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Showing posts sorted by date for query Fujiyama. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, March 25, 2024


KOYO OKADA (1895-1972) // 岡田紅陽 Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m) Japon   In "Mount Fuji mist and bamboos", 1950, photo
KOYO OKADA (1895-1972) // 岡田紅陽
Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m)

 In Mount Fuji mist and bamboos, 1950, photo

Le photographe
Kōyō Okada (岡 田紅陽) est un photographe japonais, lauréat de l'édition 1954 du Japan Photography Society Award. Koyo Okada a consacré toute sa vie à photographier le mont Fuji.
Il photographiait le Mont Fuji, vêtu d'un kimono provenant de son hôtel de style japonais préféré, et ses voisins l'appelaient « Koyo-san » . Il est né à Uonuma, dans la préfecture de Nigata, et son arrière-grand-père, son grand-père et son père étaient artistes. Il s'est intéressé à la  photos lorsqu'il était à l'université Waseda et il a siasi le mont Fuji vu du village d'Oshino à l'âge de 21 ans. Depuis lors, une relation de plus de 50 ans avec le Mont Fuji a commencé.

La montagne
Le légendaire mont Fuji ou Fujiyama (富士山) est situé sur l'île de Honshu et est le plus haut sommet du Japon à 3 776,24 m (12 389 pieds). Plusieurs noms lui sont attribués : « Fuji-san », « Fujiyama » ou, de manière redondante, « Mont Fujiyama ». Habituellement, les japonais appellent la montagne « Fuji-san ». Les autres noms japonais du Mont Fuji, sont devenus obsolètes comme : Fuji-no-Yama (ふじの山 - La Montagne du Fuji), Fuji-no-Takane (ふじの高嶺 - Le Haut Sommet du Fuji), Fuyō-hō ( 芙蓉峰 - Le Pic du Lotus), et Fugaku (富岳/富嶽), créés en combinant le premier caractère de 富士, Fuji, et 岳, montagne.
Le mont Fuji est un stratovolcan actif dont la dernière éruption remonte à 1707-1708. Le mont Fuji se trouve à environ 100 kilomètres (60 mi) au sud-ouest de Tokyo et peut être vu de là par temps clair.
Le cône exceptionnellement symétrique du mont Fuji, recouvert de neige plusieurs mois par an, est un symbole bien connu du Japon et est fréquemment représenté dans les œuvres d'art et les photographies, ainsi que visité par les touristes et les grimpeurs.
Le mont Fuji est l'une des trois montagnes sacrées du Japon (三霊山) avec le mont Tate et le mont Haku. C'est également un lieu spécial d'une beauté pittoresque et l'un des sites historiques du Japon.
Il a été ajouté à la Liste du patrimoine mondial en tant que site culturel le 22 juin 2013. Selon l'UNESCO, le mont Fuji « a inspiré les artistes et les poètes et fait l'objet de pèlerinage depuis des siècles ». L'UNESCO reconnaît 25 sites d'intérêt culturel dans la localité du mont Fuji. Ces 25 sites comprennent la montagne elle-même, le sanctuaire Fujisan Hongū Sengen et six autres sanctuaires Sengen, deux maisons d'hébergement, le lac Yamanaka, le lac Kawaguchi, les huit sources chaudes d'Oshino Hakkai, deux moules d'arbres de lave, les vestiges du culte Fuji-kō dans le Grotte Hitoana, chutes Shiraito et pinède Miho no Matsubara ; tandis que sur les basses Alpes du mont Fuji se trouve le complexe du temple Taisekiji, où se trouve le siège central du bouddhisme Nichiren Shoshu.

Monday, December 18, 2023


KATSUSHIKA HOKUSAÏ (1760-1849)- Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft) Japon  In " Maison de thé à Koishikawa. Au matin après une chute de neige." Estampe n° 11 des 36 vues du Mont Fuji, 1830.

Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft)

In " Maison de thé à Koishikawa. Au matin après une chute de neige."
Estampe n° 11 des 36 vues du Mont Fuji, 1830.
À propos des 36 vues du mont Fuji
Trente-six vues du mont Fuji (富嶽三十六景) (Fugaku Sanjūrokkei) est une série d'estampes de paysages créées par l'artiste japonais ukiyo-e Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849). La série représente le mont Fuji depuis différents endroits du Japon et à différentes saisons et conditions météorologiques. Les trente-six tirages originaux furent si populaires qu'Hokusai decida d'élargir la série de dix estampes supplémentaires.
Les toutes premières impressions de 1830-33 semblent aujourd'hui estompées par rapport aux versions habituellement vues mais sont plus proches de la conception originale de Hokusai. Les tirages originaux présentent un ciel bleu volontairement irrégulier, ce qui augmente la luminosité du ciel et donne du mouvement aux nuages.

La montagne
Le mont Fuji (3 776,24 m -12 389 pieds) ou Fujiyama (富士山) est situé sur l'île de Honshu. Il est le plus haut sommet montagneux du Japon. Plusieurs noms lui sont attribués : "Fuji-san", "Fujiyama" ou, de manière redondante, "Mt . Fujiyama". Habituellement, les locuteurs japonais appellent la montagne "Fuji-san". Les autres noms japonais du mont Fuji sont devenus obsolètes ou poétiques comme : Fuji-no-Yama (La montagne de Fuji), Fuji- no-Takane ( Le haut sommet du Fuji), Fuyō-hō (Le pic du Lotus) et Fugaku). Le mont Fuji est un stratovolcan actif dont la dernière éruption remonte à 1707-08. Le mont Fuji se trouve à environ 100 kilomètres (60 mi) au sud-ouest de Tokyo et peut être vu de là par temps clair.
Le cône exceptionnellement symétrique du mont Fuji, recouvert de neige plusieurs mois par an, est un symbole bien connu du Japon et il est fréquemment représenté dans l'art et les photographies, ainsi que visité par les touristes et les alpinistes.
Le mont Fuji est l'une des trois montagnes sacrées du Japon avec le mont Tate et le mont Haku. C'est aussi un endroit spécial de beauté scénique et l'un des sites historiques du Japon.
Il a été ajouté à la Liste du patrimoine mondial en tant que site culturel le 22 juin 2013. Selon l'UNESCO, le mont Fuji a "inspiré des artistes et des poètes et fait l'objet de pèlerinages depuis des siècles". L'UNESCO reconnaît 25 sites d'intérêt culturel dans la localité du mont Fuji. Ces 25 sites comprennent la montagne elle-même, le sanctuaire Fujisan Hongū Sengen et six autres sanctuaires Sengen, deux maisons d'hébergement, le lac Yamanaka, le lac Kawaguchi, les huit sources chaudes d'Oshino Hakkai, deux moules d'arbres de lave, les vestiges du culte Fuji-kō dans le la grotte Hitoana, les chutes Shiraito et la pinède Miho no Matsubara ; tandis que sur les basses Alpes du mont Fuji se trouve le complexe du temple Taisekiji, où se trouve le siège central du bouddhisme Nichiren Shoshu. 

Katsushika Hokusai (葛飾 北斎?) est un peintre, dessinateur et graveur japonais du 18e siècle, spécialiste de l’ukiyo-e, ainsi que l'auteur d'écrits populaires, surtout connu sous le nom de Hokusai(北斎?), ou son surnom de Gakyōjin, littéralement « Vieux Fou de dessin. Au cours de ses soixante-dix ans de carrière, il a réalisé une œuvre considérable de quelque 3 000 tirages couleur, des illustrations pour plus de 200 livres, des centaines de dessins et plus de 1 000 peintures. Il a rapidement abandonné le sujet étroit traditionnellement associé à l'école du « monde flottant » (ukiyo-e) dont il faisait partie, comme les images d'acteurs populaires et de courtisane.  Son œuvre influença de nombreux artistes européens, en particulier Paul Gauguin, Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet et Alfred Sisley, et plus largement le mouvement artistique appelé japonisme. Les Trente-six vues du mont Fuji (1831–1833) comptant en réalité 46 estampes dont La Grande Vague de Kanagawa (1831) sont ses œuvres les plus connues.


2023 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau  


Tuesday, August 1, 2023



KATSUSHIKA HOKUSAÏ (1760-1849) Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft) Japan   In Tsukada Island in the Musashi province, from  36 Views of Mont Fuji,  n° 16, 1830 KATSUSHIKA HOKUSAÏ (1760-1849) Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft) Japan   In Tsukada Island in the Musashi province, from  36 Views of Mont Fuji,  n° 16, 1830

KATSUSHIKA HOKUSAÏ / 葛飾 北斎 (1760-1849)
Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft)

 In Tsukada Island in the Musashi province, tiré deTrente-six vues du mont Fuji,  n° 16, 1830

La montagne
Le mont Fuji /-富士山, (3, 776 m -12,389 ft) est une montagne sacrée du centre du Japon qui se trouve sur la côte sud de l'île de Honshū, au sud-ouest de l'agglomération de Tokyo. Il est le point culminant du Japon. Situé dans une région où se rejoignent les plaques tectoniques pacifique, eurasienne et philippine, la montagne est un stratovolcan toujours considéré comme actif, sa dernière éruption certaine s'étant produite fin 1707, bien que le risque éruptif soit actuellement considéré comme faible. À son sommet a été construit un observatoire météorologique et malgré les conditions climatiques rigoureuses, la montagne est une destination extrêmement populaire en particulier pour les Japonais, qu'ils soient shintoïstes ou bouddhistes, en raison de sa forme caractéristique et du symbolisme religieux traditionnel dont il est porteur. Il a ainsi été le sujet principal ou le cadre de nombreuses œuvres artistiques, notamment picturales au cours des siècles. Pourtant, cette fréquentation fragilise l'environnement. Aussi, le 22 juin 2013, il est inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO sous le titre « Fujisan, lieu sacré et source d'inspiration artistique

Le peintre
Katsushika Hokusai (葛飾 北斎) est un peintre, dessinateur et graveur japonais du 18e siècle, spécialiste de l’ukiyo-e, ainsi que l'auteur d'écrits populaires, surtout connu sous le nom de Hokusai(北斎?), ou son surnom de Gakyōjin, littéralement « Vieux Fou de dessin ». Au cours de ses soixante-dix ans de carrière, il a réalisé une œuvre considérable de quelque 3 000 tirages couleur, des illustrations pour plus de 200 livres, des centaines de dessins et plus de 1 000 peintures. Il a rapidement abandonné le sujet étroit traditionnellement associé à l'école du « monde flottant » (ukiyo-e) dont il faisait partie, comme les images d'acteurs populaires et de courtisanes. Les Trente-six vues du mont Fuji (1831 – 1833) comptant en réalité 46 estampes dont La Grande Vague de Kanagawa (1831) sont ses œuvres les plus connues. Son œuvre influença de nombreux artistes européens, en particulier Paul Gauguin, Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet et Alfred Sisley, et plus largement le mouvement artistique appelé japonisme. Sur son lit de mort, il prononce ces dernières paroles : « Si le ciel m'avait accordé encore dix ans de vie, ou même cinq, j'aurais pu devenir un véritable peintre ». Sur sa pierre tombale il laisse cette épitaphe : « Oh ! La liberté, la belle liberté, quand on va aux champs d'été pour y laisser son corps périssable ! »


2023 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Sunday, July 2, 2023


SHINSUI ITO / 新水伊藤 (1898-1972) Mont Fuji (3,376m) Japan  In Three views of Mt Fuji

SHINSUI ITO / 新水伊藤 (1898-1972)
Mont Fuji (3,376m)

In Three views of Mt Fuji

Le peintre
Itō Shinsui (伊東深水), de son véritable nom Itō Hajime, est un peintre de l'école nihon-ga et artiste ukiyo-e des ères Taishō et Shōwa au Japon. Il est l'un des noms majeurs derrière le mouvement shin hanga qui revitalise l'art traditionnel avant son déclin final avec l'avènement de la photographie au Japon au début du 20e siècle. Itō Shinsui est considéré comme l'une des personnalités les plus connues et respectées de la société japonaise et a reçu plusieurs titres honorifique dont celui de Trésor national vivant du Japon. En 1952, la « Commission pour la protection des biens culturels » déclare son talent de conception de gravure sur bois un « bien culturel immatériel »  En 1958, il est élu membre de l'académie japonaise des arts et en 1970 est élevé dans l'Ordre du Soleil levant.

La montagne
Le mont Fuji / 富士山  (3 776 mètres) est une montagne mythique du centre du Japon qui se trouve sur la côte sud de l'île de Honshū, au sud-ouest de l'agglomération de Tokyo. Il est le point culminant du Japon. Situé dans une région où se rejoignent les plaques tectoniques pacifique, eurasienne et philippine, la montagne est un stratovolcan toujours considéré comme actif, sa dernière éruption certaine s'étant produite fin 1707, bien que le risque éruptif soit actuellement considéré comme faible. À son sommet a été construit un observatoire météorologique et malgré les conditions climatiques rigoureuses, la montagne est une destination extrêmement populaire en particulier pour les Japonais, qu'ils soient shintoïstes ou bouddhistes, en raison de sa forme caractéristique et du symbolisme religieux traditionnel dont il est porteur. Il a ainsi été le sujet principal ou le cadre de nombreuses œuvres artistiques, notamment picturales au cours des siècles. Pourtant, cette fréquentation fragilise l'environnement. Aussi, le 22 juin 2013, il est inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO sous le titre « Fujisan, lieu sacré et source d'inspiration artistique ». Le plus célèbre de ses peintres fut Hokusai avec ses 36 vues du Mont Fuji, mais tous les grands artistes japonais l'ont peint au moins une fois dans leur vie.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Friday, April 14, 2023


NICHOLAS ROERICH (1874 - 1947) Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft)   Japon  In  Fujiyama, 1935  tempera. sur cartoN,  30.8 x 46.1cm, Galerie Tretiakov, Moscou.

NICHOLAS ROERICH (1874 - 1947)
Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft)

In  Fujiyama, 1935  tempera. sur cartoN,  30.8 x 46.1cm, Galerie Tretiakov, Moscou.


La montagne
Le mont Fuji (3 776,24 m -12 389 pieds) ou Fujiyama (富士山) est situé sur l'île de Honshu. Il est le plus haut sommet montagneux du Japon. Plusieurs noms lui sont attribués : "Fuji-san", "Fujiyama" ou, de manière redondante, "Mt . Fujiyama". Habituellement, les locuteurs japonais appellent la montagne "Fuji-san". Les autres noms japonais du mont Fuji sont devenus obsolètes ou poétiques comme : Fuji-no-Yama (La montagne de Fuji), Fuji- no-Takane ( Le haut sommet du Fuji), Fuyō-hō (Le pic du Lotus) et Fugaku). Le mont Fuji est un stratovolcan actif dont la dernière éruption remonte à 1707-08. Le mont Fuji se trouve à environ 100 kilomètres (60 mi) au sud-ouest de Tokyo et peut être vu de là par temps clair.
Le cône exceptionnellement symétrique du mont Fuji, recouvert de neige plusieurs mois par an, est un symbole bien connu du Japon et il est fréquemment représenté dans l'art et les photographies, ainsi que visité par les touristes et les alpinistes.
Le mont Fuji est l'une des trois montagnes sacrées du Japon avec le mont Tate et le mont Haku. C'est aussi un endroit spécial de beauté scénique et l'un des sites historiques du Japon.
Il a été ajouté à la Liste du patrimoine mondial en tant que site culturel le 22 juin 2013. Selon l'UNESCO, le mont Fuji a "inspiré des artistes et des poètes et fait l'objet de pèlerinages depuis des siècles". L'UNESCO reconnaît 25 sites d'intérêt culturel dans la localité du mont Fuji. Ces 25 sites comprennent la montagne elle-même, le sanctuaire Fujisan Hongū Sengen et six autres sanctuaires Sengen, deux maisons d'hébergement, le lac Yamanaka, le lac Kawaguchi, les huit sources chaudes d'Oshino Hakkai, deux moules d'arbres de lave, les vestiges du culte Fuji-kō dans le la grotte Hitoana, les chutes Shiraito et la pinède Miho no Matsubara ; tandis que sur les basses Alpes du mont Fuji se trouve le complexe du temple Taisekiji, où se trouve le siège central du bouddhisme Nichiren Shoshu.

Le peintre
Né en Russie, Nicolas Roerich voyage autour du monde jusqu'à sa mort à Naggar dans la vallée de Koulou de l'Himachal Pradesh en Inde. Après des études de droit, il s'intéresse à la littérature, à la philosophie, à l'archéologie et tout spécialement à l'art. Il se forme à Paris auprès de Fernand Cormon, où il rencontre de nombreux artistes, français, russes ou étrangers. Il participe également au début de l'aventure des Ballets russes. Il créa les costumes et les décors pour le Sacre du printemps de Stravinsky. En 1906, Nicolas Roerich, réalise deux mosaïques pour l’Église de l'Intercession de la Mère de Dieu , à Parkhomovka pour la famille Goloubev. Il apprécie les expositions préparées par Viktor Goloubev au Musée Cernuschi à Paris, en 1912 et 1913. Il se rend pour la première fois New York en 1920 où sa femme et lui s'établissent après avoir fondé le Master Institute of the United Arts. Ils rejoignent alors différentes sociétés théosophiques et cercles rosicruciens, tels que l'AMORC, et leurs activités dans ces groupes dominent leurs vies.
Après avoir quitté New York, les Roerich - avec leur fils Georges et six amis - partent pour une expédition de cinq ans en Asie. Pour reprendre les termes mêmes de Roerich, « partant du Sikkim, l'expédition est passée par le Pendjab, le Cachemire, le Ladakh, les Montagnes de Karakoram, Khotan, Kashgar, Qara Shar, Urumchi, Irtysh, les Montagnes de l'Altaï, la région d'Oryot de Mongolie, le Gobi central, Kansu, Tsaidam, et le Tibet » avec un détour à travers la Sibérie jusqu'à Moscou en 19263. Entre l'été 1927 et juin 1928, l'expédition semble perdue, car tout contact a cessé depuis un an. Ils ont été attaqués au Tibet et seule « la supériorité de [leurs] armes à feu a empêché l'effusion de sang.... Malgré [leurs] passeports mentionnant le Tibet, l'expédition a été arrêtée de force par les autorités tibétaines ». L'expédition est retenue par le gouvernement pendant cinq mois et ses membres sont forcés d'habiter dans des tentes à des températures en dessous de zéro et de subsister avec de maigres rations. Cinq hommes de l'expédition meurent à ce moment-là. Au mois de mars de 1928, ils sont autorisés à partir du Tibet et continuent vers le sud pour s'établir en Inde, où ils fondent un centre de recherche archéologique, l'Institut de recherche himalayen (The Himalayan Research Institute).
En 1929, Nicolas Roerich est nominé pour le Prix Nobel de la paix par l'Université de Paris (il recevra une seconde nomination en 1935). Son intérêt pour la paix l'amène à la création de la Pax Cultura, la « Croix-Rouge » de l'art et de la culture. Son œuvre dans ce domaine amène les États-Unis et les vingt autres membres de l'Union pan-américaine à signer le Pacte Roerich, le 15 avril 1935. Le Pacte Roerich est un instrument international présenté comme protégeant la propriété culturelle.
De nos jours, le musée Nicolas Roerich (Nicholas Roerich Museum) de New York est le centre artistique des œuvres de Roerich. De nombreuses sociétés Roerich, comme celle de Samara, continuent de promouvoir ses enseignements théosophiques à travers le monde. Sa peinture peut être vue dans différents musées, dont une collection de ses œuvres à la galerie Tretiakov de Moscou.

2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau  

Wednesday, February 22, 2023


KOYO OKADA / 岡田紅陽 (1895- 1972) Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12, 389 fr) Japon

KOYO  OKADA / 岡田紅陽 (1895- 1972)
Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12, 389 fr)

In  Lever de soleil sur le Mont Fuji, 1950 , photo noir et blanc

Kōyō Okada (岡 田紅陽) est un photographe japonais, lauréat de l'édition 1954 du Japan Photography Society Award. Koyo Okada. Il  a consacré toute sa vie enitère et son oeuvre à photographier le Mont Fuji.
Il avait l'habitude de photographier le mont Fuji, vêtu d'un kimono ouaté de son hôtel préféré. Il est né à Uonuma, dans la préfecture de Nigata, et son arrière-grand-père, son grand-père et son père étaient des artistes. Il a commencé à prendre des photos lorsqu'il était à l'Université de Waseda. Sa première rencontre avec  le Mont Fuji vu du village d'Oshino eu lieu  à l'âge de 21 ans. Une relation de plsu de 50 ans avec le Mont Fuji devait s'en suivre.

La montagne
Le légendaire mont Fuji ou Fujiyama (富士山) est situé sur l'île de Honshu. Il  est le plus haut sommet du Japon avec ses  3, 776,24 m (12 389 pieds). Plusieurs noms lui sont attribués : "Fuji-san", "Fujiyama" ou, de manière redondante, "Mt. Fujiyama". Habituellement, les locuteurs japonais appellent la montagne "Fuji-san".
Le mont Fuji est un stratovolcan actif dont la dernière éruption remonte à 1707-08. Il  se trouve à environ 100 kilomètres (60 mi) au sud-ouest de Tokyo et peut être vu de là par temps clair.
Son  cône exceptionnellement symétrique, recouvert de neige plusieurs mois par an, est un symbole bien connu du Japon, fréquemment représenté dans l'art et les photographies, ainsi que visité par les touristes et les alpinistes.
Le mont Fuji est l'une des trois montagnes sacrées du Japon avec le mont Tate et le mont Haku. Il est aussi l'un des sites historiques du Japon.
Il a été ajouté à la Liste du patrimoine mondial en tant que site culturel le 22 juin 2013. Selon l'UNESCO, le mont Fuji a "inspiré des artistes et des poètes et fait l'objet de pèlerinages depuis des siècles". L'UNESCO reconnaît 25 sites d'intérêt culturel dans la localité du mont Fuji. Ces 25 sites comprennent la montagne elle-même, le sanctuaire Fujisan Hongū Sengen et six autres sanctuaires Sengen, deux maisons d'hébergement, le lac Yamanaka, le lac Kawaguchi, les huit sources chaudes d'Oshino Hakkai, deux moules d'arbres de lave, les vestiges du culte Fuji-kō dans le la grotte Hitoana, les chutes Shiraito et la pinède Miho no Matsubara.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Thursday, November 17, 2022


BERNARD BUFFET (1928-1999) Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m) Japon  In  Le mont Fuji et ses rizières, 1980, Lithographie originale imprmé par l'Atelier Mourlot, 79 x 55 cm.

BERNARD BUFFET (1928-1999)
Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m)

In  Le mont Fuji et ses rizières, 1980, Lithographie originale imprimé par l'Atelier Mourlot, 79 x 55 cm.

La montagne
Le mont Fuji ou Fujiyama (富士山) (3 776 m) est le plus haut sommet montagneux du Japon, situé sur l'île de Honshu. Plusieurs noms lui sont attribués : "Fuji-san", "Fujiyama" ou, de manière redondante, "Mt. Fujiyama". Habituellement, les locuteurs japonais appellent la montagne "Fuji-san". Les autres noms japonais du Mont Fuji sont devenus obsolètes ou poétiques comme : Fuji-no-Yama (La Montagne du Fuji), Fuji-no-Takane (Le Haut Sommet du Fuji), Fuyō-hō (Le Lotus Peak), et Fugaku...
Le mont Fuji est un stratovolcan actif dont la dernière éruption remonte à 1707-08. Le mont Fuji se trouve à environ 100 kilomètres (60 mi) au sud-ouest de Tokyo et peut être vu de là par temps clair.
Le cône exceptionnellement symétrique du mont Fuji, recouvert de neige plusieurs mois par an, est un symbole bien connu du Japon et il est fréquemment représenté dans l'art et les photographies, ainsi que visité par les touristes et les alpinistes.
Le mont Fuji est l'une des trois montagnes sacrées du Japon avec le mont Tate et le mont Haku. C'est aussi un endroit spécial de beauté scénique et l'un des sites historiques du Japon.
Il a été ajouté à la Liste du patrimoine mondial en tant que site culturel le 22 juin 2013. Selon l'UNESCO, le mont Fuji a "inspiré des artistes et des poètes et fait l'objet de pèlerinages depuis des siècles".
L'UNESCO reconnaît 25 sites d'intérêt culturel dans la localité du mont Fuji.

Bernard Buffet, est un peintre français expressionniste, peignant aussi bien des personnages que des figures, animaux, nus, paysages, intérieurs, natures mortes, fleurs. Aquarelliste, il fut également peintre de décors et illustrateur. En juin 1948, Buffet concourt avec Deux hommes dans une chambre pour le Prix de la critique (première édition), récemment fondé par Augustin Rumeau et son épouse, propriétaires de la galerie Saint-Placide. Il en sort lauréat ex-aequo avec Bernard Lorjou, de vingt ans son aîné. Le succès est immense. En juillet, une exposition de ses œuvres aura lieu dans cette Galerie. Il expose La Ravaudeuse de filet au Salon d'automne, où il fait la connaissance d'André Minaux. Avec ce dernier, Jean Couty et Simone Dat, il rejoint Bernard Lorjou,  au sein du groupe de L'homme témoin. En 1949 Pierre Descargues publie Bernard Buffet aux Presses littéraires de France. Un amateur d'art met un pavillon à Garches à sa disposition. Comme loyer, Bernard Buffet lui donne un tableau par trimestre.Bernard Buffet rencontre Pierre Bergé en 1950, « dans un café de la rue de la Seine [sic], aujourd'hui disparu, chez Constant » Pierre Bergé devient son compagnon, il gère sa carrière jusqu'à leur rupture en 1958. En mai 1958, le photographe Luc Fournol lui présente Annabel Schwob à Saint-Tropez, alors qu'il est déjà installé dans le succès. C'est le coup de foudre. Le 12 décembre 1958, il épouse Annabel Schwob à Ramatuelle.  Bernard Buffet peint Annabel Schwob inlassablement ; en 1961, l'une de ses expositions s'intitule « Trente fois Annabel Schwob ».
Bernard Buffet se revendiquait de peintres tels que David, Géricault ou Courbet. Il a marqué a contrario un dédain, parfois mordant, pour la peinture abstraite18 et rejette l'impressionnisme. Seuls quelques peintres font exception comme Manet qu'il qualifiera comme ne faisant pas vraiment partie du mouvement impressionniste. « Je n'ai rien contre la peinture abstraite, mais je me demande pourquoi ceux qui l'aiment tant ne la font pas eux-mêmes. Ce serait aussi bien et leur coûterait moins cher. » ( cité par Michel Droit dans Les Feux du crépuscule.)
Diminué par la maladie de Parkinson, Bernard Buffet se suicide par asphyxie le 4 octobre 1999 dans son atelier du Domaine de la Baume près de Tourtour (Var), étouffé dans un sac en plastique noir sur la surface duquel son nom était imprimé avec sa calligraphie particulière.


2022 - Wandering Vertexes ....
            Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
            Un blog de Francis Rousseau


Saturday, August 13, 2022


KOYO OKADA / 岡田紅陽 (1895- 1972) Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft) Japan  In Mount Fuji with clouds 1950, photo

KOYO OKADA / 岡田紅陽 (1895- 1972)
Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft) Japan

In Mount Fuji with clouds 1950, photo

The mountain
The legendary Mount Fuji or Fujiyama (富士山) is located on Honshu Island and is the highest mountain peak in Japan at 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft). Several names are attributed to it: "Fuji-san", "Fujiyama" or, redundantly, "Mt. Fujiyama". Usually Japanese speakers refer to the mountain as "Fuji-san". The other Japanese names for Mount Fuji, have become obsolete or poetic like: Fuji-no-Yama (ふじの山 - The Mountain of Fuji), Fuji-no-Takane (ふじの高嶺- The High Peak of Fuji), Fuyō-hō (芙蓉峰 - The Lotus Peak), and Fugaku (富岳/富嶽), created by combining the first character of 富士, Fuji, and 岳, mountain.
Mount Fuji is an active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707–08. Mount Fuji lies about 100 kilometres (60 mi) south-west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day.
Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone, which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.
Mount Fuji is one of Japan's Three Holy Mountains (三霊山) along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku. It is also a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and one of Japan's Historic Sites.
It was added to the World Heritage List as a Cultural Site on June 22, 2013. As per UNESCO, Mount Fuji has “inspired artists and poets and been the object of pilgrimage for centuries”. UNESCO recognizes 25 sites of cultural interest within the Mt. Fuji locality. These 25 locations include the mountain itself, Fujisan Hongū Sengen Shrine and six other Sengen shrines, two lodging houses, Lake Yamanaka, Lake Kawaguchi, the eight Oshino Hakkai hot springs, two lava tree molds, the remains of the Fuji-kō cult in the Hitoana cave, Shiraito Falls, and Miho no Matsubara pine tree grove; while on the low alps of Mount Fuji lies the Taisekiji temple complex, where the central base headquarters of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism is located.

The artist
Kōyō Okada (岡 田紅陽) is a Japanese photographer, winner of the 1954 edition of the Japan Photography Society Award. Koyo Okada devoted his whole life to photographing Mt.Fuji.
He used to be photographing Mt.Fuji, wearing wadded kimono from his favorite Japanese style hotel, and neighbors called him ‘Koyo-san’ with intimacy. He was born in Uonuma of Nigata prefecture, and his great-grandfather, grandfather, and father were artists. He got interested in taking photos when he was in Waseda University, and he met Mt.Fuji seen from Oshino village when he was 21 years old. Since that time, the relationship with Mt.Fuji of more than 50 years had started. The life of Japanese people of those days with Mt.Fuji and the rural scenery at the foot of Mt.Fuji, which are in the picture, reminds us of the time and nature which Japan is losing. You should absolutely go to see his photos.

Saturday, June 18, 2022



HIROSHI YOSHIDA / 吉田 博 (1876-1950) Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft) Japan  In Ten Views of Fuji- Summit of Fuji Series- woodblock Print

HIROSHI YOSHIDA / 吉田 博 (1876-1950)
Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft)

In Ten Views of Fuji- Summit of Fuji Series- woodblock Print

The painter
Hiroshi Yoshida  / 吉田 博 (  (not to be confused with Toshi Yoshida) was born in 1876. He began his artistic training with his adoptive father in Kurume, Fukuoka prefecture. Around the age of twenty, he left Kurume to study with Soritsu Tamura in Kyoto, subsequently moving to Tokyo and the tutelage of Shotaro Koyama. Yoshida studied Western-style painting, winning many exhibition prizes and making several trips to the United States, Europe and North Africa selling his watercolors and oil paintings. In 1902, he played a leading role in the organization of the Meiji Fine Arts Society into the Pacific Painting Association. His work was featured in the exhibitions of the state-sponsored Bunten and Teiten. While highly successful as an oil painter and watercolor artist, Yoshida turned to printmaking upon learning of the Western world’s infatuation with ukiyo-e.
Following the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, Yoshida embarked on a tour of the United States and Europe, painting and selling his work. When he returned to Japan in 1925, he started his own workshop, specializing in landscapes inspired both by his native country and his travels abroad. Yoshida often worked through the entire process himself: designing the print, carving his own blocks, and printing his work. His career was temporarily interrupted by his sojourn as a war correspondent in Manchuria during the Pacific War. Although he designed his last print in 1946, Yoshida continued to paint with oils and watercolors up until his death in 1950.
Yoshida was widely traveled and knowledgeable of Western aesthetics, yet maintained an allegiance to traditional Japanese techniques and traditions. Attracted by the calmer moments of nature, his prints breathe coolness, invite meditation, and set a soft, peaceful mood. All of his lifetime prints are signed “Hiroshi Yoshida” in pencil and marked with a jizuri (self-printed) seal outside of the margin. Within the image, most prints are signed “Yoshida” with brush and ink beside a red “Hiroshi” seal.

The mountain
The legendary Mount Fuji or Fujiyama (富士山) i  located on Honshu Island and is the highest mountain peak in Japan at 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft). Several names are attributed to it: "Fuji-san", "Fujiyama" or, redundantly, "Mt. Fujiyama". Usually Japanese speakers refer to the mountain as "Fuji-san". The other Japanese names for Mount Fuji, have become obsolete or poetic like: Fuji-no-Yama (ふじの山 - The Mountain of Fuji), Fuji-no-Takane (ふじの高嶺- The High Peak of Fuji), Fuyō-hō (芙蓉峰 - The Lotus Peak), and Fugaku (富岳/富嶽), created by combining the first character of 富士, Fuji, and 岳, mountain.
Mount Fuji is an active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707–08. Mount Fuji lies about 100 kilometres (60 mi) south-west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day.
Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone, which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers. Mount Fuji is one of Japan's Three Holy Mountains (三霊山) along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku. It is also a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and one of Japan's Historic Sites.
It was added to the World Heritage List as a Cultural Site on June 22, 2013. As per UNESCO, Mount Fuji has “inspired artists and poets and been the object of pilgrimage for centuries”. UNESCO recognizes 25 sites of cultural interest within the Mt. Fuji locality. These 25 locations include the mountain itself, Fujisan Hongū Sengen Shrine and six other Sengen shrines, two lodging houses, Lake Yamanaka, Lake Kawaguchi, the eight Oshino Hakkai hot springs, two lava tree molds, the remains of the Fuji-kō cult in the Hitoana cave, Shiraito Falls, and Miho no Matsubara pine tree grove; while on the low alps of Mount Fuji lies the Taisekiji temple complex, where the central base headquarters of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism is located.


2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Monday, January 17, 2022


KIYOSHI SAITO / 斎藤 清 (1907-1997) Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft) Japan  In Mt. Fuji in Sunset Glow, 1986, woodcut , 45.2 x 61.5 cm, Private collection

KIYOSHI SAITO / 斎藤 清 (1907-1997)
Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft)

In Mt. Fuji in Sunset Glow, 1986, woodcut , 45.2 x 61.5 cm, Private collection

The painter
Kiyoshi Saitō (斎藤 清) born in Aizubange, Fukushima) was a sōsaku-hanga artist in 20th-century Japan. In 1938, he issued his first prints in his now famous "Winter in Aizu" series. Saitō was one of the first Japanese printmaking artists to have won at the São Paulo Biennale in 1951. Saitō's early works depict villages populated with local Japanese with a high degree of realism and three-dimensionality. His more mature works merge modern elements with Japanese tradition. His prints feature architecture and plant life flattened in two-dimensionality.  He spent time in Paris, and did a series there. Kiyoshi Saito’s woodblock prints titled “Autumn” are considered extremely rare and valuable.

The mountain

The legendary Mount Fuji or Fujiyama (富士山) is located on Honshu Island and is the highest mountain peak in Japan at 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft). Several names are attributed to it: "Fuji-san", "Fujiyama" or, redundantly, "Mt. Fujiyama". Usually Japanese speakers refer to the mountain as "Fuji-san". The other Japanese names for Mount Fuji, have become obsolete or poetic like: Fuji-no-Yama (ふじの山 - The Mountain of Fuji), Fuji-no-Takane (ふじの高嶺- The High Peak of Fuji), Fuyō-hō (芙蓉峰 - The Lotus Peak), and Fugaku (富岳/富嶽), created by combining the first character of 富士, Fuji, and 岳, mountain.
Mount Fuji is an active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707–08. Mount Fuji lies about 100 kilometres (60 mi) south-west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day.
Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone, which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.
Mount Fuji is one of Japan's Three Holy Mountains (三霊山) along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku. It is also a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and one of Japan's Historic Sites.
It was added to the World Heritage List as a Cultural Site on June 22, 2013. As per UNESCO, Mount Fuji has “inspired artists and poets and been the object of pilgrimage for centuries”. UNESCO recognizes 25 sites of cultural interest within the Mt. Fuji locality. These 25 locations include the mountain itself, Fujisan Hongū Sengen Shrine and six other Sengen shrines, two lodging houses, Lake Yamanaka, Lake Kawaguchi, the eight Oshino Hakkai hot springs, two lava tree molds, the remains of the Fuji-kō cult in the Hitoana cave, Shiraito Falls, and Miho no Matsubara pine tree grove; while on the low alps of Mount Fuji lies the Taisekiji temple complex, where the central base headquarters of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism is located.


2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Friday, October 8, 2021


Tsuchiya Koitsu / 土屋光逸 (1870-1949) Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft) Japan  In Fuji from Lake Motosu, woodblock pirnt, 1934

TSUCHIYA KOITSU / 土屋光逸 (1870-1949)
Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft)

In Fuji from Lake Motosu, woodblock print, 1934

The artist

Tsuchiya Koitsu (土屋光逸) was an important artist in the Shin-hanga movement. He trained under the ukiyo-e master Kobayashi Kiyochika for 19 years, and initially focused on works depicting scenes from the First Sino-Japanese War. In 1931, at the age of 60, he began work for Shōzaburō Watanabe and his art publishing establishment which also published the work of artists like Kawase Hasui and Yoshida Hiroshi. His later work incorporated light effects to increase the emotional impact of his art.
Born on September 23, 1870, in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan. His birth name was either Koichi or Sahei. He moved to Tokyo at age 15. He first had an apprenticeship for the woodblock carver Matsuzaki, but soon became a student of ukiyo-e master Kiyochika Kobayashi. He worked for Kiyochika for 19 years and lived in his house.
He initially published prints made during the First Sino-Japanese War, before developing his skill with dramatic light effects, learned from Kiyochika. Koitsu published through the Watanabe publishing house after Watanabe and Koitsu met at an exhibition commemorating the 17th anniversary of Kiyochika's death. He also produced prints for publishers Doi Sadaichi, Kawaguchi, Baba Nobuhiko, Tanaka Shobido, and Takemura.

The mountain
This is the legendary Mount Fuji or Fujiyama (富士山).
It is located on Honshu Island and is the highest mountain peak in Japan at 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft). Several names are attributed to it: "Fuji-san", "Fujiyama" or, redundantly, "Mt. Fujiyama". Usually Japanese speakers refer to the mountain as "Fuji-san". The other Japanese names for Mount Fuji, have become obsolete or poetic like: Fuji-no-Yama (ふじの山 - The Mountain of Fuji), Fuji-no-Takane (ふじの高嶺- The High Peak of Fuji), Fuyō-hō (芙蓉峰 - The Lotus Peak), and Fugaku (富岳/富嶽), created by combining the first character of 富士, Fuji, and 岳, mountain.
Mount Fuji is an active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707–08. Mount Fuji lies about 100 kilometres (60 mi) south-west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day.
Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone, which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.
Mount Fuji is one of Japan's Three Holy Mountains (三霊山) along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku. It is also a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and one of Japan's Historic Sites.
It was added to the World Heritage List as a Cultural Site on June 22, 2013. As per UNESCO, Mount Fuji has “inspired artists and poets and been the object of pilgrimage for centuries”. UNESCO recognizes 25 sites of cultural interest within the Mt. Fuji locality. These 25 locations include the mountain itself, Fujisan Hongū Sengen Shrine and six other Sengen shrines, two lodging houses, Lake Yamanaka, Lake Kawaguchi, the eight Oshino Hakkai hot springs, two lava tree molds, the remains of the Fuji-kō cult in the Hitoana cave, Shiraito Falls, and Miho no Matsubara pine tree grove; while on the low alps of Mount Fuji lies the Taisekiji temple complex, where the central base headquarters of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism is located.

2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


HERBERT PONTING (1870-1935), FujiYama / 富士山 (3,776 m - 12,389 ft) Japan  In Fujisan from Lake Motosu, 1905 June-1st,  postcard, private collection

HERBERT PONTING (1870-1935),
FujiYama / 富士山 (3,776 m - 12,389 ft)

In Fuji from Lake Motosu, 1905 June-1st, postcard, private collection

The photographer
Herbert George Ponting, FRGS is best known as the expedition photographer and cinematographer for Robert Falcon Scott's Terra Nova Expedition to the Ross Sea and South Pole (1910–1913). In this role, he captured some of the most enduring images of the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration.
As a member of the shore party in early 1911, Ponting helped set up the Terra Nova Expedition's Antarctic winter camp at Cape Evans, Ross Island. The camp included a tiny photographic darkroom. Although the expedition came more than 20 years after the invention of photographic film, Ponting preferred high-quality images taken on glass plates.
Ponting was one of the first men to use a portable movie camera in Antarctica. The primitive device, called a cinematograph, could take short video sequences. Ponting also brought some autochrome plates to Antarctica and took some of the first known color still photographs there.
The catastrophic end of "Scott's Last Expedition" also affected Ponting's later life and career. When the Terra Nova had sailed south in 1910, it had left massive debts behind. It was expected that Scott would return from the South Pole as a celebrity and that he could use moving images from his expedition in a one-man show. Ponting's cinematograph sequences, pieced out with magic lantern slides, were to have been a key element in the expedition's financial payback.
In 2009, SPRI and publisher Salto Ulbeek platinum-printed and published a selection of the Collection. In addition, one of Ponting's photographic darkrooms was reconstructed in the collections of the Ferrymead Heritage Park in Christchurch, New Zealand.

The mountain
Mount Fuji or Fujiyama (富士山) is located on Honshu Island and is the highest mountain peak in Japan at 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft). Several names are attributed to it: "Fuji-san", "Fujiyama" or, redundantly, "Mt. Fujiyama". Usually Japanese speakers refer to the mountain as "Fuji-san". The other Japanese names for Mount Fuji, have become obsolete or poetic like: Fuji-no-Yama (ふじの山 - The Mountain of Fuji), Fuji-no-Takane (The High Peak of Fuji), Fuyō-hō (The Lotus Peak), and Fugaku , created by combining the first character of 富士, Fuji, and 岳, mountain.
Mount Fuji is an active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707–08. Mount Fuji lies about 100 kilometres (60 mi) south-west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day.
Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone, which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.
Mount Fuji is one of Japan's Three Holy Mountains along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku. It is also a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and one of Japan's Historic Sites.
It was added to the World Heritage List as a Cultural Site on June 22, 2013. As per UNESCO, Mount Fuji has “inspired artists and poets and been the object of pilgrimage for centuries”. UNESCO recognizes 25 sites of cultural interest within the Mt. Fuji locality. These 25 locations include the mountain itself, Fujisan Hongū Sengen Shrine and six other Sengen shrines, two lodging houses, Lake Yamanaka, Lake Kawaguchi, the eight Oshino Hakkai hot springs, two lava tree molds, the remains of the Fuji-kō cult in the Hitoana cave, Shiraito Falls, and Miho no Matsubara pine tree grove; while on the low alps of Mount Fuji lies the Taisekiji temple complex, where the central base headquarters of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism is located....


2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


SHIRO  KASAMATSU, 笠松 紫浪, biography,  FujiYama,  富士山,  Japan, Fuji from Yoshida Yamanashi, 1958,  Woodblock Print

SHIRO  KASAMATSU / 笠松 紫浪) (1898-1991)
FujiYama / 富士山 (3,776 m - 12,389 ft)

In Fuji from Yoshida Yamanashi, 1958,  Woodblock Print Ink and color on paper, Private collection

The artist
Shiro Kasamatsu (笠松 紫浪) was a Japanese engraver and print maker trained in the Shin-Hanga and Sōsaku-Hanga styles of woodblock printing. Kasamatsu was born in Tokyo in 1898 and apprenticed at the age of 13 to Kaburagi Kiyokata (1878-1973), a traditional master of Bijin-ga, pictures of beautiful women. Kasamatsu however took an interest in landscape and was given the pseudonym Shiro by his teacher, which he used as a signature mark in his prints.  Kasamatsu made woodblock prints for the publisher Shōzaburō Watanabe from 1919.  Almost all the woodblocks were destroyed in a fire in Watanabe's print shop following the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923. Around 50 prints were published by Watanabe by the late 1940s. Kasamatsu began to partner with Unsodo in Kyoto from the 1950s and produced nearly 102 prints by 1960. He also began to print and publish on his own in the Sōsaku-Hanga style. He produced nearly 80 Sōsaku-Hanga prints between 1955 and 1965.

The mountain

Mount Fuji or Fujiyama (富士山) is located on Honshu Island and is the highest mountain peak in Japan at 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft). Several names are attributed to it: "Fuji-san", "Fujiyama" or, redundantly, "Mt. Fujiyama". Usually Japanese speakers refer to the mountain as "Fuji-san". The other Japanese names for Mount Fuji, have become obsolete or poetic like: Fuji-no-Yama (ふじの山 - The Mountain of Fuji), Fuji-no-Takane (The High Peak of Fuji), Fuyō-hō (The Lotus Peak), and Fugaku , created by combining the first character of 富士, Fuji, and 岳, mountain.
Mount Fuji is an active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707–08. Mount Fuji lies about 100 kilometres (60 mi) south-west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day.
Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone, which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.
Mount Fuji is one of Japan's Three Holy Mountains along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku. It is also a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and one of Japan's Historic Sites.
It was added to the World Heritage List as a Cultural Site on June 22, 2013. As per UNESCO, Mount Fuji has “inspired artists and poets and been the object of pilgrimage for centuries”. UNESCO recognizes 25 sites of cultural interest within the Mt. Fuji locality. These 25 locations include the mountain itself, Fujisan Hongū Sengen Shrine and six other Sengen shrines, two lodging houses, Lake Yamanaka, Lake Kawaguchi, the eight Oshino Hakkai hot springs, two lava tree molds, the remains of the Fuji-kō cult in the Hitoana cave, Shiraito Falls, and Miho no Matsubara pine tree grove; while on the low alps of Mount Fuji lies the Taisekiji temple complex, where the central base headquarters of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism is located....

2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, February 3, 2021




Fujiyama / 富士山 (3,776.24 m -12,389 ft)

In Fujiyama from the Village of Sekiya at Sumida river,
n °13 from the series 36 Views of Mt. Fuji, 1830-32,
Edo Tokyo Museum, Japan

About the 36 Views of Mt Fuji

Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji (富嶽三十六景 Fugaku Sanjūrokkei) is a series of landscape prints created by the Japanese ukiyo-e artist Hokusai (1760?1849). The series depicts Mount Fuji from different locations and in various seasons and weather conditions. The original thirty-six prints were so popular that Hokusai expanded the series by ten.
The earliest impressions appear faded when compared to the versions usually seen, but are closer to Hokusai's original conception. The original prints have a deliberately uneven blue sky, which increases the sky's brightness and gives movement to the clouds. The peak is brought forward with a halo of Prussian blue. Subsequent prints have a strong, even blue tone and the printer added a new block, overprinting the white clouds on the horizon with light blue. Later prints also typically employ a strong benigara (Bengal red) pigment, which lent the painting its common name of Red Fuji. The green block colour was recut, lowering the meeting point between forest and mountain slope.

The artist
Katsushika Hokusai (葛飾 北斎) was a Japanese artist, ukiyo-e painter and printmaker of the Edo period. He was influenced by such painters as Sesshu, and other styles of Chinese painting. Born in Edo (now Tokyo), Hokusai is best known as author of the woodblock print series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji (富嶽三十六景 c. 1831) which includes the internationally recognized print, The Great Wave off Kanagawa, created during the 1820s.
Hokusai created the "Thirty-Six Views of Mt Fuji " both as a response to a domestic travel boom and as part of a personal obsession with Mount Fuji. In this series, Mt Fuji is painted on different meteorological conditions, in different hours of the days, in different seasons and from different places.

The mountain
This is the legendary Mount Fuji or Fujiyama (富士山).
It is located on Honshu Island and is the highest mountain peak in Japan at 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft). Several names are attributed to it: "Fuji-san", "Fujiyama" or, redundantly, "Mt. Fujiyama". Usually Japanese speakers refer to the mountain as "Fuji-san". The other Japanese names for Mount Fuji, have become obsolete or poetic like: Fuji-no-Yama (ふじの山 - The Mountain of Fuji), Fuji-no-Takane (ふじの高嶺- The High Peak of Fuji), Fuyō-hō (芙蓉峰 - The Lotus Peak), and Fugaku (富岳/富嶽), created by combining the first character of 富士, Fuji, and 岳, mountain.
Mount Fuji is an active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707–08. Mount Fuji lies about 100 kilometres (60 mi) south-west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day.
Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone, which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.
Mount Fuji is one of Japan's Three Holy Mountains (三霊山) along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku. It is also a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and one of Japan's Historic Sites.
It was added to the World Heritage List as a Cultural Site on June 22, 2013. As per UNESCO, Mount Fuji has “inspired artists and poets and been the object of pilgrimage for centuries”. UNESCO recognizes 25 sites of cultural interest within the Mt. Fuji locality. These 25 locations include the mountain itself, Fujisan Hongū Sengen Shrine and six other Sengen shrines, two lodging houses, Lake Yamanaka, Lake Kawaguchi, the eight Oshino Hakkai hot springs, two lava tree molds, the remains of the Fuji-kō cult in the Hitoana cave, Shiraito Falls, and Miho no Matsubara pine tree grove; while on the low alps of Mount Fuji lies the Taisekiji temple complex, where the central base headquarters of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism is located.


2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Monday, April 27, 2020


KATSUSHIKA HOKUSAI  / 葛飾 北斎 (1760–1849)
Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft)

In Fuji Concluded in One Stroke, c.1834. Detached page from One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji (Fugaku hyakkei) Vol. 3, Edo period, circa 1835-1847, Harvard Art Museum

The mountain
Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft) is located on Honshu Island and is the highest mountain peak in Japan. Mount Fuji is an active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707-08. Mount Fuji lies about 100 kilometres (60 mi) south-west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day.
Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone, which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.
More about Mount Fuji

The artist
Katsushika Hokusai (葛飾 北斎) was a Japanese artist, ukiyo-e painter and printmaker of the Edo period. He was influenced by such painters as Sesshu, and other styles of Chinese painting. Born in Edo (now Tokyo), Hokusai is best known as author of the woodblock print series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji (富嶽三十六景 c. 1831) which includes the internationally recognized print, The Great Wave off Kanagawa, created during the 1820s.
Hokusai created the "Thirty-Six Views of Mt Fuji " both as a response to a domestic travel boom and as part of a personal obsession with Mount Fuji. In this series, Mt Fuji is painted on different meteorological conditions, in different hours of the days, in different seasons and from different places.
More about Katsushika Hokusai...

2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Friday, April 10, 2020



SUZUKI KIITSZU / 鈴木其 (1796 -1858)
Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft)
Mount Tsukuba / 筑波山 ( 877 m - 2,877 ft)

 In  Mount Fuji and Mount Tsukuba, Fan  East Asia, Japan - c. 1835-43

The mountains
Mount Tsukuba / 筑波山 (877 m- 2,877 ft), located near Tsukuba is one of the most famous mountains in Japan, particularly well known for its double peaks, Nyotai-san (女体山, female body (877 m -2,877 ft) and Nantai-san (男体山, male body (871 m-2,858 ft).
Many people climb the so-called "purple mountain" every year for the panoramic view of the Kantō plain from the summit. On clear days the Tōkyō skyline, Lake Kasumigaura and even Mount Fuji are visible from the summit. Japanese mountains are mostly volcanic, but Mount Tsukuba is non-volcanic granite and gabbroin origin. Renowned beautiful granites are produced in the northern quarries even today. As legend has it, thousands of years ago, a deity descended from the heavens and asked two mountains for a place to spend the night. With its great summit and almost perfect cone, Mt. Fuji refused, believing with pride and arrogance that it does not need the deity's blessings. Mt. Tsukuba, on the other hand, humbly welcomed the honored guest, even offering food and water. Today, Mt. Fuji is a cold, lonely, and barren mountain, while Mt. Tsukuba bursts with vegetation and is filled with colors as the seasons change.
Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft) is located on Honshu Island and is the highest mountain peak in Japan. Mount Fuji is an active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707-08. Mount Fuji lies about 100 kilometres (60 mi) south-west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day.
Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone, which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.

The painter
Suzuki Kiitsu / 鈴木其 (1796 – 1858) was a Japanese painter of the Rinpa school. A student of the famous painter Sakai Hoitsu (1761–1828), he was for a long time considered a minor member of Rinpa school of Japanese painting. In recent years his work has been reevaluated and gained recognition, leading to a series of major exhibitions of his art in 2016-2017 in Tokyo, Hyogo and Kyoto.
Kiitsu is best known for his byōbu folding screens, often a reinterpretation of screens by other Rinpa artists, such as his massive Wind God and Thunder God following Tawaraya Sōtatsu (c. 1570 – c. 1640), Ogata Kōrin (1658–1716) and Hoitsu. But he has been most acclaimed for his original screens, including his famed Morning Glories and Mountain Stream in Summer and Autumn.
He was also a notable master with many pupils. Although he was not the official successor of Hoitsu's school, he trained himself many of the Edo Rinpa artists. This has sometimes been labeled as the Kiitsu school of Edo Rinpa.


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, March 25, 2020



DAVID HOCKNEY (bn. 1937)
Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft)

 In Mount Fuji and Flowers, 1972, acrylic on canvas, 152.4 x 121.9 cm  T
The MET museum (not on view)

About this painting
"After his breakup with Peter Schlesinger in the summer of 1971, Hockney traveled to Japan with his friend Mark Lancaster. Made in London after his return and assuming multiple painterly manners, this work references the delicate, dripping washes of color-field painting in the treatment of Mount Fuji, while the white jonquils in the foreground are rendered in a hard-edged style. The image itself is also a composite: Hockney worked from a postcard of Mount Fuji and a flower-arrangement manual, rather than direct observation— perhaps an ironic response to the commercial culture he found in Japan, which contradicted his expectations of an unspoiled and bucolic landscape."
MET Museum notice

About the mountain 
Mount Fuji  (3, 776 m -12,389 ft) is located on Honshu Island and is the highest mountain peak in Japan at 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft). Several names are attributed to it:  "Fuji-san", "Fujiyama" or, redundantly, "Mt. Fujiyama". Usually Japanese speakers refer to the mountain as "Fuji-san".  The other Japanese names for Mount Fuji,  have become obsolete or poetic like: Fuji-no-Yama (ふじの山 - The Mountain of Fuji), Fuji-no-Takane (ふじの高嶺- The High Peak of Fuji), Fuyō-hō (芙蓉峰 - The Lotus Peak), and Fugaku (富岳/富嶽), created by combining the first character of 富士, Fuji, and 岳, mountain.
More about Mount Fuji

The painter 
David Hockney (born 9 July 1937) is an English painter, draughtsman, printmaker, stage designer and photographer. An important contributor to the pop art movement of the 1960s, he is considered one of the most influential British artists of the 20th century.
At the Royal College of Art, Hockney featured in the exhibition Young Contemporaries—alongside Peter Blake—that announced the arrival of British Pop art. He was associated with the movement, but his early works display expressionist elements, similar to some works by Francis Bacon. When the RCA said it would not let him graduate in 1962, Hockney drew the sketch The Diploma in protest. He had refused to write an essay required for the final examination, saying he should be assessed solely on his artworks. Recognising his talent and growing reputation, the RCA changed its regulations and awarded the diploma. After leaving the RCA, he taught at Maidstone College of Art for a short time.  A visit to California, where he subsequently lived for many years, inspired him to make a series of paintings of swimming pools in the comparatively new acrylic medium rendered in a highly realistic style using vibrant colours. The artist moved to Los Angeles in 1964, returned to London in 1968, and from 1973 to 1975 lived in Paris.
Hockney has a home and studio in Kensington, London and two residences in California, where he has lived on and off for over 30 years: one in Nichols Canyon, Los Angeles, and an office and archives on Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood, California. 


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Tuesday, February 18, 2020



UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE  / 歌川 広重 (1797-1858)
Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft) 

 In One Hundred Famous Views of Edo #8/ Suruga-cho (9th month of 1856) 
Color woodblock print, 34.3 x 21.9 cm, 1856,  The Brooklyn Museum, New York

The mountain 
Mount Fuji or Fujiyama (富士山) is located on Honshu Island and is the highest mountain peak in Japan at 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft). Several names are attributed to it: "Fuji-san", "Fujiyama" or, redundantly, "Mt. Fujiyama". Usually Japanese speakers refer to the mountain as "Fuji-san". The other Japanese names for Mount Fuji, have become obsolete or poetic like: Fuji-no-Yama (ふじの山 - The Mountain of Fuji), Fuji-no-Takane (ふじの高嶺- The High Peak of Fuji), Fuyō-hō (芙蓉峰 - The Lotus Peak), and Fugaku (富岳/富嶽), created by combining the first character of 富士, Fuji, and 岳, mountain.
Mount Fuji is an active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707–08. Mount Fuji lies about 100 kilometres (60 mi) south-west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day.
Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone, which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.
Mount Fuji is one of Japan's Three Holy Mountains (三霊山) along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku. It is also a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and one of Japan's Historic Sites.
It was added to the World Heritage List as a Cultural Site on June 22, 2013. As per UNESCO, Mount Fuji has “inspired artists and poets and been the object of pilgrimage for centuries”. UNESCO recognizes 25 sites of cultural interest within the Mt. Fuji locality. These 25 locations include the mountain itself, Fujisan Hongū Sengen Shrine and six other Sengen shrines, two lodging houses, Lake Yamanaka, Lake Kawaguchi, the eight Oshino Hakkai hot springs, two lava tree molds, the remains of the Fuji-kō cult in the Hitoana cave, Shiraito Falls, and Miho no Matsubara pine tree grove; while on the low alps of Mount Fuji lies the Taisekiji temple complex, where the central base headquarters of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism is located.
The artist
Utagawa Hiroshige (歌川 広重), also know as Andō Hiroshige (安藤 広重), was a Japanese ukiyo-e artist, considered the last great master of that tradition. Hiroshige is best known for his landscapes, such as the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō  and The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kiso Kaidō; and for his depictions of birds and flowers. The subjects of his work were atypical of the ukiyo-e genre, whose typical focus was on beautiful women, popular actors, and other scenes of the urban pleasure districts of Japan's Edo period (1603–1868). The popular Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji series by Hokusai was a strong influence on Hiroshige's choice of subject, though Hiroshige's approach was more poetic and ambient than Hokusai's bolder, more formal prints.
Hiroshige produced over 8,000 works
He dominated landscape printmaking with his unique brand of intimate, almost small-scale works compared against the older traditions of landscape painting descended from Chinese landscape painters such as Sesshu. The travel prints generally depict travelers along famous routes experiencing the special attractions of various stops along the way. They travel in the rain, in snow, and during all of the seasons. In 1856, working with the publisher Uoya Eikichi, he created a series of luxury edition prints, made with the finest printing techniques including true gradation of color, the addition of mica to lend a unique iridescent effect, embossing, fabric printing, blind printing, and the use of glue printing (wherein ink is mixed with glue for a glittery effect).
For scholars and collectors, Hiroshige's death marked the beginning of a rapid decline in the ukiyo-e genre, especially in the face of the westernization that followed the Meiji Restoration of 1868.
Hiroshige's work came to have a marked influence on Western painting towards the close of the 19th century as a part of the trend in Japonism. Western artists closely studied Hiroshige's compositions, and some, such as Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet, painted copies of Hiroshige's prints.


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Thursday, January 23, 2020



HIROSHI YOSHIDA / 吉田 博 (1876-1950)
Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft)

In Fuji San from Yamanaka, Woodblock, 1937, Private Collection Japan

The mountain
Mount Fuji ( 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft) or Fujiyama (富士山) is located on Honshu Island and is the highest mountain peak in Japan. Several names are attributed to it: "Fuji-san", "Fujiyama" or, redundantly, "Mt. Fujiyama". Usually Japanese speakers refer to the mountain as "Fuji-san". The other Japanese names for Mount Fuji, have become obsolete or poetic like: Fuji-no-Yama (ふじの山 - The Mountain of Fuji), Fuji-no-Takane (ふじの高嶺- The High Peak of Fuji), Fuyō-hō (芙蓉峰 - The Lotus Peak), and Fugaku (富岳/富嶽), created by combining the first character of 富士, Fuji, and 岳, mountain.
Mount Fuji is an active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707–08. Mount Fuji lies about 100 kilometres (60 mi) south-west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day.
Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone, which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.
Mount Fuji is one of Japan's Three Holy Mountains (三霊山) along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku. It is also a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and one of Japan's Historic Sites.
It was added to the World Heritage List as a Cultural Site on June 22, 2013. As per UNESCO, Mount Fuji has “inspired artists and poets and been the object of pilgrimage for centuries”. UNESCO recognizes 25 sites of cultural interest within the Mt. Fuji locality. These 25 locations include the mountain itself, Fujisan Hongū Sengen Shrine and six other Sengen shrines, two lodging houses, Lake Yamanaka, Lake Kawaguchi, the eight Oshino Hakkai hot springs, two lava tree molds, the remains of the Fuji-kō cult in the Hitoana cave, Shiraito Falls, and Miho no Matsubara pine tree grove; while on the low alps of Mount Fuji lies the Taisekiji temple complex, where the central base headquarters of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism is located.

Hiroshi Yoshida (not to be confused with Toshi Yoshida) was born in 1876. He began his artistic training with his adoptive father in Kurume, Fukuoka prefecture. Around the age of twenty, he left Kurume to study with Soritsu Tamura in Kyoto, subsequently moving to Tokyo and the tutelage of Shotaro Koyama. Yoshida studied Western-style painting, winning many exhibition prizes and making several trips to the United States, Europe and North Africa selling his watercolors and oil paintings. In 1902, he played a leading role in the organization of the Meiji Fine Arts Society into the Pacific Painting Association. His work was featured in the exhibitions of the state-sponsored Bunten and Teiten. While highly successful as an oil painter and watercolor artist, Yoshida turned to printmaking upon learning of the Western world’s infatuation with ukiyo-e.
Following the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, Yoshida embarked on a tour of the United States and Europe, painting and selling his work. When he returned to Japan in 1925, he started his own workshop, specializing in landscapes inspired both by his native country and his travels abroad. Yoshida often worked through the entire process himself: designing the print, carving his own blocks, and printing his work. His career was temporarily interrupted by his sojourn as a war correspondent in Manchuria during the Pacific War. Although he designed his last print in 1946, Yoshida continued to paint with oils and watercolors up until his death in 1950.
Yoshida was widely traveled and knowledgeable of Western aesthetics, yet maintained an allegiance to traditional Japanese techniques and traditions. Attracted by the calmer moments of nature, his prints breathe coolness, invite meditation, and set a soft, peaceful mood. All of his lifetime prints are signed “Hiroshi Yoshida” in pencil and marked with a jizuri (self-printed) seal outside of the margin. Within the image, most prints are signed “Yoshida” with brush and ink beside a red “Hiroshi” seal.


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Thursday, October 17, 2019

MOUNT FUJI / 富士山 BY T. ENAMI / 江南 信國

T. ENAMI NOBUKUNI /  江南 信國  (1859 -1929)
Mount Fuji  (3,776 m  - 12,389 ft)

In Mount Fuji, colorized gelatine print, 1880

The mountain 
Mount Fuji or Fujiyama  / 富士山 It is located on Honshu Island and is the highest mountain peak in Japan at 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft).
 Several names are attributed to it: "Fuji-san", "Fujiyama" or, redundantly, "Mt. Fujiyama". Usually Japanese speakers refer to the mountain as "Fuji-san".  The other Japanese names for Mount Fuji,  have become obsolete or poetic like: Fuji-no-Yama (ふじの山 - The Mountain of Fuji), Fuji-no-Takane (ふじの高嶺- The High Peak of Fuji), Fuyō-hō (芙蓉峰 - The Lotus Peak), and Fugaku (富岳/富嶽), created by combining the first character of 富士, Fuji, and 岳, mountain.
Mount Fuji is an active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707–08. Mount Fuji lies about 100 kilometres (60 mi) south-west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day.
Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone, which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.
Mount Fuji is one of Japan's Three Holy Mountains (三霊山) along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku. It is also a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and one of Japan's Historic Sites.
It was added to the World Heritage List as a Cultural Site on June 22, 2013. As per UNESCO, Mount Fuji has “inspired artists and poets and been the object of pilgrimage for centuries”. UNESCO recognizes 25 sites of cultural interest within the Mt. Fuji locality. These 25 locations include the mountain itself, Fujisan Hongū Sengen Shrine and six other Sengen shrines, two lodging houses, Lake Yamanaka, Lake Kawaguchi, the eight Oshino Hakkai hot springs, two lava tree molds, the remains of the Fuji-kō cult in the Hitoana cave, Shiraito Falls, and Miho no Matsubara pine tree grove; while on the low alps of Mount Fuji lies the Taisekiji temple complex, where the central base headquarters of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism is located.

The photographer
T. Enami / 江南 信國 or  Enami Nobukuni  was the trade name of a Meiji period Japanese photographer. The T. of his trade name is thought to have stood for Toshi, though he never spelled it out on any personal or business document.
Born in Edo (now Tokyo) during the Bakumatsu era, Enami was first a student of, and then an assistant to the well known photographer and collotypist, Ogawa Kazumasa. Enami relocated to Yokohama, and opened a studio on Benten-dōri (Benten Street) in 1892. Just a few doors away from him was the studio of the already well known Tamamura Kōzaburō. He and Enami would work together on at least three related projects over the years.
Enami became quietly unique as the only photographer of that period known to work in all popular formats, including the production of large-format photographs compiled into what are commonly called "Yokohama Albums". Enami went on to become Japan's most prolific photographer of small-format images such as the stereoview and glass lantern-slides. The best of these were delicately hand-tinted. His images in all formats eventually appeared in books and periodicals having press-runs in the millions. The Japanese stereoview lines of at least three major American publishers were made up entirely of T. Enami images.
Enami survived the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake, and rebuilt his studio which had been destroyed by the quake and subsequent fire. After his death at age 70 in 1929, his first son Tamotsu took over the studio until it was once again demolished in 1945 by the Allied bombing of Yokohama during World War II.
Because Tamotsu shared the initial "T" with his father, photo-historians later confused attribution of the father's photographs with those produced by his son. Terry Bennett, in his book Photography in Japan 1853–1912 offered interesting commentary concerning the "father or son" attribution problem. The Enami family in Yokohama later resolved the mystery: Tamotsu was not a photographer, and T. Enami never stood for Tamotsu Enami. Rather, the son maintained the studio, and continued the production and sale of his father's old photographs. Fortunately, due to sharing the same first-name initial with his father, he didn't have to change the letterheads or labels of the company ephemera. These revelations, and other biographical data appeared in an essay and stereoview index entry written by Okinawa-based photo researcher Rob Oechsle, and published in Bennett's follow-up volume, Old Japanese Photographs – Collectors' Data Guide.
Philbert Ono of Photo Guide Japan has also speculated on the possibility that T. Enami intentionally named his son with a leading T in the hope that he would someday take over the studio.
Perhaps the greatest posthumous honor conferred on Enami was the selection of one of his images to be the sole inset-photograph appearing on the first-edition cover of the monumental Odyssey, The Art of Photography at National Geographic. Early in their history, Enami had been a contributing photographer to the magazine.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau