, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: Alaska
Showing posts with label Alaska. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alaska. Show all posts

Monday, April 22, 2024


THOMAS HILL (1829-1908) Le Glacier Davidson (7, 4 km) Etats Unis d'Amérique (Alaska)  In The Davidson Glacier, oil on board 1888, The Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa, Oklahoma

THOMAS HILL (1829-1908)
Le Glacier Davidson (7, 4 km)
Etats Unis d'Amérique (Alaska)

In The Davidson Glacier, oil on board 1888, The Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Le peintre
Thomas Hill est un peintre américain du 19e siècle, qui réalisa de nombreux tableaux du paysage californien, en particulier de la Vallée de Yosemite, ainsi que des Montagnes Blanches (New Hampshire).Hill est un peintre proche de l'Hudson River School. Il resta très attaché à la peinture des Montagnes Blanches durant toute sa carrière ; on le voit à travers des tableaux comme Le Mont Lafayette en hiver. Hill acquit la technique de la peinture en plein air ; ces peintures, faites sur le terrain, servaient d'esquisses à des tableaux plus grands. L'arrivée en Californie en 1861 lui donna de nouveaux matériaux pour sa peinture. Il appréciait les vues et les paysages monumentaux, à l'instar de Yosemite. Durant sa vie, ses peintures furent populaires en Californie et pouvaient s'élever à 10 000 US$. Ses plus réussies sont celles du Great Canon of the Sierra, de Yosemite, des Vernal Falls et de Yosemite Valley. Sa Vue de la Vallée de Yosemite de 1865 fut choisie comme arrière-plan de la table principale lors du repas inaugural de l'Investiture de Barack Obama en 2009, pour commémorer la signature en 1864 par Abraham Lincoln du Yosemite Grant. Mais The Last Spike (1881) est son tableau le plus connu ; il représente la cérémonie de jonction à Promontory Summit entre les chemins de fer de l'Union Pacific Railroad et la Central Pacific Railroad, constituant ainsi le premier chemin de fer transcontinental des États-Unis. Il est exposé au California State Railroad Museum de Sacramento.

Le glacier
Le glacier Davidson est un glacier d'Alaska aux États-Unis situé dans le borough de Haines. Long de 7,4 km, il s'étend depuis le chaînon Chilkat (chaîne Saint-Élie) jusqu'à 42 km de Skagway. Son nom lui a été donné en 1867 par l'United States Geological Survey en l'honneur de George Davidson (1825-1911). Il représente actuellement une importante destination touristique des environs de Haines.


2024 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Monday, December 4, 2023


ROCKWELL KENT (1882-1971),  Mont Juneau / Kalé (1,090m) Etats-Unis d'Amérique (Alaska)  In, Glacier Bear ,huile sur panneau

ROCKWELL KENT (1882-1971)
Mont Juneau / Kalé (1,090m)
Etats-Unis d'Amérique (Alaska)

In, Glacier Bear ,huile sur panneau

La montagne
Le mont Juneau / Kalé est un massif de 1 090 m situé dans le sud-est de l'Alaska, à seulement 2,4 km à l'est du centre-ville de Juneau dans les Boundary Ranges. Le mont Juneau est ancré dans l’histoire minière. Initialement nommé Gold Mountain en 1881 par les mineurs, il a également été nommé Bald Mountain vers 1896. Le nom « Juneau Mountain » a été utilisé pour la première fois dans les registres miniers par Pierre « French Pete » Erussard lorsqu'il a localisé des passages miniers sur la montagne en 1888. En 1976, Chuck Keen d'Alaska Trams (qui deviendra plus tard Mount Juneau Enterprises) proposa qu'un tramway aérien soit construit jusqu'au sommet de la montagne. L'entreprise n'a jamais abouti bien que Goldbelt Inc. ait fini par construire le tramway du mont Roberts jusqu'au mont Roberts voisin.
Le sentier menant au sommet du mont Juneau est accessible via le sentier de la Persévérance à environ 1,6 km . Le sentier présente  un assortiment de vues alpines, bien qu'il traverse de nombreuses pentes raides et que la prudence soit de mise par temps humide ou enneigé.
En mars 1962, une avalanche a dévalé le versant sud du mont Juneau. Cela a commencé avec de fortes chutes de neige venant du nord-est. Une partie de la neige à environ 220 mètres s'est détachée, provoquant l'avalanche.
L'avalanche a causé des dégâts à 34 maisons. 7 ont été gravement endommagés, 9 ont été modérément endommagés et 18 ont subi des dommages mineurs.

Le peintre
Rockwell Kent, artiste, auteur et activiste politique, a eu une carrière longue et variée. Au cours de sa vie, il a travaillé comme dessinateur en architecture, illustrateur, graveur, peintre, homardier, charpentier de navire et producteur laitier. Né à Tarrytown Heights, New York, il a vécu dans le Maine, à Terre-Neuve, en Alaska, au Groenland et dans les Adirondacks et a exploré les eaux autour de la Terre de Feu sur un petit bateau. Les peintures, lithographies et gravures sur bois de Kent représentent souvent les aspects sombres et accidentés de la nature, reflets de sa vie dans des climats rigoureux. Son expérience de menuisier et de constructeur ainsi que sa connaissance des outils lui ont bien servi lorsqu'il s'est lancé dans la démarche graphique. Ses blocs de montagne étaient des merveilles de belle coupe, chaque ligne étant délibérée et parfaitement contrôlée. Les tons et les lignes de ses lithographies étaient solidement construits, subtils et avec une richesse de coloris exceptionnelle. Il effectuait généralement des études préliminaires - à l'ancienne - pour la composition ou les détails avant de commencer la version définitive. Son expression était toujours claire et délibérée. Ni les tonalités brumeuses ni le côté suggestif ne lui convenaient. C'était un art très objectivé – presque athlétique, parfois presque austère et froid. Soit il peignait sur le motif, soit il élaborait des idées de tableaux à partir de notes. Son atelier était un modèle d'efficacité : soigné, ordonné,  chaque chose étant à sa place. Le contraire d e la bohême ! Son écriture, fruit de sa formation d'architecte, était belle et précise.
Parmi les nombreuses notes témoignant d'une prise de conscience croissante des contributions de Kent à la culture américaine, on trouve la reproduction de l'un de ses dessins à la plume et à l'encre qu'i lfit pour Moby Dick sur un timbre-poste américain, qui fait partie du panneau commémoratif de 2001 célébrant des illustrateurs américains tels que Maxfield Parrish, Frederic Remington et Norman Rockwell.


2023 - Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Sunday, April 2, 2023



JORGE RODRIGUEZ-GERADA (bn.1 966)  Mount Denali (6, 190 m - 20, 310 ft) United States of America (Alaska)

 Mount Denali (6, 190 m - 20, 310 ft)
United States of America (Alaska)

 La montagne
Denali (également connu sous le nom de mont McKinley,)) est le plus haut sommet de montagne en Amérique du Nord, avec une altitude au sommet de 6 190 m - 20 310 pieds au-dessus du niveau de la mer. Denali est le troisième sommet le plus important et le troisième le plus isolé après le mont Everest et l'Aconcagua. Denali est l'un des sept sommets, qui comprend les plus hautes montagnes de chacun des sept continents. Les atteindre tous est considéré comme un défi d'alpinisme, réalisé pour la première fois le 30 avril 1985 par Richard Bass.
Situé dans la chaîne de l'Alaska à l'intérieur de l'État américain de l'Alaska, Denali est la pièce maîtresse du parc national et de la réserve de Denali.
Denali a deux sommets importants: le sommet sud est le plus élevé, alors que le sommet nord a une altitude de 19 470 pieds (5 934 m). Le sommet nord est parfois compté comme un pic distinct et parfois non; il est rarement escaladé, sauf par ceux qui font des voies sur le versant nord du massif.
Cinq grands glaciers coulent des pentes de la montagne. Le glacier Peters se trouve sur le côté nord-ouest du massif, tandis que le glacier Muldrow tombe de ses pentes nord-est. Juste à l'est du Muldrow, et jouxtant le côté est du massif, se trouve le glacier Traleika. Le glacier Ruth se trouve au sud-est de la montagne et le glacier Kahiltna mène au côté sud-ouest de la montagne. Avec une longueur de 44 mi (71 km), le glacier Kahiltna est le plus long glacier de la chaîne de l'Alaska.
Les Koyukon Athabaskans qui habitent la région autour de la montagne ont pendant des siècles appelé le pic Dinale ou Denali. Il a été brièvement appelé Densmore's Mountain à la fin des années 1880 et au début des années 1890 en l'honneur de Frank Densmore, un prospecteur de l'Alaska qui fut le premier Européen à atteindre la base de la montagne.
En 1896, un chercheur d'or l'a nommé McKinley  en soutien au candidat à la présidence de l'époque, William McKinley, t devenu président l'année suivante. Les États-Unis ont officiellement reconnu le nom de Mount McKinley après que le président Wilson a signé le Mount McKinley National Park Act du 26 février 1917.
En 1965, Lyndon B. Johnson a déclaré les sommets nord et sud de la montagne les "Churchill Peaks", en l'honneur de l'homme d'État britannique Winston Churchill. Le Conseil des noms géographiques de l'Alaska a changé le nom de la montagne en Denali en 1975, comme on l'appelle localement.
Le 30 août 2015, juste avant une visite présidentielle en Alaska, l'administration de Barack Obama a annoncé que le nom Denali serait rétabli conformément à la désignation de l'Alaska Geographic Board.

Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada est un artiste contemporain cubano-américain. Né à Cuba le 5 février 1966 et élevé aux États-Unis. Il crée principalement des œuvres dans des espaces urbains à grande échelle. Il a été membre fondateur du mouvement de brouillage culturel new-yorkais du début des années 1990, travaillant d'abord avec le groupe "Artfux" et plus tard avec le "Cicada Corps of Artists". Au cours de cette période, il a également lancé des interventions sur les panneaux d'affichage et la publicité publique. En 1997, il a commencé à s'orienter vers le travail en solo. En 2002, Rodríguez-Gerada a déménagé à Barcelone où il s'est concentré sur les dessins au fusain éphémères à grande échelle, qui composent sa série Identity. Il a ensuite développé la Série Terrestre ; des terrassements éphémères si vastes qu'ils sont visibles de l'espace. D'autres projets en cours incluent la série Identity Composite et des œuvres d'art plus petites qu'il appelle Fragment Series, Urban Analogies et Memorylythics. Depuis 2009, il organise le festival annuel AvantGuard Urbano ; un petit festival d'art urbain avec de grands noms, qui s'est tenu à Tudela, en Navarre, dans le nord de l'Espagne. Il participe également à de nombreux salons et expositions.


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau 


Sunday, October 25, 2020


THOMAS HILL (1829-1908) Muir Glacier (90 m - 200 ft) United States of America ( Alaska)

THOMAS HILL (1829-1908)
Muir Glacier (90 m - 200 ft)
United States of America ( Alaska)

In Muir Glacier, Alaska. oil on canvas, Oakland Museum of California

The Glacier
Muir Glacier is a glacier in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve in the U.S. state of Alaska. It is currently about 0.7 km (0.43 mi) wide at the terminus. As recently as the mid-1980s the glacier was a tidewater glacier and calved icebergs from a wall of ice 90 m (200 feet) tall.
The glacier is named after Scottish-born naturalist John Muir, who traveled around the area and wrote about it, generating interest in the local environment and in its preservation. His first two visits were in 1879 (at age 41) and 1880. During the visits, he sent an account of his visits in installments to the San Francisco Bulletin. Later, he collected and edited these installments in a book, Travels in Alaska, published in 1915, the year after he died.
Muir Glacier has undergone very rapid, well-documented retreat since its Little Ice Age maximum position at the mouth of Glacier Bay around 1780. In 1794, the explorer Captain George Vancouver found that most of Glacier Bay was covered by an enormous ice sheet, some 1,200 meters (3,900 ft) in places.
In 1904 the glacier reportedly "broke through the mountains" with Pyramid Peak to the west and Mt. Wright and Mount Case to the east.
From 1892 to approximately 1980, it had retreated nearly 32 kilometers (20 mi). Between 1941 and 2004, the glacier retreated more than 12 kilometers (7.5 mi) and thinned by over 800 meters (2,600 ft). Ocean water has filled the valley replacing the ice and creating Muir Inlet.

The painter
Thomas Hill was an American artist of the 19th century. He produced many fine paintings of the California landscape, in particular of the Yosemite Valley, as well as the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Hill’s work was often driven by a vision resulting from his experiences with nature. For Thomas Hill, Yosemite Valley and the White Mountains of New Hampshire were his sources of inspiration to begin painting and captured his direct response to nature.
Hill was loosely associated with the Hudson River School of painters. The Hudson River School celebrated nature with a sense of awe for its natural resources, which brought them a feeling of enthusiasm when thinking of the potential it held. Mainly the earlier members of the Hudson River School, around the 1850-60’s, displayed man as in unison with nature in their landscape paintings by often painting men on a very small scale compared to the vast landscape. Thomas Hill often brought this technique into his own paintings in for example in his painting, Yosemite Valley, 1889.
He made early trips to the White Mountains with his friend Benjamin Champney and painted White Mountain subjects throughout his career. An example of his White Mountain subjects is Mount Lafayette in his Mount Lafayette in Winter.
Hill acquired the technique of painting en plein air. These paintings in the field later served as the basis for larger finished works. In plein air means to “paint outdoors and directly from the landscape”,[ which Hill incorporated into many of his paintings. Hill’s landscape paintings demonstrate how he combined his powers of observation with powerful motifs in each painting.
Hill’s move to California in 1861 brought him new material for his paintings. He chose monumental vistas, like Yosemite. During his lifetime, Hill’s paintings were popular in California, costing as much as $10,000. Hill's best works are considered to be these monumental subjects, including Great Canyon of the Sierra, Yosemite, Vernal Falls and Yosemite Valley.


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Tuesday, December 24, 2019



Mount Saint Elias (5,489 m- 18,008 ft)
United States of America (Alaska) - Canada (Yukon) border

In  Icy Bay & Mount Saint Elias (Alaska,) watercolor and graphite from Views of Polar region
Yale Center for British arts 

The mountain
Mount Saint Elias  (5,489 m- 18,008 ft) also designated  as Boundary Peak 186 is the second highest mountain in both Canada and the United States, being situated on the Yukon and Alaska border.
It lies about 26 miles (42 km) southwest of Mount Logan,  the highest mountain in Canada. The Canadian side is part of Kluane National Park and Reserve, while the U.S. side of the mountain is located within Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve.
Its name in Tlingit is Yasʼéitʼaa Shaa, meaning "mountain behind Icy Bay", and is occasionally called Shaa Tlein "Big Mountain" by the Yakutat Tlingit. It is one of the most important crests of the Kwaashkʼiḵwáan clan since they used it as a guide during their journey down the Copper River.
The mountain was first sighted by European explorers on July 16, 1741 by Vitus Bering of Russia. While some historians contend that the mountain was named by Bering, others believe that eighteenth century mapmakers named it after Cape Saint Elias, when it was left unnamed by Bering.
Mount Saint Elias is notable for its immense vertical relief vertically in just 10 miles (16 km) horizontal distance from the head of Taan Fjord, off of Icy Bay.

The artist 
Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Hamilton Smith,  was an English artist, naturalist, antiquary, illustrator, soldier, and... spy as well !. His military career began in 1787, when he studied at the Austrian academy for artillery and engineers at Mechelen and Leuven in Belgium (his native country). Although his military service, which ended in 1820 and included the Napoleonic Wars, saw him travel extensively (including the West Indies, Canada, United States, Southern and Northern Europe and ...Antarctica).
As a prolific self-taught illustrator (over 38,000 drawings!) He left quite an important number of books of  beautifully watercolored landscapes taken all around the world. those nooks of watercolors are nowadays in the collections of  the Yale Center From British Art. Among them  :
Views of France, Volume I (81 watercolors), Views of France, Volume II (93 watercolors), 
Views of England and Wales, Volume I (82  watercolors),  Views of England and Wales, Volume II (74  watercolors),
Views of Northern Europe, Volume I (68watercolors) , Views of Northern Europe, Volume II (78)  watercolors),  
Views of Polar Regions (75  watercolors) (see above) 
Views of Spain, Volume I (69 watercolors), Views of Spain, Volume II (72 watercolors), 
But one of his noteworthy achievements was an 1800 experiment to determine which color should be used for military uniforms.  He is also known in military history circles for Costume of the Army of the British Empire, produced towards the end of the Napoleonic Wars and an accurate depiction of contemporary British uniform.
As an antiquarian, he also produced, in collaboration with Samuel Rush Meyrick, Costume of the Original Inhabitants of the British Islands, 1815, and The Ancient Costume of England, with historical illustrations of medieval knights, ladies, shipsm and battles. 
He also wrote on the history of the Seven Years' War and TheNatural history of dogs.
Quite a productive fellow !

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Sunday, March 25, 2018


HEINRICH  C. BERANN (1915 - 1999) 
Mount Denali, ex Mount Mc Kinley (6,190 m - 20,310 ft)
United States of America (Alaska)

 In Denali map for US National Park Service, 1995.

The mountain 
Denali (also known as Mount McKinley, see the Naming paragraph below)) is the highest mountain peak in North America, with a summit elevation of  6,190 m - 20,310 feet above sea level. Denali is the third most prominent and third most isolated peak after Mount Everest and Aconcagua.  Denali  is one of the Seven Summit, which includes the highest mountains of each of the seven  continents. Summiting all of them is regarded as a mountaineering  challenge, first achieved on April 30, 1985 by Richard Bass.  The seven summit are :
Mount Everest (8,848m), Aconcagua (6,961m), Mt Denali or Mc Kinley (6,194m),  Kilimandjaro (5,895m), Mt Elbrus (5,642m), Vinson  Massif (4,892m), Mt Blanc (4,807m) and Mount Kosciuszko (2,228m) in Australia.
Located in the Alaska Range in the interior of the U.S. state of Alaska, Denali is the centerpiece of Denali National Park and Preserve.
Denali has two significant summits: the South Summit is the higher one, while the North Summit has an elevation of 19,470 ft (5,934 m) and a prominence of approximately 1,270 ft (387 m).  The North Summit is sometimes counted as a separate peak (see e.g., fourteener) and sometimes not; it is rarely climbed, except by those doing routes on the north side of the massif.
Five large glaciers flow off the slopes of the mountain. The Peters Glacier lies on the northwest side of the massif, while the Muldrow Glacier falls from its northeast slopes. Just to the east of the Muldrow, and abutting the eastern side of the massif, is the Traleika Glacier. The Ruth Glacier lies to the southeast of the mountain, and the Kahiltna Glacier leads up to the southwest side of the mountain.  With a length of 44 mi (71 km), the Kahiltna Glacier is the longest glacier in the Alaska Range.
The Koyukon Athabaskans who inhabit the area around the mountain have for centuries referred to the peak as Dinale or Denali. The name is based on a Koyukon word for "high" or "tall".  During the Russian ownership of Alaska, the common name for the mountain was Bolshaya Gora (Russian: Большая Гора, meaning Russian "big mountain)" which is the Russian translation of Denali.  It was briefly called Densmore's Mountain in the late 1880s and early 1890s after Frank Densmore, an Alaskan prospector who was the first European to reach the base of the mountain.
In 1896, a gold prospector named it McKinley as political support for then-presidential candidate William McKinley, who became president the following year. The United States formally recognized the name Mount McKinley after President Wilson signed the Mount McKinley National Park Act of February 26, 1917.  
In 1965, Lyndon B. Johnson declared the north and south peaks of the mountain the "Churchill Peaks", in honor of British statesman Winston Churchill.  The Alaska Board of Geographic Names changed the name of the mountain to Denali in 1975, which was how it is called locally.  However, a request in 1975 from the Alaska state legislature to the United States Board on Geographic Names to do the same at the federal level was blocked by Ohio congressman Ralph Regula, whose district included McKinley's hometown of Canton.
On August 30, 2015, just ahead of a presidential visit to Alaska, the Barack Obama administration announced the name Denali would be restored in line with the Alaska Geographic Board's designation. 

The artist
Heinrich C. Berann, (1915–1999) the father of the modern panorama map, was born into a family of painters and sculptors in Innsbruck, Austria. He taught himself by trial and error. In the years 1930-1933 he attended the arts and design school "Bundeslehranstalt für Malerei" in Innsbruck.
Winning of first prize at a competition for a panorama map created great enthusiasm in him. Using his artistic heritage and new self-discovered techniques he invented a new way of painting landscapes for tourist purposes. The further development of both these panorama maps and his artistic style was influenced by lasting impressions he received during his military service in German Army in Norway and Northern Finland in 1942.
In 1962 he painted Mount Everest for the National Geographic Society, one of his most famous panoramic maps. He worked with Marie Tharp and Bruce C. Heezen to produce maps of the entire ocean floor in 1977.
He later created four panoramas for the United States National Park Service: Yellowstone National Park, North Cascades National Park, Yosemite National Park and finally Mt. McKinley National Park (now Denali). He was very sick when he painted Denali (above) - but he finished it in the age of 81.
In 2000, Tom Patterson of the National Park Service explored ways of digitally creating panoramas like Berann did for the Park Service.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


SYDNEY LAURENCE (1865-1940) 
Denali, ex Mount Mc Kinley ( 6,190 m - 20,310 ft)
United States of America (Alaska)

1. Denali and Tokositna River - The Anchorage Museum 
2. Denali painted in 1919 
  3. Denali painted in 1921
4.  Denali painted in 1923
5. Denali in August 1924
The mountain 
Denali (also known as Mount McKinley, see the Naming paragraph below)) is the highest mountain peak in North America, with a summit elevation of  6,190 m - 20,310 feet above sea level. Denali is the third most prominent and third most isolated peak after Mount Everest and Aconcagua.  Denali  is one of the Seven Summit, which includes the highest mountains of each of the seven  continents. Summiting all of them is regarded as a mountaineering  challenge, first achieved on April 30, 1985 by Richard Bass.  The seven summit are :
Mount Everest (8,848m), Aconcagua (6,961m), Mt Denali or Mc Kinley (6,194m),  Kilimandjaro (5,895m), Mt Elbrus (5,642m), Vinson  Massif (4,892m), Mt Blanc (4,807m) and Mount Kosciuszko (2,228m) in Australia.
Located in the Alaska Range in the interior of the U.S. state of Alaska, Denali is the centerpiece of Denali National Park and Preserve.
Denali has two significant summits: the South Summit is the higher one, while the North Summit has an elevation of 19,470 ft (5,934 m) and a prominence of approximately 1,270 ft (387 m).  The North Summit is sometimes counted as a separate peak (see e.g., fourteener) and sometimes not; it is rarely climbed, except by those doing routes on the north side of the massif.
Five large glaciers flow off the slopes of the mountain. The Peters Glacier lies on the northwest side of the massif, while the Muldrow Glacier falls from its northeast slopes. Just to the east of the Muldrow, and abutting the eastern side of the massif, is the Traleika Glacier. The Ruth Glacier lies to the southeast of the mountain, and the Kahiltna Glacier leads up to the southwest side of the mountain.  With a length of 44 mi (71 km), the Kahiltna Glacier is the longest glacier in the Alaska Range.
About the naming 
The Koyukon Athabaskans who inhabit the area around the mountain have for centuries referred to the peak as Dinale or Denali. The name is based on a Koyukon word for "high" or "tall".  During the Russian ownership of Alaska, the common name for the mountain was Bolshaya Gora (Russian: Большая Гора, meaning Russian "big mountain)" which is the Russian translation of Denali.  It was briefly called Densmore's Mountain in the late 1880s and early 1890s after Frank Densmore, an Alaskan prospector who was the first European to reach the base of the mountain.
In 1896, a gold prospector named it McKinley as political support for then-presidential candidate William McKinley, who became president the following year. The United States formally recognized the name Mount McKinley after President Wilson signed the Mount McKinley National Park Act of February 26, 1917.  
In 1965, Lyndon B. Johnson declared the north and south peaks of the mountain the "Churchill Peaks", in honor of British statesman Winston Churchill.  The Alaska Board of Geographic Names changed the name of the mountain to Denali in 1975, which was how it is called locally.  However, a request in 1975 from the Alaska state legislature to the United States Board on Geographic Names to do the same at the federal level was blocked by Ohio congressman Ralph Regula, whose district included McKinley's hometown of Canton.
On August 30, 2015, just ahead of a presidential visit to Alaska, the Barack Obama administration announced the name Denali would be restored in line with the Alaska Geographic Board's designation. 
Climbing history
The first recorded attempt to climb Denali was by Judge James Wickersham in 1903, via the Peters Glacier and the North Face, now known as the Wickersham Wall. Because of the route's history of avalanche danger, it was not successfully climbed until 1963.
Famed explorer Dr. Frederick Cook claimed the first ascent of the mountain in 1906. His claim was regarded with some suspicion from the start, but was also widely believed. It was later proved false, with some crucial evidence provided by Bradford Washburn when he was sketched on a lower peak.
In 1910, four area locals – Tom Lloyd, Peter Anderson, Billy Taylor, and Charles McGonagall – known as the Sourdough Expedition, attempted to climb Denali despite a lack of climbing experience. The group spent approximately three months on the mountain. Their purported summit ascent day included carrying a bag of doughnuts each, a thermos of hot chocolate, and a 14-foot (4.2 m) spruce pole. Two of them reached the North Summit, the lower of the two, and erected the pole near the top. According to the group, the time they took to reach the summit was a total of 18 hours. Until the first ascent in 1913, their claims were disbelieved, in part due to false claims they had climbed both summits.
In 1912, the Parker-Browne expedition nearly reached the summit, turning back within just a few hundred yards of it due to harsh weather. Hours after their ascent, the Great Earthquake of 1912 shattered the glacier they had ascended.
The first ascent of the main summit of Denali came on June 7, 1913, by a party led by Hudson Stuck and Harry Karstens. The first man to reach the summit was Walter Harper, an Alaska Native. Robert Tatum also made the summit. Using the mountain's contemporary name, Tatum later commented, "The view from the top of Mount McKinley is like looking out the windows of Heaven!"   Stuck confirmed, via binoculars, the presence of a large pole near the North Summit; this report confirmed the Sourdough ascent, and today it is widely believed that the Sourdoughs did succeed on the North Summit. However, the pole was never seen before or since, so there is still some doubt. Stuck also discovered that the Parker-Browne party were only about 200 feet (61 m) of elevation short of the true summit when they turned back.
The mountain is regularly climbed today; in 2003, around 58% of climbers reached the top. But by 2003, the mountain had claimed the lives of nearly 100 mountaineers over time.[49] The vast majority of climbers use the West Buttress Route, pioneered in 1951 by Bradford Washburn,  after an extensive aerial photographic analysis of the mountain. Climbers typically take two to four weeks to ascend Denali.

The painter 
Sydney Mortimer Laurence was an American Romantic landscape painter and is widely considered one of Alaska's most important historical artists. Born in Brooklyn, New York, he studied at the Art Students League of New York.  He exhibited regularly by the late 1880s. He and his wife traveled to England, settling in 1889 in the English artists' colony of St. Ives, Cornwall from 1889 to 1898. over the next decade he exhibited at the Royal Society of British Artists and was included in the Paris Salon in 1890, 1894, and 1895, winning an award in 1894.
Suddently in 1903 or 1904, it appears that Laurence abandoned his family and came to Alaskan shich was quite a wild aerea.
Laurence was the first professionally trained artist to make Alaska his home. He moved to Alaska in 1904 for reasons still unknown. Records from 1907 show he lived in the village of Tyonek on the North Shore of Cook Inlet in Southcentral Alaska, about 60 miles from Ship Creek where Anchorage would begin years later.  Living the hard life of the pioneer prospector, he painted little in his first years in the then-District of Alaska, but between 1911 and 1914 he began to focus once again on his art.  He moved from Valdez to the nascent town of Anchorage in 1915 and by 1920 was Alaska's most prominent painter. 
Laurence painted Mount McKinley  at least 5 or 6 times all along his life, but it is image of Denali from the hills above the rapids of the Tokositna River, shown in this blog in n° 1, which  became his trademark. It is this image more than any other which personifies Laurence for his many admirers and collectors in Alaska and beyond. Laurence forged a uniquely personal style by applying the tonalist techniques he had learned in New York and Europe to the wilderness of the North. He, more than any other artist, defined for Alaskans and others the image of Alaska as "The Last Frontier."
Laurence painted as welle a variety of Alaskan scenes in his long and prolific career, among them sailing ships and steamships in Alaskan waters, totem poles in Southeast Alaska, dramatic headlands and the quiet coves and streams of Cook Inlet, cabins and caches under the northern lights, and Alaska Natives, miners, and trappers engaged in their often solitary lives in the northern wilderness.
In May 1927, Laurence married Jeanne Kunath, a French-born artist who had emigrated to the United States in 1920. He died in Anchorage on December 10, 1940.
Several places were named for Laurence in his adopted hometown. Laurence Court is a short street in the Bootleggers Cove neighborhood of Anchorage. Perhaps the most significant was the Sydney Laurence Auditorium, which sat downtown at the northwest corner of West Sixth Avenue and F Street. This structure was replaced during the 1980s by the Alaska Center for the Performing Arts in what Anchorage called "Project 80s", a large-scale civic improvement program carried out under mayors George M. Sullivan and Tony Knowles; now the Sydney Laurence theater is smallest of three stages at the Performing Arts Center.