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Showing posts sorted by date for query Henri Matisse. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, January 26, 2024


GEORGES BRAQUE (1882-1963) Falaises Soubeyranes (394m) France  In Montagnes à la Ciotat, 1907, Centre Georges Pompidou


GEORGES BRAQUE (1882-1963)
Falaises Soubeyranes (394m)

In Montagnes à la Ciotat, 1907, Centre Georges Pompidou

Le relief
Les Falaises Soubeyranes (394m) (du provençal sobeiranas, « souveraines ») se situent sur le littoral méditerranéen des Bouches-du-Rhône, entre Cassis et La Ciotat. Elles sont intégrées dans le parc national des Calanques.
Elles sont formées par le tombant à la mer, sur un peu plus de 4 kilomètres, du plateau de Soubeyran ou massif de la Canaille. Au nord, la façade s'avançant vers l'ouest constitue le Cap Canaille (altitude maximum 363 mètres sur la commune de Cassis), l'extrémité sud étant matérialisée par le sémaphore du Bec de l'Aigle, à 313 mètres d'altitude.
Le point le plus élevé des falaises, à 394 mètres, est situé sur la commune de La Ciotat, au sud-ouest du Bau Rous (328 mètres), sommet isolé en retrait de la ligne de crête. Il constitue ainsi la plus haute falaise maritime de France.
Au nord des Falaises Soubeyranes proprement dites, au-delà du Pas de la Colle (littéralement col de la colline), qui s'abaisse à 214 mètres, d'autres falaises rocheuses prolongent ce relief au-dessus du vallon de Cassis : le Baou de la Saoupe (342 mètres) et la Couronne de Charlemagne (329 mètres). Au sud, la ligne de crête s'abaisse en s'éloignant du bord de mer, mais le relief de la côte reste abrupt, notamment autour de la calanque de Figuerolles, et sur la presqu'île du Bec de l'Aigle. Sculptée par l'érosion éolienne, la falaise est constituée de calcaire, de grès et de poudingue, cette grande variété de couches de roches et la présence de fossiles font de l'endroit un haut-lieu de la minéralogie.

Georges Braque,  est un peintre, sculpteur et graveur français.
D'abord engagé dans le sillage des fauves, influencé par Henri Matisse, André Derain et Othon Friesz, il aboutit, à l'été 1907 aux paysages de l'Estaque avec des maisons en forme de cubes que Matisse qualifie de « cubistes », particulièrement typées dans le tableau Maisons à l'Estaque. Cette simplification est censée être la marque du cubisme, dont l'origine reste controversée
C'est en étudiant méthodiquement, dès 1906, les lignes de contour de Paul Cézanne, que Braque a abouti progressivement à des compositions qui utilisent de légères interruptions dans les lignes, comme dans Nature morte aux pichets. Puis avec une série de nus comme le Nu debout, et Le Grand Nu, il s'oriente, après 1908, vers une rupture avec la vision classique, l'éclatement des volumes, une période communément appelée cubiste, qui dure de 1911 jusqu'en 1914. Il utilise alors des formes géométriques principalement pour des natures mortes, introduit les lettres au pochoir dans ses tableaux, invente des papiers collés. En véritable « penseur » du cubisme, il élabore des lois de la perspective et de la couleur. Il invente aussi les sculptures en papier en 1912, toutes disparues, dont il ne subsiste qu'une photographie d'un contre-relief.
Mobilisé pour la Grande Guerre où il est grièvement blessé, le peintre abandonne les formes géométriques pour des natures mortes où les objets sont dans des plans recomposés. Pendant la période suivante qui va jusqu'aux années 1930, il produit des paysages, des figures humaines et, malgré la diversité des sujets, son œuvre est « d'une remarquable cohérence. Braque à la fois précurseur et dépositaire de la tradition classique est le peintre français par excellence ». Le Cahier de Georges Braque, 1917-1947, publié en 1948, résume sa position.
La Seconde Guerre mondiale lui a inspiré ses œuvres les plus graves : Le Chaudron et La Table de cuisine. La paix revenue et la fin de sa maladie lui ont inspiré les œuvres plus approfondies, tels les Ateliers, qu'il élabore souvent pendant plusieurs années, poursuivant six ébauches à la fois ainsi qu'en témoigne Jean Paulhan. Ses tableaux les plus connus sont aussi les plus poétiques : la série des Oiseaux, dont deux exemplaires ornent le plafond de la salle Henri-II du musée du Louvre, depuis 1953. Il a aussi créé des sculptures, des vitraux, des dessins de bijoux, mais à partir de 1959, atteint d'un cancer, il ralentit son rythme de travail. Son dernier grand tableau est La Sarcleuse.
Deux ans avant sa mort, en 1961, une rétrospective de ses œuvres intitulée L'Atelier de Braque a lieu au musée du Louvre, Braque devient ainsi le premier peintre à être exposé dans ce lieu de son vivant.
Homme discret, peu porté sur les relations publiques, Braque était un intellectuel féru de musique et de poésie, ami notamment d'Erik Satie, de René Char, d'Alberto Giacometti. Il s'est éteint le 31 août 1963 à Paris. Des obsèques nationales ont été organisées en son honneur, au cours desquelles André Malraux a prononcé un discours.


2024 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau 


Saturday, October 14, 2023



PPABLO PICASSO (1881-1973) Massif du Mercantour-Argentera (3, 297m) France-Italie   In Ulysse et les sirènes, 1947, peinture oléorésineuse industrielle et graphite sur trois panneaux de fibrociment, 306 x 250 cm, Musée Picasso, Antibes

PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973)
Massif du Mercantour-Argentera (3, 297m)

 In Ulysse et les sirènes, 1947, peinture oléorésineuse industrielle et graphite sur trois panneaux de fibrociment, 306 x 250 cm, Musée Picasso, Antibes

A propos de cette œuvre
Le 22 septembre 1947 doit avoir lieu l’inauguration des premières salles « Picasso » au musée d’Antibes. Picasso est revenu à Golfe-Juan en juin 1947 et, pour cette inauguration, le conservateur du musée, Romuald Dor de la Souchère, lui commande une oeuvre pour un des murs de la salle d’honneur du Château Grimaldi. Il est exceptionnel que Picasso réponde à une  commande : il le fait généreusement, ajoutant un nouveau chef-d’œuvre aux œuvres réalisées à l’automne 1946 au musée, où
il les avait laissées. Il rachète alors trois plaques de fibrociment, ceci nous montre qu’il avait apprécié ce support déjà utilisé à Antibes en 1946, sur lequel il peint comme alors avec de la peinture oléorésineuse industrielle de type Ripolin. Il assemble les plaques de manière à former un immense format vertical. Peignant à plat sur le sol du second étage du musée, il réalise Ulysse et les sirènes en trois jours, peu de temps avant l’inauguration, à la mi-septembre.
La frise de triangles blancs en haut de la composition témoigne de l’influence du lieu ou Picasso réalise cette peinture, Antibeset sa vue sur les montagnes enneigées du Massif du Mercantour.
Dans le même temps, les visages apparaissant dans ces montagnes nous ramènent dans le monde mystérieux du mythe, pouvant évoquer dieux, cyclope, chœur antique, ou plus vraisemblablement les compagnons d’Ulysse : contrairement à Ulysse, perdu dans le chant des sirènes, ces visages sont privés d’oreilles, tels les marins assourdis par des bouchons de cire.

La montagne
Le massif du Mercantour-Argentera est un massif des Alpes situé à cheval entre les départements français des Alpes-Maritimes et des Alpes-de-Haute-Provence et le Piémont italien. Le nom du massif provient respectivement de la cime du Mercantour, un sommet central secondaire, et du mont Argentera, point culminant du massif, à 3 297 m, entièrement en Italie. Le massif est partiellement couvert par deux parcs naturels, le parc national du Mercantour côté français et le parc naturel des Alpes maritimes côté italien.  Le massif est riche en cours d'eau et en lacs. Ces derniers, issus largement de la dernière glaciation, sont situés dans les cuvettes des roches cristallines du massif. Ce territoire est occupé par l'homme, d'abord de manière saisonnière, depuis l'âge du bronze ancien. Ces traces d'occupation sont visibles notamment sur le site de la vallée des Merveilles, dans la haute vallée de la Roya. Cette occupation humaine se développe durant l'Antiquité, puis au Moyen Âge avec la route du sel, et se poursuit aux 20e et 21e siècles, le massif devenant une zone de villégiature et de tourisme. De nombreuses activités et sports de montagne peuvent être pratiqués au sein du massif. Les aménagements permettent de s'adonner, entre autres, au ski de randonnée, au ski alpin, au ski de fond, à la randonnée pédestre, à l'alpinisme et au canyoning. Au 21e siècle, l'économie du massif est d'ailleurs tournée préférentiellement vers le secteur du tourisme, lequel domine largement les activités agricoles et industrielles.

Le peintre
Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, également connu sous le nom de Pablo Picasso, était un peintre, sculpteur, graveur, céramiste, scénographe, poète et dramaturge espagnol qui a passé la majeure partie de sa vie adulte en France. Considéré comme l'un des artistes les plus grands et les plus influents du 20e siècle, il est connu pour avoir co-fondé le mouvement cubiste, l'invention de la sculpture construite, la co-invention du collage et pour la grande variété de styles qu'il a contribué à développer. et explorer. Parmi ses œuvres les plus célèbres figurent le proto-cubiste Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907) et Guernica (1937), un portrait du bombardement de Guernica par les forces aériennes allemandes et italiennes à la demande du gouvernement nationaliste espagnol pendant la guerre civile espagnole. Guerre. Picasso a fait preuve d'un talent artistique extraordinaire dès ses premières années, peignant de manière naturaliste tout au long de son enfance et de son adolescence. Au cours de la première décennie du 20e siècle, son style change à mesure qu'il expérimente différentes théories, techniques et idées. Après 1906, l'œuvre fauviste de l'artiste un peu plus âgé Henri Matisse a motivé Picasso à explorer des styles plus radicaux, déclenchant une rivalité fructueuse entre les deux artistes, qui par la suite ont été souvent associés par la critique comme les leaders de l'art moderne. L'œuvre de Picasso est souvent classée en périodes. Bien que les noms de bon nombre de ses périodes ultérieures soient débattus, les périodes les plus communément acceptées dans son œuvre sont la période bleue (1901-1904), la période rose (1904-1906), la période d'influence africaine (1907-1909), Le cubisme analytique (1909-1912) et le cubisme synthétique (1912-1919), également appelés période de cristal. Une grande partie de l'œuvre de Picasso de la fin des années 1910 et du début des années 1920 est de style néoclassique, et son travail du milieu des années 1920 présente souvent des caractéristiques du surréalisme. Ses œuvres ultérieures combinent souvent des éléments de ses styles antérieur. Exceptionnellement prolifique tout au long de sa longue vie, Picasso a acquis une renommée universelle et une immense fortune grâce à ses réalisations artistiques révolutionnaires, et est devenu l'une des figures les plus connues de l'art du XXe siècle. Le nombre total d'œuvres d'art qu'il a produites a été estimé à 50 000, dont 1 885 peintures ; 1 228 sculptures ; 2 880 céramiques, environ 12 000 dessins, plusieurs milliers de gravures et de nombreuses tapisseries et tapis...


2023 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Wandering Vertexes ....
Un blog de Francis Rousseau


Friday, October 6, 2023


GEORGES BRAQUE (1882-1963) Le Moine ou Rocher du Capucin (155m) France (Bouches du Rhône)   In La Ciotat - La Calanque de Figuerolles, huile sur toile,1907

GEORGES BRAQUE (1882-1963)
Le Moine ou Rocher du Capucin (155m)
France (Bouches du Rhône)

In La Ciotat - La Calanque de Figuerolles, huile sur toile,1907

Le relief
Appelé aussi La Tête de Chien, ce rocher très reconnaissable par sa taille et sa forme au bord de la Méditerrannée dans la commune de La Ciotat, surplombant la plage de la Calanqe de Figuerolles,site classé du Parc Naturel des Calanques. La matière caractéristique qui le compose, appelée "Poudingue" est faite de galets agglomérés les uns sur les autres et ce jusqu'au plus haut des falaises. Son voisin Le Bec de l'Aigle  fait face à l'île Verte et surplombe le très beau parc du Mugel.  En période estivale, l'accès est conditionné aux horaires d'ouverture du parc du Mugel et aux conditions générales d'accès aux massifs forestiers du secteur du Cap Canaille.

Le Peintre
Georges Braque, est un peintre, sculpteur et graveur français. D'abord engagé dans le sillage des Fauves, influencé par Henri Matisse, André Derain et Othon Friesz, il aboutit, à l'été 1907 aux paysages de l'Estaque avec des maisons en forme de cubes que Matisse qualifie de « cubistes », particulièrement typées dans le tableau Maisons à l'Estaque. C'est en étudiant méthodiquement, dès 1906, les lignes de contour de Paul Cézanne, que Braque a abouti progressivement à des compositions qui utilisent de légères interruptions dans les lignes, comme dans Nature morte aux pichets. Puis avec une série de nus comme le Nu debout, et Le Grand Nu, il s'oriente, après 1908, vers une rupture avec la vision classique, l'éclatement des volumes, une période communément appelée cubiste, qui dure de 1911 jusqu'en 1914. Il utilise alors des formes géométriques principalement pour des natures mortes, introduit les lettres au pochoir dans ses tableaux, invente des papiers collés. En véritable « penseur » du cubisme, il élabore des lois de la perspective et de la couleur. Il invente aussi les sculptures en papier en 1912, toutes disparues, dont il ne subsiste qu'une photographie d'un contre-relief. Mobilisé pour la Grande Guerre où il est grièvement blessé, le peintre abandonne les formes géométriques pour des natures mortes où les objets sont dans des plans recomposés. Pendant la période suivante qui va jusqu'aux années 1930, il produit des paysages, des figures humaines et, malgré la diversité des sujets, son œuvre est « d'une remarquable cohérence. Braque à la fois précurseur et dépositaire de la tradition classique est le peintre français par excellence ». Le Cahier de Georges Braque, 1917-1947, publié en 1948, résume sa position. La Seconde Guerre mondiale lui a inspiré ses œuvres les plus graves : Le Chaudron et La Table de cuisine. La paix revenue et la fin de sa maladie lui ont inspiré les œuvres plus approfondies, tels les Ateliers, qu'il élabore souvent pendant plusieurs années, poursuivant six ébauches à la fois ainsi qu'en témoigne Jean Paulhan. Ses tableaux les plus connus sont aussi les plus poétiques : la série des Oiseaux, dont deux exemplaires ornent le plafond de la salle Henri-II du musée du Louvre, depuis 1953. Il a aussi créé des sculptures, des vitraux, des dessins de bijoux, mais à partir de 1959, atteint d'un cancer, il ralentit son rythme de travail. Son dernier grand tableau est La Sarcleuse. Deux ans avant sa mort, en 1961, une rétrospective de ses œuvres intitulée L'Atelier de Braque a lieu au musée du Louvre, Braque devient ainsi le premier peintre à être exposé dans ce lieu de son vivant. Homme discret, peu porté sur les relations publiques, Braque était un intellectuel féru de musique et de poésie, ami notamment d'Erik Satie, de René Char, d'Alberto Giacometti. Il s'est éteint le 31 août 1963 à Paris. Des obsèques nationales ont été organisées en son honneur, au cours desquelles André Malraux a prononcé un discours. 


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Gravir les montagnes en peinture...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau 


Tuesday, October 3, 2023


HENRI MATISSE (1869-1954) Col de Mollo (231m) France (Pyrénées)  In Montagnes à Collioure, aquarelle sur papier 20.6 x 26 cm, Collection privée

HENRI MATISSE (1869-1954)
Col de Mollo (231m)
France (Pyrénées)

In Montagnes à Collioure, aquarelle sur papier 20.6 x 26 cm, Collection privée

A propos de cette œuvre
Elle fut réalisée en 1905 alors que Henri Matisse travaillait au port de pêche de Collioure avec André Derain qui en profita pour peindre sa célèbre toile actuellement à la National Gallery of Art de Washington, D.C., Montagnes à Collioure.

La montagne
Le col de Mollo (231m) est un col des Pyrénées situé sur le versant nord du massif des Albères, à la frontière entre les territoires de Collioure et Port-Vendres, dans les Pyrénées-Orientales, au croisement de la route départementale D 86 et de deux routes communales. Le nom catalan de Molló est fréquent dans les Pyrénées-Orientales : on le rencontre à Mosset, à Serdinya, à Saint-Marsal et, bien sûr, dans le nom même de Prats-de-Mollo, qui fait référence au village voisin en Catalogne de Molló. Son origine se trouve sans doute dans le terme latin Mutulus, désignant une pierre en saillie, et par extension une borne. Celui-ci a évolué en latin populaire vers Mutulione, puis progressivement vers le catalan par Mutlione (chute du u atone), puis Mollone à l'époque romane, pour arriver enfin à Molló, par chute du n final en ayant pour effet de laisser un o acentué. Un Pogium Mulionem (en forme moderne : Puig Molló) est mentionné au xe siècle : cette petite montagne devait sans doute délimiter le territoire de Collioure. Seul subsiste aujourd'hui le nom du col. Le massif des Albères--est un massif de montagnes qui constitue la partie la plus orientale des Pyrénées. Le massif des Albères est délimité à l'ouest par le col du Perthus et la rivière de Rome, qui le séparent du massif des Salines, à l'est par la mer Méditerranée entre Argelès-sur-Mer en France et Port-Bou et Llançà en Espagne. Les Albères dominent la basse vallée du Tech et la plaine du Roussillon au nord et la plaine de l'Empordà au sud. Les montagnes de la rive droite du Tech, à l'ouest, la délimitation est incertaine et presque impossible à déterminer. Au sud, le massif du Cap de Creus, est parfois considéré comme faisant partie des Albères. L'arête sommitale des Albères permet de délimiter la frontière entre la France et l'Espagne. Ainsi, le massif fait géographiquement partie des Pyrénées. Administrativement, il se trouve sur le département des Pyrénées-Orientales en France, et dans la province de Gérone en Catalogne (Espagne).

Le peintre

 Henri Matisse est un peintre, dessinateur, graveur et sculpteur français. Figure majeure du xxe siècle, son influence sur l'art de la seconde partie de ce siècle est considérable par l'utilisation de la simplification, de la stylisation, de la synthèse et de la couleur comme seul sujet de la peinture, aussi bien pour les nombreux peintres figuratifs qu'abstraits qui se réclameront de lui et de ses découvertes. Il fut le chef de file du fauvisme. Célèbre et célébré de son vivant, Matisse aura une influence prépondérante sur la peinture américaine, et en particulier sur l'École de New York, Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman, Motherwell, mais aussi en Allemagne, au travers des élèves de son académie, Marg Moll, Oskar Moll, Hans Purrmann…Il était ami avec Pablo Picasso, qui le considérait comme son grand rival. Cette amitié, mélange d'admiration mutuelle et de rivalité est le sujet du tableau Don Pablo danse un huayno sous le regard étonné de Matisse du peintre péruvien Herman Braun-Vega.
À la première école de New York, emmené par les deux critiques Harold Rosenbe et Clement Greenberg, il convient d'ajouter la seconde école de New York avec des figures comme Frank Stella et le mouvement que Greenberg définit comme la Post-Painterly-Abstraction, le Colorfield Painting (Morris Louis, Helen Frankenthaler, Sam Francis, Jules Olitskix), ou encore le hard edge (Kenneth Noland, Mary Pinchot Meyer…). Mais également les peintres du Pop Art, dont Warhol qui déclare, en 1956 : « Je veux être Matisse», ou Tom Wesselmann, Roy Lichtenstein, qui feront d'amples citations du peintre français. En France, l'influence de Matisse se retrouve chez les peintres de Supports/Surfaces, et dans les textes théoriques du critique Marcelin Pleynet, comme Système de la peinture.
En 2015, une étude menée à l'European Synchrotron Radiation Facility de Grenoble révèle au monde de l'art que le sulfure de cadmium connu aussi comme étant le pigment jaune de cadmium utilisé par Matisse est sujet à un processus d'oxydation lors d'une exposition à la lumière, se transformant alors en sulfate de cadmium très soluble dans l'eau et surtout incolore.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Gravir les montagnes en peinture...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau 

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


NICOLAS DE STAËL (1914-1955), Le Grand Capelet (2.935m) France (Alpes Maritimes)  In "Paysage, Antibes", Huile sur toile 1955, MuMa, Le Havre


NICOLAS DE STAËL (1914-1955)
Le Grand Capelet (2.935m)
France (Alpes Maritimes)

In "Paysage, Antibes", Huile sur toile 1955, MuMa, Le Havre

La montagne

Le Grand Capelet (2 935 mètres) est un sommet du massif du Mercantour-Argentera situé sur la ligne de partage des eaux, entre les vallées de la Gordolasque et de la Roya. Il est situé à la frontière des territoires des communes de Belvédère et de Tende, dans le département des Alpes-Maritimes, en France et nettement visible depuis la Riviera et notamment depuis la villle d'Antibes.  Il se situe à l'est du mont Bégo. Au nord, à proximité immédiate, se trouve la cime de Muffié. D'un point de vue géologique, ce sommet est constitué de schistes, à l'exception des arêtes nord, qui sont formées d'anatexites. Ce sommet fait partie du parc national du Mercantour. La première ascension a été effectuée par J. Proust, en 1885, par le versant sud-est4. La première ascension hivernale a été réalisée par Victor de Cessole, Variot, M. Fassi et J. Plent, le 27 février 1908, par l'arête est du versant est4. L'itinéraire démarre du refuge des Merveilles et suit d'abord la direction du Pas de l'Arpette, puis bifurque vers le sommet nord du Caïre des Conques, avant de redescendre vers le Pas des Conques. On gravit ensuite la pente d'éboulis jusqu'au sommet du Grand Capelet.

Le Peintre
Nicolas de Staël ; baron Nikolaï Vladimirovitch Staël von Holstein de son nom complet (Николай Владимирович Шталь фон Гольштейн), est un peintre français originaire de Russie, issu d'une branche cadette de la famille Staël von Holstein. La carrière de Nicolas de Staël s'étale sur quinze ans, de 1940 à sa mort. Artiste prolifique, il réalise au cours de sa carrière 1120 tableaux aux influences diverses — Paul Cézanne, Henri Matisse, Vincent Van Gogh, Georges Braque, Soutine et les Fauves, mais aussi les maîtres néerlandais Rembrandt, Vermeer et Seghers. Sa peinture est en constante évolution. Des couleurs sombres de ses débuts (Porte sans porte, 1946 ou Ressentiment, 1947), elle aboutit à l'exaltation de la couleur comme dans le Grand Nu orange (1953). Ses toiles se caractérisent par d'épaisses couches de peinture superposées et un important jeu de matières, passant des empâtements au couteau (Compositions, 1945-1949) à une peinture plus fluide (Agrigente, 1954, Chemin de fer au bord de la mer, soleil couchant, 1955). Refusant les étiquettes et les courants, tout comme Georges Braque qu'il admire, il travaille avec acharnement, détruisant autant d’œuvres qu'il en réalise.  Nicolas de Staël meurt à 41 ans en se jetant de la terrasse de la maison où il avait son atelier à Antibes. Cette maison fut classée monument historique en mars 2014. Il est enterré au cimetière de Montrouge. Par son style évolutif, qu'il a lui-même qualifié d'« évolution continue », il reste une énigme pour les historiens d'art qui le classent aussi bien dans la catégorie de l'École de Paris, que dans les abstraits ayant inspiré les jeunes peintres à partir des années 1970, ou encore dans la catégorie de l'art informel. Il a maintes fois créé la surprise notamment avec la série Les Footballeurs, entraînant derrière lui des artistes d'un nouveau mouvement d'abstraction et les artistes du néo-formalisme new-yorkais, ou de l'expressionnisme abstrait de l'École de New York, parmi lesquels se trouve notamment Joan Mitchell.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Gravir les montagnes en peinture...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau 

Sunday, November 6, 2022


ALBERT MARQUET Dønnamannen (856 mètres) Norvège    In Sandnoesoen, Norvège , 1925, aquarelle

Dønnamannen (856 mètres)

 In Sandnoesoen, Norvège , 1925, aquarelle

La montagne
Dønnmannen (856 mètres) tire son nom du fait que le sommet de la montagne a un profil qui peut ressembler au profil d'un homme allongé sur le dos. Il se dresse à l’ouest de Sandnoesoen. dont l’architecture moderne et élégante du pont de l’Helgeland impressionne aujorud'hui les visiteurs. La commune compte 7 500 habitants qui vivent comme lorsque Marquet a peint cette aquarelle, dela  pêche, et de l’agriculture. La ville est toujours très animée en raison des allées et venues incessantes des ferries.
Le sommet est également le point culminant de la municipalité de Dønna. L'Association touristique norvégienne a déjà balisé les chemins menant au sommet depuis Breivika, Einvika et Teigstad. Les chemins de Breivika et Einvika ont un itinéraire commun vers la montagne depuis Hagen et sont considérés comme les plus sûrs, mais en 2018, un accident mortel s'est produit sur cet itinéraire.  La route depuis Teigstad a été fermée en 2016 en raison du risque de glissements de terrain.

Maître du paysage au regard aiguisé, le peintre français Albert Marquet a gardé de sa période fauve un certain sens de la couleur et de la lumière. . En 1890, Marquet s'installe à Paris pour fréquenter l'Ecole des Arts Décoratifs, où il rencontre Henri Matisse. Ils ont été colocataires pendant un certain temps et se sont influencés mutuellement. Marquet a commencé des études en 1892 à l'École des Beaux-Arts de Paris sous Gustave Moreau. En 1905, il expose au Salon d'Automne. Consternés par la coloration intense de ces peintures, les critiques réagissent en nommant les artistes les "Fauves", c'est-à-dire les bêtes sauvages. Bien que Marquet ait peint avec les fauves pendant des années, il a utilisé des couleurs moins vives et moins violentes que les autres, et a mis l'accent sur des tons moins intenses faits en mélangeant des complémentaires, donc toujours comme des couleurs et jamais comme des gris.
Marquet peint ensuite dans un style plus naturaliste, principalement des paysages, mais aussi plusieurs portraits et, entre 1910 et 1914, plusieurs tableaux de nus féminins.
De 1907 à sa mort, Marquet alterne entre le travail dans son atelier à Paris (ville qu'il peint beaucoup de fois) et de nombreuses régions de la côte européenne et en Afrique du Nord. Il a été le plus impliqué avec l'Algérie et Alger et avec la Tunisie. Il resta également impressionné notamment par Naples et Venise où il peignit la mer et les bateaux, accentuant la lumière au-dessus de l'eau. Au cours de ses voyages en Allemagne et en Suède et en Norvège, il peint les sujets qu'il préfère habituellement : vues sur le fleuve et la mer, ports et navires, mais aussi paysages urbains. Marquet était particulièrement vénéré par les peintres américains Leland Bell et sa femme Louisa Matthiasdottir. Il était également vénéré par les contemporains de Bell, Al Kresch et Gabriel Laderman. Étant donné que Bell et Laderman ont tous deux enseigné dans plusieurs écoles d'art américaines, ils ont eu une influence sur les jeunes artistes figuratifs américains et leur appréciation de Marquet.
Matisse a dit ; "Quand je regarde Hokusai, je pense à Marquet - et vice versa ... Je ne veux pas dire imitation d'Hokusai, je veux dire similitude avec lui".


2022 - Wandering Vertexes ....
            Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
            Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Tuesday, December 28, 2021


MARTIROS SERGEYEVICH SARYAN (1880-1972) Azhdahak Volcano (3,597 m - 11,801 ft) Armenia   In Gegham Mountains, oil on canvas, Saryan Museum, Erevan

Azhdahak Volcano (3,597 m - 11,801 ft)

In Gegham Mountains, oil on canvas, Saryan Museum, Erevan

The volcano
Azhdahak (Աժդահակ)  (3,597 m - 11,801 ft) is a volcano in Armenia, the highest point of Gegham mountains.  It is part of the Ghegam Ridge volcanic field, which last erupted at 1900 BC ± 1000. There is a lake in the crater of volcano Azhdahak that is formed from melting snow. From the top of the mountain opens the pictorial landscape of mountains Ararat, Hatis, Ara, Aragats, Lake Sevan, the whole Gegham mountains and the Kotayk valley. In the surroundings of Azhdahak there is a lake, Akna  of volcanic origin. “Akn” means "spring (water)" in Armenian.  A great number of petroglyphs – rock-carvings has been found in the surroundings of Azhdahak. Most images depict men in scenes of hunting and fighting, as well as astronomical bodies and phenomena: the Sun, the Moon, constellations, the stellar sky, lightning, etc.
In Gegham mountains are engaged the cattle breeding people called Yazidi – one of national minorities of Armenia, who move to the mountains for the summer and live in tents with families and even with infants. The Yazidis are an ethno-confessional group, whose main identity is religion; Yazidism or Sharfadin. Nomadic stockbreeding is their major occupation. The Yazidi society is a caste system including three main components: the Shaykhs, the Pirs (clergy) and murids (laymen).
The beauty of the Azhdahak surroundings have long attracted tourists. However, the probability of running across each other different hiking groups is insignificant. It depends on the remoteness from the civilization, orientation complexities, that aggravate with weather condition factors, such as: thunder and lightning, hail and snow, fog with visibility down to 2-3m.

The painter
Martiros Saryan ( Մարտիրոս Սարյան) was the founder of a modern Armenian national school of painting. In 1895, aged 15, he completed the Nakhichevan school and from 1897 to 1904 studied at the Moscow School of Arts, including in the workshops of Valentin Serov and Konstantin Korovin. He was heavily influenced by the work of Paul Gauguin and Henri Matisse. He exhibited his works in various shows. He had works shown at the Blue Rose Exhibit in Moscow.
He first visited Armenia, then part of the Russian Empire, in 190. He composed his first landscapes depicting Armenia (1902-1903- which were highly praised in the Moscow press.
From 1910 to 1913 he traveled extensively in Turkey, Egypt and Iran. In 1915 he went to Echmiadzin to help refugees who had fled from the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire.
In 1916 he traveled to Tiflis (now Tbilisi) where he married Lusik Agayan. It was there that he helped organise the Society of Armenian Artists.
After the Bolshevik seizure of power in 1917 he went with his family to live in Russia. In 1921 they moved to Armenia. While most of his work reflected the Armenian landscape, he also designed the coat of arms for Armenian SSR and designed the curtain for the first Armenian state theatre.
From 1926–1928 he lived and worked in Paris, but most works from this period were destroyed in a fire on board the boat on which he returned to the Soviet Union. From 1928 until his death, Saryan lived in Soviet Armenia.
In the difficult years of the 1930s, he mainly devoted himself again to landscape painting, as well as portraits. He also was chosen as a deputy to the USSR Supreme Soviet and was awarded the Order of Lenin three times and other awards and medals. He was a member of the USSR Art Academy (1974) and Armenian Academy of Sciences (1956).
Saryan died in Yerevan on 5 May 1972. His former home in Yerevan is now a museum dedicated to his work with hundreds of items on display. He was buried in Yerevan at the Pantheon next to Komitas Vardapet.
2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Tuesday, December 7, 2021



ALBERT MARQUET (1875–1947) Jebel Boukornine (546 m -1791 ft) Tunisia  In Sidi Bou Saïd-palmier, oil on canvas, private collection

ALBERT MARQUET (1875–1947)
DJebel Boukornine (546 m -1791 ft)

In Sidi Bou Saïd-palmier, oil on canvas, private collection

The mountain
DJebel Boukornine (جبل بوقرنين‎), also spelled Jebel Bou Kornine or Mount Bou Kornine, is a 576-meter mountain in northern Tunisia, overlooking the Gulf of Tunis and Hammam Lif city.
It consists of folded and faulted outcrops of Jurassic limestone. Its name "bou kornine" comes from Tunisian Arabic meaning "the one with two horns", originally from the punic language as "ba'al kornine", meaning "lord with two horns". It owes its name to the two highlights of altitude 576 and 493 meters at the top. During the times of ancient Carthage, the mountain was considered sacred and religious rituals were conducted there.
The massif is part of Boukornine National Park, covering area of 1939 ha and protecting many species of plants and animals. The mountain slopes are covered Aleppo pine and cedar. Djebel Ressas about 30 km to the southwest is a taller peak at 795 m.

The painter
Albert Marquet  was a French painter, associated with the Fauvist movement. He initially became one of the Fauve painters and a lifelong friend of Henri Matisse. In 1890 Marquet moved to Paris to attend the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs, where he met Henri Matisse. They were roommates for a time, and they influenced each other's work. Marquet began studies in 1892 at the École des Beaux-Arts de Paris under Gustave Moreau, the famous symbolist artist. In 1905 he exhibited at the Salon d'Automne. Dismayed by the intense coloration in these paintings, critics reacted by naming the artists the "Fauves", i.e. the wild beasts. Although Marquet painted with the fauves for years, he used less bright and violent colours than the others, and emphasized less intense tones made by mixing complementaries, thus always as colors and never as grays.
From 1907 to his death, Marquet alternated between working in his studio in Paris (a city he painted a lot of times) and many parts of the European coast and in North Africa. He was most involved with Algeria and Algiers and Tunisia. He remained also impressed particularly with Naples and Venice where he painted the sea and boats, accenting the light over water. During his voyages to Germany and Sweden he painted the subjects he usually preferred: river and sea views, ports and ships, but also cityscapes.
Matisse said : "When I look at Hokusai, I think of Marquet—and vice versa ... I don't mean imitation of Hokusai, I mean similarity with him". 

2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


ALBERT MARQUET (1875–1947),
Mount Vesuvius (1,281 m- 4,203 ft at present)
                              In La Baie de Naples et le Vésuve, 1909, oil on canvas,  Tate London

About this painting
During his jounrey to Italy in 1909, Albert Marquet has painted Vesuvius several times, at different moment of the day  and, each time with the same title, which doen'st make their identificationn very easy ! Here are too others examples already pusblished in this blog : 
- La baie de Naples et le Vésuve, 1909, Pushkin museum, Moscow
- La baie de Naples et le Vésuve, 1909, Ermitage Museum, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia

The mountain
Mount Vesuvius (1,281 m - 4,203 ft at present) is one of those legendary and mythic mountains the Earth paid regularly tribute. Monte Vesuvio in Italian modern langage or Mons Vesuvius in antique Latin langage is a stratovolcano in the Gulf of Naples (Italy) about 9 km (5.6 mi) east of Naples and a short distance from the shore.
It is one of several volcanoes which form the Campanian volcanic arc. Vesuvius consists of a large cone partially encircled by the steep rim of a summit caldera caused by the collapse of an earlier and originally much higher structure.
Mount Vesuvius is best known for its eruption in AD 79 that led to the burying and destruction of the Roman antique cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and several other settlements. That eruption ejected a cloud of stones, ash, and fumes to a height of 33 km (20.5 mi), spewing molten rock and pulverized pumice at the rate of 1.5 million tons per second, ultimately releasing a hundred thousand times the thermal energy released by the Hiroshima bombing. At least 1,000 people died in the eruption. The only surviving eyewitness account of the event consists of two letters by Pliny the Younger to the historian Tacitus.
Vesuvius has erupted many times since and is the only volcano on the European mainland to have erupted within the last hundred years. Nowadays, it is regarded as one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world because of the population of 3,000,000 people living nearby and its tendency towards explosive eruptions (said Plinian eruptions). It is the most densely populated volcanic region in the world.
Vesuvius was formed as a result of the collision of two tectonic plates, the African and the Eurasian. The former was subducted beneath the latter, deeper into the earth. As the water-saturated sediments of the oceanic African plate were pushed to hotter depths in the earth, the water boiled off and caused the melting point of the upper mantle to drop enough to create partial melting of the rocks. Because magma is less dense than the solid rock around it, it was pushed upward. Finding a weak place at the Earth's surface it broke through, producing the volcano.
The area around Vesuvius was officially declared a national park on June 5, 1995. The summit of Vesuvius is open to visitors and there is a small network of paths around the mountain that are maintained by the park authorities on weekends.

The painter
Albert Marquet was a French painter, associated with the Fauvist movement. He initially became one of the Fauve painters and a lifelong friend of Henri Matisse. In 1890 Marquet moved to Paris to attend the Ecole des Arts Decoratifs, where he met Henri Matisse. They were roommates for a time, and they influenced each other's work. Marquet began studies in 1892 at the École des Beaux-Arts de Paris under Gustave Moreau, the famous symbolist artist. In 1905 he exhibited at the Salon d'Automne. Dismayed by the intense coloration in these paintings, critics reacted by naming the artists the "Fauves", i.e. the wild beasts. Although Marquet painted with the fauves for years, he used less bright and violent colours than the others, and emphasized less intense tones made by mixing complementaries, thus always as colors and never as grays.
From 1907 to his death, Marquet alternated between working in his studio in Paris (a city he painted a lot of times) and many parts of the European coast and in North Africa. He was most involved with Algeria and Algiers and Tunisia. He remained also impressed particularly with Naples and Venice where he painted the sea and boats, accenting the light over water. During his voyages to Germany and Sweden he painted the subjects he usually preferred: river and sea views, ports and ships, but also cityscapes.
Matisse said : "When I look at Hokusai, I think of Marquet—and vice versa ... I don't mean imitation of Hokusai, I mean similarity with him".

2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Tuesday, January 28, 2020



ALBERT MARQUET (1875–1947)
Mount Vesuvius (1,281m - 4,203ft)

 In La baie de  Naples et le Vésuve, 1909, Oil on canvas, 62x 80 cm  
Ermitage Museum, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia

The mountain
Mount Vesuvius (1,281 meters- 4,203 ft at present) is one of those legendary and mythic mountains the Earth paid regularly tribute. Monte Vesuvio in Italian modern langage or Mons Vesuvius in antique Latin langage is a stratovolcano in the Gulf of Naples (Italy) about 9 km (5.6 mi) east of Naples and a short distance from the shore.
It is one of several volcanoes which form the Campanian volcanic arc. Vesuvius consists of a large cone partially encircled by the steep rim of a summit caldera caused by the collapse of an earlier and originally much higher structure.
Mount Vesuvius is best known for its eruption in AD 79 that led to the burying and destruction of the Roman antique cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and several other settlements. That eruption ejected a cloud of stones, ash, and fumes to a height of 33 km (20.5 mi), spewing molten rock and pulverized pumice at the rate of 1.5 million tons per second, ultimately releasing a hundred thousand times the thermal energy released by the Hiroshima bombing. At least 1,000 people died in the eruption. The only surviving eyewitness account of the event consists of two letters by Pliny the Younger to the historian Tacitus.
More about Vesuvius ...

The painter
Albert Marquet was a French painter, associated with the Fauvist movement. He initially became one of the Fauve painters and a lifelong friend of Henri Matisse. In 1890 Marquet moved to Paris to attend the Ecole des Arts Decoratifs, where he met Henri Matisse. They were roommates for a time, and they influenced each other's work. Marquet began studies in 1892 at the École des Beaux-Arts de Paris under Gustave Moreau, the famous symbolist artist. In 1905 he exhibited at the Salon d'Automne. Dismayed by the intense coloration in these paintings, critics reacted by naming the artists the "Fauves", i.e. the wild beasts. Although Marquet painted with the fauves for years, he used less bright and violent colours than the others, and emphasized less intense tones made by mixing complementaries, thus always as colors and never as grays.
Marquet subsequently painted in a more naturalistic style, primarily landscapes, but also several portraits and, between 1910 and 1914, several female nude paintings.
From 1907 to his death, Marquet alternated between working in his studio in Paris (a city he painted a lot of times) and many parts of the European coast and in North Africa. He was most involved with Algeria and Algiers and with Tunisia. He remained also impressed particularly with Naples (see above) and Venice where he painted the sea and boats, accenting the light over water. During his voyages to Germany and Sweden he painted the subjects he usually preferred: river and sea views, ports and ships, but also cityscapes.
Marquet was particularly revered by the American painters Leland Bell and his wife Louisa Matthiasdottir. He was also revered by Bell's contemporaries Al Kresch and Gabriel Laderman. Since both Bell and Laderman were teachers in several American art schools, they have had an influence on younger American figurative artists and their appreciation of Marquet.
Matisse said ; "When I look at Hokusai, I think of Marquet—and vice versa ... I don't mean imitation of Hokusai, I mean similarity with him".


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Monday, December 9, 2019


 ALBERT MARQUET (1875–1947)
Jebel Boukornine (546 m -1791 ft) 

In  Le canal de Tunis, oil on canvas, private collection 

The mountain
Jebel Boukornine (جبل بوقرنين‎), also spelled Djebel Bou Kornine or Mount Bou Kornine, is a 576-meter mountain in northern Tunisia, overlooking the Gulf of Tunis and Hammam Lif city.
It consists of folded and faulted outcrops of Jurassic limestone.  Its name "bou kornine" comes from Tunisian Arabic meaning "the one with two horns", originally from the punic language as "ba'al kornine", meaning "lord with two horns". It owes its name to the two highlights of altitude 576 and 493 meters at the top. During the times of ancient Carthage, the mountain was considered sacred and religious rituals were conducted there.
The massif is part of Boukornine National Park, covering area of 1939 ha and protecting many species of plants and animals. The mountain slopes are covered Aleppo pine and cedar. Djebel Ressas about 30 km to the southwest is a taller peak at 795 m.

The painter
Albert Marquet was a French painter, associated with the Fauvist movement. He initially became one of the Fauve painters and a lifelong friend of Henri Matisse. In 1890 Marquet moved to Paris to attend the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs, where he met Henri Matisse. They were roommates for a time, and they influenced each other's work.  Marquet began studies in 1892 at the École des Beaux-Arts de Paris under Gustave Moreau, the famous symbolist artist. In 1905 he exhibited at the Salon d'Automne. Dismayed by the intense coloration in these paintings, critics reacted by naming the artists the "Fauves", i.e. the wild beasts. Although Marquet painted with the fauves for years, he used less bright and violent colours than the others, and emphasized less intense tones made by mixing complementaries, thus always as colors and never as grays.
From 1907 to his death, Marquet alternated between working in his studio in Paris (a city he painted a lot of times) and many parts of the European coast and in North Africa. He was most involved with Algeria and Algiers and Tunisia. He remained also impressed particularly with Naples and Venice where he painted the sea and boats, accenting the light over water. During his voyages to Germany and Sweden he painted the subjects he usually preferred: river and sea views, ports and ships, but also cityscapes.
Matisse said : "When I look at Hokusai, I think of Marquet—and vice versa ... I don't mean imitation of Hokusai, I mean similarity with him".

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Tuesday, October 22, 2019



The Mzab Plateau (526m - 1,725ft)
Algeria (Sahara)

In Caravane se dirigeant vers Ghardaia (Caravan on the way to Ghardaia), oil on canvas

The formation
The Mzab plateau is a rocky formation whose altitude varies between 300 and 800 meters.  The average altitude is 500 meters (Ghardaia: 526 meters).This relief, of which the origin is  from the Upper Cretaceous, is in the form of a vast stony expanse and brown and blackish rocks. The grounds are limestone. Their roughly horizontal structure indicates that they have remained in place, away from the orogenic movements, since their formation.
The deepest valleys bordered by rocky cliffs with steep slopes have a gradient that rarely exceeds 100 meters in relation to the plateau.
The M'zab is therefore generally a flat region but where fluvial erosion, combined with the action of the desert climate, has created a multitude of superficial accidents that make communications most difficult.
Due to  the low latitude and the moderate altitude, the temperature is very high in summer (absolute maximum in Ghardaia: 50 ° C), moderately cool in winter (absolute minimum: minus 1 ° C in Ghardaia).  In winter as in summer, the diurnal variation of temperature is important, due to the perfect dryness of the atmosphere. For the same reason, the brightness is intense.
Sandwash from the southwest periodically accentuate the dryness of the climate. They are particularly frequent and violent in late winter and early spring.
The Mzab Valley is part of World Heritage since 1982, as an untouched example of a traditional human habitat perfectly adapted to the environment.

The painter 
Nasr'Eddine Dinet (born as Alphonse-Étienne Dinet in Paris) was a French orientalist painter.
Compared to modernist painters such as Henri Matisse, who also visited northern Africa in the first decade of the 20th century, Dinet’s paintings are extremely conservative. They are highly mimetic, indeed ethnographic, in their treatment of their subject.
Dinet’s understanding of Arab culture and language set him apart from other orientalist artists. Surprisingly, he was able to find nude models in rural Algeria. Before 1900, most of his works could be characterized as "anecdotal genre scenes". As he became more interested in Islam, he began to paint religious subjects more often. He was active in translating Arabic literature into French, publishing a translation of an Arab epic poem by Antarah ibn Shaddad in 1898.
Dinet was born the son of a prominent French judge.   From 1871, he studied at the prestogious Lycée Henry IV in Paris, where the future president Alexandre Millerand was also among the students. Upon graduation in 1881 he enrolled in the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts and entered the studio of Victor Galland. The following year he studied under William Bouguereau and Tony Robert-Fleury at the Académie Julian. He also exhibited for the first time at the Salon des artistes français.
Dinet made his first trip to Bou Saâda by the Ouled Naïl Range in southern Algeria in 1884, with a team of entomologists. The following year he made a second trip on a government scholarship, this time to Laghouat. At that time he painted his first two Algerian pictures: les Terrasses de Laghouat  (Laghouat Terraces) or  Oued M’Sila après l’orage (Oued M'Sila after the storm).
He won the silver medal for painting at the Exposition Universelle in 1889, and in the same year founded the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts along with Meissonier, Puvis de Chavannes, Rodin, Carolus-Duran and Charles Cottet. In 1887 he further founded with Léonce Bénédite, director of the Musée du Luxembourg, the Société des Peintres Orientalistes Français.
In 1903 he bought a house in Bou Saâda and spent three quarters of each year there.
He announced his conversion to Islam in a private letter of 1908, and completed his formal conversion in 1913, upon which he changed his name to Nasr’Eddine Dinet. In 1929 he and his wife undertook the Hajj to Mecca. The respect he earned from the natives of Algeria was reflected by the 5,000 who attended his funeral on 12 January 1930 in Bou Saâda. There he was eulogized by the former Governor General of Algeria Maurice Viollette.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Monday, October 7, 2019


La Pointe du Raz / Beg ar Raz (72m - 236 ft)  

In La pointe du Raz, Bretagne, 1950, huile sur toile, 54.5 x 65.1 cm, Private collection - Christie's

The site
Pointe du Raz / Beg ar Raz (72m - 236 ft)  is a promontory that extends into the Atlantic from western Brittany, in France. It is the western point of the commune of Plogoff, Finistère, France.
It is named after the Raz de Sein, the dangerous stretch of water between it and the island of Sein (Enez Sun in Breton). It is a dramatic place of crashing waves and strong winds. The word raz was borrowed from Norman by the Bretons and shares the same etymology as the English word race, "strong current of water"; both are from Old Norse rás. It also marks the western end of the 3,200 km E5 European long distance path to Verona in Italy.
The "La Vieille" lighthouse can be clearly seen from the headland.

The painter
Maurice de Vlaminck was a French painter. Along with André Derain and Henri Matisse he is considered one of the principal figures in the Fauve movement, a group of modern artists who from 1904 to 1908 were united in their use of intense colour. Vlaminck was one of the Fauves at the controversial Salon d'Automne exhibition of 1905.
Two of Vlaminck's groundbreaking paintings, Sur le zinc (At the Bar) and L'homme a la pipe (Man Smoking a Pipe) were painted in 1900.
In his landscape paintings, his approach was similar. He ignored the details, with the landscape becoming a mere excuse to express mood through violent colour and brushwork. An example is Sous bois, painted in 1904. The following year, he began to experiment with "deconstruction," turning the physical world into dabs and streaks of colour that convey a sense of motion.  His paintings Le Pont de Chatou (The Chatou Bridge), Les Ramasseurs de pommes de terre (The Potato Pickers), La Seine à Chatou (The River Seine at Chatou) and Le Verger (The Orchard) exemplify this trend.
Vlaminck's compositions show familiarity with the Impressionists, several of whom had painted in the same area in the 1870s and 1880s. After visiting a Van Gogh exhibit, he declared that he "loved Van Gogh that day more than my own father".
 From 1908 his palette grew more monochromatic, and the predominant influence was that of Cézanne. His later work displayed a dark palette, punctuated by heavy strokes of contrasting white paint.


2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Saturday, October 5, 2019


Mount Ararat (5,137 m- 16,854ft)
Turkey (since 1921)

In Ararat and Yerevan, oil on canvas, Private collection 

The mountain
There are two mountains in the world called Mont Ararat : one in Turkey, one in United States of America (Pennsylvania). The one we are talking about is Mount Ararat in Turkey, which has a very long and complex political, religious, sacred and mythical history.
Mount Ararat  (5,137 m- 16,854ft)  is a snow-capped and dormant stratovolcano in the eastern extremity of Turkey.  It consists of two major volcanic cones: Greater Ararat, the highest peak in Turkey and the Armenian plateau with an elevation of 5,137 m (16,854 ft); and Little Ararat, with an elevation of 3,896 m (12,782 ft). The Ararat massif is about 40 km (25 mi) in diameter and  is part of the range of Armenian Highlands.
Mountains of Ararat  have been perceived as the traditional resting place of Noah's Ark since the 11th century. It is the principal national symbol of Armenia and has been considered a sacred mountain by Armenians. It is featured prominently in Armenian literature and art and is an icon for Armenian irredentism. Along with Noah's Ark, it is depicted on the coat of arms of Armenia.
Mount Ararat forms a near-quadripoint between Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran.
 Its summit is located some 16 km (10 mi) west of both the Iranian border and the border of the Nakhchivan exclave of Azerbaijan, and 32 km (20 mi) south of the Armenian border. The Turkish–Armenian–Azerbaijani and Turkish–Iranian–Azerbaijani tripoints are some 8 km apart, separated by a narrow strip of Turkish territory containing the E99 road which enters Nakhchivan at 39.6553°N 44.8034°E.
From the 16th century until 1828 Great Ararat's summit and the northern slopes, along with the eastern slopes of Little Ararat were part of Persia, while the range was part of the Ottoman-Persian border. Following the 1826–28 Russo-Persian War and the Treaty of Turkmenchay, the Persian controlled territory was ceded to the Russian Empire. Little Ararat became the point where the Turkish, Persian, and Russian imperial frontiers converged...
More about Mount Ararat

The painter
Martiros Saryan ( Մարտիրոս Սարյան) was  the founder of a modern Armenian national school of painting. In 1895, aged 15, he completed the Nakhichevan school and from 1897 to 1904 studied at the Moscow School of Arts, including in the workshops of Valentin Serov and Konstantin Korovin. He was heavily influenced by the work of Paul Gauguin and Henri Matisse. He exhibited his works in various shows. He had works shown at the Blue Rose Exhibit in Moscow.
He first visited Armenia, then part of the Russian Empire, in 190. He composed his first landscapes depicting Armenia  (1902-1903- which were highly praised in the Moscow press.
From 1910 to 1913 he traveled extensively in Turkey, Egypt and Iran. In 1915 he went to Echmiadzin to help refugees who had fled from the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire.
In 1916 he traveled to Tiflis (now Tbilisi) where he married Lusik Agayan. It was there that he helped organise the Society of Armenian Artists.
After the Bolshevik seizure of power in 1917 he went with his family to live in Russia. In 1921 they moved to Armenia.  While most of his work reflected the Armenian landscape, he also designed the coat of arms for Armenian SSR and designed the curtain for the first Armenian state theatre.
From 1926–1928 he lived and worked in Paris, but most works from this period were destroyed in a fire on board the boat on which he returned to the Soviet Union. From 1928 until his death, Saryan lived in Soviet Armenia.
In the difficult years of the 1930s, he mainly devoted himself again to landscape painting, as well as portraits. He also was chosen as a deputy to the USSR Supreme Soviet and was awarded the Order of Lenin three times and other awards and medals. He was a member of the USSR Art Academy (1974) and Armenian Academy of Sciences (1956).
Saryan died in Yerevan on 5 May 1972.  His former home in Yerevan is now a museum dedicated to his work with hundreds of items on display. He was buried in Yerevan at the Pantheon next to Komitas Vardapet.
2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Mount Ararat (5,137 m- 16,854ft)
Turkey (since 1921)

In Mount Ararat 1946, Saryan Museum, Yerevan 

The mountain
There are two mountains in the world called Mont Ararat, One in Turkey, one in United States of America (Pennsylvania). The one we are talking about is Mount Ararat in Turkey, which has a very long and complex political, religious, sacred and mythical history.
Mount Ararat (5,137 m- 16,854ft) (Turkish: Ağrı Dağı; Armenian: Մասիս, Masis) is a snow-capped and dormant stratovolcano in the eastern extremity of Turkey. It consists of two major volcanic cones: Greater Ararat, the highest peak in Turkey and the Armenian plateau with an elevation of 5,137 m (16,854 ft); and Little Ararat, with an elevation of 3,896 m (12,782 ft). The Ararat massif is about 40 km (25 mi) in diameter and is part of the range of Armenian Highlands.
Mountains of Ararat have been perceived as the traditional resting place of Noah's Ark since the 11th century. It is the principal national symbol of Armenia and has been considered a sacred mountain by Armenians. It is featured prominently in Armenian literature and art and is an icon for Armenian irredentism. Along with Noah's Ark, it is depicted on the coat of arms of Armenia.
Mount Ararat forms a near-quadripoint between Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran. Its summit is located some 16 km (10 mi) west of both the Iranian border and the border of the Nakhchivan exclave of Azerbaijan, and 32 km (20 mi) south of the Armenian border. The Turkish–Armenian–Azerbaijani and Turkish–Iranian–Azerbaijani tripoints are some 8 km apart, separated by a narrow strip of Turkish territory containing the E99 road which enters Nakhchivan at 39.6553°N 44.8034°E.
From the 16th century until 1828 Great Ararat's summit and the northern slopes, along with the eastern slopes of Little Ararat were part of Persia, while the range was part of the Ottoman-Persian border. Following the 1826–28 Russo-Persian War and the Treaty of Turkmenchay, the Persian controlled territory was ceded to the Russian Empire. Little Ararat became the point where the Turkish, Persian, and Russian imperial frontiers converged.
The current international boundaries were formed throughout the 20th century. The mountain came under Turkish control during the 1920 Turkish–Armenian War. It formally became part of Turkey according to the 1921 Treaty of Moscow and Treaty of Kars. By the Tehran Convention of 1932, a border change was made in Turkey's favor, allowing it to occupy the eastern flank of Lesser Ararat.The Iran-Turkey boundary skirts east of Lesser Ararat, the lower peak of the Ararat massif.

The painter
Martiros Saryan ( Մարտիրոս Սարյան) was  the founder of a modern Armenian national school of painting. In 1895, aged 15, he completed the Nakhichevan school and from 1897 to 1904 studied at the Moscow School of Arts, including in the workshops of Valentin Serov and Konstantin Korovin. He was heavily influenced by the work of Paul Gauguin and Henri Matisse. He exhibited his works in various shows. He had works shown at the Blue Rose Exhibit in Moscow.
He first visited Armenia, then part of the Russian Empire, in 190. He composed his first landscapes depicting Armenia  (1902-1903- which were highly praised in the Moscow press.
From 1910 to 1913 he traveled extensively in Turkey, Egypt and Iran. In 1915 he went to Echmiadzin to help refugees who had fled from the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire.
In 1916 he traveled to Tiflis (now Tbilisi) where he married Lusik Agayan. It was there that he helped organise the Society of Armenian Artists.
After the Bolshevik seizure of power in 1917 he went with his family to live in Russia. In 1921 they moved to Armenia.  While most of his work reflected the Armenian landscape, he also designed the coat of arms for Armenian SSR and designed the curtain for the first Armenian state theatre.
From 1926–1928 he lived and worked in Paris, but most works from this period were destroyed in a fire on board the boat on which he returned to the Soviet Union. From 1928 until his death, Saryan lived in Soviet Armenia.
In the difficult years of the 1930s, he mainly devoted himself again to landscape painting, as well as portraits. He also was chosen as a deputy to the USSR Supreme Soviet and was awarded the Order of Lenin three times and other awards and medals. He was a member of the USSR Art Academy (1974) and Armenian Academy of Sciences (1956).
Saryan died in Yerevan on 5 May 1972.  His former home in Yerevan is now a museum dedicated to his work with hundreds of items on display. He was buried in Yerevan at the Pantheon next to Komitas Vardapet.
2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Thursday, April 18, 2019


ALBERT MARQUET (1875–1947), 
 Mount Vesuvius (1,281 m- 4,203 ft at present) 
In La baie de  Naples et le Vésuve, 81 x 69 cm, oil on canvas 1909,   Pushkin museum, Moscow

The mountain 
Mount Vesuvius (1,281 m - 4,203 ft at present) is one of those legendary and mythic mountains  the Earth  paid regularly tribute. Monte Vesuvio in Italian modern langage or Mons Vesuvius in antique Latin langage is a stratovolcano in the Gulf of Naples (Italy) about 9 km (5.6 mi) east of Naples and a short distance from the shore. 
It is one of several volcanoes which form the Campanian volcanic arc. Vesuvius consists of a large cone partially encircled by the steep rim of a summit caldera caused by the collapse of an earlier and originally much higher structure.
Mount Vesuvius is best known for its eruption in AD 79 that led to the burying and destruction of the Roman antique cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and several other settlements. That eruption ejected a cloud of stones, ash, and fumes to a height of 33 km (20.5 mi), spewing molten rock and pulverized pumice at the rate of 1.5 million tons per second, ultimately releasing a hundred thousand times the thermal energy released by the Hiroshima bombing. At least 1,000 people died in the eruption. The only surviving eyewitness account of the event consists of two letters by Pliny the Younger to the historian Tacitus.
Vesuvius has erupted many times since and is the only volcano on the European mainland to have erupted within the last hundred years. Nowadays, it is regarded as one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world because of the population of 3,000,000 people living nearby and its tendency towards explosive eruptions (said Plinian eruptions). It is the most densely populated volcanic region in the world.
Vesuvius was formed as a result of the collision of two tectonic plates, the African and the Eurasian. The former was subducted beneath the latter, deeper into the earth. As the water-saturated sediments of the oceanic African plate were pushed to hotter depths in the earth, the water boiled off and caused the melting point of the upper mantle to drop enough to create partial melting of the rocks. Because magma is less dense than the solid rock around it, it was pushed upward. Finding a weak place at the Earth's surface it broke through, producing the volcano.
The area around Vesuvius was officially declared a national park on June 5, 1995. The summit of Vesuvius is open to visitors and there is a small network of paths around the mountain that are maintained by the park authorities on weekends.

The painter 
Albert Marquet was a French painter, associated with the Fauvist movement. He initially became one of the Fauve painters and a lifelong friend of Henri Matisse. In 1890 Marquet moved to Paris to attend the Ecole des Arts Decoratifs, where he met Henri Matisse. They were roommates for a time, and they influenced each other's work. Marquet began studies in 1892 at the École des Beaux-Arts de Paris under Gustave Moreau, the famous symbolist artist. In 1905 he exhibited at the Salon d'Automne. Dismayed by the intense coloration in these paintings, critics reacted by naming the artists the "Fauves", i.e. the wild beasts. Although Marquet painted with the fauves for years, he used less bright and violent colours than the others, and emphasized less intense tones made by mixing complementaries, thus always as colors and never as grays.
From 1907 to his death, Marquet alternated between working in his studio in Paris (a city he painted a lot of times) and many parts of the European coast and in North Africa. He was most involved with Algeria and Algiers and Tunisia. He remained also impressed particularly with Naples and Venice where he painted the sea and boats, accenting the light over water.  During his voyages to Germany and Sweden he painted the subjects he usually preferred: river and sea views, ports and ships, but also cityscapes.
Matisse said ; "When I look at Hokusai, I think of Marquet—and vice versa ... I don't mean imitation of Hokusai, I mean similarity with him".

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Sunday, November 25, 2018


ALBERT MARQUET (1875–1947)
Cape Bon  / Ras El Dar (637m -2,089ft) 

1. In Vue de  la Falaise rouge de Sidi Bou Said, Cap Bon et le golfe de Tunis, watercolour, 
2. In Vue de  la Falaise rouge de Sidi Bou Said, , watercolour
3. In Cap Bon vu de  la VIlla Erlanger  watercolour 

The mountains
Cape Bon  (637m -2,089ft)  ("Good Cape" in french)  refers to either a peninsula in far northeastern Tunisia, also known as Watan el-Kibli (الرأس الطيب‎), administered as the country's Nabeul Governorate, or the northernmost point on the peninsula, also known as Ras ed-Dar.
Settlements on the peninsula include Nabeul, El Haouaria, Kelibia, Menzel Temime, Korba, and Beni Khalled.  Mountains include Kef Bou Krim (237 m -778 ft), Kef er-Rend (637 m - 2,090 ft), Jebel Sidi Abd er-Rahmane (602 m-1,975 ft), Jebel Hofra (421 m -1,381 ft), and Jebel Reba el-Aine (328 m -1,076 ft). Besides Cape Bon, other headlands on the peninsula are Ras Dourdas and Ras el-Fortass on the northern shore, Ras el-Melah on the short eastern shore, and Ras Mostefa and Ras Maamoura on the southern shore. The ruins of the Punic town Kerkouane are also located here. Djebel Mlezza ("Mt Mlessa") has tombs from the time of Agathocles, which were excavated just before the First World War. Cape Bon  and the Gulf of Tunis are visible from the little town of Sidi Bou Saïd, like  the painter Albert  Marqet painted it  (see above)

The painter 
Albert Marquet was a French painter, associated with the Fauvist movement. He initially became one of the Fauve painters and a lifelong friend of Henri Matisse. In 1890 Marquet moved to Paris to attend the Ecole des Arts Decoratifs, where he met Henri Matisse. They were roommates for a time, and they influenced each other's work. Marquet began studies in 1892 at the École des Beaux-Arts de Paris under Gustave Moreau, the famous symbolist artist. In 1905 he exhibited at the Salon d'Automne. Dismayed by the intense coloration in these paintings, critics reacted by naming the artists the "Fauves", i.e. the wild beasts. Although Marquet painted with the fauves for years, he used less bright and violent colours than the others, and emphasized less intense tones made by mixing complementaries, thus always as colors and never as grays.
From 1907 to his death, Marquet alternated between working in his studio in Paris (a city he painted a lot of times) and many parts of the European coast and in North Africa. He was most involved with Algeria and Algiers and Tunisia. He remained also impressed particularly with Naples and Venice where he painted the sea and boats, accenting the light over water.  During his voyages to Germany and Sweden he painted the subjects he usually preferred: river and sea views, ports and ships, but also cityscapes.
Matisse said ; "When I look at Hokusai, I think of Marquet—and vice versa ... I don't mean imitation of Hokusai, I mean similarity with him".

2018 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Saturday, October 27, 2018


HENRI MANGUIN  (1874-1949)
Cap Canaille (394 m -1292, 65 ft)

 In  Aloés en fleurs, Cassis, oil on panel, 1912, Private owner

The mountain
Cap Canaille (394m) is a cape in France located in the the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region with a culminating point called " La Grande Tête"  (The great Head). It is located near the city of Cassis, north-west of La Ciotat. Its red rock is composed of detritic limestones. Going into the Mediterranean Sea, it consists of rocky and steep banks dominated by the western extremity of the Soubeyranes cliffs. The latter are, after the Slieve League in Ireland, one of the highest maritime cliffs in Europe and constitute, in La Ciotat, the highest cliffs in France with a maximum altitude of 394 meters. A road, the D141 called "Route des Crêtes", connects Cassis to La Ciotat by approaching the edge of the cliff.  Several gazebos are set up there with a spectacular view on the French Riviera and the sea. Cap Canaille is well known for having inspired a lot of painters of the end of 19th century and beginning of 20th. Its name is due to a distortion of the Provençal langage  Cap Naio  "Cap Naille" in French, meaning "Swimming mountain " or a distorsion of the roman latin name Mons Canalis meaning " Mountain  of Aqueducts".

The painter 
The French painter Henri-Charles Manguin although often considered a precursor of  Fauvism in 1905, is not very well konwn. Studying at  Gustave Moreau's studio at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, he befriends Albert Marquet, Henri Matisse and Georges Rouault. In 1902, he participated for the first time in the Salon des Independants. In 1904, he discovered the small fishing port of Saint-Tropez in the south of France and got in touch with Paul Signac. He exhibited at the Salon d'Automne, in the United States and at the Venice Biennale. 
Ambroise Vollard buys him 150 paintings.
 In 1924, he participated in the project of the future Annonciade Museum in Saint-Tropez. In 1938, the Druet Gallery closed, his son bought the unsold ones: Manguin destroyed eight paintings, then exhibited all over the world.  In 1942, he rented a workshop in Avignon. Henri Manguin dies in his house of Oustalet in Saint-Tropez on September 25, 1949. The Salon organizes a posthumous retrospective of his works in 1950.

2018 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau