, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: ELISEU VISCONTI (1866-1944)
Showing posts with label ELISEU VISCONTI (1866-1944). Show all posts
Showing posts with label ELISEU VISCONTI (1866-1944). Show all posts

Sunday, February 19, 2023


ELISEU VISCONTI (1866-1944)  Dedo de Deus (1,682m - 5,551ft) Brazil ELISEU VISCONTI (1866-1944)Dedo de Deus (1,682m - 5,551ft) Brazil

Dedo de Deus (1,682m - 5,551ft)

La montagne
Dedo de Deus (Le Doigt de Dieu) (1 ,682 m - 5 ,551 fr) est un massif dont le contour ressemble à une main pointant l'index vers le ciel. C'est l'un des nombreux monuments géologiques de la Serra dos Órgãos qui se situe à Serra do Mar, entre les villes de Petrópolis, Guapimirim et Teresópolis, dans l'État de Rio de Janeiro, au Brésil. L'alpinisme au Brésil est étroitement lié à l'ascension du Dedo de deus. Le pic est un symbole de l'État de Rio de Janeiro, apparaissant sur son drapeau et ses armoiries, symbolisant la justice, la vérité et la loyauté, avec la silhouette de la Serra dos Órgãos. Ce symbole a été mis en place par la Constitution de 1892 et officialisé sous le gouvernement de José Tomás da Porciúncula, avec de petites différences au fil du temps. En 1912, les alpinistes José Guimarães Teixeira, Raul Carneiro et les frères Américo, Alexandre et Acácio de Oliveira, tous de Teresópolis, ont été les premiers vaincre au sommet de la formation rocheuse.

Eliseu Visconti, né Eliseo d'Angelo Visconti était un peintre, dessinateur et enseignant brésilien d'origine italienne. Il est considéré comme l'un des rares peintres impressionnistes du Brésil et comme l'initiateur de l'art nouveau dans ce vaste pays.
Grâce à un prix reçu en 1892, Visconti se rend à Paris, où il fréquente l'École des beaux-arts. Il suit également des cours à l'Académie Julian et à l'École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs, où il est l'élève du maître de l'art nouveau Eugène Grasset. Il est accepté au Salon de la Nationale des Beaux Arts et au Salon de la Société des Artistes Français. En tant que l'un des représentants brésiliens à l'Exposition Universelle de 1900, il expose les peintures Gioventú et Oréadas, pour lesquelles il reçoit une médaille d'argent. De retour au Brésil, Visconti expose à Rio de Janeiro et São Paulo, et obtient la première place à un concours de dessin de timbres postaux pour la Casa da Moeda brésilienne. Il voyage à nouveau en Europe, où il expose au Salon de Paris de 1905 le portrait de l'artiste Nicolina Vaz de Assis, aujourd'hui au Museu Nacional de Belas Artes. Cette même année, il est invité à peindre le rideau de scène du Teatro Municipal de Rio de Janeiro qu'il réalise dans son atelier à Paris.
De cette époque datent des projets décoratifs exécutés pour la  Biblioteca Nacional de (Rio de Janeiro), ainsi qu'une autre médaille d'or qu'il reçut à l'Exposition internationale de Saint-Louis (Louisiana Purchase Exposition), en 1904, pour le tableau Recompensa de São Sebastião . Le musée de Santiago du Chili acquit son Sonho Místico (Rêve mystique) en 1912. En 1913, Visconti retourna en Europe afin de peindre des panneaux à grande échelle pour le "foyer" du Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro. Ses projets de retour étant interrompus par la Première Guerre mondiale, il resta en France jusqu'en 1920. Les peintures du "foyer" qui en résultent sont envoyées au Brésil pendant la guerre, en 1915. En 1922, son triptyque "Lar" lui vaut la Médaille de Honneur dans une exposition créée à Rio de Janeiro pour commémorer le premier centenaire de l'indépendance du Brésil, l'Exposição do Centenário. L'année suivante, Visconti peint la décoration murale de la salle du conseil municipal de Rio de Janeiro. En 1924, il peint le panneau représentant la signature de la première Constitution républicaine, pour l'ancien tribunal fédéral, également à Rio de Janeiro.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Sunday, January 23, 2022


ELISEU VISCONTI (1866-1944) Dedo de Deus (1,682m - 5,551ft) Brazil


Dedo de Deus (1,682m - 5,551ft)

About this mainting
Eliseu Visconti painted a lot of times,the Dedo De Deus mountain in the Serra de Orgaos, in any season and in all possible light, at any time of day. It is THE  repetitive motif in his work, a bit like the Montagne Sainte-Victoire for Paul Cézanne or  the volcano Chimborazo for Frederic Edwin Church or Mount Everest for Nicholas Roerich.

The mountain
Dedo de Deus (The Finger of God) (1,682m - 5,551ft) is a peck whose outline resembles a hand pointing the index finger to the sky. It is one of the several geological monuments of Serra dos Órgãos which is located in Serra do Mar, between the cities of Petrópolis, Guapimirim and Teresópolis, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. The mountaineering in Brazil is closely linked to the achievement of the Dedo de deus. The peak is a state symbol Rio de Janeiro, appearing on its flag and coat of arms. As for the coat of arms of the State of Rio de Janeiro, the first section, occupying the upper half, is blue, representing the sky and symbolizing justice, truth and loyalty, with the silhouette of the Serra dos Órgãos, highlighting the Dedo de Deus. The symbol was created by the 1892 State Constitution and made official under the government of José Tomás da Porciúncula, with small differences over time. In 1912, José Guimarães Teixeira, Raul Carneiro and the brothers Américo, Alexandre and Acácio de Oliveira, all from Teresópolis, were the first to step on top of the rock formation.

