, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: MARS
Showing posts with label MARS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MARS. Show all posts

Thursday, April 18, 2024


MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR (1996-2007) Sidonia Mensae nd) Planete Mars

Sidonia Mensae nd)
Planète Mars 

Le relief
Cydonia Mensae, connu aussi sous le nom de "Le Visage de Mars" est un relief martien situé dans le quadrangle de Mare Acidalium. Il est à l'origine d'un exemple de paréidolie. Le 25 juillet 1976, au cours de sa 35e orbite, l'orbiteur Viking 1 survole Mars autour du 41° de latitude nord. C'est lors de ce passage qu'est pris le fameux cliché du « visage de Mars ». Si les scientifiques y voient un banal jeu d'ombres et lumière sur le relief, à l'époque, certains passionnés de vie extraterrestre ont cru y déceler une structure artificielle. Depuis, de nouvelles photos du visage prises par la sonde Mars Global Surveyor avec une résolution bien supérieure ont montré qu'il s'agit d'une colline érodée. Dans la zone de Cydonia à proximité du « visage », un peu plus au sud-ouest, il y a une autre colline ressemblant à une pyramide à cinq faces, mise en évidence par Vincent DiPietro et Gregory Molenaar et nommée en conséquence D&M. Les spéculations autour de ce « visage » atteignent un tel niveau que la NASA en fait une des cibles prioritaires de son nouvel orbiteur, Mars Global Surveyor. Jim Garvin, chef scientifique du programme d'exploration de Mars de la NASA, déclare « nous avons photographié le « visage » dès que nous avons pu en avoir un bon aperçub ». Ainsi, le 5 avril 1998, soit 22 ans après les images prises par Viking 1, Mars Global Surveyor photographie la région avec une résolution dix fois supérieure à celle de Viking 1, grâce son imageur Mars Orbiter Camera. Comme attendu, le cliché ne dévoile qu'un massif montagneux classique et aucun signe d'un éventuel visage. 

La mission
Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) également désignée par son sigle MGS, est une mission spatiale développée par le centre JPL de la NASA qui a étudié de 1997 à 2006 l'atmosphère et la surface de la planète Mars en circulant sur une orbite héliosynchrone autour de celle-ci. La sonde spatiale devait répondre aux nombreuses interrogations soulevées par les données collectées dans le cadre du programme Viking lancé 20 ans auparavant portant sur l'histoire de la planète, la structure de sa surface et de son atmosphère ainsi que sur les processus dynamiques encore à l’œuvre. L'agence spatiale américaine lance la conception de Mars Global Surveyor en 1994 à la suite de l'échec de la mission martienne Mars Observer. MGS reprend les principaux objectifs de celle-ci, mais, afin de limiter son coût, la sonde spatiale réutilise les instruments et les équipements développés pour Mars Observer. Elle est construite et testée en un temps record puis lancée en novembre 1996. Pour se placer sur son orbite de travail autour de Mars, la sonde spatiale inaugure le recours à l'aérofreinage qui permet de réduire la quantité d'ergols transportée et donc d'abaisser les coûts. Le déploiement incomplet d'un panneau solaire rallonge la phase d'aérofreinage qui s'achève en février 1999, soit 15 mois après la date prévue. La phase de recueil des données scientifiques débute alors et se prolonge jusqu'en octobre 2006 établissant un nouveau record de longévité. Les découvertes réalisées grâce à la mission et les images spectaculaires prises par la caméra contribuent à renouveler l'intérêt des scientifiques mais également du grand public pour la planète Mars. L'altimètre laser de MGS dresse la première carte topographique de la planète mettant en évidence les différences spectaculaires entre les hémisphères nord et sud. Le spectromètre infrarouge TES découvre des régions où abonde l'hématite grise qui pourrait signaler la présence d'eau dans le passé et qui, à ce titre, fera l'objet d'investigations poussées par les missions spatiales suivantes. Le magnétomètre détecte un magnétisme rémanent présent dans la croute de certaines régions qui constitue sans doute le vestige d'un champ magnétique qui s'est éteint il y a 4 milliards d'années. Enfin, la caméra MOC fournit des images haute définition qui démontrent la complexité des paysages martiens, permettent de découvrir de nombreuses formations originales comme les traînées noires, les ravines associées potentiellement à la présence d'eau dans un passé lointain ou non, et plus généralement contribuent à reconstituer l'histoire de la planète. 


2024 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Saturday, September 9, 2023


NASA VIKING PROGRAM (1975-1982) Olympus mons (21,229 m soit 21,2 km d'altitude) Planète Mars

Olympus Mons (21, 229 mètres soit 21, 2 km d'altitude)
Planète Mars (Voie Lactée)

D'après une photographie prise en 1979, à 5000 km de hauteur, retouchée par IA en 2020. 
Photo originale prise par la sonde NASA Viking Orbiter 1 en 1979.

Le  volcan
Olympus Mons (21, 2 km)  nom latin pour « mont Olympe », est un volcan bouclier de la planète Mars situé dans les quadrangles d'Amazonis et de Tharsis. C'est le plus haut relief connu du système solaire, culminant à 21 229 mètres au-dessus du niveau de référence martien selon les mesures très précises de l'altimètre laser de Mars Global Surveyor (ancienne mesure 22 500 mètres). Son impressionnant diamètre est de 648 km, c'est à dire qu'il couvrirait la plus grande partie du territoire français et Suisse s'étendant de Bordeaux à Genève et de Paris à Montélimar !
Il se trouve sur la bordure nord-ouest du renflement de Tharsis, immense soulèvement de la surface martienne, centré sur Noctis Labyrinthus et Syria Planum, dont l'extension occidentale concentre une douzaine de volcans majeurs..
L'édifice central s'élève à  deux fois et demie la hauteur de l'Everest par rapport au niveau de la mer et plus du double de celle du Mauna Kea (Hawaï) par rapport à sa base  Il possède à son sommet une caldeira complexe d'environ 80 × 60 kilomètres résultant de la coalescence d'au moins six cratères enchevêtrés, attestant de l'histoire mouvementée de la caldeira avec notamment la présence de grabens résultant de l'effondrement de la surface dans une faille.
Il est entouré d'une falaise formant un escarpement continu sur toute sa circonférence, d'une hauteur de 2 à 6 kilomètres. Au-delà de cet escarpement se trouve une zone souvent appelée « l'auréole » du volcan, constituée de crêtes et de grands blocs s'étendant jusqu'à un millier de kilomètres de la caldeira. Cela met en évidence l'expansion et la modification de la surface liées à l'activité glaciaire.
L'inclinaison des pentes du volcan est voisine de 5 degrés en moyenne, atteignant 30 degrés au niveau de l'escarpement périphérique.
À proximité de la caldeira se trouvent deux cratères d'impact. À une vingtaine de kilomètres au sud, le cratère Pangboche a un diamètre de 10,4 kilomètres. Il a été nommé par l'Union astronomique internationale en 2006 d'après une localité du Népal située à vingt kilomètres du sommet de l'Everest. C'est sur le rebord ouest de ce cratère que se trouve le point le plus haut d'Olympus Mons, à 21 229 mètres au-dessus du niveau de référence. Le cratère Karzok, situé à une quarantaine de kilomètres à l'est de la caldeira, a un diamètre de 15,6 kilomètres. Il a été nommé d'après une localité du Cachemire indien. D'autres cratères d'impact sont également visibles sur les flancs du volcan.
L'escarpement et l'auréole sont tous deux mal compris. La falaise résulterait de glissements de terrain, et l'auréole proviendrait des matériaux entassés au bas de ces glissements. Les coulées de lave s'étendent au-delà de l'escarpement. L'escarpement qui entoure la montagne à sa base aurait été formé par des glissements de terrain induits par une fonte massive du permafrost11 ou par un soulèvement tectonique. Les structures linéaires en forme de crêtes présentes autour du volcan au-delà de l'escarpement seraient, quant à elles, des dykes mis en place après les dernières coulées de lave ayant atteint la base du volcan. Son premier nom, Nix Olympica, en français « Neige de l'Olympe », lui avait été donné par l'astronome italien Giovanni Schiaparelli (1835-1910). 

