, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: XU DAONING (970-1053)
Showing posts with label XU DAONING (970-1053). Show all posts
Showing posts with label XU DAONING (970-1053). Show all posts

Sunday, October 1, 2017


XU DAONING  (970-1053)
 Mount Guanshan (3, 668 m - 12, 034 ft)

In  Heavy Snow On Guanshan, handscroll, ink and a little color on silk 

The mountain 
Mt. Guanshan  (3, 668 m - 12, 034 ft)  is located along Taiwan's South-Cross Island Highway and is the area's tallest peak. The trail offers a highly pleasant overnight trip through lush woods and alpine terrain.  Guanshan is formed by the ridgy coral reefs, with the high altitude, the sun set view here makes Guanshan one of the great eight views of southern Taiwan. It is a wonderful spot for overview the coast line. A temple on Guanshan called Kaoshanyan, with caves aside which formed by coral reefs, you are able to reach the significant sights flying stone and divine turtle rock through the path by the west side of the temple. The flying stone is a reef rock in the shape of a casque which caused by corrosion difference. The divine turtle rock is a naturally formed coral reef, visitors would tie a red ribbon on it, praying for fortune of marriage, career and pass the examinations.
Located in the southern part of Taiwan, Kenting is a popular scenic area surrounded by ocean and mountains. For more information, please visit the web site "Kenting Tourism"

The artist
Xu Daoning ( 许道宁) (ca. 970–1051/53) was a Chinese painter of the Northern Song Dynasty (960–1279) from Chang'an (now Xi'an) or Hejian now Hebei).  He started out life by selling medicine prescriptions in Kaifeng. While selling prescriptions, he also began painting nature scenes in the style of Li Cheng. After gaining popularity he took up painting murals for Chinese nobles.  His most notable work is Fishermen's Evening Song (ca. 1049).