, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: Search results for Viollet le duc
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Showing posts sorted by date for query Viollet le duc. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, March 31, 2024


EUGÈNE VIOLLET-LE-DUC  (1814-1879) Les Grands Mulets (refuge à3051m) France (Haute-Savoie)  In " La jonction au dessus des Grands Mulets " 1869, Médiathèque de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine, Charenton-le-Pont, France

Les Grands Mulets (refuge à 3051m)
France (Haute-Savoie)

In " La jonction au-dessus des Grands Mulets " 1869, Médiathèque de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine, Charenton-le-Pont, France
Le relief
Les Grands Mulets (3051m) est un refuge situé dans le Massif du Mont-Blanc en France, dans le département de la Haute-Savoie en région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Situé sur une des voies d'accès du Mont Blanc, très prisée par les skieurs, dans un univers glacier de haute montagne, il appartient au Club alpin français. Ce refuge est équipé du gaz, de couvertures et du nécessaire de cuisine. Le refuge actuel a été construit en 1960 et inauguré le 7 août, il remplace le précédent refuge construit en 1896. Le premier refuge des Grands Mulets, l'un des précurseurs de ce type, fut construit en 1853 avec une charpente en bois transportée à dos d'hommes et de mulets. 
Eugène Viollet-le-Duc est un architecte français. Aujourd'hui, il est surtout connu auprès du grand public pour ses restaurations de constructions médiévales, édifices religieux et châteaux dont Notre-Dame de Paris, Pierrefonds, Carcassonne, le mont Saint-Michel et le château de Roquetaillade. Mais Viollet-le-Duc est aussi historien, théoricien, pédagogue, dessinateur, professeur, écrivain, décorateur, archéologue, alpiniste...
Il écrit plus de cent ouvrages dont certains auront un succès international et sont toujours publiés aujourd'hui : le Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française du XIe au XIVe siècle, Entretiens sur l'architecture et son Histoire d'une Maison.
Ses ouvrages sont toujours accompagnés d'une dense iconographie pédagogique permettant ainsi la compréhension de ses livres, ce qui explique, entre autres, son succès à l'étranger.
Son Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française du XIe au XIVe siècle contient plus de 3 700 dessins et reste aujourd'hui la plus grande base de données iconographiques existante sur le Moyen Âge. Ce livre aura une influence sur l'Arts and Crafts et le style Victorien en Grande-Bretagne, mais aussi sur tous les mouvements du renouveau gothique en Europe. Ses dessins et ses idées seront repris et copiés par de nombreux architectes, tels William Burges, Anton Gaudi, Hector Guimard... On retrouve l’influence des dessins du Dictionnaire directement dans l’esthétisme des œuvres Arts and Crafts de Edward Burne-Jones, Dante Gabriel Rossetti et William Morris à l’Exposition Universelle de Londres en 1862.
Il pose les bases de l'architecture moderne par ses écrits théoriques marqués par le rationalisme. Son livre Entretiens sur l'architecture est considéré « comme fondateur de l'architecture moderne ». Ce livre préconisera aussi l’utilisation de matériaux modernes en architecture comme le fer, ce qui influencera la construction du premier gratte-ciel à Chicago (1885) par Le Baron Jenney, qui dira de Viollet le Duc « ses recherches et ses trouvailles dépassent tout ce qu’un autre auteur a pu écrire ». De son côté Frank Lloyd Wright affirmera que « les Entretiens était le seul livre sensé sur l'architecture au monde .
Il est aussi considéré aujourd'hui comme le théoricien incontesté de l'Art Nouveau et en sera avec presque trente ans d'avance le premier protagoniste.


