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Showing posts sorted by date for query Ferdinand Hodler. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, July 28, 2023


CUNO AMIET (1868-1961) La Gummfluh 2,457m) Suisse
CUNO AMIET (1868-1961)
La Gummfluh 2,457m)

La montagne
La Gummfluh (2,457m) est un sommet des Préalpes vaudoises rattachées aux Alpes bernoises. Il s'agit du point culminant de la chaîne montagneuse située au sud du Pays-d’Enhaut. Le sommet se trouve à la frontière entre le canton de Vaud et le canton de Berne. Sa face Nord est très abrupte avec un massif essentiellement composé de roches calcaires. Au pied de la Gummfluh se trouve la réserve naturelle de la Pierreuse où vivent de nombreux bouquetins et chamois. Le nom de la montagne viendrait de Gumm (la « vallée ») et fluh (le « pic »).

Le peintre
Cuno Amiet est un peintre suisse qui manifeste un talent pour la peinture dès le collège. Il reçoit une première formation artistique auprès de Frank Buchser, à Feldbrunnen (canton de Soleure), qui lui donne occasionnellement des cours de peinture. En 1886, il part étudier à l'Académie de Munich où il rencontre Giovanni Giacometti. En 1888, il se rend à Paris avec ce dernier. Les deux amis s'inscrivent à l'Académie Julian. S'inspirant de la vie de Paul Gauguin, Cuno Amiet passe une année à Pont-Aven en 1892, où il rencontre les disciples du maître et découvre également les œuvres de Vincent van Gogh. ll y rencontre également Armand Seguin qui l’initie à la gravure. Durant son séjour en Bretagne, il pose les bases de son art de coloriste. En 1893, Cuno Amiet retourne en Suisse. En 1897, il fait la connaissance de Ferdinand Hodler, avec qui il a été l’un des plus illustres représentants du courant symboliste en Suisse. L'année suivante, il se marie avec la fille d'un riche aubergiste, Anna Luder. En 1898, il s'installe avec elle dans une maison à Oschwand (canton de Berne). Ce village bernois d'Oschwand devient un centre de création et de villégiature artistique dès 1908. Il entretient des contacts étroits avec l'étranger, participant notamment avec Ferdinand Hodler à la Sécession de Vienne en 1904. Il expose à Dresde en mai 1905. Il y connaît les jeunes peintres expressionnistes qui fondent la même année le groupe artistique d'avant-garde Die Brücke. En septembre 1906, il est formellement invité à rejoindre Die Brücke, ce qu'il accepte. Cela a permis à Cuno Amiet de participer à des expositions collectives à l'étranger.  Lors de l'incendie du Palais de verre à Munich en 1931, Cuno Amiet perd une partie de son œuvre. Depuis les années 1920 jusqu'à sa mort en 1961, survenue à Oschwand alors qu'il est très âgé, Amiet se voue en priorité à des paysages joyeux et idylliques.En plus des œuvres de chevalet, Amiet a aussi exécuté des peintures murales et des gravures. Par sa maîtrise de la couleur, il a imprimé, après Ferdinand Hodler, une nouvelle impulsion à la peinture suisse. Cuno Amiet fut membre de la Commission fédérale des beaux-arts (1911-1915 et 1931-1932) et du Moderner Bund (1912). En 1919, il fut nommé docteur honoris causa de l'université de Berne. Il siégea également à la commission de la Fondation Gottfried Keller (1934-1948) et à la commission du musée des beaux-arts de Berne (1935-1948).


2023 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Friday, May 12, 2023



FERDINAND HODLER (1853-1918) La Jungfrau (4,158 m - 13, 642 ft)   Le  Mönch (4,107 m - 13,474 ft) L'Eiger (3,970 m -13,020 ft) Suisse  In  L’Eiger, le Mönch et la Jungfrau vus de Beatenberg aus, 1910, 1910, collection privée

La Jungfrau (4,158 m - 13, 642 ft)  
Le  Mönch (4,107 m - 13,474 ft)
L'Eiger (3,970 m -13,020 ft)

In  L’Eiger, le Mönch et la Jungfrau vus de Beatenberg aus, 1910, 1910, collection privée

Les montagnes
Le Mönch (4 107 m) (Le Moine) est une montagne des Alpes bernoises, en Suisse. Le Mönch se situe à la frontière entre les cantons du Valais et de Berne et fait partie d'une crête montagneuse entre la Jungfrau et le Jungfraujoch à l'ouest et l'Eiger à l'est. Le versant nord du Mönch forme un mur en escalier au-dessus de la vallée de Lauterbrunnen. Le tunnel ferroviaire de la Jungfrau passe juste sous le sommet, à une altitude d'environ 3 300 mètres (10 830 pieds). Le sommet a été escaladé pour la première fois il y a 159 ans en 1857 le 15 août, par Christian Almer, Christian Kaufmann, Ulrich Kaufmann et Sigismund Porges.

L'Eiger (3 970 m) est situé dans les Alpes bernoises, surplombant Grindelwald et Lauterbrunnen dans l'Oberland bernois, juste au nord du bassin versant principal et à la frontière avec le Valais. C'est le sommet le plus à l'est d'une crête qui s'étend à travers le Mönch jusqu'à la Jungfrau à (4 158 m-13 642 ft), constituant l'un des sites les plus emblématiques des Alpes suisses. La caractéristique la plus remarquable de l'Eiger est sa face nord de roche et de glace de 1 800 mètres de haut - 5 900 pieds, appelée Eigerwand ou Nordwand, qui est la plus grande face nord des Alpes. Cette immense face domine la station de Kleine Scheidegg à sa base, sur le col homonyme reliant les deux vallées.
La première ascension de l'Eiger a été réalisée par les guides suisses Christian Almer et Peter Bohren et l'Irlandais Charles Barrington, qui ont escaladé le flanc ouest le 11 août 1858.
La Jungfrau (4'158 m ) ("La Vierge" en allemand) est l'un des principaux sommets des Alpes bernoises, situé entre le canton nord de Berne et le canton sud du Valais, à mi-chemin entre Interlaken et Fiesch. Avec l'Eiger et le Mönch, la Jungfrau forme un mur massif surplombant l'Oberland bernois et le plateau suisse, l'un des sites les plus distinctifs des Alpes suisses. C'est l'un des sommets les plus représentés par les artistes avec le Cervin et le Mont Blanc. Le sommet a été atteint pour la première fois le 3 août 1811 par les frères Meyer d'Aarau et deux chasseurs de chamois du Valais. L'ascension fait suite à une longue expédition sur les glaciers et les hauts cols des Alpes bernoises. Ce n'est qu'en 1865 qu'une route plus directe côté nord est ouverte. La construction du chemin de fer de la Jungfrau au début du XXe siècle, qui relie Kleine Scheidegg au Jungfraujoch, la selle entre le Mönch et la Jungfrau, a fait de la région l'un des endroits les plus visités des Alpes. Avec le glacier d'Aletsch au sud, la Jungfrau fait partie de la région Jungfrau-Aletsch, qui a été déclarée site du patrimoine mondial en 2001.

Le peintre
Ferdinand Hodler était l'un des peintres suisses les plus connus du XIXe siècle. Ses premières œuvres étaient des portraits, des paysages et des peintures de genre dans un style réaliste. Plus tard, il adopta une forme personnelle de symbolisme qu'il appela Parallélisme.
Au cours de la dernière décennie du 19e siècle, son travail a évolué pour combiner les influences de plusieurs genres, dont le symbolisme et l'Art nouveau. En 1890, il achève Night, une œuvre qui marque le tournant de Hodler vers l'imagerie symboliste. Il représente plusieurs gisants, tous détendus dans le sommeil, à l'exception d'un homme agité qui est menacé par une silhouette enveloppée de noir, que Hodler a conçue comme un symbole de mort. Hodler a développé un style qu'il a appelé «parallélisme» qui mettait l'accent sur la symétrie et le rythme qui, selon lui, formaient la base de la société humaine. Dans des peintures telles que The Chosen One , des groupements de personnages sont disposés symétriquement dans des poses évoquant un rituel ou une danse.
Hodler a peint un certain nombre de peintures historiques à grande échelle, souvent avec des thèmes patriotiques. En 1897, il accepte une commande pour peindre une série de grandes fresques pour la salle d'armes du Schweizerisches Landesmuseum de Zurich. Les compositions qu'il a proposées, y compris La bataille de Marignan qui dépeignait une bataille perdue par les Suisses, étaient controversées pour leur imagerie et leur style, et Hodler n'a été autorisé à exécuter les fresques qu'en 1900.
L'œuvre de Hodler dans sa phase finale prend un aspect expressionniste avec des figures fortement colorées et géométriques. Les paysages sont réduits à l'essentiel, constitués parfois d'un coin de terre déchiqueté entre l'eau et le ciel. 

2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau 

Friday, March 3, 2023


FERDINAND HODLER (1853-1918) Jungfrau (4'158 m - 13'642 ft) Suisse.

Jungfrau (4'158 m - 13'642 ft)

In La Jungfrau au dessus d'une mer de nuages, 1908

La montagne
La Jungfrau (4'158 m - 13'642 ft) ("La jeune fille" en allemand) est l'un des principaux sommets des Alpes bernoises, situé entre le nord du canton de Berne et le sud du canton du Valais, à mi-chemin entre Interlaken et Fiesch. Avec l'Eiger et le Mönch, la Jungfrau forme un mur massif surplombant l'Oberland bernois et le plateau suisse, l'un des sites les plus distinctifs des Alpes suisses. C'est l'un des sommets les plus représentés par les artistes avec le Cervin et le Mont Blanc. Le sommet a été atteint pour la première fois le 3 août 1811 par les frères Meyer d'Aarau et deux chasseurs de chamois du Valais. L'ascension fait suite à une longue expédition sur les glaciers et les hauts cols des Alpes bernoises. Ce n'est qu'en 1865 qu'une route plus directe côté nord est ouverte. La construction du chemin de fer de la Jungfrau au début du XXe siècle, qui relie Kleine Scheidegg au Jungfraujoch, entre le Mönch et la Jungfrau, a fait de la région l'un des endroits les plus visités des Alpes. Avec le glacier d'Aletsch au sud, la Jungfrau fait partie de la région Jungfrau-Aletsch, qui a été déclarée site du patrimoine mondial en 2001.
Politiquement, la Jungfrau est partagée entre les communes de Lauterbrunnen (Berne) et de Fieschertal (Valais). C'est la troisième plus haute montagne des Alpes bernoises après le Finsteraarhorn et l'Aletschhorn, respectivement distants de 12 et 8 km. Mais du lac de Thoune, et de la plus grande partie du canton de Berne, c'est le plus remarquable et le plus proche des sommets de l'Oberland bernois ; avec un dénivelé de 3 600 m entre le sommet et la ville d'Interlaken. Ceci, et l'extrême raideur de la face nord, lui ont valu une réputation précoce d'inaccessibilité.
Les paysages autour de la Jungfrau sont extrêmement contrastés. Au lieu des précipices vertigineux du nord-ouest, le versant sud-est émerge des neiges supérieures du glacier d'Aletsch à environ 3 500 mètres. La vallée d'Aletsch, longue de 20 km au sud-est, est complètement inhabitée et également entourée d'autres vallées glaciaires similaires. L'ensemble de la région constitue la plus grande zone glaciaire des Alpes ainsi que d'Europe. 

Le peintre
Ferdinand Hodler fut l'un des peintres suisses les plus connus du 19e siècle. Ses premières œuvres étaient des portraits, des paysages et des peintures de genre dans un style réaliste. Plus tard, il adopta une forme personnelle de symbolisme qu'il appela Parallélisme.
Au cours de la dernière décennie du 19e siècle, son travail aévolua pour combiner les influences de plusieurs genres, dont le symbolisme et l'Art nouveau. En 1890, il achève Night une œuvre qui marqu un tournant  vers l'imagerie symboliste. Le «parallélisme»  mettait l'accent sur la symétrie et le rythme qui, selon lui, formaient la base de la société humaine. Dans des peintures telles que The Chosen One, des groupements de personnages sont disposés symétriquement dans des poses évoquant un rituel ou une danse.
Hodler a peint un certain nombre de peintures historiques à grande échelle, souvent avec des thèmes patriotiques. En 1897, il accepte une commande pour peindre une série de grandes fresques pour la salle d'armes du Schweizerisches Landesmuseum de Zurich. Les compositions qu'il a proposées, y compris La bataille de Marignan qui dépeignait une bataille perdue par les Suisses, étaient controversées pour leur imagerie et leur style, et Hodler n'a été autorisé à exécuter les fresques qu'en 1900.
L'œuvre de Hodler dans sa phase finale prend un aspect expressionniste avec des figures fortement colorées et géométriques. Les paysages sont réduits à l'essentiel, constitués parfois d'un coin de terre déchiqueté entre l'eau et le ciel.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Friday, February 10, 2023


GIOVANNI GIACOMETTI (1868-1933) Piz Corvatsch (3 451 m - 11 322 ft) Suisse  In "Capolago avec vue sur Corvatsch", vers 1926, Collection privée
Piz Corvatsch (3 451 m - 11 322 ft)
Suisse (Grisons)

In "Capolago avec vue sur Corvatsch", vers 1926, Collection privée

Le peintre
Giovanni Giacometti était un peintre suisse, le père du célèbre peintre et sculpteur Alberto Giacometti, et de Diego Giacometti, le designer de meubles ainsi que le père de l'architecte Bruno Giacometti ! En 1886, il étudie la peinture à l'École des arts décoratifs de Munich, où il rencontre Cuno Amiet l'année suivante. Tous deux décident de poursuivre leurs études à Paris, en octobre s'inscrit à l'Académie Julian, où Giacometti reste jusqu'en 1891.
En 1893, peu après son retour en Suisse, à Bergell, il se lie d'amitié avec Giovanni Segantini, son aîné de dix ans, qui a une grande influence sur son œuvre en l'ouvrant à la beauté des paysages montagnards et aux règles du divisionnisme. Après sa mort subite en 1899, Giacometti rencontre Ferdinand Hodler, qui lui apprend à créer une composition rigoureuse et ornementale par une utilisation appropriée des formes et des couleurs.
Il voit régulièrement Cuno Amiet qui, après un an passé à Pont-Aven, lui fait part de son expérience. En 1900, il expose au Pavillon suisse de l'Exposition universelle de Paris. A partir de 1905, Giacometti travaille à nouveau dans une grande complicité avec Amiet et commence à s'affranchir de l'influence de Segantini. En 1906, a organisé une exposition de son travail au Kunstlerhaus de Zurich. En 1907, il se rend à Paris avec Amiet pour la rétrospective Cézanne au Salon d'Automne. Ils copient toutes les oeuvres de Van Gogh. En 1908, il expose avec les Fauves français à la galerie Richter de Dresde.
En 1909, la galerie Tannhauser présente ses œuvres à Munich. Il rencontre Alexi von Jawlensky, et en 1911 participe à la Sécession de Berlin. En 1912, Giacometti fait une exposition personnelle au Kunsthaus de Zurich et présente deux œuvres au Sonderbund de Cologne. En 1918, après la mort de Hodler, il commence à s'impliquer dans le monde politique suisse en y jouant un rôle important en tant qu'artiste engagé, à la suite en cela de son ami Amiet.

La montagne
Le Pic Corvatsch (3 451 m - 11 322 ft) est une montagne de la chaîne des Alpes de la Bernina, surplombant le lac de Sils et le lac de Silvaplana dans la région de l'Engadine, Canton des Grisons en Suisse. C'est le point culminant du massif séparant la vallée principale de l'Inn du Val Roseg. Outre le Piz Corvatsch, deux autres sommets légèrement inférieurs composent le massif du Corvatsch : le Piz Murtèl (3 433 m (11 263 ft) ; au nord du Piz Corvatsch) et le sommet sans nom où se trouve la station supérieure du téléphérique du Corvatsch (3 303 m (10 837 ft) ; au nord du Piz Murtèl). Politiquement, le sommet du Piz Corvatsch est partagé entre les communes de Sils im Engadin et Samedan, bien que le sommet de 3 303 m se situe entre les communes de Silvaplana et Samedan.
Plusieurs glaciers se trouvent du côté est du massif. Le plus grand, en dessous du Piz Corvatsch, s'appelle Vadret dal Murtèl. Le deuxième plus grand, en dessous du Piz Murtèl et de la gare, s'appelle Vadret dal Corvatsch.
Le téléphérique du Corvatsch démarre au-dessus du village de Surlej, à l'est de Silvaplana et culmine à 3 298 m. De là, le sommet du Piz Corvatsch peut être atteint en traversant le Piz Murtil. En hiver et au printemps, la montagne fait partie d'un domaine skiable parmi les plus hauts de Suisse et des Alpes orientales.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
            Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
            Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, November 23, 2022



FERDINAND HODLER (1853-1918) Mont Salève (1, 379m - 4,524ft) France (Haute-Savoie)  In  (Der Salève im Herbst - Le Salève en Automne, huile sur toile, 1891

Mont Salève (1, 379m - 4,524ft)
France (Haute-Savoie)

In  (Der Salève im Herbst - Le Salève en Automne, huile sur toile, 1891

La montagne
Le Salève  (1, 379m - 4,524ft) ou mont Salève est une montagne des Préalpes située dans le département de la Haute-Savoie, en France. On l'appelle aussi parfois le « balcon de Genève » car bien que situé intégralement en France, il est voisin de l'agglomération transfrontalière de Genève située au nord-ouest, la frontière passant au pied des falaises de l'extrémité nord de la montagne. Il offre l'un des points de vue les plus appréciés sur le canton de Genève et le Léman, étant facilement accessible par la route et par son téléphérique. Bien qu'appartenant d'un point de vue géologique au massif du Jura, ce crêt de calcaire plissé est rattaché aux Préalpes. Le Salève s’étend sur 21 kilomètres de longueur entre Étrembières au nord et le pont de la Caille au sud. Il est régulièrement orienté du nord-est au sud-ouest, et il est constitué de trois parties d’inégales longueurs, séparées par deux dépressions : le Petit Salève qui culmine à 899 mètres d'altitude au Camp des Allobroges, le Grand Salève qui culmine à 1 309 mètres d'altitude et le massif Pitons-Plan12 parfois appelé Salève des Pitons ou simplement Les Pitons. Ce dernier massif culmine au Grand Piton (1 379 mètres) et comporte trois autres sommets nommés : la pointe de la Piollière (1 349 mètres), le Petit Piton (1 369 mètres) au nord12 et la pointe du Plan au sud (1 349 mètres). Entre le Petit et le Grand Salève, le vallon de Monnetier a une altitude de 684 mètres et entre le Grand Salève et le massif des Pitons, le col de la Croisette s’élève à 1 175 mètres et est franchi par la route départementale 45. 

Le peintre 
Ferdinand Hodler est un peintre suisse considéré comme le peintre  qui a le plus marqué la fin du 19e et le début du 20e siècle. Ami de Klimt et de Jawlensky, admiré par Puvis de Chavannes, Rodin et Kandinsky, Hodler est l’un des principaux moteurs de la modernité dans l’Europe de la Belle Époque. Son œuvre, puissante, navigue entre réalisme, symbolisme et expressionnisme. Au cours de sa carrière, il aura touché à tous les genres, privilégiant le portrait, le paysage, la peinture historique et monumentale et les compositions de figures. Hodler était surtout réputé en Suisse dans les années 1900-1910 pour ses peintures à caractère patriotique. En novembre 1900, la Poste suisse choisit sur concours son Berger de Fribourg qui sera utilisé jusqu'en 1936. En 1909, la Banque nationale suisse lui commande deux vignettes monétaires, qui deviendront le billet de 50 (« Le Bûcheron ») et de 100 francs (« Le Faucheur »), mis en circulation en 1911.  L'Institut Ferdinand Hodler, sis à Genève et Delémont (Suisse) a été fondé dans le but de réunir les ressources et les compétences utiles à l'étude et à la valorisation de l'œuvre du peintre. La création de cette institution s'est faite progressivement, à la suite du décès de l'historien de l'art Jura Brüschweiler (1927-2013), l'un des plus importants spécialistes du peintre, à qui il a consacré sa vie de chercheur et de collectionneur. L'Institut Ferdinand Hodler mène un vaste programme de recherche et de publication consacré au peintre.


2022 - Wandering Vertexes ....
            Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
            Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, April 6, 2022


WILHELM FRIEDRICH BURGER (1882 -1964 ) The Dom (4,545 m (14,911 ft) The Täschhorn (4,491 m -14,734 ft) Switzerland  In The Dom and Täschhorn above Zermatt, watercolour, 30.5 x 37.5 cm. Courtesy John Mitchell Fine Arts London

The Dom (4,545 m (14,911 ft)
The Täschhorn (4,491 m -14,734 ft)

In The Dom and Täschhorn above Zermatt, watercolour, 30.5 x 37.5 cm.
Courtesy John Mitchell Fine Arts London

The mountains
The Dom (4 ,545 m  -14,911 ft)  is a mountain of the Pennine Alps, located between Randa and Saas-Fee in the canton of Valais in Switzerland. It is the seventh highest summit in the Alps, overall.  Based on prominence, it can be regarded as the third highest mountain in the Alps, and the second highest in Switzerland, after Monte Rosa. The Dom is the main summit of the Mischabel group (German: Mischabelhörner), which is the highest massif lying entirely in Switzerland. The Dom is noteworthy for its 'normal route' of ascent having the greatest vertical height gain of all the alpine 4000 metre peaks, and none of that route's 3,100 metres of height can be achieved using mechanical means. Although Dom is a German cognate for 'dome', it can also mean 'cathedral' and the mountain is named after Canon Berchtold of Sitten cathedral, the first person to survey the vicinity. The former name Mischabel comes from an ancient German dialect term for pitchfork, as the highest peaks of the massif stand close to each other.
The Täschhorn (4,491 m - 14,734 ft) is  lying south of the Dom within the Mischabel range.  Täschorn is a little lower than Dom but more difficult to access because there is mandatory rock climbing. Täschorn is a 3 sides pyramid.  East face is above Saas Fee, W face is above Täsch (last village before Zermatt), and huge South face is above Täschalp (Ottavan).  Each side belongs a glacier: on Täsch side is Kingletscher, on Ottavan side is Weingartengletscher, on Saas side is Feegletscher. The first ascent of the mountain was by John Llewelyn Davies and J. W. Hayward with guides Stefan and Johann Zumtaugwald and Peter-Josef Summermatter on 30 July 1862. The normal route is on the SE ridge starting from Mischabeljoch. To join the Mischabel pass, it's possible to come from either Saas Fee side or Täsch side.

The painter
Wilhelm, or Willy, Burger is nowadays widely recognized as one of the leading graphic artists of his time. His lithograph posters such as, Jungfraubahn. Station Jungfrau: Joch 3457m. Aletschgletscher, 1914 and St. Moritz, 1912are far better known – and more costly – than his oil paintings. However, he was first and foremost a painter by training who apprenticed in Zurich before leaving for Philadelphia and New York in 1908. He returned to Switzerland in 1913 where he set up a studio in Rüschlikon on the west shore of Lake Zürich from where he would travel throughout the Alps, the Mediterranean and as far afield as Egypt for his commissions. Although Burger cannot be categorized as a Symbolist in the strictest sense, his palette, his penchant for jagged outlines and his ethereal skies owe much to Ferdinand Hodler, the leading Swiss painter of the late nineteenth century. Hovering between Realism and Symbolism in style, this late afternoon view over the Zürichsee from the edge of the lake at Rüschlikon is an overt homage to Hodler who painted nearly 150 pictures of the Swiss lakes, many of them in a similar, panoramic format. Burger went so far as to sign his picture with a more spidery signature than usual – a pastiche of Hodler’s.
From 1901 onwards, Hodler began to concentrate on a series of acclaimed visions of Lac Léman (Geneva) in which he delineated horizontal bands of differing colours and tone. As he developed the theme of receding lines across the lake, or ‘parallelism’, as he called it, Mont Blanc and its surrounding peaks were introduced into the background. Hodler died in 1918 but in these late paintings he sought to express his concept of unité – the idea that there was a fundamental order to the universe and the artist’s role was to reveal it.

2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Sunday, March 6, 2022


MARCUS JACOBI (1891-1969), Der Niesen (2, 362m - 7,749 ft), Switzerland  "In The Niesen, Lake Thun, Bernese Oberland, Switzerland," oil on canvas, 105 x 96cm. 1941, Courtesy John Mitchell Fine paintings, London

MARCUS JACOBI (1891-1969)
Der Niesen (2, 362m - 7,749ft

In The Niesen, Lake Thun, Bernese Oberland, Switzerland, oil on canvas, 105 x 96cm, 1941,
Courtesy John Mitchell Fine paintings, London 

The mountain
The Niesen (2, 362m - 7,749ft) is a mountain of the Bernese Alps in Switzerland. It overlooks Lake Thun, in the Bernese Oberland region, and forms the northern end of a ridge that stretches north from the Albristhorn and Mannliflue, separating the Simmental and Kandertal valleys. The literal translation of the German word "Niesen" is "sneeze", but the Niesen because of its shape, is often called The Swiss Pyramid. Administratively, the summit is shared between the municipalities of Reichenbach im Kandertal, to the south-east, and Wimmis, to the west and north. Both municipalities are in the canton of Bern. The summit of the mountain can be reached easily by using the Niesenbahn funicular from Mülenen (near Reichenbach). The construction of the funicular was completed in 1910. Alongside the path of the Niesenbahn is the longest stairway in the world with 11,674 steps. It is open only once a year to the public for a stair run.
The literal translation of the German word Niesen is sneeze. Because of its shape, the Niesen is often called the Swiss Pyramid. Since the 18th century, the Niesen was the subject of a number of paintings which will all be published in this blog, one by one. The Ferdinand Holder's paintings are the two first ones to have been published. The Niesen was also the subject of a number of paintings by Paul Klee, in which it was represented as a quasi-pyramid.

The painter
Born in Biel, Marcus Jacobi came from a family of piano manufacturers and went to study medicine in Bern before becoming a painter. In the 1920s he moved to Merligen on the northern shore of Lake Thun from where this summer panorama was painted. Floating between Ferdinand Hodler and Felix Vallotton, two of the giants of Swiss twentieth century painting, Jacobi’s landscape style fused elements of Realism and Symbolism. He became known for his views of the Niesen, the volcano-like peak which rises to well over 2,000 metres and is one of Switzerland’s most iconic mountains.

2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Monday, October 18, 2021


GIOVANNI GIACOMETTI (1868-1933), Piz Balzet (2, 869 m - 9,413 ft), Punta de l'Albigna (2,825 m - 9,268 ft), Spazzacaldeira (2,487 m- 8,159 ft) ,Switzerland  In  Albigna Valley, oil on canvas, 1932

Piz Balzet (2, 869 m - 9,413 ft)
Punta de l'Albigna (2,825 m - 9,268 ft)
Spazzacaldeira (2,487 m- 8,159 ft)
 In  Albigna Valley, oil on canvas,  1932

The Mountains 

The Piz Balzet  (2, 869 m - 9,413 ft)  is a  tall granite mountain located in Bergell, Switzerland. Standing just on the eastern edge of the Albigna reservoir it is clearly visible when driving down from the Maloja-pass to the north and from the campsite at Vicosoprano. Seen from this (its western) side the Balzet is an imposing picture; very steep slabs fall off into the valley and several ridges make their way to the well defined summit. A different picture entirely is presented when the mountain is viewed from its southern side; from this side there are no steep drops to valley floors far below. Instead, it is 'merely' a summit in the ridge leading up to the Piz Bacun (3,244m).
The Punta da l'Albigna  (2,825 m - 9,268 ft) is an easily recognizable summit on the eastern side of the Albigna lake in the Bergell, an area in south-eastern Switzerland famous for its multitude of alpine rock climbs on excellent granite. Along with the Spazzacaldeira and the Piz Balzet, the Punta da l'Albigna ranks among the most popular climbing hotspots in the Albigna area. It hosts numerous routes from 4a to 5c and varying in length between 8 and 12 ropelengths. Most of the routes are bolted, though some rather sparingly
Spazzacaldeira (2,487 m- 8,159 ft) is the name of the ridge directly west of the Albigna reservoir, just to the north of the Al Gal. It offers a multitude of alpine-sport routes across its eastern face and the north-east ridge is a well known classic in the area. Because of the generally well bolted nature of the routes and the incredibly easy access via the nearby cable car station, Spazzacaldeira can attract a large number of climbers. Most of them will be aiming for the summit pinnacle, the famous Fiamma, a striking summit spire seen on many local postcards.

The painter
Giovanni Giacometti was a Swiss painter, the father of the famous painter and sculptor Alberto Giacometti, and of Diego Giacometti, the furniture designer as well as the father of the architect Bruno Giacometti ! In 1886, he studied painting at the School of Decorative Arts in Munich, where he met Cuno Amiet the following year. Both decide to pursue their studies in Paris, in October stood at the Académie Julian, where Giacometti remains until 1891.
In 1893, shortly after his return to Switzerland, to Bergell, he became friends with Giovanni Segantini, his eldest ten years, which has great influence on his work by opening it to the beauty of the mountain scenery and the rules of divisionism. After his sudden death in 1899, Giacometti met Ferdinand Hodler, who teaches him to create a rigorous and ornamental composition by appropriate use of shapes and colors.
He sees regularly Cuno Amiet, who after a year spent in Pont-Aven, shared his experience with him. In 1900 he exhibited in the Swiss Pavillon of the Universal Exhibition in Paris. From 1905, Giacometti works again in a great complicity with Amiet and begins to break free from the influence of Segantini. In 1906, held an exhibition of his work at Kunstlerhaus Zurich. In 1907 he went to Paris with Amiet to the Cézanne retrospective at the Salon d'Automne. They copy all the works of Van Gogh. In 1908, he exhibited with the French Fauves at the Richter Gallery in Dresden.
In 1909, the Tannhauser Gallery presents his works in Munich. He meets Alexi von Jawlensky, and in 1911 participates in the Berlin Secession. In 1912, Giacometti has a solo show at the Kunsthaus Zurich presents two works in the Sonderbund of Cologne. In 1918 after Hodler' s death, he began to be involved into the Swiss political world paying an important part as a committed artist, following int that way friend Amiet.

2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Saturday, April 10, 2021


GIORGIO AVANTI (c.1946), Jungfrau (4,158 m - 13, 642 ft) Switzerland, John Mitchell Gallery, Swiss painters, 
Jungfrau (4,158 m - 13, 642 ft) 
In Jungfrau 2019, oil on acrylic on canvas, 100 x 120 cm. Courtesy John Mitchell Gallery, London

The artist
A recognized Swiss author, poet and painter, Peter Studer uses ‘Giorgio Avanti’ as a pseudonym. He lives and works from a studio in Walchwil on the eastern shore of Lake Zug, in the heart of Switzerland.
Avanti’s use of intense colour has earned him the epithet as the colourist of the Alps and a lengthy article published about his life and work that came out in the October and November 2020 edition of Munich’s art magazine, Mundus, was subtitled The Kolorist der Alpen. Drawing parallels with the Polish colourists of the 1930s and 1940s, the closest living counterpart to Avanti is the recently deceased American painter, Wolf Kahn.
Studer was born in Luzern and studied for a career in law before taking up abstract painting in the 1980s. Moving to portraiture and genre scenes a decade later, Studer has spent the latter half of his career concentrating on the Swiss Alps. Mundus’s journalist, Lena Naumann, characterizes Avanti as a twenty-first century disciple of Giovanni Segantini in his interpretation of the Alps whereas the painter would align himself just as closely with the work of Ferdinand Hodler, the leading Swiss painter of the late nineteenth century and Willy Guggenheim, known as Varlin.
Peter Studer refers to his gift for poetry and short stories as ‘painting with words’. His vibrant canvases display their own poetry, one derived entirely from colour.

