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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Cap Spartel. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, October 3, 2024



CARTE POSTALE ANCIENNE (1930- 1950) Le Cap Spartel - Tanger (315 m) Maroc

Le Cap Spartel - Tanger (315 m)
Le relief
Le Cap Spartel (315 m) ou Ras Spartel (رأس سبارتيل) est un promontoire de la côte du Maroc, situé à l'entrée sud du détroit de Gibraltar, à 14 kilomètres à l'ouest de Tanger. Face au cap Spartel, à 44 km au nord, le cap Trafalgar marque l'entrée nord du détroit, sur la côte espagnole. Le cap Spartel est souvent indiqué par erreur comme le point le plus au nord de l'Afrique. En réalité, c'est le cap Angela (Tunisie) et le cap Spartel est seulement le point le plus au nord de la côte atlantique africaine et également le point le plus à l'ouest de la côte méditerranéenne méridionale. Le promontoire bénéficie d'une forte pluviosité favorable à la végétation. Dans l'Antiquité, le cap Spartel s'appelait le cap Ampelusium, ou cap des Vignes. Sous le promontoire, les vagues de l'océan Atlantique ont creusé des cavernes, où les habitants de la région venaient autrefois tailler des meules. Aujourd'hui ces spectaculaires « grottes d'Hercule » sont une attraction touristique. Sur le cap Spartel, à 110 m d'altitude, se trouve un phare, qui commença à fonctionner le 15 octobre 1864. Sa construction fut ordonnée par le sultan Mohammed IV ben Abderrahman, à la demande des représentants consulaires des puissances européennes alarmées par les nombreux naufrages qui se produisaient au large du cap. La lumière du phare est visible à 30 milles marins (55,6 km). Au large du cap Spartel se trouve le banc Spartel, un haut-fond que les géologues Marc-André Gutscher et Jacques Collina-Girard considèrent comme ayant pu nourrir le mythe de l'île de l'Atlantide.
La rénovation de l'ensemble du site du Cap Spartel a débuté en 2020 et s'est achevée en 2021. Il est désormais ouvert au public et comprend un musée maritime, un restaurant, un jardin botanique et un espace événementiel. Les visiteurs peuvent également accéder au sommet du phare pour profiter de la vue imprenable sur le détroit de Gibraltar.
Les cartes postales anciennes
Les cartes postales sont devenues populaires au tournant du XXe siècle, en particulier pour envoyer de courts messages à des amis et à des proches. Elles ont été collectionnées dès le début et sont toujours recherchées aujourd'hui par les collectionneurs de photographie, de publicité, de souvenirs de guerre, d'histoire locale et de nombreuses autres catégories. Les cartes postales ont connu un engouement international, publiées dans le monde entier. Detroit Publishing Co. et Teich & Co. étaient deux des principaux éditeurs aux États-Unis, et parfois des particuliers imprimaient également leurs propres cartes postales. Yvon était le plus célèbre en France. De nombreux éditeurs individuels ou anonymes ont existé dans le monde et notamment en Afrique et en Asie (Japon, Thaïlande, Népal, Chine, Java) entre 1920 et 1955. Ces photographes étaient pour la plupart des notables locaux, des militaires, des guides officiels appartenant aux armées coloniales (britanniques, françaises, belges...) qui disposaient parfois d'un matériel assez sophistiqué et réalisaient volontiers des photogrammes en couleur ou des explorateurs, navigateurs, alpinistes (Vittorio Sella et l'archiduc des Abruzzes futur roi d'Italie restent les plus célèbres d'entre eux).
Il existe de nombreux types de cartes postales anciennes de collection.
Les cartes postales à tenir à la lumière étaient fabriquées avec du papier de soie entouré de deux morceaux de papier ordinaire, de façon à laisser passer la lumière. Les cartes postales dépliantes, populaires dans les années 1950, étaient constituées de plusieurs cartes postales attachées en une longue bande. Les cartes postales à photographie réelle (RPPC) sont des photographies avec un support de carte postale.
Les cartes postales fantaisie étaient fabriquées en utilisant du bois, de l'aluminium, du cuivre et du liège. Les cartes postales en soie, souvent brodées sur une image imprimée, étaient enveloppées dans du carton et envoyées dans des enveloppes en papier cristal transparent. Elles étaient particulièrement populaires pendant la Première Guerre mondiale.
Dans les années 1930 et 1940, les cartes postales étaient imprimées sur du papier aux couleurs vives conçu pour ressembler à du lin.


2024- Gravir les montagnes en peinture
Un blog de Francis Rousseau 

Saturday, November 19, 2016


Cap Spartel (315 m - 1, 050 ft) 

In View of Tangier from the seashore, Oil on canvas, Private Collection  

The mountain 
Cap Spartel (315 m - 1, 050 ft) or Ras Spartel (in Arabic: رأس سبارتيل) is a promontory of the coast of Morocco, located at the southern entrance of the Strait of Gibraltar, 14 kilometers west of Tangier. Facing Cape Spartel, 44 km to the north, Cape Trafalgar marks the northern entrance to the strait on the Spanish coast. Cape Spartel is often mistakenly indicated as the northernmost point of Africa.
The promontory benefits from a strong rainfall favorable to the vegetation. In ancient times Cape Spartel was called Cape Ampelusium, or Cap of Vineyards.  Under the promontory, the waves of the Atlantic Ocean have dug caves, where the inhabitants of the region used to carve millstones. Today, these spectacular "Hercules caves" are a tourist attraction.
On Cape Spartel, 110 meters above sea level, there is a lighthouse, which began operating on October 15, 1864. Its construction was ordered by Sultan Mohammed IV ben Abderrahman at the request of the consular representatives of the European powers alarmed by the Many shipwrecks occurring off the coast. The light from the lighthouse is visible 30 nautical miles (55.6 km).
Off Cape Spartel is the Spartel Bank, a shoal, some of which wanted to make the legendary island of Atlantis.

The painter 
Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix was a French Romantic artist regarded from the outset of his career as the leader of the French Romantic school. As a painter and muralist, Delacroix's use of expressive brushstrokes and his study of the optical effects of colour profoundly shaped the work of the Impressionists, while his passion for the exotic inspired the artists of the Symbolist movement. A fine lithographer, Delacroix illustrated various works of William Shakespeare, the Scottish author Walter Scott and the German author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
In contrast to the Neoclassical perfectionism of his chief rival Ingres, Delacroix took for his inspiration the art of Rubens and painters of the Venetian Renaissance, with an attendant emphasis on colour and movement rather than clarity of outline and carefully modelled form. Dramatic and romantic content characterized the central themes of his maturity, and led him not to the classical models of Greek and Roman art, but to travel in North Africa, in search of the exotic. Friend and spiritual heir to Théodore Géricault, Delacroix was also inspired by Lord Byron, with whom he shared a strong identification with the "forces of the sublime", of nature in often violent action.

However, Delacroix was given to neither sentimentality nor bombast, and his Romanticism was that of an individualist. In the words of Baudelaire, "Delacroix was passionately in love with passion, but coldly determined to express passion as clearly as possible."
In 1832, Delacroix traveled to Spain and North Africa, as part of a diplomatic mission to Morocco shortly after the French conquered Algeria. He went not primarily to study art, but to escape from the civilization of Paris, in hopes of seeing a more primitive culture.  He eventually produced over 100 paintings and drawings of scenes from or based on the life of the people of North Africa, and added a new and personal chapter to the interest in Orientalism.  Delacroix was entranced by the people and the costumes, and the trip would inform the subject matter of a great many of his future paintings. He believed that the North Africans, in their attire and their attitudes, provided a visual equivalent to the people of Classical Rome and Greece: "The Greeks and Romans are here at my door, in the Arabs who wrap themselves in a white blanket and look like Cato or Brutus…"
He managed to sketch some women secretly in Algiers, as in the painting Women of Algiers in their Apartment (1834), but generally he encountered difficulty in finding Muslim women to pose for him because of Muslim rules requiring that women be covered. Less problematic was the painting of Jewish women in North Africa, as subjects for the Jewish Wedding in Morocco (1837–41).
While in Tangier, Delacroix made many sketches of the people and the city (see painting above), subjects to which he would return until the end of his life. Animals—the embodiment of romantic passion—were incorporated into paintings such as Arab Horses Fighting in a Stable (1860), The Lion Hunt (of which there exist many versions, painted between 1856 and 1861), and Arab Saddling his Horse (1855).

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Cap Spartel (315 m - 1, 050 ft) 

In  Album d'Afrique du Nord et d'Espagne - La côte d'Afrique vue du détroit de Gibraltar, watercolour, Musée du Louvre, Paris  

The mountain
Cap Spartel (315 m - 1, 050 ft)  or Ras Spartel (رأس سبارتيل) is a promontory of the coast of Morocco, located at the southern entrance of the Strait of Gibraltar, 14 kilometers west of Tangier. Facing Cape Spartel, 44 km to the north, Cape Trafalgar marks the northern entrance to the strait on the Spanish coast. Cape Spartel is often mistakenly indicated as the northernmost point of Africa.
The promontory benefits from a strong rainfall favorable to the vegetation. In ancient times Cape Spartel was called Cape Ampelusium, or Cap of Vineyards. Under the promontory, the waves of the Atlantic Ocean have dug caves, where the inhabitants of the region used to carve millstones. Today, these spectacular "Hercules caves" are a tourist attraction.
On Cape Spartel, 110 meters above sea level, there is a lighthouse, which began operating on October 15, 1864. Its construction was ordered by Sultan Mohammed IV ben Abderrahman at the request of the consular representatives of the European powers alarmed by the Many shipwrecks occurring off the coast. The light from the lighthouse is visible 30 nautical miles (55.6 km).
Off Cape Spartel is the Spartel Bank, a shoal, some of which wanted to make the legendary island of Atlantis.

The painter
Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix was a French Romantic artist regarded from the outset of his career as the leader of the French Romantic school. As a painter and muralist, Delacroix's use of expressive brushstrokes and his study of the optical effects of colour profoundly shaped the work of the Impressionists, while his passion for the exotic inspired the artists of the Symbolist movement. A fine lithographer, Delacroix illustrated various works of William Shakespeare, the Scottish author Walter Scott and the German author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
In contrast to the Neoclassical perfectionism of his chief rival Ingres, Delacroix took for his inspiration the art of Rubens and painters of the Venetian Renaissance, with an attendant emphasis on colour and movement rather than clarity of outline and carefully modelled form. Dramatic and romantic content characterized the central themes of his maturity, and led him not to the classical models of Greek and Roman art, but to travel in North Africa, in search of the exotic. Friend and spiritual heir to Théodore Géricault, Delacroix was also inspired by Lord Byron, with whom he shared a strong identification with the "forces of the sublime", of nature in often violent action.
However, Delacroix was given to neither sentimentality nor bombast, and his Romanticism was that of an individualist. In the words of Baudelaire:"Delacroix was passionately in love with passion, but coldly determined to express passion as clearly as possible."
In 1832, Delacroix traveled to Spain and North Africa, as part of a diplomatic mission to Morocco shortly after the French conquered Algeria. He went not primarily to study art, but to escape from the civilization of Paris, in hopes of seeing a more primitive culture. He eventually produced over 100 paintings and drawings of scenes from or based on the life of the people of North Africa, and added a new and personal chapter to the interest in Orientalism. Delacroix was entranced by the people and the costumes, and the trip would inform the subject matter of a great many of his future paintings. He believed that the North Africans, in their attire and their attitudes, provided a visual equivalent to the people of Classical Rome and Greece: "The Greeks and Romans are here at my door, in the Arabs who wrap themselves in a white blanket and look like Cato or Brutus…"
He managed to sketch some women secretly in Algiers, as in the painting Women of Algiers in their Apartment (1834), but generally he encountered difficulty in finding Muslim women to pose for him because of Muslim rules requiring that women be covered. Less problematic was the painting of Jewish women in North Africa, as subjects for the Jewish Wedding in Morocco (1837–41).
While in Tangier, Delacroix made many sketches of the people and the city, subjects to which he would return until the end of his life. Animals—the embodiment of romantic passion—were incorporated into paintings such as Arab Horses Fighting in a Stable (1860), The Lion Hunt (of which there exist many versions, painted between 1856 and 1861), and Arab Saddling his Horse (1855).

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau