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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Van gogh. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, June 2, 2021


J.E.H. MACDONALD (1873-1932) Odoray mountain (3,137 m- 10,292 ft) Canada (British Columbia)

J.E.H. MACDONALD (1873-1932)
Odoray mountain (3,137 m- 10,292 ft)
Canada (British Columbia)

In Mont Odoray, 1930, Huile sur carton, 21,6 x 26,7cm, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, Ottawa

The mountain
Odaray Mountain (3,137-m - 10,292 ft) is a summit located west of Lake O'Hara in the Bow Range of Yoho National Park, in the Canadian Rockies of British Columbia, Canada. Its nearest higher peak is Mount Huber, 3.86 km (2.40 mi) to the east. The standard climbing route follows the southeast glacier and ridge starting from Elizabeth Parker hut. Pronunciation sounds like the two words "ode array". Odaray Mountain is composed of sedimentary rock laid down during the Precambrian to Jurassic periods. Formed in shallow seas, this sedimentary rock was pushed east and over the top of younger rock during the Laramide orogeny. The first ascent of the mountain was made in 1887 by James J. McArthur, and he named it Odaray which is the expression for "many waterfalls" in the Stoney language. Other reports have it being named in 1894 by Samuel Evans Stokes Allen for the Stoney Indianword for "cone". However, it is possible that McArthur only ascended the lesser secondary summit cone (2965 m) now known as Little Odaray which is southeast of the true summit. The mountain's current name became official in 1952 when the Geographical Names Board of Canada rescinded the name Mount Odaray.

The artist
James Edward Hervey MacDonald RCA was an English-Canadian artist who initiated the first major Canadian national art movement. He was the father of the illustrator Thoreau MacDonald. n 1895, MacDonald took a position as a commercial designer at Grip Ltd, an important commercial art firm, where he further developed his design skills. In the coming years, he encouraged his colleagues—including future artist Tom Thomson—to develop their skills as painters. In 1920, MacDonald co-founded the Group of Seven, which dedicated itself to promoting a distinct Canadian art developed through direct contact with the Canadian landscape. The other founding members were Frederick Varley, A. Y. Jackson, Lawren Harris, Frank Johnston, Arthur Lismer, and Franklin Carmichael. MacDonald had worked with Lismer, Varley, Johnston, and Carmichael at the design firm Grip Ltd. in Toronto. Together they initiated the first major Canadian national art movement, producing paintings directly inspired by the Canadian landscape. Every summer beginning in 1924, MacDonald travelled to the Canadian Rockies to paint the mountainous landscapes that dominated his later work. By this time he had become somewhat alienated from the rest of the Group of Seven, as many of the younger members were beginning to paint in a more abstract manner.  Today, MacDonald is viewed with general admiration for his art, with one writer commenting, "no Canadian landscape painter possessed a richer command of colour and pigment than J. E. H. MacDonald ... His brushwork is at once disciplined and vigorous. His best on-the-spot sketches possess an intensity and freshness of execution not dissimilar from Van Gogh."


2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Monday, May 6, 2024


PAUL SIGNAC (1863-1935) Cap Canaille (368 m) France   In Cassis, Cap Lombard, Opus 196, 1889,  Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
PAUL SIGNAC (1863-1935)
Cap Canaille (368 m)

 In Cassis, Cap Lombard, Opus 196, 1889,  Gemeentemuseum Den Haag

A propos de cette toile
Paul Signac, très enthousiasmé par Cassis et ses environs, y a réalisé cinq tableaux (voir l'un des cinq). Signac a décrit ce tableau dans une lettre à Vincent van Gogh : « Blanc, bleu, orange, harmonieusement dispersés dans de jolies ondulations. Tout autour des montagnes aux courbes rythmées. » En réalité ce Cap Lombard n'existe plus sous cette appellation et c'est du Cap Canaille qu'il s'agit.

Le relief
Le cap Canaille (368 m) est situé dans les Bouches-du-Rhône,  département de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur en France. Il est inséré dans le Parc national des Calanques. Il se situe sur la commune de Cassis, au nord-ouest de celle de La Ciotat. Sa roche qui tire vers le rouge est composée de calcaires détritiques. S'avançant dans la mer Méditerranée, il est constitué de rivages rocheux et escarpés dominés par l'extrémité occidentale des falaises Soubeyranes. Ces dernières constituent les plus hautes falaises maritimes de France (avant celles d'Étretat et du cap Blanc-Nez avec une altitude maximale de 394 mètres1, ainsi que les quatrièmes plus hautes d'Europe. Une route, la D141 dite « route des Crêtes », relie Cassis à la Ciotat en s'approchant du bord de la falaise ; plusieurs belvédères y sont aménagés.
Son nom est dû à une déformation du provençal Cap Naio, « Cap Naille » en français, mal compris par les topographes français ; à rapprocher de Aïl qui est lié à la notion de sommet (Cap d'Ail, dans les Alpes-Maritimes, à l'ouest de Monaco).

Le peintre
Paul Signac, travaille avec Seurat et Pissarro, avec qui il va former le groupe des « impressionnistes dits scientifiques ». Il se convertit très vite à la pratique de la division scientifique du ton. La technique empirique du pointillisme consiste à diviser les tons en de toutes petites taches de couleurs pures, serrées les unes contre les autres, afin que l’œil du spectateur, en les recomposant, perçoive une unité de ton. Signac et les néo-impressionnistes pensent que cette division des tons assure d'abord tous les bénéfices de la coloration : le mélange optique des pigments uniquement purs permet de retrouver toutes les teintes du prisme et tous leurs tons. La séparation des divers éléments (couleur locale, couleur d'éclairage et leurs réactions) est aussi assurée, ainsi que l'équilibre de ces éléments et leur proportion, selon les lois du contraste, de la dégradation et de l'irisation. Enfin, le peintre devra choisir une touche proportionnée à la dimension du tableau7. En 1885, son intérêt pour « la science de la couleur »le pousse à se rendre aux Gobelins où il assiste à des expériences sur la réflexion de la lumière blanche.
Il fait son premier tableau divisionniste en 1886


2024 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau 

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


NICOLAS DE STAËL (1914-1955), Le Grand Capelet (2.935m) France (Alpes Maritimes)  In "Paysage, Antibes", Huile sur toile 1955, MuMa, Le Havre


NICOLAS DE STAËL (1914-1955)
Le Grand Capelet (2.935m)
France (Alpes Maritimes)

In "Paysage, Antibes", Huile sur toile 1955, MuMa, Le Havre

La montagne

Le Grand Capelet (2 935 mètres) est un sommet du massif du Mercantour-Argentera situé sur la ligne de partage des eaux, entre les vallées de la Gordolasque et de la Roya. Il est situé à la frontière des territoires des communes de Belvédère et de Tende, dans le département des Alpes-Maritimes, en France et nettement visible depuis la Riviera et notamment depuis la villle d'Antibes.  Il se situe à l'est du mont Bégo. Au nord, à proximité immédiate, se trouve la cime de Muffié. D'un point de vue géologique, ce sommet est constitué de schistes, à l'exception des arêtes nord, qui sont formées d'anatexites. Ce sommet fait partie du parc national du Mercantour. La première ascension a été effectuée par J. Proust, en 1885, par le versant sud-est4. La première ascension hivernale a été réalisée par Victor de Cessole, Variot, M. Fassi et J. Plent, le 27 février 1908, par l'arête est du versant est4. L'itinéraire démarre du refuge des Merveilles et suit d'abord la direction du Pas de l'Arpette, puis bifurque vers le sommet nord du Caïre des Conques, avant de redescendre vers le Pas des Conques. On gravit ensuite la pente d'éboulis jusqu'au sommet du Grand Capelet.

Le Peintre
Nicolas de Staël ; baron Nikolaï Vladimirovitch Staël von Holstein de son nom complet (Николай Владимирович Шталь фон Гольштейн), est un peintre français originaire de Russie, issu d'une branche cadette de la famille Staël von Holstein. La carrière de Nicolas de Staël s'étale sur quinze ans, de 1940 à sa mort. Artiste prolifique, il réalise au cours de sa carrière 1120 tableaux aux influences diverses — Paul Cézanne, Henri Matisse, Vincent Van Gogh, Georges Braque, Soutine et les Fauves, mais aussi les maîtres néerlandais Rembrandt, Vermeer et Seghers. Sa peinture est en constante évolution. Des couleurs sombres de ses débuts (Porte sans porte, 1946 ou Ressentiment, 1947), elle aboutit à l'exaltation de la couleur comme dans le Grand Nu orange (1953). Ses toiles se caractérisent par d'épaisses couches de peinture superposées et un important jeu de matières, passant des empâtements au couteau (Compositions, 1945-1949) à une peinture plus fluide (Agrigente, 1954, Chemin de fer au bord de la mer, soleil couchant, 1955). Refusant les étiquettes et les courants, tout comme Georges Braque qu'il admire, il travaille avec acharnement, détruisant autant d’œuvres qu'il en réalise.  Nicolas de Staël meurt à 41 ans en se jetant de la terrasse de la maison où il avait son atelier à Antibes. Cette maison fut classée monument historique en mars 2014. Il est enterré au cimetière de Montrouge. Par son style évolutif, qu'il a lui-même qualifié d'« évolution continue », il reste une énigme pour les historiens d'art qui le classent aussi bien dans la catégorie de l'École de Paris, que dans les abstraits ayant inspiré les jeunes peintres à partir des années 1970, ou encore dans la catégorie de l'art informel. Il a maintes fois créé la surprise notamment avec la série Les Footballeurs, entraînant derrière lui des artistes d'un nouveau mouvement d'abstraction et les artistes du néo-formalisme new-yorkais, ou de l'expressionnisme abstrait de l'École de New York, parmi lesquels se trouve notamment Joan Mitchell.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Gravir les montagnes en peinture...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau 

Monday, November 26, 2018


Piz Duan   (3,131 m- 10,272 ft)

 In Primavera Piz Duan, oil on canvas, Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur (Switzerland).

The mountain 
Piz Duan  (3,131 m- 10,272 ft) is a mountain of the Oberhalbstein Range, overlooking Vicosoprano and the Val Bregaglia, in the Swiss canton of Graubünden. Piz Duan is considered to be one of the most perfect lookout mountains of Switzerland. Thanks to its prominence - it stands out above Bergell / Val Bregaglia for more than 2000m, above Val Maroz for almost 1500m - its panorama is clearly breathtaking.  Clearly most impressive are the granite spires of the Bergell Alps / Val Massino Alps just across the valley but the whole of Graubünden / Grisons / Grischun and much of the Alpi Lepontine can be seen as well as the Valais Alps around Monte Rosa and Dom.
Piz Duan is part of the Platta Group and stands at its southern end, where Graubünden borders Italy.

The painter 
Giovanni Giacometti was a Swiss painter, the father of  the famous painter and sculptor Alberto  Giacometti, and of Diego Giacometti, the furniture designer as well as the father of the architect Bruno Giacometti ! In 1886, he studied painting at the School of Decorative Arts in Munich, where he met Cuno Amiet the following year. Both decide to pursue their studies in Paris, in October stood at the Académie Julian, where Giacometti remains until 1891.
In 1893, shortly after his return to Switzerland, to Bergell, he became friends with Giovanni Segantini, his eldest ten years, which has great influence on his work by opening it to the beauty of the mountain scenery and the rules of divisionism. After his sudden death in 1899, Giacometti met Ferdinand Hodler, who teaches him to create a rigorous and ornamental composition by appropriate use of shapes and colors.
He sees regularly Cuno Amiet, who after a year spent in Pont-Aven,  shared his experience with him. In 1900 he exhibited in the Swiss Pavillon of the Universal Exhibition in Paris. From 1905, Giacometti works again in a great complicity with Amiet and begins to break free from the influence of Segantini. In 1906, held an exhibition of his work at Kunstlerhaus Zurich. In 1907 he went to Paris with Amiet to the Cézanne retrospective at the Salon d'Automne. They copy all the works of Van Gogh. In 1908, he exhibited with the French Fauves at the Richter Gallery in Dresden.
In 1909, the Tannhauser Gallery presents his works in Munich. He meets Alexi von Jawlensky, and in 1911 participates in the Berlin Secession. In 1912, Giacometti has a solo show at the Kunsthaus Zurich presents two works in the Sonderbund of Cologne. In 1918 after Hodler' s death, he began to be involved into the Swiss political world  paying an important part as a committed artist, following int that way friend Amiet.


2018 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Saturday, June 1, 2019


Piz Bacone (3,244m - 10,643ft)

In Piz Bacone, oil on canvas, 1916, Private collection

The mountain 
Piz Bacone (3,244m - 10,643ft) is a secluded mountain, situated in Engadin, a region of the Swiss Alps located in the canton of Graubünden in the south-east of the country, near the borders with Liechtenstein, Austria and Italy. Piz Bacone is quite unknwon and hopefully even less frequented ! Climbing to the dawn of mountaineering history , it consists of broken rocks and shattered by the no longer existing glaciers that once cloaked it. The southern wall is an exception, a reddish, compact and flashy aesthetic, but  limited in height.  Interrupted by a ledge of blocks, in the upper part the wall consists of a beautiful pillar, which however is less compact and quite disturbed by grasses and lichens.

The painter 

Giovanni Giacometti was a Swiss painter, the father of the famous painter and sculptor Alberto Giacometti, and of Diego Giacometti, the furniture designer as well as the father of the architect Bruno Giacometti ! In 1886, he studied painting at the School of Decorative Arts in Munich, where he met Cuno Amiet the following year. Both decide to pursue their studies in Paris, in October stood at the Académie Julian, where Giacometti remains until 1891.
In 1893, shortly after his return to Switzerland, to Bergell, he became friends with Giovanni Segantini, his eldest ten years, which has great influence on his work by opening it to the beauty of the mountain scenery and the rules of divisionism. After his sudden death in 1899, Giacometti met Ferdinand Hodler, who teaches him to create a rigorous and ornamental composition by appropriate use of shapes and colors.
He sees regularly Cuno Amiet, who after a year spent in Pont-Aven, shared his experience with him. In 1900 he exhibited in the Swiss Pavillon of the Universal Exhibition in Paris. From 1905, Giacometti works again in a great complicity with Amiet and begins to break free from the influence of Segantini. In 1906, held an exhibition of his work at Kunstlerhaus Zurich. In 1907 he went to Paris with Amiet to the Cézanne retrospective at the Salon d'Automne. They copy all the works of Van Gogh. In 1908, he exhibited with the French Fauves at the Richter Gallery in Dresden.
In 1909, the Tannhauser Gallery presents his works in Munich. He meets Alexi von Jawlensky, and in 1911 participates in the Berlin Secession. In 1912, Giacometti has a solo show at the Kunsthaus Zurich presents two works in the Sonderbund of Cologne. In 1918 after Hodler' s death, he began to be involved into the Swiss political world paying an important part as a committed artist, following int that way friend Amiet.

2018 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Sunday, June 18, 2017


EMIL NOLDE  (1867-1956) 
Cervin / Matterhorn  (4,478m -14,691ft)
Switzerland - Italy 

In Das Matterhorn Ladrelt (Smiling Watterhorn), 1897, gouache-poscard, 

The mountain 
The  Mont Cervin (4,478m -14,691ft) also known as the Matterhorn is an alpine summit located on the Swiss-Italian border between the canton of Valais and the Aosta Valley in Switzerland. It has several other names: Cervino in Italian, Grand'Bèca in Arpitan, Matterhorn in German. The Cervin / Matterhorn is the most famous mountain in Switzerland, including the pyramidal shape that it offers from the village of Zermatt, in the German-speaking part of the canton of Valais.
Its four sides are joined about 400 meters below the summit in a summit pyramid, called "roof." Its summit is a broad ridge about two meters, on which stand actually two summits: one called "Swiss summit," the farther east, and the "Italian summit" slightly lower (4,476 meters), on the west side of the ridge. The two are separated by a notch in the hollow of which a cross was laid in September 1901.
- More about Mont Cervin / Matterhorn

The painter 
Emil Nolde (born Emil Hansen) was a German-Danish painter and printmaker. He was one of the first Expressionists, a member of Die Brücke (The Bridge) of Dresden in 1906, and was one of the first oil painting and watercolor painters of the early 20th century to explore color. He is known for his brushwork and expressive choice of colors. Golden yellows and deep reds appear frequently in his work, giving a luminous quality to otherwise somber tones. His watercolors include vivid, brooding storm-scapes and brilliant florals.
Nolde's intense preoccupation with the subject of flowers reflects his continuing interest in the art of Vincent van Gogh.
From the early 1920s,  Nolde was a supporter of the Nazi party, having become a member of its Danish section. He expressed anti-semitic, negative opinions about Jewish artists, and considered "Expressionism to be a distinctively Germanic style". This view was shared by some other members of the Nazi party, notably Joseph Goebbels and Fritz Hippler.
However Hitler rejected all forms of modernism as "degenerate art", and the Nazi regime officially condemned Nolde's work. Until that time he had been held in great prestige in Germany. A total of 1,052 of his works were removed from museums, more than those of any other artist.  Some were included in the Degenerate Art exhibition of 1937, despite his protests, including (later) a personal appeal to Nazi gauleiter Baldur von Schirach in Vienna. He was not allowed to paint—even in private—after 1941. Nevertheless, during this period he created hundreds of watercolors, which he hid. He called them the "Unpainted Pictures".
In 1942 Nolde wrote: "There is silver blue, sky blue and thunder blue. Every color holds within it a soul, which makes me happy or repels me, and which acts as a stimulus. To a person who has no art in him, colors are colors, tones tones...and that is all. All their consequences for the human spirit, which range between heaven to hell, just go unnoticed."
After World War II, Nolde was once again honored, receiving the German Order of Merit, He died in Seebüll (now part of Neukirchen). The Schiefler Catalogue raisonné of his prints describes 231 etchings, 197 woodcuts, 83 lithographs, and 4 hectographs.

About this work 
The postcards series date from  pre-expressionist phase of Nolde’s career (though he was around 30 when he created them). After hiking in the Swiss Alps, Nolde did a painting, Mountain Giants, presenting the mountains in human form. Nolde wrote : “The picture went to the annual exhibition in Munich in 1896. [Ferdinand] Hodler’s picture “Night”  which established his fame, was also there. But my “Mountain Giants" was soon returned, rejected… In those days there was a general and stormy derision and ridicule about each of Hodler’s pictures. ‘And his colors are as ugly as can be possible!’ What help was my contradiction and my firm conviction that his sinuous, pushing, wry bodies are part of the character of the mountain folk, just as the firs on the mountain slopes are gnarled and grown oddly.” From then, he painted practically every Swissw Alps Summit in human form: the Zugspitze, the Waxenstein, the Eiger, the Monch, the Jungfrau, the Grand Saint- Gothard, Piz Bernina, the Morteratch, the Ortler, the Finsteraarhorn... they will be posted one after one in this blog, the Cervin / Matterhorn being the first one.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022



UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE  / 歌川 広重  (1797-1858) Hira Mountains / 比良暮雪 (1,214 m- 3,984 ft)   Japan UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE / 歌川 広重 (1797-1858)Hira Mountains / 比良暮雪 (1,214 m- 3,984 ft) Japan In Omi Hirai  from the series Eight Views of Ōmi, ca. 1835, Woodblock print; ink and color on paper, 22.2 × 34.6 cm

UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE / 歌川 広重 (1797-1858)
Hira Mountains / 比良暮雪 (1,214 m- 3,984 ft)

In Omi Hirai from the series Eight Views of Ōmi, ca. 1835, Woodblock print; ink and color on paper, 22.2 × 34.6 cm

About the series
The Eight Views of Ōmi (近江八景 ) are traditional scenic views of Ōmi Province which is now Shiga Prefecture in Japan. They were inspired by the Eight Views of Xiaoxiang in China which were first painted in the 11th century and then brought to Japan as a popular theme in the 14–15th centuries. The theme was then used to describe Ōmi province in poetry by Prince Konoe Masaie and his son, Prince Hisamichi, in the 15–16th centuries. The Eight Views of Ōmi then became a popular subject for artists such as Suzuki Harunobu and Utagawa Hiroshige. The theme continued to develop, being transposed to other locations and settings in a process which the Japanese called mitate, such as in Harunobu's Zashiki Hakkei series

The artist
Utagawa Hiroshige (歌川 広重), also know as Andō Hiroshige (安藤 広重), was a Japanese ukiyo-e artist, considered the last great master of that tradition. Hiroshige is best known for his landscapes, such as the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō  and The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kiso Kaidō for his depictions of birds and flowers. The subjects of his work were atypical of the ukiyo-e genre, whose typical focus was on beautiful women, popular actors, and other scenes of the urban pleasure districts of Japan's Edo period (1603–1868). The popular Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji series by Hokusai was a strong influence on Hiroshige's choice of subject, though Hiroshige's approach was more poetic and ambient than Hokusai's bolder, more formal prints.  Hiroshige produced over 8,000 works
He dominated landscape printmaking with his unique brand of intimate, almost small-scale works compared against the older traditions of landscape painting descended from Chinese landscape painters such as Sesshu. The travel prints generally depict travelers along famous routes experiencing the special attractions of various stops along the way. They travel in the rain, in snow, and during all of the seasons. In 1856, working with the publisher Uoya Eikichi, he created a series of luxury edition prints, made with the finest printing techniques including true gradation of color, the addition of mica to lend a unique iridescent effect, embossing, fabric printing, blind printing, and the use of glue printing (wherein ink is mixed with glue for a glittery effect).
For scholars and collectors, Hiroshige's death marked the beginning of a rapid decline in the ukiyo-e genre, especially in the face of the westernization that followed the Meiji Restoration of 1868.
Hiroshige's work came to have a marked influence on Western painting towards the close of the 19th century as a part of the trend in Japonism. Western artists closely studied Hiroshige's compositions, and some, such as Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet, painted copies of Hiroshige's prints.

The mountains
The three main peaks of the Hira Mountains are Mount Bunagatake (1,214 m- 3,984 ft) ; Hōraisan, (1,174 m- 3,852 ft),and Mount Uchimi (1,103 m - 3,619 ft).
The Hira Mountains (比良山地 Hira-sanchi) are a mountain range to the west of Lake Biwa on the border of Shiga Prefecture and Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. The range runs 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) north to south. It is narrowest in the southern part of the range, running 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) east to west, and broadest at the northern part of the range, running 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) km east to west. The eastern side of the Hira Mountains looks steeply over Lake Biwa, while the western side of the range forms a gentler valley in Kyoto.


2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Friday, October 21, 2016


Piz Grevalsalvas  (2,932 m -9,619 ft)

 In Piz Grevalsalvas 1927, oil on canvas, Private coll.  

The mountain 
Piz Grevalsalvas (2,932 m -9,619 ft) is a mountain of the Albula Alps, located north of Maloja in the canton oSwitzerland Graubünden. It lies on the range between the Julier Pass and Lake Sils.
This is a ski mountain, where ski activity is intense in winter. From Piz Grevasalvas was stunning views of the Upper Engadine and Surgôt, upper Oberhalbstein. The neighboring peaks are Piz Mater Dell and Radonda Motta (in the club guide called Piz Nalar SAC) Lunghin Piz and Piz dal Sasc.
It is on the Grevasalvas that was filmed the famous children's series "Heidi" in 1978.

The painter 
Giovanni Giacometti was a Swiss painter, the father of  the famous painter and sculptor Alberto  Giacometti, and of Diego Giacometti, the furniture designer as well as the father of the architect Bruno Giacometti ! In 1886, he studied painting at the School of Decorative Arts in Munich, where he met Cuno Amiet the following year. Both decide to pursue their studies in Paris, in October stood at the Académie Julian, where Giacometti remains until 1891.
In 1893, shortly after his return to Switzerland, to Bergell, he became friends with Giovanni Segantini, his eldest ten years, which has great influence on his work by opening it to the beauty of the mountain scenery and the rules of divisionism. After his sudden death in 1899, Giacometti met Ferdinand Hodler, who teaches him to create a rigorous and ornamental composition by appropriate use of shapes and colors.
He sees regularly Cuno Amiet, who after a year spent in Pont-Aven,  shared his experience with him. In 1900 he exhibited in the Swiss Pavillon of the Universal Exhibition in Paris. From 1905, Giacometti works again in a great complicity with Amiet and begins to break free from the influence of Segantini. In 1906, held an exhibition of his work at Kunstlerhaus Zurich. In 1907 he went to Paris with Amiet to the Cézanne retrospective at the Salon d'Automne. They copy all the works of Van Gogh. In 1908, he exhibited with the French Fauves at the Richter Gallery in Dresden.
In 1909, the Tannhauser Gallery presents his works in Munich. He meets Alexi von Jawlensky, and in 1911 participates in the Berlin Secession. In 1912, Giacometti has a solo show at the Kunsthaus Zurich presents two works in the Sonderbund of Cologne. In 1918 after Hodler' s death, he began to be involved into the Swiss political world  paying an important part as a committed artist, following intthat way friend Amiet.
2016 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau


Thursday, December 7, 2023


NICOLAS DE STAËL (1914-1955), Le Mourre Nègre (1,125m) France (Provence)  In Landscape-Ménerbes 1953-54, Huile sur toile, Musée Fabre Montpellier

NICOLAS DE STAËL (1914-1955),
Le Mourre Nègre (1,125m)
France (Provence)

In Landscape-Ménerbes 1953-54, Huile sur toile, Musée Fabre Montpellier 


A propos de cette composition
Titrée " Landscape-Ménerbes" cette composition est une évocation des paysages du Luberon visibles autour et à  partir de Ménerbes, où Nicolas de Staël posséda une maison. On a donc supposé qu'il s'agissait d'une évocation des divers reliefs du Luberon visibles alentour dont le trait noir du Mourre Nègre, dans le lointain, barrerait le centre du tableau. Staël comme beaucoup d'autres peintres  et pas seulement modernes, ne désigna jamais les montagnes qu'il peignit. 

La montagne
Le Mourre Nègre (1,125m) est le point culminant du massif du Luberon. Ce sommet arrondi est aujourd'hui coiffé d'une antenne hertzienne, ce qui le signale d'assez loin.Mourre et nègre viennent tous deux du provençal, le premier signifie « museau » et est souvent utilisé pour désigner des sommets de forme arrondie. Nègre désigne la couleur « noire ». Il est situé dans le Grand Luberon, partie principale du massif tant en taille qu'en longueur et largeur.à cheval sur les communes d'Auribeau, de Cabrières-d'Aigues et de Castellet-en-Luberon. A partir de Ménerbes, il ne peut être visible que dans le lointain, ce qui semble être le cas dans ce tableau. Ouverts ou semi-ouverts (restriction en période de sècheresse) à la circulation routière, le « chemin des crêtes » et le « chemin des cavaliers » parcourent les sommets du Grand Luberon dont le Mourre Nègre. On y accède par Lourmarin, Cucuron, Cabrières-d'Aigues et Vitrolles-en-Luberon côté Sud Luberon ainsi que par Auribeau côté Nord Luberon joignant par la même occasion à la frontière départementale la route départementale de Vaucluse 33 qui devient 31 dans les Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. Plusieurs autres chemins permettent la découverte du Luberon. Certains sont réservés aux marcheurscomme les chemins de grande randonnée GR 4, 6, 9, 92 et 97 , d'autres aux VTTistes ou cavaliers.

 Le peintre
Nicolas de Staël (prononcé [stal) baron Nikolaï Vladimirovitch Staël von Holstein (Николай Владимирович Шталь фон Гольштейн), est un peintre français originaire de Russie, issu d'une branche cadette de la famille Staël von Holstein. La carrière de Nicolas de Staël s'étale sur quinze ans, de 1940 à sa mort. Artiste prolifique, il réalise au cours de sa carrière 1120 tableaux aux influences diverses — Cézanne, Matisse, Van Gogh, Braque, Soutine et les fauves, mais aussi les maîtres néerlandais Rembrandt, Vermeer et Seghers. Sa peinture est en constante évolution. Des couleurs sombres de ses débuts (Porte sans porte, 1946 ou Ressentiment, 1947), elle aboutit à l'exaltation de la couleur comme dans le Grand Nu orange (1953). Ses toiles se caractérisent par d'épaisses couches de peinture superposées et un important jeu de matières, passant des empâtements au couteau (Compositions, 1945-1949) à une peinture plus fluide (Agrigente, 1954, Chemin de fer au bord de la mer, soleil couchant, 1955). Refusant les étiquettes et les courants, tout comme Georges Braque qu'il admire, il travaille avec acharnement, détruisant autant d’œuvres qu'il en réalise.  Nicolas de Staël meurt à 41 ans en se jetant de la terrasse de la maison où il avait son atelier à Antibes. Cette maison fut classée monument historique en mars 2014. Il est enterré au cimetière de Montrouge. Par son style évolutif, qu'il a lui-même qualifié d'« évolution continue », il reste une énigme pour les historiens d'art qui le classent aussi bien dans la catégorie de l'École de Paris, que dans les abstraits ayant inspiré les jeunes peintres à partir des années 1970, ou encore dans la catégorie de l'art informel. Il a maintes fois créé la surprise notamment avec la série Les Footballeurs, entraînant derrière lui des artistes d'un nouveau mouvement d'abstraction et les artistes du néo-formalisme new-yorkais, ou de l'expressionnisme abstrait de l'École de New York, parmi lesquels se trouve notamment Joan Mitchell.


2023 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau 

Monday, January 2, 2017


Piz Corvatsch (3,451m - 11, 322 ft) 

In Piz Corvatschwatercolor

The mountain
Piz Corvatsch  (3,451m- 11, 322 ft) is a mountain in the Bernina Range of the Alps, overlooking Lake Sils and Lake Silvaplana in the Engadin region of the canton of Graubünden in Switzerland. It is the highest point on the range separating the main Inn valley from the Val Roseg. Aside from Piz Corvatsch, two other slightly lower summits make up the Corvatsch massif: Piz Murtèl (3,433 m (11,263 ft); north of Piz Corvatsch) and the unnamed summit where lies the Corvatsch upper cable car station (3,303 m (10,837 ft); north of Piz Murtèl). Politically, the summit of Piz Corvatsch is shared between the municipalities of Sils im Engadin and Samedan, although the 3,303 m high summit lies between the municipalities of Silvaplana and Samedan. The tripoint between the aforementioned municipalities is the summit of Piz Murtèl.
Several glaciers lie on the east side on the massif. The largest, below Piz Corvatsch, is named Vadret dal Murtèl. The second largest, below Piz Murtèl and the station, is named Vadret dal Corvatsch.
The Corvatsch cable car starts above the village of Surlej, east of Silvaplana and culminates at 3,298 m. From there, the summit of Piz Corvatsch can be reached by traversing Piz Murtиl. In winter and spring, the mountain is part of a ski area, which is amongst the highest in Switzerland and the Eastern Alps.

The painter 
Giovanni Giacometti was a Swiss painter, the father of  the famous painter and sculptor Alberto  Giacommetti, and of Diego Giacometti, the furniture designer as well as the father of the architect Bruno Giacometti !
In 1886, he studied painting at the School of Decorative Arts in Munich, where he met Cuno Amiet the following year. Both decide to pursue their studies in Paris, in October stood at the Académie Julian, where Giacometti remains until 1891.
In 1893, shortly after his return to Switzerland, to Bergell, he became friends with Giovanni Segantini, his eldest ten years, which has great influence on his work by opening it to the beauty of the mountain scenery and the rules of divisionism. After his sudden death in 1899, Giacometti met Ferdinand Hodler, who teaches him to create a rigorous and ornamental composition by appropriate use of shapes and colors.
He sees regularly Cuno Amiet, who after a year spent in Pont-Aven,  shared his experience with him. In 1900 he exhibited in the Swiss Pavillon of the Universal Exhibition in Paris. From 1905, Giacometti works again in a great complicity with Amiet and begins to break free from the influence of Segantini. In 1906, held an exhibition of his work at Kunstlerhaus Zurich. In 1907 he went to Paris with Amiet to the Cézanne retrospective at the Salon d'Automne. They copy all the works of Van Gogh. In 1908, he exhibited with the French Fauves at the Richter Gallery in Dresden.
In 1909, the Tannhauser Gallery presents his works in Munich. He meets Alexi von Jawlensky, and in 1911 participates in the Berlin Secession. In 1912, Giacometti has a solo show at the Kunsthaus Zurich presents two works in the Sonderbund of Cologne. In 1918 after Hodler' s death, he began to be involved into the Swiss political world  paying an important part as a committed artist, following intthat way friend Amiet.

2017 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau


Saturday, June 17, 2023



NICOLAS DE STAËL (1914-1955), Montagne Sainte Victoire  (1, 011m ) France Provence)   In ciel de Vaucluse,  huile sur toile, 16 x 24 cm,  1953, Collection privée


NICOLAS DE STAËL (1914-1955),
Montagne Sainte Victoire  (1, 011m )
France Provence)

 In ciel de Vaucluse,  huile sur toile, 16 x 24 cm,  1953, Collection privée  

A propos de cette toile
Titré "Ciel de Vaucluse" on a supposé qu'il s'agissait d'une évocation de la Montagne Sainte-Victoire, hommage à Cézanne que Stael admirait beaucoup,  bien que cette montagne ne se trouve pas dans le Vaucluse mais dans les Bouches du Rhône.  La logique voudrait qu'il s 'agisse du Mont Ventoux, mais la silhouette de montagne évoquée ici rappelle définitiveent plus la Sainte Victoire que le Ventoux ! 

La montagne
La montagne Sainte-Victoire (1, 011m ) en provençal Mont Venturi selon la norme classique ou Mount Ventùriselon la norme mistralienne, est un massif calcaire  dans la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Située à l'est d'Aix-en-Provence, elle a connu une notoriété internationale en partie grâce aux 87 œuvres du peintre Paul Cézanne dont elle est le sujet. Elle accueille de nombreux randonneurs, grimpeurs et amoureux de la nature, et elle est un élément majeur du paysage aixois.
Le massif de la Sainte-Victoire s'étend sur 18 kilomètres de long et sur 5 kilomètres de large10, suivant une stricte orientation ouest-est. Il se situe principalement dans le département des Bouches-du-Rhône et en partie dans celui du Var, et, avec ses abords, sur les communes de Puyloubier, Saint-Antonin-sur-Bayon, Rousset, Châteauneuf-le-Rouge, Beaurecueil, Le Tholonet, Vauvenargues, Saint-Marc-Jaumegarde, Pourrières, Artigues et Rians. Les D 10 et D 17 (Route Cézanne) sont les principales routes qui permettent de longer le massif. Sur le versant septentrional, la D10 franchit le col de Claps (530 m) et le col des Portes (631 m). Sur le versant méridional, la D 17 chemine sur le plateau du Cengle et franchit le collet Blanc du Subéroque (505 m).  Le massif culmine au pic des Mouches (1 011 m pour l'IGN), près de l'extrémité est de la chaîne, et non pas à la Croix de Provence (946 m pour l'IGN) proche de l'extrémité ouest et visible d'Aix. Le pic des Mouches est l'un des plus hauts sommets du département des Bouches-du-Rhône, après le pic de Bertagne qui atteint l'altitude de 1 042 mètres13 et qui se situe sur le massif de la Sainte-Baume. 6 525 ha du massif de la Sainte-Victoire sont classés depuis 1983.

Le Peintre
Nicolas de Staël (prononcé [stal) baron Nikolaï Vladimirovitch Staël von Holstein (Николай Владимирович Шталь фон Гольштейн), est un peintre français originaire de Russie, issu d'une branche cadette de la famille Staël von Holstein. La carrière de Nicolas de Staël s'étale sur quinze ans, de 1940 à sa mort. Artiste prolifique, il réalise au cours de sa carrière 1120 tableaux aux influences diverses — Cézanne, Matisse, Van Gogh, Braque, Soutine et les fauves, mais aussi les maîtres néerlandais Rembrandt, Vermeer et Seghers. Sa peinture est en constante évolution. Des couleurs sombres de ses débuts (Porte sans porte, 1946 ou Ressentiment, 1947), elle aboutit à l'exaltation de la couleur comme dans le Grand Nu orange (1953). Ses toiles se caractérisent par d'épaisses couches de peinture superposées et un important jeu de matières, passant des empâtements au couteau (Compositions, 1945-1949) à une peinture plus fluide (Agrigente, 1954, Chemin de fer au bord de la mer, soleil couchant, 1955). Refusant les étiquettes et les courants, tout comme Georges Braque qu'il admire, il travaille avec acharnement, détruisant autant d’œuvres qu'il en réalise.  Nicolas de Staël meurt à 41 ans en se jetant de la terrasse de la maison où il avait son atelier à Antibes. Cette maison fut classée monument historique en mars 2014. Il est enterré au cimetière de Montrouge. Par son style évolutif, qu'il a lui-même qualifié d'« évolution continue », il reste une énigme pour les historiens d'art qui le classent aussi bien dans la catégorie de l'École de Paris, que dans les abstraits ayant inspiré les jeunes peintres à partir des années 1970, ou encore dans la catégorie de l'art informel. Il a maintes fois créé la surprise notamment avec la série Les Footballeurs, entraînant derrière lui des artistes d'un nouveau mouvement d'abstraction et les artistes du néo-formalisme new-yorkais, ou de l'expressionnisme abstrait de l'École de New York, parmi lesquels se trouve notamment Joan Mitchell.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


 UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE / 歌川 広重 (1797-1858)
Hira Mountains or Hira Sanch / 比良山地  (1,214 m - 3,984 ft)

1. In A mountain in the snow,  8 Views of Omi, #1, Evening Snow on Mount Hira, 1834, print  
2. In  Evening Snow on Mount Hira, 2010, new colored print 

The paintings
On most of the representations of the Hira Mountains, whatever the artist who painted or drawn them (Hiroshige here or many others up to the present time), we can see herbs leaning from right to left as under effect of the wind. It is the effect of the strong local wind Hira-oroshi which often blows from Hira Mountains to Lake Biwa especially in the late days of March. This wind sometimes sinks boats on the lake and stops trains of the line passing along the foot of the mountains. In every 26 March, Tendai priests hold a memorial service for casualties of shipwreck accidents. This wind is almost an integral part of the representation of the mountain.

The mountains 
The three main peaks of the Hira Mountains are Mount Bunagatake (1,214 m- 3,984 ft) ; Hōraisan, (1,174 m- 3,852 ft),and Mount Uchimi (1,103 m - 3,619 ft).
The Hira Mountains (比良山地 Hira-sanchi) are a mountain range to the west of Lake Biwa on the border of Shiga Prefecture and Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. The range runs 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) north to south. It is narrowest in the southern part of the range, running 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) east to west, and broadest at the northern part of the range, running 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) km east to west. The eastern side of the Hira Mountains looks steeply over Lake Biwa, while the western side of the range forms a gentler valley in Kyoto.

The artist
Utagawa Hiroshige (歌川 広重), also know as Andō Hiroshige (安藤 広重), was a Japanese ukiyo-e artist, considered the last great master of that tradition. Hiroshige is best known for his landscapes, such as the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō (see above) and The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kiso Kaidō; and for his depictions of birds and flowers. The subjects of his work were atypical of the ukiyo-e genre, whose typical focus was on beautiful women, popular actors, and other scenes of the urban pleasure districts of Japan's Edo period (1603–1868). The popular Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji series by Hokusai was a strong influence on Hiroshige's choice of subject, though Hiroshige's approach was more poetic and ambient than Hokusai's bolder, more formal prints.
Hiroshige produced over 8,000 works
He dominated landscape printmaking with his unique brand of intimate, almost small-scale works compared against the older traditions of landscape painting descended from Chinese landscape painters such as Sesshu. The travel prints generally depict travelers along famous routes experiencing the special attractions of various stops along the way. They travel in the rain, in snow, and during all of the seasons. In 1856, working with the publisher Uoya Eikichi, he created a series of luxury edition prints, made with the finest printing techniques including true gradation of color, the addition of mica to lend a unique iridescent effect, embossing, fabric printing, blind printing, and the use of glue printing (wherein ink is mixed with glue for a glittery effect).
For scholars and collectors, Hiroshige's death marked the beginning of a rapid decline in the ukiyo-e genre, especially in the face of the westernization that followed the Meiji Restoration of 1868. Hiroshige's work came to have a marked influence on Western painting towards the close of the 19th century as a part of the trend in Japonism. Western artists closely studied Hiroshige's compositions, and some, such as Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet, painted copies of Hiroshige's prints.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Emil Nolde  (1867-1956) 
Piz Bernina (4, 049m- 13, 283ft) 
Switzerland - Italy border 

In  La belle Bernina et le vieux Morteratsch, postcard 

About this work 
The postcards series date from  pre-expressionist phase of Nolde’s career (though he was around 30 when he created them). After hiking in the Swiss Alps, Nolde did a painting, Mountain Giants, presenting the mountains in human form. Nolde wrote : “The picture went to the annual exhibition in Munich in 1896. [Ferdinand] Hodler’s picture “Night”  which established his fame, was also there. But my “Mountain Giants" was soon returned, rejected… In those days there was a general and stormy derision and ridicule about each of Hodler’s pictures. ‘And his colors are as ugly as can be possible!’ What help was my contradiction and my firm conviction that his sinuous, pushing, wry bodies are part of the character of the mountain folk, just as the firs on the mountain slopes are gnarled and grown oddly.” From then, he painted practically every Swissw Alps Summit in human form: the Zugspitze, the Waxenstein, the Eiger, the Monch, the Jungfrau, the Grand Saint- Gothard, Piz Bernina, the Morteratch, the Ortler, the Finsteraarhorn... they will be posted one after one in this blog, the Cervin / Matterhorn being the first one.

The mountain 
Piz Bernina or Pizzo Bernina (4, 049m- 13, 283ft)  is the highest mountain in the Eastern Alps, the highest point of the Bernina Range, and the highest peak in the Rhaetian Alps. It is located south of Pontresina and near the major Alpine resort of St. Moritz, in the Engadin valley with the massif partially in Italy.  The mountain can be seen from different viewpoints with the use of ski-lifts from Diavolezza, Piz Corvatsch or Piz Nair. It is also the most easterly mountain higher than 4,000 m (13,000 ft) in the Alps, the highest point of the Swiss canton of Graubünden, and the fifth-most prominent peak in the Alps. The minor summit (4,020 m -13,190 ft) known as La Spedla is the highest point in the Italian Lombardy region. The mountain was named after the Bernina Pass in 1850 by Johann Coaz, who also made the first ascent.  The prefix Piz comes from the Romansch language in Graubünden; any mountain with that name can be readily identified as being located in southeastern Switzerland.
The Morteratsch Glacier  is the largest glacier in the Bernina Mountains. It is located in the canton of Grisons in Upper Engadine. It has a maximum length of 7 km with a height difference of 2,000 m and ends at the highest point on Punta Perrucchetti at 4,020 m. It covers with the Pers glacier about 16 km2. Between 1878 and 1998, the glacier retreated 1.8 km with an annual average of about 17.2 meters. The decline has accelerated in recent years with an average of 30 meters per year from 1999-2005. At the confluence with the Pers Glacier, the Morteratsch Glacier behaves like a natural dam blocking the runoff and the origin of a small lake.

The painter 
Emil Nolde (born Emil Hansen) was a German-Danish painter and printmaker. He was one of the first Expressionists, a member of Die Brücke (The Bridge) of Dresden in 1906, and was one of the first oil painting and watercolor painters of the early 20th century to explore color. He is known for his brushwork and expressive choice of colors. Golden yellows and deep reds appear frequently in his work, giving a luminous quality to otherwise somber tones. His watercolors include vivid, brooding storm-scapes and brilliant florals.
Nolde's intense preoccupation with the subject of flowers reflects his continuing interest in the art of Vincent van Gogh.
From the early 1920s,  Nolde was a supporter of the Nazi party, having become a member of its Danish section. He expressed anti-semitic, negative opinions about Jewish artists, and considered "Expressionism to be a distinctively Germanic style". This view was shared by some other members of the Nazi party, notably Joseph Goebbels and Fritz Hippler.
However Hitler rejected all forms of modernism as "degenerate art", and the Nazi regime officially condemned Nolde's work. Until that time he had been held in great prestige in Germany. A total of 1,052 of his works were removed from museums, more than those of any other artist.  Some were included in the Degenerate Art exhibition of 1937, despite his protests, including (later) a personal appeal to Nazi gauleiter Baldur von Schirach in Vienna. He was not allowed to paint—even in private—after 1941. Nevertheless, during this period he created hundreds of watercolors, which he hid. He called them the "Unpainted Pictures".
In 1942 Nolde wrote: "There is silver blue, sky blue and thunder blue. Every color holds within it a soul, which makes me happy or repels me, and which acts as a stimulus. To a person who has no art in him, colors are colors, tones tones...and that is all. All their consequences for the human spirit, which range between heaven to hell, just go unnoticed."
After World War II, Nolde was once again honored, receiving the German Order of Merit, He died in Seebüll (now part of Neukirchen). The Schiefler Catalogue raisonné of his prints describes 231 etchings, 197 woodcuts, 83 lithographs, and 4 hectographs.

Friday, February 10, 2023


GIOVANNI GIACOMETTI (1868-1933) Piz Corvatsch (3 451 m - 11 322 ft) Suisse  In "Capolago avec vue sur Corvatsch", vers 1926, Collection privée
Piz Corvatsch (3 451 m - 11 322 ft)
Suisse (Grisons)

In "Capolago avec vue sur Corvatsch", vers 1926, Collection privée

Le peintre
Giovanni Giacometti était un peintre suisse, le père du célèbre peintre et sculpteur Alberto Giacometti, et de Diego Giacometti, le designer de meubles ainsi que le père de l'architecte Bruno Giacometti ! En 1886, il étudie la peinture à l'École des arts décoratifs de Munich, où il rencontre Cuno Amiet l'année suivante. Tous deux décident de poursuivre leurs études à Paris, en octobre s'inscrit à l'Académie Julian, où Giacometti reste jusqu'en 1891.
En 1893, peu après son retour en Suisse, à Bergell, il se lie d'amitié avec Giovanni Segantini, son aîné de dix ans, qui a une grande influence sur son œuvre en l'ouvrant à la beauté des paysages montagnards et aux règles du divisionnisme. Après sa mort subite en 1899, Giacometti rencontre Ferdinand Hodler, qui lui apprend à créer une composition rigoureuse et ornementale par une utilisation appropriée des formes et des couleurs.
Il voit régulièrement Cuno Amiet qui, après un an passé à Pont-Aven, lui fait part de son expérience. En 1900, il expose au Pavillon suisse de l'Exposition universelle de Paris. A partir de 1905, Giacometti travaille à nouveau dans une grande complicité avec Amiet et commence à s'affranchir de l'influence de Segantini. En 1906, a organisé une exposition de son travail au Kunstlerhaus de Zurich. En 1907, il se rend à Paris avec Amiet pour la rétrospective Cézanne au Salon d'Automne. Ils copient toutes les oeuvres de Van Gogh. En 1908, il expose avec les Fauves français à la galerie Richter de Dresde.
En 1909, la galerie Tannhauser présente ses œuvres à Munich. Il rencontre Alexi von Jawlensky, et en 1911 participe à la Sécession de Berlin. En 1912, Giacometti fait une exposition personnelle au Kunsthaus de Zurich et présente deux œuvres au Sonderbund de Cologne. En 1918, après la mort de Hodler, il commence à s'impliquer dans le monde politique suisse en y jouant un rôle important en tant qu'artiste engagé, à la suite en cela de son ami Amiet.

La montagne
Le Pic Corvatsch (3 451 m - 11 322 ft) est une montagne de la chaîne des Alpes de la Bernina, surplombant le lac de Sils et le lac de Silvaplana dans la région de l'Engadine, Canton des Grisons en Suisse. C'est le point culminant du massif séparant la vallée principale de l'Inn du Val Roseg. Outre le Piz Corvatsch, deux autres sommets légèrement inférieurs composent le massif du Corvatsch : le Piz Murtèl (3 433 m (11 263 ft) ; au nord du Piz Corvatsch) et le sommet sans nom où se trouve la station supérieure du téléphérique du Corvatsch (3 303 m (10 837 ft) ; au nord du Piz Murtèl). Politiquement, le sommet du Piz Corvatsch est partagé entre les communes de Sils im Engadin et Samedan, bien que le sommet de 3 303 m se situe entre les communes de Silvaplana et Samedan.
Plusieurs glaciers se trouvent du côté est du massif. Le plus grand, en dessous du Piz Corvatsch, s'appelle Vadret dal Murtèl. Le deuxième plus grand, en dessous du Piz Murtèl et de la gare, s'appelle Vadret dal Corvatsch.
Le téléphérique du Corvatsch démarre au-dessus du village de Surlej, à l'est de Silvaplana et culmine à 3 298 m. De là, le sommet du Piz Corvatsch peut être atteint en traversant le Piz Murtil. En hiver et au printemps, la montagne fait partie d'un domaine skiable parmi les plus hauts de Suisse et des Alpes orientales.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
            Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
            Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Sunday, May 12, 2019


Profitis Ilias or Taleton  (2, 404 m - 7,887 ft) 

The mountain
Profitis Ilias (2404 m - 7887 ft or "Prophet Elias", probably the classical Mount Taleton mentioned by Pausanias, is the tallest mountain in the Peloponnese peninsula in Southern Greece par of the Mount Taygetus massif (Ταΰγετος)
The name is one of the oldest recorded in Europe, appearing in the Odyssey. In classical mythology, it was associated with the nymph Taygete. During Byzantine times and up until the 19th century, the mountain was also known as Pentadaktylos (five-fingered, a common name during that period).
The Tayetus Massif is about 100 km (62 mi) long, extending from the center of the Peloponnese to Cape Matapan, its southernmost extremity.The summit is an ultra-prominent peak. It is prominent above the Isthmus of Corinth, which separating the Peloponnese from mainland Greece, rises only to approximately 60 m (200 ft). Numerous creeks wash down from the mountains and the Eurotas has some of its headwaters in the northern part of the range. The western side of the massif houses the headwaters of the Vyros Gorge, which carries winter snowmelt down the mountain, emptying into the Messenian Gulf in the town of Kardamyli.
The peak known as Taleton, above Bryseae, was 'dedicated' to Helios, the Sun, to whom horses were sacrificed.  Taleton was also 'dedicated' to Zeus. Today, the mountain is closely associated with the holy Prophet Elias, and every year on the 20th of July (the Greek Orthodox name day for the Prophet Elias), the small chapel at the peak holds a large festival, including a massive bonfire in commemoration of the Prophet Elias (note: a Greek-style transliteration of 'Eliyah,' אליה the prophet), as he is believed to have ascended up into heaven in a chariot of fire. The bonfire can be seen from anywhere with clear view of the summit, and it is for this reason that the town of Kardamyli is a local gathering point for those who wish to view the fire without having to climb the mountain.

The painter
Konstantinos Maleas (1879 - 1928) (Κωνσταντίνος Μαλέας)was one of the most important Post-impressionist Greek painters of the 20th century. Along with Konstantinos Parthenis, he is sometimes considered Greece's most important modern artist. Maleas work was influenced by the work of Paul Cézanne, Paul Gauguin, Vincent van Gogh, and by the art movements. of symbolism, impressionism and fauvism. His paintings are characterized by very light and bright colors, the large brushes that revolutionalised the stagnant Athenian art of the time. Most art critics condemned his work , and it was only Fotos Politis that recognized the value of Maleas's work, also urging young artists to learn from his paintings. Maleas remains one of the most popular Greek modern artists, and his works are exhibited at the National Gallery of Athens and elsewhere.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Monday, October 18, 2021


GIOVANNI GIACOMETTI (1868-1933), Piz Balzet (2, 869 m - 9,413 ft), Punta de l'Albigna (2,825 m - 9,268 ft), Spazzacaldeira (2,487 m- 8,159 ft) ,Switzerland  In  Albigna Valley, oil on canvas, 1932

Piz Balzet (2, 869 m - 9,413 ft)
Punta de l'Albigna (2,825 m - 9,268 ft)
Spazzacaldeira (2,487 m- 8,159 ft)
 In  Albigna Valley, oil on canvas,  1932

The Mountains 

The Piz Balzet  (2, 869 m - 9,413 ft)  is a  tall granite mountain located in Bergell, Switzerland. Standing just on the eastern edge of the Albigna reservoir it is clearly visible when driving down from the Maloja-pass to the north and from the campsite at Vicosoprano. Seen from this (its western) side the Balzet is an imposing picture; very steep slabs fall off into the valley and several ridges make their way to the well defined summit. A different picture entirely is presented when the mountain is viewed from its southern side; from this side there are no steep drops to valley floors far below. Instead, it is 'merely' a summit in the ridge leading up to the Piz Bacun (3,244m).
The Punta da l'Albigna  (2,825 m - 9,268 ft) is an easily recognizable summit on the eastern side of the Albigna lake in the Bergell, an area in south-eastern Switzerland famous for its multitude of alpine rock climbs on excellent granite. Along with the Spazzacaldeira and the Piz Balzet, the Punta da l'Albigna ranks among the most popular climbing hotspots in the Albigna area. It hosts numerous routes from 4a to 5c and varying in length between 8 and 12 ropelengths. Most of the routes are bolted, though some rather sparingly
Spazzacaldeira (2,487 m- 8,159 ft) is the name of the ridge directly west of the Albigna reservoir, just to the north of the Al Gal. It offers a multitude of alpine-sport routes across its eastern face and the north-east ridge is a well known classic in the area. Because of the generally well bolted nature of the routes and the incredibly easy access via the nearby cable car station, Spazzacaldeira can attract a large number of climbers. Most of them will be aiming for the summit pinnacle, the famous Fiamma, a striking summit spire seen on many local postcards.

The painter
Giovanni Giacometti was a Swiss painter, the father of the famous painter and sculptor Alberto Giacometti, and of Diego Giacometti, the furniture designer as well as the father of the architect Bruno Giacometti ! In 1886, he studied painting at the School of Decorative Arts in Munich, where he met Cuno Amiet the following year. Both decide to pursue their studies in Paris, in October stood at the Académie Julian, where Giacometti remains until 1891.
In 1893, shortly after his return to Switzerland, to Bergell, he became friends with Giovanni Segantini, his eldest ten years, which has great influence on his work by opening it to the beauty of the mountain scenery and the rules of divisionism. After his sudden death in 1899, Giacometti met Ferdinand Hodler, who teaches him to create a rigorous and ornamental composition by appropriate use of shapes and colors.
He sees regularly Cuno Amiet, who after a year spent in Pont-Aven, shared his experience with him. In 1900 he exhibited in the Swiss Pavillon of the Universal Exhibition in Paris. From 1905, Giacometti works again in a great complicity with Amiet and begins to break free from the influence of Segantini. In 1906, held an exhibition of his work at Kunstlerhaus Zurich. In 1907 he went to Paris with Amiet to the Cézanne retrospective at the Salon d'Automne. They copy all the works of Van Gogh. In 1908, he exhibited with the French Fauves at the Richter Gallery in Dresden.
In 1909, the Tannhauser Gallery presents his works in Munich. He meets Alexi von Jawlensky, and in 1911 participates in the Berlin Secession. In 1912, Giacometti has a solo show at the Kunsthaus Zurich presents two works in the Sonderbund of Cologne. In 1918 after Hodler' s death, he began to be involved into the Swiss political world paying an important part as a committed artist, following int that way friend Amiet.

2021 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Sunday, November 19, 2017


CAMILLE PISSARO  (1830-1903) 
Les Petites Dalles (30 to 50 m - 98 to164 ft)

In Les falaises des Petites Dalles, oil on canvas, 1883, Private collection USA 

The painting 
A lot of impressionist painters choose those cliffs as a item. The most famous was Claude Monet who made at least 10 paintings of those cliffs.  

The mountain 
Les Petites Dalles (30 to 50m - 98 to 164ft) (the Small Slabs) are cliffs located in a hamlet between Sassetot-le-Mauconduit and Saint-Martin-aux-Buneaux, in Haute-Normandie,  France.
Seaside resort south of Dieppe in Normandy, on the coast of the Channel and the country of Caux, the Petites Dalles cliffs are famous mainly because they inspired the impressionist painters like Claude Monet and Berthe Morisot. it is also famous for its numerous seaside villas built at the end of the nineteenth century and preserved (Les Catelets, Les Lampottes, Les Mouettes...)
The old name for Les Petites Dalles appears in the Latinized form Daletis in a charter of 1252.  It is the diminutive of Dalis which appears in the same charter.  Dalis became Les Grandes-Dalles and Daletis, Les Petites Dalles.
The place became definitely up to date in 187,5 when  the Empress of Austria,  Elisabeth, known as Sissi, spent the months of August and September at the castle of Sassetot-le-Mauconduit and regularly bathes on the beach of  Les Petites Dalles. The painter Paul Valantin realizes a painting of the scene. On August 25, 2016, a landslide over a hundred meters of the cliff felt down. Nearly 50,000 m3 of rocks collapsed on the beach in  Saint-Martin-aux-Buneaux at the place known as Les Petites Dalles, according to the Seine-Maritime Fire and Rescue Service.

The Painter
 Camille Pissarro was a Danish-French Impressionist and Neo-Impressionist painter born on the island of St Thomas (now in the US Virgin Islands, but then in the Danish West Indies). His importance resides in his contributions to both Impressionism and Post-Impressionism.
Pissarro studied from great forerunners, including Gustave Courbet and Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot. He later studied and worked alongside Georges Seurat and Paul Signac when he took on the Neo-Impressionist style at the age of 54.
In 1873 he helped establish a collective society of fifteen aspiring artists, becoming the "pivotal" figure in holding the group together and encouraging the other members. Art historian John Rewald called Pissarro the "dean of the Impressionist painters", not only because he was the oldest of the group, but also "by virtue of his wisdom and his balanced, kind, and warmhearted personality". Cézanne said "he was a father for me. A man to consult and a little like the good Lord," and he was also one of Gauguin's masters. Renoir referred to his work as "revolutionary", through his artistic portrayals of the "common man", as Pissarro insisted on painting individuals in natural settings without "artifice or grandeur".
Pissarro is the only artist to have shown his work at all eight Paris Impressionist exhibitions, from 1874 to 1886. He "acted as a father figure not only to the Impressionists" but to all four of the major Post-Impressionists, including Georges Seurat, Paul Cézanne, Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE  / 歌川 広重 (1797-1858)
Sakurajima volcano / 桜島 (1,117 m - 3,665 ft)
Japan (Kagoshima) 

About the painting
This work by the great artist Utagawa Hiroshige (歌川 広重) shows the volcano at the beginning of XIXe century, before its major 1914 eruption. Nowadays, the shape of the volcano and of the all area is quite different. 

The volcano
Sakurajima / 桜島 (1, 117 m - 3,665 ft)  which means "Cherry blossom Island" is an active composite volcano and a former island in Kagoshima Prefecture in Kyushu, Japan.  Sakurajima is a stratovolcano with  3 peaks :  Kita-dake (northern peak), Naka-dake (central peak) and Minami-dake (southern peak) which is active now. Kita-dake is Sakurajima's highest peak.
The mountain is located in a part of Kagoshima Bay known as Kinkō-wan. The former island is part of the city of Kagoshima. The surface of this volcanic peninsula is about 77 km2 (30 sq mi).
The lava flows of the 1914 eruption connected it with the Osumi Peninsula.
The volcanic activity still continues nowadays, dropping volcanic ash on the surroundings, making of this volcanoes one of the most active in the world with, at least,  a daily minor eruption.  Earlier eruptions built the white sands highlands in the region.  On September 13, 2016 a team of experts from Bristol University and the Sakurajima Volcano Research Centre in Japan suggested that the volcano could have a major eruption within 25 years.

The artist
Utagawa Hiroshige (歌川 広重), also know as Andō Hiroshige (安藤 広重), was a Japanese ukiyo-e artist, considered the last great master of that tradition. Hiroshige is best known for his landscapes, such as the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō (see above) and The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kiso Kaidō; and for his depictions of birds and flowers. The subjects of his work were atypical of the ukiyo-e genre, whose typical focus was on beautiful women, popular actors, and other scenes of the urban pleasure districts of Japan's Edo period (1603–1868). The popular Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji series by Hokusai was a strong influence on Hiroshige's choice of subject, though Hiroshige's approach was more poetic and ambient than Hokusai's bolder, more formal prints.
Hiroshige produced over 8,000 works
He dominated landscape printmaking with his unique brand of intimate, almost small-scale works compared against the older traditions of landscape painting descended from Chinese landscape painters such as Sesshu. The travel prints generally depict travelers along famous routes experiencing the special attractions of various stops along the way. They travel in the rain, in snow, and during all of the seasons. In 1856, working with the publisher Uoya Eikichi, he created a series of luxury edition prints, made with the finest printing techniques including true gradation of color, the addition of mica to lend a unique iridescent effect, embossing, fabric printing, blind printing, and the use of glue printing (wherein ink is mixed with glue for a glittery effect).
For scholars and collectors, Hiroshige's death marked the beginning of a rapid decline in the ukiyo-e genre, especially in the face of the westernization that followed the Meiji Restoration of 1868.
Hiroshige's work came to have a marked influence on Western painting towards the close of the 19th century as a part of the trend in Japonism. Western artists closely studied Hiroshige's compositions, and some, such as Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet, painted copies of Hiroshige's prints.
2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau