, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: SOUTHERN ALPS
Showing posts with label SOUTHERN ALPS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOUTHERN ALPS. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


AUSTEEN DEAN (1915-2011) Mount Peel (1,743 m ) Nouvelle-Zélande

AUSTEN DEAN (1915-2011)
Mount Peel (1,743 m )

La montagne
Le mont Peel, souvent appelé Big Mount Peel (1 743 m , est une montagne située dans le sud de Canterbury, en Nouvelle-Zélande. Il se compose de trois sommets : Big Mt Peel (1 743m ), Middle Mt Peel (1 83 m) et Little Mt Peel/Huatekerekere (1 311m ). Le mont Peel appartient au ministère de la Conservation et à la station du mont Peel. Il se trouve juste au sud de la rivière Rangitata et à 22 kilomètres au nord-ouest de Géraldine.
La réserve panoramique du parc forestier Peel est la plus grande de la région de Geraldine, couvrant 769 hectares autour de Little Mt Peel/Huatekerekere.
La forêt voisine a été nommée par Francis Jollie, qui s'est installé dans la région à la fin de 1853. Jollie avait nommé la forêt en l'honneur de Sir Robert Peel, le Premier ministre britannique du Royaume-Uni décédé en 1850, l'année de la fondation de Cantorbéry. La montagne et la communauté voisine de Peel Forest ont également pris le nom de Peel.
Le mont Peel et la forêt Peel environnante contiennent de nombreux sentiers de randonnée bien entretenus et populaires.
La faune et la flore. La forêt Peel regorge d’une flore et d’une faune uniques. Les trois plus grands arbres de la forêt Peel appartiennent à la famille des Podocarpaceae, une famille très ancienne remontant à plus de 100 millions d'années. Les trois grands arbres sont le kahikatea (pin blanc), le tōtara et le matai (pin noir).

 Le peintre
Alister Austen Deans était un peintre néo-zélandais, connu pour ses paysages et pour son travail d' artiste de guerre pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Né à Christchurch dans une famille d'agriculteurs bien connue, Deans s'est intéressé à l'art dès l'adolescence. Il a étudié les beaux-arts à la Canterbury College School of Art avant de retourner travailler dans la ferme familiale. Il s'est porté volontaire pour le 2e corps expéditionnaire néo-zélandais au début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et a été affecté au 20e bataillon. En 1941, il est nommé assistant artiste de guerre, sous la direction de Peter McIntyre. Cependant, il a été blessé lors de la bataille de Crète et est devenu prisonnier de guerre. Autorisé à peindre pendant sa captivité, son travail était un témoignage utile de la vie d'un prisonnier de guerre. Après la guerre, il étudie la peinture à Sir John Cass Technical Institute en Angleterre avant de s'installer à Canterbury. Il fut un peintre prolifique de la région des collines de Canterbury. Il a été fait Officier de l'Ordre de l'Empire britannique en 1995. Au cours de sa carrière de peintre.


2024 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau


Tuesday, March 19, 2024


AUSTEN DEANS (1915-2011) Castle Hill Peak(1,996m) Nouvelle Zélande  In "Camp in the Kowai", 1952. Oil on canvas. Christchurch Art Gallery/Te Puna o Waiwhetū,


AUSTEN DEANS (1915-2011)
Castle Hill Peak (1,996m)
Nouvelle Zélande

In "Camp in the Kowai", 1952. Oil on canvas. Christchurch Art Gallery/Te Puna o Waiwhetū, 


Le peintre
Alister Austen Deans était un peintre néo-zélandais, connu pour ses paysages et pour son travail d' artiste de guerre pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Né à Christchurch dans une famille d'agriculteurs bien connue, Deans s'est intéressé à l'art dès l'adolescence. Il a étudié les beaux-arts à la Canterbury College School of Art avant de retourner travailler dans la ferme familiale. Il s'est porté volontaire pour le 2e corps expéditionnaire néo-zélandais au début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et a été affecté au 20e bataillon. En 1941, il est nommé assistant artiste de guerre, sous la direction de Peter McIntyre. Cependant, il a été blessé lors de la bataille de Crète et est devenu prisonnier de guerre. Autorisé à peindre pendant sa captivité, son travail était un témoignage utile de la vie d'un prisonnier de guerre. Après la guerre, il étudie la peinture à Sir John Cass Technical Institute en Angleterre avant de s'installer à Canterbury. Il fut un peintre prolifique de la région des collines de Canterbury. Il a été fait Officier de l'Ordre de l'Empire britannique en 1995. Au cours de sa carrière de peintre.


2011-2024 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau  

Wednesday, December 13, 2023


AUSTEN DEANS (1915-2011)  Mt Sinclair (841 m) Nouvelle-Zélande (Banks Peninsula)

AUSTEN DEANS (1915-2011) 
Mt Sinclair (841 m)
Nouvelle-Zélande (Banks Peninsula)

In Mt Sinclair & Mesopotamia Downs, aquarelle signée et datée 65, 35.5 x 53cm,
Courtesy Dunbar Sloan

La montagne
Le mont Sinclair (841m) est une montagne située dans la chaine des des Southern Alps en Nouvelle- Zéland. Elle offre est un des paysages les plus saisissants de la région de Canterbory  avec une vue remarquable sur la vallée supérieure de la rivière Rangitata, adossée à la chaîne Sinclair. Le mont Sinclair lui-même permet une merveilleuse ascension pour les grimpeurs les plus aguerris  sur sa face nord). La "montagne aux pointes creuses" abrite un tarn de haute montagne qui doit être l'un des meilleurs spots de baignade  au monde,  même si glacial même en été. La piste monte régulièrement en passant par des clairières de temps en temps avec de belles vues sur la péninsule d'Onawe et le port d'Akaroa. À mesure que la piste s'approche du sommet de la crête, elle devient plus rocheuse. La piste continue le long de pistes 4x4 à travers des terres agricoles et des réserves broussailleuses pendant environ une heure jusqu'au sommet du mont Sinclair. On  peut continuer vers le mont Fitzgerald et  Port Levy Saddle.

Le peintre
Alister Austen Deans était un peintre néo-zélandais, connu pour ses paysages, notamment des peintures de montagnes et pour son travail d'artiste de guerre pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Né à Christchurch dans une famille d'agriculteurs bien connue, Deans s'est intéressé à l'art dès son adolescence. Il a étudié les beaux-arts à la Canterbury College School of Art avant de retourner travailler dans la ferme familiale. Il s'est porté volontaire dans le 2e corps expéditionnaire néo-zélandais lors du déclenchement de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et a été affecté au 20e bataillon. En 194, il fut nommé artiste de guerre adjoint, sous les ordres de Peter McIntyre. Il fut blessé lors de la bataille de Crète et fut détenu comme prisonnier de guerre. Autorisé à peindre pendant sa captivité, son travail constitua un témoignage sur le vif de la vie ded prisonnier. Après la guerre, il étudie la peinture au Sir John Cass Technical Institute en Angleterre avant de s'installer dans un quartier résidentiel à Canterbury. Fait Officier de l'Ordre de l'Empire britannique en 1995.


2023 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau  

Monday, May 1, 2023



AUSTEN DEANS (1915-2011)   Mont Sefton / Maukatua   (3, 151 m-10, 338 ft)   Nouvelle Zélande   In "Mt Sefton",  aquarelle, International Art Centre Auckland

AUSTEN DEANS (1915-2011)
Maukatua / Mont Sefton / (3, 151 m-10, 338 ft)
Nouvelle Zélande

In "Mt Sefton", aquarelle, International Art Centre Auckland

La montagne
Le mont Sefton / Maukatua   (3, 151 m - 10, 338 pieds) est une montagne de la chaîne Aroarokaehe des Alpes du Sud de la Nouvelle-Zélande, à seulement 12 kilomètres au sud d' Aoraki / Mount Cook. Au sud se trouve le mont Brunner , et au nord The Footstool, tous deux plus courts de plus de 400 mètres (1 300 pieds).  La montagne est bien visible depuis le village de Mount Cook dans la vallée de Hooker, avec le glacier Tuckett qui coule sur le côté sud-est de la montagne et le glacier Mueller dans la vallée en-dessous. Le mont Sefton est le 13e plus haut sommet des Alpes du Sud et la 4e plus haute montagne de Nouvelle-Zélande. Le fleuve  Douglas (anciennement connue sous le nom de  Twain) prend sa source sur le mont Sefton. Un des premiers résidents, Charles French Pemberton, a nommé la région, tandis que le géologue Julius von Haast a nommé la montagne d'après William Sefton Moorhouse, le deuxième surintendant de la province de Canterbury. Le nom maori de la montagne est Maukatua, qui se traduit par « la montagne des dieux ».
 Edward FitzGerald, avec Matthias Zurbriggen comme guide, a réalisé  la première ascension  complète enregistrée  peu après Noël 1894. 

Le peintre 
Alister Austen Deans était un peintre néo-zélandais, connu pour ses paysages et pour son travail d' artiste de guerre pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Né à Christchurch dans une famille d'agriculteurs bien connue, Deans s'est intéressé à l'art dès l'adolescence. Il a étudié les beaux-arts à la Canterbury College School of Art avant de retourner travailler dans la ferme familiale. Il s'est porté volontaire pour le 2e corps expéditionnaire néo-zélandais au début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et a été affecté au 20e bataillon. En 1941, il est nommé assistant artiste de guerre, sous la direction de Peter McIntyre. Cependant, il a été blessé lors de la bataille de Crète et est devenu prisonnier de guerre. Autorisé à peindre pendant sa captivité, son travail était un témoignage utile de la vie d'un prisonnier de guerre. Après la guerre, il étudie la peinture à Sir John Cass Technical Institute en Angleterre avant de s'installer à Canterbury. Il fut un peintre prolifique de la région des collines de Canterbury. Il a été fait Officier de l'Ordre de l'Empire britannique en 1995. Au cours de sa carrière de peintre. 

2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau


Friday, September 2, 2022


LAURENCE WILLIAM WILSON (1851-1912) Mount Aspiring / Tititea (3, 033 m -9,951 ft) New Zealand  In Mount Aspiring, Matukituki River, watercolour, Christchurh Art Gallery- Te Puna o Waiwhetu.

Mount Aspiring / Tititea (3, 033 m -9,951 ft)
New Zealand

In Mount Aspiring, Matukituki River, watercolour,
Christchurh Art Gallery- Te Puna o Waiwhetu.

The mountain
Mount Aspiring / Tititea is New Zealand's highest mountain outside the Aoraki/Mount Cook region.
Set within Otago's Mount Aspiring National Park, it has a height of 3,033 metres (9,951 ft). Māori named it Tititea, which translates as Glistening Peak. It was named in December 1857 by the Chief Surveyor for the Otago Province, John Turnbull Thomson.[2] It is also often called 'the Matterhorn of the South,' for its pyramidal peak when seen from the Matukituki River. The first ascent was on 23 November 1909 by Major Bernard Head and guides Jack Clarke and Alec Graham.[3] Head's party climbed to the summit ridge by the west face from the Bonar Glacier, a route not repeated until 1965.
Mount Aspiring / Tititea sits slightly to the west of the main divide, 30 kilometres west of Lake Wanaka.[2] It lies at the junction of three major glacial systems — the Bonar Glacier, which drains into the Waipara River, and the Volta and Therma Glaciers, which both drain into the Waitoto River. The Waipara is a tributary of the Arawhata River, and both the Arawhata and Waitoto Rivers flow out to the west coast in between Haast and Jackson Bay.

The painter
Laurence William Wilson emigrated to Auckland in 1877 and then travelled extensively to settle in Dunedin in 1884. He painted in both oils and watercolours, became a painting companion of George O'Brien and a teacher. One of his pupils was the Dunedin artist Alfred O'Keefe. In 1895, LW Wilson together with Grace Joel, Alfred O'Keefe, Jane Wimperis and Girolami Nerli formed the Easel Club , a breakaway from the Dunedin Establishment, which offered a programme of special classes and the introduction of a professional lady model for life drawing. In 1904 LW Wilson left Dunedin for Melbourne where he spent 5 months on a commissioned painting of the city before he set out for England, eventually returning to New Zealand via India and Africa. He exhibited with the Canterbury Society of Arts in 1882 and the Otago Art Society between 1994 and 1904. His work was included in the NZ and South Seas Exhibition Dunedin 1889-90 and at the St Louis Exposition in 1904. LW Wilson is represented in the collections of all the major public galleries in New Zealand.


2022 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Friday, May 17, 2019


Aoraki / Mount Cook (3,724m - 12, 218ft) 
New Zealand

In Lake Mapourika, southern Alps and Mt cook, oil on canvas, 1906, Private collection 

The mountain
Aoraki / Mount Cook (3,724m - 12, 218ft) is the highest mountain in New Zealand. Its height since 2014 is listed as 3,724 m since December 1991, due to a rockslide and subsequent erosion. It lies in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island. A popular tourist destination, it is also a favourite challenge for mountain climbers. Aoraki / Mount Cook consists of three summits, from South to North the Low Peak (3,593 m or 11,788 ft), Middle Peak (3,717 m or 12,195 ft) and High Peak. The summits lie slightly south and east of the main divide of the Southern Alps, with the Tasman Glacier to the east and the Hooker Glacier to the southwest.The mountain is in the Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park, in the Canterbury region. The park was established in 1953 and along with Westland National Park, Mount Aspiring National Park and Fiordland National Park forms one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The park contains more than 140 peaks standing over 2,000 metres (6,600 ft) and 72 named glaciers, which cover 40 percent of its 700 square kilometres (170,000 acres).
Aoraki is the name of a person in the traditions of the Ngāi Tahu iwi; an early name for the South Island is Te Waka o Aoraki (Aoraki's Canoe). In the past many believed it meant "Cloud Piercer", Historically, the Māori name has been spelt Aorangi, using the standard Māori form.
Aoraki / Mount Cook has been known to Maori since their arrival in New Zealand some time around the 14th century CE. The first Europeans who may have seen Aoraki / Mount Cook were members of Abel Tasman's crew, who saw a "large land uplifted high" while off the west coast of the South Island, just north of present-day Greymouth on 13 December 1642 during Tasman's first Pacific voyage. The English name of Mount Cook was given to the mountain in 1851 by Captain John Lort Stokes to honour Captain James Cook who surveyed and circumnavigated the islands of New Zealand in 1770. Captain Cook did not sight the mountain during his exploration.
Following the settlement between Ngāi Tahu and the Crown in 1998, the name of the mountain was officially changed from Mount Cook to Aoraki / Mount Cook to incorporate its historic Māori name, Aoraki. As part of the settlement, a number of South Island placenames were amended to incorporate their original Māori name. Signifying the importance of Aoraki / Mount Cook, it is the only one of these names where the Māori name precedes the English.

The painter
Charles Blomfield was a New Zealand decorator, artist and music teacher born in London, England.
A widow, Blomfield's mother brought her family to New Zealand in the 1860's intending to settle in Northland as part of a settlement called Albertland. On arrival in Auckland they decided not to proceed on Northland to become farmers but to pursue urban trades in Auckland. The family remained in Auckland after that and many of the descendants of the various children still reside in the Auckland area.
Charles Blomfield lived in Freeman's Bay - 40 Wood Street, in a house built by his brother and allegedly made out of the timber from one large Kauri tree. As well as an exhibiting easel painter Blomfield worked as a sign-writer and interior decorator; for this trade he maintained studios in shops at various times. These were usually on Karangahape Road, one of these was shared with his daughter who made a living painting floral pieces which she also exhibited at the Auckland Society of Arts.
Blomfield travelled throughout the centre of the North Island on several occasions in the 1870s and 80s creating many landscape paintings of the New Zealand countryside, often for sale to visitors to New Zealand. He painted several times Mount Manaia and under different angles (see the painting already posted).He was fortunate to viewas well the famed Pink and White Terraces several times and paint them before they were destroyed by the eruption of Tarawera in 1886. His meticulous sketches and finished paintings are some of the main records of them (see above). For the remainder of his life he was probably able to rely on new versions of his classic views of them to supplement his income.
His paintings are widely regarded as the epitome of 19th century New Zealand landscape art, although his work, like many of his contemporaries, fell out of fashion during the 20th century, only to be re-evaluated in the 1970s. He was unable to come to terms with developments in art and remained staunchly conservative and hostile to 'modern art'. In his later years he found himself increasingly sidelined by the artistic circles in Auckland which he had previously shone in and was probably embittered by this.
Blomfield died at his residence in Wood Street in 1926. He was survived by several children. One of his brothers, William, was a noted newspaper cartoonist.
2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Sunday, March 17, 2019


EDWYN TEMPLE (1835-1921)
Aoraki/ Mount Cook (3,724m - 12, 218ft) 
New Zealand

 In Mount  Cook and the Old Hermitage, watercolor, Private Collection 

The mountain 
Aoraki / Mount Cook (3,724m - 12, 218ft)  is the highest mountain in New Zealand. Its height since 2014 is listed as 3,724 m since December 1991, due to a rockslide and subsequent erosion. It lies in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island. A popular tourist destination, it is also a favourite challenge for mountain climbers. Aoraki / Mount Cook consists of three summits, from South to North the Low Peak (3,593 m or 11,788 ft), Middle Peak (3,717 m or 12,195 ft) and High Peak. The summits lie slightly south and east of the main divide of the Southern Alps, with the Tasman Glacier to the east and the Hooker Glacier to the southwest.The mountain is in the Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park, in the Canterbury region. The park was established in 1953 and along with Westland National Park, Mount Aspiring National Park and Fiordland National Park forms one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The park contains more than 140 peaks standing over 2,000 metres (6,600 ft) and 72 named glaciers, which cover 40 percent of its 700 square kilometres (170,000 acres).
Aoraki is the name of a person in the traditions of the Ngāi Tahu iwi; an early name for the South Island is Te Waka o Aoraki (Aoraki's Canoe). In the past many believed it meant "Cloud Piercer",  Historically, the Māori name has been spelt Aorangi, using the standard Māori form.
Full Wandering vertexes  entry  =>

The artist 
 Edwyn Temple, or 'The Captain' as he was referred to by his friends and family, was born in England in 1835, the son of Lieutenant Colonel John Temple and the grandson of Grenville Temple-Temple 9th Baronet of Stowe.  Educated at Rugby School, he entered the military services in 1853. During a brief period in Italy a relative, Princess Pondalfina, recognised his ability and engaged a tutor to teach him the rudiments of painting.
Temple was ensigned in 1854 and became a Captain in the 55th Foot (Westmoreland) Regiment in 1858. He later served in the Crimea and in India from 1864 to 1866. By that time he had married and the first of a family of nine children had been born. It was more than nine years after retiring from the army that he decided to emigrate with his wife and family to New Zealand, arriving in Lyttelton on 25 October 1879.
Full Wandering vertexes  entry  =>

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


AUSTEN DEANS (1915-2011)
Aoraki/ Mount Cook (3,724m - 12, 218ft) 
New Zealand (South Island)

  In Rangitata near the sky, watercolor, 1968 

The mountain 
Aoraki / Mount Cook (3,724m - 12, 218ft)  is the highest mountain in New Zealand.  It lies in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island. A popular tourist destination, it is also a favourite challenge for mountain climbers. Aoraki / Mount Cook consists of three summits, from South to North the Low Peak (3,593 m or 11,788 ft), Middle Peak (3,717 m or 12,195 ft) and High Peak. The summits lie slightly south and east of the main divide of the Southern Alps, with the Tasman Glacier to the east and the Hooker Glacier to the southwest.The mountain is in the Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park, in the Canterbury region. The park was established in 1953 and along with Westland National Park, Mount Aspiring National Park and Fiordland National Park forms one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The park contains more than 140 peaks standing over 2,000 metres (6,600 ft) and 72 named glaciers, which cover 40 percent of its 700 square kilometres (170,000 acres).
Aoraki is the name of a person in the traditions of the Ngāi Tahu iwi; an early name for the South Island is Te Waka o Aoraki (Aoraki's Canoe). In the past many believed it meant "Cloud Piercer",  Historically, the Māori name has been spelt Aorangi, using the standard Māori form.
Aoraki / Mount Cook has been known to Maori since their arrival in New Zealand some time around the 14th century CE. The first Europeans who may have seen Aoraki / Mount Cook were members of Abel Tasman's crew, who saw a "large land uplifted high" while off the west coast of the South Island, just north of present-day Greymouth on 13 December 1642 during Tasman's first Pacific voyage. The English name of Mount Cook was given to the mountain in 1851 by Captain John Lort Stokes to honour Captain James Cook who surveyed and circumnavigated the islands of New Zealand in 1770. Captain Cook did not sight the mountain during his exploration.
Following the settlement between Ngāi Tahu and the Crown in 1998, the name of the mountain was officially changed from Mount Cook to Aoraki / Mount Cook to incorporate its historic Māori name, Aoraki. As part of the settlement, a number of South Island placenames were amended to incorporate their original Māori name. Signifying the importance of Aoraki / Mount Cook, it is the only one of these names where the Māori name precedes the English.