The artist
Eliseu Visconti, born Eliseo d'Angelo Visconti was an Italian-born Brazilian painter, cartoonist, and teacher. He is considered one of the very few impressionist painters of Brazil. He is considered the initiator of the art nouveau in Brazil.
Thanks to a prize received in 1892, Visconti travelled to Paris, where he attended the École des Beaux Arts the following year. He also took classes at the Académie Julian and the École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs, where he was a pupil of art nouveau master Eugène Grasset. He was accepted at the Salon de la Nationale des Beaux Arts and at the Salon of the Société of des Artistes Français. As one of the Brazilian representatives to the Exposition Universelle 1900 he exhibited the paintings Gioventú and Oréadas, for which he received a silver medal. Back in Brazil, Visconti exhibited in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and obtained the first place in a contest for the drawing of postal stamps for the Brazilian Casa da Moeda. He traveled again to Europe, where he exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1905 the portrait of the artist Nicolina Vaz de Assis now at the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes. In this same year, he was invited to paint the stage curtain for the Teatro Municipal of Rio de Janeiro which he completed in his studio in Paris.
Decorative schemes executed for the National Library or Biblioteca Nacional in (Rio de Janeiro) date from this period as does another gold medal he received at the International Exhibition of Saint-Louis (Louisiana Purchase Exposition), in 1904, for the painting Recompensa de São Sebastião (see external links). The museum of Santiago of the Chile acquired his Sonho Místico (Mystical Dream) in 1912. In 1913, Visconti returned to Europe in order to paint large scale panels for the "foyer" of the Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro. His plans to return were interrupted by the First World War so he stayed in France until 1920. The resulting paintings for the "foyer" were sent to Brazil during the war, in 1915. In 1922 his triptych "Lar" gained him the Medal of Honor in a large exhibition created in Rio de Janeiro to commemorate the first centennial of Brazilian Independence, the Exposição do Centenário. The following year Visconti painted the mural decoration of Rio de Janeiro's municipal council hall. In 1924, he painted the panel depicting the signature of the first Republican Constitution, for the old federal court, also in Rio de Janeiro.

2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Saturday, January 23, 2021


Dedo de Deus (1,682m - 5,551ft)

The mountain
Dedo de Deus (The Finger of God) (1,682m - 5,551ft) is a peck whose outline resembles a hand pointing the index finger to the sky. It is one of the several geological monuments of Serra dos Órgãos which is located in Serra do Mar, between the cities of Petrópolis, Guapimirim and Teresópolis, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. The mountaineering in Brazil is closely linked to the achievement of the Dedo de deus. The peak is a state symbol Rio de Janeiro, appearing on its flag and coat of arms. As for the coat of arms of the State of Rio de Janeiro, the first section, occupying the upper half, is blue, representing the sky and symbolizing justice, truth and loyalty, with the silhouette of the Serra dos Órgãos, highlighting the Dedo de Deus.  The symbol was created by the 1892 State Constitution and made official under the government of José Tomás da Porciúncula, with small differences over time.  In 1912, José Guimarães Teixeira, Raul Carneiro and the brothers Américo, Alexandre and Acácio de Oliveira, all from Teresópolis, were the first to step on top of the rock formation.

The artist
Eliseu Visconti, born Eliseo d'Angelo Visconti was an Italian-born Brazilian painter, cartoonist, and teacher. He is considered one of the very few impressionist painters of Brazil. He is considered the initiator of the art nouveau in Brazil.
Thanks to a prize received in 1892, Visconti travelled to Paris, where he attended the École des Beaux Arts the following year. He also took classes at the Académie Julian and the École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs, where he was a pupil of art nouveau master Eugène Grasset. He was accepted at the Salon de la Nationale des Beaux Arts and at the Salon of the Société of des Artistes Français. As one of the Brazilian representatives to the Exposition Universelle 1900 he exhibited the paintings Gioventú and Oréadas, for which he received a silver medal. Back in Brazil, Visconti exhibited in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and obtained the first place in a contest for the drawing of postal stamps for the Brazilian Casa da Moeda.  He traveled again to Europe, where he exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1905 the portrait of the artist Nicolina Vaz de Assis now at the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes. In this same year, he was invited to paint the stage curtain for the Teatro Municipal of Rio de Janeiro which he completed in his studio in Paris.
Decorative schemes executed for the National Library or Biblioteca Nacional in (Rio de Janeiro) date from this period as does another gold medal he received at the International Exhibition of Saint-Louis (Louisiana Purchase Exposition), in 1904, for the painting Recompensa de São Sebastião (see external links). The museum of Santiago of the Chile acquired his Sonho Místico (Mystical Dream) in 1912.  In 1913, Visconti returned to Europe in order to paint large scale panels for the "foyer" of the Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro. His plans to return were interrupted by the First World War so he stayed in France until 1920. The resulting paintings for the "foyer" were sent to Brazil during the war, in 1915.  In 1922 his triptych "Lar" gained him the Medal of Honor in a large exhibition created in Rio de Janeiro to commemorate the first centennial of Brazilian Independence, the Exposição do Centenário.  The following year Visconti painted the mural decoration of Rio de Janeiro's municipal council hall. In 1924, he painted the panel depicting the signature of the first Republican Constitution, for the old federal court, also in Rio de Janeiro.


2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau