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Showing posts sorted by date for query Rigi. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, April 26, 2023


J.M.W. TURNER (1775-1851)
Rigi (1 797 m - 5 897 ft)

In "Lake Lucerne, with the Rigi" , vers 1840 - 1849, Crayon et aquarelle rehaussé de touches de blanc, 24,8 x 36,2 cm, Collection Privée

La montagne
Le Rigi (1 797 m - 5 897 ft), également connu sous le nom de Reine des montagnes) est un massif montagneux des Alpes, situé en Suisse centrale. L'ensemble du massif est presque entièrement entouré par les eaux de trois plans d'eau différents : le lac des Quatre-Cantons, le lac de Zoug et le lac Lauerz. La chaîne se trouve dans les Alpes de Schwyz et est divisée entre les cantons de Schwyz et de Lucerne, bien que le sommet principal, nommé Rigi Kulm, à 1 798 mètres d'altitude, se trouve dans le canton de Schwyz. Techniquement, le Rigi ne fait pas partie des Alpes et appartient plutôt au plateau suisse. Il est principalement composé de molasse et d'autres conglomérats, par opposition au schiste grison et au flysch des Alpes.
Le Rigi Kulm et d'autres régions, telles que la station balnéaire de Rigi Kaltbad, sont desservies par les plus anciens chemins de fer de montagne d'Europe, les Rigi Railways. Les Chemins de fer suisses proposent une excursion spéciale aller-retour, le "Rigi-Rundfahrt", couvrant plusieurs segments en train, en train à crémaillère, en gondole (en option) et en bateau à vapeur. Toute la région offre de nombreuses activités telles que le ski ou la luge en hiver et la randonnée en été.
Le nom Rigi vient du vieux haut allemand « rîga » qui signifie « rangée, rayure, sillon », d'après la stratification bien visible sur le versant nord de la montagne. Le nom est enregistré pour la première fois en 1350 sous le nom de Riginun. Le nom a été interprété comme Regina montium "reine des montagnes" par Albrecht von Bonstetten (1479), qui donne cependant Rigena comme forme alternative.
Le mont Rigi a été présenté dans de nombreuses œuvres d'art, y compris des peintures et des publications littéraires. Les peintures les plus célèbres du Rigi étaient peut-être la série de J.M.W. Turner dont plusieurs sont dans la collection de la Tate Britain à Londres.

Le peintre
Joseph Mallord William Turner, plus connu sous le nom de William Turner ou de ses initiales J. M. W. Turnera, est un peintre, aquarelliste et graveur britannique,. Initialement de la veine romantique anglaise, son œuvre est marquée par une recherche novatrice audacieuse qui le fait considérer, avec son contemporain John Constable, comme un précurseur de l'impressionnisme, voir même d'une certaine abstraction. Renommé pour ses huiles, Turner est également un des plus grands maîtres anglais de paysages à l'aquarelle. Il y gagne le surnom de « peintre de la lumière ». La plus grande partie des œuvres de Turner est conservée à la Tate Britain. Il efut influencé par des artistes tels que Willem van de Velde le Jeune, Albert Cuyp, John Robert Cozens, Richard Wilson, Claude Gellée (« Claude le Lorrain ») ou encore Nicolas Poussin. Influencé par la Recherche philosophique sur l'origine de nos idées du Sublime et du Beau d'Edmund Burke datée de 1757, Turner intégra le concept du Sublime dans certaines de ses œuvres, à commencer par Bateaux hollandais dans la tempête, mettant en scène un spectacle terrifiant et à la fois délicieux. Il travailla d'abord la gravure avant l'aquarelle puis la peinture. D'après ses propres souvenirs, il fut marquépar une suite de 16 pièces gravées en clair-obscur d'Elisha Kirkall (1722) d'après Van de Velde le Jeune À partir de 1802, l'envie de voyager le conduit sur le continent européen, principalement en France et en Suisse, d'où il rapporte, évidemment, des aquarelles mais aussi le goût pour certains artistes, comme le Lorrain et ses représentations de la mythologie. Turner peint ainsi des fresques antiques comme Didon construisant Carthage en 1815. Il s'inspire aussi du Liber Veritatis du Lorrain en ce qui concerne son ouvrage, Liber Studiorum, établissant ainsi une classification des différents types de paysages : Marine, Montagne, Pastorale, Historique, Architecturale et Pastorale épique. Il n'hésite pas à tester des combinaisons étranges d'aquarelle et d'huile ainsi que de nouveaux produits dans ses toiles.  Parfois, il utilise même des matériaux inhabituels comme le jus de tabac et la bière vieillie, avec pour conséquence la nécessité des restaurations régulières de ses œuvres. Le peintre et critique d'art George Beaumont qualifie Turner et ses suiveurs comme Callcott de « peintres blancs » car ils mettent au point dès le début du 19e siècle l'utilisation d'un fond blanc pour donner à leurs tableaux la fraîcheur des couleurs et la luminosité, permettant le passage direct des effets de l'aquarelle dans la peinture à l'huile, 3 effets tout à fait différents de ceux obtenus avec les fonds rouges ou bruns traditionnels des anciens Maîtres ".
Son passage d'une représentation plus réaliste à des œuvres plus lumineuses, à la limite de l'imaginaire (Tempête de neige en mer), se fait après un voyage en Italie en 1819 (Campo Santo de Venise). Turner montre le pouvoir suggestif de la couleur, ainsi, son attirance pour la représentation des atmosphères le place pour des critiques d'art comme Clive Bell, comme un précurseur de la modernité en peinture et de l'impressionnisme jusqu'à devenir « le peintre des incendies ». Mais il peint rarement sur le motif contrairement aux impressionnistes, qui feront de cette pratique une règle. Il préfère en effet recomposer en atelier les nuances des paysages, aidé de sa grande mémoire des couleurs. D'autres critiques préfèrent pousser plus loin encore leur analyse en voyant dans l'absence de lignes et de points de fuite ou la dissolution de la forme dans la couleur, notamment dans les paysages marins de Turner, les prémices de l'abstraction lyrique, voire de l'action painting en gestation. 


2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


J.M.W. TURNER (1775-1851)
The Rigi or Rigi Kulm or Mount Rigi (1, 797m - 5,897ft)

In Lucerne by Moonlight - Sample Study, ca.1842/43, Watercolour on paper, 23.5 x 32.5 cm,
Tate London

The mountain
The Rigi (1, 797m - 5,897ft) is a mountain massif of the Alps, located in Central Switzerland.
The whole massif is almost entirely surrounded by the water of three different water bodies: Lake Lucerne, Lake Zug and Lake Lauerz. The range is in the Schwyzer Alps, and is split between the cantons of Schwyz and Lucerne, although the main summit, named Rigi Kulm, at 1,798 meters above sea level, lies within the canton of Schwyz. Technically, the Rigi is not a part of the Alps, and belongs instead to the Swiss plateau. It is mostly composed of molasse and other conglomerate, as opposed to the Bündner schist and flysch of the Alps.
The Rigi Kulm and other areas, such as the resort of Rigi Kaltbad, are served by Europe's oldest mountain railways, the Rigi Railways. Swiss Railways offer a special round-trip excursion, the “Rigi-Rundfahrt”, covering multiple segments by train, cog-railway, gondola (optional) and lake steamer. The whole area offers many activities such as skiing or sledging in the winter, and hiking in the summer.
The name Rigi is from Old High German "rîga" which means "row, stripe, furrow", after the stratification that is clearly visible on the north-side of the mountain. The name is first recorded in 1350 as Riginun. The name was interpreted as Regina montium "queen of mountains" by Albrecht von Bonstetten (1479), who however gives Rigena as alternative form.
Mt. Rigi has been featured in many works of art, including both paintings and literary publications. Perhaps the most famous paintings of the Rigi were the series by J.M.W. Turner , several of which are in the collection of the Tate Britain in London.
Mark Twain also visited Rigi during his tour of Central Europe in the late 1870s, and wrote about his travels in chapter 28 of his "A Tramp Abroad."

The painter
The english painter Joseph Mallord William Turner was considered a controversial figure in his day, but is now regarded as the artist who elevated landscape painting to an eminence in the history of painting. Although renowned for his oil paintings, Turner is also one of the greatest masters of British watercolour landscape painting. He is commonly known as "the painter of light" and his work is regarded as a Romantic preface to Impressionism.
More about Turner

2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Tuesday, April 21, 2020



The Rigi or Rigi Kulm or Mount Rigi (1, 797m - 5,897ft)

In A Storm over the Rigi, c.1844, Watercolour on paper, 25 x 37,1cm,  Tate Britain

The mountain
The Rigi (1, 797m - 5,897ft) is a mountain massif of the Alps, located in Central Switzerland.
The whole massif is almost entirely surrounded by the water of three different water bodies: Lake Lucerne, Lake Zug and Lake Lauerz. The range is in the Schwyzer Alps, and is split between the cantons of Schwyz and Lucerne, although the main summit, named Rigi Kulm, at 1,798 meters above sea level, lies within the canton of Schwyz. Technically, the Rigi is not a part of the Alps, and belongs instead to the Swiss plateau. It is mostly composed of molasse and other conglomerate, as opposed to the Bündner schist and flysch of the Alps.
The Rigi Kulm and other areas, such as the resort of Rigi Kaltbad, are served by Europe's oldest mountain railways, the Rigi Railways. Swiss Railways offer a special round-trip excursion, the “Rigi-Rundfahrt”, covering multiple segments by train, cog-railway, gondola (optional) and lake steamer. The whole area offers many activities such as skiing or sledging in the winter, and hiking in the summer.
The name Rigi is from Old High German "rîga" which means "row, stripe, furrow", after the stratification that is clearly visible on the north-side of the mountain. The name is first recorded in 1350 as Riginun. The name was interpreted as Regina montium "queen of mountains" by Albrecht von Bonstetten (1479), who however gives Rigena as alternative form.
Mt. Rigi has been featured in many works of art, including both paintings and literary publications. Perhaps the most famous paintings of the Rigi were the series by J.M.W. Turner , several of which are in the collection of the Tate Britain in London.
Mark Twain also visited Rigi during his tour of Central Europe in the late 1870s, and wrote about his travels in chapter 28 of his "A Tramp Abroad."

The painter
The english painter Joseph Mallord William Turner was considered a controversial figure in his day, but is now regarded as the artist who elevated landscape painting to an eminence in the history of painting. Although renowned for his oil paintings, Turner is also one of the greatest masters of British watercolour landscape painting. He is commonly known as "the painter of light" and his work is regarded as a Romantic preface to Impressionism.
More about Turner 

2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Friday, July 5, 2019


The Rigi or Rigi Kulm or Mount Rigi (1, 797m - 5,897ft)

In The red Rigi at Sunrise, 1842, watercolour, Tate Britain

The mountain

The Rigi (1, 797m - 5,897ft)  is a mountain massif of the Alps, located in Central Switzerland.
The whole massif is almost entirely surrounded by the water of three different water bodies: Lake Lucerne, Lake Zug and Lake Lauerz. The range is in the Schwyzer Alps, and is split between the cantons of Schwyz and Lucerne, although the main summit, named Rigi Kulm, at 1,798 meters above sea level, lies within the canton of Schwyz.
Technically, the Rigi is not a part of the Alps, and belongs instead to the Swiss plateau. It is mostly composed of molasse and other conglomerate, as opposed to the Bündner schist and flysch of the Alps.
The Rigi Kulm and other areas, such as the resort of Rigi Kaltbad, are served by Europe's oldest mountain railways, the Rigi Railways. Swiss Railways offer a special round-trip excursion, the “Rigi-Rundfahrt”, covering multiple segments by train, cog-railway, gondola (optional) and lake steamer. The whole area offers many activities such as skiing or sledging in the winter, and hiking in the summer.
The name Rigi is from Old High German "rîga" which means "row, stripe, furrow", after the stratification that is clearly visible on the north-side of the mountain. The name is first recorded in 1350 as Riginun. The name was interpreted as Regina montium "queen of mountains" by Albrecht von Bonstetten (1479), who however gives Rigena as alternative form.
Mt. Rigi has been featured in many works of art, including both paintings and literary publications. Perhaps the most famous paintings of the Rigi were the series by J.M.W. Turner , several of which are in the collection of the Tate Britain in London.
Mark Twain also visited Rigi during his tour of Central Europe in the late 1870s, and wrote about his travels in chapter 28 of his "A Tramp Abroad."

The 3 Rigi by J.M.W. Turner

Tate brings together for the first time ever three of J.M.W. Turner’s very greatest watercolour paintings: The Blue Rigi, The Dark Rigi and The Red Rigi. Turner’s groundbreaking use of watercolour, which spanned his career, culminated in the early 1840s with a series of transcendent views of Swiss lakes and mountains.
Chief among these are the three views of Mount Rigi as seen from Lake Lucerne. Each shows the mountain at a different time of day and is characterised by a defining colour or tone: dark, blue or red.
The Blue Rigi was Turner's first attempt at recording the moment before dawn when the sun just perceptibly begins to chase away the cool darkness of night. Using subtly modulated washes of blue, Turner recreates the stillness and wonder of this instant, anticipating by many years the unified tonal approach to image-making of the Aesthetic Movement.

The painter
The english painter Joseph Mallord William Turner was considered a controversial figure in his day, but is now regarded as the artist who elevated landscape painting to an eminence in the history of painting. Although renowned for his oil paintings, Turner is also one of the greatest masters of British watercolour landscape painting. He is commonly known as "the painter of light" and his work is regarded as a Romantic preface to Impressionism.
In his thirties, Turner travelled widely in Europe, starting with France and Switzerland in 1802 and studying in the Louvre in Paris in the same year. He made many visits to Venice. Turner's talent was recognized early in his life. Financial independence allowed Turner to innovate freely; his mature work is characterized by a chromatic palette and broadly applied atmospheric washes of paint. According to David Piper's The Illustrated History of Art, his later pictures were called "fantastic puzzles." Turner was recognized as an artistic genius: influential English art critic John Ruskin described him as the artist who could most "stirringly and truthfully measure the moods of Nature."
Turner's major venture into printmaking was the Liber Studiorum (Book of Studies), seventy prints that he worked on from 1806 to 1819. The Liber Studiorum was an expression of his intentions for landscape art. The idea was loosely based on Claude Lorrain's Liber Veritatis (Book of Truth), where Lorrain had recorded his completed paintings; a series of print copies of these drawings, by then at Devonshire House, had been a huge publishing success. Turner's plates were meant to be widely disseminated, and categorized the genre into six types: Marine, Mountainous, Pastoral, Historical, Architectural, and Elevated or Epic Pastoral. His printmaking was a major part of his output, and a museum is devoted to it, the Turner Museum in Sarasota, Florida, founded in 1974 by Douglass Montrose-Graem to house his collection of Turner prints.
Turner placed human beings in many of his paintings to indicate his affection for humanity on the one hand (note the frequent scenes of people drinking or working or walking in the foreground), but its vulnerability and vulgarity amid the 'sublime' nature of the world on the other. 'Sublime' here means awe-inspiring, savage grandeur, a natural world unmastered by man, evidence of the power of God – a theme that romanticist artists and poets were exploring in this period. Although these late paintings appear to be 'impressionistic' and therefore a forerunner of the French school, Turner was striving for expression of spirituality in the world, rather than responding primarily to optical phenomena.
Turner used pigments like carmine in his paintings, knowing that they were not long-lasting, despite the advice of contemporary experts to use more durable pigments. As a result, many of his colours have now faded greatly.
John Ruskin says in his "Notes" on Turner in March 1878 : "His true master was Dr Monro; to the practical teaching of that first patron and the wise simplicity of method of watercolour study, in which he was disciplined by him and companioned by Girtin, the healthy and constant development of the greater power is primarily to be attributed; the greatness of the power itself, it is impossible to over-estimate. "

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


OTTO MÄLHY (1869-1953) 
Monte Besso (3,667 m - 12, 034ft)

 In Monte Besso seen from Sorebois, Val d'Anniviers, Switzerland 
oil on canvas ( 88,5 x 72 cm) John  Mitchell Gallery, London 

The mountain 
Mount Besso (3,667 m - 12, 034ft) is a Swiss peak in the Pennine Alps valley. It is located on the edge of the Zinal valley.  The name Besso means 'twins' in the dialect of the Val d'Hérens and refers to the twin summits of the mountain.
The mountain is part of the so-called imperial crown , set of mountains that form a horseshoe: Les Diablons, the Bishorn (4,153 m), the Weisshorn (4,505 m), the Schalihorn (3,974 m), the Zinalrothorn (4,221 m), the Trifthorn (3,728 m), the Obergabelhorn (4,062 m), the Mont Durand (3,712 m), the Pointe de Zinal (3,790 m), the Dent Blanche (4,356 m), the Grand Cornier (3,961 m), the Pigne de la Lé (3.396 m), the Garde de Bordon (3.310 m), and at the center of this gigantic parable is Mount Besso (3.667 m).
The first ascent to the summit probably took place in 1862 by JB Epinay and J. Vianin. The normal ascent route to the summit starts from the Cabane du Grand Mountet. 

The painter 
 Otto Mähly was a Swiss artist who was born in 1869 in Basel. Otto Mähly's work has been offered at auction multiple times. Only one artwork sold; this was View of the Rigi, which realized $1,801 USD at Dobiaschofsky in 2017. The artist died in 1953.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Friday, March 31, 2017


 The Rigi or Rigi Kulm or Mount Rigi (1, 797m - 5,897ft)

1.  In The blue Rigi at Sunrise, Lucerne, 1842, watercolour, Tate Britain
2.  In The red Rigi at Sunrise, 1842, watercolour, Tate Britain
3.  In The dark Rigi, 1842,  watercolour, Tate Britain

The mountain 
The Rigi (1, 797m - 5,897ft), also known as Queen of the Mountains) is a mountain massif of the Alps, located in Central Switzerland. The whole massif is almost entirely surrounded by the water of three different water bodies: Lake Lucerne, Lake Zug and Lake Lauerz. The range is in the Schwyzer Alps, and is split between the cantons of Schwyz and Lucerne, although the main summit, named Rigi Kulm, at 1,798 meters above sea level, lies within the canton of Schwyz. Technically, the Rigi is not a part of the Alps, and belongs instead to the Swiss plateau. It is mostly composed of molasse and other conglomerate, as opposed to the Bündner schist and flysch of the Alps.
The Rigi Kulm and other areas, such as the resort of Rigi Kaltbad, are served by Europe's oldest mountain railways, the Rigi Railways. Swiss Railways offer a special round-trip excursion, the “Rigi-Rundfahrt”, covering multiple segments by train, cog-railway, gondola (optional) and lake steamer. The whole area offers many activities such as skiing or sledging in the winter, and hiking in the summer.
The name Rigi is from Old High German  "rîga" which means  "row, stripe, furrow", after the stratification that is clearly visible on the north-side of the mountain. The name is first recorded in 1350 as Riginun. The name was interpreted as Regina montium "queen of mountains" by Albrecht von Bonstetten (1479), who however gives Rigena as alternative form.
Mt. Rigi has been featured in many works of art, including both paintings and literary publications. Perhaps the most famous paintings of the Rigi were the series by J.M.W. Turner (see above), several of which are in the collection of the Tate Britain in London.
Mark Twain also visited Rigi during his tour of Central Europe in the late 1870s, and wrote about his travels in chapter 28 of his "A Tramp Abroad."
There is a Catskills resort called the Rigi Kulm in Abraham Cahan's novel The Rise of David Levinsky (1917).

The 3 Rigi by J.M.W. Turner 
Tate brings together for the first time ever three of J.M.W. Turner’s very greatest watercolour paintings: The Blue Rigi, The Dark Rigi and The Red Rigi. Turner’s groundbreaking use of watercolour, which spanned his career, culminated in the early 1840s with a series of transcendent views of Swiss lakes and mountains.
 Chief among these are the three views of Mount Rigi as seen from Lake Lucerne. Each shows the mountain at a different time of day and is characterised by a defining colour or tone: dark, blue or red.
The Blue Rigi was Turner's first attempt at recording the moment before dawn when the sun just perceptibly begins to chase away the cool darkness of night. Using subtly modulated washes of blue, Turner recreates the stillness and wonder of this instant, anticipating by many years the unified tonal approach to image-making of the Aesthetic Movement.

The  painter 
The english painter Joseph Mallord William Turner was considered a controversial figure in his day, but is now regarded as the artist who elevated landscape painting to an eminence in the history of painting. Although renowned for his oil paintings, Turner is also one of the greatest masters of British watercolour landscape painting. He is commonly known as "the painter of light" and his work is regarded as a Romantic preface to Impressionism.

In his thirties, Turner travelled widely in Europe, starting with France and Switzerland in 1802 and studying in the Louvre in Paris in the same year. He made many visits to Venice.   Turner's talent was recognized early in his life....
- For More about JMW Turner Biography