La mission
NASA Viking Orbiter 1 était le premier des deux engins spatiaux (avec Viking 2) envoyés sur Mars dans le cadre du programme Viking de la NASA. Le 20 juillet 1976, il est devenu le deuxième vaisseau spatial à atterrir en douceur sur Mars, et le premier à réussir sa mission. (Le premier vaisseau spatial à atterrir en douceur sur Mars était le Mars 3 de l'Union soviétique le 2 décembre 1971, qui a cessé de transmettre après 14,5 secondes.) Viking 1 détenait le record de la plus longue mission de surface de Mars de 2307 jours (plus de 6 1⁄ 4 ans) ou 2245 jours solaires martiens, jusqu'à ce que ce record soit battu par le rover Opportunity le 19 mai 2010. Après le lancement à l'aide d'un lanceur Titan/Centaur le 20 août 1975 et une croisière de 11 mois vers Mars, l'orbiteur a commencé à renvoyer des images globales de Mars environ 5 jours avant l'insertion en orbite. L'orbiteur Viking 1 a été inséré dans l'orbite de Mars le 19 juin 1976 et ajusté à une orbite de certification de site de 1513 x 33 000 km, 24,66 h le 21 juin. L'atterrissage sur Mars était prévu pour le 4 juillet 1976, le bicentenaire des États-Unis, mais l'imagerie du site d'atterrissage principal a montré qu'il était trop difficile pour un atterrissage en toute sécurité. L'atterrissage a été retardé jusqu'à ce qu'un site plus sûr soit trouvé et a eu lieu à la place le 20 juillet, le septième anniversaire de l'alunissage d'Apollo 11. L'atterrisseur s'est séparé de l'orbiteur à 08:51 UTC et a atterri à Chryse Planitia à 11:53:06 UTC. C'était la première tentative des États-Unis d'atterrir sur Mars.
Les instruments de l'orbiteur se composaient de deux caméras vidicon pour l'imagerie (VIS), d'un spectromètre infrarouge pour la cartographie de la vapeur d'eau (MAWD) et de radiomètres infrarouges pour la cartographie thermique (IRTM). La mission principale de l'orbiteur s'est terminée au début de la conjonction solaire le 5 novembre 1976.
La mission prolongée a commencé le 14 décembre 1976, après la conjonction solaire. Les opérations comprenaient des approches rapprochées de Phobos en février 1977. Le périastre a été réduit à 300 km le 11 mars 1977. Des ajustements mineurs d'orbite ont été effectués occasionnellement au cours de la mission, principalement pour modifier le taux de marche - le taux auquel la longitude aréocentrique changé à chaque orbite, et le périastre a été porté à 357 km le 20 juillet 1979. Le 7 août 1980, Viking 1 Orbiter manquait de gaz de contrôle d'attitude et son orbite a été portée de 357 × 33943 km à 320 × 56000 km pour éviter l'impact avec Mars et une éventuelle contamination jusqu'en 2019. Les opérations ont pris fin le 17 août 1980, après 1485 orbites. Une analyse de 2009 a conclu que, même si la possibilité que Viking 1 ait eu un impact sur Mars ne pouvait être exclue, il était très probablement toujours en orbite. Plus de 57 000 images ont été renvoyées sur Terre.

2023 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau


Wednesday, July 5, 2023



NASA CURIOSITY MISSION (since 2012) Ireson Hill sur Aeolis Mons/Mount Sharp (5, 500 m - 18, 000 ft) MARS

Ireson Hill sur Aeolis Mons/Mount Sharp (5, 500 m - 18, 000 ft)

La colline
Ce monticule sombre, appelé "Ireson Hill", s'élève à environ 5 mètres au-dessus du matériau d'affleurement en couches plus rouge de la formation Murray sur le mont Sharp inférieur (5, 500 mètres d'altitude), sur  la planète Mars, près d'un endroit où le rover Curiosity de la NASA a examiné une dune de sable linéaire en février 2017.  Qu'est-ce qui a créé cette colline inhabituelle sur Mars ? Pas de réponse pour l'instant mais un sujet de recherche  pour plusieurs années tant il est vrai que sa forme et sa structure bicolore en font l'une des formations les plus inhabituelles que le robot Curiosity ait croisé dans son exploration de la planète. Surnommé  "Colline Ireson", le monticule s'étend sur environ 15 mètres de largeur. Ce panorama composé de 41 images a été compressé horizontalement pour inclure toute la colline. L'image a été prise le 2 février 2017.

La camera
Les chercheurs ont utilisé la Mast Camera (Mastcam) du rover le 2 février 2017, lors du 1 598e jour martien, ou sol, des travaux de Curiosity sur Mars, pour prendre les 41 images combinées dans cette scène. La mosaïque a été équilibrée en blanc afin que les couleurs des matériaux de roche et de sable ressemblent à ce qu'elles apparaîtraient dans des conditions d'éclairage diurne sur Terre. La vue s'étend de l'ouest-sud-ouest à gauche au nord-nord-ouest à droite. Le faible horizon au loin au-delà d'Ireson Hill fait partie du bord du cratère Gale. Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego, a construit et exploite le Mastcam. Le Jet Propulsion Laboratory de la NASA, une division de Caltech à Pasadena, en Californie, gère le projet de laboratoire scientifique sur Mars pour la direction des missions scientifiques de la NASA, à Washington. JPL a conçu et construit le rover Curiosity du projet.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Friday, March 24, 2023



NASA MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR (1996-2007) Apollinaris Mons (5,500m) MARS

Apollinaris Mons (5,500m)

Le volcan
Apollinaris Mons (5500 mètres), parfois appelé Apollinaris Patera bien que ce nom ne se réfère stricto sensu qu'à sa caldeira sommitale, est un volcan situé sur la planète Mars par 9,3° S et 174,4° E dans le quadrangle d'Aeolis (MC-23), à la frontière géologique matérialisant la dichotomie crustale martienne. Large de 295 km, il culmine à un peu plus de 3 000 m d'altitude au-dessus du niveau de référence martien et d'environ 5 500 m au-dessus d'Elysium Planitia. Ce volcan possède une caldeira à deux niveaux d'environ 85 km de diamètre et de l'ordre de 1 500 m de profondeur. 'est un volcan très ancien, formé au Noachien il y a au moins 3,8 milliards d'années — peut-être même 4 milliards d'années — et dont l'activité ne s'est pas prolongée au-delà du début de l'Hespérien, cessant au plus tard il y a 3,6 milliards d'années.
Il semble s'agir d'un stratovolcan dont la très vaste caldeira résulterait d'une éruption plinienne.

La photographie
En avril 1999, la caméra Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) est passée au-dessus du volcan Apollinaris Patera et a capturé une nappe de nuages lumineux suspendus au-dessus de son sommet au début de l'après-midi martien. Cet ancien volcan est situé près de l'équateur et, d'après les observations des orbiteurs vikings des années 1970, on pense qu'il mesure jusqu'à 5 kilomètres (3 miles) de haut. La couleur de cette image est dérivée des systèmes de caméra grand angle rouge et bleu MOC et ne représente pas la vraie couleur telle qu'elle apparaîtrait à l'œil humain (c'est-à-dire si un humain était en mesure d'orbiter autour de la planète rouge) . L'éclairage vient du coin supérieur gauche.
Malin Space Science Systems et le California Institute of Technology ont construit le MOC en utilisant du matériel de rechange de la mission Mars Observer. MSSS exploite la caméra depuis ses installations de San Diego, en Californie. Le projet Mars Surveyor Operations du Jet Propulsion Laboratory exploite le vaisseau spatial Mars Global Surveyor avec son partenaire industriel, Lockheed Martin Astronautics, à partir d'installations à Pasadena, CA et Denver, CO. 


