subduction of the Nazca Plate beneath the South American Plate during the geologically recent Andean orogeny; but it is not a volcano.  It is bounded by the Valle de las Vacas to the north and east and the Valle de los Horcones Inferior to the west and south. The mountain and its surroundings are part of the Aconcagua Provincial Park. The mountain has a number of glaciers. The largest glacier is the Ventisquero Horcones Inferior at about 10 km long, which descends from the south face to about 3600 m altitude near the Confluencia camp. Two other large glacier systems are the Ventisquero de las Vacas Sur and Glaciar Este/Ventisquero Relinchos system at about 5 km long. The most well-known is the north-eastern or Polish Glacier, as it is a common route of ascent.
The routes to the peak from the south and south-west ridges are more demanding and the south face climb is considered quite difficult.
The mains routes are:
- Puente del Inca, 2,740 meters (8,990 ft): A small village on the main road, with facilities including a lodge.
- Confluencia, 3,380 meters (11,090 ft): A camp site a few hours into the national park.
- Plaza de Mulas, 4,370 meters (14,340 ft): Base camp, claimed to be the second largest in the world (after Everest). There are several meal tents, showers and internet access. There is a lodge approx. 1 km from the main campsite across the glacier. At this camp, climbers are screened by a medical team to check if they are fit enough to continue the climb.
- Camp Canadá, 5,050 meters (16,570 ft): A large ledge overlooking Plaza de Mulas.
- Camp Alaska, 5,200 meters (17,060 ft): Called 'change of slope' in Spanish, a small site as the slope from Plaza de Mulas to Nido de Cóndores lessens. Not commonly used.
- Nido de Cóndores, 5,570 meters (18,270 ft): A large plateau with beautiful views. There is usually a park ranger camped here.
- Camp Berlín, 5,940 meters (19,490 ft): The classic high camp, offering reasonable wind protection.
- Camp Colera, 6,000 meters (19,690 ft): A larger, while slightly more exposed, camp situated directly at the north ridge near Camp Berlín, with growing popularity. In January 2011, a shelter was opened in Camp Colera for exclusive use in cases of emergency. The shelter is named Elena after Italian climber Elena Senin, who died in January 2009 shortly after reaching the summit, and whose family donated the shelter.
- Several sites possible for camping or bivouac, including Piedras Blancas (~6100 m) and Independencia (~6350 m), are located above Colera; however, they are seldom used and offer little protection.
Summit attempts are usually made from a high camp at either Berlín or Colera, or from the lower camp at Nido de Cóndores. All camps are used frequently, namely Plaza de Mulas and Nido de Cóndores.

The artist 
Arthur Philemon Coleman was a Canadian a geologist, professor, minerals prospector, artist, Rockies explorer, backwoods canoeist, world traveller, scientist, popular lecturer, museum administrator, memoirist and...  one of Canada’s most beloved scientist. 
Arthur Coleman is a fine example of that rare bird, a polished amateur artist whose drawings and paintings stand comfortably beside those of many professionals. He was active during the time when sketching and painting was ceding to photography the task of recording the visible world. Although he was also a photographer, painting was, for him, both a poetic and a descriptive pursuit, a way of wrapping an artistic expression around a phenomenon he was interested in or moved by. Thus motivated, Coleman's paintings give much joy and command a good deal of respect. The more surprising, perhaps given that he used to introduced himself more as a geologist than a painter.
Coleman travelled throughout the United States for professional conferences as well as geological field work.  He visited many of the major American mountain ranges including: the American Cordillera Mountains (Washington, Oregon and California); the Sierra Nevada Mountains (California and Nevada); Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming, Montana and Idaho); and the Appalachian Mountains (eastern United States). Pleistocene glaciation had extended in Northern Europe as far south as Berlin and London and covered an area of two million square miles. Coleman also visited such countries as India, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Scandinavia, Bolivia, New Zealand, South Africa and Uruguay. In his final years he made two expeditions to the Andes in Colombia, to mountains in Southern Mexico and to two mountains in Central America.  He achieved the first ascent of Castle Mountain in 1884, and in 1907, he was the first white man to attempt to climb Mount Robson. He made a total of eight exploratory trips to the Canadian Rockies, wholly four of them looking for the mythical giants of Hooker and Brown. 
From 1901 to 1922, he was a Professor of Geology at the University of Toronto and was Dean of the Faculty of Arts from 1919 to 1922. From 1931 to 1934, he was a geologist with the Department of Mines of the Government of Ontario. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 1900 and was its President in 1921. In 1929, he was appointed Honorary Vice-President of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society.
 "Mount Coleman" and "Coleman Glacier" in Banff National Park is named in his honor.  He was awarded the Penrose Medal in 1936.
He planned to climb "hi" mountain, "Mount Coleman"'in the Albertan Rockies, and had also prepared a trip to British Guiana, but death intervened.
He was author of:
- Reports on the Economic Geology of Ontario (1903)
- Lake Ojibway; Last of the Great Glacial Lakes (1909) 
- The Canadian Rockies: New and Old Trails (1911)
- Ice Ages, Recent and Ancient (1926), and was co-author of Elementary Geology (1922).
- The Last Million Years (1941) edited by George F. Kay
Reference :
Biography on A. P. Coleman's page of the Victoria  University Library