, pub-0288379932320714, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 GRAVIR LES MONTAGNES... EN PEINTURE: Israel
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts

Saturday, April 8, 2023



ANDREA MANTEGNA (1431-1506) Mont Golgotha Israël

Mont Golgotha

In Crucifixion (1457-1460) huile sur panneau, 76 x 96 cm,
partie centrale originale de la prédelle du Retable de saint Zénon de Vérone,
Musée du Louvre, Paris

La montagne
Le Golgotha ou Calvaire, nommé aussi « lieu du crâne », est une colline située dans l'Antiquité à l'extérieur de Jérusalem, sur laquelle les Romains attachaient les condamnés à mort sur une croix en forme de T. Il est connu pour être le lieu où Jésus a été crucifié, d'après les évangiles. Son emplacement suscite des débats : au IVe siècle, sous la direction d'Hélène, la mère de l'empereur Constantin Ier, un petit monticule a été désigné comme étant le lieu de crucifixion de Jésus. C'est ce lieu qui est aujourd'hui appelé Golgotha, bien que de nombreux historiens doutent de la pertinence de cette localisation. Elle est désormais incluse dans la basilique du Saint-Sépulcre. L'interprétation usuelle est que la colline au nord de Jérusalem qui porte le nom de Golgotha est appelée ainsi à cause de sa forme dénudée, comme les toponymes arabes appelés ras (promontoires pelés, nus et plats comme un crâne), ou comme les oronymes du monde entier qui ont le nom de « mont chauve ». Il a été suggéré également que les corps des suppliciés restant sur le site de l'exécution, celui-ci était garni d'ossements et notamment de crânes. La majorité des philologues pensent cependant que le Golgotha désignait initialement une modeste éminence arrondie et déboisée, et que les auteurs bibliques, par un phénomène de réinterprétation, lui ont donné une étymologie populaire en surtraduisant Golgotha en grec par « lieu du crâne ». En effet, le mot crâne remonte, par l'intermédiaire du latin cerebrum (« cerveau ») et non de calvaria, à l'indo-européen *ker qui désigne des objets protubérants (la corne, le cerebrum latin, le kranion grec) tandis que le mot calvitie remonte au latin calvus, qui devait signifier « cruche »
D'après les fouilles menées dans la basilique du Saint-Sépulcre par le franciscain Virgilio Corbo dans les années 1960, des traces de taille de pierre et de culture ont été mises au jour. Elles indiquaient une utilisation du Mont du Golgotha bien avant sa mention dans le Nouveau Testament. Hors de la ville, le lieu servait de carrière de pierre « malaki » dès le 8e siècle av. J.-C.. Par la suite, au 1er siècle av. J.-C., les cavités furent recouvertes de terre et le lieu fut transformé en jardin. C'est le jardin du Golgotha dont parlent les Évangiles. Par ailleurs, des traces de cultures furent trouvées dans la grotte de l'Invention de la Croix. Dans le même temps, tout un réseau de grottes sépulcrales fut édifié à l'ouest de la carrière. Les tombeaux furent creusés dans de hautes parois rocheuses verticales ; parmi ces dernières on trouve surnommée selon l'usage la « tombe de Joseph d'Arimathie ».
À 35 m du sépulcre, un gros monolithe calcaire avait été isolé au milieu des carrières. Les dimensions actuelles du bloc sont impressionnantes : sa hauteur totale fait en moyenne 11 m, dont 4,50 m sont au-dessus du sol de l'église. De forme irrégulière, son diamètre varie entre 5 et 7 mètres. À l'époque du Christ, il était en partie recouvert par les débris des carrières ainsi que la terre apportée naturellement par l'activité érosive : seule sa partie supérieure arrondie était alors visible. Son sommet à la forme étrange d'un « crâne » et se situe au niveau du sol de l'actuelle chapelle du Golgotha . Une étude du bloc calcaire a permis de faire des recherches sur la grotte qu'il renferme et dont l'ouverture se situe au niveau du sol de l'église. C'est une cavité naturelle relativement grande dont les parois sont irrégulières et très rugueuses. Une anfractuosité naturelle partage le bloc du sommet jusqu'à la voûte de la grotte.
Selon Nazénie Garibian de Vartavan, le véritable lieu du Golgotha serait précisément situé à la verticale de l'autel de la basilique constantinienne, désormais enterrée, et à l’écart du lieu où le rocher du Golgotha est actuellement situé. Les plans publiés dans le livre indiquent l'emplacement du Golgotha avec une précision de moins de deux mètres sous le passage circulaire situé à un mètre de l'endroit où la tradition veut que la tunique tachée de sang du Christ ait été retrouvée et immédiatement avant l'escalier qui mène à la chapelle Sainte-Hélène (mère de l'empereur Constantin), aussi appelée chapelle Saint-Grégoire l'Illuminateur.

Le peintre
Andrea Mantegna est un graveur et peintre italien de la Première Renaissance qui a rompu définitivement avec le style gothique en plein milieu du 15e siècle, sans se départir de cette attitude tout au long de sa vie.
Marqué par l'héritage gréco-romain, exploitant la perspective par ses recherches sur le raccourci, il innove en matière d'architecture feinte, avec des décors muraux, des voûtes, créant des scènes d'une grande virtuosité, grâce entre autres au trompe-l'œil et à un sens poussé du détail.
Au-delà de Mantegna peintre de cour, émerge avec lui, dans l'art occidental, la figure centrale de l'artiste, du génie, qui fait école, et dont l'impact culturel se mesure des siècles plus tard.

2023 - Wandering Vertexes ....
Errant au-dessus des Sommets Silencieux...
Un blog de Francis Rousseau 

Friday, December 10, 2021



FÉLIX BONFILS (1831-1885) Mount Carmel / Har Ha-karmel, (546m - 1,791ft) Israël  In Le mont Carmel et la mer, postcard n° 958 ,from a photo taken in 1873

FÉLIX BONFILS (1831-1885)
Mount Carmel / Har Ha-karmel  (546 m -1,791ft)

In Le mont Carmel et la mer, postcard n° 958 from a photo taken in 1873

The mountain
Mount Carmel (546m - 1,791ft), Har Ha-karmel, in Hebrew is a mountain range, northwestern Israel; the city of Haifa is on its northeastern slope. It divides the Plain of Esdraelon (ʿEmeq Yizreʿel) and the Galilee (east and north) from the coastal Plain of Sharon (south). A northwest–southeast-trending limestone ridge, about 16 mi (26 km) long, it covers an area of about 95 sq mi (245 sq km). Its seaward point, Rosh ha-Karmel (Cape Carmel), almost reaches the Mediterranean; there the coastal plain is only 600 ft (180 m) wide. The name, dating back to biblical times, is derived from the Hebrew kerem (“vineyard” or “orchard”) and attests to the mountain’s fertility even in ancient times. Sanctified since early times, Mt. Carmel is mentioned as a “holy mountain” in Egyptian records of the 16th century BC. As a “high place,” it was long a centre of idol worship, and its outstanding reference in the Bible is as the scene of Elijah’sconfrontation with the false prophets of Baal (I Kings 18). Mt. Carmel was also sacred to the early Christians; individual hermits settled there as early as the 6th century AD. The Carmelites, a Roman Catholic monastic order, were founded in 1150; they received their first rule, or laws and regulations governing the conduct of their order, in 1206–14. Their monastery (rebuilt 1828) is near the traditional site of Elijah’s miracle. There are many fine parks and woods on the slopes of the mountain, both within the city of Haifa and outside it. Much of the wooded area is included in the Carmel Nature Reserve. On the southwest slopes are caves where archaeologists found (1931–32). Stone Age human skeletons of a type previously unknown.

The photographer
Félix Bonfils was born in Saint-Hippolyte-du-Fort (France). He moved to Beirut in 1867 where he opened with his wife and his son Adrien, the photographic workshop Maison Bonfils, he renamed in 1878 F. Bonfils and Co..
Bonfils photographed in Lebanon, Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Greece as well as in Constantinople from 1876.  He was very active as soon as he arrives in Lebanon: his catalog mentions more than 15,000 prints in the early 1870s, made from nearly 200 negatives, and 9,000 stereoscopic views.
His works became famous thanks to tourists from the Middle East who brought his photographs as souvenirs. His views could be purchased individually, but they were also available as albums.
However, these photographs, produced by the workshop, could sometimes be the work of his son Adrien or assistants of the company.
In 1876 he returned to Alès (France), where he opened another studio around 1881. The one of Beirut was not closed. His wife Marie-Lydie and his son kept it opened and active after this death in 1885. This establishment was still very active in 1905, when a fire destroyed it.
The Bonfils business continued for several decades after the death of its founder. It was bought in 1918 by Abraham Guiragossian, a partner since 1909, who kept its name. It is mentioned in the Blue Guide in 1932.

2021 - Wandering Vertexes
A blog by Francis Rousseau

Monday, March 9, 2020



FELIX BONFILS (1831-1885)
Anti-Lebanon Mountains / Jibāl Lubnān ash-Sharqiyyah (2,814m- 9,232 ft)
Lebanon - Syria -Israel

In Anti Liban vue genérale de Zébilani,  postcard, 1868
The mountains
The Anti-Lebanon Mountains / Jibāl Lubnān ash-Sharqiyyah (2,814m- 9,232 ft) are a southwest-northeast-trending mountain range that forms most of the border between Syria and Lebanon. The border is largely defined along the crest of the range. Most of the range lies in Syria.
Its Western name Anti-Lebanon comes from the Greek and Latin Antilibanus, derived from its position opposite and parallel to the Mount Lebanon range. It ends in the south with Mount Hermon, which borders on the Golan Heights; the Golan Heights are a different geological and geomorphological entity, but geopolitically they are often regarded together with the southern slopes of Mount Hermon, both being part of the Israeli-controlled Golan region. To the west of the Anti-Lebanon lie valleys that separate it from Mount Lebanon in central Lebanon: Beqaa Valley in the north and the Hasbani River valley in the south. To the east, in Syria, lies the Eastern Plateau, location of the city of Damascus.
The Anti-Lebanon range is approximately 150 kilometres (93 miles) in length. To the north, it extends to almost the latitude of the Syrian city of Homs. To the south, the range adjoins the lower-laying Golan Heights plateau, but includes the highest peaks, namely Mount Hermon  / Jabal el-Shaykh, at 2,814 metres, and Talat Musa at 2,669 mm. Others highest peaks are Hali mat-el-Kabou, (2510 m)  and  El Akhyad (2352 m).

 The area is known for its apricot and cherry trees as well as its stone quarries.

The photographer
Félix Bonfils was born in Saint-Hippolyte-du-Fort (France). He moved to Beirut in 1867 where he opened with his wife and his son Adrien, the photographic workshop Maison Bonfils, he renamed in 1878 F. Bonfils and Co..
Bonfils photographed in Lebanon, Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Greece as well as in Constantinople from 1876.
He was very active as soon as he arrives in Lebanon: his catalog mentions more than 15,000 prints in the early 1870s, made from nearly 200 negatives, and 9,000 stereoscopic views.
His works became famous thanks to tourists from the Middle East who brought his photographs as souvenirs. His views could be purchased individually, but they were also available as albums.
However, these photographs, produced by the workshop, could sometimes be the work of his son Adrien or assistants of the company.
In 1876 he returned to Alès (France), where he opened another studio around 1881. The one of Beirut was not closed. His wife Marie-Lydie and his son kept it opened and active after this death in 1885. This establishment was still very active in 1905, when a fire destroyed it.
The Bonfils business continued for several decades after the death of its founder. It was bought in 1918 by Abraham Guiragossian, a partner since 1909, who kept its name. It is mentioned in the Blue Guide in 1932.


2020  - Wandering Vertexes
A blog by Francis Rousseau

Sunday, March 8, 2020



Mount Tabor (575 m -1,886 ft)
Israel (Galilee)
In  Mont Tabor, engraving, Israel British Library
The mountain
Mount Tabor (575 m - 1,886 ft), (not to be confused with Mount Thabor int he French Alps) is located in Lower Galilee, Israel, at the eastern end of the Jezreel Valley, 11 miles (18 km) west of the Sea of Galilee. Mount Tabor is a Inselberg : an isolated hill or small mountain rising abruptly from gently sloping or level surrounding land, and is not volcanic.
In the Hebrew Bible (Joshua, Judges), Mount Tabor is the site of the Battle of Mount Tabor between the Israelite army under the leadership of Barak and the army of the Canaanite king of Hazor, Jabin, commanded by Sisera.
In Christian tradition, Mount Tabor is the site of the Transfiguration of Jesus.
Mount Tabor is shaped almost like half a sphere, suddenly rising from rather flat surroundings and dominating the town in the plain below, Kfar Tavor. At the top of the mountain are two Christian monasteries, one Greek Orthodox on the northeast side and one Roman Catholic on the southeast side. The Catholic church at the top is easily visible from afar.
At the base it is almost fully surrounded by the Arab villages of Daburiyya, Shibli, and Umm al-Ghanam. Mount Tabor is located off Highway 65, and its summit is accessible by road via Shibli. A hiking tracks starts from the Bedouin village Shibli and is about five kilometers long. It is part of the Israel National Trail.

The artist
Catherine Tobin (died 1903) was a Victorian era author and artist who travelled with her husband and wrote books around the experiences as well as translator for a book on the area. She married Thomas Tobin on 12 September 1835 and with whom she had one son.  However Tobin and her husband shared an interest in travel and antiquities and spent considerable time in the middle and near east. She wrote a number of books due to this interest and travel as well as translating another. At home in Cork, Tobin was a patron of the South Infirmary Victoria University Hospitalfor many years.
George Kelleher has suggested that while Thomas Tobin was an 'antiquarian and curio collector in the spirit of the Victorian age', his wife Catherine, 'was a far more considerable cultural figure'. Her work has served as the basis for a number of studies about the regions.


2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Mount Tabor (575 m -1,886 ft)
Israel (Galilee)

In Happy New Year from Mont Tabor, New year chromolithographic card.

The mountain
Mount Tabor (575 m - 1,886 ft), (not to be confused with Mount Thabor int he French Alps ) is located in Lower Galilee, Israel, at the eastern end of the Jezreel Valley, 11 miles (18 km) west of the Sea of Galilee. Mount Tabor is a Inselberg : an isolated hill or small mountain rising abruptly from gently sloping or level surrounding land, and is not volcanic.
In the Hebrew Bible (Joshua, Judges), Mount Tabor is the site of the Battle of Mount Tabor between the Israelite army under the leadership of Barak and the army of the Canaanite king of Hazor, Jabin, commanded by Sisera.
In Christian tradition, Mount Tabor is the site of the Transfiguration of Jesus.
Mount Tabor is shaped almost like half a sphere, suddenly rising from rather flat surroundings and dominating the town in the plain below, Kfar Tavor. At the top of the mountain are two Christian monasteries, one Greek Orthodox on the northeast side and one Roman Catholic on the southeast side. The Catholic church at the top is easily visible from afar.
At the base it is almost fully surrounded by the Arab villages of Daburiyya, Shibli, and Umm al-Ghanam. Mount Tabor is located off Highway 65, and its summit is accessible by road via Shibli. A hiking tracks starts from the Bedouin village Shibli and is about five kilometers long. It is part of the Israel National Trail.

The artist
Baroness Helga von Cramm was a German and Swiss water-colourist and graphic artist. She made her quite famous with her in chromolithograh Christmas cards. Helga von Cramm lived in Britain, Switzerland (St. Moritz), Germany and Italy, and Florence.
Helga was the eldest child of Wolf Frederick Adolf Freiherr von Cramm-Burchard Helga's father, having been brought up in the Court at Brunswick, educated at the court of knights, served in the Brunswick Cuirassiers , was an equerry and an hereditary Chamberlain and Lord of the Kings Bedchamber (that of William VIII of Braunschweig). Later he retired to his estate at Rhode. Her brother Aschwin Thedel Adelbert Freiherr v. Sierstorpff-Cramm, is one of the four great-grandfathers of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, now Princess Beatrix, and mother of the present king, Willem-Alexander. Helga was thus a great-great aunt of the former Dutch Queen.
In the United Kingdom, from 1877, she exhibited at the : Society of Women Artists, Royal Scottish Academy, Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours, Dudley Gallery, Fine Art Society, Glasgow Institute,Grosvenor Gallery, Royal Hibernian Academy of Arts ,Royal Society of British Artists and at a few other places...

2020 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Thursday, December 5, 2019


Mount Tabor (575 m -1,886 ft)
Israel (Galilee)

In Mount Tabor, 2009) Oil, emulsion, acrylic, and shellac on canvas. 149 cmx 149 cm 
Courtesy  Gagosian Gallery

The mountain
Mount Tabor (575 m - 1,886 ft), (not to be confused with Mount Thabor int he French Alps ) is located in Lower Galilee, Israel, at the eastern end of the Jezreel Valley, 11 miles (18 km) west of the Sea of Galilee. Mount Tabor is a Inselberg : an isolated hill or small mountain rising abruptly from gently sloping or level surrounding land, and is not volcanic.
In the Hebrew Bible (Joshua, Judges), Mount Tabor is the site of the Battle of Mount Tabor between the Israelite army under the leadership of Barak and the army of the Canaanite king of Hazor, Jabin, commanded by Sisera.
In Christian tradition, Mount Tabor is the site of the Transfiguration of Jesus.
Mount Tabor is shaped almost like half a sphere, suddenly rising from rather flat surroundings and dominating the town in the plain below, Kfar Tavor. At the top of the mountain are two Christian monasteries, one Greek Orthodox on the northeast side and one Roman Catholic on the southeast side. The Catholic church at the top is easily visible from afar.
At the base it is almost fully surrounded by the Arab villages of Daburiyya, Shibli, and Umm al-Ghanam. Mount Tabor is located off Highway 65, and its summit is accessible by road via Shibli. A hiking tracks starts from the Bedouin village Shibli and is about five kilometers long. It is part of the Israel National Trail.

The painter 
Anselm Kiefer (born 8 March 1945) is a German painter and sculptor. He studied with Joseph Beuys and Peter Dreher during the 1970s. His works incorporate materials such as straw, ash, clay, lead, and shellac. The poems of Paul Celan have played a role in developing Kiefer's themes of German history and the horror of the Holocaust, as have the spiritual concepts of Kabbalah.
In his entire body of work, Kiefer argues with the past and addresses taboo and controversial issues from recent history. Themes from Nazi rule are particularly reflected in his work; for instance, the painting "Margarethe" (oil and straw on canvas) was inspired by Paul Celan's well-known poem "Todesfuge" ("Death Fugue").
His works are characterised by an unflinching willingness to confront his culture's dark past, and unrealised potential, in works that are often done on a large, confrontational scale well suited to the subjects. It is also characteristic of his work to find signatures and/or names of people of historical importance, legendary figures or historical places. All of these are encoded sigils through which Kiefer seeks to process the past; this has resulted in his work being linked with the movements New Symbolism and Neo–Expressionism.
Kiefer has lived and worked in France since 1992. Since 2008, he has lived and worked primarily in Paris and in Alcácer do Sal, Portugal.
 In 2018, he was awarded Austrian citizenship.

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Wednesday, October 16, 2019



JACOB PEETERS (1637-1695)
Mount Tabor (575 m -1,886 ft)
Israel (Galilee)

In Den bergh Thabor in Palestynen, 1692, engraving from World Atlas

The mountain 
Mount Tabor  (575 m - 1,886 ft), (not to be confused with Mount Thabor int he French Alps ) is located in Lower Galilee, Israel, at the eastern end of the Jezreel Valley, 11 miles (18 km) west of the Sea of Galilee.  Mount Tabor is a Inselberg : an isolated hill or small mountain rising abruptly from gently sloping or level surrounding land, and is not volcanic.
In the Hebrew Bible (Joshua, Judges), Mount Tabor is the site of the Battle of Mount Tabor between the Israelite army under the leadership of Barak and the army of the Canaanite king of Hazor, Jabin, commanded by Sisera.
In Christian tradition, Mount Tabor is the site of the Transfiguration of Jesus.
Mount Tabor is shaped almost like half a sphere, suddenly rising from rather flat surroundings and dominating  the town in the plain below, Kfar Tavor. At the top of the mountain are two Christian monasteries, one Greek Orthodox on the northeast side and one Roman Catholic on the southeast side. The Catholic church at the top is easily visible from afar.
At the base it is almost fully surrounded by the Arab villages of Daburiyya, Shibli, and Umm al-Ghanam. Mount Tabor is located off Highway 65, and its summit is accessible by road via Shibli. A hiking tracks starts from the Bedouin village Shibli and is about five kilometers long. It is part of the Israel National Trail.

The artist
Flemish engraver and book-seller, Jacob Peeters (1637-1695) was descended from a family of artists. He kept a shop in Antwerp, where he “sold every kind of prints and engravings, small and larger geographical maps, drawn in ink, coloured, as well as of a larger size...”
Peeters is known mainly for his “World Atlas”, published in 1692.
The album forms part of a series of dithyrambic publications, which exalted the brilliant victories of the Venetians on the Ottomans. Similar books were published by the Accademia Cosmografica degli Argonauti, which had been founded by Vincenzo Coronelli.
The plates of the edition were based on drawings by Jacob Peeters' brother, Johannes or Jan Peeters (1625-1677), who made several views of cities, later etched by Merian. Johannes was a pupil of their older brother, Bonaventura Peeters, also a very well-known painter who specialized in seascapes.
Most of the plates were etched by Gaspar Bouttats (1640-1695), a well-known books merchant and engraving master. The description of each city and subject is given at the beginning of the edition, while each copy of the work includes a different number of plates. There are plates showing locations, cities and ports at Montenegro, Albania, Croatia, the Ionian and Aegean seas, Central Greece (the Peloponnese, Attica and Thessaly), Asia Minor, Syria, Cyprus, the Holy Land, Turkey, Yemen, Irak, Armenia, the Caspian Sea and other places all the way to Iran and India...

2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau

Monday, September 16, 2019


 FELIX BONFILS  (1831-1885)
Mount Hermon / Jabal Haramun / Har Hermon  (2,814m- 9,232 ft)
 Lebanon - Syria -Israel

In Mont Hermon, photo silver print, 1868

The mountain
Mount Hermon or Jabal Haramun or Har Hermon  (2,814m- 9,232 ft), in arabic  جبل الشيخ or جبل حرمون‎‎,  in hebrew הר חרמון‎‎,  is a mountain cluster constituting the southern end of the Anti-Lebanon mountain range. Its summit straddles the border between Syria and Lebanon and,is the highest point in Syria. On the top, in the United Nations buffer zone between Syrian and Israeli-occupied territories, is the highest permanently manned UN position in the world, known as "Hermon Hotel".The southern slopes of Mount Hermon extend to the Israeli-occupied portion of the Golan Heights, where the Mount Hermon ski resort is located. A peak in this area rising to 2,236 m (7,336 ft) is the highest elevation in Israeli-controlled territory.
Mount Hermon is a sacred mountain mentioned in many sacred texts and epic tails.
The Epic of Gilgamesh mentions that Mount Hermon split after Gilgamesh kills Humbaba, the Guardian of the Cedar Forest. One translation of Tablet V states, "The ground split open with the heels of their feet, as they whirled around in circles Mt. Hermon and Lebanon split."
In the Book of Enoch, Mount Hermon is the place where the Watcher class of fallen angels descended to Earth. They swear upon the mountain that they would take wives among the daughters of men and take mutual imprecation for their sin (Enoch 6).
The mountain or summit is referred to as Saphon in Ugaritic texts where the palace of Ba'al is located in a myth about Attar.
The Book of Chronicles also mentions Mount Hermon as a place where Epher, Ishi, Eliel, Azriel, Jeremiah, Hodaviah, and Jahdiel were the heads of their families.
 R.T. France, in his book on the Gospel of Matthew, noted that Mount Hermon was a possible location of the Transfiguration of Jesus.
Various Temples of Mount Hermon can be found in villages on the slopes. There is a sacred building made of hewn blocks of stone on the summit of Mount Hermon. Known as Qasr Antar, it is the highest temple of the ancient world and was documented by Sir Charles Warren in 1869. An inscription on a limestone stele recovered by Warren from Qasr Antar was translated by George Nickelsburg to read "According to the command of the greatest a (nd) Holy God, those who take an oath (proceed) from here."
Eusebius recognized the religious importance of Hermon in his work Onomasticon, saying "Until today, the mount in front of Panias and Lebanon is known as Hermon and it is respected by nations as a sanctuary". It has been related to the Arabic term al-haram, which means "sacred enclosure". Another Greek inscription found in a large temple at Deir El Aachayer on the northern slopes notes the year that a bench was installed "in the year 242, under Beeliabos, also called Diototos, son of Abedanos, high priest of the gods of Kiboreia".
In Psalm 42, which leads the Psalms of the northern kingdom, the Psalmist remembers God from the land of Jordan and the Hermonites. In Song of Songs 4:8, Hermon is an instance of an exotic locale, and the Song of Ascents as well as Psalm 133:3 make specific reference to the abundant dew formation upon Mount Hermon.
According to the controversial research by Professor Israel Knohl of the Hebrew University, in his book "Hashem", Mount Hermon could be actually the Mount Sinai mentioned in the bible, with the biblical story reminiscent of an ancient battle of the northern tribes with the Egyptians somewhere in the Jordan valley or Golan heights.

The photographer 
Félix Bonfils wasborn in Saint-Hippolyte-du-Fort (France). He moved to Beirut in 1867 where he opened with his wife and his son Adrien, the photographic workshop Maison Bonfils, he renamed in 1878 F. Bonfils and Co..
Bonfils photographed in Lebanon, Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Greece as well as in Constantinople from 1876.
He was very active as soon as he arrives in Lebanon: his catalog mentions more than 15,000 prints in the early 1870s, made from nearly 200 negatives, and 9,000 stereoscopic views.
His works became famous thanks to tourists from the Middle East who brought his photographs as souvenirs. His views could be purchased individually, but they were also available as albums.
However, these photographs, produced by the workshop, could sometimes be the work of his son Adrien or assistants of the company.
In 1876 he returned to Alès (France), where he opened another studio around 1881. The one of Beirut was not closed. His wife Marie-Lydie and his son kept it opened and active after this death in 1885. This establishment was still very active in 1905, when a fire destroyed it.
The Bonfils business continued for several decades after the death of its founder. It was bought in 1918 by Abraham Guiragossian, a partner since 1909, who kept its name. It is mentioned in the Blue Guide in 1932.

Wandering Vertexes 2019 
A blog by Francis Rousseau

Thursday, August 22, 2019


Mount Tabor  (575 m -1,886 ft)
Israel  (Galilee)

 In Montagne de Thabor, Voyages au levant, 1714

The mountain 
Mount Tabor  (575 m - 1,886 ft), (not to be confused with Mount Thabor int he French Alps ) is located in Lower Galilee, Israel, at the eastern end of the Jezreel Valley, 11 miles (18 km) west of the Sea of Galilee.  Mount Tabor is a Inselberg : an isolated hill or small mountain rising abruptly from gently sloping or level surrounding land, and is not volcanic.
In the Hebrew Bible (Joshua, Judges), Mount Tabor is the site of the Battle of Mount Tabor between the Israelite army under the leadership of Barak and the army of the Canaanite king of Hazor, Jabin, commanded by Sisera.
In Christian tradition, Mount Tabor is the site of the Transfiguration of Jesus.
Mount Tabor is shaped almost like half a sphere, suddenly rising from rather flat surroundings and dominating  the town in the plain below, Kfar Tavor. At the top of the mountain are two Christian monasteries, one Greek Orthodox on the northeast side and one Roman Catholic on the southeast side. The Catholic church at the top is easily visible from afar.
At the base it is almost fully surrounded by the Arab villages of Daburiyya, Shibli, and Umm al-Ghanam. Mount Tabor is located off Highway 65, and its summit is accessible by road via Shibli. A hiking tracks starts from the Bedouin village Shibli and is about five kilometers long. It is part of the Israel National Trail.

The artist
Cornelius de Bruyn, (also called Cornelis de Bruijn) was a Dutch artist and traveler. He made two large tours and published illustrated books with his observations of people, buildings, plants and animals.
During his first tour, he visited Rome. He travelled in Egypt and climbed to the top of a pyramid where he left his signature. De Bruijn made secret drawings of Jerusalem, then part of the Ottoman Empire. His drawings of Palmyra are copies. De Bruijn reached Cyprus and stayed among the Dutch merchants in Smyrna and Constantinople.
From 1684 he worked in Venice with the painter Johann Carl Loth, returning in 1693 to The Hague, where he sold his souvenirs. In 1698 he published his book with drawings, which was a success and was translated in several languages. Two examples have colored illustrations, the first color prints in history. Among his drawings were the first pictures of the interior of the Great Pyramid and Jerusalem that became known in Europe.
In 1701 he headed for Archangelsk. During his second tour he visited the Samoyeds in northern Russia. In Moscow he became acquainted with emperor Peter the Great: de Bruijn painted his nieces, and the paintings were sent to possible candidates for marriage.
In late April 1703, De Brujin left Moscow along with the party of an Armenian merchants from Isfahan whose name he recorded as Jacob Daviedof.  De Bruijin and the Armenians sailed down the Moscow River, the Oka and the Volga, eventually reaching Astrakhan. Thanks to de Bruijn's short stopover in Nizhny Novgorod during the Easter holidays, we now have his description of that major center of the Russian Volga trade as it existed in 1703, with its Kremlin, stone churches, and a lively bar (kabak) scene.
Leaving the borders of the Russian state, de Brujin arrived to Persia, where he made drawings of towns like Isfahan and Persepolis (1704–1705). He continued to Java and returned to Persia, Russia, and ultimately the Netherlands.
His drawings of Persepolis, a city destroyed by Alexander the Great, caused a sensation. The mayor of Amsterdam Nicolaes Witsen and a member of the Royal Society probably asked him to draw the city famous for its 40 columns. For a century, they were the best prints available to western scholars. De Bruijn was accused of plagiarism and his second book, Reizen over Moskovie was not such a success. From Amsterdam he fled to Vianen.
De Bruijn died in Utrecht. It is not known when and where he was buried.
De Bruijn, who had read every Greek and Latin source he had been able to obtain, displays a convincing knowledge of subjects, at times going into the humorous. In Persia, he obtained a copy of Firdausi's Shahnamê, which he summarized and made accessible to the west.
2019 - Wandering Vertexes...
by Francis Rousseau 

Monday, November 20, 2017


Mount Hermon / Jabal Haramun / Har Hermon  (2,814m- 9,232 ft)
 Lebanon - Syria -Israel

 In At the foot of Mount Hermon,  1882, oil on canvas,  Tretiakov State Gallery, Moscow

The mountain
Mount Hermon or Jabal Haramun or Har Hermon  (2,814m- 9,232 ft), in arabic  جبل الشيخ or جبل حرمون‎‎,  in hebrew הר חרמון‎‎,  is a mountain cluster constituting the southern end of the Anti-Lebanon mountain range. Its summit straddles the border between Syria and Lebanon and,is the highest point in Syria. On the top, in the United Nations buffer zone between Syrian and Israeli-occupied territories, is the highest permanently manned UN position in the world, known as "Hermon Hotel".The southern slopes of Mount Hermon extend to the Israeli-occupied portion of the Golan Heights, where the Mount Hermon ski resort is located. A peak in this area rising to 2,236 m (7,336 ft) is the highest elevation in Israeli-controlled territory.
Mount Hermon is a sacred moutnain mentionned in many sacred texts and epic tails.
The Epic of Gilgamesh mentions that Mount Hermon split after Gilgamesh kills Humbaba, the Guardian of the Cedar Forest. One translation of Tablet V states, "The ground split open with the heels of their feet, as they whirled around in circles Mt. Hermon and Lebanon split."
In the Book of Enoch, Mount Hermon is the place where the Watcher class of fallen angels descended to Earth. They swear upon the mountain that they would take wives among the daughters of men and take mutual imprecation for their sin (Enoch 6).
The mountain or summit is referred to as Saphon in Ugaritic texts where the palace of Ba'al is located in a myth about Attar.
The Book of Chronicles also mentions Mount Hermon as a place where Epher, Ishi, Eliel, Azriel, Jeremiah, Hodaviah, and Jahdiel were the heads of their families.
 R.T. France, in his book on the Gospel of Matthew, noted that Mount Hermon was a possible location of the Transfiguration of Jesus.
Various Temples of Mount Hermon can be found in villages on the slopes. There is a sacred building made of hewn blocks of stone on the summit of Mount Hermon. Known as Qasr Antar, it is the highest temple of the ancient world and was documented by Sir Charles Warren in 1869. An inscription on a limestone stele recovered by Warren from Qasr Antar was translated by George Nickelsburg to read "According to the command of the greatest a (nd) Holy God, those who take an oath (proceed) from here."
Eusebius recognized the religious importance of Hermon in his work Onomasticon, saying "Until today, the mount in front of Panias and Lebanon is known as Hermon and it is respected by nations as a sanctuary". It has been related to the Arabic term al-haram, which means "sacred enclosure". Another Greek inscription found in a large temple at Deir El Aachayer on the northern slopes notes the year that a bench was installed "in the year 242, under Beeliabos, also called Diototos, son of Abedanos, high priest of the gods of Kiboreia".
In Psalm 42, which leads the Psalms of the northern kingdom, the Psalmist remembers God from the land of Jordan and the Hermonites. In Song of Songs 4:8, Hermon is an instance of an exotic locale, and the Song of Ascents as well as Psalm 133:3 make specific reference to the abundant dew formation upon Mount Hermon.
According to the controversial research by Professor Israel Knohl of the Hebrew University, in his book "Hashem", Mount Hermon could be actually the Mount Sinai mentioned in the bible, with the biblical story reminiscent of an ancient battle of the northern tribes with the Egyptians somewhere in the Jordan valley or Golan heights.

The painter 
Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov (Васи́лий Дми́триевич Поле́нов) was a Russian landscape painter associated with the Peredvizhniki movement of realist artists. A native of St. Petersburg, Polenov studied under Pavel Chistyakov and at the Imperial Academy of Arts from 1863 to 1871. He was a classmate and close friend of Rafail Levitsky, a fellow Peredvizhniki artist and famous photographer.
Polenov was a pensioner of the academies of arts in Italy and France, where he painted a number of pictures in the spirit of Academism on subjects taken from European history, such as "Droit du Seigneur" (1874) Tretyakov gallery; at the same time he worked a lot in the open air.
Polenov took part in the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) as a war artist. Returning from the war, he joined the Peredvizhniki, taking part in their mobile exhibitions. His works won the admiration of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, who acquired many of them for his gallery.
In the late 1870s, Polenov concentrated on painting landscapes in the realist tradition of Aleksey Savrasov and Fyodor Vasilyev. He attempted to impart the silent poetry of Russian nature, related to daily human life. He was one of the first Russian artists who achieved a plein air freshness of color combined with artistic finish of composition (The Moscow courtyard, 1878; The Grandmother's garden, 1878; Overgrown pond, 1879). The principles developed by Polenov had a great impact on the further development of Russian (and especially Soviet) landscape painting.
Polenov's sketches of the Middle East and Greece (1881–1882) paved the way for his masterpiece, "Christ and the Sinner" (1886–87), an interesting attempt to update the academic style of painting. In his works of the 1880s, Polenov tended to combine New Testament subjects with his penchant for landscape.
Polenov was elected a member of the St.Petersburg Academy of arts in 1893, and named as a People's Artist of the USSR in 1926. For many years, he coached young painters in the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. His pupils included Abram Arkhipov, Isaac Levitan, Konstantin Korovin, Emily Shanks and Alexandre Golovine.

Thursday, March 9, 2017


Mount Arbel or Har Arbel  (380 m - 1, 250ft)

Painted in 2006 

The mountain 
Mount Arbel  (380 m- 1,250 ft)  in Hebrew הר ארבל‎‎, is a mountain in The Lower Galilee near Tiberias in Israel, with high cliffs, views of Mount Hermon in the Golan Heights, trails to a cave-fortress, and ruins of an ancient synagogue. Mt. Arbel sits across from Mount Nitai; their cliffs were created as a result of the Jordan Rift Valley and the geological faults that produced the valleys.
There are four villages on the mountain: Kfar Zeitim, Arbel, Kfar Hittim, and Mitzpa. The peak, at 181 metres above sea level (380 m above the surrounding area), dominates the surroundings (much of the area is below sea level) and from the lookout atop the mountain, almost all of the Galilee into the Golan Heights including Safed, Tiberias and most of the Sea of Galilee, is visible.
The area was declared a nature reserve in 1967, covering 1400 dunams. The national park (8509 dunams) includes most of Nahal Arbel, that begins near Eilabun and empties into the Sea of Galilee near Migdal. The reserve covers the immediate area around the cliff.
On the south side of the cliff, there is a gradual prolonged climb through agricultural and pasture land and from the peak there is a steep 400 meters drop. From here there are metal handholds driven into the rock to aid those who want to make the climb down to the valley below. Below that are a series of switchbacks that eventually lead to the Bedouin village of Hamaam.
Mt. Arbel, with its 110-metre vertical drop, is the only known mountain in Israel to serve as a base jumping site. A hike to the top of Mount Arbel from the south is included in the Israel National Trail, and an approach from the west is part of the Jesus Trail; the trails converge temporarily at the peak.

The painter 
Thomas Kindade is a american painter born in 1958 in California.
For more about his biography, click his official website