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau 

Sunday, October 16, 2022


MARS EXPRESS MISSION ( 2004-2022) Phlegra Montes (1,4km - 870 mi) Mars (Solar system)

Phlegra Montes (1,4km - 870 mi)
Mars (Solar system)


About that image
The High-Resolution Stereo Camera on ESA’s Mars Express collected the data for these images on 1 June 2011 during orbit 9465. This perspective view has been calculated from the Digital Terrain Model derived from the stereo channels.
Courtesey ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum),CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

The mountains
The Phlegra Montes are a system of eroded Hesperian–Noachian-aged massifs and knobby terrain in the mid-latitudes of the northern lowlands of Mars, extending northwards from the Elysium Rise towards Vastitas Borealis for nearly 1,400 km (870 mi). The mountain ranges separate the large plains provinces of Utopia Planitia (west) and Amazonis Planitia (east), and were named in the 1970s after a classical albedo feature. The massif terrains are flanked by numerous parallel wrinkle ridges known as the Phlegra Dorsa. The mountain ranges were first mapped against imagery taken during NASA's Viking program in the 1970s, and the area is thought to have been uplifted due to regional-scale compressive stresses caused by the contemporary formations of the Elysium and Tharsis volcanic provinces. Recent research has unveiled the presence of extensive thrust faulting bounding the massif terrains. Since the 2010s, researchers have proposed the presence of a significant late Amazonian glaciation event along the Martian northern mid-latitudes, citing the presence of lineated valley fills, lobate debris aprons, and concentric crater fills. The presence of ring mold craters imply that significant stores of water ice may continue to persist in these terrains. Features interpreted as eskers have been observed in the southern Phlegra Montes. However, whether this glaciation was localized or of regional scale remains subject to debate in the scientific community.

About the mission
Mars Express is a space exploration mission being conducted by the European Space Agency (ESA). The Mars Express mission is exploring the planet Mars, and is the first planetary mission attempted by the agency. "Express" originally referred to the speed and efficiency with which the spacecraft was designed and built.However, "Express" also describes the spacecraft's relatively short interplanetary voyage, a result of being launched when the orbits of Earth and Mars brought them closer than they had been in about 60,000 years. Mars Express consists of two parts, the Mars Express Orbiter and Beagle 2, a lander designed to perform exobiology and geochemistry research. Although the lander failed to fully deploy after it landed on the Martian surface, the orbiter has been successfully performing scientific measurements since early 2004, namely, high-resolution imaging and mineralogical mapping of the surface, radar sounding of the subsurface structure down to the permafrost, precise determination of the atmospheric circulation and composition, and study of the interaction of the atmosphere with the interplanetary medium. Due to the valuable science return and the highly flexible mission profile, Mars Express has been granted several mission extensions. The latest was approved on 1 October 2020 and runs until 31 December 2022. Some of the instruments on the orbiter, including the camera systems and some spectrometers, reuse designs from the failed launch of the Russian Mars 96 mission in 1996 (European countries had provided much of the instrumentation and financing for that unsuccessful mission). The design of Mars Express is based on ESA's Rosetta mission, on which a considerable sum was spent on development. The same design was also used for ESA's Venus Express mission in order to increase reliability and reduce development cost and time. Because of these redesigns and repurposings, the total cost of the project was about $345 million- less than half of comparable U.S. missions. Arriving at Mars in 2003, 18 years, 9 months and 10 days ago (and counting), it is the second longest surviving, continually active spacecraft in orbit around a planet other than Earth, behind only NASA's still active 2001 Mars Odyssey.

2022- Wandering Vertexes
A blog by Francis Rousseau

Tuesday, February 8, 2022



NASA CURIOSITY MISSION (since 2012) Aeolis Mons or Mount Sharp (5, 500 m - 18, 000 ft) Mars  In at the base of Aeolis Mons on Mars (23 August 2012)

Aeolis Mons or Mount Sharp (5, 500 m - 18, 000 ft)

From "At the base of Aeolis Mons on Mars ", photo, 23 August 2012

The mountain
Aeolis Mons (5, 500 m - 18, 000 ft) also called Mount Sharp is a mountain on the surface of the planet Mars. It forms the central peak within Gale crater and is located around 5.08°S 137.85°E, rising 5.5 km (18,000 ft) high from the valley floor. Aeolis Mons is about the same height as Mons Huygens, the tallest lunar mountain, and taller than Mons Hadley visited by Apollo 15. The tallest mountain known in the Solar System is in Rheasilvia crater on the asteroid Vesta, which contains a central mound that rises 22 km or 22.000 m - 14 mi or 72,000 ft high.
Olympus Mons on Mars is nearly the same height, at 21.9 km (13.6 mi; 72,000 ft) high.
In comparison, Mount Everest / Chomolunga rises to 8.8 km -29,000 ft altitude above sea level, but is only 4.6 km - 15,000 ft base-to-peak. Africa's Mount Kilimanjaro is about 5.9 km - 19,000 ft altitude above sea level also 4.6 km base-to-peak. America's Denali, also known as Mount McKinley, has a base-to-peak of 5.5 km -18,000 ft. The Franco-Italian Mont Blanc/Monte Bianco is 4.8 km -16,000 ft in altitude above sea level. Mount Fuji, which overlooks Tokyo, Japan, is about 3.8 km -12,000 ft altitude. Compared to the Andes, Aeolis Mons would rank outside the hundred tallest peaks, being roughly the same height as Argentina's Cerro Pajonal; the peak is higher than any above sea level in Oceania, but base-to peak it is considerably shorter than Hawaii's Mauna Kea and its neighbors.
Discovered in the 1970s by NAS, the mountain remained nameless for perhaps 40 years. When it became a likely landing site, it was given various labels; for example, in 2010 a NASA photo caption called it "Gale crater mound". In March 2012, NASA unofficially named it "Mount Sharp", for American geologist Robert P. Sharp. The International Astronomical Union, which is responsible for planetary nomenclature for its participants, names large Martian mountains after the Classical albedo feature in which it is located, not for people. In May 2012 the IAU thus named the mountain Aeolis Mons, and gave the name Aeolis Palus to the crater floor plain between the northern wall of Gale and the northern foothills of the mountain. Despite the official name, NASA and the ESA continue to refer to the mountain as "Mount Sharp" in press conferences and press releases
Aeolis is the ancient name of the Izmir region in western Turkey.

The NASA mission
On August 6, 2012, Curiosity (the Mars Science Laboratory rover) landed in "Yellowknife" Quad of Aeolis Palus, next to the mountain. NASA named the landing site Bradbury Landing on August 22, 2012. Aeolis Mons is a primary goal for scientific study.
On June 5, 2013, NASA announced that Curiosity would begin a 8 km (5.0 mi) journey from the Glenelg area to the base of Aeolis Mons.
On November 13, 2013, NASA announced that an entryway Curiosity would traverse on its way to Aeolis Mons was to be named "Murray Buttes", in honor of planetary scientist Bruce C. Murray (1931–2013). The trip was expected to take about a year and would include stops along the way to study the local terrain.
On September 11, 2014, NASA announced that the Curiosity rover had reached Aeolis Mons, the rover mission's long-term prime destination.
On October 5, 2015, possible recurrent slope lineae, wet brine flows, were reported on Mount Sharp near Curiosity.
As of January 20, 2017, Curiosity has been on the planet Mars for 1585 sols (1628 days) since landing on August 6, 2012. 

2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, December 1, 2021


NASA/MOLA SCIENCE TEAM Olympus Mons (21, 230m - 69,650ft) Planet Mars - Solar system

Olympus Mons (21, 230m - 69,650ft)
Mars (Solar system)

The Volcano
Olympus Mons (21, 230m / 21, 2 km-  69,650 ft /1 3 mi) is a very large shield volcano located on the planet Mars,  the largest volcano in the solar system. The massive Martian mountain towers high above the surrounding plains of the red planet, and may be biding its time until the next eruption.By one measure, it has a height of nearly 22 km (13.6 mi). Olympus Mons stands about two and a half times as tall as Mount Everest's height above sea level. It is the youngest of the large volcanoes on Mars, having formed during Mars's Hesperian Period. It had been known to astronomers since the late 19th century as the albedo feature Nix Olympica (Latin for "Olympic Snow"). Its mountainous nature was suspected well before space probes confirmed its identity as a mountain.
The volcano is located in Mars's western hemisphere at approximately 18.65°N 226.2°E, just off the northwestern edge of the Tharsis bulge. The western portion of the volcano lies in the Amazonis quadrangle (MC-8) and the central and eastern portions in the adjoining Tharsis quadrangle (MC-9).
Two impact craters on Olympus Mons have been assigned provisional names by the International Astronomical Union. They are the 15.6 km (9.7 mi)-diameter Karzok crater (18°25′N 131°55′W) and the 10.4 km (6.5 mi)-diameter Pangboche crater (17°10′N 133°35′W). The craters are notable for being two of several suspected source areas for shergottites, the most abundant class of Martian meteorites. Olympus Mons and a few other volcanoes in the Tharsis region stand high enough to reach above the frequent Martian dust-storms recorded by telescopic observers as early as the 19th century. The astronomer Patrick Moore pointed out that Schiaparelli (1835–1910) "had found that his Nodus Gordis and Olympic Snow [Nix Olympica] were almost the only features to be seen" during dust storms, and "guessed correctly that they must be high". The Mariner 9 spacecraft arrived in orbit around Mars in 1971 during a global dust-storm. The first objects to become visible as the dust began to settle, the tops of the Tharsis volcanoes, demonstrated that the altitude of these features greatly exceeded that of any mountain found on Earth, as astronomers expected. Observations of the planet from Mariner 9 confirmed that Nix Olympica was not just a mountain, but a volcano. Ultimately, astronomers adopted the name Olympus Mons for the albedo feature known as Nix Olympica.

