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Showing posts sorted by date for query Dolomites. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


SILVIA DE BASTIANI (née en1981) Palle di San Martino (3,192m) Italie (Trentin-Haut Adige)   In Mostra a San Martino di Castrozza, Casa della Montagna, aquarelle sur papier

Palle di San Martino (3,192m)
Italie (Trentin-Haut Adige)

In Mostra a San Martino di Castrozza, Casa della Montagna, aquarelle sur papier

Silvia De Bastiani est une artiste peintre italmienne née à Feltre en 1981. Elle commence à travailler de l’aquarelle en 1996, en suivant les cours d’été d'Ange Gorlini pendant 4 ans, puis,  à l’École Internationale Graphique de Venise. En 2004, elle reçoit son diplôme de peinture à l’académie des Beaux-Arts de Venise, puis une Maîtrise spécialisée en Arts visuels et disciplines du spectacle.
Entre 2007 et 2012, elle a occupé le poste d’assistante au Bureau d’Anatomie Artistique du Professeur Mauro Zocchetta à l’Académie des Beaux-Arts de Venise.Depuis 2008, elle donne des cours d’aquarelle et de dessin à l’Académie des Beaux-Arts G.B Cignaroli de Vérone. Ses créations sont souvent inspirées de la natureet peintes sur le motif. Elle les a présentées à de nombreuses reprises en Italie dans des expositions personnelles ou collectives, de la Vénétie à Milan, de Turin à Catane, en passant par Rome et Frosinone.

Les montagnes
La Cima di Vezzana (3,192m) est le point culminant des Pale di San Martino (également appelé groupe des Pale) forment le plus vaste groupe montagneux des Dolomites, avec une superficie d'environ 240 km2. Situées à cheval entre le Trentin et la Vénétie, elles s'élèvent entre les vallées de Primiero, du Biois et du Cordevole, dans le secteur central des Dolomites.
Le plateau des Pale s'étend sur environ 50 km2, formant un grand plateau rocheux, quasi lunaire, qui oscille entre 2 500 et 2 800 m d'altitude.
La partie du groupe située dans le Trentin est entièrement incluse dans le parc naturel de Paneveggio - Pale di San Martino. Selon certaines sources, le groupe a inspiré l'écrivain Dino Buzzati dans le cadre de son roman Le désert des Tartares.
Le système géologique des Pale est inclus dans le site Les Dolomites, déclaré en 2009 site du patrimoine mondial. par l'UNESCO
Le terme « Pala » dérive du nom qui a été utilisé localement pour désigner les berges et les pentes herbeuses situées à la base du groupe ; par extension, il a ensuite défini l'ensemble du groupe montagneux. Les premiers alpinistes, principalement britanniques, après avoir fait les premières randonnées et ouvert quelques itinéraires, désignaient originellement dans leurs mémoires le complexe montagneux avec les termes de Dolomiti di Primiero ou Gruppo delle Pale.
Ce n'est que plus tard, avec la propagation de la pratique du tourisme de montagne et la construction de routes carrossables qui ont favorisé la croissance de San Martino di Castrozza, qu'elles sont devenues connues dans le monde de l'alpinisme sous le nom des Pale di San Martino.  Il y a eu plusieurs affaissements de la roche au fil des ans. Les plus récents ont eu lieu en 2008, sur le pilier Castiglioni, et en décembre 2011, lorsqu'un bloc rocheux d'une taille d'environ 150 × 300 mètres s'est effondré de la face est du Sass Maor, effaçant partiellement 3 itinéraires alpins. 


2023 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Wandering Vertexes ....
Un blog de Francis Rousseau


Wednesday, June 14, 2023


TONI HALLER (1907-1944) Catinaccio d'Antermoia (3,002m) Italie (Trentin Haut-Adige)   In Der Rosengarten von Sankt Cyprian,  Dolomite, huile sur toile. Collection privée .

TONI HALLER (1907-1944)
Catinaccio d'Antermoia  / Rosengarten (3,002m)
Italie (Trentin Haut-Adige)

 In Der Rosengarten von Sankt Cyprian,  Dolomite, huile sur toile. Collection privée

 La montagne
Le Catinaccio d'Antermoia  (3,002m) est un sommet des  Dolomites. Il constitue le point culminant du groupe du Catinaccio, en Italie. La montagne s'élève à environ 20 km à l'est de Bolzano près de la frontière avec le Trentin, mais le sommet est entièrement dans la province du Tyrol du Sud. Depuis 2003, il fait partie du parc naturel Sciliar - Catinaccio. Le groupe du Catinaccio ou Rosengartengruppe est udélimité par le val di Tires au nord, le val d'Ega au sud et le val di Fassa à l'est.
Sa caractéristique est la couleur rose qu'il prend au coucher du soleil, un phénomène optique appelé alpenglow. La première ascension vers le plus haut sommet, le Catinaccio d'Antermoia, remonte au 31 août 1872par Charles Comyns Tucker, TH Carson et A. Bernard.
Il y a deux noms originaux, relatifs aux deux versants de la chaîne qui fait office de frontière linguistique entre le latin et le monde germanophone. Le terme ladin, Ciadenac ou Catenaccio, constitue également la base de la forme italienne la plus récente et doit être renvoyé, selon Karl Felix Wolff, au roches typique du groupe1. Le nom allemand Rosengarten, utilisé du côté tyrolien du Sud, est déjà attesté depuis le 15e siècle, et fait référence à la légende du mythique roi Laurin, voulant donner une explication au phénomène de l'alpenglow.

Le peintre
Tony Haller également connu sous le nom de Hans Sterbik, était un peintre autrichien né en 1907. Peu d'informations sur sa vie sont disponibles si ce n'est qu'il a vécu et travaillé à Vienne. Son travail comprend des paysages et principalement des paysages de montagnes. Il a trouvé ses motifs dans le Tyrol, le Salzkammergut et les Dolomites. De nombreuses œuvres de Toni Haller ont été vendues aux enchères, dont "Winter in den Dolomiten" vendue en 2011 pour 7 563 $. L'artiste est mort en 1944.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, January 18, 2023


GIULIO VITTINI (1888-1966) Pale du San Martino (2,500 / 2,800 m - 82,02 / 9,189 ft) Italie (Dolomites)   In  Le pale di San Martino, refuge de Pradidali-Dolomites, huile sur toile, collection privée


GIULIO VITTINI (1888-1966)
Pale di San Martino (2,500 / 2,800 m - 82,02 / 9,189 ft)
Italie (Dolomites)

 In  Le pale di San Martino, refuge de Pradidali-Dolomites, huile sur toile, collection privée

Les montagnes
Les Pale di San Martino  (2,500 / 2,800 m - 82,02 / 9,189 ft) également appelé Groupe des Pale forment le plus vaste groupe montagneux des Dolomites, avec une superficie d'environ 240 km2. Situées à cheval entre le Trentin et la Vénétie, elles s'élèvent entre les vallées de Primiero, du Biois et du Cordevole, dans le secteur central des Dolomites.
Le plateau des Pale s'étend sur environ 50 km2, formant un grand plateau rocheux, quasi lunaire,
La partie du groupe située dans le Trentin est entièrement incluse dans le parc naturel de Paneveggio - Pale di San Martino. Selon certaines sources, le groupe a inspiré l'écrivain Dino Buzzati dans le cadre de son roman Le désert des Tartares.
Le système géologique des Pale est inclus dans le site Les Dolomites, déclaré en 2009 site du patrimoine mondial par l'UNESCO.
Le terme « Pala » dérive du nom qui a été utilisé localement pour désigner les berges et les pentes herbeuses situées à la base du groupe ; par extension, il a ensuite défini l'ensemble du groupe montagneux. Les premiers alpinistes, principalement britanniques, après avoir fait les premières randonnées et ouvert quelques itinéraires, désignaient originellement dans leurs mémoires le complexe montagneux avec les termes de Dolomiti di Primiero ou Gruppo delle Pale.
Ce n'est que plus tard, avec la propagation de la pratique du tourisme de montagne et la construction de routes carrossables qui ont favorisé la croissance de San Martino di Castrozza, qu'elles sont devenues connues dans le monde de l'alpinisme sous le nom des Pale di San Martino

Le peintre
Giulio Vittini est un peintre italien, qui a vécu et travaillé en France pendant les trente-huit dernières années de sa vie. Giulio Vittini fit ses études chez les Jésuites à Rome, puis à l'Académie des beaux-arts de Brera à Milan. Admis à l’académie Royale de Rome il en sortit avec le 1er prix (« Médaille d’or »). Dès son rrivée en France en 1930 à Montbéliard , il est engagé par Émile Blazer, historien, pour la décoration de la ville qui fêtait le centenaire de Georges Cuvier (zoologiste et paléontologue français). Sous les directives de l’architecte Hézard et avec la collaboration de son ami peintre Henri Sauldubois, il réalise les décors qui seront installés dans les rues de Montbéliard. Il introduit à Montbéliard la technique à l’italienne, décors transparents illuminés la nuit de l’intérieur par l’électricien Voisin. Une partie de ses dessins et tableaux se trouvent actuellement au musée Beurnier (don de Mr Émile Blazer) ainsi qu’au musée du Château des ducs de Würtemberg, à Montbéliard.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
            Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
            Un blog de Francis Rousseau


Thursday, November 10, 2022


FRITZ PAPLHAM (1888-1958) Monte Civetta (3,220m) Italie (Vénétie)

FRITZ PAPLHAM (1888-1958)
Monte Civetta (3,220m)
Italie (Vénétie)

La montagne
Monte Civetta (3,220m) est un sommet des Alpes culminant à 3 220 mètres dans les Dolomites, en Italie (Vénétie). Au sens large, la Civetta est un groupe montagneux des Dolomites. Outre son sommet principal, Monte Civetta, possède plusieurs sommets secondaires dont : la Punta Civetta (2 920 m) ; la Cima della Busazza (2 894 m) ; le Monte Moiazetta (2 727 m) ; la Torre di Valgrande (2 715 m) ; la Torre d'Alleghe (2 649 m) ; la Torre Coldai (2 600 m) ; la Cima di Mede (2 504 m). Le versant nord-ouest la Civetta se développe sur plus de 7 km de longueur depuis la Torre Coldai (2 600 m) au nord jusqu'à la Torre Venezia (2 337 m) et sur près de 1 200 mètres de haut à l'aplomb du sommet. Cette grande paroi et son arête sommitale donnent à la Civetta une silhouette caractéristique. De 1910 à 1968, seize voies ont été ouvertes sur le versant nord-ouest de la Civetta, de la Piccola Civetta (3 207 m) à la Torre di Valgrande (2 715 m). La conquête en 1925 du sommet principal par Emil Solleder et Gustav Lettenhauer est la première ascension extrêmement difficile réalisée dans le secteur.

Fritz Paplham fut un photographe et paysagiste autrichien auquel l'on doit quelques rares peintures des Alpes, préférant la photographie où il rencontra un certain succès à la peinutre où il n'en eut point !
Il commença la photographie au collège.  En 1912,  une photo de lui "Maria Gern" est publié dans  le catalogue de l'exposition de la Société pour la photographie au Club de montagne autrichien.  Lors de l'exposition de 1931 de la Society for Photography au Austrian Mountain Club à Vienne, "Une série d'excellentes diapositives pigmentaires et une douzaine de diapositives stéréo aux couleurs brillantes" apparaissent. Il se fait alors une spécialité dfe la photographie de montagne colorisée. En 1942, devenu membre du groupe de photographes du Club de Montagnes autrichien, il reçoit la Médaille de bronze de la Société  de la Société photographique de Vienne couvrant l'ensemble de  ses "grandes réalisations dans le domaine de la photographie couleur". 


2022 - Wandering Vertexes ....
            Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
            Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Sunday, August 28, 2022


EDWARD H. COMPTON (1881-1960) Cinque Torri (2,361 m  -7,746 ft) Italy  In "Cinque Torri, Bei Cortina,Süd Tirol", 1930, oil on canvas

EDWARD H. COMPTON (1881-1960)
Cinque Torri (2,361 m  -7,746 ft)

In "Cinque Torri, Bei Cortina,Süd Tirol", 1930, oil on canvas

The mountains
Cinque Torri  (2,361 m  -7,746 ft) (sometimes named also Cinque Torri di Averau) comprise a small rock formation belonging to Nuvolao group in the Dolomiti Ampezzane (part of the Eastern Dolomites) north-west of San Vito di Cadore and south-west of Cortina d'Ampezzo.  Cinque Torri, as all the other mountains in the area, are made of dolomite, with a particular pale grey colour. The group is formed by five towers (which give the name to the mountain) with a maximum elevation of 2,361 m (Torre Grande). Every "tower" has its own name:Torre Grande, the highest one has three very appealing peaks for rock climbers: Cima Nord, Cima Sud e Cima Ovest. They are located in the south-west area of the valley of Cortina d'Ampezzo, north of the Averau mountain, of which Cinque Torri can be considered a part. In the Cinque Torri area there are the following mountain huts :Rifugio Cinque Torri, m 2,137. During summer it is possible to make excursions in the woods and on paths, among which are the Alta Via 1 of the Dolomites, the "Muraglia di Giau". The towers also provide good and popular rock climbing with various routes at a range of grades up all of the towers.  In winter, Cinque Torri belong to an important ski area, whose tracks are part of the wider Dolomiti Superski area. They are thus linked to the nearby mountains Lagazuoi and Col Gallina. Until a few years ago it was possible to ski only towards Lagazuoi - Col Gallina - Cinque Torri, but beginning in the winter season of 2008–2009, it has been also possible to ski downhill from the Cinque Torri area to the higher area of Falzarego Pass by means of the "Croda Negra" lift and the corresponding track beyond Averau mountain. This area was theater of conflict between Italian and Austro-Hungarian troops during World War I; countless testimonies of the fighting and of the war shelters built by the Italian army are present and have been recently rebuilt, to create an open-air museum with historical itineraries.

The painter
Edward Harrison Compton (1881–1960) not to be confused with his father Edward Theodore Compton (1849-1921) was a German landscape painter and illustrator of English descent. Compton was born in Feldafing in Upper Bavaria, Germany, the second son of notable landscape painter Edward Theodore Compton. He received his early art training from his father, and after a period of study in London at the Central School of Arts and Crafts settled back in Bavaria. Like his father he was inspired by the Alps to become a mountain painter ("bergmaller") working in both oils and watercolour. However, an attack of Polio at the age of 28 meant that he had to find more accessible landscapes to paint in Germany, England northern Italy and Sicily. He also provided illustrations for several travel books published by A & C Black. Compton exhibited at galleries in Munich and Berlin, and also in England at the Royal Academy in London and in Bradford. He died in Feldafing in 1960.
He had two sisters, both of whom were artists: Marion Compton, the flowers and still-life painter, and Dora Keel-Compton, flower and mountain painter.

2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Thursday, October 21, 2021


ELIJAH WALTON (1832-1880), Monte Civetta (3,220 m - 10, 580 ft) Italy  In Dolomites - in Spring. Civetta from Forcella Staulanza (North East), 1875 oil on canvas, 38 x 183 cm
ELIJAH WALTON (1832-1880)
Monte Civetta (3,220 m - 10, 580 ft)

In Dolomites - in Spring. Civetta from Forcella Staulanza (North East), 1875 oil on canvas, 38 x 183 cm.

The mountain
Monte Civetta (3,220 m - 10, 580 ft) is a prominent and major mountain of the Dolomites, in the Province of Belluno in northern Italy. Its north-west face can be viewed from the Taibon Agordino valley, and is classed as one of the symbols of the Dolomites. The mountain is thought to have been first climbed by Simeone di Silvestro in 1855, which, if true, makes it the first major Dolomite peak to be climbed. The north-western face, with its 1,000-metre-high cliff, was first climbed in 1925 by Emil Solleder and Gustl Lettenbauer. It is historically considered the first "sixth grade" in six-tier scale of alpinistic difficulties proposed by Willo Welzenbach (corresponding to 5.9). Thirty years later UIAA used this as a basis for its grading system. The famed Svan mountain climber Mikhail Khergiani died in a climbing accident on Monte Civetta in 1969.

The artist
The British landscapist, Elijah Walton is best known for his landscapes of mountains in the Alps. Due to the poorness of his family, without the help of one or two friends he would have been unable to study art, for which his talent was soon exhibited. After passing some years at the art academy in Birmingham, he became at the age of eighteen a student at the Royal Academy Schools in London, where he had already exhibited a picture. There he worked assiduously, drawing from the antique and from life. Nearly ten years later an accidental circumstance revealed to a friend his capabilities in mountain landscape, and in 1860, immediately after his marriage, he went to Switzerland. Thence he proceeded to Egypt, where unhappily his wife died of dysentery near the second cataract. He remained in the east, spending some time in Syria and at Constantinople, till the spring of 1862, when he returned for a short time to London. But for the next five years he was much abroad, working either in the Alps or in Egypt. His sketching tours then became rarer and shorter, though he visited Greece, Norway, and the Alps. At first he resided at Staines, then removed to the neighbourhood of Bromsgrove, living most of the time at the Forelands, near that town. In 1872 his wife died, and the loss permanently affected his health. He died on 25 August 1880 at his residence Beacon Farm, Lickey near Bromsgrove in Worcestershire, leaving three sons. Walton's life was bound up in his art. He worked both in oils and in watercolours, but was more successful with the latter. Most thorough and conscientious in the study both of form and of colour, he delighted especially in mountain scenery and in atmospheric effects, such as an Alpine peak breaking through the mists, or a sunset on the Nile. Few men have equalled him in the truthful rendering of rock structure and mountain form. His pictures were much appreciated by lovers of nature; but as those of small size sold better than larger and more highly finished works, this fostered a tendency to mannerisms.

2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Sunday, May 9, 2021


ALBRECHT  DÜRER (1471-1528) Cemba Valley (200 m -656 ft) Italy   In Landscape near Segonzano in the Cembra Valley (1495), Watercolor on paper, 21 x 31.2 cm. The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

ALBRECHT  DÜRER (1471-1528)
Cemba Valley (200 m - 656 ft)

 In Landscape near Segonzano in the Cembra Valley (1495), Watercolour on paper, 21 x 31.2 cm.
The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

About this watercolor

Dürer called this landscape watercolor, which was created during his second Italian journey, "wehlsch pirg" (Italian hills). Its topographical location was long disputed. The most convincing suggestion is that this is a depiction of the Cembra Valley near Segonzano. The free manner in which the scene is captured, with the relaxed light brushstrokes in the foreground while the background is recorded with a naturalistic delicacy, makes it understandable why Dürer's watercolor technique at this time has been compared with that of Paul Cézanne. Watercolours by Dürer mark him as one of the first European landscape artists, while his woodcuts revolutionized the potential of that medium.

The valley
Trentino Alto Adige is the northernmost Italian region and is overwhelmingly mountainous, marked by the steep and picturesque shapes of the Dolomites, with the exception of the Adige Valley and the Dei Laghi Valley, both located below 200 m altitude and therefore considered as a plain. These valleys include large flat areas such as Piana Rotaliana and Piana dell'Alto Garda. While in the southern part of the region, on the shores of Lake Garda, the altitude drops to 65m, the highest mountain ranges peak at over 3,900m. The topographic prominence thus reaches almost 4,000 m. The region is bordered to the east and southeast by Veneto, to the west and southwest by Lombardy, to the north and northeast by the Austrian Land of Tyrol and Salzburg, and to the north -west with the Swiss canton of Graubünden 2. Predoi is the northernmost municipality in the region and in Italy; the municipality is the only one in Italy to be located further north than the 47th parallel.
The region lies between the central and eastern Alps, while to the south the border is delimited by Lake Garda and the Vicentine Pre-Alps.

The artist
Within three months of his marriage, Dürer left for Italy, alone, perhaps stimulated by an outbreak of plague in Nuremberg. He made watercolour sketches as he traveled over the Alps. Some have survived and others may be deduced from accurate landscapes of real places in his later work, for example his engraving Nemesis. In Italy, he went to Venice to study its more advanced artistic world. Through Wolgemut's tutelage, Dürer had learned how to make prints in drypoint and design woodcuts in the German style, based on the works of Schongauer and the Housebook Master. He also would have had access to some Italian works in Germany, but the two visits he made to Italy had an enormous influence on him. He wrote that Giovanni Bellini was the oldest and still the best of the artists in Venice. His drawings and engravings show the influence of others, notably Antonio Pollaiuolo, with his interest in the proportions of the body; Lorenzo di Credi; and Andrea Mantegna, whose work he produced copies of while training. Dürer probably also visited Padua and Mantua on this trip.  Albrecht Dürer was a German painter, printmaker, and theorist of the German Renaissance. Born in Nuremberg, Dürer established his reputation and influence across Europe in his twenties due to his high-quality woodcut prints. He was in contact with the major Italian artists of his time, including Raphael, Giovanni Bellini and Leonardo da Vinci, and from 1512 was patronized by Emperor Maximilian I. Dürer's vast body of work includes engravings, his preferred technique in his later prints, altarpieces, portraits and self-portraits, watercolours and books. The woodcuts series are more Gothic than the rest of his work. His well-known engravings include the three Meisterstiche (master prints) Knight, Death and the Devil (1513), Saint Jerome in his Study (1514) and Melencolia (1514). Dürer's introduction of classical motifs into Northern art, through his knowledge of Italian artists and German humanists, has secured his reputation as one of the most important figures of the Northern Renaissance. This is reinforced by his theoretical treatises, which involve principles of mathematics, perspective, and ideal proportions.

2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

ELIJAH WALTON (1832-1880)
Tofane (3,244 m  - 10,643 ft) 

In Tofane as seen from near Cortina d'Ampezzo, Tyrol. 1866 , Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery


The mountain

 Tofane is a mountain group in the Dolomites of northern Italy, west of Cortina d'Ampezzo in the province of Belluno, Veneto. Most of the Tofane lies within Parco naturale delle Dolomiti d'Ampezzo, a nature park. The highest peaks of the Tofane group are Tofana di Mezzo (3,244 m -10,643 ft), Tofana di Dentro (3,238 m-10,623 ft), and Tofana di Rozes (3,225 m -10,581 ft). Tofana di Mezzo is the third highest peak in the Dolomites, after Marmolada (3,343 m -10,968 ft)) and Antelao (3,262 m -10,702 ft). All three peaks were first climbed by Paul Grohmann along with local mountain guides, in 1863 (Tofana di Mezzo - with Francesco Lacedelli), 1864 (Tofana di Rozes - with Francesco Lacedelli, Angelo Dimai and Santo Siorpaes) and 1865 (Tofana di Dentro - with Angelo Dimai).During the First World War, the Tofane was a battlefield of the Italian Front for clashes between the Italian and Austro-Hungarian forces. The front lines went through the mountains.At the 1956 Winter Olympics, Mount Tofane hosted five of the six alpine skiing events. It regularly hosts women's speed events on the World Cup circuit, and is scheduled to host the World Championships in 2021. The route is famous for the Tofana Schuss, where the athletes can reach 130 kilometers per hour.

The artist
The British landscapist, Elijah Walton is best known for his landscapes of mountains in the Alps.
Due to the poorness of his family, without the help of one or two friends he would have been unable to study art, for which his talent was soon exhibited. After passing some years at the art academy in Birmingham, he became at the age of eighteen a student at the Royal Academy Schools in London, where he had already exhibited a picture. There he worked assiduously, drawing from the antique and from life. Nearly ten years later an accidental circumstance revealed to a friend his capabilities in mountain landscape, and in 1860, immediately after his marriage, he went to Switzerland. Thence he proceeded to Egypt, where unhappily his wife died of dysentery near the second cataract. He remained in the east, spending some time in Syria and at Constantinople, till the spring of 1862, when he returned for a short time to London. But for the next five years he was much abroad, working either in the Alps or in Egypt. His sketching tours then became rarer and shorter, though he visited Greece, Norway, and the Alps. At first he resided at Staines, then removed to the neighbourhood of Bromsgrove, living most of the time at the Forelands, near that town. In 1872 his wife died, and the loss permanently affected his health. He died on 25 August 1880 at his residence Beacon Farm, Lickey near Bromsgrove in Worcestershire, leaving three sons. Walton's life was bound up in his art. He worked both in oils and in watercolours, but was more successful with the latter. Most thorough and conscientious in the study both of form and of colour, he delighted especially in mountain scenery and in atmospheric effects, such as an Alpine peak breaking through the mists, or a sunset on the Nile. Few men have equalled him in the truthful rendering of rock structure and mountain form. His pictures were much appreciated by lovers of nature; but as those of small size sold better than larger and more highly finished works, this fostered a tendency to mannerisms.


2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Monday, October 28, 2019


KONRAD PETRIDES  (1864-1944)
Tre Cime di Lavaredo (2,999 m -  9,839 ft)

In  Tre  Cime, Dolomiten,  oil on canvas

The mountain 
Tre Cime di Lavaredo (2,999 m -  9,839 ft)   (The three peaks of Lavaredo)  also called Drei Zinnen by Germans, are three distinctive battlement-like peaks, in the Sexten Dolomites of northeastern Italy. They are probably one of the best-known mountain groups in the Alps, and one of the most photographed in Italy. The three peaks are named, from east to west, "little peak" (Cima Piccola), "big peak" (Cima Grande) and "western peak" (Cima Ovest). The Cima Grande has an elevation of 2,999 metres (9,839 ft). It stands between the Cima Piccola, at 2,857 metres (9,373 ft), and the Cima Ouest, at 2,973 metres (9,754 ft).
Until 1919 the peaks formed part of the border between Italy and Austria. Now they lie on the border between the Italian provinces of South Tyrol and Belluno and still are a part of the linguistic boundary between German-speaking and Italian-speaking majorities. Both communities still battle today about the exact border line.
The surrounding around Tre Cime di Lavaredo and the path leading to the Three Peaks is popular among hikers. There are numerous routes leading from the surrounding communities to and around the peaks. The road that leads to the southern side of the Three Peaks was built during World War I as a transport road by pioneers to support the front troops in that war. Because of this there are a number of fortifications, man-made caves, and commemorative plaques in the area.
The peaks are also great for climbing. The first ascent of the Cima Grande was made in the early 1869 by Paul Grohmann, Franz Innerkofler and Peter Salcher. The Cima Ovest was first climbed exactly ten years later, in 1879. The Cima Piccola was conquered two years later on 1881. The partly overhanging northern face of the Cima Grande is considered by climbers to be one of the great north faces of the Alps, and was first climbed in 1933 after an ascent time of 3 days and 2 nights.

The artist 
Konrad Petrides  was a Viennese landscape and stage painter in the studio Hermann Burghart, where the painters Anton Brioschi, Josef Kautsky, Georg Jany and Leopold Rothaug also worked. He also painted many veduras, especially from Lower Austria and East Tyrol. Petrides was a member of the Dürer League, in whose exhibitions he participated and whose silver medal he received in 1919. In 1904 he also received the gold medal at the World's Fair in St. Louis, USA.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Monday, April 1, 2019


 FRITZ PAPLHAM  (1888-1958) 
Monte Cristallo  (3,221m - 10, 568ft) 

In Monte Cristallo with  Lake of Landro, Dolomites, 
Albertina Museum, Vienna  

The mountain
Monte Cristallo  (3,221m - 10, 568ft) is a mountain in the Italian Dolomites, northeast of Cortina d'Ampezzo, in the province of Belluno, Veneto, northern Italy.  Cristallo is one of the major skiing areas in the surroundings of Cortina. It is a long, indented ridge with four summits higher than 3,000 m. The highest peaks of the Cristallo massif are  :
Monte Cristallo (3,221 m), Piz Popena (3,153 m), Cima di Mezzo (3,154 m), and Cristallino d'Ampezzo (3,008 m). Cima di Mezzo and Cristallino d'Ampezzo can be reached by via ferratas, while Monte Cristallo and Piz Popena both require climbing skills.
Cristallo is largely formed from the Upper Triassic dolomitic rock Dolomia principale. The mountain was formed during Cretaceous, as well as the rest of the Dolomites, due to the collision between the African and European continents.
During the World War I there was considerable military activity in the mountain. The front lines between Italian and Austrian troops went through the mountains. Remains of ladders and barracks are still found today, and transport lines (ferratas) have been restored.

The painter 
 The Austrian photographer and landscape painter Fritz Paplham starts photography in middle school. Then, he became a member of the group of photographers of the Austrian mountain association. In 1942 he received the bronze medal of society of the Photographic Society in Vienna for the year 1942 "for his great success in the field of color photography and pigmented slides ".
In the catalog of the exhibition of the society for light education in the Austrian mountain association 1912 appears a picture of it "Maria Gern".
In the 25th exhibition of the Society for Photographic Art in the Austrian Mountain Club 1931 in Vienna, he shows fruits and flowers, hand-colored stereo prints
As a painter, he preferred alpine landscape painting.
2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


TONI HALLER (1907-1944)
 Ellmauer Halt / Kaiser mountains (2,344 m - 7,690 ft) 

  in The Kaisertal in the Evening Light, 1938, Private collection 

The mountain 
The Ellmauer Halt (2,344 m - 7,690 ft) is the highest peak in the mountain massif of the Wilder Kaiser in the Kaiser range (Northern Limestone Alps) in the Austrian state of Tyrol. To the east is the summit of the Kapuzenturm, a striking and isolated rock pinnacle. In 1883 the first summit cross was erected on the mountain top.
The Kaiser Mountains or just Kaiser, are a mountain range in the Northern Limestone Alps and Eastern Alps. It consists of two main mountain ridges – the Zahmer Kaiser ("gentle or tame emperor") to the north and the Wilder Kaiser ("wild or fierce emperor") to the south. The entire range is situated in the Austrian state of Tyrol between the town of Kufstein and the market town of St. Johann in Tirol. The Kaiser Mountains offer some of the loveliest scenery in all the Northern Limestone Alps.
The painter 

Toni Haller, also known as Hans Sterbik, was an Austrian painter  born in 1907. Not a lot of informations about his life are available except he lived and worked in Vienna.  His work comprises landscapes and predominantly mountains landcapes. He found his motifs in Tyrol, the Salzkammergut, and the Dolomites.  Many works by Toni Haller have been sold at auction, including 'Winter in den Dolomiten' sold in 2011 for $7,563. The artist died in 1944.
2018 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Thursday, November 8, 2018


Carl Hummel (1821-1907)
Monte Duranno  (2,652 m - 8, 700 ft) 

In Ansicht von Pieve di Cadore, oil on canvas,  (130 x 180 cm), 1902, Private collection  

The mountain 
Mount Duranno  (2,652 m - 8, 700 ft)  is a mountain in the Friulian Dolomites, more precisely called the Dolomiti d 'Oltre Piave , in the Carnic Prealps in Italy . It is located between the Veneto (province of Belluno) and in Friuli-Venezia Giulia (province of Pordenone). It is a mountain of the Cima dei Preti Group -Duranno, partly included in the natural park of the Friulian Dolomites. One can climb the mountain from the Maniago refuge.

The painter

The german landcape painter and etcher Carl Maria Nicolaus Hummel was the son of Austrian composer Johann Nepomuk Hummel and the opera singer Elisabeth Röckel. His studies began in 1841 under Friedrich Preller at the Fürstliche freie Zeichenschule Weimar. After graduating, he made several study trips to England, Norway, Rügen and the Tyrol, lingering in Italy and Sicily until 1846. Upon his return, he settled in Weimar, where he became a professor at the Weimar Saxon-Grand Ducal Art School in 1860. His paintings focus primarily on the Italian and Tyrolean Alps. They are widely displayed at museums throughout Northern Europe, including the Musée de la Vie Romantique in Paris.

2018 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


KONRAD PETRIDES  (1864-1944)
The Sassolungo  (3,181 m- 10,436ft)

  In The Langkofelgruppe- View of Saslonch-Langkofel in the Dolomites, watercolour,

The mountain 
The Sassolungo  (3,181 m- 10,436ft) (Langkofel in german)  which means Long stone is a mountain massif of the western Dolomites  (Trentino-Alto Adige). The summits of the Sassolungo group in their entirety form a circular arc, which opens only to the northwest and thus has a kind of inner courtyard. The area originated in the early Triassic period (about 230 million years ago) as a coral reef in the tropical shallow sea, where hard limestone could form on the outside of the reef, while the rock remained brittle inside and after the uplift of the mountains could be washed out quickly. 
The Sassolungo is a complex mountain with high slopes and many secondary summits :  Sasso Levante or Punta Grohmann (3,126 m -10,256 ft) ;  Punta delle Cinque Dita or Fünffingerspitze (2,998 m - 9,8360 ft) ; Sasso Piatto  or Plattkofel (2,958 m - 9,7080 ft) and Campanile Comici.
It was first First climbed by Paul Grohmann, Franz Innerkofler and Peter Salcher in 1869.

The artist 
Konrad Petrides  was a Viennese landscape and stage painter in the studio Hermann Burghart, where the painters Anton Brioschi, Josef Kautsky, Georg Jany and Leopold Rothaug also worked. He also painted many veduras, especially from Lower Austria and East Tyrol. Petrides was a member of the Dürer League, in whose exhibitions he participated and whose silver medal he received in 1919. In 1904 he also received the gold medal at the World's Fair in St. Louis, USA.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


 GEORGE INNESS (1825-1884) 
Lagazuoi (2,835m- 9,301ft) 

 In Apezzo Pass, Titian's House, 1876, oil on canvas,  Portland Art Museum

The mountain
Lagazuoi  (2,835m- 9,301ft) is a mountain in the Dolomites of northern Italy, about 18 kilometres (11 mi) southwest by road from Cortina d'Ampezzo in the Veneto Region. It is accessible by cable car and contains the Rifugio Lagazuoi, a mountain refuge situated beyond the northwest corner of Cima del Lago. The mountain range is well known for its wartime tunnels and First World War mine warfare. The extensive tunnels were built by the Italian troops trying to wrest control from Austro-Hungarian troops who also built tunnels. The tunnels are now open as a de facto museum.

The painter 
 George Inness was one of the most influential American artists of the nineteenth century, often called "the father of American landscape painting"  . He was influenced, in turn, by the Old Masters, the Hudson River school, the Barbizon school, and, finally, the theology of Emanuel Swedenborg, whose spiritualism found vivid expression in the work of Inness's maturity (1879–1894). Although Inness’s style evolved through distinct stages over a prolific career that spanned more than forty years and 1,000 paintings, his works consistently earned acclaim for their powerful, coordinated efforts to elicit depth of mood, atmosphere, and emotion. Neither pure realist nor impressionist, Inness was a transitional figure who intended for his works to combine both the earthly and the ethereal in order to capture the complete essence of a locale. A master of light, color, and shadow, he became noted for creating highly ordered and complex scenes that often juxtaposed hazy or blurred elements with sharp and refined details to evoke an interweaving of both the physical and the spiritual nature of experience. In Inness’s words, he attempted through his art to demonstrate the "reality of the unseen” and to connect the "visible upon the invisible."
Within his own lifetime, art critics hailed Inness as one of America's greatest artists. Inness is best known for his mature works that not only exemplified the Tonalist movement but also displayed an original and uniquely American style.

Thursday, June 14, 2018


TONI HALLER (1907-1944)
Hoher Dachstein (2, 995m - 9,826ft)

In Lake Gosau with the Dachstein, oil on canvas, private collection 

The painter 
Toni Haller, also known as Hans Sterbik, was an Austrian painter  born in 1907. Not a lot of informations about his life are available except he lived and worked in Vienna.  His work comprises landscapes and predominantly mountains landcapes. He found his motifs in Tyrol, the Salzkammergut, and the Dolomites.  Many works by Toni Haller have been sold at auction, including 'Winter in den Dolomiten' sold in 2011 for $7,563. The artist died in 1944.

The mountain 
Hoher Dachstein (2, 995m - 9,826ft) is a strongly karstic Austrian mountain, and the second highest mountain in the Northern Limestone Alps. It is situated at the border of Upper Austria and Styria in central Austria, and is the highest point in each of those states. Parts of the massif also lie in the state of Salzburg, leading to the mountain being referred to as the Drei-Lander-Berg ("three-state mountain"). The Dachstein massif covers an area of around 20x30 km with dozens of peaks above 2,500 m, the highest of which are in the southern and south-western areas. Seen from the north, the Dachstein massif is dominated by the glaciers with the rocky summits rising beyond them. By contrast, to the south, the mountain drops almost vertically to the valley floor (see above).
The summit was first reached in 1832 by Peter Gappmayr, via the Gosau glacier, after an earlier attempt by Erzherzog Karl via the Hallstätter glacier had failed. Within two years of Gappmayr's success a wooden cross had been erected at the summit. The first person to reach the summit in winter was Friedrich Simony, on 14 January 1847. The sheer southern face was first climbed on 22 September 1909 by the brothers Irg and Franz Steiner.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Ben Nevis (1,344 m - 4, 118 ft)
Great Britain - Scotland
The mountain 
Ben Nevis  (1,344 m - 4, 118 ft)  in Scottish Gaelic: Beinn Nibheis is the highest mountain in the British Isles, located in Scotland, at the western end of the Grampian Mountains in the Lochaber area of the Scottish Highlands, close to the town of Fort William.
The mountain is a popular destination, attracting an estimated 100,000 ascents a year, around three-quarters of which use the Pony Track from Glen Nevis. The 700m  (2,300 ft) cliffs of the north face are among the highest in Scotland, providing classic scrambles and rock climbs of all difficulties for climbers and mountaineers. They are also the principal locations in Scotland for ice climbing.
The summit, which is the collapsed dome of an ancient volcano, features the ruins of an observatory which was continuously staffed between 1883 and 1904. The meteorological data collected during this period are still important for understanding Scottish mountain weather. C. T. R. Wilson was inspired to invent the cloud chamber after a period spent working at the observatory.
The first recorded ascent of Ben Nevis was made on 17 August 1771 by James Robertson, an Edinburgh botanist, who was in the region to collect botanical specimens. Another early ascent was in 1774 by John Williams, who provided the first account of the mountain's geological structure. John Keats climbed the mountain in 1818, comparing the ascent to "mounting ten St. Pauls without the convenience of a staircase".  The following year William MacGillivray, who was later to become a distinguished naturalist, reached the summit only to find "fragments of earthen and glass ware, chicken bones, corks, and bits of paper"
It was not until 1847 that Ben Nevis was confirmed by the Ordnance Survey as the highest mountain in Britain and Ireland, ahead of its rival Ben Macdhui.
In 2000, the Ben Nevis Estate, comprising all of the south side of the mountain including the summit, was bought by the Scottish conservation charity the John Muir Trust.

The painter 
Cecil Arthur Hunt was educated at Winchester and Trinity College, Cambridge, studying Classics and Law, and being called to the Bar in 1899. He treated painting and writing as serious pastimes until 1925, when he was elected to the full membership of the Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colours. He then relinquished his legal career to become a professional painter.
Hunt had first exhibited in 1900, at the Alpine Club Galleries, and had held his first major show a year later, alongside E Home Bruce at the Ryder Gallery. From the first, he established himself as an atmospheric painter of mountains, especially of the Alps and Dolomites. However, he was soon accepted as a master of a great variety of topographies, for he exhibited the products of his wide travels frequently and extensively. Favourite destinations included the West Country, the West Coast of Scotland, the Rhone Valley, Northern Italy, Rome and Taormina. From 1911, until his death, Hunt lived at Mallord House in Chelsea, especially designed for him by Sir Ralph Knott to include a large studio on the ground floor. During the summer months he and his family retreated to the farm estate of Foxworthy, on the edge of Dartmoor.
Hunt showed work regularly at the Royal Academy (from 1912), the Royal Society of British Artists (from 1914) and the Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colours (from 1918). He was elected a member of the RBA in 1914, an associate of the RWS in 1919, and a full member six years later. He acted as the Vice-President of the RWS for a three-year period from 1930. His many substantial solo shows included six at the Fine Art Society (1919-34) and one at Colnaghi’s (1945). Following his death, in 1965,  he was the subject of a large memorial show at the Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colours.
Chris Beetles has done much to revive interest in the work of Cecil Arthur Hunt. He mounted a large scale retrospective exhibition in 1996 at his London gallery, on the exact site of the artist’s first substantial show in 1901. The retrospective was accompanied by a definitive catalogue.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


CECIL ARTHUR HUNT (1873-1965)  
Table mountain or Hoerikwaggo (1,085 m - 3,558 ft)  
  South Africa

In Table mountain from Kool Neak, water-colour on paper, 1920 

The mountain 
Table Mountain also called Hoerikwaggo  (1,085 m - 3,558 ft)  is a flat-topped mountain forming a prominent landmark overlooking the city of Cape Town in South Africa and  forming part of the Table Mountain National Park.  The main feature of Table Mountain is the level plateau approximately 3 kilometres (2 mi) from side to side, edged by impressive cliffs. The plateau, flanked by Devil's Peak to the east and by Lion's Head to the west, forms a dramatic backdrop to Cape Town. This broad sweep of mountainous heights, together with Signal Hill, forms the natural amphitheatre of the City Bowl and Table Bay harbour. The highest point on Table Mountain is towards the eastern end of the plateau and is marked by Maclear's Beacon, a stone cairn built in 1865 by Sir Thomas Maclear for trigonometrical survey. It is 1,086 metres (3,563 ft) above sea level, about 19 metres (62 ft) higher than the cable station at the western end of the plateau.
The cliffs of the main plateau are split by Platteklip Gorge ("Flat Stone Gorge"), which provides an easy and direct ascent to the summit and was the route taken by Antуnio de Saldanha on the first recorded ascent of the mountain in 1503.
The flat top of the mountain is often covered by orographic clouds, formed when a south-easterly wind is directed up the mountain's slopes into colder air, where the moisture condenses to form the so-called "table cloth" of cloud. Legend attributes this phenomenon to a smoking contest between the Devil and a local pirate called Van Hunks. When the table cloth is seen, it symbolizes the contest.
Table Mountain is at the northern end of a sandstone mountain range that forms the spine of the Cape Peninsula. To the south of the main plateau is a lower part of the range called the Back Table. On the Atlantic coast of the peninsula, the range is known as the Twelve Apostles. The range continues southwards to Cape PointTable Mountain is featured in the Flag of Cape Town and other local government insignia. It is a significant tourist attraction, with many visitors using the cableway or hiking to the top. 

The painter 
Cecil Arthur Hunt was born in Torquay on 8 March 1873, the son of the highly regarded writer and geologist, Arthur Roope Hunt. He was educated at Winchester and Trinity College, Cambridge, studying Classics and Law, and being called to the Bar in 1899. He treated painting and writing as serious pastimes until 1925, when he was elected to the full membership of the Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colours. He then relinquished his legal career to become a professional painter.
Hunt had first exhibited in 1900, at the Alpine Club Galleries, and had held his first major show a year later, alongside E Home Bruce at the Ryder Gallery. From the first, he established himself as an atmospheric painter of mountains, especially of the Alps and Dolomites. However, he was soon accepted as a master of a great variety of topographies, for he exhibited the products of his wide travels frequently and extensively. Favourite destinations included the West Country, the West Coast of Scotland, the Rhone Valley, Northern Italy, Rome and Taormina. From 1911, until his death, Hunt lived at Mallord House in Chelsea, especially designed for him by Sir Ralph Knott to include a large studio on the ground floor. During the summer months he and his family retreated to the farm estate of Foxworthy, on the edge of Dartmoor.
Hunt showed work regularly at the Royal Academy (from 1912), the Royal Society of British Artists (from 1914) and the Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colours (from 1918). He was elected a member of the RBA in 1914, an associate of the RWS in 1919, and a full member six years later. He acted as the Vice-President of the RWS for a three-year period from 1930. His many substantial solo shows included six at the Fine Art Society (1919-34) and one at Colnaghi’s (1945). Following his death, in 1965,  he was the subject of a large memorial show at the Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colours.
Chris Beetles has done much to revive interest in the work of Cecil Arthur Hunt. He mounted a large scale retrospective exhibition in 1996 at his London gallery, on the exact site of the artist’s first substantial show in 1901. The retrospective was accompanied by a definitive catalogue.

Monday, April 10, 2017


Tre Cime di Laverado  (2,999 m -  9,839 ft)

 In Die drei zinnen in Südtirol, oil on canvas

The mountain 
Tre Cime di Lavaredo (2,999 m -  9,839 ft)   (The three peaks of Lavaredo)  also called Drei Zinnen by Germans, are three distinctive battlement-like peaks, in the Sexten Dolomites of northeastern Italy. They are probably one of the best-known mountain groups in the Alps, and one of the most photographed in Italy. The three peaks are named, from east to west, "little peak" (Cima Piccola), "big peak" (Cima Grande) and "western peak" (Cima Ovest). The Cima Grande has an elevation of 2,999 metres (9,839 ft). It stands between the Cima Piccola, at 2,857 metres (9,373 ft), and the Cima Ouest, at 2,973 metres (9,754 ft).
Until 1919 the peaks formed part of the border between Italy and Austria. Now they lie on the border between the Italian provinces of South Tyrol and Belluno and still are a part of the linguistic boundary between German-speaking and Italian-speaking majorities. Both communities still battle today about the exact border line.
The surrounding around Tre Cime di Lavaredo and the path leading to the Three Peaks is popular among hikers. There are numerous routes leading from the surrounding communities to and around the peaks. The road that leads to the southern side of the Three Peaks was built during World War I as a transport road by pioneers to support the front troops in that war. Because of this there are a number of fortifications, man-made caves, and commemorative plaques in the area.
The peaks are also great for climbing. The first ascent of the Cima Grande was made in the early 1869 by Paul Grohmann, Franz Innerkofler and Peter Salcher. The Cima Ovest was first climbed exactly ten years later, in 1879. The Cima Piccola was conquered two years later on 1881. The partly overhanging northern face of the Cima Grande is considered by climbers to be one of the great north faces of the Alps, and was first climbed in 1933 after an ascent time of 3 days and 2 nights.

The painter 
Edward Harrison Compton (1881–1960) not to be confused with his father Edward Theodore Compton (1849-1921) was a German landscape painter and illustrator of English descent. Compton was born in Feldafing in Upper Bavaria, Germany, the second son of notable landscape painter Edward Theodore Compton. He received his early art training from his father, and after a period of study in London at the Central School of Arts and Crafts settled back in Bavaria. Like his father he was inspired by the Alps to become a mountain painter ("bergmaller") working in both oils and watercolour. However, an attack of Polio at the age of 28 meant that he had to find more accessible landscapes to paint in Germany, England northern Italy and Sicily. He also provided illustrations for several travel books published by A & C Black. Compton exhibited at galleries in Munich and Berlin, and also in England at the Royal Academy in London and in Bradford. He died in Feldafing in 1960.
He had two sisters, both of whom were artists: Marion Compton, the flowers and still-life painter, and Dora Keel-Compton, flower and mountain painter

Friday, March 3, 2017


The Sassolungo (3, 181m - 10,436 ft)

 Photo by Fotografia Ghedina, Cortina d'Ampezzo. Circa 1930's.

The Mountain
The Sassolungo (3, 181m - 10,436 ft) which means literally "Long Stone", also known as Langkofel in German is a summit of the Alps, in the Dolomites (Trentino-Alto Adige). The Sassolungo is a complex mountain with high slopes and many secondary summits : Sasso Levante or Punta Grohmann (3,126 m -10,256 ft) ;  Punta delle Cinque Dita or Fünffingerspitze (2,998 m - 9,8360 ft) ; Sasso Piatto  or Plattkofel (2,958 m - 9,7080 ft) and Campanile Comici.
- 1869 - First climb by Paul Grohmann, Franz Innerkofler and Peter Salcher
- 1890 - First ascent of the Punta delle Cinque Dita by Robert Hans Schmitt and Johann Santner
- 1936 - North face by Gino Soldá and Augusto Bertoldi
- 1940 - North Pillar by E. Esposito and G. Butta
- 1940 - Ascension of Campanile Comici by Emilio Comici and Severino Casara
- 1959 - South Face of Torre Innerkofler by Dietrich Hasse and Sepp Schrott

Vintage postcards
Postcards became popular at the turn of the 20th century, especially for sending short messages to friends and relatives. They were collected right from the start, and are still sought after today by collectors of pop culture, photography, advertising, wartime memorabilia, local history, and many other categories.
Postcards were an international craze, published all over the world. The Detroit Publishing Co. and Teich & Co. were two of the major publishers in the U.S, and sometimes individuals printed their own postcards as well. Yvon were the most famous in France. Many individual or anonymous publishers did exist around the world and especially in Africa and  Asia (Japan, Thailand, Nepal, China, Java) between 1920 and 1955. These photographer were mostly local notables, soldiers, official guides belonging to the colonial armies (british french, belgium...) who sometimes had rather sophisticated equipment and readily produced colored photograms or explorers, navigators, climbers (Vittorio Sella and the Archiduke of Abruzzi future king of Italy remains the most famous of them).
There are many types of collectible vintage postcards.
Hold-to-light postcards were made with tissue paper surrounded by two pieces of regular paper, so light would shine through. Fold-out postcards, popular in the 1950s, had multiple postcards attached in a long strip. Real photograph postcards (RPPCs) are photographs with a postcard backing.
Novelty postcards were made using wood, aluminum, copper, and cork. Silk postcards–often embroidered over a printed image–were wrapped around cardboard and sent in see-through glassine paper envelopes; they were especially popular during World War I.
In the 1930s and 1940s, postcards were printed on brightly colored paper designed to look like linen.
Most vintage postcard collectors focus on themes, like Christmas, Halloween, portraits of movie stars, European royalty and U.S. presidents, wartime imagery, and photos of natural disasters or natural wonders. Not to mention cards featuring colorful pictures by famous artists like Alphonse Mucha, Harrison Fisher, Ellen Clapsaddle, and Frances Brundage.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


MARCUS PERNHART  (1824-1871)
The Hochalmspitze (3,360 m - 11, 020 ft) 

The mountain
The Hochalmspitze (3,360 m -  11,020 ft) above the Adriatic, is the highest mountain of the Ankogel Group in the High Tauern range, located east of Mallnitz in the Austrian state of Carinthia. It is sometimes called "Tauern Queen" (German: Tauernkцnigin) as a counterpart to the "Tauern King", the Grossglockner.
The peak is situated slightly south the main ridge of the Central Eastern Alps and the Alpine divide.
It actually consists of two pinnacles, the Schneeige Hochalmspitze and the higher Apere ("snowless") Hochalmspitze with the summit cross. It has glaciers on its eastern and southern sides. The neighbouring Großelendkopf peak  (3,317 m -10,883 ft), today counts as a separate mountain.
Like most of the High Tauern, the Hochalmspitze massif is formed of granite and gneiss, and many unusual rock formations can be found on its slopes. The mountain lies at the Eastern end of the range. In the northwest, a ridge connects it to Großer Ankogel, the third highest peak in its group, and to the Kцlnbrein Dam. In the south, the Mallnitz Ridge leads to the neighbouring Reisseck Group.
From the summit, the views stretch as far as the Salzburg Alps, the Dolomites and the Julian Alps.
The first official ascent was made in 1859 by the Austrian mountaineer Paul Grohmann, although letters found in 2010 bring this claim into disrepute, as the mountain may have first been climbed four years earlier. In 1913 a mountain hut  was erected by the German and Austrian Alpine Club on the southeastern slope ( 2,215 m(-7,267 ft). In the 1970s plans for a glacier ski resort were developed, but finally abandoned in 1988 when the Austrian Alpine Club was able to purchase large parts of the area.

The Painter 
Marcus (or Markus) Pernhart was a Carinthian  / Slovenian / Austrian painter. He is considered the first Slovene realistic landscape painter. He painted several times Triglav.
At  barely 12 years, he painted the guest rooms of Krajcar Restaurant between Klagenfurt and Völkermarkt. The innkeeper made, the bishop's chaplain Henr. Hermann discovered the talented boys. At 15, he trained in painting first with Andreas Hauser in Klagenfurt. Hermann supported him further and introduced him to his patron, the Gorizia Archbishop Francis Xavier Luzhin.  Through this he got contact with the Viennese art scene, particularly to Franz Steinfeld, who taught at the Academy of Fine Arts. It was forwarded to the Munich Academy, but soon returned to Carinthia. There he was promoted by his stage name Pernhart the famous landscape painter of his time.
When Pernharts drawing style had fully developed, he was asked by Max from Moro to draw all Castles Carinthia. The idea was to these buildings if they could often for financial reasons can not be obtained, at least to preserve the picture, thereby preserving from decay. Markus Pernhart does not disappoint its customers and held in pencil drawings smallest details of the well-preserved, but also the already partly decayed plants firmly. Already in 1853, he produced 40 drawings followed by 198 others, he property of the Historical Association for Carinthia. In 1855  he gave the Carinthian estates Empress Elisabeth, an album of 21 drawings to which Max Moro contributed. Entitled images from Carinthia  appeared  in 1863-1868 in deliveries as steel engravings with accompanying. After his death appeared 5 lithographic panoramic images (Klagenfurt in 1875 and 1889).
His entire painted oeuvre consists of approximately 1,200  paintings, drawings and enrgavings that delight even after his death a large appreciation.
Pernhart presented landscapes, preferably lakes and high mountain motifs or castles, but also animals and still life subjects, in an idyllic and pathetic style. His works can be seen against the background of an incipient leisure society, they lead before the regional status objects of his home.
- Mountain paintings