The painter
Art historian Dr Warren Feeney, a former director of Christchurch's Centre of Contemporary Art, said Deans was an artist "incredibly sensitive'' to the Canterbury landscape. "There's absolutely no doubt that Austen was a very good painter indeed. No-one could do a watercolour wash like him - he was a master in the medium. "

2018 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Saturday, August 25, 2018


SIR WILLIAM FOX (1812-1893)
Aoraki / Mount Cook (3,724m - 12, 218ft) 
New Zealand

 In Mount Cook and Franz Josef Glacier from freshwater Vreek about 40 miles, watercolor, 1872
 Christshurch Art Gallery 

The mountain 
Aoraki / Mount Cook (3,724m - 12, 218ft)  is the highest mountain in New Zealand. Its height since 2014 is listed as 3,724 m since December 1991, due to a rockslide and subsequent erosion. It lies in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island. A popular tourist destination, it is also a favourite challenge for mountain climbers. Aoraki / Mount Cook consists of three summits, from South to North the Low Peak (3,593 m or 11,788 ft), Middle Peak (3,717 m or 12,195 ft) and High Peak. The summits lie slightly south and east of the main divide of the Southern Alps, with the Tasman Glacier to the east and the Hooker Glacier to the southwest.The mountain is in the Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park, in the Canterbury region. The park was established in 1953 and along with Westland National Park, Mount Aspiring National Park and Fiordland National Park forms one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The park contains more than 140 peaks standing over 2,000 metres (6,600 ft) and 72 named glaciers, which cover 40 percent of its 700 square kilometres (170,000 acres).
Aoraki is the name of a person in the traditions of the Ngāi Tahu iwi; an early name for the South Island is Te Waka o Aoraki (Aoraki's Canoe). In the past many believed it meant "Cloud Piercer",  Historically, the Māori name has been spelt Aorangi, using the standard Māori form.
Aoraki / Mount Cook has been known to Maori since their arrival in New Zealand some time around the 14th century CE. The first Europeans who may have seen Aoraki / Mount Cook were members of Abel Tasman's crew, who saw a "large land uplifted high" while off the west coast of the South Island, just north of present-day Greymouth on 13 December 1642 during Tasman's first Pacific voyage. The English name of Mount Cook was given to the mountain in 1851 by Captain John Lort Stokes to honour Captain James Cook who surveyed and circumnavigated the islands of New Zealand in 1770. Captain Cook did not sight the mountain during his exploration.

The artist 
Sir William Fox was the second Premier of New Zealand and held that office on four separate occasions in the 19th century, while New Zealand was still a colony. He was known for his confiscation of Māori land rights, his contributions to the education system (such as establishing the University of New Zealand), and his work to increase New Zealand's autonomy from Britain. He has been described as determined and intelligent, but also as bitter and "too fond" of personal attacks. Different aspects of his personality are emphasised by different accounts, changing mainly due to the reviewers' political beliefs. HU use to be a  "amateur "watercolourist as well. 

Monday, July 23, 2018


Aoraki / Mount Cook (3,724m - 12, 218ft) 
New Zealand

 In Mount Cook  from the Lake Pukaki, oil on canvas 

The mountain 
Aoraki / Mount Cook (3,724m - 12, 218ft)  is the highest mountain in New Zealand. Its height since 2014 is listed as 3,724 m since December 1991, due to a rockslide and subsequent erosion. It lies in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island. A popular tourist destination, it is also a favourite challenge for mountain climbers. Aoraki / Mount Cook consists of three summits, from South to North the Low Peak (3,593 m or 11,788 ft), Middle Peak (3,717 m or 12,195 ft) and High Peak. The summits lie slightly south and east of the main divide of the Southern Alps, with the Tasman Glacier to the east and the Hooker Glacier to the southwest.The mountain is in the Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park, in the Canterbury region. The park was established in 1953 and along with Westland National Park, Mount Aspiring National Park and Fiordland National Park forms one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The park contains more than 140 peaks standing over 2,000 metres (6,600 ft) and 72 named glaciers, which cover 40 percent of its 700 square kilometres (170,000 acres).
Aoraki is the name of a person in the traditions of the Ngāi Tahu iwi; an early name for the South Island is Te Waka o Aoraki (Aoraki's Canoe). In the past many believed it meant "Cloud Piercer",  Historically, the Māori name has been spelt Aorangi, using the standard Māori form.
Aoraki / Mount Cook has been known to Maori since their arrival in New Zealand some time around the 14th century CE. The first Europeans who may have seen Aoraki / Mount Cook were members of Abel Tasman's crew, who saw a "large land uplifted high" while off the west coast of the South Island, just north of present-day Greymouth on 13 December 1642 during Tasman's first Pacific voyage. The English name of Mount Cook was given to the mountain in 1851 by Captain John Lort Stokes to honour Captain James Cook who surveyed and circumnavigated the islands of New Zealand in 1770. Captain Cook did not sight the mountain during his exploration.
Following the settlement between Ngāi Tahu and the Crown in 1998, the name of the mountain was officially changed from Mount Cook to Aoraki / Mount Cook to incorporate its historic Māori name, Aoraki. As part of the settlement, a number of South Island placenames were amended to incorporate their original Māori name. Signifying the importance of Aoraki / Mount Cook, it is the only one of these names where the Māori name precedes the English.

The painter
Charles Blomfield  was a New Zealand decorator, artist and music teacher born in London, England.
A widow, Blomfield's mother brought her family to New Zealand in the 1860's intending to settle in Northland as part of a settlement called Albertland. On arrival in Auckland they decided not to proceed on Northland to become farmers but to pursue urban trades in Auckland. The family remained in Auckland after that and many of the descendants of the various children still reside in the Auckland area.
Charles Blomfield lived in Freeman's Bay - 40 Wood Street, in a house built by his brother and allegedly made out of the timber from one large Kauri tree. As well as an exhibiting easel painter Blomfield worked as a sign-writer and interior decorator; for this trade he maintained studios in shops at various times. These were usually on Karangahape Road, one of these was shared with his daughter who made a living painting floral pieces which she also exhibited at the Auckland Society of Arts.
Blomfield travelled throughout the centre of the North Island on several occasions in the 1870s and 80s creating many landscape paintings of the New Zealand countryside, often for sale to visitors to New Zealand.  He painted several times Mount Manaia and under different angles (see the painting already posted).He was fortunate to viewas well the famed Pink and White Terraces several times and paint them before they were destroyed by the eruption of Tarawera in 1886. His meticulous sketches and finished paintings are some of the main records of them (see above).  For the remainder of his life he was probably able to rely on new versions of his classic views of them to supplement his income.
His paintings are widely regarded as the epitome of 19th century New Zealand landscape art, although his work, like many of his contemporaries, fell out of fashion during the 20th century, only to be re-evaluated in the 1970s. He was unable to come to terms with developments in art and remained staunchly conservative and hostile to 'modern art'. In his later years he found himself increasingly sidelined by the artistic circles in Auckland which he had previously shone in and was probably embittered by this.
Blomfield died at his residence in Wood Street in 1926. He was survived by several children. One of his brothers, William, was a noted newspaper cartoonist.

Friday, January 12, 2018


Aoraki/ Mount Cook (3,724m - 12, 218ft) 
New Zealand

 In Mount Cook  from the Tasman Valley, oil on canvas 

The mountain 
Aoraki / Mount Cook (3,724m - 12, 218ft)  is the highest mountain in New Zealand. Its height since 2014 is listed as 3,724 m since December 1991, due to a rockslide and subsequent erosion. It lies in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island. A popular tourist destination, it is also a favourite challenge for mountain climbers. Aoraki / Mount Cook consists of three summits, from South to North the Low Peak (3,593 m or 11,788 ft), Middle Peak (3,717 m or 12,195 ft) and High Peak. The summits lie slightly south and east of the main divide of the Southern Alps, with the Tasman Glacier to the east and the Hooker Glacier to the southwest.The mountain is in the Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park, in the Canterbury region. The park was established in 1953 and along with Westland National Park, Mount Aspiring National Park and Fiordland National Park forms one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The park contains more than 140 peaks standing over 2,000 metres (6,600 ft) and 72 named glaciers, which cover 40 percent of its 700 square kilometres (170,000 acres).
Aoraki is the name of a person in the traditions of the Ngāi Tahu iwi; an early name for the South Island is Te Waka o Aoraki (Aoraki's Canoe). In the past many believed it meant "Cloud Piercer",  Historically, the Māori name has been spelt Aorangi, using the standard Māori form.
Aoraki / Mount Cook has been known to Maori since their arrival in New Zealand some time around the 14th century CE. The first Europeans who may have seen Aoraki / Mount Cook were members of Abel Tasman's crew, who saw a "large land uplifted high" while off the west coast of the South Island, just north of present-day Greymouth on 13 December 1642 during Tasman's first Pacific voyage. The English name of Mount Cook was given to the mountain in 1851 by Captain John Lort Stokes to honour Captain James Cook who surveyed and circumnavigated the islands of New Zealand in 1770. Captain Cook did not sight the mountain during his exploration.
Following the settlement between Ngāi Tahu and the Crown in 1998, the name of the mountain was officially changed from Mount Cook to Aoraki / Mount Cook to incorporate its historic Māori name, Aoraki. As part of the settlement, a number of South Island placenames were amended to incorporate their original Māori name. Signifying the importance of Aoraki / Mount Cook, it is the only one of these names where the Māori name precedes the English.

The painter
Charles Blomfield  was a New Zealand decorator, artist and music teacher born in London, England.
A widow, Blomfield's mother brought her family to New Zealand in the 1860's intending to settle in Northland as part of a settlement called Albertland. On arrival in Auckland they decided not to proceed on Northland to become farmers but to pursue urban trades in Auckland. The family remained in Auckland after that and many of the descendants of the various children still reside in the Auckland area.
Charles Blomfield lived in Freeman's Bay - 40 Wood Street, in a house built by his brother and allegedly made out of the timber from one large Kauri tree. As well as an exhibiting easel painter Blomfield worked as a sign-writer and interior decorator; for this trade he maintained studios in shops at various times. These were usually on Karangahape Road, one of these was shared with his daughter who made a living painting floral pieces which she also exhibited at the Auckland Society of Arts.
Blomfield travelled throughout the centre of the North Island on several occasions in the 1870s and 80s creating many landscape paintings of the New Zealand countryside, often for sale to visitors to New Zealand.  He painted several times Mount Manaia and under different angles (see the painting already posted).He was fortunate to viewas well the famed Pink and White Terraces several times and paint them before they were destroyed by the eruption of Tarawera in 1886. His meticulous sketches and finished paintings are some of the main records of them (see above).  For the remainder of his life he was probably able to rely on new versions of his classic views of them to supplement his income.
His paintings are widely regarded as the epitome of 19th century New Zealand landscape art, although his work, like many of his contemporaries, fell out of fashion during the 20th century, only to be re-evaluated in the 1970s. He was unable to come to terms with developments in art and remained staunchly conservative and hostile to 'modern art'. In his later years he found himself increasingly sidelined by the artistic circles in Auckland which he had previously shone in and was probably embittered by this.
Blomfield died at his residence in Wood Street in 1926. He was survived by several children. One of his brothers, William, was a noted newspaper cartoonist.

Monday, February 20, 2017


Mount Aspiring / Tititea (3, 033 m -9,951 ft)
New Zealand 

The mountain
Mount Aspiring / Tititea is New Zealand's highest mountain outside the Aoraki/Mount Cook region.
Set within Otago's Mount Aspiring National Park, it has a height of 3,033 metres (9,951 ft). Māori named it Tititea, which translates as Glistening Peak. It was named in December 1857 by the Chief Surveyor for the Otago Province, John Turnbull Thomson.[2] It is also often called 'the Matterhorn of the South,' for its pyramidal peak when seen from the Matukituki River. The first ascent was on 23 November 1909 by Major Bernard Head and guides Jack Clarke and Alec Graham.[3] Head's party climbed to the summit ridge by the west face from the Bonar Glacier, a route not repeated until 1965.
Mount Aspiring / Tititea sits slightly to the west of the main divide, 30 kilometres west of Lake Wanaka.[2] It lies at the junction of three major glacial systems — the Bonar Glacier, which drains into the Waipara River, and the Volta and Therma Glaciers, which both drain into the Waitoto River. The Waipara is a tributary of the Arawhata River, and both the Arawhata and Waitoto Rivers flow out to the west coast in between Haast and Jackson Bay.

The painter 
John Turnbull Thomson was a British civil engineer and artist who played an instrumental role in the development of the early infrastructure of nineteenth-century Singapore and New Zealand.
After his father was killed in a hunting accident in 1830, the young Thomson and his mother went to live in Abbey St. Bathans, Berwickshire. He was educated at Wooler and Duns Academy, later spending some time attached to Marischal College, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh University before studying engineering at Peter Nicholson's School of Engineering at Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Thomson arrived in the Malay Straits in 1838 and was employed by the East India Survey. In 1841 he was appointed Government Surveyor at Singapore and in 1844 became Superintendent of Roads and Public Works. He was responsible for the design and construction of a number of notable engineering works including bridges, roads, and hospitals. His outstanding achievement was the erection of the Horsburgh Lighthouse on Pedra Branca. In 1853 his health failed and he returned to England where he studied modern engineering techniques, and travelled widely through Britain and the Continent inspecting engineering works. Early in 1856 he emigrated to New Zealand, where he worked as Chief Surveyor of the Otago Province until 1873. From 1876 until 1879 he was Surveyor-General of New Zealand. He was also the original surveyor of the city of Invercargill.
From 1856 until 1858 Thomson surveyed and explored large sections of the interior of the South Island, covering most of the southern half of the island.
He was also a amateur painter of landscapes, working mostly in oils. He was almost known for the interesting historical topographical viewpoint of his paintings.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Aoraki/ Mount Cook (3,724m - 12, 218ft) 
New Zealand

The mountain 
Aoraki / Mount Cook (3,724m - 12, 218ft)  is the highest mountain in New Zealand. Its height since 2014 is listed as 3,724 m since December 1991, due to a rockslide and subsequent erosion. It lies in the Southern Alps, the mountain range which runs the length of the South Island. A popular tourist destination, it is also a favourite challenge for mountain climbers. Aoraki / Mount Cook consists of three summits, from South to North the Low Peak (3,593 m or 11,788 ft), Middle Peak (3,717 m or 12,195 ft) and High Peak. The summits lie slightly south and east of the main divide of the Southern Alps, with the Tasman Glacier to the east and the Hooker Glacier to the southwest.The mountain is in the Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park, in the Canterbury region. The park was established in 1953 and along with Westland National Park, Mount Aspiring National Park and Fiordland National Park forms one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The park contains more than 140 peaks standing over 2,000 metres (6,600 ft) and 72 named glaciers, which cover 40 percent of its 700 square kilometres (170,000 acres).
Aoraki is the name of a person in the traditions of the Ngāi Tahu iwi; an early name for the South Island is Te Waka o Aoraki (Aoraki's Canoe). In the past many believed it meant "Cloud Piercer",  Historically, the Māori name has been spelt Aorangi, using the standard Māori form.
Aoraki / Mount Cook has been known to Maori since their arrival in New Zealand some time around the 14th century CE. The first Europeans who may have seen Aoraki / Mount Cook were members of Abel Tasman's crew, who saw a "large land uplifted high" while off the west coast of the South Island, just north of present-day Greymouth on 13 December 1642 during Tasman's first Pacific voyage. The English name of Mount Cook was given to the mountain in 1851 by Captain John Lort Stokes to honour Captain James Cook who surveyed and circumnavigated the islands of New Zealand in 1770. Captain Cook did not sight the mountain during his exploration.
Following the settlement between Ngāi Tahu and the Crown in 1998, the name of the mountain was officially changed from Mount Cook to Aoraki / Mount Cook to incorporate its historic Māori name, Aoraki. As part of the settlement, a number of South Island placenames were amended to incorporate their original Māori name. Signifying the importance of Aoraki / Mount Cook, it is the only one of these names where the Māori name precedes the English.
The first recorded European attempt on the summit was made by the Irishman Rev. William S. Green and the Swiss hotelier Emil Boss and the Swiss mountain guide Ulrich Kaufmann on 2 March 1882 via the Tasman and Linda Glaciers. Mt Cook Guidebook author Hugh Logan believe they came within 50 metres of the summit.
The first known ascent was on 25 December 1894, when New Zealanders Tom Fyfe, John Michael (Jack) Clarke and George Graham successfully reached the summit via the Hooker Valley and the north ridge. Despite an earlier failed attempt on 20 December, the local climbers were spurred on by their desire for the first ascent to be made by New Zealand mountaineers amid reports that the American mountaineer Edward FitzGerald had his eye on the summit. The route they had successfully traversed was not repeated again until the 100th ascent over 60 years later in 1955.
 Swiss guide Matthias Zurbriggen of FitzGerald's party made the second ascent on 14 March 1895 from the Tasman Glacier side, via the ridge that now bears his name. This is credited as the first solo ascent, although Zurbriggen was accompanied part of the way up the ridge by J Adamson. After Zurbriggen's ascent it was another ten years before the mountain was climbed again. In February 1905 Jack Clarke with four others completed the third ascent following Zurbriggen's route. So Clarke therefore became the first person to do a repeat ascent.
The first woman to ascend the mountain was Freda Du Faur, an Australian, on 3 December 1910. Local guide George Bannister, a nephew of another guide, Pahikore Te Koeti Turanga of Ngāi Tahu, was the first Māori to successfully scale the peak in 1912. A traverse of the three peaks was first accomplished in 1913 by Freda Du Faur and guides Peter and Alex Graham. This 'grand traverse' was repeated in January 1916 by Conrad Kain, guiding the 57-year-old Mrs. Jane Thomson, considered at the time "a marvellous feat unequalled for daring in the annals of the Southern Alps".
Sir Edmund Hillary made his first ascent in January 1948. In February 1948 with Ruth Adams, Harry Ayres and Mick Sullivan, Hillary made the first ascent of the South Ridge to the Low Peak. In order to celebrate the life of Hillary the South Ridge was renamed as Hillary Ridge in August 2011.
Aoraki / Mount Cook is a technically challenging mountain with a high level of glaciation. Its level of difficulty is often understimated and can change dramatically depending on weather, snow and ice conditions. The climb crosses large crevasses, and involves risks of ice and rock falls, avalanches and rapidly changing weather conditions.
Since the early 20th century, around 80 people have died attempting to climb the mountain, making it New Zealand's deadliest peak. The climbing season traditionally runs from November to February, and hardly a season goes by without at least one fatality.

The painter 
John Turnbull Thomson was a British civil engineer and artist who played an instrumental role in the development of the early infrastructure of nineteenth-century Singapore and New Zealand.
After his father was killed in a hunting accident in 1830, the young Thomson and his mother went to live in Abbey St. Bathans, Berwickshire. He was educated at Wooler and Duns Academy, later spending some time attached to Marischal College, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh University before studying engineering at Peter Nicholson's School of Engineering at Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Thomson arrived in the Malay Straits in 1838 and was employed by the East India Survey. In 1841 he was appointed Government Surveyor at Singapore and in 1844 became Superintendent of Roads and Public Works. He was responsible for the design and construction of a number of notable engineering works including bridges, roads, and hospitals. His outstanding achievement was the erection of the Horsburgh Lighthouse on Pedra Branca. In 1853 his health failed and he returned to England where he studied modern engineering techniques, and travelled widely through Britain and the Continent inspecting engineering works. Early in 1856 he emigrated to New Zealand, where he worked as Chief Surveyor of the Otago Province until 1873. From 1876 until 1879 he was Surveyor-General of New Zealand. He was also the original surveyor of the city of Invercargill.
From 1856 until 1858 Thomson surveyed and explored large sections of the interior of the South Island, covering most of the southern half of the island.
He was also a amateur painter of landscapes, working mostly in oils, almost known for the interesting historical topographical viewpoint of his paintings.