The mission
Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) was an American robotic spacecraft developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and launched November 7, 1996. Mars Global Surveyor was a global mapping mission that examined the entire planet, from the ionosphere down through the atmosphere to the surface. As part of the larger Mars Exploration Program, Mars Global Surveyor performed monitoring relay for sister orbiters during aerobraking, and it helped Mars rovers and lander missions by identifying potential landing sites and relaying surface telemetry.
It completed its primary mission in January 2001 and was in its third extended mission phase when, on 2 November 2006, the spacecraft failed to respond to messages and commands. A faint signal was detected three days later which indicated that it had gone into safe mode. Attempts to recontact the spacecraft and resolve the problem failed, and NASA officially ended the mission in January 2007.
The Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) science investigation used 3 instruments: a narrow angle camera that took (black-and-white) high resolution images (usually 1.5 to 12 m per pixel) and red and blue wide angle pictures for context (240 m per pixel) and daily global imaging (7.5 km per pixel). MOC returned more than 240,000 images spanning portions of 4.8 Martian years, from September 1997 and November 2006.[6] A high resolution image from MOC covers a distance of either 1.5 or 3.1 km long. Often, a picture will be smaller than this because it has been cut to just show a certain feature. These high resolution images may cover features 3 to 10 km long. When a high resolution image is taken, a context image is taken as well. The context image shows the image footprint of the high resolution picture. Context images are typically 115.2 km square with 240 m/pixel resolution.

The Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter, or MOLA, is an instrument on the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), a spacecraft that was launched on November 7, 1996. The mission of MGS was to orbit Mars, and map it over the course of approximately 3 years, which it did sucessfully, completing 4 1/2 years of mapping.
Determining the height of surface features on Mars is important to mapping it. To this end, MGS carried a laser altimeter on board. This instrument, MOLA, collected altimetry data until June 30, 2001. MOLA then operated as a radiometer until October 7, 2006.
This website will explain what MOLA is and how it works, and share some of the important discoveries about Mars that have been made using MOLA data.


2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Sunday, February 7, 2021


Elysium Mons (13, 900m / 13, 9km - 46,000 ft / 8,6 mi)

Image from camera B (541A44, 541A46). Red filter used . Resolution is about 144 m/pixel. 
Approximate north is at top. taken on 10 December 1977, USGS Astrogeology Science Center 

The Mountain
Elysium Mons (13,900m / 13, 9km - 46,000 ft / 8,6 mi) is a volcano on Mars located in the volcanic province Elysium, at 25.02°N 147.21°E, in the Martian eastern hemisphere. It stands about above the surrounding lava plains, and about 16 km (52,000 ft) above the Martian datum. Its diameter is about 240 km (150 mi), with a summit caldera about 14 km (8.7 mi) across. It is flanked by the smaller volcanoes Hecates Tholus to the northeast, and Albor Tholus to the southeast.
A 6.5 km diameter crater at 29.674 N, 130.799 E, in the volcanic plains to the northwest of Elysium Mons has been identified as a possible source for the nakhlite meteorites, a family of similar basaltic Martian meteorites with cosmogenic ages of about 10.7 Ma, suggesting ejection from Mars by a single impact event. This implies that Martian volcanism had slowed greatly by that point in history.

The Mission
NASA Viking Orbiter 1 was the first of two spacecraft (along with Viking 2) sent to Mars as part of NASA's Viking program. On July 20, 1976, it became the second spacecraft to soft-land on Mars, and the first to successfully perform its mission. (The first spacecraft to soft-land on Mars was the Soviet Union's Mars 3 on December 2, 1971, which stopped transmitting after 14.5 seconds.) Viking 1 held the record for the longest Mars surface mission of 2307 days (over 6​1⁄4 years) or 2245 Martian solar days, until that record was broken by the Opportunity rover on May 19, 2010. Following launch using a Titan/Centaur launch vehicle on August 20, 1975, and an 11-month cruise to Mars, the orbiter began returning global images of Mars about 5 days before orbit insertion. The Viking 1 Orbiter was inserted into Mars orbit on June 19, 1976, and trimmed to a 1513 x 33,000 km, 24.66 h site certification orbit on June 21. Landing on Mars was planned for July 4, 1976, the United States Bicentennial, but imaging of the primary landing site showed it was too rough for a safe landing. The landing was delayed until a safer site was found, and took place instead on July 20, the seventh anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. The lander separated from the orbiter at 08:51 UTC and landed at Chryse Planitia at 11:53:06 UTC. It was the first attempt by the United States at landing on Mars.
The instruments of the orbiter consisted of two vidicon cameras for imaging (VIS), an infrared spectrometer for water vapor mapping (MAWD) and infrared radiometers for thermal mapping (IRTM). The orbiter primary mission ended at the beginning of solar conjunction on November 5, 1976.
The extended mission commenced on December 14, 1976, after solar conjunction. Operations included close approaches to Phobos in February 1977. The periapsis was reduced to 300 km on March 11, 1977. Minor orbit adjustments were done occasionally over the course of the mission, primarily to change the walk rate — the rate at which the areocentric longitude changed with each orbit, and the periapsis was raised to 357 km on July 20, 1979. On August 7, 1980, Viking 1 Orbiter was running low on attitude control gas and its orbit was raised from 357 × 33943 km to 320 × 56000 km to prevent impact with Mars and possible contamination until the year 2019. Operations were terminated on August 17, 1980, after 1485 orbits. A 2009 analysis concluded that, while the possibility that Viking 1 had impacted Mars could not be ruled out, it was most likely still in orbit. More than 57,000 images were sent back to Earth. 


2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Friday, July 19, 2019


Arsia Mons (17, 761 m  17 / - 58, 721ft / 11 mi)

1. In Arsia Mons Spiral Cloud, June 19, 2001 
2. In Possible caves of Arsia Mons, HiRISE image, Laszlo P. Keszthelyi, August 9, 2007  

The mountain
Arsia Mons (20,000 m / 20 km - 63, 360ft / 12mi) is the southernmost of three volcanos with Ascraeus Mons, and Pavonis Mons (collectively known as Tharsis Montes) on the Tharsis bulge near the equator of the planet Mars, the tallest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons, is to its northwest. Arsia Mons was named by Giovanni Schiaparelli after the legendary Roman forest of Arsia Silva.
Arsia Mons is a shield volcano with a relatively low slope and a massive caldera at its summit. It is  large enough to cover the state of New Mexico.
The caldera of Arsia Mons was formed when the mountain collapsed in on itself after its reservoir of magma was exhausted. There are many other geologic collapse features on the mountain's flanks.
The caldera floor formed around 150 millions years ago.
One of the benefits of the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) Extended Mission is the opportunity to observe how the planet's weather changes during a second full martian year. The picture  of Arsia Mons  (photo 1 above) was taken June 19, 2001  southern spring equinox occurred the same day. On this particular day (the first day of Spring), the MOC wide angle cameras documented an unusual spiral-shaped cloud within the 110 km (68 mi) diameter caldera- the summit crater- of the giant volcano. Because the cloud is bright both in the red and blue images acquired by the wide angle cameras, it probably consisted mostly of fine dust grains. The cloud's spin may have been induced by winds off the inner slopes of the volcano's caldera walls resulting from the temperature differences between the walls and the caldera floor, or by a vortex as winds blew up and over the caldera. Similar spiral clouds were seen inside the caldera for several days; we don't know if this was a single cloud that persisted throughout that time or one that regenerated each afternoon. Sunlight illuminates this scene from the left/upper left.
Dark pits on some of the Martian volcanoes have been speculated to be entrances into caves . A HiRISE image (cf. photo 2 above), looking essentially straight down, saw only darkness in this pit. This time the pit was imaged from the west. Since the picture was taken at about 2:30 p.m. local (Mars) time,  August 9, 2007, the sun was also shining from the west. We can see the eastern wall of the pit catching the sunlight. This confirms that this pit is essentially a vertical shaft cut through the lava flows on the flank of the volcano. Such pits form on similar volcanoes in Hawaii and are called "pit craters." They generally do not connect to long open caverns but are the result of deep underground collapse. From the shadow of the rim cast onto the wall of the pit NASA could calculate that the pit is at least 178 meters - 584 feet deep. The pit is 150 x 157 meters (492 x 515 feet) across. 

The mission
Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) was an American robotic spacecraft developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and launched November 7, 1996. Mars Global Surveyor was a global mapping mission that examined the entire planet, from the ionosphere down through the atmosphere to the surface. As part of the larger Mars Exploration Program, Mars Global Surveyor performed monitoring relay for sister orbiters during aerobraking, and it helped Mars rovers and lander missions by identifying potential landing sites and relaying surface telemetry.
It completed its primary mission in January 2001 and was in its third extended mission phase when, on 2 November 2006, the spacecraft failed to respond to messages and commands. A faint signal was detected three days later which indicated that it had gone into safe mode. Attempts to recontact the spacecraft and resolve the problem failed, and NASA officially ended the mission in January 2007.
The Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) science investigation used 3 instruments: a narrow angle camera that took (black-and-white) high resolution images (usually 1.5 to 12 m per pixel) and red and blue wide angle pictures for context (240 m per pixel) and daily global imaging (7.5 km per pixel). MOC returned more than 240,000 images spanning portions of 4.8 Martian years, from September 1997 and November 2006.[6] A high resolution image from MOC covers a distance of either 1.5 or 3.1 km long. Often, a picture will be smaller than this because it has been cut to just show a certain feature. These high resolution images may cover features 3 to 10 km long. When a high resolution image is taken, a context image is taken as well. The context image shows the image footprint of the high resolution picture. Context images are typically 115.2 km square with 240 m/pixel resolution.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Anseris Mons (6,200 m -20,300 ft)

The mountain

Anseris Mons (6,200 m -20,300 ft) is an isolated massif of mountains in the southern highlands of Mars, located at the northeastern edge of Hellas Planitia at longitude 86.65°E and latitude 29.81°S. The mountain is 58 km (36 mi) in diameter and lies in the southeastern quarter of the Iapygia quadrangle (MC-21), straddling the boundary with the adjoining Hellas quadrangle (MC-28) to the south.,Anseris Mons is named from Anseris Fons, a telescopic albedo feature mapped by Greek astronomer E. M. Antoniadi in 1930. The name was approved by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 1991.
Anseris Mons is not a volcano. Geologically, the massif is thought to be the eroded remnant of an ancient crustal block uplifted from depths of several kilometers in the formation of the Hellas impact basin during the period of heavy bombardment. Anseris Mons is the type area for a large set of rugged mountain blocks (>25 km across) that occur in a relatively continuous band 200 to 500 km wide around the western, northeastern, eastern, and southeastern rim of the Hellas basin. Many of the blocks, particularly along the western rim, are concentric with the basin and bounded by faults.
Rocks making up Anseris Mons and other massifs around Hellas are mapped as Noachian in age. However, work by Herbert Frey at NASA’s Goddard Spaceflight Center using Mars Orbital Laser Altimeter (MOLA) data indicates that the southern highlands of Mars contain numerous buried impact basins that are older than the visible Noachian-aged surfaces and which pre-date the Hellas impact. He suggests that the Hellas impact should mark the beginning of the Noachian period (base of the Noachian system). If Frey is correct, then Anseris Mons bedrock is actually pre-Noachian in age, perhaps dating back to over 4.1 billion years ago.
The Anseris Mons massif has undergone a significant amount of erosion since it was uplifted. The flanks of the mountain have huge triangular re-entrants and associated spurs, which give the massif a broad, pyramidal shape. The re-entrants were likely produced through a variety of mass-wasting and periglacial/glacial processes. A large cirque-like re-entrant with channelized debris aprons or fans is present on the south side of the mountain.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


ESA MARS EXPRESS (2003-2020?) 
Nereidum Mons (no elevation data)  
 MARS  (Argyre quadrangle) 

The Mountains 
The Nereidum Montes is a mountain range on planet Mars. It stretches 3,677 km, northeast of Argyre Planitia. It is in the Argyre quadrangle. The mountains are named after a Classical albedo feature.
There is a crater at 45.1°S, 55.0°W on the Nereidum Montes that is similar to Galle in that it also has a smiley face pattern on the crater. However, it is much smaller than Galle itself.
A hummocky relief resembling Veiki moraines has been found in Nereidum Montes. The relief is hypothesized to result very much like Veiki moraines from the melting of a martian glacier.

The mission 
Mars Express is a space probe of the European Space Agency (ESA) launched on June 2, 2003 to study the planet Mars. This is the first exploration mission of another planet in the solar system launched by the European Agency.  Mars Express is developed in a relatively short period of time by partially taking over the architecture of the Rosetta probe while five of the seven instruments were developed for the Soviet Mars 96 probe.
It was launched on June 2, 2003 by a Soyuz rocket and is in orbit around Mars on December 25 of the same year.  Mars Express has obtained many scientific results: determination of the nature of polar ice caps and estimation of the volume of stored water, composition of the Martian atmosphere and its interactions with the solar wind, observation of the seasonal cycle of water , three-dimensional mapping of the reliefs, detection of hydrated minerals proving the presence of water in the past over long periods on the surface and mapping of the regions concerned, detection of the presence of water in the liquid state under the ice cap of the South Pole . The mission of an initial duration of 23 months has been extended several times and must now be completed by the end of 2020.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Sunday, December 2, 2018


NASA MARS ODYSSEY (2001- 2010/2025)
Albor Tholus  (4,500m /14,764 ft- 4, 5 km/ 2, 79 mi) 

The Mountain 
Albor Tholus  (4,500m /14,764 ft- 4, 5 km/ 2, 79 mi)  is an extinct volcano in the volcanic province Elysium on Mars. It lies south of the neighbouring volcanoes Elysium Mons and Hecates Tholus. Albor Tholus is 4.5 kilometres high and has a diameter of 160 km at its base. Its large caldera, having a diameter of 30 km and a depth of 3 km, is deep compared to calderas on the Earth. The elevation of the lowest level of the caldera is the same as the base of the volcano; however, the original lower slopes of Albor Tholus may have been covered by lava flows from its larger neighbor, Elysium Mons. Evaluations by the Mars probe Mars Express found that the volcanoes of the Elysium region were active over long periods.
The Mission 
NASA Mars Odyssey was launched April 7, 2001, on a Delta II rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, and reached Mars orbit on October 24, 2001, at 02:30 UTC (October 23, 19:30 PDT, 22:30 EDT). By December 15, 2010, it broke the record for longest serving spacecraft at Mars, with 3,340 days of operation. It is currently in a polar orbit around Mars with a semi-major axis of about 3,800 km or 2,400 miles. It has enough propellant to function until 2025.
Mars Odyssey is a robotic spacecraft orbiting the planet Mars. The project was developed by NASA, and contracted out to Lockheed Martin, with an expected cost for the entire mission of US$297 million. Its mission is to use spectrometers and a thermal imager to detect evidence of past or present water and ice, as well as study the planet's geology and radiation environment.  It is hoped that the data Odyssey obtains will help answer the question of whether life existed on Mars and create a risk-assessment of the radiation that future astronauts on Mars might experience. It also acts as a relay for communications between the Mars Exploration Rovers, Mars Science Laboratory, and previously the Phoenix lander to Earth. The mission was named as a tribute to Arthur C. Clarke, evoking the name of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
2018 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Saturday, October 6, 2018


NASA MARS ODYSSEY  (2001- 2010/2025) 
Elysium Mons  (13,900m / 13, 9km - 46,000 ft / 8,6 mi)

The Mountain 
Elysium Mons  (13,900m / 13, 9km - 46,000 ft / 8,6 mi) is a volcano on Mars located in the volcanic province Elysium, at 25.02°N 147.21°E, in the Martian eastern hemisphere. It stands about  above the surrounding lava plains, and about 16 km (52,000 ft) above the Martian datum. Its diameter is about 240 km (150 mi), with a summit caldera about 14 km (8.7 mi) across. It is flanked by the smaller volcanoes Hecates Tholus to the northeast, and Albor Tholus to the southeast.
A 6.5 km diameter crater at 29.674 N, 130.799 E, in the volcanic plains to the northwest of Elysium Mons has been identified as a possible source for the nakhlite meteorites, a family of similar basaltic Martian meteorites with cosmogenic ages of about 10.7 Ma, suggesting ejection from Mars by a single impact event. This implies that Martian volcanism had slowed greatly by that point in history.

The Mission 
NASA Mars Odyssey was launched April 7, 2001, on a Delta II rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, and reached Mars orbit on October 24, 2001, at 02:30 UTC (October 23, 19:30 PDT, 22:30 EDT). By December 15, 2010, it broke the record for longest serving spacecraft at Mars, with 3,340 days of operation. It is currently in a polar orbit around Mars with a semi-major axis of about 3,800 km or 2,400 miles. It has enough propellant to function until 2025.
Mars Odyssey is a robotic spacecraft orbiting the planet Mars. The project was developed by NASA, and contracted out to Lockheed Martin, with an expected cost for the entire mission of US$297 million. Its mission is to use spectrometers and a thermal imager to detect evidence of past or present water and ice, as well as study the planet's geology and radiation environment.  It is hoped that the data Odyssey obtains will help answer the question of whether life existed on Mars and create a risk-assessment of the radiation that future astronauts on Mars might experience. It also acts as a relay for communications between the Mars Exploration Rovers, Mars Science Laboratory, and previously the Phoenix lander to Earth. The mission was named as a tribute to Arthur C. Clarke, evoking the name of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


The three Tharsis Montes:
Ascraeus Mons (18, 225m / 18, 1 kms - 50, 793 ft / 11, 1mi)  
Pavonis Mons (14, 000m / 14km - 46, 000ft / 8,7 mi) 
Arsia Mons (17, 761 m  17 / - 58, 721ft / 11 mi)

1. The Three Tharsis montes  photographed in 1980 by Viking1 orbiter 
2. Arsia Mons,  Viking mosaic showing the massive side lobes on the southwest (top) and northeast (bottom) sides of the volcano

The volcanoes 
The three Tharsis Montes (Fountains mountains in latin) are three large shield volcanoes in the Tharsis region of the planet Mars. From north to south (up to down on the image), the volcanoes are:  : Ascraeus Mons,  Pavonis Mons and Arsia Mons named by Giovanni Schiaparelli after the legendary Roman forest of Arsia Silva.
Arsia Mons (17, 761 m  17 / - 58, 721ft / 11 mi) is the southernmost of three volcanos (collectively known as Tharsis Montes) on the Tharsis bulge near the equator of the planet Mars, the tallest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons, is to its northwest.
Arsia Mons (down left on the  first photo) is a shield volcano with a relatively low slope and a massive caldera at its summit.
The three Tharsis Montes, together with some smaller volcanoes to the north, form a rather straight line. It has been proposed that these are the result of plate tectonics, which on Earth makes chains of "hot spot" volcanoes.
The Tharsis Montes volcanoes lie near the equator, along the crest of a vast volcanic plateau called the Tharsis region or Tharsis bulge.
The three Tharsis Montes volcanoes are evenly spaced about 700 km (430 mi) apart from peak to peak, in a line oriented southwest-northeast. This alignment is unlikely to be coincidental.

The mission 
Viking 1 Orbiter color mosaic of the eastern Tharsis region on Mars. At left, from top to bottom, are the three 25 km high volcanic shields, Ascraeus Mons, Pavonis Mons, and Arsia Mons. The shield at upper right is Tharsis Tholus. The canyon system at lower right is Noctis Labyrinthus, the westernmost extension of Valles Marineris. The smooth area at bottom center is Syria Planum. The distance between the calderas of Ascraeus and Pavonis Mons is 800 km. North is up. The images used to produce this mosaic were taken during orbit 1334 on 22 February 1980.

2018 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Pavonis Mons (14,000m / 14km - 46,000ft / 8,7 mi) 

The mountain 
Pavonis Mons (14,000m / 14km - 46,000ft / 8,7 mi)  latin for "peacock mountain" is a large shield volcano located in the Tharsis region of the planet Mars. It is the middle member of a chain of three volcanic mountains (collectively known as the Tharsis Montes) that straddle the Martian equator between longitudes 235°E and 259°E. The volcano was discovered by the Mariner 9 spacecraft in 1971 and was originally called Middle Spot. Its name formally became Pavonis Mons in 1973.
Using NASA Mars Global Surveyor  and Odyssey data, combined with developments in the study of glaciers, scientists suggest that glaciers once existed on Pavonis Mons and probably still do to some extent.  Evidence for this includes concentric ridges (moraines "dropped" by glaciers), a knobby area (caused by ice sublimating), and a smooth section that flows over other deposits (debris-covered glacial ice). The ice could have been deposited when the tilt of Mars changed the climate, thereby causing more moisture to be present in the atmosphere. Studies suggest the glaciation happened in the Late Amazonian period, the most recent period in Mars chronology. Multiple stages of glaciation probably occurred. The ice present today represents one more resource for possible future colonization of the planet.

The mission
Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) was an American robotic spacecraft developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and launched November 7, 1996. Mars Global Surveyor was a global mapping mission that examined the entire planet, from the ionosphere down through the atmosphere to the surface.  As part of the larger Mars Exploration Program, Mars Global Surveyor performed monitoring relay for sister orbiters during aerobraking, and it helped Mars rovers and lander missions by identifying potential landing sites and relaying surface telemetry.
It completed its primary mission in January 2001 and was in its third extended mission phase when, on 2 November 2006, the spacecraft failed to respond to messages and commands. A faint signal was detected three days later which indicated that it had gone into safe mode. Attempts to recontact the spacecraft and resolve the problem failed, and NASA officially ended the mission in January 2007.
The Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) science investigation used 3 instruments: a narrow angle camera that took (black-and-white) high resolution images (usually 1.5 to 12 m per pixel) and red and blue wide angle pictures for context (240 m per pixel) and daily global imaging (7.5 km per pixel). MOC returned more than 240,000 images spanning portions of 4.8 Martian years, from September 1997 and November 2006.[6] A high resolution image from MOC covers a distance of either 1.5 or 3.1 km long. Often, a picture will be smaller than this because it has been cut to just show a certain feature. These high resolution images may cover features 3 to 10 km long. When a high resolution image is taken, a context image is taken as well. The context image shows the image footprint of the high resolution picture. Context images are typically 115.2 km square with 240 m/pixel resolution.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Ascraeus mons (18, 225m / 18, 1 kms- 50, 793 ft / 11, 1mi) 
Planet Mars

1.  In Ascraeus monsHiRISE camera ,Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO); November 2010
2.  In  Colorized MOLA topography of Ascraeus Mons, 2006   

The mountain 
Ascraeus mons (18, 225m / 18kms- 50, 793 ft / 11, 1mi)  is a large shield volcano located in the Tharsis region of the planet Mars. It is the northernmost and tallest of three shield volcanoes collectively known as the Tharsis Montes. The volcano's location corresponds to the classical albedo feature Ascraeus Lacus.
Ascraeus Mons was discovered by the Mariner 9 spacecraft in 1971. The volcano was originally called North Spot because it was the northernmost of only four spots visible on the surface due to a global dust storm that was then enshrouding the planet. As the dust cleared, the spots were revealed to be extremely tall volcanoes whose summits had projected above the dust-laden, lower atmosphere.
The volcano is located in the southeast-central portion of the Tharsis quadrangle at 11.8°N, 255.5°E in Mars' western hemisphere.  Ascraeus Mons is roughly 480 km in diameter and is the second highest mountain on Mars, with a summit elevation of 18.1 km ! The volcano has a very low profile with an average flank slope of 7°. Slopes are steepest in the middle portion of the flanks, flattening out toward the base and near the top where a broad summit plateau and caldera (collapse crater) complex are located.
Volcanic vents, located on the northeastern and southwestern edges of the volcano, are sources for broad lava aprons, or fans, that bury nearby portions of the volcano and extend over 100 km out into the surrounding plains.  The southwest-northeast orientation of the aprons matches the orientation of the Tharsis Montes, suggesting that a major fissure or rift in the Martian crust is responsible for the orientation of both the aprons and the Tharsis Montes chain. The presence of the lava aprons causes some disagreement in the actual dimensions of the volcano.
Like most of the Tharsis region, Ascraeus Mons has a high albedo (reflectivity) and low thermal inertia, indicating that the volcano and surrounding areas are covered with large amounts of fine dust.  The dust forms a mantle over the surface that obscures or mutes much of the fine-scale topography and geology of the region. Tharsis is probably dusty because of its high elevations. The atmospheric density is too low to mobilize and remove dust once it is deposited.
Ascraeus Mons is surrounded by lava flow plains that are mid to late Amazonian in age. The elevation of the plains averages about 3 km above datum (Martian "sea" level), giving the volcano an average vertical relief of 15 km.  However, the elevation of the plains varies considerably. The plains northwest of the volcano are less than 2 km in elevation. The plains are highest (>3 km) southeast of the volcano.
The lava plains northwest of Ascraeus Mons are notable for having two dark collapse pits photographed by the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) in November 2010 (image above) . The pits resemble those imaged around Arsia Mons by the Mars Odyssey spacecraft. The two pits measure about 180 and 310 m wide, and the larger pit is approximately 180 meters deep. The eastern walls of the pits consist of steep, overhanging ledges. The bottoms of both pits contain sediments and large boulders.  These rimless pit craters are believed to form by collapse of surface material into a subsurface void created either by a dike or lava tube. They are analogous to volcanic pit craters on Earth, such as the Devil's Throat crater on the upper east rift zone of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii.  In some cases, they may mark skylights/entrances to subsurface lava caves.

The camera
The image above, has been captured by the HiRISE  (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) camera aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The 65 kg (143 lb), $40 million USD instrument was built under the direction of the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. It consists of a 0.5 m (19.7 in) aperture reflecting telescope, the largest so far of any deep space mission, which allows it to take pictures of Mars with resolutions of 0.3 m/pixel (about 1 foot), resolving objects below a meter across.
HiRISE has imaged Mars landers on the surface, including the ongoing Curiosity and Opportunity rover missions.
HiRISE was designed to be a High Resolution camera from the beginning. It consists of a large mirror, as well as a large CCD camera. Because of this, it achieves a resolution of 1 microradian, or 0.3 meter at a height of 300 km. (For comparison purposes, satellite images on Google Mars are available to 1 meter). It can image in three color bands, 400–600 nm (blue-green or B-G), 550–850 nm (red) and 800–1,000 nm (near infrared or NIR).
HiRISE incorporates a 0.5-meter primary mirror, the largest optical telescope ever sent beyond Earth's orbit. The mass of the instrument is 64.2 kg.
Red color images are at 20,048 pixels wide (6 km in a 300 km orbit), and Green-Blue and NIR are at 4,048 pixels wide (1.2 km). These are gathered by 14 CCD sensors, 2048 x 128 pixels. HiRISE's onboard computer reads out these lines in time with the orbiter's ground speed, meaning the images are potentially unlimited in height. Practically this is limited by the onboard computer's 28 Gbit (3.5 GByte) memory capacity. The nominal maximum size of red images (compressed to 8 bits per pixel) is about 20,000 × 126,000 pixels, or 2520 megapixels and 4,000 × 126,000 pixels (504 megapixels) for the narrower images of the B-G and NIR bands. A single uncompressed image uses up to 28 Gbit. However, these images are transmitted compressed, with a typical max size of 11.2 Gigabits. These images are released to the general public on the HiRISE website via a new format called JPEG 2000.
To facilitate the mapping of potential landing sites, HiRISE can produce stereo pairs of images from which the topography can be measured to an accuracy of 0.25 meter.
The HiRISE camera is designed to view surface features of Mars in greater detail than has previously been possible. It has provided a closer look at fresh martian craters, revealing alluvial fans, viscous flow features and ponded regions of pitted materials containing breccia clast.  This allows for the study of the age of Martian features, looking for landing sites for future Mars landers, and in general, seeing the Martian surface in far greater detail than has previously been done from orbit. By doing so, it is allowing better studies of Martian channels and valleys, volcanic landforms, possible former lakes and oceans, and other surface landforms as they exist on the Martian surface.
The general public is allowed to request sites for the HiRISE camera to capture (see HiWish). For this reason, and due to the unprecedented access of pictures to the general public, shortly after they have been received and processed, the camera has been termed "The People's Camera".
 The pictures can be viewed online, downloaded, or with the free HiView software.

Saturday, December 2, 2017


Hecates Tholus  (4, 500 m /4, 5km - 14,764ft /2, 79mi)
 Mars (Solar System) 

Photographed  in october 27, 2003 

The mountain 
Hecates Tholus (4,500 m /4, 5km - 14,764ft /2, 79mi) is a volcano located on the planet Mars by 32.1 ° N and 150.2 ° E in the Cebrenia quadrangle. It is about 180 km wide, about 6,000 m above Elysium Planitia. This volcano has a small summit caldera about 13 km in diameter and barely 500 m deep, and a newer lateral caldera about 10 km wide. Its flanks are convex, with a slope varying from 6 ° to 3 ° from the base to the summit.
Hecates Tholus is located north-east of Elysium Mons, north of Elysium Planitia, the second largest volcanic province of Mars, which also includes Albor Tholus in the center and Apollinaris Mons in the extreme south-east.The oldest sites were dated on the flanks of Hecates Tholus around 3.4 Ga, indicating that the volcano would have formed no later than that date. The summit caldera has subsequently experienced at least three volcanic episodes, the main one around 1 Ga and two minor episodes, with no effect on the flanks, dated at about 300 Ma and 100 Ma2.
The HRSC of the Mars Express spacecraft also discovered a second caldera, located to the northwest northwest near the base of the dome, with a diameter of 10 km and corresponding to an eruption dated to about 350 Ma5. This observation campaign has also identified recent glacial deposits in the caldeira and nearby depressions, dated less than 25 Ma, which would be in sync with a period of greater obliquity suggested at that time by various similar observations. on the surface of the planet6.
Given the morphology of the building, dome-shaped with decreasing slopes from the base to the summit, it could be a stratovolcano, similar in nature to Albor Tholus.

The mission
Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) was an American robotic spacecraft developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and launched November 7, 1996. Mars Global Surveyor was a global mapping mission that examined the entire planet, from the ionosphere down through the atmosphere to the surface.  As part of the larger Mars Exploration Program, Mars Global Surveyor performed monitoring relay for sister orbiters during aerobraking, and it helped Mars rovers and lander missions by identifying potential landing sites and relaying surface telemetry.
It completed its primary mission in January 2001 and was in its third extended mission phase when, on 2 November 2006, the spacecraft failed to respond to messages and commands. A faint signal was detected three days later which indicated that it had gone into safe mode. Attempts to recontact the spacecraft and resolve the problem failed, and NASA officially ended the mission in January 2007.
The Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) science investigation used 3 instruments: a narrow angle camera that took (black-and-white) high resolution images (usually 1.5 to 12 m per pixel) and red and blue wide angle pictures for context (240 m per pixel) and daily global imaging (7.5 km per pixel). MOC returned more than 240,000 images spanning portions of 4.8 Martian years, from September 1997 and November 2006.[6] A high resolution image from MOC covers a distance of either 1.5 or 3.1 km long. Often, a picture will be smaller than this because it has been cut to just show a certain feature. These high resolution images may cover features 3 to 10 km long. When a high resolution image is taken, a context image is taken as well. The context image shows the image footprint of the high resolution picture. Context images are typically 115.2 km square with 240 m/pixel resolution.

Saturday, November 4, 2017


Ceraunius Tholus (5,500 m  / 5, 5 km - 18,044 ft  / 3,4 mi)

1. In View of Ceraunius Tholus (left) and Uranius Tholus (right)Mars Orbiter Camera of 
Mars Global Surveyor, 2002
2.    In The volcanoes Ceraunius Tholus (left) and Uranius Tholus (right) showed by 
THEMIS daytime infrared image mosaic, 2012

The mountain 
Ceraunius Tholus (5,500 m -  )is a volcano on Mars located in the Tharsis quadrangle at 24.25° north latitude and 262.75° east longitude, part of the Uranius group of volcanoes. It is 130 km across, 5.5 km high and is named after a classical albedo feature name.
Ceraunius Tholus is on the Tharsis rise, also called the Tharsis bulge. Tharsis is a land of great volcanoes. Olympus Mons is the tallest known volcano. Ascraeus Mons and Pavonis Mons are at least 320 km across and are over 10 km above the plateau that they sit on. The plateau is five to four seven kilometers above the zero altitude of Mars.
Ceranius Tholus is generally believed to be a basaltic shield with the lower part buried beneath plain forming lavas. Earlier interpretations suggested that it is a stratovolcano.  The slopes on Ceraunius Tholus are quite steep with an average slope of 8° with many radial erosion channels and pitted valleys extending from just below the rim of the caldera toward the base of the volcano. The current view is that the valleys were eroded by water.  Interesting features on Ceraunius Tholus are three large canyons at the northwest flank of Ceraunius Tholus which are up to 2.5 km wide and 300 m deep. The biggest of these three also appears to be the youngest and protrude from the lowest point of the volcanic caldera and ends at the interesting crater Rahe (an oblique impact crater with measures of 35 Ч 18 km), just north from the volcano where it formed a depositional fan. Its origin is still debatable and there are four main models proposed: fluvial action, volcanic flows, valley being a lava channel or some combination of previously mentioned models.
Ceraunius appears small compared to other larger volcanoes, but it is almost as tall as Earth's Mount Everest. The caldera of Ceranius Tholus is also dotted with many collapse pits, which are distinct from impact craters as they have no rim and vary in abundance across the caldera. Ceraunius Tholus is probably late Hesperian in age.
Some scientists believe that glaciers may have existed on many of the volcanoes in Tharsis including Olympus Mons, Ascraeus Mons, and Pavonis Mons.  Ceraunius Tholus may have even had its glaciers melt to form some temporary lakes in the past. The smoothness and flatness of the Ceraunius Tholus caldera floor suggests that in the past meltwater accumulated in a caldera lake.

The mission
Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) was an American robotic spacecraft developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and launched November 7, 1996. Mars Global Surveyor was a global mapping mission that examined the entire planet, from the ionosphere down through the atmosphere to the surface.  As part of the larger Mars Exploration Program, Mars Global Surveyor performed monitoring relay for sister orbiters during aerobraking, and it helped Mars rovers and lander missions by identifying potential landing sites and relaying surface telemetry.
It completed its primary mission in January 2001 and was in its third extended mission phase when, on 2 November 2006, the spacecraft failed to respond to messages and commands. A faint signal was detected three days later which indicated that it had gone into safe mode. Attempts to recontact the spacecraft and resolve the problem failed, and NASA officially ended the mission in January 2007.
The Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) science investigation used 3 instruments: a narrow angle camera that took (black-and-white) high resolution images (usually 1.5 to 12 m per pixel) and red and blue wide angle pictures for context (240 m per pixel) and daily global imaging (7.5 km per pixel). MOC returned more than 240,000 images spanning portions of 4.8 Martian years, from September 1997 and November 2006.[6] A high resolution image from MOC covers a distance of either 1.5 or 3.1 km long. Often, a picture will be smaller than this because it has been cut to just show a certain feature. These high resolution images may cover features 3 to 10 km long. When a high resolution image is taken, a context image is taken as well. The context image shows the image footprint of the high resolution picture. Context images are typically 115.2 km square with 240 m/pixel resolution.
- NASA data base on MGS 

Friday, January 27, 2017


Aeolis Mons or Mount Sharp (5, 500 m - 18, 000 ft)

3 pictures of Aeolis Mons taken by NASA Curiosity Rover & Curiosity team : 
1. Aeolis Mons photographed by  Curiosity Rover on September 9, 2012
2. Aeolis Mons photographed by Curiosity Rover on September 20, 2012
3.  Aeolis Mons photographed  by Curiosity Rover on August 6, 2012

(Click images to enlarge)  

The mountain
Aeolis Mons (5, 500 m - 18, 000 ft) also called Mount Sharp is a mountain on the surface of the planet Mars. It forms the central peak within Gale crater and is located around 5.08°S 137.85°E, rising 5.5 km (18,000 ft) high from the valley floor. Aeolis Mons is about the same height as Mons Huygens, the tallest lunar mountain, and taller than Mons Hadley visited by Apollo 15. The tallest mountain known in the Solar System is in Rheasilvia crater on the asteroid Vesta, which contains a central mound that rises 22 km  or 22.000 m - 14 mi or 72,000 ft high.
Olympus Mons on Mars is nearly the same height, at 21.9 km (13.6 mi; 72,000 ft) high.
In comparison, Mount Everest / Chomolunga rises to 8.8 km -29,000 ft altitude above sea level, but is only 4.6 km - 15,000 ft  base-to-peak. Africa's Mount Kilimanjaro is about 5.9 km - 19,000 ft altitude above sea level  also 4.6 km base-to-peak. America's Denali, also known as Mount McKinley, has a base-to-peak of 5.5 km -18,000 ft.  The Franco-Italian Mont Blanc/Monte Bianco is 4.8 km -16,000 ft in altitude above sea level.  Mount Fuji, which overlooks Tokyo, Japan, is about 3.8 km -12,000 ft altitude. Compared to the Andes, Aeolis Mons would rank outside the hundred tallest peaks, being roughly the same height as Argentina's Cerro Pajonal; the peak is higher than any above sea level in Oceania, but base-to peak it is considerably shorter than Hawaii's Mauna Kea and its neighbors.
Discovered in the 1970s by NAS,  the mountain remained nameless for perhaps 40 years. When it became a likely landing site, it was given various labels; for example, in 2010 a NASA photo caption called it "Gale crater mound".  In March 2012, NASA unofficially named it "Mount Sharp", for American geologist Robert P. Sharp. The International Astronomical Union, which is responsible for planetary nomenclature for its participants, names large Martian mountains after the Classical albedo feature in which it is located, not for people. In May 2012 the IAU thus named the mountain Aeolis Mons, and gave the name Aeolis Palus to the crater floor plain between the northern wall of Gale and the northern foothills of the mountain. Despite the official name, NASA and the ESA continue to refer to the mountain as "Mount Sharp" in press conferences and press releases
Aeolis is the ancient name of the Izmir region in western Turkey.

The NASA mission 
On August 6, 2012, Curiosity (the Mars Science Laboratory rover) landed in "Yellowknife" Quad of Aeolis Palus, next to the mountain. NASA named the landing site Bradbury Landing on August 22, 2012. Aeolis Mons is a primary goal for scientific study.
 On June 5, 2013, NASA announced that Curiosity would begin a 8 km (5.0 mi) journey from the Glenelg area to the base of Aeolis Mons.
On November 13, 2013, NASA announced that an entryway Curiosity would traverse on its way to Aeolis Mons was to be named "Murray Buttes", in honor of planetary scientist Bruce C. Murray (1931–2013). The trip was expected to take about a year and would include stops along the way to study the local terrain.
On September 11, 2014, NASA announced that the Curiosity rover had reached Aeolis Mons, the rover mission's long-term prime destination.
On October 5, 2015, possible recurrent slope lineae, wet brine flows, were reported on Mount Sharp near Curiosity.
As of January 20, 2017, Curiosity has been on the planet Mars for 1585 sols (1628 days) since landing on August 6, 2012. 