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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query EMILE APPAY. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


EMILE APPAY (1876-1935)
 Pic Sans Nom (3,913 m -12,838 ft)

In Pic Sans Nom seen from Pic Coolidge, oil on canvas, 

The mountain 
The Pic Sans Nom ( (3,913 m -12,838 ft))(Nameless Peak) is located in the Massif des Ecrins in the French Alps. It lies in the middle of the steep mountain mass that runs south-west from Mont Pelvoux to the AilefroideIts steep and extensive northern precipices are bounded by the Glacier Noir; its southern slopes, providing the only relatively easy means of access, are bounded by the Glacier du Coup de Sabre and the Glacier de Sialouze. The Pic du Coup de Sabre (3,699 m) to its south-west is considered part of the Pic Sans Nom.
The north face of Pic Sans Nom is above Glacier Noir and is separated from Pelvoux and Ailefroides by ice couloirs (Pelvoux pass and Glacier Noir pass). 
There is an other couloir (NW couloir ) on north face which comes very close to the summit.
There is no easy route to climb Pic Sans nom and most of them are very difficult. Pic Sans Nom is a domain for rock climbers in high mountain.
The normal route is on SE side on snow and bad rocks.
SE route has a PD cotation.
1877 - First clim by JB Colgrove and Richard Pendlebury and Josef Gabriel Spectenhauser, July 10
1936 - North Ridge Raymond Leininger Jean Vernet Vernet Georges and Jean-Antoine Morin
1976 - First solo winter peak Sans Nom, north face (Russenberger way), by Pierre Beghin

The painter 
Émile Appay was a French painter whose landscapes (watercolors and oils) are in the style of vedute.
Émile Charles Appay spent his childhood in Paris' 15th arrondissement. His father was a printer lithographer Charles Appay which explains his taste for art.  He was a student of Henri Harpignies (1819-1916) and Paul Lecomte (1842-1920). He married in 1900 and had two children. He was friends with André Derain and they loved biking together.  He also loved to go fishing and he often painted river or fishing scenes with his friends. It was recalled at the age of 38 years as a soldier during the war 14-18. It will make many drawings zones combat1. Especially in the Aisne where he was posted in 1916 in the region of Faucoucourt or Estrées (Battle of the Somme).

2016 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau