, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: Search results for Claude Monet
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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Claude Monet. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, January 2, 2024


HENRI ROUSSEAU  (1844-1910) La Falaise, vers 1895 Huile sur toile, 21 x 35 cm Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris

HENRI ROUSSEAU  (1844-1910)
La Falaise, vers 1895
Huile sur toile, 21 x 35 cm
Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris

A propos de ce tableau (notice du musée)
Cette représentation de falaise de la côte normande est un motif rare chez Rousseau qui ne s'éloigne guère des environs de Paris. Le peintre a probablement travaillé à partir d'une reproduction de peinture, peut être Falaises à Pourville de Claude Monet ou Falaise avec bateaux et Mer Orageuse, dite aussi La Vague, de Gustave Courbet. Il a pu également s’inspirer d’une des innombrables représentations des falaises normandes peintes par des artistes plus obscurs. Rousseau a probablement fait la synthèse de plusieurs sources et recomposé totalement son tableau selon l’idée qu’il se faisait de ce paysage. Quoi qu'il en soit il schématise et simplifie à l'extrême la structure de la roche tout comme la représentation de la mer. Il rajoute des pêcheurs et de grands voiliers. Là encore, l’intérêt réside dans la manière dont Rousseau s'empare du motif. Il s’inspire du graphisme de l’imagerie populaire. C’est pour lui le moyen de suivre la recommandation que lui avait fait autrefois le peintre français Jean-Léon Gérôme (1824-1904) de conserver sa naïveté.

Le peintre
Henri Rousseau, aussi appelé « Le Douanier Rousseau », est un peintre français, considéré comme un représentant majeur de l'art naïf. Issu d'une famille modeste, il étudie le droit avant de partir à Paris et travailler à l'octroi où il occupe un poste de commis de deuxième classe, dans le cadre duquel il contrôle les entrées de boissons alcoolisées à Paris. Cette position lui vaudra son surnom de « Douanier ». Il apprend lui-même la peinture et produit un grand nombre de toiles. Elles représentent souvent des paysages de jungle. Lui n'a pourtant jamais quitté la France, son inspiration provient surtout de livres illustrés, de jardins botaniques, et de rencontres avec des soldats ayant participé à l'intervention française au Mexique. Ses toiles montrent une technique élaborée, mais leur aspect enfantin lui vaut beaucoup de moqueries. Habitué du Salon des indépendants, il commence à recevoir des critiques positives à partir de 1891 et rencontre quelques autres artistes à la fin de sa vie, comme Marie Laurencin, Robert Delaunay, Paul Signac, Guillaume Apollinaire, Jean-Léon Gérôme, Alexandre Cabanel, Edgar Degas, William Bouguereau, Paul Gauguin, Alfred Jarry, Toulouse-Lautrec et Pablo Picasso. Son travail est aujourd'hui considéré comme crucial pour l'art naïf et il a influencé de nombreux artistes, notamment des surréalistes. Paul Éluard a dit de lui : « Ce qu’il voyait n’était qu’amour et nous fera toujours des yeux émerveillés. »


2024 - 13e année de publication -  Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau


Tuesday, June 21, 2022



UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE  / 歌川 広重  (1797-1858) Hira Mountains / 比良暮雪 (1,214 m- 3,984 ft)   Japan UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE / 歌川 広重 (1797-1858)Hira Mountains / 比良暮雪 (1,214 m- 3,984 ft) Japan In Omi Hirai  from the series Eight Views of Ōmi, ca. 1835, Woodblock print; ink and color on paper, 22.2 × 34.6 cm

UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE / 歌川 広重 (1797-1858)
Hira Mountains / 比良暮雪 (1,214 m- 3,984 ft)

In Omi Hirai from the series Eight Views of Ōmi, ca. 1835, Woodblock print; ink and color on paper, 22.2 × 34.6 cm

About the series
The Eight Views of Ōmi (近江八景 ) are traditional scenic views of Ōmi Province which is now Shiga Prefecture in Japan. They were inspired by the Eight Views of Xiaoxiang in China which were first painted in the 11th century and then brought to Japan as a popular theme in the 14–15th centuries. The theme was then used to describe Ōmi province in poetry by Prince Konoe Masaie and his son, Prince Hisamichi, in the 15–16th centuries. The Eight Views of Ōmi then became a popular subject for artists such as Suzuki Harunobu and Utagawa Hiroshige. The theme continued to develop, being transposed to other locations and settings in a process which the Japanese called mitate, such as in Harunobu's Zashiki Hakkei series

The artist
Utagawa Hiroshige (歌川 広重), also know as Andō Hiroshige (安藤 広重), was a Japanese ukiyo-e artist, considered the last great master of that tradition. Hiroshige is best known for his landscapes, such as the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō  and The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kiso Kaidō for his depictions of birds and flowers. The subjects of his work were atypical of the ukiyo-e genre, whose typical focus was on beautiful women, popular actors, and other scenes of the urban pleasure districts of Japan's Edo period (1603–1868). The popular Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji series by Hokusai was a strong influence on Hiroshige's choice of subject, though Hiroshige's approach was more poetic and ambient than Hokusai's bolder, more formal prints.  Hiroshige produced over 8,000 works
He dominated landscape printmaking with his unique brand of intimate, almost small-scale works compared against the older traditions of landscape painting descended from Chinese landscape painters such as Sesshu. The travel prints generally depict travelers along famous routes experiencing the special attractions of various stops along the way. They travel in the rain, in snow, and during all of the seasons. In 1856, working with the publisher Uoya Eikichi, he created a series of luxury edition prints, made with the finest printing techniques including true gradation of color, the addition of mica to lend a unique iridescent effect, embossing, fabric printing, blind printing, and the use of glue printing (wherein ink is mixed with glue for a glittery effect).
For scholars and collectors, Hiroshige's death marked the beginning of a rapid decline in the ukiyo-e genre, especially in the face of the westernization that followed the Meiji Restoration of 1868.
Hiroshige's work came to have a marked influence on Western painting towards the close of the 19th century as a part of the trend in Japonism. Western artists closely studied Hiroshige's compositions, and some, such as Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet, painted copies of Hiroshige's prints.

The mountains
The three main peaks of the Hira Mountains are Mount Bunagatake (1,214 m- 3,984 ft) ; Hōraisan, (1,174 m- 3,852 ft),and Mount Uchimi (1,103 m - 3,619 ft).
The Hira Mountains (比良山地 Hira-sanchi) are a mountain range to the west of Lake Biwa on the border of Shiga Prefecture and Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. The range runs 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) north to south. It is narrowest in the southern part of the range, running 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) east to west, and broadest at the northern part of the range, running 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) km east to west. The eastern side of the Hira Mountains looks steeply over Lake Biwa, while the western side of the range forms a gentler valley in Kyoto.


2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Sunday, June 11, 2023



JOHN SINGER SARGENT (1856-1925) Tschirgant (2, 370 m) Autriche  In "The Tyrol, Austria", aquarelle sur papier, Brooklyn Museum

Tschirgant (2, 370 m)

In "The Tyrol, Austria", aquarelle sur papier, Brooklyn Museum

La montagne
Le Tschirgant (2, 370 m) est une montagne qui s’élève à 2 370 m d’altitude dans le chaînon de Mieming, dans le massif du Wetterstein, en Autriche. Le massif est entouré par les Préalpes bavaroises au nord-est, les Karwendel à l'est, les Alpes de Stubaiau sud, les Alpes de l'Ötztal au sud-ouest, les Alpes de Lechtal à l'ouest et les Alpes d'Ammergau au nord-ouest. Il est bordé au sud par l'Inn et à l'ouest et au nord-ouest par le Loisach. Il est également traversé en direction de l'est par le Leutascher Ache. Au sud de ce dernier, on distingue habituellement le chaînon de Mieming (Mieminger Kette) du reste du massif.

Le peintre
John Singer Sargent, est un peintre américain qui vécut essentiellement en Europe. Élève de Carolus-Duran, de Léon Bonnat et d'Adolphe Yvon, il étudie à l'École des beaux-arts de Paris. Il est ami ou proche de grands artistes de l'époque, comme Claude Monet, Paul Helleu, Gabriel Fauré. Sargent est particulièrement connu pour son habileté dans les portraits, caractérisés par un style sophistiqué, une virtuosité visuelle et une certaine audace théâtrale. Au cours de sa carrière, il composa environ neuf cents toiles et plus de deux mille aquarelles, ainsi que d'innombrables croquis et dessins. Son œuvre documente ses voyages à travers le monde, de Venise au Tyrol, de Corfou au Moyen-Orient, ou encore du Montana à la Floride, chaque destination lui offrant un trésor de stimulation picturale. Même pendant ses loisirs, s'échappant des pressions de son atelier, il peint avec une intensité infatigable, souvent du matin jusqu'au soir. On remarquera ses centaines d'aquarelles de Venise, dont nombre sont réalisées sur une gondole. Ses couleurs sont parfois extrêmement vives et un analyste remarque, « Tout cela a l'intensité d'un rêve ».  Au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord, Sargent peint des bédouins, des gardiens de chèvres et des pêcheurs. Au cours de la dernière décennie de sa vie, il produit de nombreuses aquarelles, dans le Maine, en Floride, et dans l'Ouest américain, représentant la faune, la flore, et les peuples autochtones. Avec ses aquarelles, Sargent peut s'adonner à ses premières inclinations artistiques pour la nature, l'architecture, les peuples exotiques et les nobles paysages de montagne. Dans quelques-unes de ses dernières œuvres, on ressent que Sargent ne peint plus que pour lui-même. Ses aquarelles sont exécutées avec une joyeuse fluidité. Il y peint la famille, les amis, les jardins et les fontaines. Famille et amis y sont souvent représentés vêtus de costumes orientaux et se reposant dans un paysage ensoleillé, ce qui lui permet d'utiliser une palette plus vive et d'expérimenter des choses qui ne lui étaient pas permises dans ses commandes (Figure in Hammock, Florida, 1917).  Sa première exposition personnelle importante d'aquarelles a lieu à la fameuse Carfax Gallery de Londres en 190573. En 1909, il expose quatre-vingt-six aquarelles à New York, quatre-vingt-trois d'entre elles sont acquises par le Brooklyn Museum.  Evan Charteris écrit en 1927 : « Vivre avec les aquarelles de Sargent, c'est vivre avec un soleil captif, avec l'éclat d'un monde lisible et lumineux, le reflux des ombres et l'ardeur ambiante du midi » Bien qu'elle ne soit pas unanime, la critique le compare à Winslow Homer, sans doute le plus grand aquarelliste américain. Les universitaires mentionnent que Sargent maniait aisément la gamme complète des aquarelles, de l'opaque au transparent, y compris les méthodes utilisées par Homer.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau



Wednesday, May 5, 2021


PAUL CEZANNE (1839-1906)
 La Tête d'Auguste (278m
 - 912ft) France (Bouche du Rhône)
  In Au fond du ravin, L’Estaque, 1882 Huile sur toile, 73 x 54 cm, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

PAUL CEZANNE (1839-1906)

La Tête d'Auguste (278m
 - 912ft)
France (Bouche du Rhône)

In Au fond du ravin, L’Estaque, 1882 Huile sur toile, 73 x 54 cm, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston


The Hill
The Tête d'Auguste (278m - ) is the highest point of the Chaîne de l'Estaque or the Nerthe chain, a massif of white limestone hills around 28 kilometers long which extends from L'Estaque to Martigues. The Estaque chain is part of the Pyrenean-Provençal chain, a former massif which stretched continuously before the Oligocene, from the Pyrenees to the Estaque massif, in place of the current Gulf of Lion. Nowadays, it forms a sort of isthmus about 8 kilometers wide between the Mediterranean Sea to the south and the Etang de Berre to the north.
The coastline of the Estaque range forms the Côte Bleue with its steep shores cut into deep creeks. The railway line from Miramas to Estaque runs along the coast clinging to the side of the massif. The Estaque range is also home to several gray limestone quarries, two of which are exploited for the manufacture of lime, the others for the general and aggregates and other quarry products (Lafarge).

The painter

The mount Sainte-Victoire appears to have been the subject of a true love story with the painter (Paul Cézanne). He painted this subject more than 80 times, in oil paintings, watercolors and drawings ! but he diddn't painted only the Sainte Victoire... others landscape and mountains of Provence were in his mind too... 
Cézanne had a considerable influence on the art of the late nineteenth and the early twentieth century. Acknowledged master of his time, he attended during stays in Paris between 1862 and 1882, the Impressionist band: Camille Pissarro, Auguste Renoir (who also ended his life in the Provencal brightness), Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley and others. He participated in the Impressionist adventure while keeping his personality: it is the time of the shock of the en plein air, easels in the grass, looking for natural light and emotion. 
The influence of the Aix painter is recognized in the history of art since it would be the cause of the Cubist movement embodied in 1906 by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. The first historically so called Cubist painting ' Les Demoiselles d'Avignon' would, a true artistic shock shown by Picasso in 1907 (one year after the death of Cézanne) is today one of the masterpieces of the MoMA in New York. 
It is the search of volumes around which leads to the appearance of geometry in landscapes or still lifes of Cézanne.In 20 years, Cézanne pushes his style to express the emotion of the landscape, suggesting the wind, involving movement just like if we can breathe the air of the scene.

2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Friday, February 15, 2019


GUY ROSE  (1867-1925) 
Mount Whitney  (4,421 m - 14,505 ft)
United States of America (California) 

 In Gathering Storm, High Sierra,  oil on canvas, circa 1916 , The  Crocker Art Museum,  Sacramento

The mountain 
Mount Whitney (4,421 m - 14,505 ft) is the tallest mountain in California, as well as the highest summit in the contiguous United States and the Sierra Nevada.  It is in Central California, on the boundary between California's Inyo and Tulare counties. The west slope of the mountain is in Sequoia National Park and the summit is the southern terminus of the John Muir Trail which runs 211.9 mi (341.0 km) from Happy Isles in Yosemite Valley. The east slope is in the Inyo National Forest in Inyo County.
The rise is caused by a normal fault system that runs along the eastern base of the Sierra, below Mount Whitney. Thus, the granite that forms Mount Whitney is the same as the granite that forms the Alabama Hills, thousands of feet lower down.  The raising of Whitney (and the downdrop of the Owens Valley) is due to the same geological forces that cause the Basin and Range Province: the crust of much of the intermontane west is slowly being stretched.
In July 1864, the members of the California Geological Survey named the peak after Josiah Whitney, the State Geologist of California and benefactor of the survey.

 The painter 
The American Impressionist painter Guy Orlando Rose  was a California resident who received national recognition in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His father was a prominent California senator. He and his wife raised their large family on an expansive Southern California ranch and vineyard – the San Gabriel Valley town of Rosemead bears the family name.
 In 1876 young Guy Rose was accidentally shot in the face during a hunting trip with his brothers. While recuperating he began to sketch and use watercolors and oil paints. He graduated from Los Angeles High School in 1884 and moved to San Francisco where he studied art between 1885 and 1888 at the School of Design with Virgil Williams, Warren E. Rollins, and the Danish-born artist Emil Carlsen.  On September 12, 1888, Rose enrolled at the Académie Julian in Paris and studied with Benjamin-Constant, Jules Lefebvre, Lucien Doucet and Jean-Paul Laurens while in Paris. In 1888-89, he won a scholarship at the Académie Delacluse and contributed religious and figural studies as well as landscapes to the Paris Salons in 1890, 1891, 1894, 1900, and 1909. He met fellow students Frank Vincent and Frederick Melville at the Académie Julian – Frank Vincent and Guy Rose were to remain lifelong friends.
Rose lived in New York, New York in the 1890s and illustrated for Harper's, Scribners, and Century. Choosing to return to France in 1899, he and his wife Ethel Rose bought a cottage at Giverny. In 1900 he resided in Paris and spent the winter in Briska, Algeria where he painted three known paintings. From 1904 to 1912 husband and wife lived in Giverny and his works from this period show the influence of "the master" Claude Monet, who became his friend and mentor.
Full wikipedia entry  =>

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Thursday, August 20, 2020


 PAUL CÉZANNE (1839-1906)
Montagne Sainte Victoire (1, 011m - 2, 216 ft)
France (Provence Alpes Côte d'azur) 
 In Plaine près de la Montagne Sainte-Victoire, c. 1882-85   oil on canvas, 58 x 72 cm. Musée Pushkin, Moscou
The mountain
Mont Sainte-Victoire (1,011 m-3,316ft) also called Mont Venturi is a limestone massif in the South of France, in the region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Located east of Aix-en-Provence, it has experienced international fame, due to the more than 80 works Paul Cézanne did on it.
It hosts many hikers, climbers and nature lovers, and is a major element of Aix landscape.
The range of the Sainte-Victoire is 18 kilometers long and 5 kilometers from large, following a strict east-west orientation. It is located on the Bouches-du-Rhône and Var, and in the towns of Puyloubier, Saint-Antonin-sur-Bayon, Rousset, Châteauneuf-le-Rouge, Beaurecueil, Le Tholonet Vauvenargues, Saint-Marc-Jaumegarde, Pourrières, Artigues and Rians.
The Sainte-Victoire, as the range of the Sainte Baume, can be considered a special case among the Alpine ranges for the various stages of the formation of its relief associated geological history as well as that of the old Pyrenean-Provençal chain than that of the Western Alps (which have succeeded it).
Indeed, from the former Sainte-Victoire mountain, contemporary of the dinosaurs of the Cretaceous, it remains today only the fold Bimont, said Chaînon des Costes Chaudes, the last vestige resulting from tectonic movements and characteristics of the stacks of Pyreneo-Provençal phase during the Eocene. Later during the Oligocene, breaking of the anticlinal fold of Sainte-Victoire, which resulted from the uplift of the first great Alpine reliefs, is causing a surge that help explain the current form of the mountain, which appeared 15 million years BCE.
According to a recent study, the Sainte-Victoire is still growing ! The company ME2i has indeed conducted a satellite survey between 1993 and 2003 providing evidence that during this period the western end of the Sainte-Victoire was uplift of 7 mm per year.
The massif is a ensemble of 6525 ha classified since 1983.

The painter
The mount Sainte-Victoire appears to have been the subject of a true love story with the painter Paul Cezanne. He painted this subject more than 80 times, in oil paintings, watercolors and drawings!
Aix-en Provence (France) painter Paul Cezanne still remains closely linked to his hometown. His studio in Les Lauves remains a place to visit, as if the painter was coming back from one second to the other. But the eternal bond is undoubtedly the series of paintings he did of the Montagne Sainte-Victoire. A hobby, a passion, a thread in the painter's work that took place in the latter part of his life, between 1882 and 1906 when he died in Aix. History says that the painter had contracted a nasty pneumonia during a working session on the mountain. This is what can be called 'die on stage'.
Cézanne had a considerable influence on the art of the late nineteenth and the early twentieth century. Acknowledged master of his time, he attended during stays in Paris between 1862 and 1882, the Impressionist band: Camille Pissarro, Auguste Renoir (who also ended his life in the Provencal brightness), Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley and others. He participated in the Impressionist adventure while keeping his personality: it is the time of the shock of the en plein air, easels in the grass, looking for natural light and emotion.
The influence of the Aix painter is recognized in the history of art since it would be the cause of the Cubist movement embodied in 1906 by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. The first historically so called Cubist painting ' Les Demoiselles d'Avignon' would, a true artistic shock shown by Picasso in 1907 (one year after the death of Cézanne) is today one of the masterpieces of the MoMA in New York.
It is the search of volumes around which leads to the appearance of geometry in landscapes or still lifes of Cézanne.In 20 years, Cézanne pushes his style to express the emotion of the landscape, suggesting the wind, involving movement just like if we can breathe the air of the scene. In his first paintings pf the Sainte Victoire,(in the 1880’s) he expresses the giant aspect of the mountain that dominates the area with his characteristic e way of painting at the time, with a juxtaposition of linear brushstrokes and a range of soft, natural colors. In the last paintings of the Sainte Victoire, view from Les Lauves, between 1904 and 1906, he shows shots less accurate brushes allowing the shape of the mountain emerge from the canvas like an apparition. That is the whole intention of the artist, show nature as it is without fail to convey emotion.

2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


 UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE / 歌川 広重 (1797-1858)
Hira Mountains or Hira Sanch / 比良山地  (1,214 m - 3,984 ft)

1. In A mountain in the snow,  8 Views of Omi, #1, Evening Snow on Mount Hira, 1834, print  
2. In  Evening Snow on Mount Hira, 2010, new colored print 

The paintings
On most of the representations of the Hira Mountains, whatever the artist who painted or drawn them (Hiroshige here or many others up to the present time), we can see herbs leaning from right to left as under effect of the wind. It is the effect of the strong local wind Hira-oroshi which often blows from Hira Mountains to Lake Biwa especially in the late days of March. This wind sometimes sinks boats on the lake and stops trains of the line passing along the foot of the mountains. In every 26 March, Tendai priests hold a memorial service for casualties of shipwreck accidents. This wind is almost an integral part of the representation of the mountain.

The mountains 
The three main peaks of the Hira Mountains are Mount Bunagatake (1,214 m- 3,984 ft) ; Hōraisan, (1,174 m- 3,852 ft),and Mount Uchimi (1,103 m - 3,619 ft).
The Hira Mountains (比良山地 Hira-sanchi) are a mountain range to the west of Lake Biwa on the border of Shiga Prefecture and Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. The range runs 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) north to south. It is narrowest in the southern part of the range, running 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) east to west, and broadest at the northern part of the range, running 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) km east to west. The eastern side of the Hira Mountains looks steeply over Lake Biwa, while the western side of the range forms a gentler valley in Kyoto.

The artist
Utagawa Hiroshige (歌川 広重), also know as Andō Hiroshige (安藤 広重), was a Japanese ukiyo-e artist, considered the last great master of that tradition. Hiroshige is best known for his landscapes, such as the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō (see above) and The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kiso Kaidō; and for his depictions of birds and flowers. The subjects of his work were atypical of the ukiyo-e genre, whose typical focus was on beautiful women, popular actors, and other scenes of the urban pleasure districts of Japan's Edo period (1603–1868). The popular Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji series by Hokusai was a strong influence on Hiroshige's choice of subject, though Hiroshige's approach was more poetic and ambient than Hokusai's bolder, more formal prints.
Hiroshige produced over 8,000 works
He dominated landscape printmaking with his unique brand of intimate, almost small-scale works compared against the older traditions of landscape painting descended from Chinese landscape painters such as Sesshu. The travel prints generally depict travelers along famous routes experiencing the special attractions of various stops along the way. They travel in the rain, in snow, and during all of the seasons. In 1856, working with the publisher Uoya Eikichi, he created a series of luxury edition prints, made with the finest printing techniques including true gradation of color, the addition of mica to lend a unique iridescent effect, embossing, fabric printing, blind printing, and the use of glue printing (wherein ink is mixed with glue for a glittery effect).
For scholars and collectors, Hiroshige's death marked the beginning of a rapid decline in the ukiyo-e genre, especially in the face of the westernization that followed the Meiji Restoration of 1868. Hiroshige's work came to have a marked influence on Western painting towards the close of the 19th century as a part of the trend in Japonism. Western artists closely studied Hiroshige's compositions, and some, such as Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet, painted copies of Hiroshige's prints.

Monday, August 21, 2017


GUSTAVE COURBET  (1819-1877)
The Falaises d'Etretat (70 to 90 m -  230 to 300 ft)  
La Porte d'aval, L'Aiguille, La Porte d'Amont, La Manneporte
France (Normandie)  

In Les falaises d'Etretat après l'orage, 1870, oil on canvas, 162cm x130 - 51.2 x 63.8 in,  
Musée d'Orsay Paris  

The cliffs 
Etretat is best known for its chalk cliffs, including three natural arches and a pointed formation called L'Aiguille (the Needle), which rises 70 m- 230 ft above the sea. The Etretat Chalk Complex, as it is known, consists of a complex stratigraphy of Turonian and Coniacian chalks. Some of the cliffs are as high as 90 metres (300 ft).
These cliffs and the associated resort beach attracted artists including Eugène Boudin, Gustave Courbet and Claude Monet.  They were featured prominently in the 1909 Arsène Lupin novel The Hollow Needle by Maurice Leblanc. They also feature in the 2014 film Lucy, directed by Luc Besson.
Two of the three famous arches are visible from the town, the Porte d'Aval (Aval Cliff)  and the Porte d'Amont (Amont Cliff).  The Manneporte  (Main Door) is the third and the biggest one, and cannot be seen from the town.
- La Porte d'Aval (Aval Cliff ) 
On the foreshore cleared by the sea at the foot of the Porte d'Aval, one notices, dug into the limestone bedrock and partially covered with green algae, ancient parks а oysters, whose culture lasted only a few years. 
- L'arche et L'aiguille  (The Ark and the Needle)
An underground river, then marine erosion formed a natural arch and a estimated 55 meter to 70 meters  high needle, relic piece of the cliff. Maurice Leblanc describes it in these terms in his novel The Hollow Needle (1909) : "An enormous roach, more than eighty meters high, colossal obelisk, plumb on its granite base"  At his time, the site already attracted many tourists among them "lupinophiles" admirers of Arsene Lupine: American students came for the key to the cave, where the "gentleman burglar" had found the treasure of kings of France.
- The Manneporte and the Trou à L'homme (The Maindoor and Hole of the man
From the old French manna door, "big door, main door". It is wider than the cliff of Aval and is located behind it. Above а side of the arch, we see a huge black hole in the cliff:  le Trou à l'homme (the Hole of the Man)  that takes its name from a Swedish sailor, sole survivor of the sinking of his ship due to violent storm that would have lasted nearly 24 hours. It would have been projected by a blade into this cavity, thereby assuring its survival. The so called  Hole of the Man is accessible by an iron ladder and it is always off-water at the time of the tides.
The long tunnel which opens to the "Hole of the Man " leads а Creek Petit Port at the mouth of the valleuse Jambourg actually a beach at the foot of the needle and framed by two large doors.
You can reach the top of the cliff by a staircase directly at the end of the Perrey, followed by a well laid out, sloping path that runs alongside the golf course, to the right you climb to the top. One enjoys at the same time, of the sight on the village, on the needle and on Manneporte. You can also enter the little natural refuge nicknamed "Chambre des Demoiselles" ( Young ladies room) described by Maurice Leblanc.
- La porte d'Amont  (Amont Cliff)
The Porte d'Amont is the smallest of the three doors and the most visually famous.  The french writer Guy de Maupassant compares this cliff of upstream to " an elephant that plunges its trunk into the water ". At the top of the cliff stands the stone silhouette of the chapel Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde, protector of fishermen. The present building succeeds a chapel of the nineteenth century. You can also reach the cliff but the staircase is much steeper.  The current building succeeds a 19th century chapel in neo-gothic style.   It was destroyed by the occupier during the Second World War. Then one arrive at the monument and the museum made by the architect Gaston Delaune and dedicated to Charles Nungesser and François Coli, two aviators who tried to rally New York in 1927 and which were seen for the last time in this place, after Having taken off from Le Bourget on the edge of their plane, the mythical White Bird.
The GR 21 long-distance hiking path (Le Havre to Le Tréport) passes through the town.

 The Painter 
Jean Désiré Gustave Courbet was a French painter who led the Realist movement in 19th-century French painting. Committed to painting only what he could see, he rejected academic convention and the Romanticism of the previous generation of visual artists. His independence set an example that was important to later artists, such as the Impressionists and the Cubists. Courbet occupies an important place in 19th-century French painting as an innovator and as an artist willing to make bold social statements through his work.
Courbet's paintings of the late 1840s and early 1850s brought him his first recognition. They challenged convention by depicting unidealized peasants and workers, often on a grand scale traditionally reserved for paintings of religious or historical subjects. Courbet's subsequent paintings were mostly of a less overtly political character: landscapes, seascapes, hunting scenes, nudes and still lifes. He was imprisoned for six months in 1871 for his involvement with the Paris Commune, and lived in exile in Switzerland from 1873 until his death.
Courbet  painted a few mountains in his life : the Juras mountains around Ornans ( France) and a few  mountains in Switzerland during his exil; Like many painters of the 19th Century, Courbet didn't name the mountain he painted; he liked to give a description of the general atmosphere rather than  a precise geographical location.
 "I am fifty years old and I have always lived in freedom; let me end my life free; when I am dead let this be said of me: 'He belonged to no school, to no church, to no institution, to no academy, least of all to any régime except the régime of liberty."

Saturday, November 21, 2020


PAUL CÉZANNE (1839-1906)
Montagne Sainte-Victoire (1, 011m - 2, 216 ft)
France (Provences-Alpes-Côte d'Azur)

In Le Mont Sainte-Victoire, c. 1897. watercolor  on paper, Prvate collection

The mountain
Mont Sainte-Victoire (1,011 m-3,316ft) also called Mont Venturi is a limestone massif in the South of France, in the region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Located east of Aix-en-Provence, it has experienced international fame, due to the more than 80 works Paul Cézanne did on it. It hosts many hikers, climbers and nature lovers, and is a major element of Aix landscape.
The range of the Sainte-Victoire is located on the Bouches-du-Rhône and Var, and in the towns of Puyloubier, Saint-Antonin-sur-Bayon, Rousset, Châteauneuf-le-Rouge, Beaurecueil, Le Tholonet Vauvenargues, Saint-Marc-Jaumegarde, Pourrières, Artigues and Rians. On the northern side, the D10 crosses the Col de Claps (530 m) and the Col des Portes (631 m). On the southern side, the D 17 walks on the Plateau de Cengle and crossed the Collet blanc de Subéroque (505 m).
The massif rises to the Pic des Mouches (Peak of the Flies) (1,011 m) near the eastern end of the chain, and not at the Croix de Provence (946 m) near the west end and visible from Aix. The Pic des Mouches is one of the highest peaks of the department of Bouches-du-Rhône, behind the peak Bertagne which reached an altitude of 1,042 mètres and which is located on the massif of Sainte-Baume.
Sainte-Victoire, as the range of the Sainte Baume, can be considered a special case among the Alpine ranges for the various stages of the formation of its relief associated geological history as well as that of the old Pyrenean-Provençal chain than that of the Western Alps (which have succeeded it).
Indeed, from the former Sainte-Victoire mountain, contemporary of the dinosaurs of the Cretaceous, appeared 15 million years BCE.
Sainte-Victoire, whose calcareous sediments date back to the Jurassic, thus consists of both a Pyrenean-Provencal vestige and of an alpine geology.
The massif is a ensemble of 6525 ha classified since 1983.
The massive hosts several world-famous dinosaur eggs deposits including the Roques-Hautes / Les Grands-Creux on the town Beaurecueil.

The painter
The mount Sainte-Victoire appears to have been the subject of a true love story with the painter (Paul Cézanne). He painted this subject more than 80 times, in oil paintings, watercolors and drawings !
Aix-en Provence (France) painter Paul Cezanne still remains closely linked to his hometown. His studio in Les Lauves remains a place to visit, as if the painter was coming back from one second to the other. But the eternal bond is undoubtedly the series of paintings he did of the Montagne Sainte-Victoire. A hobby, a passion, a thread in the painter's work that took place in the latter part of his life, between 1882 and 1906 when he died in Aix. History says that the painter had contracted a nasty pneumonia during a working session on the mountain. This is what can be called 'die on stage'.
Cézanne had a considerable influence on the art of the late nineteenth and the early twentieth century. Acknowledged master of his time, he attended during stays in Paris between 1862 and 1882, the Impressionist band: Camille Pissarro, Auguste Renoir (who also ended his life in the Provencal brightness), Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley and others. He participated in the Impressionist adventure while keeping his personality: it is the time of the shock of the en plein air, easels in the grass, looking for natural light and emotion.
The influence of the Aix painter is recognized in the history of art since it would be the cause of the Cubist movement embodied in 1906 by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. The first historically so called Cubist painting ' Les Demoiselles d'Avignon' would, a true artistic shock shown by Picasso in 1907 (one year after the death of Cézanne) is today one of the masterpieces of the MoMA in New York.
It is the search of volumes around which leads to the appearance of geometry in landscapes or still lifes of Cézanne.In 20 years, Cézanne pushes his style to express the emotion of the landscape, suggesting the wind, involving movement just like if we can breathe the air of the scene. In his first paintings pf the Sainte Victoire,(in the 1880’s) he expresses the giant aspect of the mountain that dominates the area with his characteristic e way of painting at the time, with a juxtaposition of linear brushstrokes and a range of soft, natural colors. IN the last paintings of the Sainte Victoire, view from Les Lauves, between 1904 and 1906, he shows shots less accurate brushes allowing the shape of the mountain emerge from the canvas like an apparition. That is the whole intention of the artist, show nature as it is without fail to convey emotion.
A true love story…
2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE  / 歌川 広重 (1797-1858)
Sakurajima volcano / 桜島 (1,117 m - 3,665 ft)
Japan (Kagoshima) 

About the painting
This work by the great artist Utagawa Hiroshige (歌川 広重) shows the volcano at the beginning of XIXe century, before its major 1914 eruption. Nowadays, the shape of the volcano and of the all area is quite different. 

The volcano
Sakurajima / 桜島 (1, 117 m - 3,665 ft)  which means "Cherry blossom Island" is an active composite volcano and a former island in Kagoshima Prefecture in Kyushu, Japan.  Sakurajima is a stratovolcano with  3 peaks :  Kita-dake (northern peak), Naka-dake (central peak) and Minami-dake (southern peak) which is active now. Kita-dake is Sakurajima's highest peak.
The mountain is located in a part of Kagoshima Bay known as Kinkō-wan. The former island is part of the city of Kagoshima. The surface of this volcanic peninsula is about 77 km2 (30 sq mi).
The lava flows of the 1914 eruption connected it with the Osumi Peninsula.
The volcanic activity still continues nowadays, dropping volcanic ash on the surroundings, making of this volcanoes one of the most active in the world with, at least,  a daily minor eruption.  Earlier eruptions built the white sands highlands in the region.  On September 13, 2016 a team of experts from Bristol University and the Sakurajima Volcano Research Centre in Japan suggested that the volcano could have a major eruption within 25 years.

The artist
Utagawa Hiroshige (歌川 広重), also know as Andō Hiroshige (安藤 広重), was a Japanese ukiyo-e artist, considered the last great master of that tradition. Hiroshige is best known for his landscapes, such as the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō (see above) and The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kiso Kaidō; and for his depictions of birds and flowers. The subjects of his work were atypical of the ukiyo-e genre, whose typical focus was on beautiful women, popular actors, and other scenes of the urban pleasure districts of Japan's Edo period (1603–1868). The popular Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji series by Hokusai was a strong influence on Hiroshige's choice of subject, though Hiroshige's approach was more poetic and ambient than Hokusai's bolder, more formal prints.
Hiroshige produced over 8,000 works
He dominated landscape printmaking with his unique brand of intimate, almost small-scale works compared against the older traditions of landscape painting descended from Chinese landscape painters such as Sesshu. The travel prints generally depict travelers along famous routes experiencing the special attractions of various stops along the way. They travel in the rain, in snow, and during all of the seasons. In 1856, working with the publisher Uoya Eikichi, he created a series of luxury edition prints, made with the finest printing techniques including true gradation of color, the addition of mica to lend a unique iridescent effect, embossing, fabric printing, blind printing, and the use of glue printing (wherein ink is mixed with glue for a glittery effect).
For scholars and collectors, Hiroshige's death marked the beginning of a rapid decline in the ukiyo-e genre, especially in the face of the westernization that followed the Meiji Restoration of 1868.
Hiroshige's work came to have a marked influence on Western painting towards the close of the 19th century as a part of the trend in Japonism. Western artists closely studied Hiroshige's compositions, and some, such as Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet, painted copies of Hiroshige's prints.
2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Monday, December 18, 2023


KATSUSHIKA HOKUSAÏ (1760-1849)- Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft) Japon  In " Maison de thé à Koishikawa. Au matin après une chute de neige." Estampe n° 11 des 36 vues du Mont Fuji, 1830.

Fujiyama / 富士山 (3, 776 m -12,389 ft)

In " Maison de thé à Koishikawa. Au matin après une chute de neige."
Estampe n° 11 des 36 vues du Mont Fuji, 1830.
À propos des 36 vues du mont Fuji
Trente-six vues du mont Fuji (富嶽三十六景) (Fugaku Sanjūrokkei) est une série d'estampes de paysages créées par l'artiste japonais ukiyo-e Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849). La série représente le mont Fuji depuis différents endroits du Japon et à différentes saisons et conditions météorologiques. Les trente-six tirages originaux furent si populaires qu'Hokusai decida d'élargir la série de dix estampes supplémentaires.
Les toutes premières impressions de 1830-33 semblent aujourd'hui estompées par rapport aux versions habituellement vues mais sont plus proches de la conception originale de Hokusai. Les tirages originaux présentent un ciel bleu volontairement irrégulier, ce qui augmente la luminosité du ciel et donne du mouvement aux nuages.

La montagne
Le mont Fuji (3 776,24 m -12 389 pieds) ou Fujiyama (富士山) est situé sur l'île de Honshu. Il est le plus haut sommet montagneux du Japon. Plusieurs noms lui sont attribués : "Fuji-san", "Fujiyama" ou, de manière redondante, "Mt . Fujiyama". Habituellement, les locuteurs japonais appellent la montagne "Fuji-san". Les autres noms japonais du mont Fuji sont devenus obsolètes ou poétiques comme : Fuji-no-Yama (La montagne de Fuji), Fuji- no-Takane ( Le haut sommet du Fuji), Fuyō-hō (Le pic du Lotus) et Fugaku). Le mont Fuji est un stratovolcan actif dont la dernière éruption remonte à 1707-08. Le mont Fuji se trouve à environ 100 kilomètres (60 mi) au sud-ouest de Tokyo et peut être vu de là par temps clair.
Le cône exceptionnellement symétrique du mont Fuji, recouvert de neige plusieurs mois par an, est un symbole bien connu du Japon et il est fréquemment représenté dans l'art et les photographies, ainsi que visité par les touristes et les alpinistes.
Le mont Fuji est l'une des trois montagnes sacrées du Japon avec le mont Tate et le mont Haku. C'est aussi un endroit spécial de beauté scénique et l'un des sites historiques du Japon.
Il a été ajouté à la Liste du patrimoine mondial en tant que site culturel le 22 juin 2013. Selon l'UNESCO, le mont Fuji a "inspiré des artistes et des poètes et fait l'objet de pèlerinages depuis des siècles". L'UNESCO reconnaît 25 sites d'intérêt culturel dans la localité du mont Fuji. Ces 25 sites comprennent la montagne elle-même, le sanctuaire Fujisan Hongū Sengen et six autres sanctuaires Sengen, deux maisons d'hébergement, le lac Yamanaka, le lac Kawaguchi, les huit sources chaudes d'Oshino Hakkai, deux moules d'arbres de lave, les vestiges du culte Fuji-kō dans le la grotte Hitoana, les chutes Shiraito et la pinède Miho no Matsubara ; tandis que sur les basses Alpes du mont Fuji se trouve le complexe du temple Taisekiji, où se trouve le siège central du bouddhisme Nichiren Shoshu. 

Katsushika Hokusai (葛飾 北斎?) est un peintre, dessinateur et graveur japonais du 18e siècle, spécialiste de l’ukiyo-e, ainsi que l'auteur d'écrits populaires, surtout connu sous le nom de Hokusai(北斎?), ou son surnom de Gakyōjin, littéralement « Vieux Fou de dessin. Au cours de ses soixante-dix ans de carrière, il a réalisé une œuvre considérable de quelque 3 000 tirages couleur, des illustrations pour plus de 200 livres, des centaines de dessins et plus de 1 000 peintures. Il a rapidement abandonné le sujet étroit traditionnellement associé à l'école du « monde flottant » (ukiyo-e) dont il faisait partie, comme les images d'acteurs populaires et de courtisane.  Son œuvre influença de nombreux artistes européens, en particulier Paul Gauguin, Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet et Alfred Sisley, et plus largement le mouvement artistique appelé japonisme. Les Trente-six vues du mont Fuji (1831–1833) comptant en réalité 46 estampes dont La Grande Vague de Kanagawa (1831) sont ses œuvres les plus connues.


2023 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau  


Tuesday, June 20, 2023


JOHN SINGER SARGENT  (1856-1925) Le col du Simplon (2006 m) Suisse (Valais)

Le col du Simplon (2,006 m)
Suisse (Valais)

Le col
Le col du Simplon est un col des Alpes suisses situé dans le canton du Valais. Situé à 2 006 mètres1, il fait partie de la route principale 9, menant de Brigue à la frontière italienne, puis par la SS33, à Stresa. La déclivité moyenne est de 9 %. Le col est ouvert toute l'année et connaît un important trafic de poids lourds. Il est aussi placé sur la route européenne 62 (E62) reliant Nantes à Gênes. Le col du Simplon se trouve entre les Alpes valaisannes à l'ouest et les Alpes lépontines à l'est. Il relie le bassin du Rhône au bassin du Pô, se trouvant précisément entre la vallée de la Taferna, affluent de la Saltina qui se jette dans le Rhône à Brigue, et la vallée de la Diveria (Doveria en Suisse), affluent du Toce qui se jette dans le lac Majeur, relié au Pô par la rivière Tessin. La distance routière de Brigue (altitude : 691 m) au col du Simplon est de 22 km (dénivelé : 1 317 m) ; du col à la frontière italienne, de 20 km ; de la frontière à Stresa, sur le lac Majeur (altitude : 200 m, soit un dénivelé de 1 808 m), de 64 km. La route principale ne passe pas strictement au col orographique mais légèrement plus haut. Le véritable col se trouve légèrement à l'ouest de la route, à une altitude de 1 996 mètres.

Le peintre
John Singer Sargent, est un peintre américain qui vécut essentiellement en Europe. Élève de Carolus-Duran, de Léon Bonnat et d'Adolphe Yvon, il étudie à l'École des beaux-arts de Paris. Il est ami ou proche de grands artistes de l'époque, comme Claude Monet, Paul Helleu, Albert Besnard, Gabriel Fauré ou encore Edmund Gosse. Sargent est particulièrement connu pour son habileté dans les portraits, caractérisés par un style sophistiqué, une virtuosité visuelle et une certaine audace théâtrale. Il réalise sur commande des portraits d'hommes et de femmes les plus célèbres, riches ou puissants d'Europe ou des États-Unis,. Au cours de sa carrière, il composa environ neuf cents toiles et plus de deux mille aquarelles, ainsi que d'innombrables croquis et dessins. Son œuvre documente ses voyages à travers le monde, de Venise au Tyrol, de Corfou au Moyen-Orient, ou encore du Montana à la Floride. Il fut actif en France et en Angleterre et peignit des compositions à personnages, compositions religieuses, scènes de genre, figures, portraits, intérieurs, paysages, marines, des compositions murales, à la gouache, à l'aquarelle. Ce fut aussi un dessinateur. Il est proche du courant de l'impressionnisme américain.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau 


Monday, September 10, 2018


PAUL CÉZANNE (1839-1906) 
Montagne Sainte-Victoire   (1, 011m - 2, 216 ft)
France (Provences-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) 

In La Montagne Sainte-Victoire, c. 1900. watercolor and graphite on wove paper,
Barnes Foundation

The mountain
Mont Sainte-Victoire (1,011 m-3,316ft)  also called Mont Venturi is a limestone massif in the South of France, in the region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Located east of Aix-en-Provence, it has experienced international fame, due to the more than 80 works  Paul Cézanne did  on it. It hosts many hikers, climbers and nature lovers, and is a major element of Aix landscape.
The range of the Sainte-Victoire is located on the Bouches-du-Rhône and Var, and in the towns of Puyloubier, Saint-Antonin-sur-Bayon, Rousset, Châteauneuf-le-Rouge, Beaurecueil, Le Tholonet Vauvenargues, Saint-Marc-Jaumegarde, Pourrières, Artigues and Rians.  On the northern side, the D10 crosses the Col de Claps (530 m) and the Col des Portes (631 m). On the southern side, the D 17 walks on the Plateau de Cengle and crossed the Collet blanc de Subéroque (505 m).
The massif rises to the Pic des Mouches (Peak of the Flies) (1,011 m) near the eastern end of the chain, and not at the Croix de Provence (946 m) near the west end and visible from Aix. The Pic des Mouches is one of the highest peaks of the department of Bouches-du-Rhône, behind the peak Bertagne which reached an altitude of 1,042 mètres and which is located on the massif of Sainte-Baume.
Sainte-Victoire, as the range of the Sainte Baume, can be considered a special case among the Alpine ranges for the various stages of the formation of its relief associated geological history as well as that of the old Pyrenean-Provençal chain than that of the Western Alps (which have succeeded it).
Indeed,  from the former Sainte-Victoire mountain, contemporary of the dinosaurs of the Cretaceous, appeared 15 million years BCE.
Sainte-Victoire, whose calcareous sediments date back to the Jurassic, thus consists of both a Pyrenean-Provencal vestige and of an alpine geology.
The massif is a ensemble of 6525 ha classified since 1983.
The massive hosts several world-famous dinosaur eggs deposits including the Roques-Hautes / Les Grands-Creux on the town Beaurecueil.

The painter  
The mount Sainte-Victoire appears to have been the subject of a true love story with  the  painter (Paul Cézanne).  He painted  this subject more than 80 times, in oil paintings, watercolors and drawings !
Aix-en Provence (France) painter Paul Cezanne still remains closely linked to his hometown. His studio in Les Lauves remains a place to visit, as if the painter was coming back from one second to the other.  But the eternal bond is undoubtedly the series of paintings he did of the Montagne Sainte-Victoire. A hobby, a passion, a thread in the painter's work that took place in the latter part of his life, between 1882 and 1906 when he died in Aix. History  says that the painter had contracted a nasty pneumonia during a working session on the mountain. This is what can be called 'die on stage'.
Cézanne had a considerable influence on the art of the late nineteenth and the early twentieth century. Acknowledged master of his time, he attended during stays in Paris between 1862 and 1882, the Impressionist band: Camille Pissarro, Auguste Renoir (who also ended his life in the Provencal brightness), Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley and others. He participated in the Impressionist adventure while keeping his personality: it is the time of the shock of the en plein air, easels in the grass, looking for natural light and emotion.
The influence of the Aix painter is recognized in the history of art since it would be the cause of the Cubist movement embodied in 1906 by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. The first historically so called Cubist painting ' Les Demoiselles d'Avignon' would, a true artistic shock shown by Picasso in 1907 (one year after the death of Cézanne) is today one of the masterpieces of the MoMA in New York.
It is the search of volumes around which leads to the appearance of geometry in landscapes or still lifes of Cézanne.In 20 years, Cézanne pushes his style to express the emotion of the landscape, suggesting the wind, involving movement just like if we can breathe the air of the scene. In his first paintings pf the Sainte Victoire,(in the 1880’s)  he expresses the giant aspect of the mountain that dominates the area with his characteristic e way of painting at the time, with a juxtaposition of linear brushstrokes and a range of soft, natural colors.  IN the last paintings of the Sainte Victoire, view  from Les Lauves,  between 1904 and 1906, he shows shots less accurate brushes allowing the shape of the mountain emerge from the canvas like an apparition. That is the whole intention of the artist, show nature as it is without fail to convey emotion.
A true love story…

2018 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE  / 歌川 広重 (1797-1858)
Mount Utsu / 鬱岳 (818m - 2,848ft)

 In Mount Utsu from Okabe  from the series 53 Stations of the Tôkaidô Road, woodblock print, 1832 

The Mountain 
Mount Utsu  (鬱岳(818m- 2,848ft)  is located in the Kitami Mountains (北見山地), a mountain range of Hokkaidō, Japan. Unlike much of the rest of Japan, the Kitami Mountains are not very seismically active.The Kitami Mountains are north of the Ishikari Mountains and east of the Teshio Mountains. Rocks from the Kitami mountains are mostly sedimentary from the Cretaceous-Paleogene periods. Volcanic rock was placed down on top of this from volcanoes that erupted in the Miocene or later.The Kitami Mountains formed in the inner arc of the Kurile Arc.
Mount Utsu, the lowest peak of Kitami Mountains range, is a meisho which means a place well known for its mythology and paths of overgrown ivy and maples trees. Mount Utsu is often used metaphorically to contrast a kind of reality within the dream world. Utsu is a play on the word Utsutsu which’s literal meaning is reality and has connotations of one’s awakening moments and also a mountain of sadness. It appears in stories and operates in both the prose and poetry. It’s appears in famous works such as The Ise Stories which is a narrative that tells the travels of an unnamed protagonist. Mount Utsu in  the Suruga Province is mentioned in Chapter 9 of the Ise Stories and this chapter is a tale of the protagonists’ exile to eastern Japan. In this part of the story, the unnamed protagonist meets a wandering monk at Mount Utsu which means the main protagonist is awakening to reality. He then ask the monk to present his lover with a poem of longing, despair and sadness. In the poem, he says he can no longer see his love, not even in his dreams, which symbolizes that she hasn’t been thinking of him. In ancient Japanese tradition, it is believed that if he sees his lover in a dream, that she will be thinking about him... Mount Utsu has been depicted in many paintings as well, like The Fifty Three Stations of the Tōkaidō by Hiroshige (see above).

The artist
Utagawa Hiroshige (歌川 広重), also know as Andō Hiroshige (安藤 広重), was a Japanese ukiyo-e artist, considered the last great master of that tradition. Hiroshige is best known for his landscapes, such as the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō (see above) and The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kiso Kaidō; and for his depictions of birds and flowers. The subjects of his work were atypical of the ukiyo-e genre, whose typical focus was on beautiful women, popular actors, and other scenes of the urban pleasure districts of Japan's Edo period (1603–1868). The popular Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji series by Hokusai was a strong influence on Hiroshige's choice of subject, though Hiroshige's approach was more poetic and ambient than Hokusai's bolder, more formal prints.
Hiroshige produced over 8,000 works
He dominated landscape printmaking with his unique brand of intimate, almost small-scale works compared against the older traditions of landscape painting descended from Chinese landscape painters such as Sesshu. The travel prints generally depict travelers along famous routes experiencing the special attractions of various stops along the way. They travel in the rain, in snow, and during all of the seasons. In 1856, working with the publisher Uoya Eikichi, he created a series of luxury edition prints, made with the finest printing techniques including true gradation of color, the addition of mica to lend a unique iridescent effect, embossing, fabric printing, blind printing, and the use of glue printing (wherein ink is mixed with glue for a glittery effect).
For scholars and collectors, Hiroshige's death marked the beginning of a rapid decline in the ukiyo-e genre, especially in the face of the westernization that followed the Meiji Restoration of 1868.

Hiroshige's work came to have a marked influence on Western painting towards the close of the 19th century as a part of the trend in Japonism. Western artists closely studied Hiroshige's compositions, and some, such as Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet, painted copies of Hiroshige's prints.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023


FREDERICK CHILDE HASSAM (1859-1935) Pic Lassen (3 187 m) Etats Unis d'Amérique (Californie)  In California, huile sur toile, 1925

Pic Lassen (3 187 m)
Etats Unis d'Amérique (Californie)

In California, huile sur toile, 1925

A propos de ce tableau

Childe Hassam, peintre plutôt inspiré par les villes, a cependant beaucoup représenté les montagnes dans sa carrière,  Cette œuvre ne fait donc pas figure d’exception dans sa production, bien que sa touche presque pointilliste soit inhabituelle. Elle représente le Pic Lassen et le Lac Helen avec une profusion de fruits dans un environnement verdoyant censé symboliser la fertitilté de ces terres volcaniques.

La montagne
Le pic Lassen, (3 187 m) (Lassen Peak), est un volcan situé au Nord de la Californie, à la limite sud de la chaîne des Cascades. Bien  que considéré comme éteint, il entre en éruption de 1914 à 1917, générant deux puissantes explosions latérales donnant naissance à la Devastated Area, une vallée et une plaine désolées recouvertes par des débris volcaniques. Lieu mythique pour certains Amérindiens, pour qui il est le centre du monde et le lieu de vie de nombreux esprits, il est inclus dans le parc national volcanique de Lassen. Le pic Lassen est nommé en l'honneur de Peter Lassen, forgeron, prospecteur, franc-maçon et rancher  dano-américain ayant traversé la région au milieu du 19e siècle. La montagne est aussi appelée Mount Lassen, Lassen's Peak, Lassen Buttes, Lassen's Butte, Lassens Buttes, Lawson's Peak, Mount Joseph, Mount Saint Joseph, Mount Saint Jose, San Jose, Snow Butte ou encore Snow Mountain. La seule voie menant au sommet du pic Lassen débute à 2 580 mètres d'altitude au pied de la montagne, non loin des rives du lac Helen. Le Lassen Peak Trail, d'une longueur de 3,7 kilomètres, gravit la face sud dans des terrains composés de ponce et de cendre volcanique. Il est classé National Recreation Trail depuis 1981.

Le peintre
Frederick Childe Hassam, est un peintre et graveur impressionniste américain du 19e – 20e siècles. Il était membre des Ten American Painters. En 1886, il séjourne à Paris pour étudier l'art à l'Académie Julian (1886-1889). Ses professeurs sont Gustave Boulanger et Jules Joseph Lefebvre. L'impressionnisme français et l'art de Claude Monet ont une forte influence sur lui. Hassam revient en Amérique en 1889 et réside à New York. Là, Hassam peint des bâtiments de la ville dans un style impressionniste. Il fréquente une communauté d'artistes (Cab Cob art colony  établie à Cos Cob, où Henry Winslow, premier graveur du cercle, l'influencera. En 1919, Hassam a acheté une maison à East Hampton, à New York. Beaucoup de ses tableaux tardifs ont utilisé des sujets proches dans cette ville et ailleurs à Long Island.  En 1920, il obtient rla médaille d'or de l'honneurde l'Académie des beaux-arts de Pennsylvanie et de nombreuses autres récompenses. Hassam voyagea relativement peu pendant les  dernières annéesde sa vie, mais a visité la Californie, l'Arizona, la Louisiane, le Texas et le Mexique. Il est mort le 27 août 1935 à East Hampton, dans l'État de New York, à l'âge de 75 ans. Il a dénoncé les tendances modernistes de l'art à la fin de sa vie, et il a qualifié de « art boobys » tous les peintres, les critiques, les collectionneurs et les concessionnaires qui se contentent de suivre la mode en  faisant la promotion du cubisme, du surréalisme et d'autres mouvements d'avant-garde. Jusqu'à ce qu'un renouveau d'intérêt pour l'impressionnisme américain dans les années 1960, Hassam était considéré parmi les « peintres oubliés a ». Exactement de la même façon que les peintures impressionnistes français ont atteint des prix très élevés dans les années 1970, Hassam et les autres impressionnistes américains ont bénéficié d'un intérêt renouvelé et ont également vu la valeur de leurs œuvres augmenter.S on tableau le plus célèbre, The Avenue in the Rain (1917), représentant des drapeaux américains et leur reflets sous la pluie, fait partie de la collection de la Maison-Blanche. Barack Obama l'avait fait installer dans le bureau ovale dès le début de sa présidence.

2023 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Friday, December 6, 2019


UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE  / 歌川 広重  (1797-1858),
Mount Oyama  (1,252 m - 4,108 ft)

In  Mount Oyama from Series Famous Views of the Sixty-odd Provinces, 1853, woodblock, 
34.29 cm x 23.02 cm, The San Diego Museum of Art

About the series
Hiroshige started the series in the seventh month of Kaei 6 (Sept 1853) and completed it in the third month of Ansei 3 (May 1856). The first 42 prints were completed and published in 1853.
 Thereafter, Hiroshige slowed down the pace of publishing: Buzen Province, listed as the 61st print, was issued in 1854; another seventeen were published in the 9th month of 1855; and the final nine prints in the third to fifth months of 1856.
A contents page was also published in 1856 after the final prints; The ordering of the prints on the contents page differs slightly from the actual print publication ordering. The new ordering on the contents page grouped the prints according to the 8 travel routes in Old Japan.
Hiroshige based many of his designs on old Japanese guidebooks called meishō zue. In particular, at least 26 of the designs are believed to have been based on drawings from the 8 volume series of guidebooks called Sansui Kikan (Exceptional Mountain and Water Landscapes) written and illustrated by Fuchigami Kyokkō published from 1800-1802. As well as several from drawings in the early volumes of the Hokusai Manga series. 

The mountain
Mount Ōyama  also Mount Afuri  or Mount Kunimi (1,252 - 4,108 ft) mountain situated on the border of Isehara, Hadano and Atsugi in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Together with Mount Tanzawa and other mountains in the Tanzawa Mountains it forms the Tanzawa-Ōyama Quasi-National Park. Mount Ōyama is a popular sightseeing spot in Kanagawa Prefecture.
Mount Ōyama has long been regarded as a holy mountain and object of worship.  Religiously motivated mountain climbing has been practiced since the Hōreki era (1751–1764) and the various paths leading there were called Ōyama Kaidō . Today this name survives as the pseudonym of Route 246.
At the top of the mountain is the head office of the Ōyama-Afuri Shrine . Lower down the mountain is the lower shrine and the Ōyama-dera. Afuri refers to the high amount of rain and clouds associated with the mountain. Farmers pray at Ōyama-Afuri Shrine to the rain god.
The mountain is also known as the Guardian of the Land (Kunimi-yama).

The artist
Utagawa Hiroshige (歌川 広重), also know as Andō Hiroshige (安藤 広重), was a Japanese ukiyo-e artist, considered the last great master of that tradition. Hiroshige is best known for his landscapes, such as the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō (see above) and The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kiso Kaidō; and for his depictions of birds and flowers. The subjects of his work were atypical of the ukiyo-e genre, whose typical focus was on beautiful women, popular actors, and other scenes of the urban pleasure districts of Japan's Edo period (1603–1868). The popular Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji series by Hokusai was a strong influence on Hiroshige's choice of subject, though Hiroshige's approach was more poetic and ambient than Hokusai's bolder, more formal prints.
Hiroshige produced over 8,000 works
He dominated landscape printmaking with his unique brand of intimate, almost small-scale works compared against the older traditions of landscape painting descended from Chinese landscape painters such as Sesshu. The travel prints generally depict travelers along famous routes experiencing the special attractions of various stops along the way. They travel in the rain, in snow, and during all of the seasons. In 1856, working with the publisher Uoya Eikichi, he created a series of luxury edition prints, made with the finest printing techniques including true gradation of color, the addition of mica to lend a unique iridescent effect, embossing, fabric printing, blind printing, and the use of glue printing (wherein ink is mixed with glue for a glittery effect).
For scholars and collectors, Hiroshige's death marked the beginning of a rapid decline in the ukiyo-e genre, especially in the face of the westernization that followed the Meiji Restoration of 1868.
Hiroshige's work came to have a marked influence on Western painting towards the close of the 19th century as a part of the trend in Japonism. Western artists closely studied Hiroshige's compositions, and some, such as Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet, painted copies of Hiroshige's prints.


2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Sunday, April 2, 2017


UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE  / 歌川 広重 (1797-1858)
Mount Utsu (鬱岳(818m - 2,848ft)

1. In Famous Yam Soup and Distant View of Mount Utsu - 
from the series 53 Stations of the Tôkaidô Road  1840 - Museum of Fine Arts Boston 
2.  In View of Mount Utsu - from the series 53 Stations of the Tôkaidô Road 
3. In Narrow ivy covered Road at Mount Utsu - from the series 53 Stations of the Tôkaidô Road

The Mountain 
Mount Utsu  (鬱岳(818m- 2,848ft)  is located in the Kitami Mountains (北見山地), a mountain range of Hokkaidō, Japan. Unlike much of the rest of Japan, the Kitami Mountains are not very seismically active.The Kitami Mountains are north of the Ishikari Mountains and east of the Teshio Mountains. Rocks from the Kitami mountains are mostly sedimentary from the Cretaceous-Paleogene periods. Volcanic rock was placed down on top of this from volcanoes that erupted in the Miocene or later.The Kitami Mountains formed in the inner arc of the Kurile Arc.
Mount Utsu, the lowest peak of Kitami Mountains range, is a meisho which means a place well known for its mythology and paths of overgrown ivy and maples trees. Mount Utsu is often used metaphorically to contrast a kind of reality within the dream world. Utsu is a play on the word Utsutsu which’s literal meaning is reality and has connotations of one’s awakening moments and also a mountain of sadness. It appears in stories and operates in both the prose and poetry. It’s appears in famous works such as The Ise Stories which is a narrative that tells the travels of an unnamed protagonist. Mount Utsu in  the Suruga Province is mentioned in Chapter 9 of the Ise Stories and this chapter is a tale of the protagonists’ exile to eastern Japan. In this part of the story, the unnamed protagonist meets a wandering monk at Mount Utsu which means the main protagonist is awakening to reality. He then ask the monk to present his lover with a poem of longing, despair and sadness. In the poem, he says he can no longer see his love, not even in his dreams, which symbolizes that she hasn’t been thinking of him. In ancient Japanese tradition, it is believed that if he sees his lover in a dream, that she will be thinking about him... Mount Utsu has been depicted in many paintings as well, like The Fifty Three Stations of the Tōkaidō by Hiroshige (see above).

The artist
Utagawa Hiroshige (歌川 広重), also know as Andō Hiroshige (安藤 広重), was a Japanese ukiyo-e artist, considered the last great master of that tradition. Hiroshige is best known for his landscapes, such as the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō (see above) and The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kiso Kaidō; and for his depictions of birds and flowers. The subjects of his work were atypical of the ukiyo-e genre, whose typical focus was on beautiful women, popular actors, and other scenes of the urban pleasure districts of Japan's Edo period (1603–1868). The popular Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji series by Hokusai was a strong influence on Hiroshige's choice of subject, though Hiroshige's approach was more poetic and ambient than Hokusai's bolder, more formal prints.
Hiroshige produced over 8,000 works
He dominated landscape printmaking with his unique brand of intimate, almost small-scale works compared against the older traditions of landscape painting descended from Chinese landscape painters such as Sesshu. The travel prints generally depict travelers along famous routes experiencing the special attractions of various stops along the way. They travel in the rain, in snow, and during all of the seasons. In 1856, working with the publisher Uoya Eikichi, he created a series of luxury edition prints, made with the finest printing techniques including true gradation of color, the addition of mica to lend a unique iridescent effect, embossing, fabric printing, blind printing, and the use of glue printing (wherein ink is mixed with glue for a glittery effect).
For scholars and collectors, Hiroshige's death marked the beginning of a rapid decline in the ukiyo-e genre, especially in the face of the westernization that followed the Meiji Restoration of 1868.
Hiroshige's work came to have a marked influence on Western painting towards the close of the 19th century as a part of the trend in Japonism. Western artists closely studied Hiroshige's compositions, and some, such as Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet, painted copies of Hiroshige's prints.