, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: -ASIA
Showing posts with label -ASIA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label -ASIA. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2024



JOSEPH CONSTANTINE STADLER (1755-1928) Le mont Asama / 浅間山 (2,508m) Japon (Honshu)   In Asama yama, Le tremblement de terre et l'éruption d'Août1783 gravée par Joseph Constantine Stadler pour le livre Illustrations of Japan (1822) d'Isaac Titsingh,  Oxford, Bodleian Library.

Le mont Asama / 浅間山 (2,508m)
Japon (Honshu)

In Asama yama, Le tremblement de terre et l'éruption d'Août1783 gravée par Joseph Constantine Stadler pour le livre Illustrations of Japan (1822) d'Isaac Titsingh,  Oxford, Bodleian Library.


Le volcan
Le mont Asama / 浅間山 (2,508m),  est un stratovolcan japonais se trouvant au centre de l’île de Honshū, à environ 140 km de Tokyo. C’est l’un des volcans les plus actifs du Japon. Ses plus violentes éruptions, aux temps historiques, datent de 1108 et 1783 (illustration ci dessus). Sa dernière éruption remonte à août 2019.
En 1108 , une puissante éruption plinienne souffle une partie de l'édifice volcanique. Les rougeoiements émis lors de cette éruption ont été visibles jusqu'à Kyoto, ville située à près de 300 km de distance. À partir du 9 mai 1783 commence une série d'éruptions dont la plus puissante a lieu du 3 au 5 août. Survenant après une année de mauvaise récolte, elle aggrave la famine de l'ère Tenmei. Les éruptions durent 4 mois et engendrent un lahar, une coulée boueuse de débris de roches volcaniques, qui dévaste les villages alentour.
Une série d'éruptions se produit en 2004, avec une activité maximale au mois de septembre ayant produit de nombreuses projections, bombes, scories et cendres (ces dernières retomberont jusqu'à une distance de 250 km).
L'écrivaine franco-belge Amélie Nothomb raconte une singulière marche sur le mont Asama dans sa nouvelle Les Myrtilles.
Le roman de l'écrivain japonais Natsuki Ikezawa intitulé Les Singes bleus met en scène une volcanologue attachée à la station de recherche du mont Asama.

Joseph Constantine Stadler  est un peintre et graveur allemand.sepcialisé dans les eaux fortes et les aquatinte. Il travailla en Angleterre de 1780 à 1812 et fut édité par John Boydell. À sa mort, il vivait à Londres dans le quartier de Knightsbridge.


2011-2024 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau


Tuesday, November 7, 2023


EUGENE VON GUÉRARD (1811-1901) Jebel Shamsan (553 m) Yemen (Aden)  In Jebel Shamsan, Aden c.1891, huile sur toile, 90 x 150 cm

Jebel Shamsan (553 m)
Yemen (Aden)

In Jebel Shamsan, Aden c.1891, huile sur toile, 90 x 150 cm

Le relief

Jebel Shamsan (553 m) est le point culminant d'Aden de la chaîne Shamsan. Dans les premiers temps, chaque sommet de la chaîne Shamsan possédait un fort avec une tour, qui faisait partie de la structure de défense d'Aden. Il y avait au moins une vingtaine de forts de ce type. La vue vers l'est présente un splendide panorama sur Khormaksar et l'île des Esclaves tandis qu'au nord, on peut voir le Jebel Muzalqam de 374 mètres au-dessus du port de Little Aden. L'ascension du Jebel Shamsan, bien que d'une altitude modeste demande de l'endurance et il est préférable de la faire tôt le matin, juste après le lever du jour, avant que la chaleur torride ne s'installe.

Le peintre
Johann Joseph Eugene von Guerard était un artiste d'origine autrichienne, actif en Australie de 1852 à 1882. Connu pour ses paysages finement détaillés dans la tradition de l'école de peinture de Düsseldorf, il est représenté dans les principales galeries publiques d'Australie et est mentionné dans le pays comme Eugène von Guérard.
Au début des années 1860, von Guérard était reconnu comme le plus grand paysagiste des colonies, parcourant le sud-est de l’Australie et la Nouvelle-Zélande à la recherche du sublime et du pittoresque. Il est surtout connu pour les peintures sauvages réalisées à cette époque, remarquables par leur éclairage ombragé et leurs détails minutieux. Ainsi, sa vue de Tower Hill, dans le sud-ouest de Victoria, a été utilisée comme modèle botanique plus d'un siècle plus tard, lorsque la terre, qui avait été dévastée et polluée par l'agriculture, a été systématiquement récupérée, boisée d'une flore indigène et transformée en parc naturel. L'exactitude scientifique de ces travaux a conduit à une réévaluation de l'approche de von Guérard en matière de peinture , et certains historiens estiment qu'il est probable que le paysagiste ait été fortement influencé par les théories environnementales du scientifique Alexander von Humboldt. D'autres attribuent sa « représentation fidèle » de la nature aux critères fixés par l'Académie de Düsseldorf pour la peinture de personnages et de paysages.


