, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: PAUL HENRY (1877-1958)
Showing posts with label PAUL HENRY (1877-1958). Show all posts
Showing posts with label PAUL HENRY (1877-1958). Show all posts

Wednesday, March 19, 2025


PAUL HENRY (1877-1958) Achill Head / Acaill (688m) Irlande  (Mayo)

PAUL HENRY (1877-1958)
Achill Head / Acaill (688m)
Irlande  (Mayo)

Le relief
Achill Head  (Acaill en Gaelic) est un cap de l'ile d'Achill en irlande. L'île d'Achill dans le comté de Mayo est la plus grande île d’Irlande avec une superficie de 146 km2. Située sur la côte ouest de l'Irlande, Achill y est aujourd'hui reliée par le pont Michael-Davitt. Sa population est de 2 700 habitants. Les falaises du Croaghaun sur la côte nord-ouest de l’île, inaccessibles par la route, sont les troisièmes plus hautes falaises maritimes d’Europe. À la pointe ouest de l’île, près d’Achill Head, la baie de Keem a une des plus belles plages de la côte ouest de l’Irlande. La grande plage de Keel est très prisée par les touristes et les surfeurs. Le point culminant de l'île est le Croaghaun (688 m), situé au dessus de la baie de Keem ; vient ensuite (671 m) le Slievemore.

Paul Henry  est un artiste irlandais réputé pour représenter le paysage de l'ouest de l'Irlande dans un style post-impressionniste épuré. Henry commence à étudier au Collège méthodiste de Belfast en 1882. C'est à cette époque qu'il commence à dessiner régulièrement. À l'âge de quinze ans, il déménage à la Royal Belfast Academical Institution. Il étudie l'art à la Belfast School of Art avant d'aller à Paris en 1898 pour étudier à l'Académie Julian et à l'atelier de Whistler. En 1908, il est membre du premier comité du London Salon organisé par l'Allied Artists' Association. l épouse la peintre Grace Henry en 1903 et retourne en Irlande en 1910. Jusqu'en 1919, il vit sur l'île d'Achill, où il apprend à saisir les jeux de lumière et de paysage propres à l'ouest de l'Irlande. En 1919, il s'installe à Dublin et en 1920, il est l'un des fondateurs de la Society of Dublin Painters, à l'origine un groupe de dix artistes. Henry conçoit plusieurs affiches ferroviaires, dont certaines, notamment Connemara Landscape, connaissent des ventes considérables4. Il se sépare de sa femme en 1929. Sa deuxième femme est l'artiste Mabel Young.
Dans les années 1920 et 1930, Henry est l'artiste irlandais le plus connu, celui qui a une influence considérable sur l'image populaire de l'ouest de l'Irlande. Bien qu'il semble avoir cessé d'expérimenter sa technique après son départ d'Achill et que sa portée soit limitée, il crée un grand nombre de belles images dont la familiarité témoigne de son influence.
L'utilisation de la couleur par Henry est affectée par son daltonisme rouge-vert. Henry perd la vue en 1945 et ne la retrouve plus.
Une exposition commémorative de l'œuvre d'Henry a lieu au Trinity College de Dublin en 1973 et la National Gallery of Ireland organise une exposition majeure de son œuvre en 2004.

2025 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture..

Friday, January 5, 2018


 PAUL HENRY (1876-1958) 
Aghla More / Eachla Mör  (584 m -1,916 ft)

The mountain 
Aghla More / Eachla Mör  (584 m -1,916 ft) is a mountain in County Donegal, Ireland. The mountain is the third most southern and fourth highest of the mountain chain, called the 'Seven Sisters' by locals (Muckish, Crocknalaragagh, Aghla Beg, Ardloughnabrackbaddy, Aghla More, Mackoght (also known as 'little Errigal') and Errigal. The Seven Sisters are part of the Derryveagh Mountain range.

The painter
Paul Henry was an Irish artist noted for depicting the West of Ireland landscape and particularly landscapes of Achill Island and Connemara in a spare post-impressionist style. Born in Belfast, Ireland, the son of a Baptist minister, Paul Henry began studying at Methodist College Belfast in 1882. During this period he first began drawing regularly. At the age of fifteen he moved to the Royal Belfast Academical Institution. He studied art in Belfast before going to Paris in 1898 to study at the Académie Julian and at Whistler's studio. He married the painter Grace Henry in 1903 and returned to Ireland in 1910. From then until 1919 he lived on , where he learned to capture the peculiar interplay of light and landscape specific to the West of Ireland. In 1919 he moved to Dublin and in 1920 was one of the founders of the Society of Dublin Painters.  In the 1920s and 1930s Paul Henry was Ireland's best known artist, one who had a considerable influence on the popular image of the west of Ireland. Although he seems to have ceased experimenting with his technique after he left Achill and his range is limited, he created a large body of fine images whose familiarity is a testament to its influence. The National Gallery of Ireland held a major exhibition of his work in 2004.
A painting by Paul Henry was featured on an episode of the BBC's Antiques Roadshow, broadcast on 12 November 2006. The painting was given a value of approximately £40,000 - £60,000 by the roadshow. However, due to the buoyancy of the Irish art market at that time, it sold for €260,000 on 5 December 2006 in James Adams' and Bonhams' joint Important Irish Art sale.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


PAUL HENRY (1877-1958)
 Mount Errigal  (751m - 2, 464 ft)

The mountain
Mount Errigal  (751m - 2, 464 ft) called in Irish An Earagail, possibly meaning "oratory" is a mountain near Gweedore in County Donegal, Ireland. It is the tallest peak of the Derryveagh Mountains, the tallest peak in County Donegal, and the 76th tallest peak in Ireland.  Errigal is also the most southern, steepest and highest of the mountain chain, called the "Seven Sisters" by locals. The Seven Sisters includes Muckish, Crocknalaragagh, Aghla Beg, Ardloughnabrackbaddy, Aghla More, Mackoght and Errigal. The nearest peak is Mackoght, which is also known as Little Errigal or Wee Errigal (Irish: an Earagail Bheag). Errigal is well known for the pinkish glow of its quartzite in the setting sun. Another noted quality is the ever-changing shape of the mountain depending on what direction you view it from. Errigal was voted 'Ireland's Most Iconic Mountain' by Walking & Hiking Ireland in 2009.
The mountain is most often climbed from the carpark off the R251 road. The route initially starts off by crossing heavily eroded and boggy land towards a visible track through the shiny scree from where the ascent proper starts. After reaching the summit, people usually walk the short but exposed walk along ‘One Man’s Pass’ which leads across to the second and lower of the twin summits. No special equipment is needed to climb the mountain, but caution is advised.

The painter
Paul Henry was an Irish artist noted for depicting the West of Ireland landscape and particularly landscapes of Achill Island and Connemara in a spare post-impressionist style. Born in Belfast, Ireland, the son of a Baptist minister, Paul Henry began studying at Methodist College Belfast in 1882. During this period he first began drawing regularly. At the age of fifteen he moved to the Royal Belfast Academical Institution. He studied art in Belfast before going to Paris in 1898 to study at the Académie Julian and at Whistler's studio. He married the painter Grace Henry in 1903 and returned to Ireland in 1910. From then until 1919 he lived on , where he learned to capture the peculiar interplay of light and landscape specific to the West of Ireland. In 1919 he moved to Dublin and in 1920 was one of the founders of the Society of Dublin Painters.  In the 1920s and 1930s Paul Henry was Ireland's best known artist, one who had a considerable influence on the popular image of the west of Ireland. Although he seems to have ceased experimenting with his technique after he left Achill and his range is limited, he created a large body of fine images whose familiarity is a testament to its influence. The National Gallery of Ireland held a major exhibition of his work in 2004.
A painting by Paul Henry was featured on an episode of the BBC's Antiques Roadshow, broadcast on 12 November 2006. The painting was given a value of approximately £40,000 - £60,000 by the roadshow. However, due to the buoyancy of the Irish art market at that time, it sold for €260,000 on 5 December 2006 in James Adams' and Bonhams' joint Important Irish Art sale.
- Paul Henry and Achill Island