2024 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Saturday, September 17, 2022


EUGÈNE VIOLLET-LE-DUC (1814-1879)  Mont Valier (2,838m - 9,311ft)   France (Pyrénées)  In Vue du fond de la vallée d'Azun prise de la montagne de Pourges, Hautes-Pyrénées , watercolor, 1833

 Mont Valier (2,838m - 9,311ft) 
 France (Pyrénées)

In Vue du fond de la vallée d'Azun prise de la montagne de Pourges, Hautes-Pyrénées, watercolor, 1833

The mountain
Mont Valier (2,838m - 9,311ft) is summit located in the Ariège Pyrenees, emblematic of Couserans, dominating the Angouls valley and its torrent, a short distance from the Spanish border.
The name comes from Valerius (Saint Valier, around 452), mythical first bishop of Couserans who would have climbed it. The Mont Valier belongs to the axial Pyrenean chain. Visible from afar, you can clearly see it from the plains of the Garonne and from Toulouse. The summit is located within the perimeter of the regional natural park of the Ariège Pyrenees. It is shared between the municipalities of Seix and Bordes - Uchentein.
Several stone crosses have succeeded each other at the top. If the first would have been the work of the first bishop of Couserans Valerius in the 5th century, Bernard Coignet de Marmiesse, another bishop of Couserans, had a marble cross erected there in the 1670s. The last was inaugurated in September 2012 after the destruction by anticlerical vandalism in 2011 of the granite cross placed in 1987. During the Second World War, an escape route from Saint-Girons to Esterri d'Àneu in Catalonia crossed the Mont Valier massif to cross the border at the difficult Col de la Pale de la Clauère. This "Chemin de la Liberté" - the name given in 1994 to the long-distance footpath that follows its route - allowed the escape of 782 people between 1940 and 1944 and remained operational, despite the increased surveillance of the Germans from 1943 and the denunciations on the part of French collaborators, and it functioned until the end of the war.
In 2000, a via ferrata was created towards the Estagnous refuge (2,246 m). It connects the refuge to the Long pond. Overlooking the round pond, it allows you to discover verticality in safety and a quality point of view. A departure is possible from the refuge or the Long pond. The route totals a length of 1,200 m, including 620 m equipped, for a one-way duration of 2 h 30 and 150 m of elevation. She is rated D.
By ministerial decree of July 5, 2005, a vast territory located in the municipality of Seix, including the national reserve of Mont Valier — created in 1937 (it is one of the oldest in the Pyrenees) — as well as almost all of the national territory of the Fonta massif, has been classified as a site of the Natura 2000 network (special protection area of ​​the Mont Valier massif)
The access routes are only on foot and for experienced and well-equipped hikers. The main access is from the Riberot valley, in the commune of Bordes-Uchentein, from the Plat de la Lau car park and via the Estagnous refuge (guarded in the right season, reservation required).

The artist
Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc (not to be confused with the french writer Violette Leduc!) was a French architect and theorist, famous for his "restorations" of medieval buildings. But he was, as well, an excellent but less famous watercolorist, sketching quite a number of mountains and volcanoes all over Europe.
Born in Paris, he was a major Gothic Revival architect. His works were largely restorative and few of his independent building designs were ever realised. Strongly contrary to the prevailing Beaux-Arts architectural trend of his time, much of his design work was largely derided by his contemporaries. He was the architect hired to design the internal structure of the Statue of Liberty, but died before the project was completed.
During the early 1830s, a popular sentiment for the restoration of medieval buildings developed in France. Viollet-le-Duc, returning during 1835 from study in Italy, was commissioned by Prosper Mérimée to restore the Romanesque abbey of Vézelay. This work was the first of a long series of restorations; Viollet-le-Duc's restorations at Notre Dame de Paris with Jean-Baptiste Lassus brought him national attention. His other main works include Mont Saint-Michel, Carcassonne, Roquetaillade castle and Pierrefonds.
Viollet-le-Duc's "restorations" frequently combined historical fact with creative modification. For example, under his supervision, Notre Dame was not only cleaned and restored but also "updated", gaining its distinctive third tower (a type of flèche) in addition to other smaller changes. Another of his most famous restorations, the medieval fortified town of Carcassonne, was similarly enhanced, gaining atop each of its many wall towers a set of pointed roofs that are actually more typical of northern France. Many of these reconstructions were controversial. Viollet-le-duc wanted what he called ‘a condition of completeness' which never actually existed at any given time. This approach to restoration was particularly problematic when buildings survived in a mixture of styles. For instance, Viollet-le-Duc eliminated eighteenth-century additions to Notre Dame. Both his theory and his practice were strongly criticized on the grounds that only what had once been in place should be reconstructed. At the same time, in the cultural atmosphere of the Second Empire theory necessarily became diluted in practice: Viollet-le-Duc provided a Gothic reliquary for the relic of the Crown of Thorns at Notre-Dame in 1862, and yet Napoleon III also commissioned designs for a luxuriously appointed railway carriage from Viollet-le-Duc, in 14th-century Gothic style.
Among his restorations were:
- Churches :
Notre-Dame in Paris, Abbey of the Mont Saint-Michel, Basilica of St. Mary Magdalene in Vézelay, St. Martin in Clamecy, Sainte-Chapelle in Paris, Basilica of St. Denis near Paris, St. Louis in Poissy, Notre-Dame in Semur-en-Auxois, Basilica of St. Nazarius and St. Celsus in Carcasonne, Basilica of St. Sernin in Toulouse, Notre-Dame in Lausanne (Switzerland).
Town halls:
- Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val, Narbonne
- Château de Roquetaillade in Bordeaux, Château de Pierrefonds, Fortified city of Carcassonne, Château de Coucy, Antoing in Belgium, Château de Vincennes in Paris.
When monuments was to much damaged, he sometimes obtain from the emperor Napoleon III the permission to entirely rebuilt it, like he did in Avignon with the Popes ramparts all around the city.


2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Monday, August 20, 2018


Theodul Pass (3,295 m- 10,810 ft)
Switzerland - Italy border 

The mountain 
Theodul Pass (3,295 m- 10,810 ft), is a high mountain pass across the eastern Pennine Alps, connecting Zermatt in the Swiss canton of Valais and Breuil-Cervinia in the Italian region of Aosta Valley. Theodul Pass is the second lowest pass (after Furggjoch) and the easiest pass between the valleys of Zermatt and Valtournanche.
The pass lies between the Matterhorn on the west and the Breithorn on the east and is overlooked by the Theodulhorn and Testa Grigia. The Rifugio del Teodulo (hut) is located just above the pass. The east side of the pass is covered by large glaciers part of the Theodul Glacier system and is part of a year-round ski area. On the Italian side, the pass can be reached from Breuil-Cervinia by a dead-end trail. On the Swiss side, trails go up from Trockener Steg and Gandegg Hut.

The artist 
Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc (not to be confused with the writer Violette Leduc) was a French architect and theorist, famous for his interpretive "restorations" of medieval buildings.  But he was, as well, an excellent but less famous watercolorist, sketching quite a number of mountains and volcanoes all over Europe.
Strongly contrary to the prevailing Beaux-Arts architectural trend of his time, much of his design work was largely derided by his contemporaries. He was the architect hired to design the internal structure of the Statue of Liberty, but died before the project was completed.
During the early 1830s, a popular sentiment for the restoration of medieval buildings developed in France. Viollet-le-Duc, returning during 1835 from study in Italy, was commissioned by Prosper Mérimée to restore the Romanesque Abbey of Vézelay (France). This work was the first of a long series of restorations; Viollet-le-Duc's restorations at Notre Dame de Paris (France) with Jean-Baptiste Lassus brought him national attention. His other main works include Mont Saint-Michel, Carcassonne, Roquetaillade castle and Pierrefonds.
Viollet-le-Duc's "restorations" frequently combined historical fact with creative modification. For example, under his supervision, Notre Dame was not only cleaned and restored but also "updated", gaining its distinctive third tower (a type of flèche) in addition to other smaller changes. 
Another of his most famous restorations, the medieval fortified town of Carcassonne,(South of france) was similarly enhanced, gaining atop each of its many wall towers a set of pointed roofs that are actually more typical of northern France. Many of these reconstructions were controversial. Viollet-le-duc wanted what he called ‘a condition of completeness' which never actually existed at any given time. This approach to restoration was particularly problematic when buildings survived in a mixture of styles.  When monuments was to much damaged, he sometimes obtain from the emperor Napoleon III the permission to entirely rebuilt it,  like he did in Avignon with the Popes ramparts all around the city.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Chapeau de Gendarme / Lexantzumendi (572m - 1,876ft) 
 France (Pays basque)

 In Montagne calcaire de Lichans, prise de Tardets 1833  

The mountain 
Le Chapeau de Gendarme  (The Hat of Policeman (572m - 1,876ft) in Basque langage Lexantzumendi, is a hill located north of Licq-Atherey (France). The name was given by analogy of form with the bicorne equipping the policemen of the emperor Napoleon Ist, the same bicorne than the emperor himself use to wear on battle fields. 

The artist 
Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc (not to be confused with the writer Violette Leduc) was a French architect and theorist, famous for his interpretive "restorations" of medieval buildings.  But he was, as well, an excellent but less famous watercolorist, sketching quite a number of mountains and volcanoes all over Europe.
Born in Paris, he was a major Gothic Revival architect. His works were largely restorative and few of his independent building designs were ever realised. Strongly contrary to the prevailing Beaux-Arts architectural trend of his time, much of his design work was largely derided by his contemporaries. He was the architect hired to design the internal structure of the Statue of Liberty, but died before the project was completed.
During the early 1830s, a popular sentiment for the restoration of medieval buildings developed in France. Viollet-le-Duc, returning during 1835 from study in Italy, was commissioned by Prosper Mérimée to restore the Romanesque abbey of Vézelay. This work was the first of a long series of restorations; Viollet-le-Duc's restorations at Notre Dame de Paris with Jean-Baptiste Lassus brought him national attention. His other main works include Mont Saint-Michel, Carcassonne, Roquetaillade castle and Pierrefonds.
Viollet-le-Duc's "restorations" frequently combined historical fact with creative modification. For example, under his supervision, Notre Dame was not only cleaned and restored but also "updated", gaining its distinctive third tower (a type of flèche) in addition to other smaller changes. Another of his most famous restorations, the medieval fortified town of Carcassonne, was similarly enhanced, gaining atop each of its many wall towers a set of pointed roofs that are actually more typical of northern France. Many of these reconstructions were controversial. Viollet-le-duc wanted what he called ‘a condition of completeness' which never actually existed at any given time. This approach to restoration was particularly problematic when buildings survived in a mixture of styles. For instance, Viollet-le-Duc eliminated eighteenth-century additions to Notre Dame. Both his theory and his practice were strongly criticized on the grounds that only what had once been in place should be reconstructed. At the same time, in the cultural atmosphere of the Second Empire theory necessarily became diluted in practice: Viollet-le-Duc provided a Gothic reliquary for the relic of the Crown of Thorns at Notre-Dame in 1862, and yet Napoleon III also commissioned designs for a luxuriously appointed railway carriage from Viollet-le-Duc, in 14th-century Gothic style.
Among his restorations were:
- Churches :
Notre-Dame in Paris, Abbey of the Mont Saint-Michel, Basilica of St. Mary Magdalene in Vézelay, St. Martin in Clamecy,  Sainte-Chapelle in Paris, Basilica of St. Denis near Paris, St. Louis in Poissy, Notre-Dame in Semur-en-Auxois, Basilica of St. Nazarius and St. Celsus in Carcasonne, Basilica of St. Sernin in Toulouse, Notre-Dame in Lausanne (Switzerland).
Town halls:
- Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val, Narbonne
- Château de Roquetaillade in Bordeaux, Château de Pierrefonds, Fortified city of Carcassonne, Château de Coucy, Antoing in Belgium, Château de Vincennes in  Paris.
When monuments was to much damaged, he sometimes  obtain from the emperor Napoleon III the permission to entirely rebuilt it,  like he did in Avignon with the Popes ramparts all around the city.

Saturday, July 29, 2017


Col du Bonhomme (2,329 m - 7,641 ft)
France (Alpes) 

In Le col du Bonhomme, le Cervin du Breuil, 1862, watercolor, Musée Lambinet Versailles, France  

The mountain
The Col du Bonhomme (2,329 m - 7,641 ft) is a pass that connects the Val Montjoie to the Beaufortain. It is located between the Mount du Rocher du Bonhomme and the Aiguilles de Pennaz. It is one of the passes crossed on the hiking trail of the Tour du Mont Blanc near the refuge of the Col de la Croix du Bonhomme at 2,443 meters.
In 1355, following the Treaty of Paris, the Faucigny passed from the possession of the counts of Geneva to that of the county of Savoy and the Col du Bonhomme lost its status of frontier to become  part of the "House of Savoy". On the night of the 27th of August, 1689, at Prangins, near Nyon, on the shore of Lake Geneva (Switzerland), about a thousand men try to go back to their Piedmont valley. In nine days they traveled 200 km by passing the massif of Mont Blanc by the Col du Bonhomme to reach Sibaud (Bobbio Pellice). This first trek,  with quite a lot of victims, was called the "Glorious Retreat".  Following the visit of the Emperor Napoleon III after the annexation of Savoy to France (1860), the path of the Col du Bonhomme is laid out (1861-1866). The free zone was subsequently reduced in 1919 by France at the end of the First World War by the Treaty of Versailles.
Nowadays, from the bottom of the Contamines-Montjoie valley, in Notre-Dame-de-la-Gorge, the climb takes from 2 to 3 hours, making it accessible to a large number of walkers. It can also be reached from Les Chapieux, the Gittaz dam and the Gittes crest path.

The artist 
Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc (not to be confused with the writer Violette Leduc) was a French architect and theorist, famous for his interpretive "restorations" of medieval buildings.  But he was, as well, an excellent but less famous watercolorist, sketching quite a number of mountains and volcanoes all over Europe.
Born in Paris, he was a major Gothic Revival architect. His works were largely restorative and few of his independent building designs were ever realised. Strongly contrary to the prevailing Beaux-Arts architectural trend of his time, much of his design work was largely derided by his contemporaries. He was the architect hired to design the internal structure of the Statue of Liberty, but died before the project was completed.
During the early 1830s, a popular sentiment for the restoration of medieval buildings developed in France. Viollet-le-Duc, returning during 1835 from study in Italy, was commissioned by Prosper Mérimée to restore the Romanesque abbey of Vézelay. This work was the first of a long series of restorations; Viollet-le-Duc's restorations at Notre Dame de Paris with Jean-Baptiste Lassus brought him national attention. His other main works include Mont Saint-Michel, Carcassonne, Roquetaillade castle and Pierrefonds.
Viollet-le-Duc's "restorations" frequently combined historical fact with creative modification. For example, under his supervision, Notre Dame was not only cleaned and restored but also "updated", gaining its distinctive third tower (a type of flèche) in addition to other smaller changes. Another of his most famous restorations, the medieval fortified town of Carcassonne, was similarly enhanced, gaining atop each of its many wall towers a set of pointed roofs that are actually more typical of northern France. Many of these reconstructions were controversial. Viollet-le-duc wanted what he called ‘a condition of completeness' which never actually existed at any given time. This approach to restoration was particularly problematic when buildings survived in a mixture of styles. For instance, Viollet-le-Duc eliminated eighteenth-century additions to Notre Dame. Both his theory and his practice were strongly criticized on the grounds that only what had once been in place should be reconstructed. At the same time, in the cultural atmosphere of the Second Empire theory necessarily became diluted in practice: Viollet-le-Duc provided a Gothic reliquary for the relic of the Crown of Thorns at Notre-Dame in 1862, and yet Napoleon III also commissioned designs for a luxuriously appointed railway carriage from Viollet-le-Duc, in 14th-century Gothic style.
Among his restorations were:
- Churches :
Notre-Dame in Paris, Abbey of the Mont Saint-Michel, Basilica of St. Mary Magdalene in Vézelay, St. Martin in Clamecy,  Sainte-Chapelle in Paris, Basilica of St. Denis near Paris, St. Louis in Poissy, Notre-Dame in Semur-en-Auxois, Basilica of St. Nazarius and St. Celsus in Carcasonne, Basilica of St. Sernin in Toulouse, Notre-Dame in Lausanne (Switzerland).
Town halls:
- Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val, Narbonne
- Château de Roquetaillade in Bordeaux, Château de Pierrefonds, Fortified city of Carcassonne, Château de Coucy, Antoing in Belgium, Château de Vincennes in  Paris.
When monuments was to much damaged, he sometimes  obtain from the emperor Napoleon III the permission to entirely rebuilt it,  like he did in Avignon with the Popes ramparts all around the city.

Sunday, May 28, 2017


Mount Etna or Mongibello (3,329 m - 10,922ft) 
 Italy (Sicily) 

In Le cratère de l'Etna en Sicile, 1836, watercolor, Musée Lambinet Versailles, France  

The mountain 
Mount Etna (3,329 m - 10,922ft) or Mongibello, Mungibeddu in Sicilian, Aetna in Latin is an active stratovolcano on the east coast of Sicily, in the Province of Catania, between Messina and Catania. It lies above the convergent plate margin between the African Plate and the Eurasian Plate. It is the tallest active volcano in Europe. It is the highest mountain in Italy south of the Alps. Etna covers an area of 1,190 km2 (459 sq mi) with a basal circumference of 140 km. This makes it by far the largest of the three active volcanoes in Italy, being about two and a half times the height of the next largest, Mount Vesuvius. Only Mount Teide in Tenerife surpasses it in the whole of the European–North-African region. In Greek Mythology, the deadly monster Typhon was trapped under this mountain by Zeus, the god of the sky and thunder and king of gods, and the forges of Hephaestus were said to also be located underneath it.
Mount Etna is one of the most active volcanoes in the world and is in an almost constant state of activity. The fertile volcanic soils support extensive agriculture, with vineyards and orchards spread across the lower slopes of the mountain and the broad Plain of Catania to the south.
Due to its history of recent activity and nearby population, Mount Etna has been designated a Decade Volcano by the United Nations. In June 2013, it was added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
- More informations about Mount Etna

The artist 
Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc (not to be confused with the writer Violette Leduc) was a French architect and theorist, famous for his interpretive "restorations" of medieval buildings.  But he was, as well, an excellent but less famous watercolorist, sketching quite a number of mountains and volcanoes all over Europe.
Born in Paris, he was a major Gothic Revival architect. His works were largely restorative and few of his independent building designs were ever realised. Strongly contrary to the prevailing Beaux-Arts architectural trend of his time, much of his design work was largely derided by his contemporaries. He was the architect hired to design the internal structure of the Statue of Liberty, but died before the project was completed.
During the early 1830s, a popular sentiment for the restoration of medieval buildings developed in France. Viollet-le-Duc, returning during 1835 from study in Italy, was commissioned by Prosper Mérimée to restore the Romanesque abbey of Vézelay. This work was the first of a long series of restorations; Viollet-le-Duc's restorations at Notre Dame de Paris with Jean-Baptiste Lassus brought him national attention. His other main works include Mont Saint-Michel, Carcassonne, Roquetaillade castle and Pierrefonds.
Viollet-le-Duc's "restorations" frequently combined historical fact with creative modification. For example, under his supervision, Notre Dame was not only cleaned and restored but also "updated", gaining its distinctive third tower (a type of flèche) in addition to other smaller changes. Another of his most famous restorations, the medieval fortified town of Carcassonne, was similarly enhanced, gaining atop each of its many wall towers a set of pointed roofs that are actually more typical of northern France. Many of these reconstructions were controversial. Viollet-le-duc wanted what he called ‘a condition of completeness' which never actually existed at any given time. This approach to restoration was particularly problematic when buildings survived in a mixture of styles. For instance, Viollet-le-Duc eliminated eighteenth-century additions to Notre Dame. Both his theory and his practice were strongly criticized on the grounds that only what had once been in place should be reconstructed. At the same time, in the cultural atmosphere of the Second Empire theory necessarily became diluted in practice: Viollet-le-Duc provided a Gothic reliquary for the relic of the Crown of Thorns at Notre-Dame in 1862, and yet Napoleon III also commissioned designs for a luxuriously appointed railway carriage from Viollet-le-Duc, in 14th-century Gothic style.
Among his restorations were:
- Churches :
Notre-Dame in Paris, Abbey of the Mont Saint-Michel, Basilica of St. Mary Magdalene in Vézelay, St. Martin in Clamecy,  Sainte-Chapelle in Paris, Basilica of St. Denis near Paris, St. Louis in Poissy, Notre-Dame in Semur-en-Auxois, Basilica of St. Nazarius and St. Celsus in Carcasonne, Basilica of St. Sernin in Toulouse, Notre-Dame in Lausanne (Switzerland).
Town halls:
- Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val, Narbonne
- Château de Roquetaillade in Bordeaux, Château de Pierrefonds, Fortified city of Carcassonne, Château de Coucy, Antoing in Belgium, Château de Vincennes in  Paris.
When monuments was to much damaged, he sometimes  obtain from the emperor Napoleon III the permission to entirely rebuilt it,  like he did in Avignon with the Popes ramparts all around the city.
- Encyclopedia Britannica