2023 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


CARTES POSTALES ANCIENNES (1925) ,Volcan d'Urup (1426m) Russie (Iles Kouriles)

Volcan d'Urup (1,426m)
Russie (Iles Kouriles)

Le volcan

Urup du japonais :得撫島 (1,426m) est une île volcanique inhabitée de la chaîne des Iles Kouriles au sud de la mer d'Okhotsk, nord-ouest de l'Océan Pacifique.
 Urup est essentiellement de forme rectangulaire, avec un axe long de 120 kilomètres  et un axe étroit d'environ 20 kilomètres  C'est la quatrième plus grande des îles Kouriles, avec une superficie de 1 430 kilomètres carrés  Le point culminant est Gora Ivao à 1 426 mètres.  Un certain nombre de minuscules îlots et rochers dont celui qui a été photographié ci-dessus, sont dispersés autour de la côte d'Urup.
 Le détroit entre Urup et Iturup est connu sous le nom de Détroit de Vries d'après l'explorateur néerlandais Maarten Gerritsz Vries, le premier européen enregistré à explorer la région. Le détroit entre Urup et Simushir est connu sous le nom de Détroit de Bussol, d'après le mot français " boussole ", qui était le nom d'un des navires de La Pérouse, marin français qui explora la région des îles Kouriles en 1780. 
Urup se compose de quatre grands groupes de stratovolcans actifs ou dormants de l'île. Le cône le plus au sud-est coupe en deux une vallée glaciaire, formant un lac. Pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, tous les habitants civils de l'île ont été déplacés vers les îles d'origine japonaises, et à la fin de la guerre, l'armée impériale japonaise avati stationné environ 6000 soldats sur Urup. Lors de l' invasion des îles Kouriles par l' Union Soviétique après la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale, les forces japonaises d'Urup se sont rendues sans résistance. En 1952, lors de la signature du traité de San Francisco, le Japon a renoncé à sa revendication sur l'île. Les troupes frontalières soviétiques ont occupé les anciennes installations militaires japonaises. Les troupes ont été retirées lors de la dissolution de l'URSS en 1991.

Cartes postales anciennes
Les cartes postales ont été colorisées dès leur apparition sur le marché à la fin du 19e siècle ; les photos en noir et blanc étaient repeintes à la main par des femmes avec des pinceaux très fins, puis un vernis était appliqué pour fixer ces couleurs toujours très contrastées... et parfois très éloignées de la réalité !
Les cartes postales sont devenues populaires au tournant du 20e siècle, notamment pour envoyer de courts messages à des amis et à des proches. Elles ont été collectionnées dès le début et sont toujours recherchées aujourd'hui par les collectionneurs  de photographie de publicité, de souvenirs de guerre, d'histoire locale et de bien d'autres catégories. Les cartes postales étaient un engouement international, publiées dans le monde entier. La Detroit Publishing Co. et Teich & Co. étaient deux des principaux éditeurs aux États-Unis, et parfois des particuliers imprimaient également leurs propres cartes postales. Yvon était le plus célèbre de France. De nombreux éditeurs individuels ou anonymes ont existé dans le monde et notamment en Afrique et en Asie (Japon, Thaïlande, Népal, Chine, Java) entre 1920 et 1955. Ces photographes étaient pour la plupart des notables locaux, des militaires, des guides officiels appartenant aux armées coloniales (britanniques français, belge...) qui disposaient parfois d'un matériel assez sophistiqué et produisaient volontiers des photogrammes en couleur ou des explorateurs, navigateurs, alpinistes (Vittorio Sella et l'Archiduc des Abruzzes futur roi d'Italie reste le plus célèbre d'entre eux).
Il existe de nombreux types de cartes postales anciennes à collectionner.
Les cartes postales résistantes à la lumière étaient fabriquées avec du papier de soie entouré de deux morceaux de papier ordinaire, de sorte que la lumière passait à travers. Les cartes postales dépliantes, populaires dans les années 1950, avaient plusieurs cartes postales attachées dans une longue bande. Les cartes postales photographiques réelles (RPPC) sont des photographies avec un support de carte postale.
Des cartes postales originales ont été fabriquées à partir de bois, d'aluminium, de cuivre et de liège. Les cartes postales en soie - souvent brodées sur une image imprimée - étaient enroulées autour de carton et envoyées dans des enveloppes transparentes en papier cristal; ils étaient particulièrement populaires pendant la Première Guerre mondiale.
Dans les années 1930 et 1940, les cartes postales étaient imprimées sur du papier aux couleurs vives conçu pour ressembler à du lin.


2023 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau


Thursday, January 2, 2020


Mount Ararat (5,137 m- 16,854ft)

In Ararat from Ejmiadzin, oil on canas,  1895, National Gallery of Armenia

The mountain
There are two mountains in the world called Mont Ararat, One in Turkey, one in United States of America (Pennsylvania). The one we are talking about is Mount Ararat in Turkey, which has a very long and complex political, religious, sacred and mythical history.
Mount Ararat (5,137 m- 16,854ft) (Turkish: Ağrı Dağı; Armenian: Մասիս, Masis) is a snow-capped and dormant stratovolcano in the eastern extremity of Turkey. It consists of two major volcanic cones: Greater Ararat, the highest peak in Turkey and the Armenian plateau with an elevation of 5,137 m (16,854 ft); and Little Ararat, with an elevation of 3,896 m (12,782 ft). The Ararat massif is about 40 km (25 mi) in diameter and is part of the range of Armenian Highlands.
Mountains of Ararat have been perceived as the traditional resting place of Noah's Ark since the 11th century. It is the principal national symbol of Armenia and has been considered a sacred mountain by Armenians. It is featured prominently in Armenian literature and art and is an icon for Armenian irredentism. Along with Noah's Ark, it is depicted on the coat of arms of Armenia.
Mount Ararat forms a near-quadripoint between Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran. Its summit is located some 16 km (10 mi) west of both the Iranian border and the border of the Nakhchivan exclave of Azerbaijan, and 32 km (20 mi) south of the Armenian border.
More about Mount Ararat...

The painter
Yeghishe Martirosi Tadevosyan ( Եղիշե Թադևոսյան) was an Armenian painter associated with the Peredvizhniki and Mir Iskusstva movements. He was awarded the title of "Honored Artist" by the Armenian SSR in 1935. He studied at the Lazarian School, then entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Vasily Polenov was his teacher and friend. He graduated in 1894 and began participating in exhibitions by the Peredvizhniki shortly after.
In 1898, he travelled to Palestine with Polenov and would revisit the Middle East several times. In 1901, he moved from Moscow to Tbilisi and became an art teacher.
His early work had been influenced by Vardges Sureniants but, after this time, he began to employ impressionistic and pointillistic techniques. In 1916, he became the founder and head of the Union of Armenian Artists. Yeghishe Tadevosyan is buried at Komitas Pantheon which is located in the city center of Yerevan. A street in Yerevan and an Art school in Etchmiadzin are named after him.


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Saturday, October 5, 2019


Mount Ararat (5,137 m- 16,854ft)
Turkey (since 1921)

In Ararat and Yerevan, oil on canvas, Private collection 

The mountain
There are two mountains in the world called Mont Ararat : one in Turkey, one in United States of America (Pennsylvania). The one we are talking about is Mount Ararat in Turkey, which has a very long and complex political, religious, sacred and mythical history.
Mount Ararat  (5,137 m- 16,854ft)  is a snow-capped and dormant stratovolcano in the eastern extremity of Turkey.  It consists of two major volcanic cones: Greater Ararat, the highest peak in Turkey and the Armenian plateau with an elevation of 5,137 m (16,854 ft); and Little Ararat, with an elevation of 3,896 m (12,782 ft). The Ararat massif is about 40 km (25 mi) in diameter and  is part of the range of Armenian Highlands.
Mountains of Ararat  have been perceived as the traditional resting place of Noah's Ark since the 11th century. It is the principal national symbol of Armenia and has been considered a sacred mountain by Armenians. It is featured prominently in Armenian literature and art and is an icon for Armenian irredentism. Along with Noah's Ark, it is depicted on the coat of arms of Armenia.
Mount Ararat forms a near-quadripoint between Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran.
 Its summit is located some 16 km (10 mi) west of both the Iranian border and the border of the Nakhchivan exclave of Azerbaijan, and 32 km (20 mi) south of the Armenian border. The Turkish–Armenian–Azerbaijani and Turkish–Iranian–Azerbaijani tripoints are some 8 km apart, separated by a narrow strip of Turkish territory containing the E99 road which enters Nakhchivan at 39.6553°N 44.8034°E.
From the 16th century until 1828 Great Ararat's summit and the northern slopes, along with the eastern slopes of Little Ararat were part of Persia, while the range was part of the Ottoman-Persian border. Following the 1826–28 Russo-Persian War and the Treaty of Turkmenchay, the Persian controlled territory was ceded to the Russian Empire. Little Ararat became the point where the Turkish, Persian, and Russian imperial frontiers converged...
More about Mount Ararat

The painter
Martiros Saryan ( Մարտիրոս Սարյան) was  the founder of a modern Armenian national school of painting. In 1895, aged 15, he completed the Nakhichevan school and from 1897 to 1904 studied at the Moscow School of Arts, including in the workshops of Valentin Serov and Konstantin Korovin. He was heavily influenced by the work of Paul Gauguin and Henri Matisse. He exhibited his works in various shows. He had works shown at the Blue Rose Exhibit in Moscow.
He first visited Armenia, then part of the Russian Empire, in 190. He composed his first landscapes depicting Armenia  (1902-1903- which were highly praised in the Moscow press.
From 1910 to 1913 he traveled extensively in Turkey, Egypt and Iran. In 1915 he went to Echmiadzin to help refugees who had fled from the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire.
In 1916 he traveled to Tiflis (now Tbilisi) where he married Lusik Agayan. It was there that he helped organise the Society of Armenian Artists.
After the Bolshevik seizure of power in 1917 he went with his family to live in Russia. In 1921 they moved to Armenia.  While most of his work reflected the Armenian landscape, he also designed the coat of arms for Armenian SSR and designed the curtain for the first Armenian state theatre.
From 1926–1928 he lived and worked in Paris, but most works from this period were destroyed in a fire on board the boat on which he returned to the Soviet Union. From 1928 until his death, Saryan lived in Soviet Armenia.
In the difficult years of the 1930s, he mainly devoted himself again to landscape painting, as well as portraits. He also was chosen as a deputy to the USSR Supreme Soviet and was awarded the Order of Lenin three times and other awards and medals. He was a member of the USSR Art Academy (1974) and Armenian Academy of Sciences (1956).
Saryan died in Yerevan on 5 May 1972.  His former home in Yerevan is now a museum dedicated to his work with hundreds of items on display. He was buried in Yerevan at the Pantheon next to Komitas Vardapet.
2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Friday, August 26, 2016


Mount Ararat (5,137 m- 16,854ft)
Turkey (since 1921)

In 1912 - National Museum of Fine Arts Erevan (Armenia)

The mountain
There are two mountains in the world called Mont Ararat, One in Turkey, one in United States of America (Pennsylvania). The one we are talking about is Mount Ararat in Turkey, which has a very long and complex political, religious, sacred and mythical history.
Mount Ararat  (5,137 m- 16,854ft)  (Turkish: Ağrı Dağı; Armenian: Մասիս, Masis) is a snow-capped and dormant stratovolcano in the eastern extremity of Turkey.  It consists of two major volcanic cones: Greater Ararat, the highest peak in Turkey and the Armenian plateau with an elevation of 5,137 m (16,854 ft); and Little Ararat, with an elevation of 3,896 m (12,782 ft). The Ararat massif is about 40 km (25 mi) in diameter and  is part of  the range of Armenian Highlands.
Mountains of Ararat  have been perceived as the traditional resting place of Noah's Ark since the 11th century. It is the principal national symbol of Armenia and has been considered a sacred mountain by Armenians. It is featured prominently in Armenian literature and art and is an icon for Armenian irredentism. Along with Noah's Ark, it is depicted on the coat of arms of Armenia.
Mount Ararat forms a near-quadripoint between Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran. Its summit is located some 16 km (10 mi) west of both the Iranian border and the border of the Nakhchivan exclave of Azerbaijan, and 32 km (20 mi) south of the Armenian border. The Turkish–Armenian–Azerbaijani and Turkish–Iranian–Azerbaijani tripoints are some 8 km apart, separated by a narrow strip of Turkish territory containing the E99 road which enters Nakhchivan at 39.6553°N 44.8034°E.
From the 16th century until 1828 Great Ararat's summit and the northern slopes, along with the eastern slopes of Little Ararat were part of Persia, while the range was part of the Ottoman-Persian border. Following the 1826–28 Russo-Persian War and the Treaty of Turkmenchay, the Persian controlled territory was ceded to the Russian Empire. Little Ararat became the point where the Turkish, Persian, and Russian imperial frontiers converged.
The current international boundaries were formed throughout the 20th century. The mountain came under Turkish control during the 1920 Turkish–Armenian War.  It formally became part of Turkey according to the 1921 Treaty of Moscow and Treaty of Kars.  By the Tehran Convention of 1932, a border change was made in Turkey's favor, allowing it to occupy the eastern flank of Lesser Ararat.The Iran-Turkey boundary skirts east of Lesser Ararat, the lower peak of the Ararat massif.
The nationalist Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun) party claims eastern Turkey (Western Armenia) as part of what it considers United Armenia.  The Armenian government has not made official claims to any Turkish territory,however the Armenian government has avoided "an explicit and formal recognition of the existing Turkish-Armenian border." According to Turkish political scientist Bayram Balci, regular references to the Armenian Genocide and Mount Ararat "clearly indicates" that the border with Turkey in contested in Armenia.
In a 2010 interview with Der Spiegel, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan was asked: "You can see Mount Ararat, Armenia's national symbol, from the windows of your residence. Today, the mountain is inaccessible, on the other side of the Turkish border. Turkey fears demands for land and compensation. Do you want Mount Ararat back?" Sargsyan, in response, said: "No one can take Mount Ararat from us; we keep it in our hearts. Wherever Armenians live in the world today, you will find a picture of Mount Ararat in their homes. And I feel certain that a time will come when Mount Ararat is no longer a symbol of the separation between our peoples, but an emblem of understanding. But let me make this clear: Never has a representative of Armenia made territorial demands. Turkey alleges this—perhaps out of its own bad conscience? 

Ascents of Mount Ararat
The first efforts to reach Ararat's summit were made in the Middle Ages.  In 13th century, William of Rubruck wrote that "Many have tried to climb it, but none has been able." 
However, it was not until 1829 when Friedrich Parrot and Khachatur Abovian, accompanied with four others, made the first recorded ascent.  Parrot and Abovyan, one high-ranking Armenian Apostolic Church clergyman commented that to climb the sacred mountain was "to tie the womb of the mother of all mankind in a dragonish mode." By contrast, in the 21st century to climb Ararat is "the most highly valued goal of some of the patriotic pilgrimages that are organized in growing number from Armenia and the Armenian diaspora."
The first recorded ascent of the mountain in the modern times took place on 9 October [O.S. 27 September] 1829. The Baltic German naturalist Friedrich Parrot of the University of Dorpat arrived at Etchmiadzin in mid-September 1829, almost two years after Russian capture of Erivan, for the single purpose of exploring Ararat. The prominent Armenian writer Khachatur Abovian, then a deacon and translator at Etchmiadzin, was assigned by Catholicos Yeprem, the head of the Armenian Church, as interpreter and guide. Abovian and Parrot crossed the Aras River and headed to the Armenian village of Agori situated on the northern slope of Ararat 1,220 metres (4,000 ft) above sea level. They set up a base camp at the Monastery of Saint Jacob some 730 metres (2,400 ft) higher, at an elevation of 1,943 metres (6,375 ft). After two failed attempts, they reached the summit on their third attempt at 3:15 p.m. on October 9, 1829.  The group included Parrot, Abovian, two Russian (Cossack) soldiers—Alexei Zdorovenko and Matvei Chalpanov, and two Armenian Agori villagers—Hovannes Aivazian, and Murat Poghossian.   Parrot measured the elevation at 5,250 metres (17,220 ft) using a mercury barometer. This was not only the first ascent of Ararat, but also the second highest elevation climbed by man up to that date outside of Mount Licancabur in the Chilean Andes. Abovian dug a hole in the ice and erected a wooden cross facing north. Abovian also picked up a chunk of ice from the summit and carried it down with him in a bottle, considering the water holy.  On 8 November [O.S. 27 October] 1829, Parrot and Abovian together with the Agori hunter Sahak’s brother Hago, acting as a guide climbed up Lesser Ararat.

Mount Ararat and Noe

 - Topography of Paradise as pictured in Arca Noë (1675). 
In the northeast, in the mountains above Armenia stands Mount Ararat,
shown with a rectangular-shaped ark on the summit
Mount Ararat  as seen from Ejmiatsin
  in A voyage into the Levant
Descent of Noah from Ararat (1889)
National Gallery of Armenia

According to the fourth verse of the eighth chapter of the Book of Genesis (Genesis 8:4) following a flood, Noah's Ark landed on the "mountains of Ararat" (Biblical Hebrew: הָרֵי אֲרָרָט, ).[65) Most historians and Bible scholars agree that "Ararat" is the Hebrew name of Urartu, the geographic predecessor of Armenia and referred to the wider region at the time and not the mountain today known as Ararat. The phrase is translated as "mountains of Armenia" (montes Armeniae) in the Vulgate, the fourth century Latin translation of the Bible. Nevertheless, Mount Ararat is considered the traditional site of the resting place of the Noah's Ark and most Christians prefer this view "largely because it would have been the first peak to emerge from the receding flood waters." It has therefore been called a biblical mountain.
According to Arnold, Mount Ararat has been associated with the Genesis flood story since the 11-12th centuries. Bailey suggested that the local Armenian population began to identify it as the ark's landing place in the 11-12th centuries. British orientalist F. C. Conybeare in his 1901 review of Friedrich Murad's book on Ararat wrote that the mountain was "a center and focus of pagan myths and cults [...] and it was only in the eleventh century, after these had vanished from the popular mind, that the Armenian theologians ventured to locate on its eternal snows the resting-place of Noah's ark." Fischer and Drs. Lee Spencer and Jean Luc Lienard name the 13th century Franciscan missionary William of Rubruck as the earliest reference for the tradition of Mount Ararat as the landing place of the ark in European literature. The 14th century English traveler John Mandeville is another early author who mentioned Mount Ararat, "where Noah's ship rested, and it is still there."
Searches for Noah's Ark have traditionally concentrated on Mount Ararat. Augustin Calmet wrote in his 1722 biblical dictionary, "It is affirmed, but without proof, that there are still remains of Noah's ark on the top of this mountain; but M. de Tournefort, who visited this spot, has assured us there was nothing like it; that the top of mount Ararat is inaccessible, both by reason of its great height, and of the snow which perpetually covers it."
Despite numerous reports of ark sightings (e.g. Ararat anomaly) and rumors, "no scientific evidence of the ark has emerged." Searches for Noah's Ark are considered by scholars an example of pseudoarchaeology. Kenneth Feder writes, "As the flood story itself is unsupported by any archaeological evidence, it is not surprising that there is no archaeological evidence for the existence of an impossibly large boat dating to 5,000 years ago."
The Painter 
Quite a lot of painters painted MountArarat since the Middle age. Among the numerous représentations avalaible on the web nowadays, this blog has choosen the on by  Gevorg Bashinjaghian, an Armenian painter who had significant influence on Armenian landscape painting.
Bashinjaghian was born in 1857 in eastern Georgian province of Kakheti, part of the Russian Empire at the time.  In 1878, Bashinjaghian moved to the Russian capital St. Petersburg, where he became a student at the Imperial Academy of Arts a year later.  Mikhail Clodt was one of his teachers. He graduated from the Academy in 1883, also winning a silver medal for his Birch Grove. He returned to his hometown Sighnaghi the same year and soon started to travel throughout the Caucasus: Lake Sevan, Yerevan, Ashtarak and the holy capital of the Armenian Church - Ejmiatsin, Georgia and the Northern Caucasus, which caused the artist to make a row of canvas of the local landscapes. During the next year, Bashinjaghian visited Italy and Switzerland, where he learnt about the classic European art and also saw the Alps. He later wrote that "the Alps are beautiful, but they cannot win your heart if you have seen the Caucasus."
He returned to Russia and settled in Tiflis, the largest city of the Caucasus and the cultural center of Armenians of Russia. In 1890s Bashinjaghian had exhibitions in Moscow, Odessa, St. Petersburg and Novocherkassk. In 1897, he created a series of oil painting of Ani, the medievial Armenian capital of thousand churches. From 1899 to 1901, Bashinjaghian lived in Paris with his wife Ashkhen Katanian and their three children. In France, he made a trip throughout the country and produced over 30 paintings.[2] In 1923 Bashinjaghian became a member of the Armenian Artists' Society.
Bashinjaghian died on 1925 in Tiflis and was buried at the side of Sayat-Nova's tomb in the backyard of Saint George Cathedral.
Exhibitions of Bashinjaghian's works were held in Yerevan, Moscow St. Petersburg and Riga, many of them in 1957-1958, in memory of the 100th anniversary of his birth.
A street in Yerevan is named after him.