The mountain
The Jungfrau (4,158 m - 13,642 ft)
("The virgin" in german) is one of the main summits of the Bernese Alps, located between the northern canton of Bern and the southern canton of Valais, halfway between Interlaken and Fiesch. Together with the Eiger and Mönch, the Jungfrau forms a massive wall overlooking the Bernese Oberland and the Swiss Plateau, one of the most distinctive sights of the Swiss Alps. It is one of the most represented by artists summits with the Matterhorn and the Mont Blanc. The summit was first reached on August 3, 1811 by the Meyer brothers of Aarau and two chamois hunters from Valais. The ascent followed a long expedition over the glaciers and high passes of the Bernese Alps. It was not until 1865 that a more direct route on the northern side was opened. The construction of the Jungfrau railway in the early 20th century, which connects Kleine Scheidegg to the Jungfraujoch, the saddle between the Mönch and the Jungfrau, made the area one of the most-visited places in the Alps. Along with the Aletsch Glacier to the south, the Jungfrau is part of the Jungfrau-Aletsch area, which was declared a World Heritage Site in 2001.
Politically, the Jungfrau is split between the municipalities of Lauterbrunnen (Bern) and Fieschertal (Valais). It is the third-highest mountain of the Bernese Alps after the nearby Finsteraarhorn and Aletschhorn, respectively 12 and 8 km away. But from Lake Thun, and the greater part of the canton of Bern, it is the most conspicuous and the nearest of the Bernese Oberland peaks; with a height difference of 3,600 m between the summit and the town of Interlaken. This, and the extreme steepness of the north face, secured for it an early reputation for inaccessibility.
The landscapes around the Jungfrau are extremely contrasted. Instead of the vertiginous precipices of the north-west, the south-east side emerges from the upper snows of the Aletsch Glacier at around 3,500 metres. The 20 km long valley of Aletsch on the south-east is completely uninhabited and also surrounded by other similar glacier valleys. The whole area constitutes the largest glaciated area in the Alps as well as in Europe.
2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Friday, September 18, 2020


Monte del Forno (3,214m -10,544 ft )
Italy - Switzerland border 

In Lake and mount  del Forno, watercolour,  Private collection  

The mountain
Monte del Forno (3,214m -10,544 ft )  not to be confused with  Monte Forno (Austrian, Slovenian Italian border)  is a mountain in the Bregaglia Range (Alps), located on the border between Italy and Switzerland. On its western side it overlooks the Forno Glacier and Lake.

The painter 
Giovanni Giacometti was a Swiss painter, the father of the famous painter and sculptor Alberto Giacometti, and of Diego Giacometti, the furniture designer as well as the father of the architect Bruno Giacometti ! In 1886, he studied painting at the School of Decorative Arts in Munich, where he met Cuno Amiet the following year. Both decide to pursue their studies in Paris, in October stood at the Académie Julian, where Giacometti remains until 1891.
In 1893, shortly after his return to Switzerland, to Bergell, he became friends with Giovanni Segantini, his eldest ten years, which has great influence on his work by opening it to the beauty of the mountain scenery and the rules of divisionism. After his sudden death in 1899, Giacometti met Ferdinand Hodler, who teaches him to create a rigorous and ornamental composition by appropriate use of shapes and colors.
He sees regularly Cuno Amiet, who after a year spent in Pont-Aven, shared his experience with him. In 1900 he exhibited in the Swiss Pavillon of the Universal Exhibition in Paris. From 1905, Giacometti works again in a great complicity with Amiet and begins to break free from the influence of Segantini. In 1906, held an exhibition of his work at Kunstlerhaus Zurich. In 1907 he went to Paris with Amiet to the Cézanne retrospective at the Salon d'Automne. They copy all the works of Van Gogh. In 1908, he exhibited with the French Fauves at the Richter Gallery in Dresden.
In 1909, the Tannhauser Gallery presents his works in Munich. He meets Alexi von Jawlensky, and in 1911 participates in the Berlin Secession. In 1912, Giacometti has a solo show at the Kunsthaus Zurich presents two works in the Sonderbund of Cologne. In 1918 after Hodler' s death, he began to be involved into the Swiss political world paying an important part as a committed artist, following int that way friend Amiet.


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, March 4, 2020



ERNEST BIÉLER (1863–1948) 
The Grammont (2, 172 m - 7,126 ft) 
Switzerland (Valais) 

In Le Grammont, Tempera on panel, 50.5 × 109 cm, Private collection 
The mountain
The Grammont (2, 172 m- 7,126 ft) is a mountain located in the Valais Chablais, in the Canton of Valais, Savoy Alps, Switzerland. Its northern flank falls steeply to the French-Swiss border towns of Saint-Gingolph on the shores of Lake Geneva. To the south-east lies Lac de Tanay, a lake located in the municipality of Vouvry. In 1906, a concession was filed at Federal Authorities for the construction of a cogwheel railway from the Swiss Saint-Gingolph to the Grammont. Stations were provided on the slopes of Vignoles, in Fritaz and at 2,080 meters (6,824ft) at the top of the Grammont. An extension to the neighboring Cornettes de Bise was conceived. The deadline for submission of technical and financial documents was last extended in 1913. Because of the World War I, the train was never built.
During the Second World War, on July 13, 1943, an aircraft of the British Royal Air Force crashed on the northeast slope above Le Bouveret at an altitude of 900 meters on the slopes of the Grammont. Seven people were killed. The Swiss army announced that their air defense had fired the aircraft. The dead were buried in the English cemetery in Vevey.
The mountain has inspired the swiss painter Ferdinand Hodler quite a number of times. He painted the summit at every hour of the days and in every season...

The painter
Ernest Biéler was a multi-talented Swiss painter, draughtsman and printmaker. He worked in oil, tempera, watercolour, gouache, ink, charcoal, pastels, acrylic and pencil. He also created mosaics and stained glass windows. After completing his education in Lausanne, he studied at the Académie Julian in Paris. In 1900, he received the silver medal of the Exposition Universelle of Paris. He founded with Raphaël Ritz, Edouard Vallet and others, the Ecole of Savièse
] He was made a Knight of the Légion d'honneur.
Although he travelled widely, he remained attached to Savièse and often depicted scenes of peasant life with a remarkable degree of detail. Bieler also produced stained glass windows for the church and the federal building in Bern, and decorated a ceiling for the City Theatre in Berne.


2020 - Wandering Vertexes
A blog by Francis Rousseau

Friday, February 21, 2020


Les Dents Blanches /  La Dent du Barme (2,759m - 9,051ft)
France - Switzerland border

In Les Dents Blanches in Champery, oil on canvas, 1916, Private collection

The mountain
Les Dents Blanches  (The White Teeth) is a mountain range made up of 9 peaks between Champery in Switzerland and  Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval  (France), in the Giffre massif and overlooking the Illiez valley. The highest peak,  Dent de Barme, rises to 2,759m.
Like its neighbor the Tour des Dents du Midi, the Tour des Dents Blanches takes place in stages and over several days. The complete loop covers 44.4 km and has a cumulative elevation of 8,400 meters. This tour exists since 1983 thanks to a collective work of different regions and huts. Together they carried out the tracing of the route, its markup and the securing of certain passages.
With its 4 mountain lakes, the Dents Blanches are the delight of nature lovers. The ibex have made Pas de l'Ours their privileged habitat and marmots are not lacking in appeal. Other treasures of fauna such as ptarmigan and bearded vulture can also be obs

The painter
Ferdinand Hodler is one of the best-known Swiss painters of the 19th century. His early works were portraits, landscapes, and genre paintings in a realistic style. Later, he adopted a personal form of symbolism he called Parallelism.
In the last decade of the nineteenth century his work evolved to combine influences from several genres including Symbolism and Art Nouveau. In 1890 he completed Night, a work that marked Hodler's turn toward symbolist imagery. It depicts several recumbent figures, all of them relaxed in sleep except for an agitated man who is menaced by a figure shrouded in black, which Hodler intended as a symbol of death. Hodler developed a style he called "Parallelism" that emphasized the symmetry and rhythm he believed formed the basis of human society. In paintings such as The Chosen One, groupings of figures are symmetrically arranged in poses suggestive of ritual or dance.
Hodler painted number of large-scale historical paintings, often with patriotic themes. In 1897 he accepted a commission to paint a series of large frescoes for the Weapons Room of the Schweizerisches Landesmuseum in Zurich. The compositions he proposed, including The Battle of Marignan which depicted a battle that the Swiss lost, were controversial for their imagery and style, and Hodler was not permitted to execute the frescoes until 1900.
Hodler's work in his final phase took on an expressionist aspect with strongly coloured and geometrical figures. Landscapes were pared down to essentials, sometimes consisting of a jagged wedge of land between water and sky


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Saturday, September 21, 2019


Cima di Rosso (( 3,366 m (11,043 ft)
Italy - Switzerland border

In Maloja mit Monte Forno und Cima di Rosso,  oil on canvas, 1918, Private collection 

The mountain
The Cima di Rosso is a mountain in the Bregaglia Range of the Alps, located on the border between Italy and Switzerland. It lies between the valleys of Bregaglia (in Graubünden) and Malenco (in Lombardy). On the western side of the mountain is the Forno Glacier.

The painter
Giovanni Giacometti was a Swiss painter, the father of the famous painter and sculptor Alberto Giacometti, and of Diego Giacometti, the furniture designer as well as the father of the architect Bruno Giacometti ! In 1886, he studied painting at the School of Decorative Arts in Munich, where he met Cuno Amiet the following year. Both decide to pursue their studies in Paris, in October stood at the Académie Julian, where Giacometti remains until 1891.
In 1893, shortly after his return to Switzerland, to Bergell, he became friends with Giovanni Segantini, his eldest ten years, which has great influence on his work by opening it to the beauty of the mountain scenery and the rules of divisionism. After his sudden death in 1899, Giacometti met Ferdinand Hodler, who teaches him to create a rigorous and ornamental composition by appropriate use of shapes and colors.
He sees regularly Cuno Amiet, who after a year spent in Pont-Aven, shared his experience with him. In 1900 he exhibited in the Swiss Pavillon of the Universal Exhibition in Paris. From 1905, Giacometti works again in a great complicity with Amiet and begins to break free from the influence of Segantini. In 1906, held an exhibition of his work at Kunstlerhaus Zurich. In 1907 he went to Paris with Amiet to the Cézanne retrospective at the Salon d'Automne. They copy all the works of Van Gogh. In 1908, he exhibited with the French Fauves at the Richter Gallery in Dresden.
In 1909, the Tannhauser Gallery presents his works in Munich. He meets Alexi von Jawlensky, and in 1911 participates in the Berlin Secession. In 1912, Giacometti has a solo show at the Kunsthaus Zurich presents two works in the Sonderbund of Cologne. In 1918 after Hodler' s death, he began to be involved into the Swiss political world paying an important part as a committed artist, following int that way friend Amiet.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Friday, September 20, 2019


The Grammont (2, 172 m - 7,126 ft) 
Switzerland (Valais) 

In Grammont, 1919, oil on canvas, Private collection

The mountain 
The Grammont (2, 172 m- 7,126 ft) is a mountain located in the Valais Chablais, in the Canton of Valais, Savoy Alps, Switzerland. Its northern flank falls steeply to the French-Swiss border towns of Saint-Gingolph on the shores of Lake Geneva. To the south-east lies Lac de Tanay, a lake located in the municipality of Vouvry.In 1906, a concession was filed at Federal Authorities for the construction of a cogwheel railway from the Swiss Saint-Gingolph to the Grammont. Stations were provided on the slopes of Vignoles, in Fritaz and at 2,080 meters (6,824ft) at the top of the Grammont. An extension to the neighboring Cornettes de Bise was conceived. The deadline for submission of technical and financial documents was last extended in 1913. Because of the World War I, the train was never built.
During the Second World War, on July 13, 1943, an aircraft of the British Royal Air Force crashed on the northeast slope above Le Bouveret at an altitude of 900 meters on the slopes of the Grammont. Seven people were killed. The Swiss army announced that their air defense had fired the aircraft. The dead were buried in the English cemetery in Vevey.
The mountain has inspired the swiss painterFerdinand Hodler  quite a number of times.
He painted the summit at every hour of the days and in every season. (cf this post)

The painter
Alexandre Perrier is one of the most prominent Swiss artists of the turn of the century, but he is perhaps the one whose work remains today the least studied. He counted among his friends and acquaintances Cuno Amiet, Albert Trachsel and Ferdinand Hodler and exhibited at the side of the latter at the Secession of Vienna in 1901, as well as at the Exposition Universelle in Paris the previous year. A landscape painter by vocation, he devoted his whole life to the pictorial transposition of a limited choice of sites, such as Mont Salève, Lake Geneva, The Mont-Blanc and The Grammont, whose light and atmosphere he sought to bring back. Influenced by Neo-Impressionist tendencies, he uses a technique decomposing his touch into small dots and lines, situating it stylistically between pointillism and divisionism. In the second part of his career his style evolved towards a freer painting, dissociating color and drawing, an artistic approach that confirms its originality and its modernity.
At his debut, he worked for a short period in a bank before going to Mulhouse in 1881, for training as a signatory of textile printing. In 1891, he moved to Paris where he worked as a fashion illustrator; He discovered new artistic movements such as neo-impressionism, symbolism and Art Nouveau. Shortly before the turn of the century, he returned to Geneva, where he remained until his death. He received a bronze medal at the Universal Exhibition of Paris in 1900. In 1902, he exhibited at the Secession of Vienna.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Saturday, September 7, 2019


The Wetterhorn (3, 692m -12, 113ft)

 In The Wetterhorn, oil on canvas,  1912

The painter
Ferdinand Hodler is one of the best-known Swiss painters of the 19th century. His early works were portraits, landscapes, and genre paintings in a realistic style. Later, he adopted a personal form of symbolism he called Parallelism.
In the last decade of the nineteenth century his work evolved to combine influences from several genres including Symbolism and Art Nouveau. In 1890 he completed Night, a work that marked Hodler's turn toward symbolist imagery. It depicts several recumbent figures, all of them relaxed in sleep except for an agitated man who is menaced by a figure shrouded in black, which Hodler intended as a symbol of death. Hodler developed a style he called "Parallelism" that emphasized the symmetry and rhythm he believed formed the basis of human society.
Hodler painted number of large-scale historical paintings, often with patriotic themes.
Hodler's work in his final phase took on an expressionist aspect with strongly coloured and geometrical figures. Landscapes were pared down to essentials, sometimes consisting of a jagged wedge of land between water and sky

The mountain
The Wetterhorn (3,692m-12,113ft) in the Bernese Alps, towers above the village of Grindelwald. Formerly known as Hasle Jungfrau, it is one of three summits of a mountain named Wetterhorn sensu lato, or the "Wetterhцrner", the highest summit of which is the Mittelhorn (3,704 m) and the most distant the Rosenhorn (3,689 m). The Mittelhorn and Rosenhorn are mostly hidden from view from Grindelwald. The Grosse Scheidegg Pass crosses the col to the north, between the Wetterhorn and the Schwarzhorn.
The Wetterhorn summit was first reached on August 31, 1844, by the Grindelwald guides Hans Jaun and Melchior Bannholzer, three days after they had co-guided a large party organized by the geologist Edouard Desor to the first ascent of the Rosenhorn. The Mittelhorn was first summitted on 9 July 1845 by the same guides, this time accompanied by a third guide, Kaspar Abplanalp, and by Stanhope Templeman Speer. The son of a Scottish physician, Speer lived in Interlaken, Switzerland.
Wetterhorn is neither a difficult, nor an easy mountain. Each access has its specialty. Since the Wetterhorn can be seen from most mountains within 100 miles, the view is unique. Although everything up there is snow and ice, looking perpendicularly down to the green pastures of Grindelwald provides an unforgettable contrast.
2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Monday, July 29, 2019


The Stockhorn (2,190 m - 7, 185ft) 

In Thurnersee mit Storlkhornette im Winter, 1912/1913, Oil on canvas, 63 x 85 cm, Private Collection ( by Sotheby's)

About the painting
Between November 1912 and May 1913 Ferdinand Hodler spent several times at Lake Thun, where he visited his girlfriend Valentine Godé-Darel, who was in Hilterfingen for recreation. On the occasion of his stays, Hodler painted several views of the snow-covered Stockhorn chain. As location, he chose the immediate vicinity of Oberhofen on the northern shore of Lake Thun. He probably executed some of the paintings on site, but he probably painted some more later in his Geneva studio. The area around Lake Thun was familiar to Hodler since his youth.
The half-hour walk from Steffisburg to Thun, which he completed during his apprenticeship with Ferdinand Sommer's Vedutenwerkstatt (1867-1871), showed him the magnificent mountains around Lake Thun every day. He later told his biographer Carl Albert Loosli about his fascination for the Stockhorn chain. The Bernese Alps also played a crucial role in Hodler's artistic development. The painter chose the mountain for the first time as a central subject for his Calame competition picture "Un site alpestre", with which he won first prize in 1883.
Dr. Monika Brunner, in Catalog raisonné of paintings by Ferdinand Hodler, Swiss Institute for Art Research SIK-ISEA

The mountain
The Stockhorn (2,190 m - 7, 185ft) is the highest peak in the Stockhorn range. in the Bernese Oberland (Switzerland). The striking Stockhorn summit is immediately noticeable when you drive through the Gürbetal or the Aare valley towards the Bernese Oberland. Since it consists of an almost vertical rock plate, it appears wide or pointed depending on the angle.
The Voralpenkette is about 13 km long and separates the Simmental in the south of the Stockental in the north in OSO / NNW direction. It begins at Reutigen , where the Simme leaves their valley and separates the described chain from the Burgfluh, respectively from the sneeze. The first striking peak is the Simmenfluh (1,422 m), which shapes the region with its massive appearance. After the Simmenfluh, the ridge drops slightly again and soon turns into a broad ridge, the Alp Heiti. From Stockental a second ridge climbs up, overlooking the previous ridge and the Alp. The Nüschleten (1,987 m), the Lasenberg (2,019 m) and the Solhorn (2,017 m) are the three highest elevations on this ridge section to the Stockhorn, which then expires in the Straitligrat. To the north of the Stockhorn is the broad Walalpgrat (1,920 m), the beginning of the last ridge section of the Stockhorn chain.This is followed by the Möntschelenspitz (2,020 m ), the Hohmad (2,075 m), the Stubenfluh (2,004 m) and the Chrummenfadenfluh (2,074 m ). The latter is actually already part of the Gantrisch group , which is adjacent to the Stockhorn chain in the NNW.
In the Stockhorn area there are several climbing gardens for sport climbers. 120 routes in 12 sectors offer difficulty levels from 2 to 7 in compact limestone rocks around the summit and at the intermediate station.
In 1974, an extensive cave system was discovered in the area around the Oberstocken Alp.

The painter
Ferdinand Hodler is one of the best-known Swiss painters of the 19th century. His early works were portraits, landscapes, and genre paintings in a realistic style. Later, he adopted a personal form of symbolism he called Parallelism.
In the last decade of the nineteenth century his work evolved to combine influences from several genres including Symbolism and Art Nouveau. In 1890 he completed Night, a work that marked Hodler's turn toward symbolist imagery. It depicts several recumbent figures, all of them relaxed in sleep except for an agitated man who is menaced by a figure shrouded in black, which Hodler intended as a symbol of death. Hodler developed a style he called "Parallelism" that emphasized the symmetry and rhythm he believed formed the basis of human society. In paintings such as The Chosen One, groupings of figures are symmetrically arranged in poses suggestive of ritual or dance.
Hodler painted number of large-scale historical paintings, often with patriotic themes. In 1897 he accepted a commission to paint a series of large frescoes for the Weapons Room of the Schweizerisches Landesmuseum in Zurich. The compositions he proposed, including The Battle of Marignan which depicted a battle that the Swiss lost, were controversial for their imagery and style, and Hodler was not permitted to execute the frescoes until 1900.
Hodler's work in his final phase took on an expressionist aspect with strongly coloured and geometrical figures. Landscapes were pared down to essentials, sometimes consisting of a jagged wedge of land between water and sky

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Sunday, June 23, 2019


Weisshorn (4,506 m  - 14,783 ft)

In Weisshorn of Montana,  oil on canvas, 1915

The mountain 
The Weisshorn  (4,506 m  - 14,783 ft), meaning the white peak, is a major peak of the Swiss Alps,  part of the Pennine Alps and  located between the valleys of Anniviers and Zermatt in the canton of Valais. In the latter valley, the Weisshorn is one of the many 4000ers surrounding Zermatt, with Monte Rosa and the Matterhorn.
It is the culminating point on the north-south orientated chain separating the Val d'Anniviers to the west and the Mattertal to the east and enclosing the Turtmanntal to the north, the tripoint between these valleys being located just north of its main summit. The Weisshorn faces the slightly higher Dom across the Mattertal, with the village of Randa 3100 metres below these two summits. After the Dom, the Weisshorn is the second-highest Alpine summit situated completely out the main chain and fully within Switzerland. On both sides of the Weisshorn range, the water end up in the Rhone, through the Navissence (west) and the Vispa (east). The Weisshorn and the Dom are only two of the many 4000-metre peaks surrounding the region of Zermatt, along with the Zinalrothorn, the Dent Blanche, the Dent d'Hérens, the Matterhorn and, second highest in the Alps, Monte Rosa.
The Weisshorn has a pyramidal shape and its faces are separated by three ridges descending steeply from the summit. Two of these are nearly in a straight line, one running approximately north and the other south. The third ridge is nearly at right angles to these two, running almost due east. In the compartment between the northern and eastern spurs lies the Bis Glacier (Bisgletscher). It is connected with the summit by long and extremely steep slopes of snow. In the compartment between the eastern and southern spurs lies the Schali Glacier (Schaligletscher). Ranges of steep rocks rise round the whole basin of this glacier, except in one or two places where they are interrupted by couloirs of snow. Finally, on the western side the mountain presents one gigantic face of rocky precipice. This face rises above the Weisshorn Glacier (Glacier du Weisshorn) and the Moming Glacier. The northern spur forks out at a considerable distance below the summit into two branches enclosing the Turtmann Glacier. The eastern branch connects the mountain with the Bishorn (4,153 m), across the Weisshornjoch.
The Weisshorn was first climbed in 1861 from Randa by the Irish physicist John Tyndall, accompanied by the guides J.J. Bennen and Ulrich Wenger. Nowadays, the Weisshorn Hut is used on the normal route. The Weisshorn is considered by many mountaineers to be the most beautiful mountain in the Alps and Switzerland for its pyramidal shape and pure white slopes.

The painter
Ferdinand Hodler was one of the best-known Swiss painters of the 19th century. His early works were portraits, landscapes, and genre paintings in a realistic style. Later, he adopted a personal form of symbolism he called Parallelism.
In the last decade of the nineteenth century his work evolved to combine influences from several genres including Symbolism and Art Nouveau. In 1890 he completed Night, a work that marked Hodler's turn toward symbolist imagery. It depicts several recumbent figures, all of them relaxed in sleep except for an agitated man who is menaced by a figure shrouded in black, which Hodler intended as a symbol of death. Hodler developed a style he called "Parallelism" that emphasized the symmetry and rhythm he believed formed the basis of human society. In paintings such as The Chosen One, groupings of figures are symmetrically arranged in poses suggestive of ritual or dance.
Hodler painted number of large-scale historical paintings, often with patriotic themes. In 1897 he accepted a commission to paint a series of large frescoes for the Weapons Room of the Schweizerisches Landesmuseum in Zurich. The compositions he proposed, including The Battle of Marignan which depicted a battle that the Swiss lost, were controversial for their imagery and style, and Hodler was not permitted to execute the frescoes until 1900.
Hodler's work in his final phase took on an expressionist aspect with strongly coloured and geometrical figures. Landscapes were pared down to essentials, sometimes consisting of a jagged wedge of land between water and sky
2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Friday, June 7, 2019


 CUNO AMIET (1868-1961),
The Stockhorn (2,190 m - 7, 185ft) 

In Stockhornette, 1931 oil on cardboard, Private collection

The mountain
The Stockhorn (2,190 m - 7, 185ft) is the highest peak in the Stockhorn range., in the Bernese Oberland (Switzerland). The striking Stockhorn summit is immediately noticeable when you drive through the Gürbetal or the Aare valley towards the Bernese Oberland. Since it consists of an almost vertical rock plate, it appears wide or pointed depending on the angle.
The Voralpenkette is about 13 km long and separates the Simmental in the south of the Stockental in the north in OSO / NNW direction. It begins at Reutigen , where the Simme leaves their valley and separates the described chain from the Burgfluh, respectively from the sneeze. The first striking peak is the Simmenfluh (1,422 m), which shapes the region with its massive appearance. After the Simmenfluh, the ridge drops slightly again and soon turns into a broad ridge, the Alp Heiti. From Stockental a second ridge climbs up, overlooking the previous ridge and the Alp. The Nüschleten (1,987 m), the Lasenberg (2,019 m) and the Solhorn (2,017 m) are the three highest elevations on this ridge section to the Stockhorn, which then expires in the Straitligrat. To the north of the Stockhorn is the broad Walalpgrat (1,920 m), the beginning of the last ridge section of the Stockhorn chain.This is followed by the Möntschelenspitz (2,020 m ), the Hohmad (2,075 m), the Stubenfluh (2,004 m) and the Chrummenfadenfluh (2,074 m ). The latter is actually already part of the Gantrisch group , which is adjacent to the Stockhorn chain in the NNW.
In the Stockhorn area there are several climbing gardens for sport climbers. 120 routes in 12 sectors offer difficulty levels from 2 to 7 in compact limestone rocks around the summit and at the intermediate station.
In 1974, an extensive cave system was discovered in the area around the Oberstocken Alp.

The painter
Cuno Amiet was a Swiss painter, illustrator, graphic artist and sculptor. As the first Swiss painter to give precedence to colour in composition, he was a pioneer of modern art in Switzerland.
After studies with the painter Frank Buchser, he attended the Academy of Fine Arts Munich in 1886–88, where he befriended Giovanni Giacometti. In 1888-92, Giacometti and Amiet continued their studies in Paris, where Amiet studied at the Académie Julian under Adolphe-William Bouguereau, Tony Robert-Fleury and Gabriel Ferrier.
Amiet created more than 4,000 paintings, of which more than 1,000 are self-portraits. The great scope of his work of 70 years, and Amiet's predilection for experimentation, make his œuvre appear disparate at first – a constant, though, is the primacy of colour. His numerous landscape paintings depict many winter scenes, gardens and fruit harvests. Ferdinand Hodler remained a constant point of reference, although Amiet's artistic intentions diverged ever further from those of Hodler, whom Amiet could and would not match in his mastery of monumental scale and form.
While Amiet took up themes of expressionism, his works retain a sense of harmony of colour grounded in the French tradition. He continued to pursue mainly decorative intentions at the beginning of the 20th century, but his late work of the 1940s and 50s is focused on more abstract concepts of space and light, characterised by dots of colour and a pastel brilliance.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Saturday, June 1, 2019


Piz Bacone (3,244m - 10,643ft)

In Piz Bacone, oil on canvas, 1916, Private collection

The mountain 
Piz Bacone (3,244m - 10,643ft) is a secluded mountain, situated in Engadin, a region of the Swiss Alps located in the canton of Graubünden in the south-east of the country, near the borders with Liechtenstein, Austria and Italy. Piz Bacone is quite unknwon and hopefully even less frequented ! Climbing to the dawn of mountaineering history , it consists of broken rocks and shattered by the no longer existing glaciers that once cloaked it. The southern wall is an exception, a reddish, compact and flashy aesthetic, but  limited in height.  Interrupted by a ledge of blocks, in the upper part the wall consists of a beautiful pillar, which however is less compact and quite disturbed by grasses and lichens.

The painter 

Giovanni Giacometti was a Swiss painter, the father of the famous painter and sculptor Alberto Giacometti, and of Diego Giacometti, the furniture designer as well as the father of the architect Bruno Giacometti ! In 1886, he studied painting at the School of Decorative Arts in Munich, where he met Cuno Amiet the following year. Both decide to pursue their studies in Paris, in October stood at the Académie Julian, where Giacometti remains until 1891.
In 1893, shortly after his return to Switzerland, to Bergell, he became friends with Giovanni Segantini, his eldest ten years, which has great influence on his work by opening it to the beauty of the mountain scenery and the rules of divisionism. After his sudden death in 1899, Giacometti met Ferdinand Hodler, who teaches him to create a rigorous and ornamental composition by appropriate use of shapes and colors.
He sees regularly Cuno Amiet, who after a year spent in Pont-Aven, shared his experience with him. In 1900 he exhibited in the Swiss Pavillon of the Universal Exhibition in Paris. From 1905, Giacometti works again in a great complicity with Amiet and begins to break free from the influence of Segantini. In 1906, held an exhibition of his work at Kunstlerhaus Zurich. In 1907 he went to Paris with Amiet to the Cézanne retrospective at the Salon d'Automne. They copy all the works of Van Gogh. In 1908, he exhibited with the French Fauves at the Richter Gallery in Dresden.
In 1909, the Tannhauser Gallery presents his works in Munich. He meets Alexi von Jawlensky, and in 1911 participates in the Berlin Secession. In 1912, Giacometti has a solo show at the Kunsthaus Zurich presents two works in the Sonderbund of Cologne. In 1918 after Hodler' s death, he began to be involved into the Swiss political world paying an important part as a committed artist, following int that way friend Amiet.

2018 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Friday, May 31, 2019


Jungfrau (4,158 m - 13, 642 ft) 

In Le Massif de la Jungfrau vu depuis Mürren, 1911 oil on canvas, 
Hahnloser/Jaeggli Stiftung, Winterthur.

The mountain
The Jungfrau (4,158 m - 13,642 ft) ("The virgin" in german) is one of the main summits of the Bernese Alps, located between the northern canton of Bern and the southern canton of Valais, halfway between Interlaken and Fiesch. Together with the Eiger and Mönch, the Jungfrau forms a massive wall overlooking the Bernese Oberland and the Swiss Plateau, one of the most distinctive sights of the Swiss Alps. It is one of the most represented by artists summits with the Matterhorn and the Mont Blanc. The summit was first reached on August 3, 1811 by the Meyer brothers of Aarau and two chamois hunters from Valais. The ascent followed a long expedition over the glaciers and high passes of the Bernese Alps. It was not until 1865 that a more direct route on the northern side was opened. The construction of the Jungfrau railway in the early 20th century, which connects Kleine Scheidegg to the Jungfraujoch, the saddle between the Mönch and the Jungfrau, made the area one of the most-visited places in the Alps. Along with the Aletsch Glacier to the south, the Jungfrau is part of the Jungfrau-Aletsch area, which was declared a World Heritage Site in 2001.
Politically, the Jungfrau is split between the municipalities of Lauterbrunnen (Bern) and Fieschertal (Valais). It is the third-highest mountain of the Bernese Alps after the nearby Finsteraarhorn and Aletschhorn, respectively 12 and 8 km away. But from Lake Thun, and the greater part of the canton of Bern, it is the most conspicuous and the nearest of the Bernese Oberland peaks; with a height difference of 3,600 m between the summit and the town of Interlaken. This, and the extreme steepness of the north face, secured for it an early reputation for inaccessibility.
The landscapes around the Jungfrau are extremely contrasted. Instead of the vertiginous precipices of the north-west, the south-east side emerges from the upper snows of the Aletsch Glacier at around 3,500 metres. The 20 km long valley of Aletsch on the south-east is completely uninhabited and also surrounded by other similar glacier valleys. The whole area constitutes the largest glaciated area in the Alps as well as in Europe.

The painter
Ferdinand Hodler was one of the best-known Swiss painters of the 19th century. His early works were portraits, landscapes, and genre paintings in a realistic style. Later, he adopted a personal form of symbolism he called Parallelism. In the last decade of the nineteenth century his work evolved to combine influences from several genres including Symbolism and Art Nouveau. In 1890 he completed Night, a work that marked Hodler's turn toward symbolist imagery. It depicts several recumbent figures, all of them relaxed in sleep except for an agitated man who is menaced by a figure shrouded in black, which Hodler intended as a symbol of death. Hodler developed a style he called "Parallelism" that emphasized the symmetry and rhythm he believed formed the basis of human society. In paintings such as The Chosen One, groupings of figures are symmetrically arranged in poses suggestive of ritual or dance.
Hodler painted number of large-scale historical paintings, often with patriotic themes. In 1897 he accepted a commission to paint a series of large frescoes for the Weapons Room of the Schweizerisches Landesmuseum in Zurich. The compositions he proposed, including The Battle of Marignan which depicted a battle that the Swiss lost, were controversial for their imagery and style, and Hodler was not permitted to execute the frescoes until 1900.
Hodler's work in his final phase took on an expressionist aspect with strongly coloured and geometrical figures. Landscapes were pared down to essentials, sometimes consisting of a jagged wedge of land between water and sky.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau