, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: Search results for WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010)
Showing posts sorted by date for query WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010). Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010). Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2024



WU GUANZHONG /吴冠中 (1919-2010) Lushan / 庐山 (1,474m- 4,834ft) Chine

WU GUANZHONG /吴冠中 (1919-2010)
Lushan / 庐山 (1,474m- 4,834ft)

Les montagnes
Lushan / 庐山 (1,474m- 4,834ft) égalemen tappelé Le mont Lust une montagne de Chine située à 36 km au sud de la ville de Jiujiang dans le Jiangxi, entre le Chang Jiang et le lac Poyang (鄱陽湖). Renfermant de nombreuses richesses naturelles (flore, faune, géologie), c’est aussi un lieu important pour l'histoire, la religion bouddhiste, la peinture et la poésie. Ces caractéristiques ont valu au parc national du mont Lu son inscription au patrimoine mondial en 1996. Le mont est également le site d'un géoparc de l'Unesco. C'est un haut lieu du tourisme. Comme beaucoup de hauteurs au sud du Chang Jiang, c’est un lieu où l’on se rendait l'été pour échapper à la chaleur. Au cœur de la montagne, dans une zone basse située à 1 167 m d'altitude, le missionnaire anglais John Liddell loua en 1895 un terrain destiné à la construction d'un village de montagne pour loger ses homologues et leurs familles, Guling , où furent bâties un millier de maisons de style occidental. Elles subsistent de nos jours, valant à cette petite ville (actuellement 46,6 km2 et 13 000 habitants) le surnom de « Suisse orientale ». On prétend que Sima Qian s'y rendit en -126. C'est sur le flanc nord que le moine Huiyuan fonda en 402 le premier groupe de prière terre pure, l'un des principaux courants bouddhistes, à l'emplacement de l'actuel temple de Donglin . Le mont Lu resta jusqu'à la révolte des Taiping un haut lieu du bouddhisme, abritant jusqu'à trois cents temples. On y trouve également des temples taoïstes, des églises et des mosquées. Le mont Lu est connu en Chine comme « terre des lettres, mont des poèmes »  De nombreux poètes le visitèrent et le prirent pour thème (plus de quatre mille œuvres).  Ses paysages ont également inspiré d'innombrables peintures. On y a découvert en 2004 une gravure pariétale de l'époque Tang (695) à l’emplacement d'un temple bouddhiste disparu. Sous le « pic des Cinq Vieillards » (Wulaofeng se trouve l'une des quatre grandes académies d'enseignement confucéen, l'Académie de la grotte du cerf blanc (Bailudong Shuyuan). Elle fut ouverte sous les Tang du Sud sous le nom d'Académie du mont Lu à l'emplacement où le poète Li You , surnommé « le sieur au cerf blanc » à cause de l’animal qu'il élevait, s’était retiré pour étudier. En 940 le célèbre néoconfucéen Zhu Xi la fit restaurer et la transforma en un important centre d’études. De notoriété limitée, Li You est parfois remplacé dans les présentations touristiques du mont par le plus célèbre Li Bai. En 1930, le mont Lu devint siège de la capitale estivale du gouvernement de Nankin. En 1937, Tchang Kaï-chek y prononça son appel à la résistance contre le Japon. Mao Zedong s'y rendit pour trois réunions centrales du PCC.
Wu Guanzhong /吴冠中  est un peintre et un théoricien de l'art chinois. Il a travaillé à la modernisation de la peinture chinoise. Wu Guanzhong rencontre Chu Teh-Chun lors de son service militaire, les deux artistes peintres y deviennent amis. Wu Guanzhong devient un artiste très en vue de la fin du 20e siècle. Il est l’un des rares peintres chinois contemporains qui bénéficie d’une audience internationale. En 1992, le British Museum à Londres a présenté, pour la première fois, une rétrospective du peintre de son vivant. En 1991, la France le le promeut officier des Arts et des Lettres. Ses idées sur la modernisation de la peinture chinoise, traitées et publiées dans les magazines d’art, notamment au sujet du Bi Mo (pinceau et encre), ont suscité de nombreux débats entre artistes et critiques d’art chinois. L'article paru dans la revue Meishu (Beaux-arts ) a eu, dès sa parution en 1979, un impact considérable car il portait sur des valeurs formelles alors que celles-ci avaient été condamnées pendant la révolution culturelle. En 1978, de nombreux intellectuels victimes de la révolution culturelle sont réhabilités. L'année 1979 sert aujourd'hui, pour de nombreux analystes et historiens d'art, de point de départ à l'art contemporain chinois, et la position novatrice à ce moment-là de Wu Guanzhong, fut pour beaucoup à cette inversion de tendance. Le travail de Wu Guanzhong est le fruit de deux influences. Celle de sa propre culture, issue en particulier de l’art lettré, et celle de l’impressionnisme, qu’il a notamment découvert en France. Il a fait preuve d’une maîtrise exceptionnelle dans les domaines de la peinture à l'huile, des lavis, des aquarelles et des croquis. Il aborde ses œuvres sous un angle moderne tout en conservant l’influence de l’esthétique chinoise, fondatrice de sa propre culture.
 Sa première exposition en France a eu lieu à Paris au musée Cernuschi en 1993. Le premier catalogue français de peintures de Wu Guanzhong a été publié aux Éditions de la Différence.


2024 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Thursday, May 4, 2023


WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010) Xiangshann (Les Collines Parfumées) (nr) Chine  In " les Collines Parfumées" 2001, série de 10 lithographies

WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010)
Xiangshan (Les Collines Parfumées) (nr)

In " les Collines Parfumées" 2001, série de 10 lithographies

Les Collines
Le parc Xiangshan (香山公园) ou " Jardin public des collines parfumées ", est un jardin impérial de la dynastie Ming, situé au pied des montagnes de l'ouestdans le district de Haidian, dans la partie nord-ouest de Pékin, en Chine. Il était autrefois appelé Jardin Jingyi / 静宜园 / 靜宜園,  "jardin paisible et convenable ". Initialement créé en 1186, sous la Dynastie Jin (1115-1234), il a été refait en 1441, sous la Dynastie Ming. Il a une superficie de 1,6 km2 et se compose pour l'essentiel d'un paysage boisé. Un hôtel dessiné par Ieoh Ming Pei s'y trouve, le  " Fragrant Hill Hotel ". 

Wu Guanzhong /吴冠中  est un peintre et un théoricien de l'art chinois. Il a travaillé à la modernisation de la peinture chinoise. Wu Guanzhong rencontre Chu Teh-Chun lors de son service militaire, les deux artistes peintres y deviennent amis. Wu Guanzhong devient un artiste très en vue de la fin du 20e siècle. Il est l’un des rares peintres chinois contemporains qui bénéficie d’une audience internationale. En 1992, le British Museum à Londres a présenté, pour la première fois, une rétrospective du peintre de son vivant. En 1991, la France le le promeut officier des Arts et des Lettres. Ses idées sur la modernisation de la peinture chinoise, traitées et publiées dans les magazines d’art, notamment au sujet du Bi Mo (pinceau et encre), ont suscité de nombreux débats entre artistes et critiques d’art chinois. L'article paru dans la revue Meishu (Beaux-arts ) a eu, dès sa parution en 1979, un impact considérable car il portait sur des valeurs formelles alors que celles-ci avaient été condamnées pendant la révolution culturelle. En 1978, de nombreux intellectuels victimes de la révolution culturelle sont réhabilités. L'année 1979 sert aujourd'hui, pour de nombreux analystes et historiens d'art, de point de départ à l'art contemporain chinois, et la position novatrice à ce moment-là de Wu Guanzhong, fut pour beaucoup à cette inversion de tendance. Le travail de Wu Guanzhong est le fruit de deux influences. Celle de sa propre culture, issue en particulier de l’art lettré, et celle de l’impressionnisme, qu’il a notamment découvert en France. Il a fait preuve d’une maîtrise exceptionnelle dans les domaines de la peinture à l'huile, des lavis, des aquarelles et des croquis. Il aborde ses œuvres sous un angle moderne tout en conservant l’influence de l’esthétique chinoise, fondatrice de sa propre culture.
 Sa première exposition en France a eu lieu à Paris au musée Cernuschi en 1993. Le premier catalogue français de peintures de Wu Guanzhong a été publié aux Éditions de la Différence.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau


Wednesday, August 26, 2020



WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010)
Mount Shandizou ( 5,596 m -18,360 ft)

 In Yulong Mountain  under moonlight, Ink on paper, Christie's Hong Kong 

The mountain
Shandizou ( 5,596 m -18,360 ft)  is the highest peak in the  Yùlóng Xuěshān also called  Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, a mountain massif or small mountain range in Yulong Naxi Autonomous County, Lijiang, in Yunnan province, China. The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain massif forms the bulk of the larger Yulong Mountains, that stretch further north. The northwestern flank of the massif forms one side of the Tiger Leaping Gorge (虎跳峡), which has a popular trekking route on the other side. In this gorge, the Jinsha (upper Yangtze) River descends dramatically between Jade Dragon and Haba Snow Mountain. The Yulong Mountains lie to the south of the Yun Range and are part of Southwest China's greater Hengduan Mountains.
In 1938, an expedition lead by the Australian lawyer, feminist, conservationist, and mountaineer, Marie Byles, failed to reach the summit due to bad weather.  Shanzidou has been climbed only once, on May 8, 1987, by an American expedition. The summit team comprised Phil Peralta-Ramos and Eric Perlman. They climbed snow gullies and limestone headwalls, and encountered high avalanche danger and sparse opportunities for protection. 
The Austro-American botanist and explorer Joseph Rock spent many years living in the vicinity of Mt Satseto, and wrote about the region and the Naxi people who occupy it. An interest in Rock later drew the travel writer Bruce Chatwin to the mountain, which he wrote about in an article that appeared in the New York Times and later, retitled, in his essay collection What Am I Doing Here? Chatwin's article inspired many subsequent travellers, including Michael Palin, to visit the region.

The Artist
Wu Guanzhong (吴冠中) was a contemporary Chinese painter widely recognized as a founder of modern Chinese painting.  He is considered to be one of the greatest contemporary Chinese painters. Wu's artworks had both Western and Eastern influences, such as the Western style of Fauvism and the Eastern style of Chinese calligraphy. Wu had painted various aspects of China, including much of its architecture, plants, animals, people, as well as many of its landscapes and waterscapes in a style reminiscent of the impressionist painters of the early 1900s. He was also a writer on contemporary Chinese art.  Wu has written many articles based on his version of form and how it applies to modernism. He considered himself as primarily a painter and not as a theorist. Wu had the approach of going out and looking at nature to find something that piqued his interest. Then he would start with a preliminary sketch of what it was that he saw. Next he spent a great deal of time in the studio trying to figure out the best way to show the power of the form of the object. He would then paint quickly and impulsively with whatever European of Chinese brush felt right. Wu would go on painting for hours until he was too emotionally drained to continue. He had his first professional solo exhibition in 1979, and his career took off in the 1980s. He has been the solo exhibitionist in over 10 and been part of a joint exhibition in over 10 others.
In 1991 Wu was made an Officier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Ministry of CultureEarly in his career Guanzhong adopted the pen name Tu, which he used to sign his work.


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Friday, January 24, 2020


WU GUANZHONG / 吴冠中 (1919- 2010)
Lushan / 庐山 or Mount Lu (1,474m- 4,834ft)

In Lushan Songshi, ink on paper, 1987

The mountain
Mount Lu or Lushan (庐山)  ( (1,474m- 4,834ft) is situated in the northern part of Jiangxi province in southeastern China, and is one of the most renowned mountains in the country. Mount Lushan is one of the spiritual centres of Chinese civilization. Buddhist and Taoist temples, along with landmarks of Confucianism, where the most eminent masters taught, blend effortlessly into a strikingly beautiful landscape which has inspired countless artists who developed the aesthetic approach to nature found in Chinese culture.
The oval-shaped mountains are about 25 km long and 10 km wide, and neighbors Jiujiang city and the Yangtze River to the north, Nanchang city to the south, and Poyang Lake to the east. Its highest point is Dahanyang Peak (1,474m- 4,834ft) and is one of the hundreds of steep peaks that towers above a sea of clouds that encompass the mountains for almost 200 days out of the year. Mount Lu is known for its grandeur, steepness, and beauty, and is part of Lushan National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996, and a prominent tourist attraction, especially during the summer months when the weather is cooler.
Lushan was a summer resort for Western missionaries in China. Absalom Sydenstricker, the father of Pearl Buck was one of the first five missionaries to acquire property in the Kuling Estate on the mountain.
More about Mount Lu  

The painter 
Wu Guanzhong / 吴冠中  was a contemporary Chinese painter widely recognized as a founder of modern Chinese painting.  He is considered to be one of the greatest contemporary Chinese painters. Wu's artworks had both Western and Eastern influences, such as the Western style of Fauvism and the Eastern style of Chinese calligraphy. Wu had painted various aspects of China, including much of its architecture, plants, animals, people, as well as many of its landscapes and waterscapes in a style reminiscent of the impressionist painters of the early 1900s. He was also a writer on contemporary Chinese art. Most of Wu’s early works were destroyed during the Cultural Revolution. It is difficult to track down works from his early days. Wu had an exhibit in 1942 when he was in school and it was hosted by the Sha Ping Youth Palace.
Wu Guanzhong has had solo exhibitions in major art galleries and museums around the world, including China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, Taipei, Korea, France, England and the USA. His paintings were exhibited at the British Museum in 199;, being the first living Chinese artist to have an exhibition there. One of his paintings, Seascape at Beidaihe (1977), was shown at the Metropolitan Museum of Art as part of an exhibition of paintings from the collection of art dealer Robert H. Ellsworth. His work may also be seen in the collection of the Hong Kong Museum of Art.
In 2008, Wu donated 113 works to the Singapore Art Museum (SAM). This donation is the largest Wu Guanzhong donation to a public museum.
In 2010, Wu donated works to the Hong Kong Art Museum.


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Sunday, April 14, 2019


WU GUANZHONG / 吴冠中 (1919- 2010) 
Taoshan / 桃山 or Tao Mountain ( 3,325m - 10,909 ft) 

In  New House in the Lao Mountains, 1975, Singapore Art Museum (SAM) 

The mountains
Taoshan /  桃山 or Tao Mountain ( 3,325m - 10,909 ft) is a  mountain located in the north of the Wuling Farm and is one of Snow Mountains Taïwan. The mountain is ranked N° 44 in Taiwan hicking declination scale.  In Atayal language (local tribe) the mountain is known as "Babo Kaba", meaning "Fist Hill". In Chinese the name translates as "Peach" mountain, due to the view from southwest side.

There are several climbing paths towards Taoshan. The simplest is through the Wuling four show route, starting from Sancha camp. There is also another path that directly goes up to Tao Shan, which starts from Tao Shan waterfall park.

The painter 
Wu Guanzhong / 吴冠中  was a contemporary Chinese painter widely recognized as a founder of modern Chinese painting.  He is considered to be one of the greatest contemporary Chinese painters. Wu's artworks had both Western and Eastern influences, such as the Western style of Fauvism and the Eastern style of Chinese calligraphy. Wu had painted various aspects of China, including much of its architecture, plants, animals, people, as well as many of its landscapes and waterscapes in a style reminiscent of the impressionist painters of the early 1900s. He was also a writer on contemporary Chinese art. Most of Wu’s early works were destroyed during the Cultural Revolution. It is difficult to track down works from his early days. Wu had an exhibit in 1942 when he was in school and it was hosted by the Sha Ping Youth Palace.
Wu Guanzhong has had solo exhibitions in major art galleries and museums around the world, including China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, Taipei, Korea, France, England and the USA. His paintings were exhibited at the British Museum in 199;, being the first living Chinese artist to have an exhibition there. One of his paintings, Seascape at Beidaihe (1977), was shown at the Metropolitan Museum of Art as part of an exhibition of paintings from the collection of art dealer Robert H. Ellsworth. His work may also be seen in the collection of the Hong Kong Museum of Art.
In 2008, Wu donated 113 works to the Singapore Art Museum (SAM). This donation is the largest Wu Guanzhong donation to a public museum.
In 2010, Wu donated works to the Hong Kong Art Museum.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau